HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-11-20, Page 1rr, Rum IVICiddlasex Gazette i1F gL.R.Ty-NINTHL YEAR—No 2063 EXETER, ONT. CANADA, THURSDAY MQR ING, NQV, EM1. R 20th L;91 EmosammummummEmmemi PI-IONE 32 JONES .4R NI AY ip NE 32 othing of Mens, Youths and Boys Fall and Winter Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats & Odd Pants Boys &Youths 0 vercoats A. fine selection of real manish Overcoats for the boys. Cloths and styles just like the metes coats All kinds of cloths and the new styles that are sure to please any boy that sees them. Boys New Suits WE can give you a choice of 3Oo Boys t oney Suits mostly bloomer sty- le. The cloths and styles are the best that the mak- ers can produce, Every boy can get just what he wants here. $3, $5, $i. For The Month of November s IS the biggest Clothing Sale Ever Held In Exeter and We Promise ,-Big Bargain for Everyone. We have Just Op ened up $ 8,000.00 Worth of Brand New Up=To.Date Cao. thing. Specially Bought for this Sale, It will certainly pay you to Look Them Over, No matter what you want or what price you wish to pay We have the Goods right here 1Mens New Overcoats WE have a great selection to show you. The best in the land are here in all the new Overcoat cloths, styles and colors. If you want the right thing in ' an overcoat come right along here. $1o, $ r2, $15 each 2 en's New Odd Pants -_ 0 pair of Odd Pants in all colors from z to 3 P )NE ens New Suits 400 Brand new Suits right off the reel from the biggest factory in Canada, Every suit' right up to the minute in style, fit, cloth. iS, $zo Suits for $f $E5 " " ro rz dollar " " b Youths New Suits `too Youths Bloomers and Long or Short Pant Suits, Real nifty suits just the kind youths are look– ing for in the new cloths. 12 dollar Suits for g 10 Kd as as 8 C s a. Men's New Raincoats WE buy our;Raincoats direct frorn Scotland where they make the best. We are showing designs of the best, from the light weight to that real heavy lined Raincoat. Every garment guaranteed to be satisfactory h• viirismoismosmiessummigginswesem LIBRARY INSTITUTE The Stratford Library Institute, is comprised of rersreseatt,atire?s from every Library in the Counties of Huron Bruce and Perth. srepresentedr I1 a FI u naai 1Ir, T:. t Exeter Library at ,the meeting, -Some thirty delegates attended, The swat routine of appointment of conn -,'I rnittes's and sail such kindred avork eras duly taken up. Miss Patricia Spereman official cat - eater department of Toronto took uta Common Problems in Classifica- tion" ors Thursday ;rt l p rn, On Fri- day at 10 p.m, sho introdue-'s1 Cogr- canon Problems rn Cataloging" Miss. Sperernan catalogues 'books only on he Due Decimal system. 3fr, W. R. Nursey gave ase Scat when our rev.• Carnegie Library ci$ erected he would have • Miss perenaan -zss At the Board at Exeter to have this new systema. introduced Tres Spero -mans service for tbe e ort; a m xrtirely paid by the Dent of Edilea son, `l is ar=aaaaller of Tans <i 14li l; ` aasrer>1,xaas services are not few •a"tdeed as the number i" Ontario which she ?t to visit no fess than 's l 3rr.nxv like the rote -r Library tvoseld lake her wei'l:s to int in Shake The inspector, qtr. '.W. R. Nursey. gave s, acral splendid adalreiAes veli library work '\rr. Nursey #leservel credit for the 'way ho bas handled Library '' rohlee!n I fir+ the; husiasan at these" .(tuts• meet- The next meefir., ., to be held the new Carnegie Library 0 VC'al1 lector•, The officers for the eras -?%lag year are: President, J. Davis Barnett. Stratford l Z Rev. A. McNabb. Under- wood; a Seoy; Miss .Louise Johnston. Stratford k Execnativr+ vorrnrpittti'i W. H. Kerr Brussels ; W. E. Sanders Ethel; Jno. Clancey, Cargill '. J. Mc- Naught Monckton; H. e. , Huston . Exeter. Le In letter train qtr, :\career f:o the Eet'Iio u 1 lac+ state s. «f «aa- ld soroxl eir untie' yo f:aaFtiaari s, yoiRr4Tlf with . the Plans +o(tb' Fer fiam9 Library. r#. would advise fou bow. eve r -': les theta rra i.1 hes l?ropoamahatd by tor dougrnlibrary o..rd n igbt not he accepted until C coulee of these are Pled with partreent of Education. Locals tl +f3 Over Seventy Bodies Washed Aslhor e at Lake IE'a'o i 0ve 10 days have posed since death dealirtg star 7 swept down the great lakes wrecking Many vesvela and strewing the shores with the loo les of dead amen ^ anti th wreck- . age of the ships on Tuesday morning fi-bt "Purr, bull of Stelxiaen 'first sighted a Bods which proved to he that cf' James Glenn, standing telt s: ra.