HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-12-4, Page 5'etre 1r:TT1;tiSOAt DECRMSF , -';e • Pi •-1t The world of music- Suppose you should wake up Chri&imasmorning to find that some one had put the world of music tri your stocking. Lat'srec el hat you P �r w3� u can do for anymambaof your family, or any of your friend if Yogive an Ediso Phonograph arra,w* An,45 tx Qil>ri *41114414 se is eXtr.auel the Asalxsd. oro; r41:03, Kith444* 4004, 474 eVecilifIr .>w i=a artiztic. Mticas, he �upraad, pew, with l wee Oke + � null- e dot t a $ rtraaaceiceepee aa . Citeueat.ear *trete wetted eift^e one Yi as vf4 rayl rac4CAtaAtleAigh41,rth eramleft? TRADE MARX a4af Maga. Ph000graglat azad accords atC old by' s Powell, Main Street :4 iUUee at Item oda ot ambitious Toon.; tact pnelrarktt A. Z OWed to occupy lue- . ior+s ars: itenawraph. eepera telegraph - 'ante in fact every gauges activities ledah at College, it 4. Positions gun,ran- .� d, Santer eollegc Any ;lay. T Iiviaaxal inatruotion. ,Ex, rt teachers. Tbirty' tcears ience. Laz;cat trainers as lCanada. Seven callefles, pedal centra° for teachers. •b Vitiated with Com.meroial .Ed• `1 catlonal Association of Cataada, nuarrer School at Famous Spot. Qa lousiness Co1leee Louder.. * NO VACATION Clinton Business College 43 O. SPOTTON B, F. WARD I Pi newt' d•: +4-i• Hlefiet-3- -1-34+d~. ++.1-1. What a Great .Man said to the Great Canadian People Z'arisicar, sage is as discovery of a .celebrated scientist. who '`spent the test years of his lift 'perrectitg this great hair toric. It :giving .his receipt to the 'Can- adian people ,he said ; elearisiann Sage es the most delightful hair adre.'.i. -g at the world" ,;It cures dandruff by. lirillirg the germs that .infest tho accts of the .(hair it stops falling iliair; it gives vigor and strength to 1be'hair'roots. W. S. Cole sells Par- isian sage in a large 50 cent ''bottle- . d guarantees it to elo ell that, is is claiihed`to :do,, or your money is xefundetd. it stens galling lain._ dac- *Iruf:lj, itching scalp 'eine' restorers life ed beauty to dull Laded . hair in; two weeks. For sale by 'W. S. Cold. Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S STORIA w.l $- ITae 'homy of Mr; and Mrs, Wm. Bcott East William Street Seafortn was the see;ne of a happy event at nigh noon en -Nov 26th. whet tt(bleir eoniy daughter Aileen was united itnarriage to George. Stewart Marg atosh ,at Mcicillop ,the ceremony .was ?erforme:d by Rev. F. II. Larkin and ihnessed by the immediate family Itrietds. Mies Lizzie, Henderson o'er - ted the wetidlirg march.: The bride( vas ;exquisitely' attired ii White 'silk erlaid with ;embroidered net, she lore a 'bridal ' veil and orange bios- s ts.AncI carried a bouquet et bri'd'al ses White- the regittser -was being .:signed Miss liendersoresarg `",Prom Ise Me. f ` I Be A Crediton trem llzturil the summer. lr•. um D#'rs. ,y. p, tnetz ca ittaa 7;:stat vent Sunday rill( i'It tat:= tern mother IICrs.:Tiros. IleYwood of UirovU!e Jyt a Moses Fa int :tad Adel Saweiteer were irGederich last week caot€;:4g a. lurars. Miss 'Thelia Prowl) agent ta' feat' dare Ora Zurich, . Illr. Norman Jtottzmana Inas re- turnerl home after visiting for 'the last tele ;moat tea In Saskatoon. liRas 'Alter, °1111; is visiting be; Lon d3rorr.n and'altelvin Brown at to Idled the !boy's Cootereeace in titrant lord last 'week. Miss OthellieZlote who has been, on the sick list .for the. ease week. is now able to bo aground again. Mr, 1.Vnt. thrown oC Zurich aaeent Sunday with bis *garonts. 3..P.reeter and Iamily of Zurich vis- Ited with S. !l3rotwn, oil• SuntlaY. Mrs, Jebel Matlock bad the mistor- tuue'to break .be collar baton' ;lest week. W'O trust she will boon be :re- covered from her accident. ilio, Everett Fahaeer .haa been con- fined to the, 1aouse With 1a'aretack of neuralgia (firs. J. S. Metz, and 'Mrs. J`- Seb- Wertr are attending the L. O. T. 11f. convention, .held at Waterloo this week. oa A quiet marriage was eiolemtd2ed at the home of Mr. Ralph Stevenson 1 of the Parr Line; Stanley' on :Novara t ber "26th her his second daughter Miss Emma was united in. marriage to ]lin, 'Wesley R ,Cockerline. of Pi1- ot mound,, Man. (rhe ceremony was 'nexiforined by Rev. T. J. Snowden; Mr, and Mrs, 'Cockerliea left, for her home in Pilot Mound. Mystery