HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-11-13, Page 4THE EXETER T
Incorpor ate d 1855 •
erve S8,7004)00
01..,‘ CREDIT
A -V13 -.1.1313,S QUES - ISSUED.
liik).•S'ET ORDERS
A;67 -X1121
ATutriuns. nr PARTIMPNT
estznowede.t hbet current rate.
Agerits a
UBDON Manage
the Delano
on (iovertrOreht
aZit Ger,
'curimxnds to Fanners every
their banking 1)4541..es-S, including
iect!onof sales notes. Blank sales note
barge on application,
—G. L. W4T.Telf, 3.lana4,1
.LSO AT fliv
'6444k -o
d Cedar
ppty uf large, h
Anthr1te Coo
risbt Into your vawitb
UlUi 'SY T
and ilfontrtel and Toronto and
other !oritoipal citie.s u Canada.
Also Double track and olid
trains between, Montreal and
Chicago; also between Ontar:o
t.:.einte. New York and Philade-
, bine., via Niagara .Falls.
Full particulars, berth reser-
vations nto, from Grand. Trua:k
agents or :ite C. E. Horning
District Pessenger Agent, Tor-
onto Ont.
RE A '1:700STER
you. know there's lots o.t tteople
'Setth•.' round to every tootro
4row1io.' like a broody chicken
-r.ockin -very .good 'tlug dose:A •
,jon't you be ttat kind of grouch
aose they alio tom use on; earth
"ley post be a booster rooster.
Crow and boost for all your, worth
If ietittr•-t-own needs boostin" boostter
Don't hold ladnk and wait to see
If sotte other fellow's willio'—
r:ght in. This coontrys free
iNo one's got a mortgage on it.
Rt's just yours as ranch as his
Yana- town is eJay ef boosters -
u get in ,the boosttia biz
ingts don't scent to su'l
In the world seems IrRider w :ono
the matter wall a,tees,jort
1st to lel; the tbaig along
use if ihttig,s thould stoo agetn°
"tro'ci 'be in it ocory orght
ou Just keer, the horn a-rbiblo'-- I
pot. ltr-no -with all seur in.ht
y-oo 7:onw, some fellows failiu's
ust forget 'em 'cause you know
at the same feller got somo rof1
s the 03KIS you '..,,rcat to tow
eves out on the waters,
co hack" a oayin true,
,hey'll coma brick: but -
U known Lake Steamer Goes
Down Near Sarrila-
• Over 12*iry Lives Hay
!frost In the Ovetoing of
6f,19,Voot Steel Vessel, Vibes
n*gXs Projecting lerona wter
eieet'ke ilteronee-Crew Most Have
Even CotlethtJ4k Eats, Trap.
SARNIA. Ont., Noy, 11. --Thirty
or more persons,. ere— 0 a 600tf9ot
teel freighter feund laettfant side up
yestertIOY Pniy a few milea, from the
mouthof the St. Clair rlYer, in Lake
Huron,. direetly in the path of Ins
pasaiag steamers, are believed to
have perished in the gale which swept
be great lakes on Sunday. Captains
of reaSelS Which Made Port here yes-
erday assert that the finding of the
reighter is elea- evidence that ope
of the greatest CalairatieS in the 11/:'-
ry of Canoda's idan vigatiora
Mt Sunday night the wind blew a
0-3toge gale over Lake liuron. curl,
- the water,s info huge .billowa that
limbed high above Abe tiecha 0 the
h9414 that Were WithOnt Shelter -
When the stPrrt Med fmat yesterday
Pralog, Op watchman ita the tetter
the life-saving Matt/A ent the,
f Lake Herten, Abele the
the river, rePerted that ho
able out a dark objet about
row end quite broad, tioat-'•
ee miles from the shore.