-lit in Pse water a rha.rter of n mile from shore stiith his frozen hands and arras rags- ed onat of the water Prov- that 10)P00 the peside:n.t- along the " shore ba* doney,'otnor. service neglecting thier • rk and .egtl rg n-'sm„ their heaalth. lkj tis dP RT1k- .Cr . t r and the' cold fc,l s reh. hr .h leas been kept up c stint o Siy and time to time 1•1...;s h1.c;v„ cashed pp rp ao Iil0n4^* ". , dra land. washed ;,t) o'a tt0 slaora Itau on °w) of wtrial• r' aiR'RM ea, Cearoaaer P. S. CalziPtaa.11 held- an rest osr than' 1 A ` peel:at lookout as ' €or botti.e5. c, her a aa, ala Stoti A,A11.1 DAWEIV001) Mfr. Lawrence 1Qitrich of the 1'«t?. corrceSsion of Stephen', , r 'aired,;;wit ...:idemv early or, Iort. ,, y Y:.:+ i , of Ibis week. On .abbath last +de,reaa ed appeared x-iuite hale grad hearty the afternoon he visited with one or Iii n S020 returning home about tour ri'clock During the everting he waf► take's with a fainting dolt and f :.i into the arms of one of his 4aughte616 For some time ho was uncou dole i hot regained conscipesne=S for about half on hour when be again: 'bee arra6 unconscious cz`aatil abnot two o'e.laalr, -Monday ,morning l.et, he ...:seer. d- i He was ed ,;ears of age kvit Setperi3_, her The deceased ,;a.5 a Cor..'- a lave in taratifmcs and a llOmaix iiattolie 1 in TO/MOO. Ile was 'highly- e nralc,aae<I ' throrsghottt the neaa'lyiIor{hood and in all his depliragr Vas nil -right and ton- T or bte and iit*ed n life worthy of ex-- from, xfrom, an'niF:.-- 11' is =ezarvive.d 13g' his kor" cert. r r ion wIdolv 8 sons and three, r„aysr> ltf srtt'A being g- the break in 11111), b.> children are Q 1'cir F'nrt: I+e r4lafon'i Taco;NTt, K"xrt' i1 Of ;;.'1f3ie a #S`smt?'.a of '414,- l e horriestead : William and e4?hxs.Geo. Fisher near 'Afield. €3f Park-, .p - •t rii Step”- coming tep-•vial•i g Wednesday rctowl at, r)1 Might 13aw been set from axor e cl u fated craft hut no -'.card Tawas "P,1%; b Tlt,ewpektrarroe-xdmhiAe:'mtd ? hrifc'a[h'9., tfen rsy neer= V R ori SSaturday leaarna-d. to he the f`.1,iar . les . Price diver invent, dOWn. cnaa »ginturday moving and learned liar r un of tlae sass•»1 tipdie,3 from this Ecz;at avrro tied ashore za^ar Vr;and ?l end ivenririg lila' belts of ince Rote' ran:snit zvhic# ware gaaaxsi orrd ntran. .at tb' tiraae /IRs -irk halt was l,,raaaavn trier'.. taT,' 'boil: ;snrrk lc. -tar inkn” fi#R il"oUrtlaA. rs'cico aaf nit descritnaous hake htt'n 'a;a:arlau d aaahas.,d sr red h1' . can xatd Goodie„ laurrRlra ::t ref raaxat. AtaaliI n ing thr 14;es as nuaoe 7 lin clniraard rieach. Total IMF -stem;ated at 000,000 Of these lak 1:M7 9plagtrior 40. 3fic ianaaa , Pa t hill €tn L C tri li ate r to rR o Rai f i here +cosi furaer- 1 wa morning to »al 1t Car'rueL raster W'rllie isted era the proy an elm a) veaalrag. 1,Yj troy, ,i'rcxd ,utas, 0.-' of ehn Ellis or St Al-tryr aulaal retic - a* ar tiae G. T. P. .,1i: ctiaam' laid! c atp,r ate arietlalie from being killRpRl azlnder eeni ale circumstances on Satorday r.00ri 414o••- ,F o'clock' while dor onao) chorea around fihfk baarn he ttruek in the wave with a stray t which pierced his left Cheek. titration proved r ra proed that 'LW()o boys lJoinerfarm re: ianitrllin fire,•.. 