HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-11-27, Page 3FOM BONNIE SCOTLANO
BANlea Alai/ ellItABSe . •
what I Going on in the Ilighlands
and Lowlands of Auld
Two large naval ttargets, 160 feet
in length, are to be built in Leith.
Fraserburgh gasworks are to be
extended at am estimated cost of
A Stirling man has set out from
his native town pushing a wheel-
barrov,- to London and back. t
A trout which measured three
feet in length has been caught in
Loch Frisa, in the Island of Mull.
Recently there, has been an ab,
normal increase in the shipment's of
Dunfermline fabrics to Ainerica,
It takes about b0 tons a paint
to cover the 120 acres which the
face of the Fortie Bridge repre-
Saperiatendent Macaulay, of the
Edinburgh City Police Force, bee
intimated bile resitnatiou aft39
yeare' eerviee.
As the reel.* of the halfeyearl
Liceneing Court in Gletegow, th
lisnes in the it have been r
uced by ono,
Coven Public school, larheted-
brightehire, hae bee e eloeed owing
to an outbreak af scarlet fever in
the dieteict.
Diphtherie ie raging in Aber-
deen. Sinee the begnoungot,Inne
here he been 770 Catee, The, City
hoepital is fall.
At a, meeting ef Greenlee' Parish*
Council it eva,s iutimated that faCo
poor rate wonki be neceseary kr
the eaemng year.
T.he Freserburgh Tow
abenitted aeehene
`ea of a big marine
doi elle sea front,
Andrew Carnegm hex
t1ueeboats but at Roberteau's
building yard, Sandbank, for
I t Sea BrVeZQ,
Tflero are some 3,009 grouse
Scotland Alone that are let'
ual rental of abeut $5,-
tooe 0.
1 i refusing to un-
drtak try dui.y unless they
are pd 24 ets hour with a
minuet= a 72i oent
'rile plans for tile k1iton to the
Paieley Art Gallery have ist been
completed by Mr. T 0. J.bare
ombie, arehitect, Paisley.
The *entreat for the infantry baro
racks at Bedford, Amounting to
$7.50,000, bas been secured by Colin
Macandrow, builder.
An anoneeuous well-wisher has
sent a, donation of $5,000 to Green-
ork Infirmary for the endowment
of a bed as aememorial gift.
The local Government Board have
refused to sanction the erection of
anitarium for the counties of
Xirkeudbright and 'Wigtown
The Kirke,aldy Town Couneil are
to recommend that a sanatorium be
built on ground -which hs been ac-
quired adjacene to the Fever Hos-
The Xing Fedward /sfernorial Mer -
cut Crags in Perth was unveiled
and Banded over to tile custody of
the city aoithorities by the Duke of
Plans have been passed at Wish
eve Dean of GuildCoure for a
young men's institute to be erected
in Main Street by the Y.3.1.0.A. at
ocet of $32,50o.
While police at Lodge Walk pft-
lice, establishment, Aberdeen, were
practising in the gymnasium,
thieves entered the dressing room
and rified their pockets.
A motor 'bus running between
Aberdeen and Echt belonging to the
Great North of SootIand Railway
Company, caught fire when about
WO miles from Eoht. and wag /arm-
tioally destroyed.
A phenomenon was witnessed re-
cently on Prase-I:burgh Bay, in the
form of a huge waterspout. This
spectacle hanging over the sea like
a great volum.e of sraok-e, attracted
ninth attention.
'A conference representative of
public national and patriotic hod;
les of Scotland was held in Stirling
to arrange for -the coram.emorating
in Syne of the GOOth anniversary of
the Battle of Bannockburn.
Payntent in Kind.
lie was a poor than, but had been
obliged, at last; to ea1 in the doctor
1,,c, 'attend his little girl. Her ill-
ness ,tarned out to be a serious one
and the doctor hadifol to pay many
,isits and leave a 'good deal of
niedichie for hi S patient.
low, however, she was -well
agilin, and her father stood in the
doctor's room, waiting for the bill
to be made out.
When, at last, the account, wr s
presetned to him, he was almost
paralyse(' to see the huge amount
be owed.
