HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-11-27, Page 7a
Veloped Into
linWevei slight a cold.you have, you
eateulel never neglee t. .Itt all pose
eibility, if you do not treat it in time it
will develoa into bronchitis, pneumonia,
or some other eenotis throat or lung
Dr. Wooda Norway Pine 5),Tup
particularly adapted for all colds, eonglis,
bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, whops
ing cough and all teoublea of ate threat
And lungs. Three points in favour of
D. 'Weed's Norway Pine Syrup are:
1. Its actien is prompt. 2. It invigorates
as well as heels, and scothee the throat
Wags- 8, It is pleasant, harntlese
nd agreeable in taste,
Mrs. Albert Veit, royilIe Ont.,
writese-"Just a line to let you know
about Da Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
Our oldest little eiri is nee.' six years old.
When she was our mouths old ehe leett
a cold which devOoped into Branchitis,
and we tried everything we could think
of aed aad two doettas attending' hr.
hut it was an ginOtt, One 414I 1 read
in yettr almarate abettt Dr, NNW'S
NOMaY' flat -85111:34. Se 1 tded end
before be had finished one bottle of tt,
the dry hacking pangh had nearly alt
geue. There 15 nqt1irg egilal
and we are a etter Withertt it in
See that yo.tt get "Dr, Weorils" when
yu as; or it are tIlert are itittrtgrGU4
fttatatiertSop tilt market, The gsrinint
ana.ntgactitred by The T., .l4.14b11171
Co., I,Atulted, Terouto, Out,
Pdeek 2Jje.; fatuity size, Re,
nds Lite Rrnn, Throng
Streets Shrieking "Ali,"
appears Hire are plaoos *her
airift) IBA elm% up and kept
se the rest of the
Vita Ordinary run
that 044fl
"ties of Persia, A Go
kr, Vottor, ji154 etwru
Orient, brings back so
ttald of mentally dorm)
aro looked upor: in the fl1t o
W4)nder1ul. beings,
One particularly crazy 1114,11,,
cording to Me, Fetter, is the
craziest man be ever saw or heard
of, does nothing all day long but
rice np and down the Streotsot the
eityerying out at the top of his
.seere it on both sides. Aalt for, a
email piece of suet. Ingredients
for dressing: Two oupfuls ef waked
bread erumbe, one small oniou, one
tablespoen of "butter, oae egg, One
quarter tettepoon, of salt, a little
powdered sage, several shakings of
pepper. Pour Water OD tii0 stale
bread. When soft press dry in
elacta hands, then reject any hard
Selected Recipes. or dark parte. Beat the egg well,
pL,up aacee_eTwa eggs even beat. and stir in, also tne seasoning
iniace the onion t -put in, frying a 4 en, tevo-thirde cup of eager, two- - a
thirds with th
Pre- eltp of syrup (whit5 is. atwo-with butter, let it eaok a little
a more 4. r -ell_ hut uoa„brown, add the bread, turn
!arable as it Makes
1 eately colored pee), alee tablespoon a few tames, theit take .froin etoye.
'o butter and a pinch of salt. Bt eaNs'e-I with salt
pepper, place dreasing on, thea roll
well together and bake between ewe
5Lc.rut, vightly, tie with white cord, cut
Amber TaPiocti.-A delicious, at- 5aet up
finelY' Placa lu an
and' ix
1 tractiye, and simple desert is in, th, e (;°ver and caok
made by placing one cup maple sy, steady neat; mnst be well done
but not dried out
rap, three cape hot water, and one-
third (Ala miaute tapioca in up -
Per Para of chtlilok borier and cook- 1"'"ehuld „
oyes' hoa wateruntil clear- Beans are the Moat nutritious of
Serve cold with cream, either Plain all 'Vegeta-blears
or whipped, Wlatmg dad ammonia are beet
inexpensile Salad Oreaelng. for cleaning nicke/.
The Eoillowina is a good and ineez- Potato., Water is eaatel to remove
peneive salad dressing - Bald steams frotn elota.
A few el1Qppecl date4 added to
aPPle xiatal'e makee yer,v dish.
