Exeter Times, 1913-11-13, Page 7)ttol
,gra ham or white
bread and butter cut thin.
elkoStinit Salad (1). -Boil, shell,
Were Se Cad She Could add blanch large Spanish chest -
Not Sleetlose who sleep in a kind of a way, ou e old nut, and let them become perfeet13,
co; arrange on leaves (.,f the
hearts of lettuce in a bos,r1 and pour
but whose rest 1.s broken into by fearful
log sensadons, odic), wake in the morning."
over all a good French dressing,
Chestnut fialall (2). -Shell and
dreams, attlitr4wcs, sinking and sntotheri,
blanch your boiled chestnuts and to
ts5 tired Oki Wliett they went to bed, we caa
recommend Milburn's Heart and Nerve a cup of these put as much tart ap-
„Pills. By staking thern you ca..ti have N'Ilt Dishes. pie. peeled and cut into dice, and a
011r old, peaceful, undisturbed, refresh- like quantity of ce
=1 rv ' di -ed
ChMixed Nnt . Crottaeltes.---Shell Serve. on lettuce j;-tll'a. s• la'4;:nch( oi.:
Mrs. as. Teel, fiorricastle,` Out.
g. sleep back aga'in- and ehop walnuts, pecans, or mayonnaise or gooc.i boiled dressing.
"just a few line$ to let You IliehOrY n'UtSf- or a MIx-LUre -
knQw'Ivila Milbilm'$ Heat and Nerve all 01':ee; .Pu4 with, them an equal ilonsehold /lints,
Pills did for tne. lily heart and nerves quantity of fine bread crumbs, and .
reaseret svni)ibseador/ ceoxtiolfklennioent tSlelie.opu,ldtianmaTee mix with a white ...„:,auee., -when Nev.er leave medieini.c. drinli or
nie feel so that :t used to think iwasgoing cold, shape into croquettes and let food raneOrered it! the Oiok room.
t� die, and I would tremble utm itii 1 1 theoecome cool and stiff befot , A drop ut kerosene on the hinge
- could hardly stand. 1 took doctor's 1 frying them. Thee are good if of a door :".511.1 stui) its .9-quak'ing.
medicine, but it did not do me much good. garnished with thin slices of crisp To cover the pau in which full is
At last 1 tried Milburn's He -art and Nerve bacon. cooking will make the fish soft.
Ilileisa. Irrneaci tI acmalolucnetrtaiof nigc3rods7 1°3:aryl, dried"' laiC.gleieSethilelsitim1Ctk:)111:11;tgei,S to(1),;;;e:8111-.011 cleNaenv.eitr, let asecoamsbtifsfo4'nkaiillibriridshel.. tc' '
cernmemd them to an,Yone Who i.5 suffer- ,. k i 1.. zi t1em ''' " ()1'ir. ni--41 aod, javepe wate '
ing as f liya.0 - MO CLIP -MIS, JJOIx went and remoVe -- .- --- r -ire .,
Milburn's litart and Nerve Pilla are the skin, Put them through a eol- excellent for removing ink staille.
60e,,r box, 3 boxes for $1.25 at ail ander rub into them a tablespoon-, A- clam "the/1 Plaeed inside
ccaltoY. onThte, T. Milburn C-ce -44nited4 I juice, a.little salt, and a dash of Pal lim,e'
r .. 1 "
/1 or mailed direct on reecipt of giri ofatt
ber, a few drops ,:)E ler/R.311,i kettle w11, .I.prevent the Zorniation of :
Afalre them hot in a gonl4i, ' Cireere winnow shades std pro-
/x.11er turn ont o a plate arid,, vide darkne'ss for baby s daytime
0,A.. -N, 1 h1.L,1„, 1R1S 0 T. when' otgil enough to handle make naPs,
il`TIN croquettes and
They Like proceed as in E.Mliroideries and colored gar -
flu. Canniihn Dollar and • mews' sl4.,tald be ironed oe the
Cltestrnt VrOgnOtt$ a, Wirtillg 41fle,
"The papers are doit!g their best, quart of ehestnuts remove the Clean 1'1115 1v4h 3"4.13 "ci. whiting'
ern States from COSIting into Can- through igolaoder vegetabiel One of the verY he4t health
ada, but by the leeks of the 41014- press, Work tO a pat o With #,0 gtlArdl is the drinking of a great
d f
on there tyQUItt not urpriscd tablespoon of hater, a few' drops of, re -141 ; Q- 1“Let` A t IA A
t-0 S" at iciAst '2Q0,00D per annum eniOn 3nice, two tahlesponn402 6nel "'A eat'Pel'" e11Q"
eumiag in beLre lo.' erutrbs e yolk of an oga, a 4,1,w41(pLiekb". WItli a hae sphis rinkler, the Tphotograph taken last, week in New the shows W•004,
opieien of Mr, -Militia! of paprika and 'ialt to taste .1!..1k()J ti'W"rnng TIr44" w3.1 ,142.Se A`OltlaWfteci suffragette looking little the woese for WV1/1' a es
, du
• disuade the people the West. Shells and skins* and put the nnts rObbed with a plees• nalinet,
,:"1„. • ,
)1eFallafle prf,411i1W))t citizen the whOle, militlAY/ft liot 4044144, 1104' repeated limiger strilres in English prisons. She feels greatlY
II1E SUIDAY SC11091, Eth
Lesson. Beath of sbe
Dolt. 31. 1; 38. 48-52; 34- 1-.12
Golden Text, Vsa. 1.16. 15.
