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Exeter Times, 1913-11-20, Page 8
1 p M WS WV R.RR�.Rr .>4 p=ro-=ssa 84.LGWq.ItY1W16 WART S —PONEt-- R,E,'I SONAELE PRICES PliEVAIL. For Winte: Swell new $ 30 the new reedy for de,TbeY edlyr atOW is a code, eaa4� ▪ as rr' The Zdel c oti- erirtg for b e r*Oltls The calors A r e izzl rmateed,, fat .to sura aataal, ater. It comes la three calors. hilae, green and In 4�4F;Gl. It is re- versible with .dift- ?s r e u t patterns um bapth skied. a. kJ'it, ;title AVIATION CAPS lie h wa.rm .We4.tabl. 1ST 'horse ww: j o want to, do fanny work ro ;are to their fclends ut mas. w4, fluid, abigrA,Age of sautple iineua Here, lac to SI,20 FORD �` n t` t�`aatttf4�rt wear pair°fonr t.1 cti$Iiir�rted They. Int shams. They aim. O wearsod YwA"�lt�' 'A "a ''rs:, a X14 Market Report --The following i.s th.e report of the Exeter market dor^ rected up to November 20th , 1 \'heat Standard a;3, Oats .10 to 32 4 i r p; 1 Barley 50 °., 57; l i j :Buckwheat 40 to 60 f 1 I _ Peas, S0c Family Flour 82.60 Shorts; M. 3 $raa $32 per toe I: taw ig'racle 1Io*,ar Eggs 36 to 37 Butts 24 to ?a""cc Creamery butter 28. Chick alive 11 Cheek dressed 13. '?ens alive a 1letna dressed 10 Duck alive 10 Duck dressed 13 >a. i Geese dressed 12. 1 a-iurke3S alive 17 Turkeys dressed 'as Dried-;ifpi's 6c4i, potatoes 75 to 60, Hogs 8.5.40 ' 3 b f i. ExIorters 7.50 to 7,75; Choice Butchers '7 25 to 7.50, Good Butchers 6:25 to 7,00: Choice heifers 7.00 tethers heifer* 575 to 625 Choice cows 5.75 to 6,50 Good cows 4.75 to 5,50 ' 1 Meditm 4,25 to 4.75. r 1" In the new tri- coital* ; And any roinhitatwtt t#aa nf color that y 0 U w,aut They ars, great e.;tlue at$3 1 °RAS LRS and a srlla? iia cellar. nod. Yafib FANCY COLLARS ANL) CLIFFS Lwwo COL STEWART AWN rook LOCAL 4 Geo X°awkeyr sperm 1 ces.rr, relative ia# '4doxa • wv aa, a as spending €z siting her dough, wsfriting ick Cfilcc 50 scuts • fi€ad kYota,;sc for^ ;1,zle, Apply to itecal4 au Ct fi. or to Thome a4ni%a,`ra d l 4rluhalC, Leila Oath a rt: of l.ucaaz wins •..k.t of lli.Fs 2. Whiteford of spry Snaiday' Past,. F'esh cent flowanea s fox ha1iur XMAS y, on:k°r,s Yz.l 4`. a ¢S, --E.' . 1K'o. At t informal dance will be hell lafotlazaoncrs build an "t 4n May event .. n t. Toney Vita Orchestra, will pro- rdt=' : the Musk. ilvtaer. lttantultkita and us -,4 as carte* hay dotterr's dowta t Pe te" naicoobes out of Than annual convention rine- and Exeter Sunday ea was held in .11itnw" berth on Wednesday A good house for sale.. Apply to T 11. McCallum Exeter, or ice Thomas Cameron Farquhar. Janes 3. Connolly, the, writer of sea stories made a trip around the Horn with the battle: fleet. fn the Christruas Scribner he tells a tale, "In the matter of a bale of Blankets" descrbiitg the sacrifices that a nav- al officer makes. ; The Women's Missionary Society of James >reet Methodist "church 'held a social tea, in the basement of thd. church oa Monday evenit g. Tea was served in the Young -Men's 4elass rotten after which a splendid pro- gram was given . Mrs, Arc a.ilnate gave an excellent address oa4 ?wCi sious, ©,00 7roceamounts d to overt'r Mr, S. Rowe who recently left for Clinton to manage the undertaking business for Bali & 4tkiLsotiwas iu; towo this week packing his houser bold effects which the rooted to Clio- t: '0u Tuesday. Mr, and firs, Bowe; and two daughters Viola and Flor- ence are highly respected ,residents of town and have many friends, who s -bile regretting their departure will wish for them every success in Cli;u- tote. Last Friday eve sing . n hound wr'hich ;Sir Ed, Snell had gilt up for lost found its wyay dower t W,inc harp. Early in the week I Wes, Snell and Tkaora 130'aer w eat to Wingharn to haat rahbi .s and took the dog aloe; withi the= tlrn Taaesday 'inornieg they Plat 'f14 inn berm iniad a4 coon Sae had disappeared and hall riot 7ree,'a heard until he arrived hone and 3 rialfzy erila°. The Dost online deport .eat is ziltaai- kna to put the l? ants most a ,stein operation immediately atter the -suras rush, The .gates Aro now eiti * figured Pat rand they will lake- somewhat in excess to those United States The t*tnr''t- anal e?fficials have almut templet. - ea -Me -that O emplet.