Exeter Times, 1913-11-20, Page 3WEIRR DISCOVERY MAD1 SKELlqap,NS FOUNO ON' 124. ABAISBONEI) $HIP. The ill -Fated Sailing Shin Was SighRed in a 13teehen Cave, A weird tory of the eee, has been bri4y ,qabiedfrem, New Zealand., It is the stery ot the _finding of the eailing ship Marlborough with twenty Akletapis orr heard. The Marlborough; . Glasgow, owned berque, belonging to Messrs. Leslie and Company, sailed flown Lyttelton, New Zealand, with ANXIOUS TIMES FOR PARENTS children often girM, PiUing iwaY And OrthAasry Nedioine Duas Not ,fielp, The health of obildren between the Ages a twelve and eighteen years, paetiettlarin in the' reeee of girls, is a 501tree literious vrorrY to neae'ln evory mother. The growth a-nd developmentAnkes so much of their etrength that in many -maze they aetually seem to be going into - a deeline, The appOite is fiekle, brightness gives way to depres- •sion; there are often serious head- aches fins of dizzinees or oree,a, several passe,ngers and a crew of sional fainting and a eompeaent of thirty-three, under the command of we,ariness at the elighteet exere Capt. Wird, in January, Lego. She 'Eon. Ordinary trnedieines will net WAS homeward bound by the Cane bring relief. The blood ba e be - aerie route,. and was spoken in mid- come thin and ertttmr*Yr2,,,n4 142° oeean in the Sonthern Fecific, after c,Ki,d mutt, Imve eemetheng that wheele no other -word ot her ever heard. April of that year she was jp?eteed iniseing, and later on was given up as having beea loSt areuad the Vera, whore the bones a many E4 good sivii) end, many a hundred wit/ bring the Wood hack to rts normal cedition, At this stage no other medicinecan egeee Dee Williams,' Pink pii/4., beir Wij1411t) ihiti.4ion is to make new Which re:wilt-as- every pure of e body, leri4:4 1344c I, seamen be, •A Government eraieer atreagth and energy, Mrs. James searched the rocky and tortuous Tja,rris, Pert Rowan, Ont, , say toeete Pe.tagenite, but no tree° "At the ago of thirteen my deugh,, Of her Wall found, The Maribor- tor began to look ITU P0-101 and ough became jnet another a the seemed listlees and always tired. thousand arasteriest of the eea, She did not, tae interest in he •A day tir two ago another British school work or in thoee amuse - sang ship arrived in Lytteltou •meats of girlbood. In feet ehe just with the enery that she had feenel 'eeemed to drag hereon about, eorn- the Marlborough and the skeletons plaining of always be tired; Q twenty of her erew in one of tho did not eat well, onni diduot• sleep rocky coves near Punta Arellaa well at niht 1 took her to our (Sandy Point) in the Yegellen doctor oho said Ow Was anaemic, ereee centigrade, so that, allowing -for the differenee in preesure, wa- ter shoad boil at, its equator. This would send foeth such vast quanti- ties of eteem that the clouda eveuld eut off mull of the sun's heat, Profeeeer Maunder denies that anY Planet but Venus ea 4 be habit- able, and as to Venus he reserves judgment. POT Protoplasm, the unineesal eonstituent of all living matter, eannot live permanently below 0 degrees nor above 100 dee grees centigrade. Therefore the aim, Margery, and the dieeant plan - etre would bp too hot for it, while Mars and the =On would be to eold, leaving only Venue as a pos- .. sibility. Strait, The Captain's 'Story. Ta viiptain is quoted astell stety In the fellowiag words; were off The roeicy 'riov Arenas, keeping nen shelter, The eoves are t, the sailing difficult a, point nto adeep fore us, a mile c.ar the water, stood a sail., ith the barest, shreds of ginthe breeze, and hove to, No Wo starched the glasses, Not a ot a movement, weo picked out in g an4he green of deeay, "At last, we eame up, There was, ign of life on