'„ to prepare and eo aiee
have all band, Attalliter goed
it keeps well:. One weR beie
e,37, four tablespoons Sktiritr, Oi
tablespoon flour, one -alt" a toi
Tann mustard, a Pinel) of paPrik
either red pepper, ane -half tea
sPoon salt, half a yup viilegar
and -RR* tablespoon of batter. Pa
will hold all the peringa,
in a dottitie beiler and cook ant
4nyt;papera wUl give as brilliant
a to winnow g;its'i as M-tratt1S.,
Ill the pantry the rubber band
hold tigat tlee eovereo cereale
- d cookie boxes,
, When pariag potatoes do not
t Waste a. eleall pat; a aewspaper
man Nett -slaw -Take oneJial
f good size cabbage, cut lik
aw (do not Plimp) one-half of goo
It 44 'bettor to Vital). 120. hy W1P-,
4 ing it off with lk wet cloth than t9
o kit water run over
d When mixing beeswax and tur-
onion, Slice onion into table
spoen of lard hot the stew not
lot cook ar few. Mittlaes (don'
brown), then add a cftbbage, entre
With hot water, and let boil thirt
minutos„ then add otte.third team_
vinegar, two tablespoon pep
per, arid salt to Unite, gook unti
tender, thee told ant% teftSP44)
white flour thiekeniug, boil fel
otes. eau use more vine
_ peotine fer floor polishing, add a
, spirite of alliMonia,
When bacon emegi from the xnar-1,
r tt per Of sharp .4gAiiitsorii
y quickly remove the rmd„
TO place ieras upon the window
nleaBS, their death, as they can-
not stand a eold draught.
B&W oranges and shredded co-
vd t 4"k3,4111W8f:disthe: ililiirr49111te :1'11a tentl
- a
material„ as tiltia
on the eyes.
goo way pare cheese for
uneheon is to heat it slightly,
t it and mix it with eream or'
s I 4
, butter.
a' Never put too many blooms in
y jp.r or vase. Flowerts are much
rettier if loosely and simply LU'.
whon a ehielien hi to be eut for
fricassee., the disnting can be
quickly accomplished, with a pair of
Stout detSfiors,
Nothing is so good for a sprain
bathing with Very hot water, to
which turpentine has .been added,
n mum0 to a ,quart,
t relieve the soreness of a pain -
Lcslloa 1X..---CreaSittg the JOrdan
Ash, 3, 1-0, Golden Text,
Isa, 4/40,
Ven ee 7.- Magnify ,thee---Ifonor
the by spevlal. recogyiticip. ,of thy Atte the stream within its aarrna
eMee 5,114 leatterS4iP all,lOng the Units, almost, as it were thraeain
4-e le,a barrier aerOSS is path,
The prieste that bar the ark-- Wholly cut off-Fieeded away e
The law ,espeeially provided eleae' eirely, leaving the eimayial empte,
no other persons should earry or,
eves tctagll this seared eh:Cole:It of:
Jehevaleg presence. 1143117SEMAIOS ALL!
9. And Joshua 9-10' -
eontaia the atiaetatiee (..4 --i'o:enna Yir4nes Of Housework; Deseribe
address to the asseinllt4 pope, ! by •a, Nedietil Man.
in which Soehiza-exeplaiets Mare fldlY
wbat- has already eo 'Y Pig?it'e holiday ad do her i
stated in venae 7 and
thought ttrlarti suppeert to the sug-
gestion, of A laudslide as the ex-
planation of the unusual phenom-
ena which elearlY took Place higher
up n tJe Jordan eadee ehere the
alarY hanks alenoet overhana the
Beside Zarethan---A city suPlao
ed by come to have been near ti
mouth if the Jabbok, near Sucee"
(1 Kings, s. 40. It has been we
tiaed by okbers with aa ancle
SeIrte iseventeen Miles nort
Jericho, where steep cliffs co
Our London Letter Had Salt Rheum.
floYal Fags'
vell-'-uown that democracy an
aristocracy are cur:dualy mixed la out
Public .,,,ohools. l'rillee Arthur 02 C-01A-
flauXht'S letter ln praise ef i.on bas
'some 1' Id h
s- hia days the,e Otte ' •
them he? had itt 'mind In his earlier days
ie •
o d co, e, ow reeal
wondere es-ecit end, et
Could Scarcely
Do Work.