Settled On Her
--Lears:0101.1;r12a.eceAntt3llsiehse weexilpttt-CUIP't Geo. Murphy. $pence.„ Qut
command of Jehovah, !:,hee up writes,___;ss I have had occ.3, sign ilse
sato this mountain of Abar.:ni, un -
Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, and
to Mount. Nebo., whieh is in the and c.8n s y gCrtaiggy a IMZ,derf
▪ Moab'5 (Dent.
The plains, or siepp,...s, krf
iust year old, took a severe cod xitieh
--The term used sIgn!Ine3 the open -
▪ lying betwk.en the motintains 5ettled c'n her 1•111•3.s' tded cYtTYthi
al sAlt:ranbc4o4uclutetbrpe iiplr:les/1•P'°°'"1451.':7X'lleQirlY'7b-LYY
klic120 which lies opp.site on the Pine 3.YrnP, a=d decided to try 5t. 1
TIV.sTrncE.Irklt.h.e of icthhee to.lorretilebrn°thenbdeazel t!:f;iitsweoitlx)I'-coeei;,:d41.ser'de iats'A-711,t4Cflig%:25r1;::,
,kbe Dead Se4s, and together forre- e r ee bottles in -,eg and they
Irig the /;ower, broadest portion a eured
medicine, Last wititcr my little girl,
the Jordan valley, Dr. Wood's .Ncirway Pine SYMIP 4
Unto mount )ebo, to the ,ton, remedy for sufferers frwrm
Pisgah -Probably two designaions brk-.‘azhiat trontles Cou-bs *mt.. _CMS
tor the some spot- of wh;cb the one of a.13 Ifpfmcattis, 44111g111/V4
• t 4.1!pC: ;rseefitsxell, Tan 14-tahme Q.15974I-Zr`ats:„.a at'dthP,ii4n't 521:itic:Xl-trt
0.iver„ riame . Oft.4 after
aerved iP the modern "XehA, the fnt le,'4:11.";:top that c.,listrtE'siug. tiekling
present API* of mountain tune , 4c/azal,jQn in the throat wbiat c/I443.6.VP
anti a holf miles due west of the sesughirig and keePs you 4W4'f!t! a!, TtitIM,
Ilorthea5terri end of the Dead Sea. pri 25 I family fi 4,1k,
This mountain may be the AlleltP1 Pot up itt 4 )'00w wrapper; three niue
ee, v; arge
, Nebo. The name "Pisgah,' how- trees the trz.de ;markt manufactured
;1c!dretilt etisecuigrontatmen'us"0/• mo0ne0s ttel Teeorly9ntatelyollet,T Nfilburn Co Lted
this vieinity 4 -ee t.Ch- '
North liaiota, who sayS that he, ix)i-ier; when cold, form into ero,,, -0dri hits of 'b ti g4talier,e1 elated over the filet that the ruling of *lie immigration authoeities been preseVr:dn„ b In 4(4 Rst464'44$tItntes‘ ,-
has been wateitiug this inamigrationi quettes, let stand two hours in the IT _Alta hotted> Illaec a qfle114"1744 forbidding her entrance to the United States WAS 1010700 h.y Presi- And jeb(117411, showed 1-4.10 ail thoi -- - - - -
or migration for years. .1 -le has' refrigerator arid ity itt <let* fut. 3".r,4a"11 1.4 1°.i'' ' .• dent Wilson. She has promised to leave the eohiltrY inintediatelY (on land of Gilead -It is riot possibie°---This phrase refers haek to the
b 1 V
411 441e . AU41.14an ill es4. slielt o, pomid 0 rr elf h 1 ut or '''''''' hi ' - -' - --- - ------- - --- --- - - - - -------.------- umerated in this eunuch -4m either out the articular la ics? /au?