board. After an interval our first mate, with a, Mena - 'nor of the trove, boarded her. 11-er sight that met their gaze was thrillg. - "Below the. wheel lay the skele- ton *f a Inert, Treading warily en the rotten deck, which cracked an broke in platee as thine, walked, they ereountered three skeletons in the /useehway, "In the, messroom were the re- mains of ten bodies, and six veer° found, ono alone, possibly that of the captain, on the bridge. "There was an uncanny etillness around and a dank smell of mould which made the flesh creep. A few remnants of books were diseovored in, the captain's cabin and a rusty cutlass. "Nothing more weird in the his- tory of the sea can ever have been seen. The first mate examined the still faint letters on the bows, and after much trouble mad, 'Marlbor- ough, Glasgow.'" *Hundreds of Ships Pass There. and advised •mo give her Dr. Piek Pilla. She took the Pills for nearly two months„ hen $15q was as woil and i3.veyaa omdd, be,. pined nieely ght, and has sun., enjoyed per - health, I fon. quite sure that the Pills did or my danghter will do for other pale, weak gar 5, I have also used Or. Hams"' Wft- 1ink Pills rnyFolf with the bet results and can only speak a them in terms efgroatest praise." Sold by all medicine dealem or itt by mail at 09 cents a box or six 3mea Pie boxes for $2,00 from The D. Wil- hasba Uau&Medieino 00., Brockville; ,banged in that on. She RneW. Teecher-Have you looked up the meaning of the word imbiltie,1„ Fanny?, Fanny -Yes, ma'arn. Teeeher-Well, what mean Fanny-To take in. Teaelernoyes. Now give a sen - tepee using the word. 3FaAla-Y-My -aunt inaleibee beard - does it ore Chest Cured In One Night rake Up a Heavy Cold, Relieved Pain in the Side, Steppean, Irritating Gough. "Anyone that goes through, al/ that Suffered last winter will annreela,re the value of a remedy ,that cures like ererenine cured inee These are the opening WOrds p the enleten Oclar- etloo a IL neon Hayden, thIl well- )ioewa violittiet "My wer% kept me out late at night, and playing in cold, drafty places brought on a severe cold tbat settled on DIY ebeet. I had a naeeh, ea -eking egugh lent seVero Pain darted through my sldea and settled in my sheuldera, used differeat lini- ments, but Mlle broke UP MY cold tin I used Nerd. line. I 111131/ed It nn my /4„pelre, eheet, and sh011idere, morning and, night, and all the Pain diSaPP-eared, Realizing thet sueh a heavy coid bad run %Iowa IsYStem. I took Ferrozoner at, meals, and was completely built up and strengthened. Since USIng Nerviline I have, oe More Peldll or nleurfar, end eujoy nerfeet hMtIth„" Ws neeeenie Non/Ilea eqntaillit the urest and most healing medicinal rinciples, because It has the power sillIting through The pOtee tO the rnel of the ,poin--these are the Tea- ous why it treats up colds, cures lumbago, stiffness, -neuralgia, sciatica and rbemnatisra Refuse any 130.4t - CURES CH EST COLDS HEAD GOT BALO IN PLACES Very Itchy, • When Brushed, Dan- &WM! Over, Hair Came Out In Great Bunches, Cuticura Soap and Cutieura Ointment Cured • Eted in Threta Week,. 15 nos= l'orooto. Oatee-"Ahoutl twoyearsago the daudrou nesan. My head 400 Nitres* and oaa4R, foPi3:04 PR St, vfhiell. res,dott bald in pleoes. Is was very Itcy ern (Pme ir ,epacti,,,eey tp414 10 ulatte it worm. / oways h4to stear eeewnetnerie-tne bouso4O-reer'40ronte Whea, ever1 bet:4h%! my hair le SO. the 454554eor an over. Tao hatrosece outtu sprat tanuches. until I Irv; nearly bald and witea ;se at it 4: worst JO came oirS roots, sett all, "Iorteed.