nt, rba-;-t-1.5:;;;;;;!ce't'°;:40s;;;;;0:3Illt:are.:6;1114: l'adki°r" etlal;ePualrerisil:d blood, '''acl---.w-h'1leaver the etartling ltea411ne ^-Vtot.orta`ii s
_ a 4
\Tilton produced in an America -L-1 nev.,s n di- a, are eel, dee t,
h Ittorgi troth lu the beatineene, and al- not ..ista..--y attended w.ith ratal results
though a ta.- does no; hale a bad time, are nevenheless very distressing to the
A- he le treneraTle glad enough -to he •rhi of average Per4Qn,
w fagging- It is more likely that the life
K was. that. tato which he paaoeft se he Wenn Rheum. Faaeme„ Tatter, Rash„ Boils
kat gt•tut 'which Prince Arthur' lead id Illidd Alnnng The inest Prevaleat are: Salt
vp to
the eeeeel. the life whaeh made the Pimples, aoekildBlloteoditinEgitStekrisn dnravptioesorsust. an
, i a C b r -Gotha a 4
n- iTand iiD'irS ?i ul•Piia'ut: u g Z' 13urd
i g to e eel ned. crown bath the
*. ,1)4tditec7113lee;o4; ir A: etlyeb Ilwahon:ruif.4. blia:e;'''!eiidog:_n..-:tir?tvi,ou:gl'ol le,vAileElnoYtoulinni!' wpuletfelirsasu::rad_;r,rlijleltwirh00°'aratj thsNaeeiSbtb7itht(}dt,:-=4,:I:onlYa• ,:oneclUstIti,
as told that be Would. be takeri awa,l,' could scarc• ely 0 my Work, I took two
em. num to be made s Grand Die
said tirat be wept. , treatmeets of doctor's medicine but they
t-;;A ,,,...4 A S . ..1 .4 ...4,4 I..
Shipping Soandai in Austria. , ....... me no goo.... .,-,. .rieno. ,o.,... me ...tta
There la erobalas seraeillidg elee than a wife had bad Salt Rheum? and that
tr, teF.to arnty hehma the dttivide of the An,- 1 got a bott a and hefote 1 had it an
Piero dei:oieitc, of ro..torn..te tQl: the Aus- Bardoek Blood Bitters bad cured her, sn
the Canadian Pactito Itatiway threnglioi-it 1 '
- ilte country, Since a, ostablusbetl, under Durdoak Blood Bitters is manufacr
, truth ..tathOrittea LOA3=et" the ageretta of taken my pand was bpttera,
fa my eaanstact preeeriptisen to well
I a cateetamian ,faeat the GeN-ertttuent.• 4 tured onlY bY The la afilburn, Co.,
Seetavalt your God -Te to-do /adiee who come to xne auf
seem to have °calla 'but graciaailly frin from nerves, Liver, or othe
clear recegailifen 4tf tact di6orders due to liviag the fast an
that Jehavah was the G other tuo well„ writ -es a medical man
, nateans, as well as tii.; t Jws, L..11.1teft Answers,
While, they did Pot reaogaize the Netarally the Pettiet,' Iaaikidoa aur
of the suriw-td1,1g nattons,' p1 d. tr,d uiv adriee is Itat
or even the deiti.-2.s tt; Egypt end ways ittearit to be taken aeo liter
later ta! Assyria, es troe gpi4011,; aRy, It It-SI:any cads in the pa
they -did pot seem tO recognize: tient taking a course at aecrtai
r:'7,73e1hT 1 be7a. aimited, Toronto, Ont.
e. Ito Ger aft Z.nes
a 1, ad in the rout* have carried on an ell-
eegslag airtat4on agaittet the coalPattY
Went or pree-ag ' W
... ... .
spre.a .erlyt rata .noy eaee eueeeeded tra,„,
- reaanlng tee bulk ot tile emtgr4ut,- 'Vat-,
IS4) MI It who hue not yet dove Ilia „,,...
tiireo yeat-e' mitilar eervieo to nBolved Ift-,TWEIEN ONT,kf Illli „,t7N
- 'to leave ;ha country, and the naieetea•
a es:eta:tante* are f7X4Mett4 to keep 4 I4eon
ni Witlk °° " ant by hs rau
either that Jehovah was eoneerned London whieh for prefes-
^ h4lre Teel:an It. awid here4
owever. that DO dial:140EO are snarl,.
cod the german .fretttter. htett betatir • Prom
about tile welfare and salvation at aianal retleane I must not adver
' Other peoplea lad nations Pelages sae, Here the pupils woo rang
„ , 4, , ,•' ..I, ,
ttlatnee4Yea, ' frOnt young girl!a to elderly wemen
10. The bving Clod -A ap,, at'A attend daily, do all the iteuse
plied to Jehovah to ludic toe ,iJorm•-. of the plaee, and are systeate,,,
°outstand:ng difference between him tkally and seieetifically instructed
" and the idols of the heathen ratted la sgalihhinP" aweePina" Paliallitlg
about (compare Dent„ a. 20, i a14 dusting% And with enormous
eanaunito-Literally, '4104,444-.; benefit to themselves.
