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Exeter Times, 1913-12-4, Page 7
I� �r Greet Love ; eieseeeseseseneestiesseene ' Limed in her rote as govegnesa. Ear1g gi( Tea is 4 gown?•yq ,^��P �^+�i YAT�aTl:, AFiln+its, SC is, Cll�ttle 4ylyljTj'iJT �T.#M, 11i one morning she, was requested to CH I MAs APPEAL N ii a?7 at Shoeburyness, co-zz erenotzt Tune: A 7� x i ow tea has the small, tenderapTaear. before the Undaunted, she FGR ;1 l i i E OP -VVON -g , lea,Vess }vent to hi1n. the coznzuaud9ng -q �' rata o her never will e. with, fill'rich,e fragrance, se redo ^ t3i�a�e I The asp #a fOr yCIC JW iidren s, ' p�!t irr.x�uTr�r't+r,4t++nxVrar ns, of7 known, but Frieda c!.,s,.,s,�,,... t,,.�t,.,,.,,a ,>, COLIeSO1 ST TORONTO of ,the spicy tropics. CitaPnEI; XXIX- Deciana souk into a chair, and thanked ecia a found herself stranding am the her ar_d t -he l'inihnia took ed the wet, naveuzeaa nuns de the Maros oars, $ha wasb°Dto aree3:. soda ot.s of s, Scau'rt> slniverinzt?a. 'aiaere. She .,,oxo she ;snit got �,+ �„ � >,� � h hind int on her t _ s.31 _ l a . h 1 aan a is ?i �lr . s,+ad, '';',hall ' fin c,x x • a r. g 3aC i0 u e t oan , ? had fled ira e _ .2#hats. nee., I far 4 ;AP e e_v .a. IS.r As methaztteall; e rn 'ark t$=t' str'ee> axed at e;.' .se, wile. t9aQ 3argcfi zaast �aansn,e� �X*cr*�tnuSilFarf« ,stools a oue3. ,,tta uneerta-n feet- 29 .eolfed up. But A ld t and u c) ran round gazing vaeaastly before her, � • la t, �raeg ea. "Ile lads;= lesga d berm anti ei e got i a, but— she si_d not tizese. trot tell the man 'where k e xx s?ned its A drasea�. and as €_e, teen , thrts : se -we do„v in .the roof before he eou?d: reply. At I. dv'Paenlineidoor saee snood a mo- ment. ,Oe- jng up and down the street, le't-h the e ra � w r, .gage ezpresa^_oa. in her fir elttit wn; asking herself eyes: T Rp � �e,f �'he:nae; it, Was' lean?r s?zr;.Decinsa Deane. xvho was eta -ed- it -in there, a# a,..e rang at last, zn�n :be charwoman. Ia4., aEPr u .d . ,"Oh ., .. � + R;+t?x,, G,l.,. ���. $fir"_. c 7 =v A x Argh ft r� k of n ante tn. tnlr rnor, thientita At 'rrtrstt!t be t:.e;e+ cMaca,i.<s: uric', 'si oust; ort tits'' � ?k na riovv aeH T^aa get �dARt ara�i itnAtagw" "1 as, aR9 eta up naps,"- cad l2eea z a., S t*�.aetlearap Iles, the girl** eeiee 'ZZ.tber sf wvt!e4 the :voi�gaa, 'and alae, Lamed ani .narked At, ben omit rtiss?”' .. 1, t 'r a_ #,�: £� Il, r A ,sur tient' 47*3i?$, ?n�.-' ttaAWa dRro3l;. titIP weans, igttp The woman lights cel e to sod mood tentativoly, !e there aa. tie .� gate �1 s; '> 7u rods Z reg r_r ran that one et 04 aunt gin" here. t=ousle a ntief t lee ., e " P .9 Rt., t?� *� leant, elf Fos` eT>tte tbacie to her i unable ti ira,eclad cottage convinced that Southend and Sixoe- Pear Mr. Editor — buryness were unhealthy- places in Thanks for your kindness in ailow- t .hick to spend one's life_ Frieda ing me the privilege of appealing at Chili has Schoberg disappeared, later reporting this Christmas time on behait of the , doctors, firer unhook} attempt to the govern,- Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto.,. France has 2,,Q00,000 homes, Men dor of i31 ue' Wonieza ment in ti�eose employ she daily risked ` it would take ;more Phase than You icer all ou the singlo throw of the ? can spare to tell of the good work. done I'ers3,a, et:41 wear parxtaloons', dace, a for the Fick and deformed children of 'Wamen journalists in the United This is but one instanee in the life 5 stns 1'1'011 11-C°. Let me," however' in a o States number u r', r�13 a . of l;e i v,• t. to axatl r. and caval sla.es of for -t few words, tell you a_ the progress of , All the public positions in I rots +�ArkIhe 114p14,1st0 of Co tra,'-watt' k eiga eountrze, re are hundreds { ole work of the Iovuital. oke c�;e�er Arad. - e: o . „ _ rr : ,-, a s,�Cjr ,.frit ,..;.ffii� ho 4� ca fort xx,ea3 B EN or MIXED 0.3 _ hey are to be fOLU d rat all Parte of :- the ry gaunsng. The beds have gnaw=a _t her �xAatte, wan toe, 4 rs of then],a: wonderfully , i r - - ,* r al, Hanot fag_ and One xaaa,se say little rte tteds a .s I'3: - < a G > t �h � � France, are held y women, ,ttve ha fie sealed.. eacl packages. few