1f)r Braise vns cal., d to dress the wound unable- to lceate the haillett legit not rant:Q:,,.iEe arq seem:* r unless blood poisoning sets iu wa lFi Tillie Yaeger was homes froaaila bulk ;r St. Marys oven Sunday. Miss Carrie Dyer ( is vias r18ar. iv't \rd a Berlin Mrs, ,G. Cochrane of Berlin.' xiTiv Edith Moncur spent a coulalc, ii dakys in London this week. :1r Frank Anderson of Tilson- burg is visiting Its brother George. six weck? until Santa Clans ae here. Will y`ou be ready for . aa. will Mrs, E. A. Brown. ole i six Craig visite .l Mrs, S. Quance on Thum -day last. 111, Gerald Hurdon, ledrt 'Monday 4wtil ng for 1lutfa.lo where he 'has taken a position. The Main Street Methodist ehtarch will hold their annual congregational tea on 3tonday evetait:,t_•, text. Nr. and Mrs, Chas. Lindenfield at- tended the funeral of Mr. Lawrence Deitrich of Stephen on 'Wednesday. The clerks and milliners from 3. A. Stewarts :More drove to Kippen _Monday evening and attended the fowl supper. W. W. Taman has rented Mr, Wes. Snell's brick residence on Train street lately vacated by Mr,. H. H. Moe. Miss Helen Brown left on ocday for Toronto where she has been en-` aged as surgical ...supervisor in Wel- lesley hospital. Mr, and Mrs. T. H. McCallum re-, turned to town nn Saturday last Mrs McCallum has spent, the last .six weeks in Toronto. Mrs J. Hind is laid up with poison. ivy and during the past week has suffered a great deal. She is im- Proving somewhat at present Mil, A. II. 1)insmore of St Marys in remitting for his auction sale ad. which appeared in'the Times said he Das well saiti,sfied with the adver- tisement. Right Rev, David Williams. _'D. I). Mishap of Il,xrov, will conduct a cqn- firmatiot class im the Trivitt .Mem- orial church or 'Sunday mornir.g nest -Ltd at 'Hensall in the acterr_oon. Mr, John 1\'eish will hold. an auc- tion soma his farm stock and imple- ments, on Lot 24 cances;ioc 11.1:3 - borne ,on Wednesday Nov,Brd at oce o'clock sharp Watch for,;f ill partic- ulars nest week. _Mrs, L. K. johns and Ilius A'nr_ is Acord of Eliinviale are atrWelcome this .week attend,frig the marriage of Irs. Johns ,:on 'Wesley r: to Nliss. 111.be. Bosnell of that place w:hich. took place cu Wednesday , at high' noon. Mr. Ir. Albert Powe11, a former resi- dent of Exeter recently passed atv<ay t Via 1 nme in Lapeer i Mich.i at the age o1 10 years Ma, Powell was at ono -time cinplo3ed by the kite Tames Packard Re is survived by hi- wife, and two sons. Mr- M. K. Dyer a nil Armenian ad- dressed the cor.gregation ' of James .:sect Illetnodisi; church last Sabbath rear nii g a r.d the Sabbai:h oho o1 ir_ -the .afternoon: _lL- Dyer .w i11 give a lecture ,n the chaueh his (Thier- dayl evening,- 80 th,e'Baltar_;titar; Tae. Ladies Guild of Trivitt lifem- trial' church'' will hold their., as tial' ha alar in the C p in fious :'"on fhe fast Friday in i .December. -There --111;be aitor1005 iea and safe or iro.rl; Admission ibc. In 'the cven- g_.rbore !\•-ill 17e . .i '111.111. o,nd_sale. al ai ark •iso ..i.ilz:a s;ou :25 Hent i;. -•ecce t virrl tk;a aloe ;cult' WARNING Why wait untu the wee!: before h.rstnlas fair your Xmas. photographs. Every day puts some other one ahead of you and,; you have to wait m= &&union Never put off till to morrow what you can do today" a Xmas gift, a frame picture, We have it for you. Phone 59 1 JOS. SENIOR 40 0 4 st, Arrrlrew' 4lraiti uii Nn A A`MY WINTER + y ea so rtrluucfi arm Wearit-g Apparel is Needed Carus here an- eee what Your Money wilt l'uy.. WE have the brgrest stoat of Rubbers we ever bad, our prices are a little tower than the ,rest':. Underwear in big sir ct;y doz. Indies fl+annette night:-' towns: We. eaacn. b doz. wens easy Sweater coats 70c each. Gloves, suite, hosiery, sweat - ors eta:. nil at saving precise. Our Overcoats and .Suits are Winners. Tile Exeter Bnrnin 8lore O. W. . BEAtES Eli CL "1" FOR MEN AND YOUNG ',1EN i OVERCOATS Shawl Collars Belted Backs OVERCOATS Churchill Beaver iaiMom from 10 to 20 Dollars SUITS Tailored to Measure the true PRO EICE CL4OTH_E3 —from - 8 to 30 Dollars $ s.00 AltmateIVEZIAncenakiAemsetttl a shape oma HATCOLLARS . Soft Hats, i ,.See our new arrow altogether DIFFERENT ' 1 collars in all the new " f'roaa the past with .GU rarest sti.P ,s DOW velvet bands. for fcr 25 cents. i A T E O S it OM ONE DOLLAR TO Ft)i-R AND h I1 LF A Special at Fonar Dollars. ay