Properly se called beeause or. Ju sOme 05tegiSiollertta a. 1.10)440
*Welly eceopring the Lim aaastr mad' is a, neceseity, but in Ulan)
•Wr4ils along the Medi:erranearne ii 0, luNnrY, and the miettw•
Sea, the valley of E4tirttelnrif, and woold to ever so tenelt better
portions of the valley of the jor-; bodY and mind it 'elm took Imo°
4tte. a,',41 duster in hand instead of idlin
Hittite - Compare Les-rou Teot away her time, Housemaids, as
bttiae,s iar October J. and No.,.ete-, ddAlliamire sigrrguie,larelyt liwealutit: tovei:311;
Rivite_A peopk sometimes omit. well-to-do pewits eau tillford to
- "
1,, ep a housertuod, and their domes.
tordi-oui ror tbc.ett Who I/2.re manaVed to
evade the anthothive st holm; and ate
8, bs ss-d..i.- eae3 without am::_ineuiry •10-:ati " 1110:k.,11:4 t 4
r o eye an Girls
_ oy, ri'be ntovemeut ta the vatted States
end 4%C.10J4 Olfa Ye4.1". has been, unpreee-,
denied, and 4,.. no estimated that tbe,
armies of the D441 Monarchy laolt' front! e •
:1::::aeT.orczpoo :1111.N.44t. 7b7,::::::,,,:::: :,,,,,,:gririn Edward ,,,413.
wirlie not elle ot those who creeeed the' Nes, vain..ed st
eentlY ell; eat tp jRin the e,Meni• Farta-1 brought, to Victoria,
era in manY parts of Austria and Man%were
ara.gvaaroicaloo ‘,917;p6il..aianiotogyrth.611a9tuatloi.,lsohnirr.fron
e the draf 0; 3
new tain io tbe,1114fittott Pria, a rec‘tird was iiiade wheu
p wsr rsr 4 more drast4o reireiatuat 44; omplove of Tit(1, min 'loaded r;
e Hinaluesa , he expreKed himself 451 t, , . .
1r,iair:tops:4r:atauvroraoptaiwtmuns:141,:lelialroittolcilleel:leno3r:teitimabl: itte,..,:i,,,,,I, (,...,i,:ti,zillz:iltr:ez41:5":311P c'alvnlill'
n hoar
bs Measure has been cOnsIderah171 y I been ,. , , .,
4711tft/e4:14. 411:114„4:11,rZritellellarl rt4trtrinitAe44" 4Ct‘ii)0.4tS0 2000rAMT ZWPWillt45
ly du ngusetriesnaciodsu dot at ubrp'411Z '1 In ' 1 -I '. '
t-. sitfialla. g.a.tio ttlgiclingS W
rails are
IlleertrHA:anduilli'maleen.„'C'enlot:140 mh lr catch a w. ::::: o.ur;:g
Nora tlir41:ec.P.blitr:3:tiCuniersnierir:fillinetR; Yd:zitst.y. ea:7;111:8.s lt::::allaTatilgeailltli:::ti$4t;v77)°,((int.31:4-'4,11;
' nitist ended at Aberdeen,
poled in tile spring,
,t _ , .
r x tb„,erte, remaiyiLerr; tit:t-,twt 0 ,daranyciolumver 4-'N ), on wilt
h '. The at-
0./loure Creash roffIrd11641;1'ehl.ealile'll764 ttitenrcet,111.5 'Year 6
al naW 1
ill a be ubsolutol
trne,$ir Beauchamp Duff takes aver a
bus 1 6 to 10 1,11,ctptdds hTtuutirnititrts i'wigTnItdhiane4ilto::::ionoti.rjoiiSniannyt,, r was 91,910.
1 t '
The wea.
onion. of Ida period. Ten aurolatmont. , ,, P1,, actile
111 ho well received In Indio. General ttaliway began the reetion of
uff illto done admirable, if unoltstrualve the Rckenrul 1,04„.,,,, ,
work, At the War Me during lite last Ttrornitis-0-1; R-i;:e7.- a - bore mtin/"Inino°orc,
four rears. Ito has grrat tlharnt of Inau.
nor, la well and widely read, and. though It will be seven $0.foot deck girder
T3Trall in stature, leas the -thorough eel- ,„„,,,,
der that he in. ' 9"."-",
Teo. Question of unclear. The Grand 'bunt at Victoria said
snot or someing in volonlal cireles In the lock”up there wag a, disgrace
Loudon aro not paying cinch attention t) any- i ili / . i tt
1.0 the rumored teivoion of Zanzibar to t , , ,:e,1' 4e,44 00MMan I'S, all
tfisioulratoattaix,f,axtubdsuitgolitftentratraisntuts'Iclustzttrlry 0,1,,Lrt,. ev,i*,:ottliclin110:;nue kitieratecli fort 0, nro.
rtesieneso4..tfrziesauntibterfrrittso,ryufwteurulidtlit..a4,%slcz i ,• ,:, . FeY (' 17 (ePr‘r -men yl
torte qmitnerelal centre cr East Afriea, of owing to tariff changes in tho
,Aron/10:1,r;((ont'ir tf,npt:kaarl-,ti:Int4"11, 311'; IreIN,Tropt,4W4t:::,3,. itl,loann. 1:11ited .S,,ta.tes it is helieyed that
stderalnr attic,. the Britigh rather reiaot• there wiJi in'. a good Marget there
'a I"' r':1? re ?';'Itill'7 tA4'1"1: fill:" I'le:Iirz:'1' ZQ 11113; 3d r°- ,f{v I r) i d )13 ill' slometlitIstalne," es tPliis year'.
tilutilomest4:ylothIc)0113,,Luyitloorl 1111,11,11817471.d,:,r11;cuptna7, , be' 17.4.nto..uver Do,ar_d of 1,r.a.tie
E. ate0 ten wrceout otrs!,./to, i.mo0.1.10,0,,,, have,sokt as low as 40,o_per too. _
and there are many who reel that th is , .
emphatically not the time when Britain wants ine Bratish Columbia Legis
can relax her held *II the oeean road to lature, te pass tt daylight saving
India. particularly now that her 3fediter-
bill, pushing the clock ahead ono
fraonmemiliePeuouttYmIlorotu 8 idbeacuudwauolialteroesiT 310-4.00Parrj hour from the first Sunday in April
,,,,,,,,, 7,Anzibar has a peculiar religions fin the.
last .Sunda.y in October,
ItetTett_tq igneBertiriln. girslicironitts:reptri'fjee, ] The old sealing schooner Favor -
rem lavingetone-eensinspiration watt nrst ite which has been in commission
sucereoftilly founded -indeed, the Church ' __
osifteEongflathned oedldifi:leavtehernrearik"etbfilivliti`lchn Nt-hva:' forintiz:Itid iLeparids'atacCideiost":1d? condition, ant, l'i.sielt-nlIti;
the centre of Beet African trade with In- I
dim, and it was from this island that '
' refitted and sent to the Panama-
nians, or the Scottish missionaries to Cen- i Pacific Exposition as a marine curie
tral „kirica, of whom the greatest was , ositv.
ao aY, started for she tnterior. It is
known, of course, that some revision or Owing to Chinese competition,
boundaries botweeri Britain and Germany
in Africa is in contemnlation and this
will involve very considerable interests 1, alley, B.C., say they may have to
and the territory' of a third Colonial give up the work.
eareful ;handling and a. reeha.pmg or much grower ineta-nceel stheOnfaeetYctgheatt.ab111:
Power. These matters will ievolve very
of Africa oouth of the equator but the received only $2 for nine dozen me-
mo is not yet ripe for tittle matter to be
eLtotintn, November 10, 1513.
Ali! Ali l'''
Phis i lot a lempor
madness, either, for lie
up for twenty Years
,.,arteit in Irben he wa
40010 a ng rnans.and his idea, of
te venerato the mune of the god
0 knows by ceAselesslY sluiekiDS
bis flame.
Ho is privileged to break up any
kind of rneetirtg or asaembly: and
all sto,p and listen to his cries as
long as he is of the notion to stay
in their midst.
At his death a, huto monument
has already been promised, en
v hieb will be carved the word
it will tell to generations
to eome the story of the man who
spent the best years of his life and
all his waking hours shrieking the
name of the deity he Worshipped,
Ship Called Iron. Duke.
Britain's -next groat battle ship
is to be tailed the Iron Duke, after
-the Duke of Wellington, although
that, soldier came by the nickname
in a roundabout way. He was never
so called until long after Waterloo.
An iron steamship, a novelty at the
time was built in the Mersey, and
named the Duke of Wellington, and
so the vessel came to be known' as
the Iron Duke -the transition be-
ing easy and obvious. It was the
dukes union of resolution and phy-
sical energy which made -the popu-
lar name for the Mersey 'built,
steamship to fit him like .a, perfeet
Greasy and browned cooking
dishes should he boiled with wash-
ing soda in a big kettle or boiler.
Nerves Were
sugar to your taste, ite
au be made same way,
te.,---Clne-half sup but
p sugar, two egge, on
on vaniUit tfiree-quarter
milk, one and three
ups flour, two teaspoon
powder, four teideepoon
Cream butter, atir in Huger
a mbeaten egge, and beat al
togeth until ereamy. Sift cocoa,
baking powder, and flour together,
alternating with •milk until batter
15 atilt enough to drop from spom
Add, vanilla. Bake in loaf in mo-
derately hot oven for thiety inin
ea. Take for frosting two squares
et chocolate, melted, stirred
intuone and one-half eups coulee
toners' sugar kdd dropof ho
water until. right consistency.