/3, ou,g, Ittilate..,,trae‘trs o.f laud himself ,w_olutzt eirott,t_ctitir:,,Ift:teillt lira ,li.,,,,,e_on*,, toi;get ,,r4at e,reia througn tlae coinpletion of ber leeture tour. to fortitai)Y see .41,1, the Piace3 en" l' Phrase ''Ilhe auto YeAeg." Pg'il4i1M
n inns sitaft,- oi ,rung sun* .
ikSt)tati2V9I1411114;5°Ot4X044:dill:Itith"BB41,143tVi'eBa 14"4$1 114t tbest t'br°14u&Ir°11111.Qn1r-4 tile ra;Y tall's t jay 4 '44
sarnre.,00t this,..,...tuoy eau .4eaiiritnueti.; oim.t,„:011..e.ms.m, ju-,i0;, and ,twc:it41::.0i, OUR LONDON ,I4Errii 't7hni;u:171„,tet011:..44°!,dlit' holntit' Pgr,11:AaPittb,:lthati:irteurlr:14;ifa4;e41.:14.:41eac.oedgu."-:-::1-"•-.1ti-ez'
t r or Lareentions
habatavely dear. NYhat the.$ teastle'utel °I' salt the
'Wh" the ke 15''T
tt teaspoonful of totat t tair Tit , , 1 s Th0, 411'11 tbott gt,) t I • ^ '
_own ;unproved laud at from sTo to 5POOttltliti or geoplied parsley pot oven srrior, itAirer, wittt I t , fattny. . .-InthAewt e vaew t r
$144 per a • 't th
'"rhe lauds North or South De- onotioh to glee „ou, • iiiAtt Alla their v..a.y Notice where,
w.h..4c. the Is a i$ ewierQ,01).' .°4"F'T. w'itb` thew bAik' neW17144P"Qnt
ftolire tutnierlegn-Rindatt tVitTil the top of Mount b
4" .4
id Tree over 10:01,C1,1- hi°:,,r'orTS'Itpo"Itiralevtlinerthneft4ntIliottc/eLe'lectthtflboill AtIAllitt:nat'vnt,,t.oett twila:e'tttlrlY" teiErrv, pret ,tru,k4ertudle.tetfuntootch40 vsluernirty.421)arnt5,,,,j1 oori.tnotaina.ee s3ratlhgtett Nimt."0 th0 11;0004ee
ere and h money ,e 0 olio e e ose tate oven door It
pilue;aTrme,11:;:ounspigint‘I*11.411extuv 0,1 hot firm. stir tile mixtureP oc ed. .olut,
pieceirit tli
tiuni.e., vfeeiteetrev (or, tokr•e;ther with parts of thr, distanq
a ....i.14,,zhtoli oud the
of nutehiney, talce ill more land as nuts and seasoning into this and 1 sPare , in sr,f a t° IL4 4 "t', 14''''' L'Id/v44g
t Idt4":f :r11:11t1?:'c'5a 1'14' bnt ' 4"444Pleill; 1111.414 313111' 11°1114 tirliti.31''37
1117 are at, e to cultivate it. Their beaten e'r4''': ee(4t: t" r;iintio,s I and rub It over th;st )1111.11°14" jiL 'V 4iaPiri '" a the "
4/"IPfil''' r
''.4101 " A It'lltlt a i'C''rr" l4°14tIsir EPbraka 434 *T.' '
experience in the :Western States lorger, tahe Iron) the fire and se;t1\ a !resit!, pie", frtquentItc *4e' In4ng treettions :1114 geitAt griti4144"''”'v 1 '711:4 fn4"P4411.3401"r. la11411"l$1"
45 rnueb °I t1W TR." al l'' I:i9IA.
treelel:;Yinols„49tieeltitIgueonlr's ‘1,I'lle'latInat4,rligtftjive. delicate brown in deep b&41iTr, re.rapid evapometio-te,//ael4figni 411'wonft the LB. .,...414, ,141401(.111010%; Inv'ther f., ell'eeia:ATri*!- ‘iii'va- ' ReleP41).g.- t° the entit'eligrims ill Duli-4 '''etrs 11 4'4* Illie''
la a verY iArbts4VAIP 14 14:3'it/Irli‘l:a 111:1f6rtil.eir'lk ;Ober 1(4.31 cr:la anM114 IIIME431.41
T. brew" ,veal dre45.0 h wao 60111,T4INN,,,,,4.0411: ' ;4;114 Wag foll,foliTtt 1:11'1'41311' 4Tti:1147'; '441(11 (at bAve ben 115:4.' Pil "
pito!, Endure 3/arils:hips In Eit.