a%. � � �,tt�actzl,e, who follow this �o a z .ei, dollars a fel" tr � ds--Llt s isa , c tou, r i„n. a s Society GREEN � � - > ! ` G _ > „. Women in Paris .arra -scar De,,:ma 'forced zue d`anie 1 smile to p trrot>e, living as peasants, waitresses l to 250, the do tars to thousands, the xn �v:rgs to match thea eostaixnnes, aoeialleaders, Beauty,,p e;c°acnousness, friends to hundreds_ 3fi.75> the drat aae4'n ��'xlhel2niva, is ana. ron . d l Qts" uo a;o t .ans . , aM `. ?R, ,3ze said, F €A, ziad e* Ezer d''e? If ti}e_r ctaaId only d;^o es s s o? 1- x r _ �,^311 tAe xvssan desL.lr >, was < s_ r tautzo tAa3, uo. ,� <laa,e are shear a* ret a Year, . 4 gra eater is 67Qui-Patients: • - , r, " a �an,rl o@ fou, sataa .lie together. he and tae hand. a' ': .. ,, , , . r i *� 1 flSSetS. " a p laxer, c td a d e e 1 c , a ,� z3 :Far, , r a d os3•nn h� b3 of r � i"a 3 last a, � � a,ax these Year, €•t3 , ataeazts � a{Ifi a; � s t t 7 � i to zaaaA,tr so n_ e " nn love e is ra. shall never t :3 Aat 3 —�. -... _._ a a a;' z,r, ,. _ .n„ _. "c--. _e.- ._r_a oaa�n2 P..._. >_ 2iaa.._� .,+�_.co <w4a r� o.u,r3 c�e�, and'. .v �.� .,,,, _ Y, c p �„ aIlera the, cruor 'ata closed star, . _ : s _ _> but t a.,,>ac =re.__.a q:,ir , eu TaC*6 r b,,;,; arsang s .x fr m this a - , t, >_ ;one to ,tin taws con deg 'lout -Patients; 1$ 0 1 hare s31ti 70 are 69,t7A@ moxa �tv�aaen vc F7aa ,es, sax or e.e_ I+ ,g a :x^ ` C9 and aiaeo p �.> a... >: . enC15 aAd shut ex egzs. %� 3 R s cr+el a is 9 t., a.n i aa. i3u¢ > that. hat cine. o€ gay ce arid gent. T s r tion of the en who aur e than men O Irhaam as2ta a h can no -1 rill yoga ,xrD.v to nd Ft r3r 3o best can �trrar3 la o S London. UIt, 3 h d man _ - e, T._r. yr.. fa �ff thy in formation they seek, Since $aa, tiiir€5 ei lit ears ago. New ¢ _ e k g y � �+, Y"or� (.,x i �Y a �: r n City has � ?n A2TL� The orae, see you giant it you sial clearer pure, cent the shade o E"vcrywhere that o. ltas been brought ou "en and fiat^ it has- been in- tancons. l tcryperson who as, wants as,. You, too, will tri: it. e ora; many outer reasons a last :alts, trill like this soap; its ir��agrat�t rotor of h"esh" cut violets, its instantlath,erc�°alt ins the hard: glycerine in .it„ st skin to;,d there is. �. ems VIOLET Glycerine Soap ifIc'M cake. 3' cakes for se Cat n quarter's; worth Cavtstfre a drurrlrtr feria coati to -oars 11ii a +h%.ratlr7s reap. Ash d�ar'rderit. r as, a cams is eake, seed a r.nne aethe .%n'lo,r • t,sd.4ettil+Oek©Sirs%itcr'..,tantrrlw n .. a any ene to Ager? '...^ , ,...y , t - t to * s Sne i. es, ltr and �laughed , e¢,us„ c, '�`. rh_3d'�', 'she bad Pe'@� �Q '' happy -so happy --only an hangs, ago; less, "No: 3 coapt not die;'. one said. a e.e thana .,m si+a3+r ago! What had, la;n�lsecae:l "t am ,=gong and a �sraa�> and 1 'shall gel samee then? oa. a living gar rears' -be whsat?dere+;-"for t nac_ 33 t3 a ,_.e 'cal -We mai tier tarn Hess, g'!'ars, Aoviaag. Acavapa� and: 3,aan fl a� for ,.-, ,r-- . .. a>. gr s reaznae ., tm � hes^ ,,* Ef>st_ alae z,e�e"a+- eai:aao,. heeled that Lor Gene „adl a. ,: 3t, a , a to ze he ,are5s -- --- a -- -- d at Aadrd-gat ttalkama suds. L`_s pro-Fsetce but. i.a t..e ea�u.d azo`_ s'!ee-,. The Her d 'warders,' ar. a _4.. Have Unlimited Faads a the Ha, It 1 bee ;s aduntted within its xnatc5z club with 20 eaemxer„he.fvo.e, now beautiful. jet : -.. r `s$cIc�s„;o--�nt3tahde rocecrvt,nrar&zch.e . Ott s a t^01 $ children kald eras .s>3n_ a?o/Aaents insy stay! The Eie�ms ascctaender adI�9�$9�ottaez,of �' Acc� ard_� t4 � txtx s -t GS a y„ o xa Y ?zhiaxf nnoreg�vt iP aPretextta}ey cih.00se"'information 1snJ,>49, eaa ave-p^aabfee aZr??3. Per 'it:?fl,7.l,:shfaor`>ta(rle, oazx€erniKeLhgeaaQissfts3(,A`t,ei A:a 3knfeBerets of he great nattans. That - were from �ara>moandQ3�3from zaaitezt,hrotL him-ta„se � _,, i:rs • e.oreee.inghextary arxd Gathe .1,0i$ nn-matrenas. 3u>2ii� sat' diad €alAc�rd e . . , x aFi e, a oh, !Ana -d • what time are sic#, for and What ranch : p r t1 a other arts of the ro 'ace- 1.0150 o A” i�atAt .t ...x.d a, g',�dae,Y h..=.� gone„ n_,e.,��.. �aa�ed ;.?