Cranberry and Apple
Cook equal parts of erauberries and
sliced apples together in a very lit-
tle water, then press thorn through
neve, and measure. Add the
of a lemon to each two eun•
Os, and allow one nod one-half
au fide of su ar sh 1 ,
iul soft eon), try bindutg it up each
night with. baking soda moistened
. .
, with a little water.
To turn a boiled pudding out of ,
its bag hold it for a few minutesi
in cold water. This will •prevent its
sticking to the cloth. •
A generous piece of newspaper
crumbled into ridges aets as an ef-
ficient drain to all croquettes, frit-
ters, tiotiglinnts, and bacon.
i Wood ashes is an excellent thing
to clean kitchen utensils. Dampen
a cloth, dip it in the ashes, and
1 scour the pans and kettles. •
Newspapers will make excellent
paddings ,for the winter carpets,
; and make warm interlinings when
i quilted between chintz .for cover-
,' lets.
When running dates et' figs
through the meat chopper add a
few drops of lemon luxe to prevent
the fruit from clogging the chop -
Stir over the fire for a few minutes,
anti]. rhe sugar is dissolved, then
simmer slowly for five minutes.
Take from -the fire and cool. Beat
the whites of two eggs to a stiff
froth, and gradually whisk one cup-
ful of powdered sugar into the mix.
titre. Beat all together until stiff ;
turn into a wet mobil. Serve very
Pork Cake. -Here a a recipe
that has stood the test of years be-
cause of the "good keeping" quali-
ties of the finished product. If the
cake has been kept for several
months, always place it in the
bread jarefor a few clays before us-
ing it; you will be surprised at the
result. Chop fine one pound of
salt pork, and pour over it one
cupful of boiling water. Add two
cupfnis of sugar, one and one-half
cupfuls of molasses, one cupful of
raisins, one cupful of currants, one-
ha,lf cupful of citron, one teaspoon-
ful each of allspice, cloves, cassia,
and nutmeg, six -cupfuls of flour,
and three teaspoonfuls of 'baking -
powder. Mix thoroughly, put.„ in
bread tins, and bake slowly for 'two
hours. This receipt makes two
Pear Pudding. -Drain the syrup
from a can of Pears and reserve it
for the pudding sauce. Pour one
cupful of boiling water over two
tablespoonfuls of corn -starch that
has been moistened with a little
cold water. Cook it until it is
raneparent, add two tablespoon-
als suga,r, and fold in the beaten
liltes of three eggs. Spread the
ustarel in a pudding mold, place
he pears, eat into slices, in the
entre, and cover with the remain-
ig portion of the custard. Set it
n the ice. To make the sauce. add
o the syrup drained from the
ears one teaspoonful- of lemon -
dee, one teaspoonful of the Syrup
role preserved ginger, and o n e
u a rter ot a cupful of cream, Place
mistuie over the fire, and when
is hot add the beaten yolks of
ee eggs.- when the sauce coats
, ,
ie spoon, remove it from the fire
tad cool it. •Garnish with whipped
Flank Steak with Dressily, --
elect a mee thick flank and have
e butcher remov-e all skin and
laity women become .run clown and f
orn out by househola cares, and duties w
never ending, and sooner or later find
thernselves---with shattered nerves and
weak hearts.
On the first sign of any weakness of C
the heart or nerves You should avail
'ourself of a perfect cure by using Mil- e
unt's Heart and Nerve Pills.
Tilley,N t
Mrs. Archie Goodine, .B ,
writes: --'When I Was troubled' with my P
heart, two years ago, was very bad.
My nerves were to unstrung, sometimes f
would almost be out of my _mind. I
OCtored myself with everything I
tot.ild get, until at last I got four boxes
tof 'Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and la
they have cured me. I cannot speak tt
O0 highly of this wonderful reenedY,
'ad will recommend it to all sufferers.' a
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
Oe. per hex, or 3 boxes for 31.25, at all.
eaters, or mailed direct on receipt of
The- T. Milburn Co., Limited, S
ted in the enumeration of the ea- oe, aro, or certainty should he
seem to have been It ,Peaeet31 '1'1" i file, healthful nature of her work.