surrounds the death in Clintoa on 'Nov. 24th of !Alfred O'Neil aged 50 who came to Clinton three Weeks ago Lrom the Western States A coroner's inquest had been ordered to clear up the caste. and the dead man's stomach was seat to 'Toronto for the provincial authorities to an- alyse., O'Neii was bipparently splendid health until a short time before his death .lie .was seized sud- denly .with very violent pails in .the abdomen, amid although Dr. Thomp- 'sou ' was called arid dad everythingt O'Neil died soon afterwards lit is al- leged that 'his 'babas [since; coming to Clinton had been somewhat interne borate, 'but .his general health of the best. 'As "soon as possible after his death; the authorities were notified Land (Coroner Dr. 'Shaw, and a jury under foreman Major Racne viewc{d the body arrd then adjourned until the following Wednesday afternoon. Coroner Shawl stated that no marks ot 'violence had been found upon the body Pe said be was completely at a loss on aacccunt for O'Neil's sudeie,nt end. But hoped that 'the examina- tion of the stomach` by the .:provincial authorities avtoutd solvethe puzzle. O'Neil is survive,d'by his Wife. ' The Jury decided that O'Neil had come to bis death• by r:atural causes. MARRIED DIcleS-eelef 1:KINSON-At the Meth- odist= earseeage Elimvillc., on Nov" i°ained Nurse t Earn 3 co Ip35 Weakly TIII; 1)E14IElND FOR 'Tii'jN i:1e ifeeSl:S' is e 'ec ,'ncrealyu ^ and .1)0c : - tors eel not assume 're,eeoresi,btlity, T aiathout a.Tra;raed N r. cus� . The iOeSE S1U1. V ,COL'fSE in Nursing rIlieb the isochester Nurses institute Ives students- aepeel to tnousardJ a'heir grud-etes'•coaunaand from eie• $35, ve kly..` The Rochester n.tr asele -,1 ] •Ut t.a will thoroughly i retie y ogleteam o fro18 'years to ext y„ `and ', re .) ii'.lonaa ,when Course is. cote- i'ed, Write lee eiayfor free 26th Miss Esther Arlo Parkii0ore to lal-a, Jolsr. T. Slicks, both ot,iis- bort-c by the, neve, T. A. Steadman; JUST WEEKS EE � TO CHRISTMAS STMAS Have you ordered your Private Greeting Booklets ,or Cards yet ? D. not. its riot too late. We can guarantee safe delivery and per- fect satisfaction with our line. En- velopes free. 10,000 Xrnas Post'= aid.;the very newest in Booklets,,` tevrii oyy ,Pe 1iA nl TH E EXETER TIMES DISTRICT NDWS Following a, long And distressiot; il- lness death carne to Mr; John, C., Stev row, of 'B1anshaed on Nov;; eettt He is ,survived by a widow 444 one son also three brothers and one,,'sister, Picked up by O. P. R. ;ire ;ht crew from. the ewlstr ar_d taken to "'R't'oode stock or, Nov. Oltti H L. ,Rices a pro-., mineaat: 'miller of St hlarys lies in, the ,ereerat hospital at Woodstock in a serious condition He was conscious e he,n found and said that he was travetlit ; from Toronto to St 1S>;arys or, a O. P. R. train 'width .Tossed through. Woodstock the evening pre- vious and •when, aemile west of that place left t the dining car to igoe into the next coach tlierhea or, the plat- form be slipped en a banana ski or semethar,r similar and was tbroirn otf the train, Unable to rise; he las exposed to the cord all, night,, and when found, he was suffering severely from a staticg up az),d ea- poskire It i$ ,feared that he `1 as. rn ternat r,.njuries; One arm is oleo rjoaasly it jured.. Mr Rice is pro- Are acileg tavornbty and has been brought to his home in Sr. Mares, th PI 1ze ZUf iCi4 and 'Mrs, Re Ze'ilete ett,?n•lek1:.. ti oral of the tatters father the 11 . l..'13. a�Iarstiall ` who tfiok, in hl4rlitr: on Saturday Nove,rn- 2ad, rs, .A. Lebumn received word or Mandt4y' ot the dca1 h PR her eon Mr. lartataasta Leto an, gat Caledonia eeieh tt�r short illness, The deceased WAS tt ;nlrtive et this tort'° 1is1V but. had been all Michigan for the past or. °20 scar:!. llirs, II. Zapte a tie- ter and tI;. Zapfe telt to alt -ad the t.uneraI, .laotb:r old resident of tee 15th: coecessiva of Kay in the uersou of llobeert hinter diad very suddenly on November 2.1st trim .bears failure Re Teas 'around As usu41 ill" the ,t"oreneou Out was Au+adenty 'stricken down which be ^never rallie4 the re -.' were interred in. the. L,ut,'ieran itralr eeutetery ren the I3rttusoz; T,iae v meriting atter which ser-' tiara +3"lets afield in the Lutheran chtirah iiMapper (officiated. Ae widow,nand grown up Annie 4 I iris