hiser;fiern' tollfieturtidiuengtienndiltne4:11'41iftlixe 14tni:cia'llOsrldnet. ttnet:ele*rOcluettes with wanr,' then dip it‘iu 'It lalut lt`54.:!Aar4-44':41:11.4;t114' 1.44'!1.4'bui;'. 116' 4:1a14)11:4*.44t11..tht' ttute 4t.°1:44 :Ntlt bQwe'vei.' hiuder
Rugh:Ttbrom .,v,....,, b.., normang-nh. till' e4'* hY Iv)Ileh term Is meattt tbe forts ili) !Vaal. Their Shrine%
same treatment serves in , heal hoodr:, roil in eramhs, then hare erumbs and brown i 'fltail(' re84 argnus4
co el. lin..4.4;11 tItliuoton:::, tlwatchoitottroo:r1,40itamr:: tthiviiimiirlodednxItti.urt his,v1::d:Teniettiut::::::::17:41, ti.:14:Ittl:itt:hoet 1::::i o,,, „eoinfor_t llo -V "f II P11•7",g11' fee
lety; have ready 0, ion pint 17.1 wen s‘i.th a pitoa ottoosorhenttt .colion And e.;,,,,,1.1 tamati sm. the tim.ond. ,coony.or 41.1s0,4:44.1er_to tia, lattroituie, The city et p„aelhmo-tsreeeems-c t47,ThehniiNu;, d10Nig'letina*,zirt").0twovei0ciallerueblatttirtilehea-e,,eis‘r.„a,tlit11:1
3)1 The rinin„-- Literal)$, • "Om the wifiio V,45 al *11191 Sh4lh
• VS. The Aineriean farmer te e, then :al crumbe again, and ,,fig,. cover with milk rine t‘l"a't* Then 1)31474Intik'n14 '4146 tbs' 3":;441" '''il't" 41411117:111711tr ytae 4113 tilt' 4:ill:' N'Vs'.erft et' 31edlterr4nean 8en' Cl/ e°°11ce 52v 8 * N.
least All hour before frvia,g to al akiNg •OVell 1111til tend. r sok
Nois Stewed Grays,...Boil and smell ornamental iitiltewetlite nt'att".1" tt:'11;'"12 t411141114 11314 111743"4" „ road v?zpann.pn ilk! Jordan vat- Ob$S. anti the, beiltmor:rairi tb4rd
• ;Fr ra both sades of the river just medal= raalres "'IACe°".
has no grouele tre sets Peel Yellr chegnuts, the large rar.1 he prevented by iinin e s stfl tilrei,srornilnir *1'1'4 *hue toT^it; wumar tot of ISrgull31/1
. taws t tenel to t e eensasteney else woe a favorite in $rortoo and it Lord Lit.gon mi,a; ` 4 . n eurneuteDee an5 albt
ous whiter is. Ile hits no kick cern-
he himself clirwn and works, and the setwoned grare'-er stodcwhich tile cotton with water, 1,A,nitto14,11401. IteturisgrieelietvoulSt70,.,,,,Ant,,,birnA: trgeakraeota.rugi/raar hee,i) known t„hls„ name, taloa along the two sides. There is
nrz• 't Year Ills \\*Aiello, ttno oat eroP 11' "i h \vette straws are best leaned
• Itelt whichl was intended to andiento the - f 1. 1 1
will` PuS r" 143 111414 eXPe114411re3* Of gray. Drell vellr chestnuts \viol eut ierner, dipped in 3,411U r irvk.OW Of 00 entente careado therairt'ar moved in. into unatest"inrinsieeil rmhne33 PTeduetivouess of its the traveliers aro peeked into the
thu 11° gilQd W4111111g Alneri" into this, set ft at the side of l:,,l1111)LK,,1 tille ,_113 211,f_3111i4 il.‘t.:11e-'7"-Ir 144111.°Y' .4314(1 " PlIrd*"1 14. Tallici+iillannUltiler;intntlerPirtl•fie 1.711411t° obeminuturt 417.t4 1211.11$'14;),i°r7rehrIelllSet4:311Pirial-i:%5iti11'2
<mu farmer against L11114042 he t d f 't itlitY,Vtqt tO ory, aun wilea ts i.ord nese,ory's Peelle isourtrs'etar, tlie (trend rvalto
nker is not to he kept out. -He reeves to ute$, never letting the rlvv hoin ruhhc.,d off, th4N strom will 1.1.0N -Z.4 re- Lord Itraeliorr, Do it mark ot altert.ton tielizelorlteli. Drat cow:1st oree remor- 1-I'alling the territory the most, ler- oti teetiro 000ltions, whet) Bin,
Canada because lie mahes money. hard, servo hot, These'g `ar",; Sd Wit
.1140-llEt S.J •tor Epsom, lute presented to zt)to ed front tllo Eturteror, whet mttrrltlil Count' tile tract of Nuelea. Near thts art- journev tiM huraired thou
eoutieti no publiO plOmt
ttro grottuel Omit gd31.0144`. hast borao dent aito of the city a, copious A 'L
fi,"\i/' lly 4 °int; so he hits no thought of peeta.11y oed if cooked, in th.e ro,Vt fro
_ P 'tor.) twelve stores es laud 'mown as talc (tom- iwo d•tuirlIt0re Are almOtet hurP.an as sand to 'MC E.11.40rm spf11i, ft ta a
qe..cd des ing his country, Be is loyal of roide,„.. ana',
t it 011 Wit11 day they are
,us ilat e toy for a tew rnioato8 smtorenetEtotldtlelvigA 1410141tiii,14004tiatvctilive, nvihe taricemaineulatiir,trbap,dhlaiiiia tvt,;13,fev.,,,eatrilal htnnoit‘ovg PAri:rifs.sstulliltaItSboera wortliltra.