thane originally inhabiting Pales. ' i 1 .t u , fed in i • i
tine. They are mentioned, how- " 1 and,,,P entz u ; The e ue
, . tt ith Y ..,„ 1.,.. reason, however, Of tile average
a‘", )4 c.?nri°e '°Ii. w q'97. --.R" housernaid's clear vomple.sion, up-
rettlrn to V"Ann (en. °el. 51)" 111% eglIt carriage, and lissom frame is
iommercial petTle, dwol.ling. at theji anusernn4dinx exerdsos every
mot td Mount 2101111011, Ill the land I, , t b ). - ont i y
of MtzPali (Josh. 11. 3), and in the', ratigning thorn. Tito bonding, And
valleys of Lebanon (Jii :3. 8; ‘-1
- stretching movements involved in
Sam, 24. 7). crubbing, sweeping' and dustia
Perizzite-A people af ensra1 aro extremely benefieial to the vi -
or onorc.i probably, as I organs, and quite equal to any
me think, sunply the peasants or cause of Swedish drill Or pli)..ical
boring people of the land-frcra aulture.
perazi, meaning "country -folk"
,, aevitabOn
!Cone soeone will Wilittper
Girgashite -..- SUppOSed t<1 haVe 1 meet, witoeh is an inflammation of
been a larger family or subdivision the sae between the knetopan and
of the Efivites„ sinee omitted in nine 1J the skin, is not a. necessary emote
out of ten places in which the Orig.- fotence of a hollSemutiars work. It
inal nations of Qamian are enumer- is net, as many invigine, due to
at -d, while in the tenth ennumera- constant kneeling on a bard aur -
tion they are mentioned -and the jaee, but is tamed by kneeling on a
Hivites omitted. Their home seems, damp floor So long as a honse.
o have been that part of Palestine ' maid is enreful alwaye to, have a
lying just at of the Sea of Galilee. mat or pad between hor knees and
,Amovite ....... Meaning, literal) a damp floor, she need never suffe
.Y3 ' !
'111.411Intainer." The Amoritea, ac- from the troublemMe Illhilen,
Dead sea, They seem later to have , cise, mental strain or worry, will
cording to Gen. 14. 7, occupied tlie ramod aftPr her. Aomol who 8111-
barren hill country west of the!e1' from boredom, want of exer-
crossed the Jordan to the eastward, i find Physical s,alvatinn ii"31° louee-
and to have occupied the courttry ,i maids' gloves and dust -Pan.
"beyond Jordan" from Arnon to!! Being your own housemaid give
you an increased interest in your
the Jablaok.
t home, teaches you to take a pride
Jebusite-A powerful mountain; in et,, and there are interesting
tribe occupying the strong fortress .!
of jebus (Jerusalem). They are i P..11Tenistit.° be,ron i'31gvarl' 37Ther6of 3is. .a
uniformly mentioned last in the
1011Sentaid'S knee!" This ail -
enumerations of the original in -J anti cleaning cat' a fi
re' asgceij-
per. 1
be leaned b -
ru'bbing with a cut lemon dipped in s
Copper can easily c y
ling, dusting, and scrubbing, of poi-
iabitants of Palestine.
ishing this or that, and in learning
11 The Lord of all the earth -A t •
. . tto do things in the quickest and
ignificant title of the Most High' most efficient way you will be taken
out of yourself, and your mental
faculties stimulated.
Housemaids, aes a class, are far
above the average woman who has
. .
able salt, t rinsing with clear
'stater and polishing with a soft dry
Things that are good for your
skin are all green vegetables, paa-
tieularly spinach, onions, eschalots,
eggs, and nearly all fresh fruit.
When baking pies, either fruit or
meat, place the pie in a tin with a
little cold water. It will save the
syrup or gravy from boiling out.
Mussed pieces of tissue paper are
excellent to clean mirrors. First
rub the mirrors with a damp cloth,
then polish with the paper.
If table silver is placed in hot
soap -suds immediately after being
used and dried with a soft cloth,
much of the work of polishing will
be saved.
Rubber bands are inexpensive
and are of great use in preparing
lanclies to fasten the waked paper
around sandwiches, cakes, fruit,
Explained, at 'Last.,
"Now they claim that the human
body contains sulphur.''
what amount7"
. "011, in varying, quantities."
"Well, that may account for
some- girls making better matchea
than (aloes."
at time when the conquest of the
land was about to be 'undertaken.
12. Twelve men -One from each
13 Th f th
. e waters o e Jordan shall to work for her living, in health,
be cut off . . . they shall stand in physique, and contentment. Ho
one heap -Compare note on verse pital a.uthorities are sometimes SOME SNARES THESE!