- ea- eth o data al which the service 'crated in different parts Tile old on Bee 'eevers' ASsociatioti masa! meeting is the amber At Cliiitora au Thurs., otslding two s+gsiemft .rnprm et:t4vutk There wvaes ti of .aaaael aborA from eat the Caatrnty and to time engaged b,e'culture 'Fort Isaac 'Dodd of Tres out and erer or Zair- rst cane isn't',' 1 elect- -edam; of meet- s Pre - out vice pro., atoncrie;s. sen- aeob Il tieret Is, A, I, XePherson, eaattie. Varna : E. Carr Cottle. Whiteeheraht %Talton. J. t3ontbrow r, li, 13.; Brown E'oi't'Albert. ors Nutt !Rhos, 1;ro er. car load of cho.ie t$n;posed to be in at Terms s to 'suit tt. ae . A. C. g Followia dent Eel' A.. J. l'or'd 1ms moved int? be recently purehseeat. tine ldo,$, 1 spar lad Mr, Yohi onald has moved irate the lacus ied by Mr, Void. , llama Manager of the Exettar. iVl lbuaftteturir1 Company will move lolly; to town ImAl<t uaotuth and ontad the ;Cine brick house on Street recently vacated by Mr. Qt et A =4a Aj Vrfr 164. La mos are' Th Yesocl News ALL Til areful Buyers GAIN the near approach of Christmas finds our shelves groaning under their content of Gift wares; But be ye not longer unwise. Let not another week pass 'ere you draw from our fast melting stocks your supply of Xmas needs. And May Thy Xmas Be a' Merry One Stocks never larger. Prices never lower. We are ready, Our toy section is open. Yon' will find our toys in the rear of the store. We have Post Cards 5 for 5c. Photo Calenders, Gloves, Hand.. -- kerchief & ,Photo boxes. Brush & (Jc,mb sets, mottoes and hundreds of things we cant mention here. We will set aside any purchases till Xmas. • Follow all the crowds to the Big Variety Store. a, ai l4. The Hone of Edison Phonographs 'Rh ISI � EtG�'4! STORE Special Discount to Schools and Churches. �.R 411.17,6 aktgFERRe® `TA V_IL,„ 3,ir sRicRwR :. qp aaa .R°' RRR°44 RRRRRRRRRRi16 4lc �Q' RYRR RRRR�H 4e'p F�► e e R3N�IpIRRRHARgR4-CRBEI,y��mg4p Sje,Q,. 4j Wan fe vas al{IP R A Gx: ggni n0 nilwn. G$ otav+autio ry zr o e 1►fcAlister, rev. fid. Izrsr•,;a $. .1.4artin !E'hal likes were in attending the st'em's Mission y 11 • Irr. .wee ovial and liner I Rant' c Methodist church ah bat .orning aud James Street cher- 11 in the Vrialiatg, vatted up to itoow where blODEL could he secured in St Thomittil. als anc, Of his customers was moviaur that city and wished to make sure MODEL --liar rey Oros. Mrs, Wilson of Greenway organizer fetbodist church last Friday' later - eau and gave n very helpful ad- d resS on "Preach Missions There was a good representation of the soc- iety present. The Guy Bros. Minstrels Played to a pack,ed house in Exeter Lust, Friday *Ping last They paraded Main St floott arid played a number of ex- tent selections. Mr. Willis Pow- ell made several reeords for the The Ladies Gnild of Trivitt, Mem- orial church wilt hold their annual bazaar in the Cuero House on the first Friday in December. There will be an afternoon tea ar.d sale .1131 %York Admission 10c. In the even- ing there will be cantata and sale of work also Admission 25 cents. occupied the pulpit in Jarnes Street Arethodist church last Sabbath and preached two very acceptable ser- mons The pester Rev. W. G-. Ir McAlister co od acted anniversar); services at Teeswater. Rev. Dr. McGregor. B. Al; Secy of Social Reform and Evangelism oC the Presbyterian church will kivc a stereopticon lecture of ,soz,•ial coudi- tions of our Canadian cities it. Coven church on Tuesday evening, Nov 25th A. 'voluntary offering will bet taken Mr. Sohn McLaughlin went to Lon- don last Friday and on S•aturday was accompanied home by Mrs, McLaugh- lin who recently underwent an oper- ation at St. Joseph's hospital Mrs, McLaughlin is making satisfactory progress and her many friends hope she will soon lae able to be arou.nd. Dr. Prescott Ross accompanied by his mother Mrs, D. A. Ross left last Thursday for the 'doctons horne at Norno.ha Idaho. Dr. Ross has been in town tor several weeks winding up the cstate of his father the la,te D A. Iloss. 