itiosi e -t-Mn bxniI for
1111)1:tthelleit'\vglts(„cevandnolaTvirr; (5,k.e. whit rine,t chicken, turlte,v, or 1)istu-ro 1--vater. rierub vurittetiveneillitiernifealitiewoinitolivtur.ter.41-41enrearaluticeznutuptuaurdt Tentlgaitgal Ilte ot Italt" ard. associated' inc 0. 01,2; ratosiem 11,41: sou:aeeeshlilinpolckitIflrbe
iilter. soil.
thelr fact vast tracts of aPti 111
O Tbo Dmiteror's brother Coubtlers 1/0 11410014 and Oki Testament refer- it stops ;it waycide statioil ,seoren
• ( 1. • ust u red. what ert, ,
N t t' f P lt • 'I' th i'"11 `t‘
e p mid pollah cnuTI°111 I 1164 Anst us trt'tlooino Bullllslt soelety, „ •
ired. the West belong to individeal grItv.Y nlndc and thickened for i leill It ''''' c <4 l• 1 thlulci the Common Fields. e,asseresinir mother, the De ...Igor V oneeS wit i t lc events ill the life of ,,
.inpress Mario. is
.1. Qi1,1" called by the Alabs Zugher' tering (12‘vn 910 keked doore, or
This i$ init. ThrrenftPr, WIl°11( P.' lt,'w l;53,1'" "ilive ot late rt.. thor lost mr eta. tete In EllSlitn(la.ot, Di roll even OrlotearOring to erawl through
when rice is one of the 1,04,e. ment is to be marked, snip .one elate eeneetiet wen Er.sont.- I' am sorry 14 i -.0 '' Salltt's C' i I. and by the Greeks Zerara, situated
the windows over the heads aell
making money, besides having the i ininnte8 heff're serving.
tables offOred With the poultry, marking off the tdoe and sew it on. tin' r9Y... P4Irt_lY fron..1 longor obrrneo end <,(mle,v,„411,„t',,tlirtit'grn,Siletli,r.,1,7,t,'.jil; near the seethern end of the Dcad nhouwers
p rtly irtnn Iwo at tate memories so that Of the Occupant,. The
priec of their own land iu the bank. gnnd
"It only needs the demonstration , ,, , ____Js.________ I am all, the -more auzioug to tt;vo this swilled OD tal0 t0Illbtit.0n0 In the einireb- Sea, and it is thought by many that
to be made, as the Canadian Pa- Xllt Breall* ' ' ni,i•Ve 't '14
. •
thc use that' it \imposes to mnite of the Tutntl;nru:tlirL'unin tifelpontlfr7;4010.1tr. g• 1101T0VOT, it WOUlli be necessary to t hi a f oth id t„
,,,,-. ortc.. cup or hot water, one table-
ot Americans, who have sub.dividea poultry add a cup hniied once in two or three years, mark ten rtgitiot zircit at Wof)depte, and a facilf'r <sr the atteen:Motbor of misha. lute:3'13'1g PalsetIger8 trYto Int"
, „rayy er
In tho their way illt4,1 the already elosely-
it. On the other hand there ere mats, vitt into little pieces, Let" It stc:ek iinen t'lle entire 1,t.i.eet. nign :14a z4T.,`."11:YNIT, Irr rfAtiln ;fft,rr,tid, Zoar--in Boman and =die- ,ond,„e
thousaas ot individual owners, an them stand in the ris•avy aboet free lenOn with Y°"17 name " fr"3 41141 °"11 61)"48 111°1° difre""t) '4.41 118 1°)t‘ial tirn" 'there seems t° Imre been) eIrr-age bat
(pies -
e will
feed , adian west with pepula-
e *beat
int of .1, -r_.-.,...
Proof ot my deep and abiding niFeetion ?drab Ildt,IrrnbP' rblIn1.15"'). vlwbr° * police use their batons freely to
ins, all .8 R"V ro. ter UV% Ilr n a3a:'‘ 11"e be'ell the Pit''es3 reteK- dri e th invaders WWII* btst u al-
eiria Railway, making. it, to., our cake in a half cup of boiling water, yrfrirr,o is :Spa cltoWDEB, 1(14,tr-, -Wafts's' the tiouttell has decided:0u " U "lr InomarY 0 ex' ' • ' 1
Phi 0 11111 1w0P10. ll-mr-borTA 04,1 I tri b t Fro red to in our text in that ease 1. e • ' •
people, to speedily fil)...up•Ilie Can_ put with it one eup of hot milk and
y a few reana.ge to evade the oon
1„ .1 tribute toward laying it oui.' 004 death.__Ilarch. •
,ompankm,s. glort regard the expression: "the plain s eS an get a a an ae
could ground I sbould ilse to be aDowed to con
spoon each of ShorteninK a,nd Nearly Enii r P opulation
IVO are constantly hearing that It is estimated that nearly 4530.000,000, is
•everY year anti that of this 3111ge RUM 011.1Y I ,
of the Jordan" as including the tram -
sugar, add to it three cups of whole ' in °nil 5 ° $12,500,000 a Year For Caddies.