P.WFI waS sent 'to the Sarnia °Mee
ib ek Wreeklug CO -8 and yltb,'
TeW reintlfra the ,'0411adien ttegi,
MIX City, WAS headiag under roll
am (Or IN open lake. When ti
lath '9,r the the Wee readapt1 the
hag te battle her way through
la1ne billows. Millen about tieVele
e f.romthe river lighthouse,' the
blsek object was diseerued„; and
AA efiten seer that the ()hied: was
feet or the forward pert of a nig
.boat was under watt) itli
excePtleo of abeut 100 re
It WaS thonght tbat the ijpt
S 0the 'bow were holflirtgLb
afterpart..,0 the boat f
Out of sight,
Uttg arrived wf
the Wtck Intik, Or,
o stand by., Nothing,
done, altil aif it'Avas
ne could be elite inside
50. Head of Choice Cows
and; Heders
Xr., Thos. Cameron has _received j
structions from tbo ordeasigaed t
Sell by "onblio auction at the Met
ooliten hotel. Exeter .
• I
1913 at oue o'clock shar2 the foi-
15 uow„S" due in NovSinher and Pent
ember. 19 vows due in JanoarY and
February. 10 coots clue' in March
and April The botance 2 year old
heifers, some of which are with cal(
The Libc...Ve mentioiled stock has
been carefully- ,selected• in the 'hist
dairying distriets of Ontario ond cue-
isist of the milking strain ot
With some Holstein and Jerseys. Th/s
sale -should call the Attention of atiY-
tine Wishing to oecure a good elass
TERMS -6 months credit will be
giveo oa fornishiog aoproved joiot
crotest A discoant of 0 ^or cern. per
aDfl;on off tor card), fa lie; of et.'•.s.
JaS. Feraqs0M. T Comerort
43,gersoll, Brno, Atieto
-ittictIon Safe
has reeNv
lic lon en Lot
t fo
CATTLE-4eawi 4w t time
saIe cows <low a all
January; 12 eboic
e steers
years old, t?Ct choice from (010
1000ib. wegibt /6 a out. yor
d 14 ifetrer. one
s,;.riag calves.
110(4S-6 breed sea
4,tively Pa re
or 2.10 Wide
over that AMenta
will he niven on f
ed ,johlt vocei„ or
*gent ,Fer aolcura 9(
of loges.
150 AcrevFariun
For Sale
The undernigned is offering ler
*ale that fine 150 acre farm irt tho
Tels WWI) o,str12on being the west
nett of lot 15 Coo, 3. and Lot 16
Goa 9 The is on the latter a good
fraine bonne enntaining 8 rooms
two React hank barns 84x40 and 30xtil
wit* good etang underneath; a
ever failinag Wel/ with wind mill
tro3itioces; water through the herrn
weil underdrained, we fenced and
gondistateof cultivatien b'ar for -
tiler particulars apply on the pro-
mises to 3. K.iSehroeoler or Es
Plail/ips‘ Real Estate 'Agent Exeter
Notice to Creditors
n the Matter of the estate of
rtiohard t;rocker, of the Village of
Exeter Laborer deceased.
Notice is hereby QiIirET; oursoant to
Ste.tues in that be.balf that all cred-
tiona 'and othere bartnn, claims ag-
aina. the eetate of the Isoid, Eichard
Crocker who died oo or about; Spot
15th 1913 ore renpteisted on or before
Nov. 00 tfp tsend by ,:.:1-OSt, Prepaid
or deliver IQ '0.1adataa
ted the Viiluge, of
R;reter Selors to xeontarn Of the
lid deceased, their rtStion altd mar
aencti. addressee au deg...4.740W
hp foil,-•articulars their claims
hp statement at 'the) tecetinte otid
natitro Of the oecurities; if anY
by them. And further take no -
that cifter Otlett ltionttoried,
the tiaid x•/e.cotors w,115
to distribute the assets 0 ttto
anineg the ,Peeertiee entitled
baring regard Or4 to the
avhlett they shall thho hove
nd U. the Ravoutoni
-4140 ,for Said infLets or ;toy
e of to any ;Perkin orr per4
v Clatif4, ctoace
dyed bY them
licitors ler
t Nacter
boat tba tug returned to this poxj.
They kuew that the brave men tba
had died In that overturned mass
steel had gone to their death, withou
vest a lighting chance for their Ilvesg
In fact, caught 'life rats In a
A arrival of the t aj
ado as to th
hair fallsou
ent bottle of
oni any drug
do ding to reports w1Ub bwve reaeb-
ed here by wir * ether
steamers are strand d at d erent
points an Lake Superior nxttl three
aft are missing. The passenger
rimer Iluronle of the Northern
Navigation Co. is stranded an White-
fish Pointand twO steamers aro re.
parted ashore at loin itOyale and Cop -
•per Harbor. The watehman at the
Portage Lake United States Ship Ca-
nal reports that the steamer Simon
Langell and two conzorts left there
p -bound and have not been heard
Ten boats aro in shelter at the
ship canal's harbor of refuge, and
three more at Bete Gris. No more
boats can get into the ship canal be-
ause of the heavy seas.