The small amount is .for
netlicine, and the -large one., is for
my calls at your house, ' said : the
L tor'.
The hard -up fatlie took outIS,
le80 put se. ,
/fere," he said, "is the itioncy
r the medicine. ,,111y—my 'aife will
hexii1fl yonee alls
Cured Through the Rich, Red
lElloade Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills Actually Make.
Thousands of women suffer from
headaches, backaches, dizzineF.S,
/an.gour and nervousness, Few
realize that their misery all comes
frorn the bad state of their- blood.
They talco one thing for their head,
another for their stomach and -a
third for their nerves. And, yet. all.
the while it is simply their blood
that is the cause of all the tr,ouhle.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will cure
because they actually make new,
rich, red blood, which reaches
every organ and every nerve in the
body, carrying with it a new health
and new strength, Mrs. Irm,
AVOrn, Charlottetqwn: P. E.
•avs • "Before I began the use el
Dr. Williams' Pink pins I was one
of the most miserable women liv-
ing. Far more than threez.tears
lived a life of constant dread,
was taki-ng weak spells so that I
could not be left alone. If I walked
from one room to another my heart!
would Palpitate a vioiey that
feared I would die, 1 was eentiin-
sending for the deeter, who
old me 1 had t)0 blood and that MS
erves were shattered, Z•1**Qtwith-
standing his treatment I did not
get Any better, I could not keep
auything on my stomach, and the
leaat thing would make sum sick.
Then my trouble 145 OPmplicated
with rlieumetiem. whichbecame eo
bad that 1 had to be lilted be
eb:44, end the pain waa almost un-
bearable. 1 wee in this deplorable
eouditioa when any leueleand read
of Dr. William" Pie* Fills, and
got me a, supply. When 1 had
taken half dozen boxes1 f I
much batter, and eould go
the honse, I kept on taking
rills_ until 1 had used twelve boxe
and I an truly say they =Adams
Well WORM). Iude4 1 de 214)
thillk 1 WOUld he living now but for
Dr. William& Pinle Pills. lE wish
vould persuade every woman who is
eiele to follow ney example, fo
have proved they wm onto the zest
operate on,ses, And I vontider my -
a, livirog witnees of this fact."
'You Call get these Pills through
any modieine dealer or by mail post
paid, At 00 Cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from Tho Dr. 'Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont,
Flyingori.sh Are Relentlessly Pure
sued By Them.
The home of the flying -fish is
along the path of the Nert-h Atlan-
tic. trade -winds. In "Memories ef
the Sea," Admiral Fitzgerald of t
British Navy says that in sailing
down the trades you find the sea I
fairly alive with these fish, which,
are relentlessly parKted by the
albacore, the largest of the mack-
erel family,
Prom my commanomg position at
the end of the jib -boom I could
look straight flown an the strange
scene. There was a, shoal of som
dozen albacore swimming along
ahead a the ship. Sometimes one
or two of them would dart off on
either bow, or right ahead for
thirty pr forty yards, and then
drop lati2k again until they were
Straight under *here I was sitting.
The ship was gomg ahead about
seven knots, As it sailed along, the
ilYing-fish would rise out of the vii'a
ter ceoure it, spread their wjgs
and soar away to the right or It$
Often I -Could See esraetiy what, bap,
pened. As the eying -fish rase, one
of the albacore darted off in par --
Suit, end kept almoet underneath
birn eatil he dropped Into the water
theowe was a splash like
e rise of a, fahnott; and the B4tittg,,
flew no mere,
But the alimeore diel not able%
ait tot. the f1ying-44 to tottelt t
te. On several oecaeione 1 0
actually take their pray
* by makieg a hugaineop
water, 1 rememberom
hook Callefd "Ilall'a Fratt,
'herein the writer fle,
what aixeilar weee
he 1144 aeon, t
t the tlying4
in. t him do it.
There Vivan down. on the
eiehlhin-eterikerpar tealer the
boweprit—with ,cepronged
ash grains, trying elle OE
the albaeofffe; bt ver suet,
coded in maldng a good shot; he
4 not even appear to frighten
them. They fecund, to regard his
efforte as rather a lark, not seriee
enough to eause them any uneae
What n Man of Three Seoro Tear
aud Ten lilts 'Eaten.