------ieblekmadett woe theabee fees 1 tried sevond things. after gas; hut they. vrera ne, geocl. Atter nine, months MO this if bad hardty any hair etwt ope day T takOrea5d oop t5a edvsrOterneat of 0444% 5p u4 ;MO -sees te Mert. serelateteeser an; ree * **Peel*. refter 7401.41411$ -with tho Qutictem 500 applied Outteure, Ointment eon eould. fad great r41.4. After ttatonns5 ibesemple1 vleat and get a mIce Otticern flea? adboa Cutieura Olatraaat, la ibree bey bad cored rey 1zeit4." (eigeted) no. May 5,41,154 flinteera nom and Illt,troont do ao mtteh tate. your dealer may enggest-insist, for Prior omplexiene, rocl, rougb 4.0411.174 on igerviline oelY. 'Large family else 447' ThIn and 414'4 144 °°411°"411 ettles, 0.0e.: trial else, 260.; oral:11'4h lociennztaat107411,0yunte, C9,, Bae, or-;,4-N—with Dire Distress. book.. send roos-card to Potter Drug Obenueerp..Dept, I>, Lo Wakdlleb hanged with of her woman ha he State sine 18'7tL Punta Arenas is a pretty large place as South American towns go. It has a population of several thou- sands, and, of course, the Magellan Strait is a great shipeva,y traversed hy.Inmeireds of ships yearly, which take this way to avoid doubling the Horn with its furious gales. The whole of the Magellan Strait, from Cape Virgus to Cape Pillar, is 'familiar to thousands of seamen, aud, indented and rockbound though it is, it seems incredible that a ship could be concealed for nearly a quarter of a century in that, part Vnear" a place like Punta Aretaz. Had the discovery been made 'among the desolate and multitudi- nous isles of the Cockburn Chan- nel or down about Cook Bay or False, Cape Horn -perhaps the wildest coasts in the world -it would havo been more credible. Indeed, ilhortly after the flip was lost -there was a report that the orew of a passing ship saw seamen signalling from an island down that way which is 300 or 400 -mike from Plif) a Arenas. elk -- Either Bitten or Stung. TR VENUS o ossor )Iaunder Draws Ueda tions Prom 'Temperatures. Judging from the temperetur Profeseor Walter Maunder, the a tr000mnr, is of the olumon, that will prevent colds, or if they do Venus, of all the planets, te tile (31mo on suddenly the, Tablets will Ily one habitable. lie is quoted clear the stomach &ea bowels and in azi*exthange as saying that the instantly relieve the baby rem sun's temperature is more than 5,- cold, The Tablets are sold 1*- HARD TR B BABY AGAINST BOLDS. The season for cold& is at hand and unless the mother keeps a eon -Lineal watch over her little ones cold will seize -them and ofeen more serious maitre follow. An ocea- n -al dose of Baby's Own Tablas An -aged cold -red man w as passing a -fish store when he e.toPped' to . examine a huge- turtle- chained, In • the :doorway as an adver4seruent., He had never eeen ittrtle he- • foee. and he prodded the Strange:, e,e-ature.. -.Suddenly- he popped his -fienee, its outhwith: ahowl 'of ;mire., -After the fingerhad sbopped bleeding: he', gazed at it ruefully, theil - eyed the' , turtle .aPprehen- .. .•"`',What's the Matter''Rrestitern? eked the ,fiela dealer,' ,With 'Nu riin , sate 3nuin4h/wa- eet,W4ederin:g. .whether AhJ had 000 degrees *elitism& while the moon, owing to its lanic of atmos- phere, is, at night, about the tem- perature of liquid air. Mercury, which always turns one face to the sun, mast be far hot, - ter, says Professor Maunder'than anything of which wo have know- ledge, while Mars must always be at below freezing point. The more distant planets -Jupi- ter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune - are so tar away from the sun that Ain. a Murine Eye Remedy they receive scarcely any heat from it, while they are still in a nearly " have Redo Weak, Watery Eyes or Gratritulated Ere. Doesn't Smart inca,ndestent condition, and ac- ain. DI/gists Sell cending to Professor Maunder, pro- Murinte VyeE.gmedy. Liqui 25c, SOe. habil have no solid nucleus. Murine Bye Salve in Aseptile Tube Venus, however, has a -mean ti- 25:1 Me• EY° E°°1rs Ere° II' Mall. ay. Towle illood for An ryas Haat ?toed ewe perature of 69 degrees centigrade, kit:rine Ey* ft.med Ce., Chicago and at the equator one of 95 de - medicine dealers or by mail at 95 *eats a box from The Dr. Wil- liams? Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Between Girls. He says he has never loved any girl but me." "Do you believe hirril" "I am inclined to. His kisses are rather ataateuris.h.," Sergeant-Major Under General French Veteran of Boer War Who Lost Health on the Veldt Tells Experience. Good Acivic4 for All Who Hive Indi- gestion or Stomach Disorders. • In his home at Waldegrove, N.S., no one is better known than Sergt.- Major Cross, late -of the 4th Queen's gsvii Hussars. Seaking of the 111 - effects of a campaign upon a man's constitution, the Sergt.-Major writes: 'II served under General French dur- ing the late Boer war, in the capacity of Sergt.-Major. It was perhaps ow- ing to a continued diet of :bully beef, hard tack, and bad water, but at any rate my stomach :entirely gave out. I was in ench a state that I could eat nothing without the -greatest suffer- ing: "I'he,e1...my doctors did not help me ranch,' and. sinc,e, leaving the ser- vice I have been very miserable -Same few months ago a friend told me he had been 'a great sufferer' from indi- gestiOn until, he tried Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they cured him. j confess it was without much faith I bought a box but the first dose made me feel better than I had been for a long time. Dr. Hamilton's Pills complete- ly cured 211d now I can eat -every- thing, and anything. I have reccm- inended them to others and in every caSe the result has been similar to mina." Quiek, sure results attend the use of Dr. Hamilton's ills. They cure disord';.tre of- the stomach, correct in- sd rg:ns gf t01 n emaked.T yoreeufneeswo l uplifted niliftaeintdaanind health, Da Hamilton's rills always prove a good prescription. 26e. per Pe‘).C1 ljexe,a,lor,41,1 alt dealers. ;the cat, k.."4,Cinkci.9nOttlir 15 CAUSE OF FOREST FIRES. San's :Rays Focus on Discarded Empty Bottles. Governinental autherities are al - way a' anxious to find out the cause of forest fires, •sinc,e Canada has suffered severely in this respect in recent years. According to some theories, the cause is very often empty glass bottles. It is an unfortunate fact that itt practically every hunting camp there are men who are fond of their drink, and they are careless where they throw their discarded flasks or beer bottles. This heavy glass cast into a bundle Of dry leaves will catch the rays of the sun and start a fire just as a- magni- fying g,lass would. - An inspect -or while walking along a Wooded trail one day, saw a, thin curl of- smoke arising from' leaves nearby." He went- to the spot and looked carefully, but could see no cause for the fire. As he was in the act of stamping it out, he dis- covered the bottom of a beer 'bottle lying on the leaves„ upon -which the sun was playing its rays. This may appear to be a triyial reason to account for some of our great forest fires, but if it is true that fires are so caused, measures taken to pre- vent hunters, and lumbermen frena throwing empty bottles carelessly an -ay may mean the prevention of Mach costly destruction. - , -:Galobleton !`Edison . declares ,that four" hour S Sl,eep per night is enough for any Man." Kiddcr- "Bv Jove I That is exactlY.,, what 1111) . , 411 , 'Wombat," said the reed ono, "bItt personal ndsht, prornpt.s me to speak," 'What it, 'o,14 chap' "I •(ea- 44, unless on iprove our personal ,appearance, you F41Y"I1547prejtt:" "You uced a new b "You, nge CLT01,2,? "You need 4trfeetQuitct8rune with a sigh, "Then take pruee up." "Can't squander al mysoU,cad man, My off than I am," "Dear me :flow i5 thatl" "he needs a new feather loos. thegroun adinitted lea salary and CAI,CEIA.TOR. tint ( uinCannot Bend 0 'elves Mental Probierilfi. 