31Im, Ross will make her home with her son in future. The hest wishes of 'many freinds in town will follow .11rs, Ross. S,Luiriel Season Opens—It is open season tor ;squirrels and every day the number is being areatly reduced The heason epened on Saturday and early in the day there were numbers this year are fairly plentiful. There :,,hortage of nuts this season and n tile orchard and granaries Afor aY • Ce Ors rooms `ever tit aahlri is also n dye worlo. W. Joh114 at bi lost Office, 3E4 NG Parties using 4hed who make nigh hideous r noisy manner must ktait it be shed will be closed at an early hour in the evening. order the Trustee 113otird—S. btariiu Sea WANTED --Large cut ra "nail order house will pay one man in each locality $15 weekly for.a few hours ark showing samples Outfit Tree, 'National supply Co. Windsor, Ont, meeting „of IfOron County Council 12 The Council of the Carporaticra of the County of Iluren will meet in the Council Chamber in the Town of God ,;rich on Tuesday December the Zni. at 3 o'clock All accounts against the countY most he placed with the Clerk before this date. W. LANE Clerk Dated at Goderich Nov. 13th 1913 ismomsubstoommummisity GOULDS GROGtitY PEtONE 47. Opposite Electric Light Ma,`, We make 4 sataiat,g, of ling Family Qedere. The Groceries we deliver to yore are the best to he had, and the prices we ask are the lowest possible Send or bring your next or- der rder to us and be convinced th, wt finisis the Right Store to buy your 'ilroceries and Pro- visions. BE TEA AND ggE�{ WORE liTRit—(limine: Rutter and b`resh Egga. •• The Home of • High Class Furnitn • WE have our howr©Pt t well AA, e:d again with up--- to-date furniture of all kinds. We al-. ways try to have on hand the best goods to satisfy the wants of qui • party crastaraers, • • R. IN ROW aP • e • el` • 4 URS,l» /co - 20 t9t3 t EfG.CDOTrit. They are made bthe mosty skilled mechanics in the world, to 'insure ac ran —,,-and from the finest materials obtainable for the safe of arability. In fact, they are made a little better tha, seems necessary'. WINSIMINEINIMIN JUST . Qtrft.....ktg.:YOU.R.SELOUT Embalmer Funeral Director Oa ark) ) tine lomat he severed for The hard; have sautides issuee w',!A#A are ahual [ read them by dile o a alto :lurch tilted to remain then The Ward realize that t , tensions wbcz It is not coavvL o leave town at azn early boar thus allow free access to the "at all times The l ixneraatit be 'hoard aias'been appreciated by ay .of the liurrotnUii'ra country a i" have always been a used ol` QX-' at ;accormodatoi-a Jar their bar, lfowover• there are u'• number vire abusing the privilege e the tilled a resort for boodle. oh to the disturbance" of t la that, localit1. "+wa'itha_L,.R into consideration the prem. - upon which ttuch is belt= carried r. ty arrive at atli bouts of .tbe might wwkith no pretence et luie ness nttd at times the language used 1s. anytii}r,g bat proper. There are two recourses open to the :Board. One 1,3 to secure the dames of ts'ouu: of 'the disturbers land make fan example of them; the outer to close the stable;1s. at on early hour each oventing.,ntochr to the inconvenience of the. general Udhlic and the offenders ns wvcll. • hat ii ea. Crtstal I a Litter Carrier ke a, little time. Figure it out for kps you, slave not taken: tin t it wouldd mean to you he eeler1 ated B. T. Bros. very wide awake business lt pays to keep t+,p to,date. outs down your time, enables to "eed wore stook. greatly reduces the , and i peps your stables in a better eon - tion, 0ztl02e in. and talk it, over. James Beverley FURNITURE DEA.LER FUNERAL DIR2oTort AND ENBALgER /lain St, Exeter Phone 62. lates contains so many "surprises" in new, enticing, delicious, palate -tickling confections as to make each piece an encore for another. Original—and exclusive --are Forkdipt Strawberry Liqueurs. Chocolate coated, with a filler of whole strawberry fruit immersed in cool, liquid cream. Crush the shell of crisp, richchoc- -Ldelicious, sweet and sparklingi Packed handsome boxes tied with ribbon. C)PIic'"1 S, Howey EXETER ONTAIR"CR Mr tli0 6old wcatlior Ikaueres from 24.00 to 55.00 Dollars Stove Boards S5 and 95c. Stove Mats soc‘ Coal Hods 30 to 60c. Ash Sifter 20 cents. Stove Pipes, Elbows and Collars Furnace work a Specialty Builder s 1-111RDWIIRE WE have a big stock to se- lect from for Barns, Houses and Other Buildings, - HEA A HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE Bay wanted to learn Business Fresh and Cure Having completed an up - to - date butcher shop. 1 am now prepared to supply Fresh and Cured meats, will give all orders our promot A comp!ete fresh stock of Groceries always ors Ilan