HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-11-27, Page 54 wituRsDAY NOVe27 19rd
oneetteTells of her pis -
sin" g Symptoms During
Change of Life and How
She Found Relief,
Nova Scotia, Carl,--e"Three
"tors•age 1 Wee suffering badly with
whet ant deetore
Celled Change of
rein- 1 wee so bad
that 1 had to stay in
hed, Some friends
Pinithara's Vege-
ble mpound and
helped me freen
he ftrst. It is the
le Medicine
le that did help
e are;11 reeeneareod
oW hoar thankful and
. give you permission
Simla goo1methei4e has
CO,, NOVA Seeteeias
se e o
g evil, tdity,
Ipitatioe the,
eyes, irregu,
variable appetite,
and tliaaineSs,
y intelligent Ivo.
in the period in
rtenge may,
driett Write t
et* loiter via
(led iq a
liege at tJorn
Thousends ot ambitious o t
eclat are fast =part
wiz,' CMOS homes to occupy Inc-
ative -position* ass stenegrapho
bookkeepent telegraPh-
11 eery:tuts in fact every
a cd bueluesa activitiee
ay finiab at Colleee
wish Positiouo Runyan.
ter adieu Sn7 daY.
Matruotion. Ex,
aobe. Thirty' weer)
;eat !mine
8even coliee
u 40 ttwtiohers.
tett with mturbi1 Eci.
on Association of Canada
or' School' nt Famous) Spot
item College Londoe.
Clinton I3ustness College
• eeeeel-saialeaadeseeelenene
What Beautflul Hair!
Sow often do we boar thati extlam-
stion about a certain woraau's or
enarda hair • -
A prominent scientist and hair
"specialist empalically etatee, and
bas proven that any man or woman
-Pan Lulu luxuriant, lustrous hair, 12..
;cation the famous prescription called
PARISIAN Sage is now xriaile and
*old in Canada and W. S. Cole the
latuggist is the agent in Exeter and
athe 'readers of the Timee can buy it
/rem him for only GO cents a large
W. S. Cole knows that pARISIAN
Sage 'will beautify the hair, ;cure
Aandruff and stop* falling hair and
jr that reason he sells it under a
ersarantee to cure or moray back.
Pelee 50 cents. The R. T, Booth Co,
24d. Fort Erie. Ont., Canadian Mak-
Children Cry
Marine Men Say Godericle Needs
ExtenSive IrnPrOvelrentse
Testimany Wven a Tfoluese „DAP the
Peeld4 of Oahe lifetimes Is to the
preet Thet Town .Could BhIrele
a Port of Reenteeef Speeral Alteee
ations Veereetietece-storm Sigeeti
GODERICHe ;love 2fearelfret frier
provements for the proper equipmeat
of ode -en bazaar sneered inelude
r modem _foghorn suitable placed, a
wellerreenee lifeboat, etation aod ade-
quate ligh„ and tliat be basin
should he eeeeg,ed out to e ;teeter
area were tbe facts etictel 'fusee
Cape, W. 0, Wieitriey at Astitalesle, 0,,
Who is bete in the latereete of tbe
/ eke Carriers" ASSneiarti011,iiis
anatqhy QPSW4 eittoreey Seeeer
eth eve ftg seseion a the weck
in u
Centel -is Whitney estfirearted'
etropertY Toss fite the great etrarert,
te e2,50‘0,0f)O, and ti
levee lost lee rea,
The Witness believed "that the bar-
09deriede eenid he Made 4
halter of refuge. caeable Qf ee'•
elledeetha any reeeel. As to Morel,
knee,- het SAM thet tbeee were oh-
eeved by emeter t seine exteet, but
were in the hebit of leering port
he face of the, eignale eted ealtieff
-e of deldigieg the steno. The
ter tiltonid h4re afforded 4
el' the ;dorm el the hth
hgt OVAletlEacii„, Vag Hata, a captain
would haeg bis hat ever the bare.
meter co be cool not gee R. The
item bed no th oty- ox to the
mimese tbe lees *so malty vessele,
exeept fime the eterelli ia ueatra-
ordinerity Were! CMOs The etearaer
AlfOGOtt, Walt veitieb ii wae acquaint -
Teed A IdIet.elaw equipment, awl
er life, presere *re tat had come
aehere were in .tood eonditlett.
ill WA Nnieollo 0. Cameron of *ie
ger *framer 1.-Proo, alt4 CePe
adman' endorsed the 'view it
her previatto wituesa as to the 1
omelet of Doderfeh harbor.