0tO at Nantes his patients " who, al ad an write, problem A "How many years, 3 month d Ineurslbe gave the correct answer in 32, se de. Explaining how be calculated the number of seconds ao years, he said: 41 know by heart that th 00,000 seeonds iu a. year. I mul- iy 30,000,000 by 80. That gives 1110 000,000,000. Then 1 suldtiply 1,- 00,000 by 00 awl get 45,000,000; 30,- 000 by 30, whioh gives 900,000; and 6,000 by 30, giving 180,000. I add all these products and get 040,080,- 000 seconds in 30 years» This an- swer was given in 14 seconds. one,y an fo is worae ti.)1 A SAD TRAGEDY. It often happens -your core own is eto sd on. Why not. 1.1110 "Pututua's Corn Extraat.r..r." It, cures in one day. abet). lutoly 50 pain with "Putnam's." Ilea no other. 2.5o. at, all dealers. —4. ---- Teaoher-4`If you had eight pen- nies and Billy had four, and you took his and put them to yours what would that intdrel" "Trou- ble." Millard's Liniment Curie Diebthstle. Jones -"Can you afford my daughter the luxuriiis to which she has been accustomecrl" Suitor - "Not, much longer. Illuet'5 why I want, to get inarrie,c1!" Minard"s Liniment Co., Limited. Oentlernen.-In July 1905 1 "Wilff 'thrown from a read machine. injuring any hip and hack badly and ea s obliged to nee a crutch for 14 months. In Sept. 1505 Mr. Wan. Outridga ot LachutAig ronehit s impossibility. try MINARD'S LINIMENT, which I did -with the most satisfactory recsults and to-duy aan as well as ever in ray life. Youra sincerely, his MATTIIEW x BAINES. ,nark :1:1T:h5teenBat:teSesE: reew, , , t1:::4111:111NRadoITsTaltolnhird W4s137A:�1 R :70,4 3 1 1. therefore in ail the -World, grove- on top of a arnali mountain in weetern Szeehuan, called Ming Shan, and retldite eucker/ateopapnle it y:h4e7suzrai, T press of B ditioe saye that a Chineee pilgrim /*ought the eeeds from India eon - pat: xeriaeydsszelegn.00 en. aeelTahseer- reterpi,:aur ied ,onlysoe!Pereehkfaienvwge .for the use ef the imperial holfse.' hold.. Who will get the precious t a now ' Will it be reserved for e fa-mily of the president oi the republic, or will it be eeettered , among those who are willing to pay a Tbihger1Veise ak)rBaY61Thng '4'illI.Ozhil'irnYal, tbatI to make a perfect cap of tea you mut take leaves from Ming Shan and water from the Yangtze. No ne suppoeed the actual turbid er-water to be meant, but no one eounl explain the proverb until De Rosthern, who wrote an inter- eseing treatise on ebillese "teal SCP17- ed the preblem or theught be did„ De liesthern was one* crossing" the Yangtze near its mouth, ati Chee-lriang, when he saw some men • . ,. , ibuck a- ooar ., topping water ntoe cis. He inquired why they dlci that, and was told that at the bottom of, the bay there was a spring, retuem-' bereel sinee the time When the Pre'', a t, river -bed we firy 14115L rlIld tbat tbis spring -water Was highly he eeneelouidne4e7ohkeerehejTieQ70,d then,, that , special water of the Yangtze er'te Nthc beoitragtv,eSahaiun ltebaevells,e,rmida,cle' ant Th :f a 40: nt and penteenity, zuid1 aund5 af,tP°14ble ml theme Owens--Yott ere to /Med, sir, in position. A Life Job. Snip & Co h e employ- colleet the bill you ewb oift ilave Rhou�at1 N PILLS Now ree of Pala ifal lOnter. Wilson, of littraiiield, arta, . "It, ;Wards me ;rent .Ple=kure vey, not only to you but also to: 1..4 T *offerers from Bactaelne and eureatiere. the great relict 1have Mined front the nee a GIN PILLS,' reel thaolnIal to you. I recommend IN PILLS to anyone suffean CO I: did." 50e. a box, 6 for ;VA. Sample free If you •write National Drug and Chem. kat Co. of Canada. Limited, Torouto. PrVi S NEW IN DIANS. New Treatment Now Advocated For Bronchitis le Having Wonderful Success, and Is Making Most Remarkable Cures. For bronchitis a different form of treatment is now advocated. It con- sists of a scientifically devised vapor that penetrates to the uttermost re- cesses of the lungs and bronchial above the headwaters of the Cane Tc"nt°' Rivers fighting our ir TOP' WANT TO 131.15: OR SELL A tubes. Every spot that is sore, every. arY and Moiu „ ,, of kruit. Stock. Grain.. or Dairy Farm. surface that is irritated is at ()nee way through five dangerous r1111.0.oS writ/a K. W. Dawthon, Brampton, or 90 bathed with soothing balsams and healing essences that make chronic This treatment nor so universally tribe' Nikki). can be no cle,ScrIbed Liquid ta r:epitiiTeeaniner Istd1,1:::fiept thes;rf,:ruelre's flTir gs - man"? of the Itftellita. pil It is . L- enteeeptte, eve to se4. aernisoi. nail se an .:ItIgItTI13.t eninnItIne takeo aet te dereetiere le eu aarenete cnrc r EC 4,EITA. RIIRUMATIOI, and ndrc4 troub- 1,es. I.rice eit Cents nee, bottle. s:::an eireeende, or event ,4:::_mth,t b1,1::: u.,:: tf,s luoy street. lllorcuto. We ban, .,e.- sateisfaeto dumb a permeate azil Explorer Says Savages Wo 8hipped Him as Goa. Albert Lang, who is expIori g tit • f the Amazon for the Bra - G 'Putout Ints written 91 'I fear 'Never other an effeet me aspect. by of n , discovery of a new tribe of In- dians, a thousand miles from civil- ization, between the headwaters of Cairary and Mo5u Rivers, Mr. Lang gives a picturesque descrip- tion of the 'savages, who, he says, took him for a god, embracing. hia feet to show their devotion. Their tools, ho writes, aro stone and their ideas so unusual as to suggest their belonging to another age, 'The Jewish cast of their features might lead oue to infer that they wore of Kenr, Chilitdireertefl the lOSS tribes, did not their ignor- ance of iron and writing argue against it. TaLTOTT'S Rose:ass cononor. TO- e• ani sitting in a maloca, (hut)," rOrnt°00.1. Cifitnaltdnatil'acen'Pt°1)Ctioltaarlo°°nonlimfrets.r. clal writes Mr. Lang, "of a curious, ieRssass Fon saLtS, tribe of genuine savages, arriving' here after taking my six -man canoe' w. nawsoN, Ninety Colborne street. RootPills a right Teethe -see for the theirNNlikcind re ocuctosotfinaordittedr chil -lett vegndulgenoo emit favorite ocx1 given them Ind -Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pi Is uicldy and surely put them r urely vegetable, they neither sic weaken orgripc, like harsh purgatives. Guard your childrert's health ,b7 slorays keeping a box of Dr. Morse s Indian Mot Ptile in the house, They en EDUcaTlOtt A man's best friend is a woman who ean keep him from making a, fool oi himself. ignard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. Robert was about to have another birthday. In the past the fun-mak- 1_._iing always been so hard and eearch I got in touch with a virgin H. W. onwsoN, boiborne St., Toronlo to get here. After atteen - days' ogiberee se. Toronto. b i • pine woods s.cts, as a healing antisep- 1 tRrouu: abneedellits:spothielyedare wholly untouched 1 1 A AtIt-E, MIDDLESEX COPINTY, ben! eisPl°cYoelddsinetchr, oinsehciatillse,d tch,r‘oTaAnt by civilization. They 2 acres -orchard, well watered, 'wire fences, 1..? soil mixed loam, 1 acre timber,„ oztt- tic remedy for all diseases of the , , . satiated. Close to London Market, 1 Ilailarsv.b jElcial:ys 8ter:IS1. OZONE. It acts Just as air of the, use stone axes and by their aid 2 6 - * ''. ' „naive ciearea away some thirty =nee te tiesteee breathing organs. acres