estion Worldly -Wisdom. wheat &Air and one of white flour-
xperi- enough to 'make* soft dough, Nmead the population of the world is in -
London, Oct. 25, 1913.
entire Dead Sea basin. This some Sometimes the authorities are
compelled to carry passengers COmillentatOrS think unjustifiable,
They plant them-
' (il'ent °11 0.1E in tin' 44 lang414111 Sl-NSIIINE AS MEDICINE. preferring rather t -o suppose that open truCks•
srmin- Sinai! brains are responsible for fer ten initiates, set to rise until it ereasing so rapidly that it is impos-
woman to find an excuse when
There isn't, any. A rich girl has to English walnut meats, form into as regards -crowding, the population
be awfully uglY in. order to be small loaves, lot it rise ail hour of the world xvill have to increase a quarters of o playors pay on att
homely. Iloriible examples are the longer, or until quite puffy, and I.6t Moro beforo we begin seriously Avrage $25 a year each In olab suhteriP-
kind a schoolboy encounter's in his bake. to suffer from lack of elbow -room i'i°11S. °P a total of $6.250,000%whicit added
arithmetic. Too many qua,rrels are
picked before they are ripe. Time
is money, but it is easier to make
up kat thne than lost money.
.ei miri. swelled heads. It takes a lists grown to twice its original sible for the food supply to keep up
al the bulk-, put with it a eup of ehopped with it, says London Answers. But
m one
eed of
ent of
it live
shoat -
be fed
a <lay.
fed it
E three
t and
rain to
ses 0
an th
and an
b thee uated near the northern end ot the and remain t.here, o:eprised to the
inclemencies of the weather. for
Dead Sea in Old Testament times.
..\.braham-Corapare the identical
which I sware unto ten, twenty, thirty, forty hours at
a stretch, one treading on the toes
4. The land
wording, of, Ex.ed. 33. 1, of the other -fretful babies crying,
Thou shalt not go over thither- men and women grumbling -until
The reason for this prohibition is the end of the journey is reached.
given in Num, O. 12, 'where Jeho-
vah, speaking to. Moses and Aaron,
says; "Because ye believed not in
me, to sanctify me in the eyes of the
children of Israel, therefore ye shall
not bring this assembly into the
;and which I lia,ve given them."
another -city koown as zear was sit, se 'yes in t ottom or ears
a little less than half. or $12,503,000 goas
to tbe ,eseenee, Paris Architeet Sugeesis More
known golf specialist. who after a careful Light roe Tene men ts.
(*)ennsilthes elloauntPriyactetat rtohage hillnyluaer0.00410! PTiahrYeeree- Pars, the .‘city of light," is wor-
ried by the growth of tuherealosir
in its midst. One of its leading
architects, Augustin Rey, come5
The estimate has been made by a well-
• to $250,000 for green fess, $6,240,000 for golf
Nut Sanslwielies.-Chop the ker- Working Cal :Ea-ct---,Stspplied bolle, $625.000 for Clubs and the amount
which it 1.0* caleulated. the caddies collect, forth with st reedy. ThO relnetiV
makes the Vital mentioned. The estimate he says =
s T1 ere is
nels of English walnuts butternuts, Scotland Yard -that in an average
, ore ig 1 , i no
more •effective microbe killer than
every tablespoon of these allow half ing on each square yard, a scientist sunshine. '
Blessed be the man WhO is in a as much cream cheese. Season to has recently calculated that the Architect Rey urges, therefore,
hurry; he never stman regrets, spread easilyand use \Vital thin hahltants of the earth could be ac -
ops to tell his taste, soften with cream until it will whole of the 1,623,000,000 or sa that -tuberculosis be +attack1 1e t, 't •
( a
troubles. Man. wo,
pecans, or hickory nuts, and to crowd there a,re four persons stand
gives one ball a week to each player at a
ooet of 50 cents each.-
Bach golfer's expenses aro placed at a
trifle over $100 a year on the game alone,
his railway fares, or other meane of
reaching the links, and of course what, he
Y a
Mew on his g anae 0 , not beMg computed,
that she didn't change her slices of white or brown or whele commodated on the 120 square miles Britain's Mame From Other Lands.
roots -that is that cities should be
-s3efore she. cha.nged lier name. Some wheat inead, so planned and laid out as to get
occupied by the County of London,
the maximum" of sunshine and
Man are So busy with their ham- Nut and English Cheese Sand- All the inhabitants of Canada -
niers that they are unable to hear wiclies.-0110P English walnuts fine could find POOM isi-th° 400 tr•res of
; - menee total of $520.00000, 'which rePre-
stat.,/ties of last Year, reached the - thus naturally exclude the disease,
Cities of the fut 1
tue, 10 says, must
the knock of opportilnity. put with them au equal quantity Hyde Park, while the 250 acres of sente capital of nearly Si3,000,000,000, These
Great Britain's aceessed ineorne from
abroad, as set forth in the income tax
incomes are derived from foroign mines, be constructed so that the direction
Watch Your Liver.
of grated English cheese , moisten Battersea Park could easily 8.(tOW
-away the whole, population of
tralia--men, women and children.