�r•�ce��u ?'e�; e 1� Td � �t f � .r stcrA plc s re n , a e ,� xe h lx ;Ere a R, ^� ��� l,Apesg�-Ane land �,d+�ft .ae.' �. „ Q Cara:ze ieeffare ger eve., a"x?r s a :t .c .e _u-! nra el S > t aR YRt 1 its -patinae �° e ed and. at c tl t , t.e TM. ln.. laR.4ti ; � ': n �" a kQaan rR be a' Ekpp .J..[�,� f? y (� , f G, + `••V N � � E 4 �` R e h �` are Z� Ci Working IRs z r r, £• ltla� &' r n t w a t afim t� 5k itd trt @5t t rl caE ons $� � a. q x ec ra5ir h their � �' t, At fi details t A a R�e „*,eP 34ritti, Way., ", u' _'v +`I seemed t4 '^zea a ,': a,'arect t0 her that he rs µs �cnu v..ta ^GSA 'A.n c 4 t➢; '& I� the �>�£ *get aea� kr %�k2AFA'At? :.t. .4. tc `hag, onto' 'are es, isss ratan anaRBe from her inner ed t]ffe a i r e�.. aft eame bac to *res rev - •r,, its, Ara tat th IAno �a. ,ie to at. 4,47 last 8` o a re sn•; r Baer, .enol are put vc.t her aa. zN iw _, e, .' ' 1SAA� had re:� •- : •n r, A , .-., .,: w� =met. wait >inzeeA that c._2 �x+ .s_ that, - ax a�� tt, ua, � he Via' � to spat; rnteerta- � ., >- ..3nta G, _ -:eerier ug year rs tkt� to ti ,, $ „eye E sk�.�r>s a.>aa rA � ,t d rn, .t hint zzac-s�" :3?ts>[gc _ r o,'a a A �t, :.,,� iaa pia, atiRt�,, .. a � a had leveed � x� >n; w A Eaa ra r Q� fee -en t at PAYS [> Aa l ever so •rot., _ 6, .:r,n , not to he .a. -ie ', a ,.. , ,. •.. k .:. # 2Y +: .. s. rn•.. ata.. ,tR,_.. "fin € a.,. i23.� of t.., tat . _ rata �: � '3<mgg;,�xel a4ao:. ga3' E ,e 3eS_ azasa 3a _ - �.:�Ik-£=� P. a`y: 'w> ��GA�s „ ,u , �Ce, � : alas :_ � t.,.e Ddu " - lltatited tuAatla, ''E`�e , y, g ,, � - +t,. 4be tulitano prBeAi 1 t t9 sae a a �.nF- ,h MeV iSt"',..1101:S'. tore gen ka�t tnhaB a a4 •t -e- . , f e snr to as taro y�gg ,e w €ate i stat a e , } k" MHHS, Ar.F n _wherever.. V, ts. 1. r .. r t�a. ,:N:. p;�+.} .. � �� 11, , g , they ��. � . to , a>fa e 7, a� t tt?" t A A R � as r.fi4 � � t' fit` � � Io t6, as � d:, bleb Herta �wee �naa, at la Lid tS Q t 4 Aa • 3H, �q�, 3�6nr, ever s S g. nq, Baa" �ie rs oaF an'EE fe, M a : tx that, ea as a_ct:,t<a - R a -. a is Wage�. treated .tor detinateltttes h pease 'd Mrs tt t , sl..:e *z or.xfa sEo 7 long! � ftAd +r H�iF lA? ��M r A2n tau Tuve t o e u az to ARS 1 sr fiStRttta4ta atria Q P l�aaroAae$ r w l 2 h , � 'rata oot,a etA gag .oe __e_ akR vele wienenm sl$ti _nn.,c it :a G g rbc sets, club l aA R�teral fe r 'laird �ip.� y a1trta meq@ rape. f _ a a?aon4 ate a1# Al od *Mr s �� r, e >,,y tfa aaia * r W '.K M-�,a+ a�' - �71 � • � t ^r',+ 5,`aa n, ���Y hi� ♦ 4tltl �R Y' � Literal MM��'4+ Aa t4& A el -- OfO. . 9. X:,, K iR a rlovo yen! to seiner. Oh wonderful,lit_ Sho ornery h fsn,teolt toes, racasra tido sand 'ter o esu p, too, Atte, tgFed', Pg dearly, h:a AiI F 111+c+rt, dant' Lipa. noun. hand A thrill gran through her, hee fi.her,- O an t to at � .a RR Q gal iter' z�raal w 4 aaiu :. , � e, h� . 6'xr �'oietg �?� fq:lilatg in the a,ttaras�Aa of last: eatreaa4y.; i b et little Alter q "Ise a r,' . e to � +a � � 1p Aa woman :Aate4#ed:.�G Oro ilr�r�, arras Z►r�ntoaa n s wol;a, .Spm triers r=deg leash heath as dr zn. seesied. as if her robs w+ of to 414413 of COW grow Eo a hurssia;g' with toad, as it Dore was ono +no+at is !;ex, #ter; had i , brain l urine : tide a, bet scout. ,a t1 „ staid o, b4 Ills woaaar* dseoeked aGAie, eand. POPITA 44 .r n (Jima 1:00rO 100tau4tat o.'e=, . to e dug liana; Taira kering_ •e wooded her an come in. Ada; FAit' �e�cd �>a�ala and aa.�,aicaeetL �md, �x nazi ,sappy o vs,tsi To skis star , auan nneilr>di to oke best with a `traW 0 "Every thought f o a ad � ! Y9rul r . Ann '� # a ith nil MY �;a, st arm. h eft::.t grew attca dpbnitattazt y a<a And soull Ye : t t to she Welted sat. the white taco with tltca, setart in the bellow or Xxaar 1 terra s t of a i.'tson giaawng UMtlee kbeg AgaA Vrgrde they. werei Atari they :r' t #c�ttfr Plii' > 't3or tor. bo could not. ape. € , ,fir angiersi ain't xesm }repo?'" she „ . "Ton look -you leek ass, te. y sso seal Was there area Aaa a fever. that zma, dA. 19at. a i ,ta nr4rtsl AO tarsi, Sys fort stea* "ism t n chill alta' night.'" ed by. Waal T IMO a myt4 Iltr ?3/o!preleua4 in greet .that he keg "` Agoras faded naklraA ""ke F ' tdainit X net gin' ebo naris. sae :« and nigh; 3raas4_loe-1 phis wed:rlteatkinag of t A eataet taldAs PAM lax bras, hair! now ups vhta wfalt taasE a latter Am the le a% -wax suddenly at rata sAs4er ' rzeuea,, -A keg es it Ansa lossiblo THE CHOICEST SUGAR No choicer or purer sugar ear; he produced than St. Lawrence Granulated White te Pure Cane Sugar. Made from choice selected cane sugar, by the most modern and O' in three different sizes ef N perfect machinery, it is now offered „444 each one the chts,t•est Quality. St. Lawrence ...:ugar is packed in 10t1 lb., 25 lb. and 20 lb. sealed bags. and also in 5 lb. and .2 lb. cartons, end may be had sat ell first cluss dealers. Buy it by the bag. ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERIES LIMITED, MONTREAL. Ak 23-10-13 Were Salsgiajr" Row (girlea �y,. z �^ rare srlaer~,i ria ,� de' hla-rrlttaitatt lla�ia[trltt, the et` lttaee. hi rtti+� ,aui�lts� ' lu 'Lb��« the ; ,t7 4�� i77c1aazc acena(+l'* aasiccA" t, t r At 't elalalitf ata t# nose set rite the C x r .W ad , �aaerire � �' � � , om,gtoa# ��ai'�t;�:� ��o� aan�.A�ttsx , � r , , ,-zr. it bet. K riga tatted, , , , T +Qn;?.��,. D,s sat x> >„v,, tiger!” , 'Ai'�� tapptlaataees for tap Asiatl+�aatu god tart �f_e R.!taC;2L'e � £ cr �„ tiger! elan i, o, s t,,tr1+ a+it.:.rasA IlasrS. � cr„.t; e ee#s eget George;�,.alrayr tl t :. braces, spiral al , �c� A tf � r c�cn tl; I �_ � . •�� ettts� ittvtatd �� maAltle aR p - "... .,i '. � a ,.. , . 1 ��'3�"rCikt?b'�;� �Tk;c?P�� A;td..."d414 t a tA?AdP RsSnats ,44734o4e Perot' tet ev dress at redlenter its dace . n At# r . oes bi ,$ iIw 3 I a . '� li Mfr& , � .ial�ntas� � leg' :.A? i a < ,, treen r£sa -. �r � #nn „ail �` a� adlud � It � t � ng xlaV 4 aeeeets ata a furelgat Al rcrolT#t< arrottz it is ern eetleal* its �traet tlaa arlartltat cat as: �ratasi,aaas Rarer naucir �n h , n r r. f leave been Margaret Tyrrell. lag a Miele britt atnl tna= became core of bole most dmtaeare, Parrott 'sags sa nn' tour years" peitsi servitude, lag the eenteuea Judge Dori - ed Parrott;; I ea AAtalite tae sleeinreti ttUitlilteal by a tt"aaaata n but the agent of the tea7ehie , > 1.'hilaclel�.T` Agit0 ,,€cud . ge Wad G o cotZttR tlAa* al. `.ec tiP tar$413,AS &t" *c eA 'ere, -tainte rt e 11 Aa ria gat lta oa Years near . boys and girls have been treat. Club feetAad 049 eerreCted- #' these came front places artrt- of Toronto. Surely we have a im:'tor help front sbts people of rani ince- tlna, alae reader el tills 'tette. give crippled, children ata! life? stollen; are taetteo^ Loan Idle The nympatla, ,'brat'" the l ttslaitaal aatttty that works, tristraase Hells are rIn Haat Ltlaraa eVlan aALl�e al the WA to Toes ,ami Help the Hot ._ little agnea, urea; of Affliction has cad a della*', a, the rl•ls t, who .heti Asa, ladit dar neo lits t ndbad ru hi or the t was well. a eAa}sAderet# orials r .a t vexwlaeltniao to ties, Irf rte -b1s +rife!-laad, raa4 APa at wouldpare lag peued7 4 e .r,ew�hhii�ntasd1e r.. lc the life of the p Bette +4'ri'a'@Itntlr€� eht€d e. ayaln atmd gra: ley: tsa 1s, b, a es, hI o to reD'a +meds r eget; at that ma eel was the +a=shen m. ia' could riot. o Ire battened the shag" rat OP m For aa. time saes But what atdd �taatt anti , And -end, --array heed is, womb taxa ee ant>,stitai tam_+i wDaa llae, Vitae win sea all �sda:ela rr: lt-d"GA A fear n ai , ante for Ilio *a att ed. orror " aria eat", "hell "I dart as, lilts auras ta. Jecllt' , end „rasped without Any 'Wallahs of town dim boot he arae *Oleg. but suddenly doe look- ed ;sound And roved lagoon before Lade" rad all Pr hand., rem INT neat* et yam A 141 MU% '4147411,Y4 bee:gully. - forged On, miser the taid. "Lort overbill old es 'Are took bout lor ort eoed in alis Tall# '#1"ere ingetaiestsl et.#; liecaoaat I Min woe heart of hitt lie light-Abe ataployed Haas Sia to stir ;fielietzf exep oscine �a troo e1 secrets onld lag re »rnonred The trl to of Moutrea7l-le -lr ,France, )az;s .r birth este. of ne per 1,000, rantion bee 1,11 man, tering this. war :e *7oat64, s;cle by. Gado, ;quh of 33 nglaancl au secretary in n who are on y 'ra s, motel which i$ t x- Gasei of e#shires# and 1 op at the windewer Caere was a light only ed 110. mum. he her reent; she was On esettesely knowing Wilet he wee niretehed his mum out 1.0310trit 0 111 It dispute - 10 Mime e 'Inament or two, until. indeed, c 1.4 COO, llitett1 eyed him olispielotely ant r the road 10 proF,-,rt b!,I0 A Young Russian Woman. *sighed timed he ad. tint we 'after el letelly for retnneut and did whet 0001 the d She leatned to, ertoet, see hereelt to mid re. tng she could. intro deo% There we heart wee like. a t. 