Whether we eat to live or live to
there is no getting away from
the fact that eaoll one of us con -
an. e31011/10US quantity of
food. Have you any idea how
much1 If not, the following fig-
ures probably will startle you. A
scientist with a love far statistics
has investigated the whole quee-
tion ; and, ecoording to this author,
ity, the average old gentleuna
during the process of attaining his
three wore years and to; disposes
of something like fifty-four to of
solid food and fifty-411re° tons of
liquid. He will have eaten 12,0_00
eggs, 400 pounds of eheese, about
four tons of fish, and, (amid ib have
been all baked at once, a loaf of
bread equal in •size to an ordinary
family hotel. But think of the vege-
tables devoured Our scientist says
a train three miles long would be
required to bring n. life's suRply to
the average man; though in this
same train it might also be possible
to carry his 500,000 cigarettes, his
half -ton of tobacco, his 10,000 lbs.
of sugar, and his 1,500 lbs. of salt.
Everybody suffers, when boot e are tight
your corn suffers, but, they an he pain-
lessly cured by I'utnarife Corn Extractor.
Guaranteed in all eases. -Use only Put-
new's, 25e. at all dealers.
'Did you ever hear :the story of
the dirty window V' "No, I don't
think I did." "I guess I won't tell
it to you." "Why not" "You
wouldn't be able to see through it."
Use LIQUID- SULPHUR and prevent
Most married -men are happier
than they supPos`e. '
minard's Liniment mires. Diphtheria.
*Well:111g n* *Y. * D.64lecele' haa heeta
for 25 years city -clerk /of' ykt.0,;i6,.
He has ,served,undel.,' ten mayor.
He lyaS'a ,intan
it SOv-ra
hour,s ha,d pasSed . arid his .hosteSs
„ ,
hart beenelaboring nder, the l:b:Itto.
den Of making `ni e s I, of the 'eeny4-r,
satien2y. rbrn, his cage in -ono. :pe"
'ner the. aorcim' the. canarY'...bi.
,eIE.tped young man
i n sni red. ' What's the -Matter,
in cilrl
glanced at. him. ,with dtcamy
enile. 'H Ihinktl morning,,',",
she cooed, , g weary '
The young man hasti.j.y,". made his„
(lien. and., hasn't'. callcd, -since ,
;lel re
A Bad Heart,
Its Cause and Cur
;my, Firmly ConvIneed Ther lar
Dying of Retirt Trouble, MVO
Often. the Strongest Hearts.
Sometimes you -wake nt eight,
heart throbbing like Al steam engine,
Your breathing Is abort and irregu-
lar; pains shoot through, the ehest
and abdomen, and tense horrible aim-
our trouble isn't with the heart at
all. These sensations are the eat -
come of indigestion, which has CADS,
ed gas to forrn on the stomach and
press against the heart,
Just read what happened to Ism/.
Milieux, of Belle Bever, Ont.;
"Three menthe ago e was a -weak,
sickly man, My appetite was poor,
food fermented in my stomach, had
sour risinge and indigestion* At night
I would often waken with gas in
the stomach and heart 'palpitation.
"1 consulted my doctor and used
remedies that mir friends advised.
Nothing helped,
"One -day .1 received a sample of
Dr. Hamilton's Pills, end my cure
commenced. Today f have a vigor-
ous appetite, strong heart aetion, and
no sign of indigestion. 1 feel young-
er and healthier than ever before,"
Your druggist or storekeeper sells
Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c. per box or
flve boxes for $1.00. By mail from
The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y.,
and 1Cingston, Canada.
Mr. Jordan was touring by motor-
car, and arrived at a crowded vil-
lage inn quite late one evening.
There was no spare bed to be had,
wl '21 was a great disappointment,
• as he was tired, and very much dis-
liked the thought of driving far-
ther that night.
"Haven't you at least a handle
of hay you can give mer he de-
manded of the landlady.
