HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-11-27, Page 2• HAIR RESTORER ores GRAY' .,dr is �ArU '. L C6 orr 9rou,t, and carte Dan AT ALL 1.1OC4iST a. E6Q E NITS q SOT 3 ATIONAL LIVE STOCK SiIOW High Tribute Paid to Canadian Horses-Iiiino s Ex- pert Praises Live Stock Exhibition A ata -patch 'frog). Wrcnto e3ytz. 'd"be 3n,. In Qlze ter whites, the ehammbPiotashIp erg* in, the National 9A 519a Show' to best ]roar went, to W. D, Wright and t Rthib tion Park was vstrx great. 1sdg. sou. OZ tu4rortb, a:;d for hes; sack. to P. ng, from he large, nu.zaher eat' 3yeota?p 'Who , le tjiAii e . Bor olna. 'sated .fie t' ' httl il. lbta e01e10tut 144" " eaolsteaats ]Spirt to pry Test `.4.T4t t4a horses and e0 110 that -,sere . 'own attracted ted n:txo t, atttention, and IA thental$itag test at this shod? Abe cow tew.oNable �nzatst. 4 the, 3nnstheet, number otDoan* ploy, Barger s, air 43C a,ea 13l„ 11,14 10 , vll, /,read trst PAreItreal 1101zteiu, t of the- s:sd2oa of l tr5es, and, whotY2910010. 3rd, baa•2nd. exhibited lay 11., r has seventy + 41 0 Perehersi l` WOW". g tel3eatern nig Cowan cava jig art 1,40 .10944atan.a11A1 tlhovt raze tri ;IVA MI 010a et 3atilP testing lard '" tae :des limb wota A 4 per vent, molting^ A total of ,3 t"od nf4�tt,Itntina, AVIA . this fist ta11044, primes. t10 , blgbe ,cave in tits t t "au aa4,aro < e+,tat 2be lei Ze l 4'N' ,era a A WagRe3tna. aaazd the aaxt2t wz 14att.= 4311714. A1o11a 5100 , , Seventh. And eighth ono tiro a+sthe aiaQt3 040, tat aware t*1;eat ;35'i'slttre0. Altd: ninth and s; tomb]; 1120- . br 8£4aAAtett,01,; 4.a ug the Dol. eta 8leiaaa eat telae s?aasa us0 as the Witattet;, the tar3� ptaoteat oue g ve, 319 lbs., Or Milli. testing 004 54, tnalzr,g 2 2S points@ Zia pa • rye' Anneciali0az, RR want 4d34 a iiassa l'rtaas scar Heists, 4 KA 8P4111e4b' G'AT,,.''�,e z ram Ctereztaount &4 "Il 35, Oardihonso, Wrota, A1,40; tt'I„a'1 e1 qr: Ont, Sega Nugget 41,114R2 4,; ta„ ell Kfr d klASI t. , t)aari„ 1 nt1,ata Matti AT/109410 141t4 4damatoa NSI ?Wale nnaaO„ Geis sr0Ilt,,,k1ll UMW. tta- iasetfUn n St, honsaas„" atm runs. LESS TO BE BONE.. e0 -Tat, at Point; St., etluee4 tlatw Hou11a. tieapatoh trout Uoutreal says 1A lniAlndred Men #p1t4 Ad Irma shops at ref ries are aleetd by an air: 1 by the oatupauy that 44- r uotioe ileAverkin tea will be. frim ' '. o tnc.ln. na241115 a 1Q AVA Iteturs r lit, lne Ae do not NTOPlf.13uu Satu ntturue The order h olt^e one to Faroe. I e,larlatiora the ourtvlitrteait, the 9.441.11muy says that the s1nan er tannt.eut from clic try .m Shope 'W/IP orf saacla tr fats r:_ ,racter tliasilze equipment is roughly up te.date and there set tit be doiae. There was akin gestio t that garnet)! the anon hon a'f va.for Iv time, but it wa ;gilt better tea shorten the 'tour keeps ail lnnnda at Work.:. PRICES Of FARM P S. £tf$R' 5 FROM. THE LEAD3N$ 7$2Ria1 CENTRES OF AMERICA. rife et e*tit,, Crain, Cheese amt. crust Freduere at Home WOO *br1iad. nreadstutts, Toronto, 3geri 2o, --Flour- Ontario wheat tsour$,. 52 per oeUt.,, $3,46„ rQsboard, and at ,*"3.41? 'at local points, Ontaro, ianitobaaa -llrst uateuts, tri points,. bags, 56.34; 4o., secondn,, 54•93A strong bakers', to juts bags, X9.5,1, a3a.nitotta =wheat -No. Northern, 91,0, on tract; Bay parts. and No. 2 at. 89 2.20, ootaria lrrttKat -lvo, �, wheat, $3 tc: rico, tt•.i,. Ste#§ No. 2, :Qmmtar.ea data, az to 3,4e, out, cl4to„ and a; 44 'ao 470. arts traelt„ Toronto, eitarta Ottnade Old eat*. 