'Pall 1 pit onto. within e. few Yarde, r, AO USaiftilfi daring the Rile and tearing at tor. to,Iady PattlICO, font then her*, hotel' frogro,114;1131ttIo4 4t.de.. Japanese var. wa. a, one of the, mos In ad Ant Then Gaunt tuned mad oviteh. employed as a what the ought to Wm the uterost doctor- fashion eeese loving him font me- 0 which Olen of 0.100Vti d0rtil,N of these ltdventuressea ot mod. Wad her duty. her 93011111 41tars A100 bae)ri P37001Ar wac Mar* tastes pre r, , ern. tittles. She is mad te have been imago from her hearts to lore , for poor human nature; elno holding on ve consciousness fir kr-tbe head wetter wail alweset eauee eh° met a Young JIIPaneS0 0 001% Nth Quid net do thle. u ens effort of will. tho hutfer-rnot loira in %be ovsall hall, at once became her devoted. slave. the imactosiblo heroines boo Lody poulino Arrived. oho roan prepared to help him eff with Ina coet. Tail, graceful, ravishingly beitulifu,1 %to. goody.,roody novele wbo, 400tor, hording over- Deeiroe. arnil,4 into whieh thomer, ruseated bite. And she was woman. who ly0,03,1 gladden they hare discovered that the Man lug teed bandaged to the burning ho roe ratber eurpritied at 'teeing °aunt as unworthy of them or married lie greeted Lady realise with alien thout it. lit f • t n elr love, and crtst it from their knelt betide the toed. Then Oho said in • hinge, certain details and plans tremulous willoorr: garding the guns and movenzents 4 ler VOrprals rise arid ;m10 ereek nod and. In faience. for tt moment sh (To he contluned.) ROM) Patrovitch desired. above ln Dam J. ROSS ROT' an of the Tr tit ities„ but wit to leave him lie cap tut be could do any ,,great harm 1 y Wee discovered. His tri ot form,. The wom bad ed hint was the peach) nes testify egoinat WM. Ile w found gelity, publicly disgraced an t need to life iMprieortmelit, Qurdit:41nadp 00: bee he ought to do it; bust -well, oho c "Site le very pi What is it?" ent te ja " N I. the Japanese army and navy. Tbei, ng the time of his irleu "Brain foyer,' he cal graroly and me ago a :North of for two er face burned with slams% her heart aloud. iltero wan ro ts) IVIII*POrs r' WHIR( AvO A SPIES °Meer, maddened by her beauty aud t false report got eirettlat 7 s haratuated with the prospect or he. coming' her 'husband In the event be bee mid Ito pain ea chit reelized Dentne ewes pot boor. I" n" 'du" ""Ing, n'"ItbItazhlin.F thing!" doe (mid, Ad oho look oil her boa that Another woman was Lem! Oauuen net and cloak. Ile was ter own doctor wire. she lewd him still. mid be opohe with the candor •orhieh Joh, where was ell Lady Paulitleet boort obit deeired and would approve, inn? salie it elt0 Wa" bad and "She Vtlille bet night„ about four o'clooi wicked, for elle could •not calt hint art do the charwoman teas me. Then sh went outeete her brother's -and returned about ten. Site aVne 'Well 011 her first arrival, tie the woman went, but looked pale and tired whey sbe came in and on the edert by ebbs thee. "I don't he loved him *dill. It woo borrible„ hoe. Iblel end her gum weighed upon her d melted Nor: ea that ber Iteatl bent lower in ler shaltieg betide. Yen IlOW was elie to help loving 'him while ble last -words of entreaty were ringing le ber earee lie had 'knelt to her ea one kneels aed Imays for life Wolf. Ire bad said that he could not lice with - I out. her. And, :Ilea! at that niemeet her heart echoed hie patesionate, despairing nvowal. She felt that she eould not live vithaut She ;slipped trent tbe chair and to her ees, teeing to pray for strength to bear this awful sorrow 'whittle wee breaking her heart, but Oftuntes face reNt before ber; bis voice rang in her tate. Over and over again the went through the eetme, until ft. seemed to be repeating haelf tee very room, as if .were still pre- sent, She rose at last and began to un- dress. but still tneehanieally, Every now and then elle paused arid looked at her hand. Ire had held it; Ole could feel his hand gripping it still. As she parted. her 'hair from her forehead, eke could fool his hand upon ler head, the caressing lingers, the lingering kiss. "Oh, God halo me; what shall do?" ehe wailed. 