"There isn't a thing left," she
answ o•ed. "except a bit of cold
A marl doesn't have to be 'an ora-
tor, in order to speak well of him-
Eczema for Three. Years. Broke Out
onn--Heact In Scalus, Itched and
Burned Bak, Cuticura Snap
and Ointment CUMd‘'
pas, rot
People' N. o B. —,t•T t/ h 1
s.cze.ear,„ for three romo le stetted on tor
an erstz ha soros bet:tem-a fur angera
a over tine pahme of zur bead
ood, flosete veem, big ereOlOo
Thanit btokocolt dllalY/A02-4
in =los. It fecbudi and ,
inumed ao badly X could net
sleep. It 'it's.; so itching end '
ineatee teet X scratched and
made cores and my hair came
truwhat ft raeo
*et avrfolly bad. Oici not
er I
"'I ras treated. for a long gime and It 4E11
net do ear fifOod. X t*To 'n -P My work for
mcatia bat roe aosta es X sterted, deta$
hOzIseltaek anala irnolr 4Fide Set fiesta; bad
OA 004 X used tvita,bolgos flt pod.
eie pet do oar pow, Omt day r reaci
09.4.4 catokiga ROOP, eted Catiment Seet.
decided to try them X. mat Poet% SanSPI-1"
ad nes4 them till X ear it OOP
tttfrog. 0;4 burning, ao X Cat three Pekes or
*ilttarto Soap and it AlfOot.,et qaticara Ont..
144-1 PM #114 inAtalktatoll (Sit'codY:
404,41PAAA/4 Ifia*Ar,,Ote,
Meet'aehadelthathe tteateleat c,t'llts.1
sod oible 4laixeobiff moth** 44 034A
vela. haa Pe Otaaillento de so much
for eienelse, hieeleheede, rod, pewit slate;
Wirt* INOT scili*.441404-44tritNivggi
41.40$ 144; Onved b4444* 4 OtIllIfgef4 •
RoP, Peanoselealiro Sold by
trellt4-41 sad dealer; Fee
epee* pea ;ample ef.eaevithi *40
,Fenti limeteard Pottos rirt4 At 412.herns
Lletiii4"1)At*.A keno Lio irAo
/firm ran PRIc.titt*
thO oaelier,
rated, turne
, and said that they
in during playtime, until h
rritten name one thousand
04001% .•..p.)1(toliii.,.:
uhlk Are anaexted Against Strong -
Smelling, Oily Liniments Con-
taining liana/II Acids
wed Ammonia.
Many people have clung to the old.
fashioned idea, that a thick, greasy
liniment is the best kind. Doctors
say not—and they know,
Recently a number of these white,
olly liniments were analyzed, and they
were found to contain an enermeuelY
high percentage of harmrUi acid, and
such irritating chemicals as ammonia,
etc,. For the monackt they may causa
a warm sensation when hrst applied,
nut their coatiuueu use never cures
rheumatism, and only deteriorates the
skin, sets up intammation, and causes
endless trouble,
When a doctor warns you to quit
sing a white, ,eily liniment—do so.
Ida knows that a thick liniment can't
enetraie, can't sink through the pores
a reach the seat of the pain..
When asked his ()pluton a few days
ago, an tmnortant physician stated
tifiat coac-1.ered stoma, penetrat-
ing, pain -subduing suck as
"Nerviline7 to he snperier to any of
the white ammonia liniments. In his
twenty -tis years of practica he had
witnessed oases 0 ZhOrtr4014111, 5ciat-
liea. and lumhagn that simply would
not respond to ordinary treatment --
but Nell/line cured thein. The same
physicinn a/so epeae of the great std -
of keeping a Prereratien like
Nervinne ale house, because of
cramps, di rrlioe.a, stomach tiisorders,
earache, teethaolm, headache, and
such miner ailments. Nervillue is a
first-class MVO, There f$ scarcely an
ache or Pala. /inertia/ Qr external,
that werviline won't eure, lit sans of homes no other peinaellea-
ftg medielee ueed. Fifty' arc'
eonttnued etleeeed. and eiedorse,
of the prefeesion are proof that
te la the Raiment. for the imme,
time duly Came
the class reeve rat d
room to eujoy a open of
r the tWa miscreants settled
u th irksome imposition.
Five mi ter the teacher re-
turned to see hey '1)1=000W/4
on, and found ted argument it
progress.eteme, cem e P elle
What's the matter now V'
Whereupon one, of the boysburst
into tears.