of jungle, and so blunt, are treLTeognet.veetern Real Estate Exchange, Just think of it -a remedy that cart these tools that tbe trees leok as e• breathe to the seat'of bronchial or ea- "They grow cotton and yet go tIEWSPARSR FOR SALE. be carried wile the very air you if they had been chewed off. so healing that disease fiees before it. ing waistbands. I was received .9144-17:iirin.kr;irTnicWgrotT nnf I:je. T. ttl' le Tir7' i g°71 7 In::l: Write\ . PB1,111: VP 1171 s'C' :n1 tst wholly nude, only the women wear- Re, sal tarrhal inflammation. .A. remedy pow- erful enough to kill germ life and yet medy. In many lands it has won its hospitably aud carefully watched. Catarrhozone is truly a wonderful re- way,.and is affording grand results to give me bad clrinks. I am here They embrace me frequently and sufferers from colds, catarrh, throat 40 STVP tc°PoLEeicIrTt;:na s Oatalogne- . riummton DIP. hero is no suf-tN sr from a grippy tbe C-overnrnent of Brazil and as- kAcelbniurme'll:°n-niTY°TesrenItEn- cents D ilarke Star" ' 2,,eakness, asthma and bronchitis. look up the indigenous tribes for cold or any winter ill, that won't find certain their possibilities and the falSCELLANEOUA a cure ha Catarrhozone, Which is em- best means of entering into rela- STAMPS ANTI COITIS, prolonged that it left him fatigued Ployed by physicians, ministers, lavr- -Lions with them. They are like 1 -in „yore and public men throughout many , ,savage children, kind, but euspi- at night. So this year, before he I foreign lauds. Large size lasts teve went to bed the night before, wh en[month-aand costs $L00 and is guaran- he bad said his prayers, he begau ' teed; smallsiza e 50i, sample size 25c., n uor The esdruggists,, overkedbna: ei:s e ragpaiirnay.viali\e7 "Why ywareeoitlaee,r,y oitotiiblsurprised, all storekeepers eayerg Catarrhozone io, N.Y., and 4 ,,oh,,, replied Robert, ,cto-noerrrto7‘,v, Kingston, Canada ' Co.,". B' *-- , 3'13.-oigubrt I shall be too' tired to say Fact and Fancy. If we'd look up More we'd see more, sunshine.r• The rich Filipino's cigar is a foot, long. A man's got horse sense when he se'aMn.asralYr- T"IneaaYin."smoked '3,n40h0 cigars a year. Af.cir,is n -full - in e are esiinply awful . The face,,,to preye, wrinkles, should be wiped up -ver down. The Italian governMent has a monopoly of playing:cards, when a revenue of $5,000,000. A woman can win a man's love without trying, but she can't keep t that way. Brain has it: tame bailee snakt he gibdija, that kills rate. Speculation leads ter neceilation. I them at all I" 13E thous. Some of the men 'hay 0 He- braic features. They show greatire ALL STONES. KIDNE1 AND nnAn. ' of the. former measuring eight ' Lumbago and kindrra ailntontq posittvely cured with the new (lemma remedv. der Stones, Kidney trnuhlci, Gravel.L skill•with the' bow and a,rrow, SOM., " "Sanol," price 81.50, Annther new +puled," f eet," for Diabetes-Mellitue, and sure cure. al 'senors Anti,Diabetes.- Prire 07.00 from .=....,..= taring. company of Canada . Limiteel, dwri:,:eilps,tsg,07,r.t.dnirect. Tits Flanol ltann,fac- A 1TCF.M. TUMORS, L'UldPS. ETC., ‘,..) internal and external, cured with, out pain by oar home treatment. Virritti ne before toe Tate. Dr Prllman Medieal Co . timitnA Onf REMEMBER! The ointment you put on your child's skin gets into the system just as surely as food' the child eats. Don't let impure fats and mineral coloring matter (such as many of the cheap ointments contain) get into your child's blood! Zarn- Buk is purely herbal. No' pois- 50c. Bat at All Dragglds atm, Slora• mons coloring,. Use it always. Gti-IEST PRICES PO Raw Fur tAfrite for List W. O. GOFFATT ORILLIA, ontrl'ARL silver I' abed nods; fee Solo. Link tf anted lor b e,