'X love him. Why did he. make me love hini so?" Then she remembered his misery and anguitsh, and a Not wave of pity swept over her, and swept away, for a time, hey ONVII sorrow arid bitterness. 'Row he, toe, must be suffering! Re had said that he loved lier a thousand times bettor than she loved him. It woe not poseible, of course; but how he must be suffering! She remembered the expression of his face, the agony ringing in his voice. And she should never Fee him again! Tho thonght struck her heart like ice. Never to see him again! All her life! And she Wats yourg! Why, site might 'live to be an old woman ! All those ter- rible years. streMhing before, her, in which. she should go on loving and long- ing for liim, and with no hope of oe-eing him again! Oh, why could she not die.? It ivould be ,3o good to ilia now, this moment, with his dear voice ring,ing in her ears, hie kisees still -warm upon her lips! She had not been so very ,wicked ; sho had tried to lead the good life Aunt Pauline had held up for her._ WOuld not Heaven be mer61' e on t ask you to pay as a cent until yeti have 'used thie wonderftil modem light in your own home for ten tleys, then , eou may return it at our eXpense if not perfectly satiefied. We ' want you to prove for yourself that it gives five to fifteen times as much light as the ordinary oil lamp,' beata electric, gasoline or acetylene. Lights and is put out just like the old oil lamp; Given a poncof al will to I I 0'1 burns cbromon coal %31 'St; WA oil (kerosene), no odor, or noise, simple, ene eel %egg n clean, won't explode. ,.,,t--,:ranttattd. r..,!,0 $1000.00 giewe rd will bo -given to 'the rerce0 who Rho).* 04 an outlaw -wary. ,riluny oil lathy) equal to this aga46110 in every waY (da• CUcats aveingc tive dsreralake such a challenge to the world irthere 'pet' month . Aladdin? We want cinc porzo0 hi each lOcality , nvor ss00.00, h., 6 wool.. .66 crhoni Vie rotor customers, Write' Quick Y66 , 666 make motor tor our 10 Day Alisouttely Free Tont .1trop- OBitlan.' Agents' Wholesale' Prides, and learn.; „,„d ,NiAkTLE LAMP CO:, 742 elide sidg.., ra,,;,`310,0214-wirtoopoi.; Severe brain fever." lie said, Abeolute 'candor was always 'reqUired, demanded, Vont' years ago Frieda Sehoberg, re - by Lady Pauline, and he IttleW in "There presentingelterself as a German gee". is tie ether trouble. Something was on her mind; somethinl meet have teeurrea played into her bands, threw discre. IVONDIMPLTLY BEAtalr lion, loyalty. and patriotism, to the , winds and agreed to furnish the D ATTR; formation she sought. .German Governe Sore Tempted a Young English between the teteree et her erne arrive/ len Southend, it little just out - and ber return to this house.* T./ side of shoeburyness, England. Lady Paulhie stared at bim. Frieda schoberg told those .-who 'What could bitve happened?" 01 —0 ...were inquisitive enough to inquire E'41•11.d'hat, we have te diet:over,'" be toad, that elle had been employed by several quietly, "She meet be kept, (Met; but prominent famille8 to give lessons in you know the treatmeet ae as X do. German tO the children of Southend. r'nelY Pattline'" LedY 11atillne be"er a These lessons, she declared, were to Keep the ice bandages going; and if see I A governesS, thus employed, fin s should reeoVer consciousness before I re- Occasion 10 go ant a great deal, and in Lady Pauline stood beside the bed with Sehoberg found it necessary to take tightly compreesed lips and aching heart, , What, hail they done to this girl whom frequent Journeys to Shoebtrryness, she loved with a mother's love? where the English government main - The charwoman tdle in presentlY. and tabled a school of instruction for naval Lady Pauline questioned lee: She could office s and where naval experiments tell no more than the &rotor lad already r told. Lady Pauline cent her with a wire were carried on. Ilere Frieda formed for the servants to return, and resumed the acquaintance of a young naval time been a hospital none in her younger days. "I'll come back in an hour two. be given in their own homes. d turn, keep her no tranquil as posSible. the course of reasonable time Frieda her place beeide unceverieus girl. 