King George could give a, garden
party -though distinJtly crowded
one -to the whole of New Zealand,
babies in a-rms included, for tho
whole of -the population ofNew
Zealand could be got into the house
with thick crea,m or butter to *con-
sistency which will ,spreak.1, season
to taste, ancl spread thin slices
of bread or of crisply toasted and
buttered toast, IF the latter serve
gas 'works, Wafer work0/ traatwa"3. of a,11 streets should correspond:1
teloss•ra-pyi. shippi-rig and illeUralleb
octane -ales, breeches and •bo-nke, merenn.
weries, tea, and coffee plantations, lit, .„
trate grounds. oil BOA'S, land, financial, WItli the daily course of tile sun,
on if Lozy,-Slow or Torpid tile companies, mortgages on propeoty, / e °rola, Oil.
loans and deposits abroad and profits of
t •
arising from business done When a bad habit has seized a
abroad by mannfacturere, mOmbant,9 and nathn aild begins 't0 thrOw shadow
'ithrlien abroad in theae varied enter, can do is to jOin, the' oPPoslte radi-
Stir It Up By the Use of
Niit aria 1) ate Saildwiches.-Stone
s17.in dates, chop t.hera fine,' add
cornmission agents, When it IA 1..ea.117-ed ,
bow groat tho capital iiivesto,d Elec. over his future, the es trig le
prises anse agrgetc. income, out,
as large a quantity (3f minced. nuts, and grounds -50 aCTeS-----Of Bttek-, std thatrincded Ito „income tax stat, Oal view and commit hiniself to it
• „ and sprerid on white ,br brown Trio whole Freneh could Acoordins' tliCr° h
• •Woi•lc them ,to a, paste with butter, 1,18.1,am paLa,e,e, , ist;.'es; can be imagined, by words and Aced, as the man did
'I -1111S
natisp brea . • • st4 orsons in the Unitod Kingdom o was slowly but surely making
• lazy, slow or torpid liver is a terrible Nix t and Fig S ridwich es. -- Use
a iction, At holds back -the bile, which joined 'Ile /*Ida, of that p gave
is reunited tc move the bowels, and lets rigs insbea 0 dates and proceLd ne
1,1n1 evev, 56 with11P hIg' drinic[ng and rer-nined
i a
itt Rieliinond Park, while
Epping Fore,s,t might, with careful
irianagemeiit, be made alniost to
it,,,into the blood, instead, thus u in the recipe for nia and date sand- accommodate the popula,tion of
'V.Onstipation, Catarrh of the Stcoaniasichg wieb es. 1111"la*
tick' Headache, tangour Pain d th 8 N tit v'i (1111,9 -CI op
Shoulder,etc. , salted nuts of any" kind line, mix
Mrs. WeslYty Estabrooks, Midgic Sta- with half a,s much creain ohoesel ()vet.'
With an income of ,f,4575400, which means
that there arc that inany pOrS0-03 Doe.
1401i0ilig a, capital of ithout $6,000,5130 each.
But these are not the richest triglishmen,
There are G6 with an ineeale Of 500,090
a carifirnak.d drunkard of himself;
he became a Nrieleitt prethibitiOniSt,
6°11' Nj3" several Years moisten WW1 cream ov creamed "Corltins" is a booze-fighCer, isn't
I had ,been troubled with pains in. the b ,b ,rea,t,i ,arloo ?, 1,...,7: ot ; he eurrende.,,,d
liver I have had Medicine from severai u -1 Ian,- 3 • 1, „, not fall aljort -of 4,571,
dacto•rs, but was anis relieved for d time and put an ,shees of -whnn 01 long ago., ,Anglo-Amerinan Exhibltion•
- by ,fhern. I -then tried Milburn's Laxa- NF11°10 wheat oreact. ore.r. 01,d1
-.Liver Pills and I have had no trouble Nni and Chicken Sainiwklies-" During the year 1912 the nUmber ada, the Earl, of Wintore, with an in-
000 to Ip500,000, q Vital illt,t_Allee $326,000 to tliere,after 8,u1sar nittn, So, when
376,000, end 56 wit ipincomos of troll' $278,°°3 a man is failing into sce )ticism , •
to $325,000, Vurtherinero, there are 4,- , 1 . 1 , :401.-
0Ver, which means the 1)0;,t,elseion f it coinplaining dishonest methods
':„.:1-,:1,,t1,a,-1),°v,t.41$01'1°,°(:::::,s°a,ri-1111e6s1;3;, $1.(1, :30,2070 utieonel: cls.bi:LiecitiNcii,oaftiel,,,d. itthi oiernf is , aeniotdibconumenitt,t,heit1-7.1311:neicfl'
to an entire1y new experience, Ti
is the. psychological way out of 0
. --
Pa ter (to iu dole n t s ou)- -Why
1,13 persons with incomes of $66,000, and life., mean disposition, constant
ly rho total number of persons in the take up vri h the vevy Opp.c4.,
tit -.lily', liver since. can .hollestlY To. a clip, o!..F" the., \viiite Men c).r pii-Urnerr ,ea ,c1-1%1A‘4)1,1n,71111,...iik'tlert('4; extla;,11C-b6
reCOMI:Pend t,11 -M to every person who. • , 1/- ' • • anci scallion
roast oi uoile chicken minec.ct. nne Jost on sailing and +team.ves,els re . ,•1 1141(11 111 • r d, • ' 1904 1544 01111
Laxs-tiver are 25c ".:`,1 , stne gist er,e in the tinited Kingdcon •cv,Ets ing l/14.0 00011116volt/I 01010001,
iiilerl,direct on receipt of pi,ice by gr0u7id. soften t'o 1sost in 1911, and 1,343 -more than in botli cf on-, Atlantic in (alai, i•01"ir luarlorify, Son -Yes,
1.t d a rika or white pep- -entirely to the Titanic disaster.' ociP''issilibil)a°11t.toba.1,ir,
'$1' blanohpd 611 +1 I 1 600 "h ma,(3,0 It a yal of the conto/3ary h., 4_ . y I 4
inurns ,,',or D,:vsals or,. 60,, t all dealers - , , , . . - , -, - , , ..,,,, , /.) . c 1 is , , nmre t an.-weie ue,,ee „e,,brIti,„.),„ ,,,,I,i„,), ar, to 0„,,,,, 0,1 i 's.4.-,., , ...-0 voi-, .011,1ave
. - . . . , ... ,..,., . . ... . , , ,, , , ,
311 tt111fl1144 Te itIiihern.Co.. Lialited,' '120ronto, . ,p 'as f.',c with 0111 1111 Season to taste 1910;s't,he'in,erease, beill.,4 dire, ,a,iipost ' T1"<", "ley' ,<":.-'-ni-Y''''''',11"i','I'vf-.• 4:ns '','-1 t'e ,?-.',:da/f.1 ; 1))/.1t, mine 1111 1- a \v.cirkin,2,, /na-
, . .
,,, ,, , .., ,.,,, , , ..., , , ,‘ , , , . , , . : ., , , , , , .,. , , , .
-40, --
Not Proven.
Mr. Borem-LI am opposed to in-
toxicating liquor as a beverage, yet
believe that liquor, rightly used, is
a benefit to humanity. I am fully
The disobedience on the part of •convinced that whisky was once the
Uoses and Aaron referred to took means of saving my life.
place in the wilderness of Zin, • Miss Cutting -Perhaps it did, but
where Moses disregarded the speci- don't quite see how that proves
• fie commandment of jelievali with it is a 13enefit t.o humanity.
regard to bringing forth water from
o rock. •(Num. 20, 2-11,)
G. 11,e bl.tried him -Or, 'he was
Over against Bethpcor-In the
immediate vicinity of which Israel
was at this time encamped,
.7. Nor his natural force abated -
Or, ``Neither had his freshness
Are ail
8, Thirty days -As when Aaron pimples are caused by the blood being
died (Num. 20.. 29), • ettt • of order. Those little festering
9. For MOSOS had laid his hands
upon him -The special consecra-
tion of Joshua referred to is re-
corded in. Num. 217 182,23.
10. Not arisen a prophet since
Israel -This sentence helps to fix
the date of the book, at least in its
present form, which must have been
much later later than the time of
Mose.s, probably, according to the
best, results of scholarly invoktia-
rien, during tShe seventh century
Ps, C,
phasil,e tlie preeminence of Moses
-as a, worker of miracles, ,s,eem sorne-
wha,t loosely attached to what pre' --
cedes, and may possibly have been
added by way of explanation at
nonv.s. later time. ,
' 111 all the siims and the vOni-r-
sores appear on the forehead, on the nose,
on the chin and other parts of thd body,
and although they are not a dangerous
trouble they- ate very unsightly to both
you and your friends.
There is only one way to get rid of
them, and that is to plu-ify the blood..
'Burdock Blood Bitters is yfititout
doubt the best remedy on the market
for this purpose.
Wm. B. Donohue, jr., Hainilton, 0311-,
writes:-l"About six months ago iny
little son.'s'face was literally covered with
pimples. tried every preparation
was told of by my friends,' but to no
avail. Soon. 1 thought I could not have
-them xefi up, and would have to wait,
and let Him grow out of them, but
thanks to Burdock Blood Bitters they
are all gone, and I gladly recommend it
Burdock Blood BItiers is nianufacs.
tured solely - T1 " T ses
loroilto, Ont.- • ,
' 1