Another adleorement Wase reedie
Ifeadaltrt Dm ThigIsexpeeted
W the darn tieseion at the inquest,
Captain Emmett, al Cellingwood,
rnan director of the company
wait% the ill-fated Wexford aod eth-
veesels, recalled', was find WWII",
4 ;by Grown Attorney Seeger, and
reminded uthie atetement on Fet-
a egardlng Goderieb, haebor, Wt
011a /laid that 'what be meant Veer
tier barber kuproltereents were ,
made piecemeal'. The Govene.
tut teking telt Yee= to do °what
ud Should be done in one Yea
reply lucent putuar. more men
'work ore the job. If the harbor
re improved, as it ,abould he, It
*ould be a good harbor,. capable of
ving abetter to any born- There 'was
tber harbor an this We of Late
rt,that could he :made a harbor of
Mr. Seager auggeeted a comparison
1.alte Buren and the Georgian Bay
point of sofety„ but the *tentless
said the. Georgian Bay had no terrors
fo: bhp., est he had sailed it nearly ell
als life and knew it intimateiy. A
good foghorn at Cove Island was one
of the safeguards for boats entering
the bay.
Canadian Export of Soil "'rode ts
irises Steadily
OTTAWA, Nov. 25.—The Wilson -
Underwood tariff bill, so far as the
produee of the soli Is concerned. Is
beginning to make its effects very
manifest in Canadian exports to the
United States. Ezports or Canadian
products, natural and manufactured,
to that eountry alone have increa.sed
for the month 0:. October by nearly
two million dcllars over the same
month last year, -
The figures are: Canadian exports
to United State e •in October, 1912,
e13,902,501; in October, 1913, $15,-
883,380. Foreign products passing
through Canada to the United Sates
In October, 1912, amounted to ;1,-
974,719; in Octolor, 1913, $1,515,-
653, thus showing a decrease .in this
Dynamite Sticks on Auto Drive.
„PITTSBURG, Pa., Nov. 25.—The
police let it be known yesterday that
for three weeks automobilists have
been flirting with death as they drove
along Grant boulevard, the favorable
motor track between the fashionable
east end district and downtown Pitts-
burg. During that time they have
collected 120 sticks of dynamite ap-
parently scattered systematically
along the road. Late Sunday :they
located another lot in the boulevard
and arrested Herman Leidrnan, alleg-
ing he knew something of the rob-
bery of a contractors' magazine from
which they declare the dynamite was
',will be sentro any address
in Canada from now tin'
JArkl. •1st. 191S
What Mitchel's Election Cost.
NEW YORK, Nov. 25.—The total
cost of the fusion campaign that re-
sulted in, the election of John Perroy
Mitchel as mayor. of New York City
was e129,510, according to the 'report
of Charles L. 13ernheimer, treasurer
of tbe citizens' municipal committee,
made public yesterday.
Among the large contributors to
the fund were: Andrew Carnegie, $7,-
500; Jacob H. Schiff, $6,000; and
Cleveland H. Dodge'Perkins and John
C. Rockefeller, $5,000 each. Many
women contributed.
• Pastor Accepts Call.
GUELPH Nov. 25.—Rev. W, H.
Seyfert, Niagara Falls, N.Y., who
was recently called to the pastorate
of St. Paul's Lutheran congregatiOne
has accepted the call, but
to eater upon his work her ti
Or,leget beJx'
Have you ordered your Private
Greetirg Booklets or Cards yet ?
not, its not too late. We can
guarantee safe defiyery and per-
fect satiefaction with oor line. En-
velopefree. 10000 Xmas Post
Card. the very newest in lilooklets
and Christenes Pennaete-
limeys Drug Store
Miss hlairtha Wind has returned
home atter epending a mouth in De-
Mrs, ,as..1.=„awson spent a few days
in Parkhill last week,
Mr* EmmerSon, Shoedee is aieitiag
in Detroit._
atr, FergusOn g tbe Lan k of
Cammeree skeet Sn3n44Y athiS home
•n Wiegtram
eirs, IL K. Eilber returned home
Saturday. She was necoro.panied
„ florae by her mother. Xes,. Girvin.