'Put officer, evil° Seemed to take keen in - doctor came in again within his tinie. 3 "SoMething has hapPeried to her.,...,00m.e3tereSt in the governess, At South- ehock," he said. "I can do nothing for end, in order to avert suspicion, her that you can not do, Lady Pauline. Frieda Schoberg subtly let it be known _ebsolute quiet, tranquility, that is all." I ;that she and the officer were soon to The boure dragged through. Later Lady Pauline saw the white eyelids quiver, and be wed. presently Decima looked up at her. I The governess's visits to Shoebury- • -Aunt Pauline?" she said in the thin, :less became marked by their fro - strained voice of fever. quency. She was a beautieul woman, brilliant, talented; refined. She, took The burning nee smiled tvofully. ten glad you have come, very glad. more than a casual inte,rest in guns Aunt Pauline?" and 'naval affairs generally and this "Yes, dear." en,usual interest is thought to have "Will you :please tell Mr. iiIcrslion that „, „ eni not Marry WM?' peeved ner undoing. 'Lady Pauline eepreesed a start. wee The English officer, on the point of tee poor thee de -uric -rte.? But Decinse losing his heart to the captivating -mile(' again, as if she read the qeestion, governess . --leo; I am quite ectfeible, dear'," she Pullet! Hiniself Together. said. "I protailsocl me. Mershon. But, you see, I, didn't know teen teat I loved him.' ThiS wontan's interest in affairs in and "Rim F Who?" asked Lady Pauline. about Shoeburyness were of a' char - Decline 8tured at her as if surPri'e4 -'-acter to arouse his suepicion -.tee that the question should be neeessarY. • f withheld his proPosal, but became "Lord Gaunt," elm. said, eihletly, Lad • Pauline cou'd not repres- the more attentive start now. , One afternoon while he was driv- Decima's hands clutalted at the coverlet With fe-verieh violence, lull lier voice, thin nerg brought uP the mutually inter - and hoiloiv thoue,h. it wee was calm end estilig subject of naval walla Sh "Nee, ' ehe said, -,13,11.1'in'tx(inuenalitietnes%n?ilei ess can, ibat in 'exchange for certain love' him, a I tgh tett lter face, anahing its pale love. Plans of fortifi CatiODS , and itindred lineks angelic by 116-; .ilateliSity. "Ire loves things a sum of motley that would me." make the youne officer independently Lady paanne Permitted a groan to wealthy was at ilis cormnand. The nut can not matAry ex. erorshone not cer.. bee when, -Ann it,p ferget, Was it lone tier, tot a tett- 'daye ther ft • A fellow officer, however, in Some •sterious way, had learned of the ese lover. Ile called the matter to e attention of his superior officer. The superior officer, on investigation. found that his country was about to be betrayed. The following morning Rose Patrovitch and her suitor dis- appeared. Apparently, they rnet with a merciless fate, for they have never since been seen or heard of. Jeanne Renee, alias Bourg, was an opium, Slave. Despite her diSsipation, she remained unusually beautiful, It was while in an opium den at Toulon that she met Adrian Julien, a naval mechanic employed in the workshops of the French navy. ;Julien promptly lost his heart to the fair adventuress. Worldng on his sympathy aand his de- Votion, Jeanne Renee sought to in- duce the young meehanic to reveal to her secrets regarding some of the French submarines. Julien forgot his love for the young Woman and re- ported the attempted bribery to his superior. The beaetiful spy was ar- rested, Demi to -day languishes in a French prison, the victim of her own greed for affluence and power. Never Heard of Again. Posing as a teacher of languages, Marie Peterson, suspected of being a French spy', was arrested in Kiel, Ger- many, some time ago. Coming to Kiel, the 'woman cast the spell of her beauty over Emil Dietrich, a non-com- missioned °facer connected with the German explosives department, Diet- rich was madly in love with her, and after she had attained complete as- cendency over her victim she requestn ed that he reveal to her the situaeion of port mines and the formula em- ployed by the German army in the manufacture of smokeless powder. Dietrich, fearing he would lose her, furnished her with partial information, but before he ceuld disclose all the closely guarded processes the author- ities intervened and brought the love affair to a seeedy close. Marie Peterson practically betrayed her own secret to the German secret police. Supposed to be teaching lan- guages, she always had a wenefillea purse and spent money lavishly on fashionable clothing, jewels and en- tertainment. She was arrested, never again to be heard of. La Belle Lison was a notovious, French beauty. Lieutenant Tillmo, a young French officer, fell under the fascinations of hee rare charms. He found her tastes extravagatt and MS means were not sufficient for their gratification. She suggested to him that he might replenish his purse by selling some of his country's secrets as 30,000,000 or mere Ivo- eit in he United States there aro arty -,000,000 in business, or ono every fifteen. The present 'generation of 'women are taller by 13•-,; inches than vas 1their grandmothers, whcse average Engiish. society has become mad e da3.' after eorttilg out of Jau daughter to learn the steps. met him 151 the street. Russia's ‘voinen have taken ' cul were dead*" ''(:)b• all Europe both physically heard it myself," replied mentally. 'but I didn't believe it." ' ;Rome has A bureau for the taro a yin. of Wines and children of men who and retains ber faculties and mt n°t `"nd ba'ek fund' r'4) Miss Edith Pierce Philadelphia's 7.179,276 -women who cannot e Malting a tour of the city address- AathOngb She is 4 press Eugenie is I cry active have gone to AmerIca and who can - In England. and Wales there are only won-lan strce,‘ in$pector, to get husbands. this being lug Itoltsewivea on hens- to help to number of kinales in 'excess keep tile city clean. Esquimau women, but the only ca 'Ala., and is probably the first wo- Miss Ina Shepherd has charge of Several wIlit-e n ve Theme the clearing -house at Birmingham, of a. -white 'woman marrving an Es- man in the 'United States id hold a pretty Danish girl, who recentlY Soutlam.1 Yard has two women as - left her -native home in Copen- listing, in the work of the convict hagen for Upernavik, Greenland, I supervision office, svhere 'they hare where she will be married, shown 'that they are equal to the. 'men in taot ,ria firmness Of the 11,043 women employees in lir far tories of Christiania., Nor - ay, 1,669 are married, '7,501 above eighteen years of age, 1,234 be- tween sixteen and eighteen, and 639 frean ;twelve to sixt.een. Mrs. Frederick Penfield of Phila- delphia., will probably pay a larger ineomc tax than any titled or un- titled woman in Europe. or 'this countree Her income is estimated to be no less than $2.500,000 a Ye-ar. After giving up a life of gaiety to become a nun last year, Miss Vella Handlin, daughter of a Saint Louis millionaire, has startled society by renomicing the life of a nun and announces she will again enter so - rive hundred girls axe doing po- line duty in a quiet way in New York City; "e -here they are watching gel,oieiridga:seteranye.,11,s and trying to keep the weaker oncs of their eex from ar4einel Lae world eel -Lavine. tne stal us of women, is the only I Mayoxese, into town of Newport, Ineg. Her fai her is mayor, and her In -miner being dead, she performs ' {tee ditties of her position all Laxatives accomplish their purpose with maximum efficiency' and minimmo discomfort, Increasing doses are not needed. 25c, a box at your Druggist's. 174 NallonalDrUffandChemicat Co. of Canada, Limited. The Guaranteed 51Onlin. DliE for All Kinds of Cloth. eine, stemireere cietere et Mistakes. TRY IT 1 Send For Free Color Card end 136tikiet. The Johns on.11ichardnOn Co. L1dined,N,Yontdosa