16 below. ' blamed for making nurse-probae
14. When the people removed boners wield the scrubbing -brush
from their tents, to pasa ovey the
Jordan -On the tenth day of Nisan
g Good."
of silver -Week
40,00a avid con -.
vegetable growers in the Fraser
a,nd broom, Apart from tho asict
that it is aheolutely necessary that
(or Aloha correeponding to our a nurse should be ableto keep a
oath April -May, ward or a Private Patients' room
15. The brink of the water --At clean and sweet( t'lle authorities
his time far back from the 'usual well know illak ft -,r getting a girl
channel of the stream. "fit," for steadying her nerves, and
For the „Jordan overfloweth all training her muscles, there is noth-
ts banks all the time of harvest--- ing hke a regular course °I house -
11 the low semitropical :Talley of maidiug.
he Jordan the harvest comes
arlier than on the higher plains
o, the east and west of the valley. ToExpensive.,
The first ingathering of the harvest Speaking to a Chinese gentleman, -
season had already begun, while an Fnglishinan asked Lim if the
at the same season the melting of Chinese ladies will emulate the
the snow on Hermon and Lebanon men and go in far western head -
caused the narrow ahanne3 of the gear, In reply, he betenied a smile
river to be filled to oe-ei-flowing, most ohltalike and bland, Pressed
transforming the steeainto a for 'eoinething more defitlite, he re-
amdely, swollen, and, turbid flood. marked: "Did You not know that
16. The waters which came down it is a well-known fact among the
from above sthed, and rose -up in Chinese that the reason so mana
one heap, a -great way off -The European husbands look harassed
wording of our narrative strongly and ca -re --ridden and the farther
suggests a landslide, which ternpor- re,a,S011 why so many of your young
arily obstructed the narrow chan-1 men refrain from na,arriage is; this
of the very question of m-illinery? Ladies'
river until these again broke away hats cost so mach that they spell
le barrier and came rushing ruin, mad ea we Chinese have told
own with even greater force than our womenfolk that we absolutely
efore (compare Josh4.
, .18). forbid *theta to follow western fash-
At Adam- -The name natii es, it- ions in this regard, whatever they
.rally, red eartha and luta been ,MaY do in othor d1-recone.!
nel. and dammed the waters
, Specializing.
The Customer -4s thisallwool or tl
is it cotton', mixed 7
--1 am
The Clerk (te9vitshe.,01,ff;o7ctidesd I4
dnlgan.1u,.thY. i ,)
no tat a ..diagricie',flieth:
Found In Afriea-rfave Necks 40
Feet Long and 6 Feet Thick.
Some, years ago Sir E. Ray Lan-
kester told us to be of good heart
while contemplating' the gigantic
extinct reptiles of the past, for we
had in the existing sperm whales,
the Gre,at Rorual, and the whale-
bone whales, A.:neaten-es bigger than
any of them. That -comparison
holds true, but the German expe-
dition in.search -of the Dinosaurs of
East Africa, tho first fossil re-
main,s of which were found by Pro-
feseo-i. Fraas six yeara ago, has af-
forded as a glimpse -Of.' reptiles
much greater than any which are
now "restored" in milsenres.
It is thought that the largest at-
tained almosi. twice the, length at'
fae Diplodocus'of which there is a-
ced in the lelatural History Mu-
Seitra at South' Kensington, and
which wa*•.: 80 feet lorig
The neck of this reptile, Cagan-
tosarus, appears to have been at
lea,st, 15 feet lengee than that ,of the
Dipledocus and a good deal thlekei-
, •
as the vertebrae are rfeatqy twice
as high as in, the American mons-
ter, ``Dull-witted giant,'' Dr.
Hennig them, with necks
pearly 40 feet long and 6 feet thiek
with length of, legs, exceedin
known. ai
cumbers, -which did not pay. Other
vegetables were sold in proportion.
The Grand Trunk Pacific now has
lees than 240 miles of rail to lay be-
fore east meets West. The clistrict
still ander construction is from
Kidd station to Prince George, a
fairly level country, and it is be-
lieved that the golden ,spike will be
driven during the eummer of 1914.
For Over
Ten Years.
atdraYaWdsrc'eenapekasrileliealals• :of Igr°t1the strengthdsibodyhgeoshould
willdon ° never be tnotmbraeei *1 1 et °6:11
Burdock BlOod Bitters will do this,
and at the sante time enable you to
partake of all the Wholesome food re-
quired, without feat of any unpleasant
aNft!Naelr.;:i:ewsiltriliettuser.$):*-1)". WhiteI have 1)een troubled
', Surretteville,
with Indigestion for more than tett years•
tned several ' doctors, and different
to give it
iel,askesde-ffteiceecci does
Ilaving tsetecia-
bottle, and I feel that I am cured
last. 1 can now do the sante hard work
I could before 1 was eaken sick."
Burdock Blood Bitters is mailufae
atupd -only b