I who e -ill remaen tor a 'few weeks.
fohria Either ad Itexie t)f
1 Zurich swet Mier -day ie town
5lise Adeline liatz of ifeetbarg le
vistiieg her sieter Mre. Zwieker,
atre t.-Onactler le sPending Pgame
me in Seberingville,
iTmorge Arown iS in, Xichtldnr, At. Pre-
sent taking treatment Am hie lame
-, ----,,,----..
fe tBOW all fluished up
'karts end the awaers of
eltinea °Ply heve a few •jobs
iU udging by the prioea paid for
etoek aed implements ot the eaies
" tall the CORK tr,F mast be la A
epeemie ceetillien Ileavelally :At
Retard 'Veettiree oak en 3.looday pigs,
levet to twente one <tonere, a piece
aell ;owe ;steed eesy at the hitatinNd
droller =Ark..
AT and Ztra Albert Gunning 3PeVc,
klueday with their melee him doba
eirzet ever Wtiodbetut ,
Mr, Fawcett Evargelitit rillna ee•ar
xAwr-s ,ht7,40, bizileknog tspecia
irgs here this week.
lireeet Ifobbe and 61Ster Myr-
*nett eoTtday .he with their
siSW;flite, Albert Onenings,
atd Airs, 3)4111 LOWjS of McGil-
livray viaited at,' Mr. Rector Millsoae
last week, ,
ne farmers find it a great COn..
nience to have rural mail es 'the
AkiiVertd daily at the froet
also with the -teleeheee in d -
moat every home all we want now t
k us eqnal ir. privileges to our
euei4fi ie the "Nitigare Pewee
through here and 'we are looking for
tbis and a street Car' iservfce in the
tear future A
O 4 who SPeXt; Seirnna
Months w4th her brother 1'red
Saskateheene returned ;home elem.
day tevezing. =tie Bert was detnia*
ed on her homeward trip by a land
slide and a washout on the railroad
and in cor.sequence .had to take
different route. She reports a splen-
did tittle in the west.
mr, .rohns returned home last
Saturday atter visiting his brother
Alden in Saskatoon Sask,
I%lr, Wellington Skinner has re-
turned home from the west.
reception was held on Monday
or Mr. Wesley Alms and Phis )bride
on their return Irani their wedding
trip. etheut forty irelatives' "were
present. Supper was •?served and 'a
very sociable time was enjesed.
eire•s. E. K. Johns and Wise aka El-.
ford who attendeld the aohils-R•os-
reel .nuptials at Welcome returted
Lome Moriday evenieg.„
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bente'
Bosnell, Welcome on Wednesday Nov
19th at high moon .whet their onle
daughtexe Mabel D., was untied ia
marriage to Wesley E Johns:. of Us -
borne. The 'marriage ceremony was
Performed by Rev. A. Hill of Wel-
come, the. bride and groom being un -
attendee', Miss Annie Elford of Us -
borne 'cousin of the groom, played
the wedding march. After a daenty
"lunch the happy couple left on the
flyer tfor a short visit to London, be-
fore returning to their :'home. The
bride travelled it a blue tailor made
suit. The groom is a sor. of Mrs. E.
K. Johns of lasborne and brother of
Rev, A. E. Johns Pheeigtu, China,
The Nimes joins with many friendie
in extendirg congratulatiots.
McDOTIGA,I,L-On the 13th conces-
sion of Hbibert on Saturday Nov
2nd to Me, and Mrs, Allen Mc-
Dougall a daughter.
MARRIED _setae*
minster Manse Saskatoon on Nov,
17th by Rev. 1). S. Dix Mr, William
Howard Eriumwell of Dewar Lake
iSask, and 'Miss linez Mabel Min-
ers of Saskatoon, late of Exeter,
honie of the Indies parents „ Dr,
• and Mr, J. W. ,Browmicg en aues-
day Nov. 25t1iMiss Hazel Lenore
to Mr, Oliver Herman tEecker of
ew Hamburg by Rev, Thomas
Wearire; B. D. of Toroato.
• DIED - -
HODGSON-Orthe eth concession of
McGillivray or. Sunday November
23 1913 Mrs Thomas Ifodo•osr. a -
•,ed 59 years and 8' months
Stephen S. S. Convention
vela' suceessful township S. IS.
convention was held at 'Grand, eeenti
in tbe _Presbyterian church on Tues-
day of last week At the evening
seseioxi tee church was crowded to
the doors A good representation was
Present from all 4over tho township.
The following officers WeRQ elected
for the VIIStling Year,
President J. 11. Hottemane ; Vice pres
-John Love; Sec-Treas A.Velda Banes
Supt. ernemeetary Division IL E.
Eilher: Supt. Adult bible class Move -
mint J. Kellerman.; Supt Homo De-
partment Miss, Eettli Taylor; Supt.
Teachers training department., Rev.
S. Jeffeesore Built Mlionary De-
partmette Miss hlay
Temperance Dept, Arthar Amy,
geeenway Methodist church was ehos
en for the next aenual coeventime
Ati-se ,gees and Jeatt liameitone
spept a mew deee visiting 3Ir, and
grs,, Ch4s. Zionteith last week
gi-s. E. -McInnis is Yjajtig at 751ra
Thos, Passmore's
;Led Mrs, Wesley Johns
ed home home. on MondaY ar-d Were giVeri,
recefpion by their ecgOSinS.
The W. V., Af, S. of the Preebetene
ian eherch evill meet ort Vriday At
JIOnte c,f. Aire. Ches. Moratith.
Ain end, Aire. 13ert Te'ranele Sper,t
etelay with Aim limiry Fracas.,
Oe Wedneaay ovesbe 19th at
3 p ea, a pretty lived leg wee solemn-
ieed at the 'borne Me, and Airs, An-
o f Oltendeheet bretber
the bride 'settee Nies Ilearl Elizabeth
daughter of Ain and As Adam
wart united in marriage to Aylmer
Fe, only sou of Mr, n'ad Mrs. Purdy
of the second corsceesion of MeGil-
lieree Tratenselp -"Thie eeremone was
perforated 0.). ltev. 'A George at
Yetteen, Tim bride who was given
awae iy -her ilaeher was deintily at-
tired in navy 'blue elikk aed Were
steel:lace end poet peedant thQ
Of the gram)) tate eerried
Wer of 'bridal XOSta Master ilea '
et reeple,,vw et the beide was ring
ud cerrie(l a baSkAA, ot roseo
ot marriage,ot
Y. of this p,aee. void
xale nd of ;Perkin', have
aouuced in the -Komar. Catholic,
eh here The marriage will take
place during the letter part a the
month, Ise Sacred Heart ehurch,enirk
Jbe best dollars worth offered to-
day is a years tittbscritpion ao the,
Family Marla and Winkle Star at
Zionveal. Any horno to now re-
ceivieg that paper is mien -its e
at tor evelry member of the lam-
ilY-ateom grandfather or father ktowa
to the •youngeat tot. Ton ie. for a
year and you will be convinced. The
Pablishers will returel your mon.-
cy ;it ,you are not satisfied. it itS
certainly worth eour while to try
't ear one year.
r, and Zirs, Codirey Nadiger and
Mr.'Ed liadiger were mailed) to Pig -
earl Mich reeently pwirg to the dea-
th of tbeir !brother aohn wile> died on
Thursday. The littoral took :place
on eiranday of lest week A. wife
and two children are lett to mourn;
the loss ot a loving hu,sband and
Mg, Oliver Greybeil 'has left for
Toronto to resume _his "position en the
Maisons "„Bank of that placer 'efter
spending several weeles aolidaya at
las tome here. •
Mr. !Arthur Kellerman who is at-
teriffieg college at Naperville 111 was
called tonne owing to the) illness of
lais brcther Clarence who has been
very 111 but is note much better.
Mr, Wm. Weezel of Crediton is
again at his old position' as wagon
make e in the °paining mut.
'After an illness of ti everal weeks
Mr, 'Richard 'Wright passed away at
her home on Sperling Street on Nov.
Mrs, Wright's maiden name was El-
izabeth Carlisle. She had reached
the age ot 75 year .She has been a
resident of Seaforth most of the time
for the past 30 years and was much
esteemed by all who enjoyed her ac-
quaintance. lz>ite is survived by her
husband and four sods and three
daughters all of whom atteaded the
funeral on Tuesday. The daughters
are Mrs, 11. 'Mr. ‘and Mrs, F. Wa
Young of ltocheste,r N. Y. and Mrs.
Nelson DIcLauglalin of Wienipeg.
The sons are Jameis C. of Toledo:
John E. and Williana E. of Columbus
Ohio and A. E. of Pontiac Mich, Had
Mrs, Wright lived until December 27
she and Mr. Wright would have been
married 55 years.
We can save you from 25 to 50
cents by subscribing for your daily
and a etkly • papers at this office.
These prices are for ICateditert Sus-
scritet s.
Eames llearld and Weekly Star
eteeekly Mail aral Ernprie .1 75
Vieekly Globe 1 75
Weekly 1,c,T,clon Free 'Press .„...:: 1 85
Weekly London Advertiser ------1 75
Weekty :"Alontreal Witness ...1 85
Noer.kly Farmers Sun . .. 1 80
Farmers Advocate . 2 40
Farm 4. id lieiry .1 85
The Cia.adian Parra .. . ...1 85
TGrocto Saturday Riight 50
Daily ..2 40
Daily Sar . '2 40
Daily 117c,tld 3 25
Daily Mail ar„,,t1,Empire .........3 50
Daily Globe " 3 50
lelerarie London Free Press 50
a'eee,Ine London Free Press 110
Dziily London ,ertiser ...2 .90e
' ,45
fi a year. an
erican 8iabserj
iance et.50 i.
Sallow Skin
Liver Spots, Pimples, Dark
Circles Under the Eyes
are all signs of the system being clog
ged. The, liver and bowels are RI -
active and the stomach is weak from
undigested foods and foul gases.
he great fruit retnedy, win In
you lee like a new person.
Winspeg. Jou'. 97
After taking three boxes of your
Fig Pills for stomach and liver trou-
bles I fe,-1 ,qrorg wad tveU oble to
do my oNvn work -Mrs, A. IL Saulter
Sold at all dealers in 25 and a cent
boxes or wailed by tho„ 1!"!:g Pill Co,
St, Thotria,S. Oar., Seld at theveYs
Prug store,
For setae tipeeTOpasi).tUtZ$1zGe4et eli'‘
Cleudeboye haire been erJn
the odvisability of formieg a geme ,
protective association, to prevent the
wanton iestrartior. Oi
So-aUtzd t' 't9T rsa 71:nni111 411t;,.. 14,4 dr 71,1441ci:
aye beett knewe to range the fields
awl 'hushes and to ehoet out Of seaeor.
the game and leave bebina their
qiiarry, Sear colelitet lias been cot--
dem:led. 'kend eigetly eo, by our lo -
el farmers eed order to prover,
its eepeeitior. rbe aesocietioriba
been formed ui its members eave
"signed" tbeir preulfSeS Bet lest tee
idea be termed .bat the farmers have
'Ltihyaided egeio.t the oetiidere
(be aesoplatioe elebee it diet:AMOS
uoderstood that their ob.let is Pure-
.ty twofold
TQ protect botii in and out of sea-
son tbe Iew harmiese wed animals
,Att. yet retekeinleg.
TO durther ogriculture by peotee
ieg /the farmers Iret friends the 4,
sects and acieleue ffeed 1441V/en the
Each 'Maller boy jo ree tbe
speietion Meet make the declaration
that he will eat ititricae 411 bi
neighbors righte uud, eiteuld he elle
Score and etrailger It trotting that
be will immediately proceed to have
lxe offender brought to justice the
lot the'presemitiOn era be fornieh
trona the treasury of the Aaeociae
The officers ore; flororare 11resid-
.11. 'Shoff ; president, E. Garter,
. A ; vice-president 7. Rice; scare-
arY treasurer A, Bice, executive vom
taittee 13, Ryon, al, 'Neil Ner, Conning
eaire E, leodgeou. R J. Carter, P.
Bice vr. Nortbgreves; gorresponding
secretary Edon .eice.
A bazaer "WAS held an Monday even
lug in the Methodist church here..
Air. etilton Brae% of London, spett
a couple of days recently with friends
Mr. Jas. fe:11111,argey is recoring
from ber recent sickness.
htee A. O. Dwyre, of Lendore Js
visiting relativein ties place,
Jas, Moen has moved into Ur,
T. Lewishouse recently occupied by
311r, Thos., Smith -
Mr. Enook Patton of Cleveland is
visiting relatives in tiles 'place.
Mr. Tbos, Smith bus purehrieed tee
lot and dwelling lorrnery owned by
Mr, Wm. Ross, and took poscion of
same on Nov. tilst
Miss Lon Ifennessey Is yisitiog
friends in Exetee.
Mr, Thos. Lewis is erecting a barn
and will soon Inve it completed.
Miss Edith Lewis of Lendon is vis-
iting her parents of this place. .
:The rural mail route which leaves
this place 'daily is provirig u great
success and over 75 'boxes are atow on
the list and more applications for
boxes have been sent in ,Mr, Kent
Who distributes the mail bee purchas-
ed a covered vehicle for the pur-
a schoolroorri full of boys
Talkitg, laughing, What a noisei
Teacher gets up from hie chatr.
Raises birch high in the air.
But -bee hesitates to letrike,
Each boys busy with his slate,
Teacher then resumes his chair
Scan he's "sweetly sleepeng there.
Boys rise quietlyand with care.
File out through the ogee door.
As the teacher loudly snoreee.
Hoye are Making quite h 1111C.,,
It will soon be half. past two.
Teacher overturns his chair
Clutches wildly at this hair.
Gazes round the vacant room
Rushes quickly for a broom,.
Hastens out into the street,
Making naughty boy s retrea t,
Running, shouting. in they go.
Thinking, "Guess we'll catch it now"
And they did. el: N.
The Barrels ?•,-...7,y-7N
and Lugs of
Double and Single Barrel
,SH.OTOUNS . are cyup-fored In
*ReciallY selected steel 12;;XNegill' c;ef
other guns are /VIEAKEST, Compare
STQfDIS with guns at any tvhere near. the
PrietamEnote. 'out -QUALITY Stroghbut.
0,4 /a
Sotgon '
Catatett shows the
famous line of Stevens Repeaters -Doubles -Sin-
gles. If you cannot obtain STEVENS from your
41ealee-let us know. .rd we will ship direct.. ex.
press prepaid, tirDa
N..07 atotAilliZIONIMANommt.
The world of music what a gift
Suppose you should wake up Chritlmas morning to find
that some one had put the world of music in your stocking.
That's precisely what you can do for any member
of your fewilyor any of your friends, if you give an
• Edison Phonograph
71pc,r477,,,,." reybc.„47,4iat .44'441'arttlia' p;reatesute rue yi etr4etia stoRtt W.491:;111.41"airillt44e
41441.14,470791e0,41,1tratttiful Tft4 Mgr* petactiral CO* Qt4t. tejt lann
**et 40,0r* Wad* *ZtTrttwIr sagdeatq Arktyl, tz*tot rel aii.h;¶o thee X** '<WO
ltiscb,$Vj, it.olAT.tim new
aith 4I thelr remade.
.444;414 with .41
mt.pitralfettaorakcIttme*Z., FAcait
Edison Plumograpla sad Id by*
J Willis Powell Main Street
ef ,Ste,
ek bee mire
earn at
Stan Jeoseetsion
nnerl or
hall rho die
of a paralyti
1. belt g raiSc*
.fro.'.7ehr.. al well. IIt
ler as. *extended rip
tied Mrs. Wm. Th
Boardman., Alich. are spend
weeks ;with relativee and trkn
• and vicielty.
'niton at Voltern Is visiting
ether ,)111, B. NV, Fulton.
ad Mrs, John Cameron and
et 'Georgetown wore here
opending a few day.,;; with
Zirs. frbomas Ceraeree
. come galbfleis m
was vieititg et tbe home of
,Mt Ile haa not
ever tbirty years atni
ices clut eggs.
, Christopher Duch -
turned 'home After
it to Dad Axe ARO),
Ss Lena Denmane ,has returned
fter visitieg !friends in Wend-
hatharn and eeourtright
Ilene' Taylor las purchased
ethers earn and expecte to inoee
i11 the tear future,
one the
inrnbezrsblp of 1IJi,800,
'Ihe W. C. T. t, Tor
headqearters that eost I0
Aiertflli, tree at Oelet.
The Ohio state Slimily Si
ventien in steeliest everietly
endorsed woman suffrage.
.0 VI C..
Don't Monkey •.C. T., Le memhersbip threugh-
with that Cough the last year over Inlay sio tholisand
out the world increased dureng the
Now Zealaed gave a tanjOritY of
54.2.83 for Netioutil Prohiletion but
this •inejority falls short of an inmet
Hoe's me pule oi Tlli three fifths requirement,
Big Botle for 25e, 1-41"'""Or.t, -b4re W. T'
Howeys Drugstore headquartersvalued alt a
utely free of debt which are 110W be-.
ing used as a centre for tenet( setthle
meet work in that city.