loss. lyillittror Devemy wbra sold bis' axrrr raaeoti' tool: ,� trip to Rssox t week to look at icon Rd. Ilcstc'ruYers" bas had the traAtaao 'work of his blartt raised to rr:- place the one destroyed by 'fire some (lute ago, About„ two o'clock On Wednesday of last ' eck fire broke cele In !too alaop ;formerly -occupied by Mei le, Tler.der as a °hoe More oppoaite the Corrrmiercia4l hotel anti in a short baric the building, was .in 'lashes iia: tor- raer Is at Present owned by Wm. lien detc H Wert the loss is Sully covered by usurtance. Mr. ' Xerter's Moet;,, just tvest of the burned building was ou t14e at differcut times, but; the hero- is rtforts of the volunteer :firerea trreveiled rirel the building ^ was snvtid. ' !The loss qn the building and to the society 114'1 on the eectend floor and Stade's lratrtrt:as Amp will be eon- siderablee the 'damage being idue to Smakt and water. Mee Geiger's confectionery store anti) dwelling ryas in ,great da'ager for ya time but escap- ed darnage. ' t THINKING ,CAPS The Ohio State constitution for- bids anovirg saloons therefore ro railway rusting through Ohio will b %giver. a license. The three importart 1lli(nois ;cites of 'Beavertown Jacksonville and Peterburg were dry at the recent elections, the women voting _Lor the lirst time. 'Ir. 24 municipalities of 'Southern Ill woinere who exercised the right of franchise for thefirst time en "tile state voted in the raiie of 4 to 1 ie. opposition to,the saloons. - 'Chicago mar. was fined. $7.550 for bt'atitg his `horse `while another was tired :e],, .for beating his were- The Illinois women have not received the• ballott any too soon. Durir.g the past year l,,000 scientif- .ia temperance essays, have bene writ- ten by the pupils of the eaublio schools of the state of 'Colorado, add now' state-wide prohibition in 1914 is the pouplar refrain. ; Emperor William has forbidden Of-- ficers of the German army and •n'avY while in uniform to dance, the tacgo. Ills majesty has also instructed the officers to avoid visiting families when tlhese dances are favoretd. Four- hundred saloons will close in Iowa -as a result of a 'Supreme Court Division upbnldiinag a new law pro- viding that there; shall not be more than one saloon to, every 11;000 ;per sons in counties which vote for liquor. President .Panel', of the National Liquor healers "Association in his an oust report made recently to bis as- sociation, states thee the, output of .1 beer alor-e increased ;1'1100.416 bar- rels and that 31 breweries closefd last: year. The liieited States Internet revenue reports for the physical year endiing June 30. 1912. are justt'out and show a decrease in the consumption of liquor, lover the, preceeding -year,' am- ounting to almost one gallon for every man women and child, ir_•` the United States. • lojgarette: consumption in ;Canada durir:g July and 'August and. Se91em-• her reached the record total of 319,- 40;8,180, an increase of about' 50.000 - 000 over the corresponding periods of ' 1912..These figures show an av- erage of about 'four packages - per head of -population. The inevitable result will be more madhouses. The 1lurigaria'11 'Minister of pt blit instruction has issued an el ficial 'pro- ciente tion to the :effect, '<t hat here- after ereafter r: tetedaye< ch ; year • �1i known. a cote. ek n 3 0 as the Ai ti Alcohol Day shall . be set aside in the public schools, wtiea:the teachers avid be asked 10 eevote :rsieec- ial••etteetioa to scientific :facts' re- lating to alcohol. ICiias Viccilli lies . h: the \Veliaad Coyirte hospii.al with . a broke back with no prospects of recovery, the result of a drilling bout. lie. with others employed by; the 'Grand rl.rniek cetved,h1S,pay dre eomii ail, mtox e d,7 )a, ar ei1 bf o Wits rlslte oft'. ear A visit to our store can- not fail to of- fer znany val- uable sugges- tions in soly, ing the leer plexing times tiou of what to buy foe a .Xmas gift at a moderate cost that will combine a 1', the essentials!. o f elegance practibility & appropriate - ness. Lowest prices prevail r._ The kind that brings Cheer to the 1 gives aq well as the one ^a o�Es nRu� Main Street Phone i t Of the receives 0 STORE Exete Shop early and have first: choice while our stock is complete. A. small deposit Twill sage any Purchase till Xmas As you have