Acadian 4111$0 Aground..
ALPENA, Alieia., Nov.
steamer Acadian, a nteel freighter
owned by the Merchants!' Mutual Line
of Toronto, Is bard aground on a
reel in Thunder Ray, seven miles off
his port. Captain Robert AtcIntyre
nd hM crew are believed to be safe
on board. *
Although the Acadian struck the
reef about our o'clock Sunday after-
noon, her predicament was not dis-
covered tintil late yesterday.
Caravel BreakLooe.
ERIE„ Pa., Nev. 11.•: --As one of
the results of the severe wind and
sriowstorrn which. Struck Erie Sun-
day night, the' Santa Maria. a repro-
duction of Columbus' cara-vel of the
same name, was torn from its moor-
ings yesterday morning and carried
0)3 to a sandbar outside the harbor.
Tugs worked all day trying to release
the caravel, but gave it np last night,
and it is feared it will be impossible
to save her. The Santa Maria and the
Pinta and Nina, sister caravels, were
in wixiter quarters here en route ta
San Francisco through the Pa.nama.
Seized and Liberated Agoin.
BROCKVII.LE, Nov. 11.--Cuotonts
Officer Burns, at the request of the
Montrr .7 customs, seized the steam
barge Reliance lying at Matlaen's
Wharf, on the ground that the boat
had not undergone inspection this
year. .A.. J. Lee, the contractor for
raising the steam barge Reystrom,
Iclaimed that the boat had been spe-
cially inspected tbe day before it left
Lor Brockville by a Quebee officer
Apparently ,here was some raison
derstanding in Montreal or Ottawa,
as the Reliance was released yester-
day, after beino under seizure two
n ,torne
Special i'dotgoe
0'3Oranking does not cure children of be&
wetting. There is a constituthna cause for
this trouble. Mrs. M. Sorrtmets, Boo SI
'Windsor, Ont., will send fres to any mother
her successital 'home treatment with full
pas ructions. Send no money,liut write her
loole- if your children trotibio you in this
way, 'Don't biome the child,. the chances
eit can't -belP it. Thito treatment also
res adult -Tend egad peopTetroubled with
mono di oItiehyyor ni&&
au bo aneertueU 4ut11 the
oats on th
homselVes safe.
Tte only mark of identification i
be eolo of the bottom of the boat
h ch was blaek. At first it wa
bought to be the steamer Scott, bu
this Was tlispelied when the marin
reporting station reported that Of
Scott's hull was painted a dark red
Captain Larapob, one of the bes
known captains on the lakes, explain-
ed how he tbought the accident hap-
pened. He stated that the boat 'was
evidently proceeding up the lake
light, and under those conditions
could have a large amount of water
la her tanks to bold her down and
prevent too much Jumplog around, ?le
also remarked that it was likely that
the boat had a large amount of water
In her cargo hold to aid in steadying
the boat in the big seas. He thinks
that the water In the cargo hold start-
ed ta roll about, with the result that
the boat went completely over with-
out any warning. Marine men are
not stating what they think in regard
o the name of the overturned craft,
there is a very large entraber of
black -painted boats sailing the lakes,
At the sanae tirae that the hull of the
overturned, boat was discovered, sig-
nals were given from the lightship on
the Corsica Shoal that she was drag-
ging her anchor and was in clanger of
going on the Canadian shore. The
tog Sarnia City wont to her assist-
ance on orders of President Living-
stone of the Lake Carriers' Assoeia-
tion. When the tug offered to tow tte
craft back to her proper station, the
captain refused to take the help of-
fered, stating that he lacked official'
orders from the Washington authori-
ties, - The grounding of one of the
steamers on 'he Corsica Shoal is ac
co :nted 'for by her captain, vie -o
blames the changed position of the
lightship, which gave him a wrong
Mutinous Sailor i Under Guard.