The 'following notice appeared in
one of the 'Calgare daiIis, aad will
be of interest to ma:ayreferriog ae
it idoe s to the marriage of. Garnet
Webber.. son of Mr. and Mrs, Wil-
liam. Webber of this village. A ;Inlet
weddieg took -place tea Wednesday
evening Nov. 5th at South Calgary
Methodist :church parsonage whea
arise Pearl Waite, wee married to Mr
Garnet Webber by the Rev. G. F.
Johnston. The weddirg breakfast I
was held at the resideece of the
brides sister, Mr, 'J. IL flicks About
a5 immediate trietds were prese.at
The maty beautiful weddiag pres-
er.ts 'testified to `the high esteem
ir. which the bride, and groom are
held. Mr, nod Mrs, Webber will re-
side at 16122 Thirtieth averne West.
Mr, Richard iBlatchlord has pur-
chased 'the pareareige kniawt in the
past as the Kippea Circuit paesonege
and situated an the corners of AI-
tert aral Richmaad streets in our
village 'late' iatecds shortly occupy-
ing the same. Mr. e31atchford was
or,e lot our pictaeer business men
carrying an blacksmithing and gen-
eral 'carriage making for several yea-
rs, but has resided it. a number of
places during past yearts including
Dakota for quite a loag term, and is
now as it were. corning Imme, and we
'welcome hina •again to our up to date
villages and congratulate him on
getting A line and conarortable
We regret to -report, that our old.
time and enterprising citizen MT
George McE,v,ex. is ond has been
'quite 'poorly for the past week 0.7.d
has bees, confined to his room in the
Commercial, but _hope he may soon
regaie his accustomed health and
We Are pleased to see Mu. Thomats
Palmer sr, or, our stre,etis regain ;le -
ter las' very critical Meese looking
wonderfully improved.
The girls of the McGregor Home
Blissioe Circle repeated their mils-
eioeary drama ieetitled 'Jaen Wilkie's
ireflueace ori Menday eveting last in
the church or. which occassiaa Rev.
Dr. `111c(eregor at Xoroeto afte,r
whom the society is twined wee pre -
sere taccompaeeid by hie wile ',led
delivered ea lad.clrese A reception
was afterwards teedered theca.
Mrs, T. iMurdock _left here last
week- .Cor a trip to Calgary to visit
her daughter Mrs, Hoggarth of that
eelei)es thdaeltkition
-aasere and' 4 4
to elle iecoteet
The 'ter, cent te tbe
,9hurch Organ
The assessment roll in Local Op-
tion Orillia shows an increase in as-
sesmeute over last year 01 more tha.ni
a million dollars alert an increase or
pouplation of :nearly eight hundred.
Parliamentary suffrage for the
women. of Denmark is assured as an
Electoral Reform Bill proposing to
grant equal suffrage to women has
beer. accepted ta both Houses. The
hill must pass a second parliament
before it goes into effect.
'A heavy blow has been given to
the doctrine that equal suferatage for
mothers meow destruction for babies.
The worlds record has beer broken
at the "Better 13abies" contest held
at the Interstate Pair in • Spokane.
Wash, It will be remembered that
the state of Washington enjoys wo-
man sutfrage.
The Constitution of the United
States provides thet 'the presidential
ekctors from each state must be ap-
pointed in such, a manner as the.
Legislative thereof naay direct. So
that the State Legislatures have the
power to bestow this important slice
of suffrage without a vote of the
electorate or any amenamett to the
Constitution. This concession ;car-
ries with it the privilege of voting
in local option 'elections. Illinois was
tbefirst state 'lo take advantage or
this provision to give women; a vote
and the women have used it to such
good efee,ct in the iecent local op-
tion campaigns that Low 300 'such
campaigns are being plarned. Other
state Legislatures are looking fore
-ward to taking this step.
Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm
tender little Stomach, liver
and bowels.
Look at the tongue, mother! If
coated, your little one's stomach, liver
and bowels need cleansing at once.
When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't
sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever-
ish, stomach sour, breath had; has
sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give
a teaspoonful of "CaLifornia Syrup of
Figsei and in a few hours all the foul,
constipated waste, undigested food
and sour bile gently moves out of its
inane to little bowels without griping, and, you, e
tehave a well playful child again. ASIV
'9 Cone druggist- for a 50 -cent•\
'California Syrup of Figs,'
tains full directions fer
dre)a of all ages and fo
;A -v.:12,1.14