4,10 tor NO, and ttt 37 3,4ca for 0, 3, 13a7 PAM. l•'eas . outside. tke-Dead matting barley, 69 to 6cOa, Olaterde torn No. 2 American *0;1; We, .i.f.; $11dlaaa l xtro--Ne.. 2 at 643 to 730. outside. Vysikwheat-.70c, outside, with, gone of.,: tertttc, Bran-Manitobabras. $'"21 to 811,50 41 bAs:s., to freights Shorts,. .0 53'450. 'r+PIA Cants 1 ,fitde g▪ aits 4141141**. 10Y Datintry Produce, ettotm 407. ; a t54 vol ltatorfoo c000utory prodnets„ 0 to 40,4 A 2T to alfa storage. prints ora 4aa 444 ttO 22 929. Tete zaeat aid„ to 43e per, tleh• aG ' 'she.. 444e,rerette„ te. tzTMr i irct, ,an4 14 m4 1z. 1.1 IN BUYING YEAST CAKES E CAREFU4 70 SPECIFY ROYAL CAKEs DECLINESUFST/ LIJZS. ENV:GILLETT CO LTD. TORONTO witoopaa. ?btq,ta-rzrat,. ED'S A PP rrEN NGS F1031 ,t1,mei, fan TJI7 GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. 4 b a1Q et SP Otte „ tiers t -a to break. >;t plxo and the lS'urizl 111 Gonerant' Botore Your Eye OalaOda, ontreal. the a,galss miilie?n- 1L Guelph t+o1'lrrls. Tho American Federation of Lai l tar, at Seattle, decided that the time. was not opportune for a labor political party. Qovei"ngr Pother ok Rhoda Is - rid, who as a Q'al;adian, is ill, and it ns ,sand lie had been exposed to danger of ;infection from smallpox. Mrs, Clarissa A. Bailey, an Ili (Haas .„WQ/1atan cif tc#eattle, .argued her awn cam in regard for land assess. Ants before rho Supreme Ocnuet,.. 'idieg her time with her ett*r Is rles B. 'Stover, Parks Cont. anaissio>ner of New York, has n2Qt heard " f r* a since Oct, i ]eft his ()fare, suppose ell QlaarEee against the 'New dee aro made in connection Wit tapping,, re eta- tionS„ AfaalPier captain And two; high officials aro ilnzplieated, It1: Yeanr°s,.ra raiiORS- 1ncA sea fish caught ley Canadian cm this year e7xeeecl, in valine tela of last year by 30 per A va nunndred pantile a-nd _ ho Boyd' CQnferezAce t3T fa^ i n Ontarri rr Comment on Events The Cry et Gbina. On the occasion of his inauguration as president of the Chinese Republic, Ytlan Shi Kai declared that China undertook to observe all the treaties which had been entered Into, and all the obligations which gime of the Mancha dynasty, and since that Period, and that she agreed to con- form to established usage in the conduct of foreign relations On tho strength of these assurances which. were conveyed to' the foreign legations when the Chinese Government Itetified them 'of the election of Yuan Shi Kai os President, the foreign Intnietert‘ acting, tinder the inetruetions 1 their respective governments. accorded ecognition to the republic, - The impact• of the West, cembinit/g With onomie and social causes of perioclieal recarrence in the ha*tor3," of China. has Placed neW name on the gate and a new exterior, "Behind it, however, life gore ott 'as usual te the ancient edifice," says the Times, "rile soul of the peoPle. steep- ed in ita patriarchal consegvatinn, re- mains philosophical.), aloof from the only for peace in their time. for the right to enjoy in security the fruits of all their To this imPtleeiTe China. it is a matter of indifference whether Yuan, as their new ru,k,./-,, eaxa bisAsetf president or Em- peror. Political intrigue mAY agltale the surfaee of these watere, bet the dePthe remain unmoved, "Givo 0;41)10 geV01.11" Inent-de6POtign, it Yea Win. but ntoini- " is the err ot gumbo