LEWES, Del., Nov. 11.—An arm-
ed guare. from the D. S. revenue cut-
ter Onondaga was yesterday placed
aboard the At erican four -masted
bark Mangarevn, the crew of the lat-
ter having rautinied on the high seas.
The Ma.rigareva sailed from Philadel-
phia a month ago for San Francisco
with a cargo of coal, When several
bunched miles at sea the crew of 28
men mutinied, locked the captaii and
mite in their berths and took posses -
5100 of the ship. Subsequently the
officers were released to navigate the
ship after a promise had been ex-
tracted that the mutineers would be
returned to the Delaware Capes.
Burned By Lamp Upsetting.
HALIFAX,N.S„ Nov. 11.—Ivirs,
Annie Murphy, of Almou street,
widow, was terribly burned yesterday
rnoroing as a result of the Overturn-
ing of aolanap.,,, With her clothing a
mass of flames Mrs. Murphy rushed
intotthe street at an early hour. As-
sistance was immeli-tely avoilable,
but little could be done to relieve her
sufferings, and she was taken to theo
tiospita; in a very Critical condition.'
, J. W. Johnson, Hurt.
BELLEVILLE; Nov., 11.—J. W"..
o laSon, M.P.P., of this city, yester-
day meriting fell upon the pavement
an Front street; with the result that
gi small 'bane. of the lett ankle, waa
et' oC IItit!eudhet1c-:71:1,14 it
.41.1.Ve )3 4; ursuant to
air that Ali eregl•
ring c1alet4 eg-
et "'the
h paid flintiei
on ohout Selt
113,4XV rt1)44Witild on or
or Xovember 25th to en b3
.epaid.or deliver to filesSr% Glatt.
Stanbury of the village or
eter 'Solieltat% for gxecutoz, of tho
deceased, their carrtatian anti nor
arnes,, addresees !andfuR 41e3crir,UoN
tpartieulars or their t1aira4
h 'statement pr ftbeir accounts and
guru or the isoeuritio4, it- any
eld by there. ;And further tam no-
ce that after such last mentlatted
Ate the ;Said 9:Executor wiil
ea to distribute the assets at the
ceewod among the t;arties entitled
rote baring regard Otti to the
Iaitgs or which, ,he shall then 'have
.;,11 White will
bHe ction for
r ler
17 con 17 Ile all
Irter iiouth af WodbArn on
IOND AY 11011 04 /9
Mettelog at 12 Welack shoe;
0 ES driViing mare 7 yrs old
navy *Iola horse 8 yrs, oitl,
av ought mow 7 years old
ticking colt; 1 heavy drau
colt 2 yrs, old; A yearlinir colt
ATTL.12-1 elsw doe last ot Ifareli
v due first .et 1 renewed
tow; 1 vow due last of throirary; 1
yearling heifer ; 2 two year old
heifer -61;
$ szring calves
1IGS-8 eigsli atenths 01.1 ;I brood
sow with 10 pigs; sow duo _feet of
January -00 henti and outlets, doctor
111-11,),LEMENTS—Rinder, rake mow-
,e,to nearly new; cultivatox', Set el
Ditanond Harrows, sulky ;Thaw r.ear-
ty new ; walking ,low, two farrow
pion% eseed drill, pair sleighs, cutter
good to buggy, bay rack, nearly tew
fantieg mill tcarly naw; Able Hell
Separator, dozen grain bags, nearly
new; set of single harness, set dou-
ble harness nearly netoo`rribe, nearly
new; rug wheelbarrow Daisy churn
range, 'nearly new. wood or tool; kit-
chen stove,and other houSehold fur-
niture, hay rooe and car Pearly new;
soade. shovel and forks ordother
articles too nurnendas to Mei:41Am
Also f.)0 tons of hay. 200. bus oats
qua nti tY 'of turai;ls.
NO Reserve as the PrO'Orletlor ham
rented his farm for a term of years
TERMS—Ail Sums of 85.00 and un-
der cash; over that amount 11 mon-
ths credit, on furnishing, aeproved,
joint note, or a alkiconnt cif.75 er
cent ;ex' annum. for cash in, lieu of
notes., • • :• to'
joseoli , White Eoland Squire.
Anet Prop.