("Taiu't fair, mum!" be gasped,
"His name's Tim Bust, and mina's
Alexander O'Shaughnesay .4."
Quaintest Form of Oath.
The quaintest form of oath in use
en the 'United Itingdota is that
taken by the deerastere--the Manx
High Court judges. _"By this book
and the tante:Its thereof, and by
the wonderful works that God hath
reira,culously wrought in the hea-
vens above and the earth beneath
in six days and seven -nights, I do
swear that I will, -without respect
E favor or friendship, loss or gain,
consanguinity or affinity, execute
the laws of this isle justly between
party and peaty as indifferently as
the herring back bone doth lie in
the mids.t of the fish. So help me
God and the contents of this book."
What are
Thin, wafery bits of choice
Indian Corn -- perfectly
cooked; deliostely flavoured ;
then toasted to an appetizing
golden broorn, and packed in
'tightly eealed packages with-
out being touched by hand.
c`froastica'' are for -break-
fast or any other meal—served
direet from package with
°ream or milk, and a sprink-
leng of sugar.
Post Toes -toes are conven-
ient) -rave a lot of time and
please the palate bumensely I
Bbt after all, a trial is the
best answer.
grocers everywhere tell
Post .Toasties
Canadian Posture C. -areal Co.. Ltd.
Windsor, Ontario.
Willie cm
get raga a
n account oI
i premix
t all.' .
ow the landior
dse tho rent for anothe
Following His Trade,
Speechless with wrath, a little
man was ushered into the deck: An
ornament of the police .force had
found him loitering about and had
arrested him as a suspicious char-
"What were you doing at the
ime of your arrestl" asked the
eary magistrate,
"Simply waiting t" sputtered the
"What were en -ran" for 3"
'''1,1VIITIorne°nweeYclfy'ou the IllOneyl"
- rean ua4: been w:aiting
'What did he owe it to you f.0„
"Tor waiting:"
The .MagiStrate took, his glasses
4.)tfilNoawIldt 4.1tiaVh.:31:11s°aIlt7a,"(ie
"Do not jest with " he said.
ADThf ee°1114n1:1SleatIiSllaitvqe'
"1 earn my iicing w4itiug. Yu
see, I'm o waites.!"
Stone Blind.
Proudly he walked up to his e-
'othed, and drew $roat 'Iris pocket
small morocco case. Opening it
e took cut 'a ring—a.
entl—a,nd plaeed it on her taper -
09,he joked at it,
"Its eery small! ' she said, and
paused. Then "And not very brii-
tient, either!"
root' ;fellowjiis smile
ed; but, tptiekly recovering bi
he bluglied, and said;
"Ah, sweetheart, but IOND,
blIitd VI
Ttai#,,g ber limpid -eyes to bis
he said
),..ee, dear, but not sten
QUIO ULP UR curs Arly tsr
Close friends
. I've never
ied to bo
Try Muria. Eye Remedy
u you bare Red, 'Weak, Watery Byes
or Grenulated Eyellda. Deeen't Smart
—Soothes Bye Pain, Druggists Sell
urine Syci Remedy. Liquid, 2Sc, 500.
Morino Bye Salvo in Aseptic Tubes.
25a, 50c7. Bye Books Free by Unit
An Ity* TWO" Deed ter 42; tree it Itoorl Cam
Kuria* Stye 114.emedi Co,. Chleage
Jones—"My wife and I suffer
from alternate insomnia." Brown
—"Alternate insomnial What is
that I" Jones—'Whichever gets
to sleep Erst keeps the other awake
all night"
Minardfs Liniment Cures corset in COWL
lieedieSS to say, it -was an Irish-
man who objected to taking an em-
etic, as he was sure he / couldn't
keep it down!
LIQUID SULPHUR cleanses and heals.
Domestie Eeenemy.
Father was of an ezfonomical turn
of mind, and hated extravagance
with all his heart. He had since
the earliest days tried to instil
ideas of a similar nature into the
brain of his small son, aged eight.
His grief was terrible to see when
one day he came upon the budding -
economist stuffing himself with a
slice of bread generously covered
with a layer of butter which was
surmounted by a young mountain
of jam.
"My boy," said he, sadly though
severely, "surely you do not real-
ize what you are doing; yet you
ouglit, by now, to comprehend the
wicked extravagance of eating but, -
ter and jam together 1"
'Why, 1..rn being most economi-
cal, father!" replied the young
hopeful. 'Don't you see that I'na
making the same slice of bread do
for bothr
Pointed Paragraphs.
What a man earns doesn't inter-
est his wife so much as what she
Of course, it is our charity that
covers a multitude of other peo-
ple's sins.
It is easy for a, young man to find
a pin in a girl's belt, bat he usually
gets hold of the wrong encl.
The average girl imagines the
,omance is missing from a proposal
unless the stage is net for a moon-
light scene.
If a young man marries a slender
girl and she develops into a heavy
weight in after years, he can see
where he got more than he bargain -
v'e 0
115 u
r ehildre
by & goverument analyst
ietly free from all in
The Tablet are
uiedioino dealers or by uiaii at
from Tim Dr. Williax
!Ledioine Ca., Brookville Ont.
A woman is unpopnlar with h
neighbors if she never does
tking that they cell gossip abou
Reedy to serve after teoltiz
peesodfor gwitity arca itavattr„
1,4PP'it wosto yoor time fa
—Aug '1!•;1444". '
-rotn many pther auees It keeps
horses working. A $ bofle may
save a horse for you, ctabtt1e the
net time yon are in tcwc. Sold 13y
druggists everywhere, .1. a bottle, 0
for 0, also aelz for a copy of aur book
"ATreatieeentbeliorete --orwrite to
moutb 0 Qctoher had a va e of
Minard's cat
TO 3:11;11
OAWS0N nebsr
')ACHE. lN
" sail rielt
rd. 2 voile" wire, r
a number of
mile to ILL sten
apply te Tim
s11408, Oa.
Mins latent .o., Li d.
Gentlem ,—Xatet winter
benefit from the use at 3.t.rgA1p.$
31.ENT In a. tievero attaeu or La Gri
exti have frequently proved It to bo ve
effective In eatieet of inflammation.
IV, A. BUTClini
Everything's fair in love and war
—in other words, before and after
TIS:V11COuver will have a. new drill
hall in the east end of the eity to
cost $350,000,
mineral Liniment cures Colds, Aix
Minneapolis capitalists are likely
to Sta.rt & creamery at Alix, Alta,.
Youngest—"Don't your
shoes feel 'very uncomfortable When
you walk, Mrs. Nuryche 1" Mrs.
Nuryche—"Dear me, what an ex-
traordinary question 1 Why do you
ask, child 7" Youngster—"Oh, only
'cos pa said the other day since
you'd come into your money you'd
got far too big for your boots."
Ortli'T r}fy WSPMZI0
Sale in 1rod Ontario towt; I
opening for utwn et energy. Writ,s Y1.
Pnbilsnine ronnhany. Toronto,
*leo iArk
fer breedin
It. No. 1;
piaci= vOXi
irk to by IN) patr
PurPuffee. Orthsm
athror, .onto
lnteriud and external. cured Vrittio
cot pain hy one home treatment. Write
re before toe late. 3)r. Bellmen Medical
Lirolto.d. flollintevennol. Ont
X., der Stonee, 3ridney trouble, Gravel.
Lumbago find kindred ailments positively
cured with the now Gorman remedy.
"Benet," price 51.50. Another new remedy
tor Diabetes -Mellitus+. And sure cure, lc
"Saner' AritioDiiihotee.' Price 52.00 from
wdritzipset:moirtadn.lrect. Thr Ranol Marra/let
Curing Oonany of Caned*, Limited.
When buyinq your Piano
insist on havtnq an
Plano Action,
NOW is 'he time to give your Maple
Syrup business serious attention,
Order now and have your Evapo-
rator in place before the cold
weather sets In. This Insures care
of your first—and most profitable
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..kucus, ------ — , ,,_,. t,,,,,y2; ,I.Dommhb43116;
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aY. ,em_°r_aidn,,,,,,' ' .uneeptetuber. 1/aPP11"8
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