been won pleased with your former Xmas purchases, s4 Ibis year we i are rn a better position than ever to sans- fy cyer'yone,. LADIES TOILET SETS -Ebony.e'er- sitars Ivory & 13osrwood $3=$.50 MANICURE SEA'S -_ Thew: .ore sure to please $1 to G BRUSH & COMB SETS - ways useful $150 to 5 T'RAVVI4LIl4'G SETS - See these ebolct= $2, to S0 BANS MIRRORS shapes and styles 25e to. I'l;RE (lilt] S --Delightful Odom in beautiful boxes 25e to $3 NUSTO ROLLS -Spec ;le $l to $3,50 IatItITIk\1(,4 SRT•s Cheap n esetul. ac to SI.50 1 filet naaine lt:argains :Always accep To resi ouds„ ffedr. flat, Qlotb, 'I"aath and nail Brushes in Rese- w oo d aurd""sbarry. Our big collection :Al sure to please '?a cents to Pec tiles Best assortment in town your choice IA fa>hey3 rraas boxes.. All the popular ed- ors, A tip to genntlenteu:, Buys Iere. -s,t Xmas # Con, All the best gra atter-500, C4114enga l lie of 5e .,,, lee- Iree 11. from t array hoxe c x�a •GENTLEMEN S 4.VIIwG SETS- eLar e v iety 24e to $ "iifil MII TARP BRUSHES' fans y eases $'? to $5 0 17 'AIN 1:'El'a8---Big saw is these, cb&'Ce $1.5t) Toys For the children Visit our store before purchasing year gifts fear the little ones. 'auf;rins in Pelle. ^ant tang ctacaaper l Xmas cards and booklets Buy where you get the best special discount in quantity.. Thousands to chcee tiglate. See our Pest Card Albuns'o-a"o to $2 ia1 w e bas XMAS SIA An exclusive line sold oral? tX4ry slitspea. _Quality goons, hoose earlyto :.1.50 lassnrtleee rlew designs' aaaoney here' vent disease ase vl. large Assortment out, Ca9W' 2,e to S3 ,FLUS- Make very Wm to:$$. SA'pETY RAZORS lee is a deader a to n l rzrfl 3 , 5e' t AYI:F. L N and uses.' Tl ST -best very to $6 SMALLPDX is prevented by vaccination — the injection of vaccine. DIPHTHERIA is prevented by the injection eyrie. These enable the body J on of anti -toxin. to produce substances which revs smallpox and diphtheria p n the growth of P germs in the blood. There - are - many other diseases, nearly, if not quite as dangerous, arid. common,— typhoid fever,neufar more � the grippe, bronchitis, rnoryi ca acid a score of others --that tan be�� l �'h, rheumatism, prevented less painfully and more easily by making the body strong to resist germ infection, (With Hypophosphites) Is designed for the prevention as well as the relief of disease — by enabling the hod to overcomethe germs. It, at the same time, strengthens and tones the nerves, nourishes the blood,Y system into a proper healthy condition to combat and successfully e resist disease. puts the entire . Every person not in perfect health has incipient germ3 of some distressing ailment in his or her system. Cold weather, over -work, excesses of any kind, are liable to bring about just the conditions under hich those latentdisease germs will get the upper hand,and put you on your back'" down sick." You who are run-down, tired -out, nerrou s You who, though not sick enough to give up, still don't feel goof= You who are well, and want to stay well Take home a bottle of Rexall Olivel Oil Emulsion to- day, anduse it as a means to get well and keep well. . Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is a real nerve-foodIn this it is different from most other so-called "tonics" which either have no food value and do noth- ing ing more than, temporarily stimulate you, leaving you in a worse condition thanof b ore or, having food value, still Sold in this community only are so unpleasant to take that many people can't keep them down. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is pleasant to take. The I-Iypophosphites it contains tone the nerves. There Olive Oil nourishes both nerves. and blood. pure Rexall Olive' Oil Emulsion strengthens ns gee, puts snapand ginger and vitality into your system. It makes you feel better and stronger. It improves your digestion and your bowel action. 11 contains no alcohol nor any dangerous or habit farming drugs. It is guaranteed to be just as represented 1 above - to do all that is claimed above -to satisfy you in Y every way, or your money back without quibble or question. Enough for full two weeks' treatment 1.00 Sold only at The Rexall' Stores -the �'idorld s greatest Drug Stores - and always with a full Y guarantee of com- plete satisfaction, or your money back. is !{9 X1 i1