Auction Sale:
Mr, Thos. CarnerOn'has received in-
structions from the undersigned, to, •
sell by public auction on ANDREW
SATURDAY NOV 22n6 10/3
'At one o'clock sharp the following
About four „tons of ceal ; core 'good
driving liPrSa, buggy, cutter, set sin-
gle ;harrress I -double set carriage
harness ;1, also parlor. Dining roOmi
bedrbom and kitchen furniture all
of whioh Will be sold Nvithout reserve'
as the Proprietor is giving up house
keeping Five lots of /and oh An -
"drew Street also 50 acres on the
Thames Road adjoirun3q CorporatiOn
A onaotity of block. wood
Terms ,alt .surao of $10 and under
cash; over that amount six month/3
credit will be given on . furnisialog
approved joint notes, or a diScount
-of six par cent per nonurre oft for
cash. ,
Terms of Real Estate to suit the
nos Russ&
and that the. Executor aril)
liable for 'Old assets or «ay
treat to ntrY Person or per -
of wiatise claim motice
hall not have liben reecited by him
at the tie leitob distribation.
Clelicitors for .Executor,
Dater at Exeter this -5th day o
Nov. 1913 i
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the ;estate of
1)onald 'Alexander Boss bf the VII -
)age of Exeter Lumberman, decea-
berf. ;
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
Statutes in that behalf that all
creditors and others having claims
against the e,seate of the late Donald
Alexander Ross of the Village of x,e-
ter who died on ior *hoot the tth of
Oct; 1918 are requested on or before
25th of Nov; -to Isend bynost prepaid
or deliver to Messrs Gladman &
Stenbuty. solicitors for the ezecu-
tor 01 the " estate' of the
said deceased theirebristain and " sur-
names, addressei ind desoriptions the
full, particulars lof..thitir el aims, th-e"
Statement of their-ace:bunts and the
nature of, the sehurities, if an, held
by ttein And 'further Jake , notice
that after such last' meitioned date
the said Executors will proceed to 1i -
tribute the assets of the deceased
=peg I.Le parties entitled thereto
having regard only to the claims of
which 'they shall thenehave.notice and
that the said Executors wjl1 not
bc e for the said assetts or any
tart thereof to any person or persons
wl.ose c,aims notice shall not have
beer. roceive,c1 by them at the time.. of
sti ob. ttis Lri tioro
So'!eitors for the Executors
Daft* at Iitreter this 5'.0 day of
Nor: -191a - 1
, ,
h. /1 dren :Pry
' .,..A'tfc-f.,: ' ., i;pe-stunts ,..
T Camera
. 3-0fle sonaragokea. • itCriPe :r11641-titia‘.
,,•veo.ds,ilaw•ortitig'... :91fr•.".ellitotkirbtiPilit'o) 'ti•Pt"et:e ,
11.iventipu legiti._ tillireirtA)incrintrottoot•ocionobitie-,
,„oeet E4f - + le,d611V-.U'eutfaVtiAimeauithoweiitepti.. ,..
',..8 lititf r ,42,kedegkiveri,iiii.w400114:0441,2,400.4%.11,k66-44,‘getf,16,1130:-.0.:
gg r 02'e
1 A ban IlinstiatUdf eekly.'7,ranr
'..67115050, -LnOtentifie.' '3"611rta5l..* se,
1 Carric1;%: $X.77;postago. Pri7));sia.'Of
1511 .J3e,JYt3deii2.1"-C, •-• • •
INti URN ec C6:36ffireadwa
Children Cry, for Fletcher's
The tandz•Voll Ewe Always Betwixt and which has ltein,
ill use 'Nit over 30ar has borne the signatno of'
and has been. Made Under
zonal supervision since Its fAtalptes,--e,
..41.101r no one tdtee yoil
411 Counterfetts.,Iiilitations and "Just -as -good."' are but
3ExPeritntente tient trifle With and endanger the bearth of
Infants and Children—Experienee again.sb Experianeu
Casteria is a. barnaleSs Stlbstitute for' Castel! Oil, Pam..,
gerie., Drops, and, Seething Syrups, is pleasant. XV
contains notAer QpiLnn, MerPhine nor other Namotto
gubstanea, its ago is Its guarantee- dotreTs Worms
and. allay$. VeverislauesS- ..F4.1r ?Ettore atm% t1ifly years it
has been Itt Centst.anblitge. fer the relief of Constipation,
Viatuieney, Wind C,olte, ail Teething Troubles and_
iNurriuma, reWates the tomaeh and 13ewels,
msbuilates the rOtiell,g1vg Rwolthy OTICI 1lIttotorttl 41e400
Who Childreles l!anaeca--The Mother's Friend,
i Use For Over -30
The Kind You Have Always Bought
ontoriwal comcontos. .4%nr Y17,Fnac
dactic, Sour Stortaficit,
L.1vc and Scovels--They
lis ',you sleep.