and the Liquor Truth°. , ge.ehtte, Wald lapPear be moving to - "Mame ;tato totatral et the liquor traftle- • IMPOTtralet. litteVe in the direction et, teMnegn.nee Willi he the apPointment allarcets inspeet liquors and prevent. hi that the ono is made for 4/10 Prolt. but 14 often wenn i)oson „Ow - With the marinfactere and cal° of /*quer • State buluetry conid be ea wen C•041 etecte4 ae the peetoffice. There would be lutlueentent tO the manager' to sell gter ittatra or to adulterate. The revenue, aid be Wed. an the inland revenue. be now, to ormate true temtPere ur cradee. at Tramps, t the 'United States $200.0011 Ueivereity. In au addrou to put, tho tramps Into next beittg the "does- theT here the Priee house in NVIlielt te rate Mat 000- 29 the "tomato redo to made up giwni$104 and T130 RYPer though tile 1 gypsy at tlie venerate ati have, litticeforwis ;A i Cin atwit O an 'flbreho -faced pack, nth the r nix aationa prov�drd Freight C k 1l DU- liege ell packagoe 4t rztto of e9$,11IAnt,IS#1A1 ditioli, evide� tat e being*out aaAeka ; that arQ < t0 ixrsu t* ati i la� tri tits. Agan; rQ hu 11+ tified the � y mob poeititrttl* tr Ai a nt+ 3t kik'. "o 2 'Ye 1~ 4, 40 a 'NAVA loaf,. . tusant.a.aR, 51o. Flour ate, drate, DK bakers', /4.75 to 45; 0 In baste, 14.40 to 2J21.2. um. *wool. . 2. per Pirmit Chert•:ins, eamerv, Essig 10, 1 26o. Bo, TIM eitrallon, tatty :� Johan Ltoyd 3 . Slra,W.. Int,. Eleetrk11 Don, !loaned Pratt 151t -.1. Jehta Oardbonao Tuttlebroolt Be mire; allle, Osteo Brie ra. Burford, Norwell vatrd, 1 ra t:Mu, 2ieaztisp1 e. t' O11 A Glees says: When tiro Iiritiah rsn+I cap;in eve cruiser lSORt et11 #1nQir 4';111 'reach' Mexican. waters the 'iclreigln powers will be represented there by seven war vessels, while the United', States already has fifteen ships of various tonnages tiff the two coasts. There aro ,two `German Cruisers--- the Hertha and the Bremen -at Vera Cruz, and one smallvessel. the ?V'uernberg, is; on the Pacific coast. The British will . have two cruisers, the Berwick and the Lan - taster, on the Atlantic side, while the whole West Indian stretch is within easy call. Franca has sent t.be battleship Conde to Vera Cruz, and the Japanese cruiser Idzunio has sailed for Mazatlan. OEEI, Ship. 4 lehu rt. et Sitort.t sits] dab's icer nis%1";slats. nv ono= -1 lire- n�llierrt, Preece. as ase --1. T., 3.. A1.'STi1T. eeeivee a, Big tlrtlewr £p dstnantls ',.1'rt�es. WAR)VI WINTER COMING. Jane weather will prevail in California, the land of eternal flowers, the ita08.1 Win- tering place, reached cornf,ertably and conveniently by the Chicago tnion Pacific & North Western Line, via, the fastest and most direct rotites, amidst the luxuriena surroundings of the conapartment, elub and observation parlor, or the more mo- derate priced and homelike Tourist ear. Three splendid trains daily -The Over- land Limited. fastest. train to San Pran- eisco-The LOB Angeles Limited, three days to the Magic City ot the Land of . Sunshine, via Salt Lake City -and the San Franeisco Limited. Double traek. elotiiric block signal protection, rock bal- lasting, finest dining car service. Rates, illustrated matter and full particulans on applieation. E IL Bennett, General Agent, 46 Youge Street, Toronto, Ont. The schooner Ada, due at Sum- morside, from Dalhousie, N.B., on November 2, has not been reported since clearing from Dal- housie. .1ratob.ers, and-. Over-Stockiiag§b One. .Ensy to put on and tato off, int welt Buy thorn suiti protect yoursetr tidiest, ' it Wm. 310 qhortho Uxbridge, Oet„. Cal. Stone. Saintsield, Ike; 3. Francis. Oke, Lambton. Dainty; 4, John Brown & Sons, Gale, Ont. lIereford--Hereford steer, under one 3,ear Reed, bfimosa, Teddy Jones; 3, Jamett Page, Tycounell, Out., Tyeonnell Bor. Aberdeea Angus --Aberdeen Angus eteer, under one year -1. James BOWIIMII, Guelph. Out, Sir Guelph. Galloways-Galtoway steers. two years and Under three --I, D. IfeCra.e, Guelph, Grades and crosses and export. steers - Grades or crosses of any breed steer, two Years and under three -1, Janaea Leask .8s Sons, Greenbank, Roan Charapion;'2, John. Brown & Sons, Galt, Ont., King; 3, Ifall & Robson, grade, Bereford; 4, Pritohavd Bros., Fergus, Ont., Barney. Grades and crosses of any breed steer, one year and under tw*--1. John Lowe, Blora. Black Monarch; 2, Thos. Russell, Downeview, Ont., Richard; 3, James Leask & Son, Greenbank, White King; 4, Join , Brown & Sons, Galt, Ont., Favorite. Grades and erosses of any breed steer under one year -1, John Lowe, Elora, Black Donald; 2. James Leask & Sons, Greenbank; .3, Kyle Brea, Drambo, Ont., Spring Valley Pride; 4, Jos, Stone, Saint - field, Captain. Grades and crosses of any bresd-1, Jos. Stone, Saintfield, Lovely; 2. James Leask & Sons, Greenbank. Lily White; 3, John , Brown & Bons, Galt, Ont.„ Daisy; 4, Wm. 1 B. W. Steen, Streetsville, Ont., Grey Beauty. Grades and crosses of any 1,reed heifer -1, oeorge Ferguson, Salem, Daisy; 2, Joe. Stone, Saintfteld, Maggie; 3, James Leask & Sons, Greenbank, Kate; 4, Kyle Brae., Grades and croeses of any breed heifer under one yeat-1, Leo Chard, Lambton )(Lille, Plorrie; James Leask, Greenbank, Wateon; 3, Jos. Stone, Saintlield Gem; 4, janies Leask & Sone, Greenbank', Tib. Export steers, three export steers -1, John Brown & Sons Galt; 2 John Brown & Sons, Galt; 3, Thos. Russell. Downs- view, Ont., 4, Thos. Russell, Doweview, Ont. Sheep and Swine. In Shropshire sheep, the two champion- ships and most other prizas went to J. and D. J. Campbell, Wocxlville. Other winners were: John R. Kelsey, Woodville; ney and Sons, Paris. In Oxforde, both elinmpionships were won by P. Arliell and Sorts, Arltell. Others that won in some of the classes were: II. 0. Arkell, Teeswater; W. Ma,rquis and Son, 'Uxbridge, and P. Sylvestre, Clairva.ux. The Yorkshire champion boar was shown , bY W. Manning and Son, Woodville, and , the champion sow by J. Featherstone and Son, Streetsville. Winnings were made Iv these firms also in the general classes,. and others were : 8. 1 rloby, Square; J. E. Brethour and Nephew, Bur. ford: John Dunk, Port Credit, and Sunny. brook Farm, Nglinton- • ue and a very profitable ono °riding to a. report, which rn the north. This new in S 1s Supplying the larger oities with Christmas trees. Mr. John Menunell of Englehart recent. ly received an order from a firm in New York city for twenty-five car- loads of trees 'suitable for Christ- mas decorations. As it takes about eix hundred of these trees to fill a, car it will be seen that this is quite a large undertakin' g. Grape-Nuts a Perfectly Balanced rood. No chemist's analysis of Grape - Nuts ean begin to show the real value of the food ---the practical value as shown by. personal experi- It is a, food that is perfectly bal- anced, supplies the ne,eded ele- ments for both brain and body in all stages of life from the infant, through the strenuous times of ac- tive middle life, and is a comfort and support in old age, "For two years I have' used Grape -Nuts with milk and a little cream, for breakfast. I am eom- fortably hungry for my dinner at "I use little meat, plenty of vege- tables s.,nd fruit, in season, for the neon meal, and if tired at tea, tirae, take Grape -Nuts alone, and feel perfectly nourished. "„Nerve and brain pciwer and memory are nine)]. improved since using Grape -Nuts: I am over sixty and weigh 155 lbs. My son and husband seeing how I had improved are now using Grape -Nuts. ' "My son who is a traveling man, eats nothing for breakfast but Grape -Nuts and a 'glass of milk. n aunt, over (0, ,seem,s fully nour- ished on Grape -Nuts and cream." o Name given by Canadian Postrtm Co. Windsor, Ont. Read "The are genuine, trite, and full oo* lawman teat, westerea, to 131 4e, - stattan�� 11 °ataAt be 28 1.2,11 eecosztls, 211.2 to 2 --Fresh, 48 to Goan seleoted, 35 to etoch. 31 to ; Ne, 2. do,. 25 t Pt<r bag, ear late, 75 to United StatMarkets. ilnnea� polle. Nov. 25, Wheats-Decembe 1.20: all% 37 5Bta No, 1 ;bard, 86e: Northern 841.4 to 351.11e; 2440. do.. 81.1 to 83 1 nl No. 3 wheat„ 8D 1-4 to 11.2o, Vora --•\o; 3 yellow, 65 to 69c, Orate -No. 3 white, 36 3.4 to 37e, Flour mud bran-13nohnnged. Duluth. Nov. 2 . Wheat No, 1 bard, 361-4o; No. 1 Northern. 85 1.4c; No. 2, do , 831.4 to 833.4et Montana No. 2 hard, 84 1.20; 1/weather. 34 1.4e: :day, • 80 1-4e. Liueeed-$1.36 1=2, December, $1,341.2; gay, 11.40. Live Stook Markets. 3fon enl, Nov. 8.5. --There were no prime beefers on the market ned nix and a half cents per pottrd wee about. the highest price paid, and from that to 3 cents a poand down to lean canners, 311.1ch cowe, 835 to 580 eztch. Calves. 1150 to 57; sheell• Toronto. Nov. 25. --Cattle, Choice but - there, 56.75 to 58; good :medium, 55.75 to $6.25; eonnnon, 84 to $4,50; oannere and enzttere, $3.7o to $4,251 fat oowe, 54.50 to 86; common COWS. 53.50 to 54; 'butchers' bulls, 53.75 to 86.25. Calves -Good veal, $13.75 to 510: common. $4.75 to 55-10. Stockers and feedere-Steers, 910 to 1,030 lbs„ 56 to 56 25; good quality, 800 lbs., 56 to 56.25; light eaetern, 400 to 650 lbs., 54.50 to $5.23; light. $3.50 to 54. Sheep and lambs -Light ewes, to 53.50; spring lambs, $8 to 8.25, but with 75o per head deducted for all tbe buck Ifogs-$8.65 fed and watered, 58.90 off cars. TRADE WITH JAPAN. Coarser Rind of Flour Than the Rome Brand Is In Deniand. A despatch from Ottawa says: The development of trade with Japan in flour is regarded as having strong -possibilities, and Hon. G. E. Foster, Minister of Trade and Commerce, has been making a special enquiry into it., There is a good demand in the Orient for Oanadia,in. flour, but a coarser brand than what is re- quired for t,he domestic trade is most popular. It is probable that arrangements will be made3 with Canadian millers particularly to manufacture this variety of the CHICA.G0 STOCK snow. Judging Competition Team From A. despatch from Guelph says.: The stock -judging team to r p - se,nt the, Ontario Agricolturat' Col- lege in the stock -judging eom,p e tion at the International Stock Show in Chicago the beginning of next month has been announced, They are : J. M, Esrown, Peter For - Woltz; reserves: R. Ramsay, and Clarke Duff. , 1kI�11A., on will bo etg]Cala]: tTatati�'co fx1 Ontario eluding one in the el Marie, Tweivi are rope Twelve hundred. college lien nd a w nen. attended the banquet lowing the inauguration of Dr. MacLean first Prosideut + f the Univers ity o ManiManitoba.Tn tlao Quebec Legisltaturo Pro- vincial Seoret try Dteat:,rio told God. Troy' La iglois, tlno edueattaonnal re, former, that the salaries now paid to female teaa�eliers in the province averaged $103 ayear, in the eiiios, The female Catholic teachers aver- aged $254, and an the country ;$155. among, General improvement among the Indians is tins burden of the annual +port of the Indium Department.ne number o Indians and '';ski. Ino ,put at 109,237,, the Eskinioe numbering 3,447. Indiana proper. increased by 1,500, but the Eskimos deeroased by 1,000, On. tali* has the largest Indian popu- lation, 00,077. Great Britain. Boner Law, at Birmingham, took iasue with John Redmond in, regard to honae rule. A liana= paper has made a, bit- ter attack upon the United States in regard to 1,texico. James Larkin's meeting in Albert Hall, London, was 'broken, up by a band of students. - An Irish volunteer army is being organized to uphold the Govern - meet in case of trouble with Ulster, Lord P-irrie, chairman of the Harland. and 'Wolff Shipbuilding Company, of Belfast, -will resign, to enter Irish politics. Ile is a na- tive of Quebec,. United States. Julian Dorrance, a Connecticut farmer, is said to have produced a seedless, apple. United Sta.tes will not intervene in Mexico, and she hopes that the other nations will wait. A 'wireless -telephone message was transmitte,d from Germany across the Atlantic to New Jersey. Your Bad Taste The Montag Is Due To Cata Your Health is fito I erhaps you haven't thoug a tett your note) and throat e;easaarrneew. atery and look Wealt, Your 'When the attack is eevere„ you breath, is offeneive, due to inderazate tion in the nose and threat, At last science has discovered area acts like uo other Catarrh remedy on earth. "Catarrhozone" operates on 0, new plan; It Is a direct remedy, goes instantly to the source ot the trouble. Ile rich, fragrant essences and healing balsams are breathed tit vapor form through a special inhaler and give IA- liet stage -it goes further -keens ell going till a cure is effected. pad cases are cured, as you can judge from the following letter: "Every Morning.' for six months last winter I awoke with a hatl taste. an awfal breath and stuffed up feeling in my nostrils," writes Rob EL Rutland, a Regina, "It was simply an awful case of chronic Catarrh, Relief first came from Ca- tarrehozone, I used that inhaler twen- ty tirnes a day and took it to bed with me at night, 1 ton cured, and by the use of Catarrhozone stay well, Now I am free from irritable throat trou- ble, coughs, colds, headache, or ea- tt Oa lireol }Urn.% every form of catarrh or edicine on earth is so certain throat trouble as "Catarrhozone," Get the large 1..(10 size. lasts two months and is guaranteed; medium size 50o.; sample size 250„; all storekeepers and druggiste, or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada, No ONE TO Inquiry Into the Wreck of the Steamer Wexford. A despatch from Zurich, Ont., sa3rs: Coroner Campbell's jury in- quiring into the wreck of the steamer Wexford, lost in the big storm on Lake Huron, decided on. Thursday that no one WIS -60 blame for the trageely, but that it was an act of Providence. That, Na.gging Pain in the aek is caused by just one thing --- weak, strained, irritated kidneys. And. ' there is just one way to stop it. GIN PILLS strengthen and heal the kidneys -- neutralize the urine -stop those scald- ing passages -and quickly relieve the pain in the back and limbs. Gin Pills are also the recognized cure for Rheumatism and Sciatica. 50c. a box; 6 for $2.50. At all dealers orsent receipt of price. Sample freedf You viehlioll this Paper. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA LIMITED, gh Glass year go fads that, arc Prefit-Sharing. Series -$[00, $500,38000 INVESTMCNT may be witbaraven any tirno otter one year, hailed 2.8 years. Sond for special folder and fell pszticittekri. ATI ON A L SECURITIES CORPORATION LINIITED other oo lOng 'w11, !Ay be under obvious r. end. v4rions cobeines t b en proposed for netting over the (littleulty and of these the cotuntitaVo form of goverIttuellt or 6ottle of its Ilene seems to be the meet popular. But waste of tile Mud to tlflacts 31r to.:b re- emu:tent, What seeme to be really Avallt. 111IP IP 11(4d that pIeee, tno zoo' 8.4,1, the iglilltiee or leer n ctozen COW V. 1. ere. Iftvt of the troubles of oit'ee r.riee from the feet that they do trot reeopetito titat °glee should be the prize of the btst teen told Should be paid. ateeord- iticly, No good man trill give uP ble erativo private bueiness to enter public service awl be at the ittercy• of every pc- litteal wind that blows. Cost of Living In Canada-, It Le seen tbat artielee of food and Itrtl. tki et (ginning, att well es ether comma dittom entering lute the /lying coat., show- ed goterel increase in priee Year, Animals told meats, butter ttud eggs. roll, ed oats. oatmeal. eugar„ and other foode tember than ;boy had *Pet A Year before - The sante statement luny be made In "re, gard to beets and shots, textiles, enthre- vita real, fuel generally,. bottee loge. building materialls aztti other len: antortant. artieles, Tale 'wag the condi- tion in september, and it does not len- prove as the weeks go on, but rather. be - cornea worse, DIVORCES IN GER31,1,),-Y. Latest Statistice Show An Exfra- ordinary Rise. Germany, which ha some tune past has been expressing alarm at the. falling birth rate, has discovered 4 new- sign of social decadenoe. It is the "marriage crisis." Latest sta- tistios show an extraordinary rise in the number of divorces obtained in Germany. For instance, 15,780 divorces were obtained in 1911, or 20 per 100,000 inhabitants, against 12,180, or 20 per 100,000 in 1906. It is believed that when the next set of statistics is published a further increase in the 'number w21 be re- ported. Wbat makes the marriage crisis all the worse is, that while ,the number of 'divorces is rapidly in, - creasing the number of marriages. is decreasing. The nuinber of -mar- riages per 100,000 'inhabit,ants -in 1906 was 8,200, in 1911, 7,800. A NEW YORK G UNMAN. Receives Long Term for Violating Sullivan Law. A despatch from New York says: For carrying a pistol, in violation of the Sullivan law, Antonin Con- cha, an east-Sids gunman, was sen- tenced on Friday, to fourteen years' 'mprisonment in Sing Sing. The eituation in Natal, whore an uprising of Hiliclit,s, was feared, has developed no more ,dangerous fee. - tures, and it is now believed th,at ' the movement will collapse. -31