trml Tongue: Bod Tage4
. Sallow Skla And Miserable Head-
, es cora° from A 'torpid. liver and
Mugged bowels,, which, cause your
stomach to become 'Ailed with und14
Ueoled food, Iviilohtinourtakentl-rortnents
like garbage In a wflI barroLThot.„0
the first atop to, untold' talsati—ledl*
,gestion, Joul gasesc had 'breath, Yellow
skin. Mental rears„, everything that is
horrible* and nauseating. A. Cascaret
to -night IU giro your constipated
bowels a thorough, amusing aszI
tralghten you out. by frforning. They
'work While you 3leop--a.70-ceni, box
'from your druggist will 'keep You feel-
ing good far months,
Subjects taught by expert instructo
at the
Y. M. C. A. BLDG..
Students to positions. College
in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue
free,. Enter any tune.
LW. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
principal CorlAredattentaat
• •
• •
• Our registration again ex- •
• , needs that„,of any previous s
• year: The loc,iy pr girl,who has •
4. not reeeiVed .our catalogue •
does not "ktow 'the great, oppor- .12
• tunities Corernereialnife W,e Z
have, tilt& deelertmexits Com-,
mercial "tshtlifhand accl Teleg- •
'1! ra-Phy' and we -offer Y ou
vaitags cot offered -elswher4 •
• in Ontario. You may enter at et
• any time. Write for our free ;
catalogue at once. •
• •
,fle roasts corruetion root and branch
And makes the wicked grafters hien-
By magic of, t,he, ;Tinted .page
'citizens to rage.
Till they go .swee-iree through tbe
town -
And turn the Dosses uoside down
Ile did it all ,Nvith what he wrote
But fierobably .forgot to vote. ,
ith burr:frig words, he fights :h
san,:Yet knbw0 the sioner, for higi
1/esoitethe evils that be SChres "
„Dig heart is big '.:411-2„all, outdoors ;
ile yorite,s of, wrongs both great /and
• omen ,
Y -et olties those whoie chance to fall
There's good in al:flip:Ma he'll, admit
But how he hates!en Ye -064(e ! '
always in est
To rnake the lo
tracted without pa
effects. Office aver
taohury's Office Main
w. auo
y Office •
bratory,, E
(molter of Huro
arristors, Solicitors No erica Cam
veneers Commissioners,Lor floiialtottj
the Molsona Sauk eta,
Mone y to Loan at iowest ]ate ti of IA"
I. it G'arliag 13.A. U. lib, Woks**
We have a large amount
ate funds to loan on farm and via+
lege properties at lowest rate of Lao.
Barriarera, Solicitor, Maio Ufa,
MISS G, E. 131SSETT A Mum W. 1;01
Honor Graduate of tke London Roar*
servatory of -Music, Teachbas Cot*
lege of the 'Western ilnienznitx
Teacher Piano -Theory -IlareastAp
eglinterpoint and Musical Ilistorjr
P cuffs prepared for trustee.; exam* 1,
Tile Us.borite and iiithert
Farmer's Mutual Fire !nun --
mice Gorapanll
Head Office, Farquhar, oats
President J. L. RUSSELL Al
ROST „AIORlitS StafIsa
THOS. RYAN Dualist,
WM.' spoclz Wincicelse4.
WM. ROY 13ortnbo1.xtr
JOHN ESSER 'Exeter. agent Us.4--
borne and Siddelph.
OLIVER HARRIs Munro agent tote
Elibbert Pullorton and Logan. _ '
W. A. '
Secy.TreaB. Farquhar,
Solicitors. Exeter.
15 interested and should know;
about the wonderful
MtarVel 'WphirOtill''ngehSPOraP: