Exeter Times, 1913-11-6, Page 5HUBSDAT NOVEMEEE 6 191:3 0,. NEARTY ri 13:eclei Fondest Hopes Realized—Health, Hap- pines,s and Baby. ITOPer LelaIre, K S., Carl.r-"I wish to thEmIr yott fer the benefit l received by taking Lydia E.. Pinkhant's Vegeta- bleCoropeemicl for female troubles rom which I was a, great sufferer, so that 1 was; corn- PletelY Ilan down in health. Other mei- -eine did not help me, but Lydia E. inkbean's Vegeta- ble compound made' refl rza strong. 1 now have big, eerily baby boy, and praise your medi- cine for the wonderful lot of good it has done me." --- Mrs. IsliAnt, Boole, Jon IIPPer T,ohave? Lutteniellerg coo, 21. S.? faunae, f The darkest days of husband and wife, when they come to look forward to * childless and lonely oid age. flany liwife has found herself-tom- *abie of Motherhood owing to some de rangement of the feminine eYetern, it-ften curable by the proper remedies. In many homes once childless there here now children because of Gm fact Lydia E. Pinkharres Vegetable CeortIPOund rnaleea women omelet. ie If yO11 have the alighteSt doubt that Lydia E. Pinitliam'S Vegeta- ble COmPOltn4W111 help you,write ,110I4di inItit ant Medi eine Co. (cortfidontini)LynntAlass.,for ad- -co. 'Your letter -will he extenedr *end and answered by a wonloan *nil bold in strict confidante. tititaiii ORDERED OtIT U. S. Demands Tbat He Must Resign Without Loss of Time. 3Inntt Not Put Gen. Manta/tot or Any a tus, Own Friends In the Presidential Ohneen--Donlat• Exisis as to lItierta'S Action —Holds Conference With Diplomats— Rebate, to Attaele Zacatecas. MEXICO CITY, Nov._ 4.—Peesident „lament bas been told he must resign tfti PreoideneY or :Monte° withent loss of time, and that be must not leave as lain sueeesSor Gen. Blanquet, his Minister tef War, or any other mem- ber el bis peia family, or cf the unofficial coterie whom be Might be expected to eoolrol. Whets ultimatum from Washington ns- nOnve)fed to Prdent Iluerta through his private aecrelarY, Senor Rabago, by Nelsen O'Sbaughnessy, .tbe American eitort,,e d'Affaires, act-, ing tinder ioeteuctions from the State Department. Sez,,nr” Rabago preeented the mem- orandum to his chief late Sunday, but ip to at eeening President Einerta bad returned no answer to it, and, ae ear as could bo learned. had guard- ed ita contents from almost alI hls official and intimate councillors. rrnoe• who rectentot or Ole Wasbln; top uoe regard Gera. linertn's Post- - one no wbieb he woltid be d to Oive ono of two answerer-- efuso point Manic to eomply witb Li e demand, posoildo going so far Ete 0 brand the diplomatic tepresentative bis 134.9ePerIn, t,,e elimination of himself officially. Miteee meet intimate with the resident healot that the latter eouree ill not be taken, for many reasons, chief arnaog witieh is that such action wouid b autanaceont to snlaralssion to tbe rebels- Ofircial 3,1exieo is no longer in' doeffit that the Washington adIniniatretion favors the rebel canee, and ;la cfnrritteed that this is the rneatio adopted by President Wilson Seevetart 3ryau to assist Car- za to Wil7- linerta annitrioned to the Ire- ne, palaee last night the diploma - e corps, but for what purPcse watl College at at HomeoZ hOnsands of ambitions youn3 eople are fast preparing in ":„:" ir owu homes to occupy luc- tire positions as stena;raph- bookkeepers telegraph. evervants in fact every Obere o husineaa activitige You may finish at College It e'ou ati wish Poeltions negro°. teed, Zoter college any day. Clndividual instruction. .Ex - rt teachers. Thirty' 'years xperience. Largest trainers Canada. Seven colleneo cource for tcacherd. Mated with Commercial Ed. 4' ucational Association of Canada Ehirelner Sphool at Famous Spot pan aenainess College London. * 0 VACATION on BustnessCollege GEO. SPOTTON 13. F. WARD Pincpai Be a Charming Woman ( tYou :never saw a beautiful woman Who did, not have beautiful bah The /charms' of a beautiful 'woman lie in lter hair. Many av,omen, do not sea- 4:40the-attractions they possess be- cause !they -do not give proper atten- tion to tbe lair, The women of 'tbe 4400'- ar'e famed for theirnbettuty not because their facial feateres„are eon - *don to- Uwe& ot other' voonaen. hut because 'they know how to .keeP loupe; ,by supplying vigor lustre, and tatrength :to the lair. r Ithe Ina few years ago PARISIAN neage could _hardly, be obtained in Variada. But now this delightful lair restorer -can be lad in every ;town. W. S .Cole sells it in Exeter or .50 'eentn a bottle and guarantees fit to grow „beautiful luxuriant hair; Ito stop falling bair, eradicatd dan- druff; • h • Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ,CASTORIA revealed.,Tb the ministers, Germauy. Norway umel It4s- ere absent. 'They have been in Vera Craz, where they were in con- rence with President Wilson's+ TO- presentatfre, Join Lind, wbo is un- derstood to he fully conversant with tha latest representations from Wash- ington. Changes to the military sltuatfon throughout the country yesterday In- cluded, according to tbe report. the advancer of the rebel° to attack Zaca- tecas, but the Government believes that the garrison there is sufficiently strew; to resiat an attack successful- ly. Queretaro, capital of the state of the same name, on the main /Ina of the National Itailwriy„ south or San Luis Potosi. 1s ;surrounded by robes. and practically in n state of siege. North of San Lnis Potosi, a new method has been adopted by the re- bels to prev:nt the operation of trains. Ph -wards addressed to railroad employee have been posted, notifying them that they will be hanged if they attempt to run the trains. As a re- sult, tbe men are refusing to take out the trains. WILD WEST IN NEW YORK. Steers Stampede on Fifth Avenue— One Man Is Killed. NEW YORK', Nov. 4.—In a first - lade of shots Bred 'by the police to check the mrel rush of sixteen steers wbich escaped trona a railroad stock - pen on the v, -est side early yesterday, one man was killed and one wound- ed. The dead man, George Beattie, toppled from the seat of an express wagon when a stray bullet pierced ais brain: Another bullet borei through the foot of Walter Wangen- teal], a waiter. That no more persons were injured either by the zipping bullets or by the steers was due to the fact that there were few pedestrians abroad. One steer crashed into an automobile truck, putting It out of commission. Another bowled over a policeman, bruising him badly. One fled into Madison avenue and w:s shot dead by the police in front of the home of Cardinal Farley. Spanish Officer Executed: MADRID, Nov. 4.—A firing squad of Spanish troops at dawn yesterday executed by ahooting Capt. Manuel Sanchez, a Spanish army officer found guilty by a court-martial of the mur- der of Don Garcia Jalon, a wealthy land owner, last May : -Detachments - of all the regiments in garrison wit- nezsed the execution. Capt. Sanchez was tried and con- demned for the crime as a sequel to the confession of a woman, Louisa Sanchez, said to be bis daughter, Who was sentenced to twelve years' im- prisonment as his accomplice. Oil Wells Ablaze. , BUCHAREST, Nov. loss es- timated at $5,000,00o has been caus- ed by fires which are spreading from, one oil well to,another in the petro- leum district of Morcni. The fires starteO Sunday, with the explosion of a large well, and spread • through the wbole valley, and alone ?ill be sent to any address the hillsides, which were yesterday a •e..ass of r flames. Over twenty -eve oells were alight, all burning fur- iously. Fighting the fires bas become very difficult as most of the wells are In eruption. n Canada from now till 0 AN.i0 11915 for ., - Li l)S'e-..°.t- rs Preparing For Parcel- Post, OTTAWA, Nov. 4.—The efforts of the Postofilce Department are still being directed toworils:themstablisn- ment of the parcel post system on Jan. 1, though the date isnot abso- lutely certain. • , The. schedule of •"lutes- hasbeen drawn tnat•tentatively,' InitwiT1 reetuire the approval of the Postmitster-Gen- , A great'deal et detail Is neeessa In, connectiene, with the regulations governing the , e N.4•••••^ THE •EXETER TIMES 10 cam ..CAZCARETS'' FOB LIVER AND BOWELS Pure Siqk Headache, Constipatioo, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath --Candy Cathartic, No odds how bad your liver, otoen ach or bowels; how mucb your head aches, how miserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish Dowels—you always get relief with Cascarets. They imerie. diately cleanse and regulate tbe stonier nolo remove the sour, feementing food and fold gaseO; take the excess bile from the liver and carry of the con- stipated waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels., A I -cent box from your druggist keep your liyer and bowels clean; otomaeh sweet and head, eleor for months, They work whole you sleep. Crediton APFLES WANTED -The Ezeta Evaeorator loin pay 40 cents per hundred for good wloter Feelers. . JOS,. SurxoN ainnaaer A LIMON SALE -43.S. Phillnes has 4..rei;qtei,V4g4t4V,:etrotn}.40,117t;fbrlotql4 atax0i0odeora-- SA.TUllDAY NOV. $th 1013 at 1 o' clock sharp, 2 storey brick atrotlot. on Conner of Andrew oint Vigtoiia Stveet Exeter, near school and oleo centeete of lemoe incloding Parlor. Litanon roone, kitchert, end Bedroom. Ettrolture. Moo. D. A, Boos itre, IL Rosl‘ ZN4O4tOnS 11111142$ Atictioneer. Mr, tool Moo, S. Eilbee- after a 'dee Settlit *vielt with reletiveo here trove rer»e4 to their •home La UN, Mich. . Chas Drowo luta returr.ed to her home in DetrOt after vittitieg with ber father Mr, Ohne, ltionede Mr, Christ Helen and elaughter Gertrude Itave oetereed imme frona n business trig to Toronto. By to is very ril at&:,resent Iltr. Matthew Goiather and Mr.s Gott GaiSer are ottendirto tlot fetter ot of titeitebrotheroneolaw arA,. Dick- er, in Leaden. Roio Jefferoon as retuned home atterCOndOeting a tserite of •iectureis sn 'oorouto last week. veral from Imre attended the Brown ilecker neckline: at 'Zurich on Wedtienday. ondtrre, A. reabare of Exeter anent Suntion at the home of Francis Clarke. Rolm Sweet intS :rCtUrriaCI, heine after VOlitnag friends in Lon- don Tour:slit; V11ALEN itfr. W. Ogden returned how on Gaturdsy 'after a !elev.:sant visit Nvita bis brother and son Evellne. Woo r000rte barites had a nice vien mut likes, the West. Quite a number front amend here tOnent Outday with Tripods at Cen- tralia ond attereled the Antiverry set vices. 1.4ext Stanley. Nov, flth Rev. •A. II Drown of Allen Craig will oretteh At- nivereory services here. Mutio will be furnished by 'Aroodhato Roland 'Squire hos rented his farm mear Woodham to Orr, Hob Langford for 5 year, Roland ourpeses moving to Exeter. Moio Aletiele Morley and Ini,o Gun - 4'g niOited frieods ,in Londort loot week. Rural Mail les now ie full swing throughout ibis district the old Whalen enist office webech for so male'Y Vane bas dealt out the lettere; Waa -closed last Friday. The auction lodes through this tart of the country are bringirga largo fortune to the farmer who ioselltng stock that is going at an emournoas a:rice. • Mrs, Hector Millsou and daughter Marjorie vitsited with her arents last week at Devizes. THAMES ItOAD On Friday afternoon of lent vveek the Alembeis of the Wometn,s Mits sionary Society of the Thames Itoad prosbyterian church met et the Mar- e 'and ;resented •Men(Reve tone' Fletcber -with a life mernbeirahiei A very ooronlimentary address woe read by Arno Thos. Cameron and thelCer- tificate woo presented by Miss Mary Kidd Mos. Fletcher was taken by out:rise and in a fe.w well choaen re make tbanked the ladies. Some of our worthy old to;orts met at the home of Moe.JOhn Ratcliffe last Monday night to discoss and try touarrange a eloughing match in the neighborhood. Meis Mary liyffin seeut a few days in Exeter vileiting .141.ins Flossie Dun ter last week. - - Miss Edna Wiillianes who has been visiting friends around 'here left: tor London eaet Saturday. Miss Anna and Mr, Chats Allison visited friends in Cromarty Met Sab- bath, • Mit% Benson •tWillierne eleent a few day's with friends in Stratford this 'week. Hallowe'en seemed to have easeel off very taticceselully around Lire on the Tart of the boys aa a number of gates and- other articles myster- iouslY vanished. During the ,night a walking plow got so scared of pumpkins heads bObing about that it strayed quite a long •!niece front home, and the owner Opent a very anxious, t:me trying to find it. PILES CURED at HOME • by New Absorption- Method. -rA If you suffer front bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to ctire your- self at home by the absorption treatment and will also send some of this home treatment • free for trial, .with references from your own locality if re- quested. Immediate relief and. permanent' cure assured. Send ninbriey,' but tell others of rr --Write to -day to Mrs., ox1,84iNvindsori Rheumatisa Lumbago And Lame Back cola he cured by the great fruit kid- ney vend liver remedy. • FIG PILLS /Brat:troy:1 'Aug, 12 leli Your Mettle:Ate Pig rills, hoe work- ed Nyouders for me. The rheumatic k=ain'S 'lave elritirely left me and 1 We evernthino to Tour remedv, You; are at Liberty to eublieb these R. fl Gailmao„ At all dealers 2.5 one 50c or mailed., by the Fig pill Co., St. Thomas Ont, Sold at Howeys Drugstore, WOODHAM APPLES WANTED -The Exeter Svaeorator will pay 40 cents per buntired for good winter peelers. JOS,. SUTTON Maneger Minh DeneY tear noth'ie ochoot tea- ehee wars called tome to Stratford or. accouet of the oevele illness of her father, We have ,sinee leareed that her father has O'aeoed away We ex- OKA or eitteero syreteathy ia her . id Iterevemeet, Mies Henry secured _ I, ute ot. the oereenef-11 rallPr of Stearn- rd. We are zleai;eil to report that it Jas Rootly who has beer, etehe id oosed is recovernao niret. Wm. girk end Mee. eje, Somme Ford are keep,/ aboot aa ueueL, Moe, Folle,r of 'Watt:reed is vOsi, irg ber sister Mrs. Smelair. Mr, REletini is Imo' oeeneyieg new :home the ba ee liete, We 4 pleansed to extend o very nordi welcome to Jr, gloton and his farr The service in the Orange /Tell t) Sabbath everting woo very largely tended. The orange bode- which ElENSALL APPLES WANTED, -The Exte Evaeorator will par cents p hundred for good wieter eealer,s. JOS,. SUTTON Manse GTeirt es coming quite freely int the 'market Arid ineete with ready d mond and good Orices. The newly aepointed LiloTary Door Met' last Erniao evenleg at their tie% rooms in :Arr. W. arae the eew library outfit and te attea to matters generally toe:aeon-4;d wit tne eublic library the opening o whleh After tne late fire is looke to evite very emelt tettereer and good selection of a illeraieu be made in the eereon of Mr, Foen wb _ _ _ has fine npa evotl Anteeted ZOOM% lo the library. Miss a, coositt tkeona2;ar.fd b her aunt Mrs. Forsyth bas _returnei. front a cleasant visit with foiend in Sieecoe. Mr, Soloinoti bas Tentm front Mr, A. Murdock tbe" teceetly oceneiett by Nr, W. 1111.1e braot. err, and Mrs, ja„ McoMartin reettre ed tece nay from Gruit'sles where they tato betta visitleg reletives end we egret to learn from them that Mre, meMartinsc, wbo recoetly lived here with her late besberet eoffered stroke latety but we are ;,:leased tP saa has in 4 meeettee recoverd. Miss Katie Scott Was recently GRANTON The cornraerope new &eve the beau er taui residence of -..orkss Helen Cam er3iiimneiatireltacrnesele0tbe.stl.vva s0 aufor_ tenate As to ;dislocate hee wrist joiet o Oee rent wnile on a visit to Mos, e Lamle:tare, James Vostee tee eurcheane of tee elact%tre:;sioGza,anoad'O ris7e'radeartgliaesxttaeka,- e sive imeartvemooto te propeoty Deekee than Peryet our street's snit it are Why do not the trustees Our ei age rise to 'tbe oceae:po. aodt, see d that the tigOcieg eropeely attend-, a e4 to, t:; I taTgeteoGtarA4,nt je,Ocaniats1,0critutke:s ,4't000kf ec rd vgo- ✓ nave hie rew stere eceee werreeno before the ceueters aed eheiviog y -ere olaced ie position. There is a great scareety of core to ehhe produce aed enoscquer.ee tb0 elevatoe reerly filled to its a run caeracity Grainoo has 'a country surraanding seeend te ., none winch is evidenced by tbe large tooeettries being marketed Imre - The zublie oho use the Ontaino ouse Sheds without givieg the Les- - any cornhentaiicus ,ehould, leaet itrirg a load or cwo, of gravel to keoe the yard in fa:r conditiort it rould not be out of ?lee.° eiteer foo the busin4,ss men irtl the villoge VilltrinOte a little tooneY or 1411o7 ,words tbe Lsann7 haPY oetleioe Ives held at the me, of, Mee, vort.14. reeeotly when an:lurtivcordgatstrtishtvterLmern;,ertoduor4e(! niers of 0-W4e Mich Mtn, Gone/end at liticrtoo and Mrs, 11offield Orooteu fiErs, `Forbes Mrs„ Stammers aed Mrs, co;elard are all over 70 years et And 411, •11„jey.,i4g the best of health )Ers, -lioatatere ;toc-la.4.514:el:nba:arndie4d1,12 on, a nee d 4 Mrs, Plate of Port iler ter 4 4,4 :nr,4, H. oft. le Toronto visitir,g her hrollaT ^ Itoroe Scott. Mise, Theeel Drake has talren a nos er glen with. Mr, N. P. Worrener reg bis confect:emery and lee cream ;or, lira ;Tenn Grassick of Torepte ent weal; here Intel> 'with her ins a reot re 'The •many frier.ds of xe.Jns 4. :Moore will Ito ;leased to learn that A- 4' is now Imerovieg nicely. Mrs. Robert dloothron in Barri her .41aughters t' ;lairs 1.% Neeleotde left here the Wet 1;41 o'f last week te, atOnd the mar- e riarre of h?r n,'!,1-.11eW IRCOIC5t0.4. of Toreuto. Arr. Alfred Serriton our notepris. ng floor aad feed merchant and coal lealer has- Arrived home from filo bopital Whete he bad been. for tog , few weeks undergoing *I Apor- 15 'rPItt'r'fsticArvckalsig.f4rIlglill::'1bcdattblaydetdfteinlit:o9071, haws -Choir who receiVed a very hear- tY vote a thonlee freen the Order ter i hv etfl&eteernicea rendered. The Men °Was delivered by the !'i':ukitor Baker 3.1., ;aster of ethodiat etvareb. Mr, Raker y fitthrg tribute to itte.,. and congratulated the Oraw-ti on their excellent obowing aZd that the hall one a credit to Order and the community, The text was chosen frlana Rom. ais. The subjtet was Parteetenteme and Peery and was a clear and force. fol oreettototioe of the dif(erener$ in reference to the funelaatental lute of doctrite between Protest - rt and 'Roman Catholic/AM. At the elusion of toe wervice the 'Altealrer - tendered a VerY hearty vote o thanto 4 the Orange Order. tOENTIt AMA ArrL,Es wANTED-Tbe Exeter Evttimrator will Pay 40 cents per hundred for good wioter poolore. Surrox Mabager AUCTION SALE -13. S. Phill);:e has eeceiVed irettruction's from the under- oigr.ed to oell by lealblio auction 04 SATURDAY 'NOV. Sth 191V) at 1 o'- clock obareo 2 storey brick ,notitie itd lot, on Corner or Autirevo 41.nd, 'victoria Street Exettre rear School end also contents of house iecludiug Parlor. Dixteng room, kitcher, aael liedroont Furniture. Orme I). A. Roos 1)r B. P. Roos, Executors „le. S, lebilliets Auctjiaeer. . Large congregatiores ilsielled to two able internam by the Rev. Carman itret Sunday Ca tbe Silver ,An niveroary of the, Methodsit church A goodly number from Whalen and elswbere were in attendance. Next 1Sunday we exoect Mr, South - cote, , Editor of the Exeter Timeee to ';reach in the mornimg and Mr, Geo A. Stanley of Luc at in the evening. Mine nOstella :Nell was .hoine from the 'Coneervatory of music, Landoll, over lost Sunday. Mni, Harry Every unde,rWent successful neeration at VietOr;a EON., Londore last week. She is re- Oorted doing well, and le likely to be able to leave the leieeital in a couplo of weeks. , DASH -WOOD APPLES WANTED -The Exeter Evacorator will pay 40 cents per hundred for „good wieter feelers. JOS,. SUT'TON Manager Mies Ella Ifeyrock of Zurich is vis- itirto with her cousin Miss line Gu. - titer. IIIrs.int. Birk who lee been, confin. ed to the house through i11ceeo4 at eieser.t very low. Mr, Elmore leillert was ouccessfed hecuring the contract for carrying the mail on It. It. No. 3 Mi. 'Jacob Kellerman had'a number of men engaged last week filling hie two silos on bes farm. „Air, !Wm. Eloie is at eroseet g the new School house at Thule' rd, for the Dant:mood Planting mill o. • • Mr., Otto Reett Meyer, a d Mis,s idie ,311`claacOvt.re married in Winer or. Octoner 21st after seending' vcral weeksOon extentle'd vvade` doing tri: they settle down in Dash- wood in the house recently occueinl• by Mr Siebert • ..A large amount of. eider is manuf- actured these days et the cider mill better get yob'? Lairel filled in case of the ,Scott Act ccipiag in force. The grist' mill is one of the busy ;laces in town this week judging the large 'eurober of teams coming ia for gristing and choeping„ Z.S. NO 2 U6'BORNE So, IV Charlie Turnbull, Ethel Alc- Ilonalrie 'Gladys Jr,`IV Vio- let Stewart IViarne Knight, liodgert, Lillian Kay, Sr lif Rena Pollen, Ulric Snelle Charl:•e Jeffrity 1-tollie Willianre, iNeieon Dunkin., Else linight, Aiadoe, Dou;:e. Wilfred Tuenbell Ceeil Stew- art, E thla e la Kay. Arthur .11ottodlo. Sr. 11 _Iva ,InilLinas •Jo;'11•1)orothy rnstreng, ,Gert ie Stevvart Anna jeffrey Laura Knight, Carman laoirae it La Belle Kaye Gordon nIcDon- :ini Arabelle Rankin. Marie Cott -le Jr Pr, Ethel Stewart, Sim amilen wet „tie Alliteou Sheldon Froncis, Gertrude knight. No 011 roll '30, average at- tendaece :31, M. L. Coward .tpach We regret to have to re";ort the ery seiia';s illness of our boot aed bae toorzbant Orr, 11. a. Oryxiale ft cpears that Nr, 1)rysdale whde ;Kling the holidays with „relatives Wingbam cinught cold and ed into other trouble% confining im to his room for the °;ast w'eA Or :tore, under the are of several dec. or$ and a trained nurse. Our ci,ia1 towtginart Dir• Alex ficaith was in Iluffalo durir4 the „last week, bookjn u; the situation there in regard to the markatibg or L'HON DALE S. NO, 1 USI3O1tNE For Oatober. Ilarks give ative Oteteding ',Booed on 'School work. class Cecil Barris; 13FO: gaggn, 1063: r, 1V Katie Sandeni, : Ee1yt Cann 1206; Malcolm Dougall 076; 1tos-3 Dick 070; ar IV. lia Mitchell, 708; Clifford 'Aioir, il5t3; Sr 111 Alice Dick. 1014; Thiso 939; Lorrr Oke 424; Annul .Strar.g, 1276: Gladys Dew 3064; ,Thmu aa Douga/1 541; 'Wilbert Selves; sr, 11 Edgar Cothoore 913; Dorold Wood SO4; Eorl Mitebel/, 676; Percy liar- riq, 511, Pt. 'IF Anna Moir VII! ot 11 Clareece Down 471 Vere Dune 371; 1 claoe Gordon Cudmoret 292; James Oke, (327; Melvin Moir 841. la- SEAFOTITH Mr, llnetings, the Goverranent In- soector or public buildiuge, was here from Toronto, tool and ir. coati:any vitt' Mr, Wright the local ineeector end eIx, McE.'er.ele the Contrazter made a thorough letemonete of the new cost office, and formally took it off the hands of the Contractor. Mr, Bastinge says that Seaforth baa the best and largest nubile hundina in the Donne:eon corsiderieg the size and eepelatioe of the towel. :The .11,,Teeeirs Sox bare engaged Mr Jas, Deoford of Clir.ten as manager of the undertakieg busOneos as euc- cessor to Mr, S, Ta Holmes. Mr. 1). 1). Wilson left last 'week Lor Vancouver where he will tr;end the winter with his eon Douglas. Tbourenon Scott son of Mr. and, Mm T Ge Scott has received a :donna from the Stratford Business College and has acceeted a position in Galt. The anr.ual meeting of the Seafor- th branch of the childre.ns .Aid Soc- iety was held in the lecture room of the eublic library. The reports of the secretary and treasurer were read and adoeted and show,cd that durirg the year the sum of $72 had been contributed by the iSeaforth branch leaving the balance oc hand of $7. County Inseector G. M. El- liott of Goderich was :eresent and gave an account of the good work accomplished during the year, eiting many cases which gieatly interested the audience. An aepeal was made to the oeople of Seafortl, to become members of the :society, Thc follow- ing officers were elected for the year Preisde,na A. D. Sutherland; treasur- er John Beettie; secretary, John A. Wilson; vice-aresidents, the resident clergYmen, delegatee to County mr!et- it,g i,n GO(krieh Rev, A. W. Barker John ',Beattie and Itev,, T, 11, Brown'. 1dr, Ferdinand Ilugard of Egmonat ville who has been the West, for the eaot couple of years returch,d home.last week. Mr, Ss_ T. Holmes who has been manager of tbe Broadfoot Co, furniture anci undertakieg buai'ness 10 seeforth for tbe rest 20 years has decided to go into busteces ,for him- self and lute rented terneorary pre- enise.s in the Cady block- 'where .he will o -en new undertaking Parlors at once. It Is nleo his inteutiors to add furnit urean the near futoae. Mr, John M, Wilson was in Owen. Sound last week as a delegate to thie Presbyterian Sabbath School to the Ps esi ner,a 1 oa bbath eichno A secene- tion held there Mayoe Ament has returned control of Lis saw mill :and Staae factory which he had' leased ,to h.i brother, for ,e Year. Mr, 1) G. 11;11e:roc formerly of the eeeql hotel Seaforthe has Ipa;sect the 0.1areacI9G Hotel 13erne, • , A1LSA Oltre *eavgs::: 7Lrerar AC nen,. eVerlelle is»t ur- s gr4ery hosiness 1 Already *t4s sason 130 Cat'Sof cattle have bean I- ed fsasn h They amounted in v1ue to V.:10,009 There areettill ahoot 000 head toeelne A quiet wedding Was So/onto/zed el the boree et him Wor„Lea lest wee1. when her daughter Olive was 'atoned . Gillivre'immediate y, Ogle the mediate re. morriarre to Ar, John Vollwen 0 latives of the bride and groom were 'r Te leent n. To d Y or Mr. G. A. Ellis a fore totograpber was ,hipped here cm (nide y from legereoll for burial at lyr. Cemetery. Potteral took ;lace ay loorrung, Mr. Ii,liausold former manager of be ClUQC.r.ls, Erdal here Was marr- gilti ts? izi efoz,s1r.47 in 114,Miltnxt tn MIs 'B. Rineley and Mies Jackson ine,d the members oE the l‘ ethodist choir bast Priday evening most er.joyable time was spent. -- or e 1 Vitildren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ZURICH AUCTION SALE -D. S. received instructions from tbe under, .signed to sell by otiblic auctioa an S.ATIIRDAY NOV. fith li13 at 1 o'- clock ebareo -2 storey briek 4noutie aid loit on °tauter of Acdrent and Victoria Street Exeter, tear ocboot and also contents of house including Parlor, Dinitig room, kitchen. nod lietit Dom. Furniture. Mrs, D., A. toes Dr, IL P. Ross, Executors :13. So Phillios Auctioneer. Mists Rorie Either who bas been at Creditot working at the millinery lets returned home. Children's Day waa celebrated last Sundae in the Evangelical chureet. I A fine erogram was rendered by the children and choir. The date of the ;Box .eobial or tbe T. P. .A of the Evangelic:41 chureh las been changed from Friday Nov 7th to Friday Nov. 15. Mr. and Mr, Join. Hey sr, bave taken lossessior. of the house lately ourchased ,from Mr. Jacob Ilowald. We welcome them to town. The seven year old on Henry isot. of Mr, and Mr,s, Beery Steckle of Stanley, died tn. Friday October 31st after an extended illness. The fam- ily bave the symeothy of all in their sad bereavenaent. A most lamentable, fatal accident occured at the home of Mr, Solomot. eitegerich of the, Goshen Line or. Thursday afternoon October 23rd when his three a ear old son Ray ac- cideetly got hold of some strychine which Mr, Ging,erich had leurehasee to eoison rate, and though the boy was immediately Tusbed to the doc- tors office the, little fellow died at 830 o'clock the same. evening. Dr, w McKinnon and Camebell employed it rest/ the actor. of the eataore ther efforts were frutile. The heirents are to grief 'stricken at the sad ocettrance and the sincerest s3meathy of all t is extended to them in their Isom The euneral took ;lace on Sunday +morning the Service beteg held it the Meneonite church: IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS END STODTACIf TROUBLE., GASES OR DYSPEPSIA ".Pape's Biapepsinu makes Sick, Soul*, SassY Stomachs SueelY feel fine In five Minutes. If "What you just -ate is souring on your ettetrach or lies like a Jump of lead, reflistng to digest, or you belch. gnn Ond eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feelieg of diAziness, heartburn, fullness, nansea, bad taste n mouth and stomach -headache, Yon an get blessed relief in five !SinOtes, Put an eod to stomach trouble forever "gettInln a large fifty -cent ease of Pttpe's Diarepsin from any drug store, Yn realize in five minutes how need, ees it is to eqffer from indigestion, eepepeia or any stomech dieorder, "1 the quickest, sure et stomach doe - Fa the wnrld, it's wonderfo. There einhcr:TiRe.17SaTi-n7nE07;17' 'ov, 2c4 resident and '?ronn.c.nt bea sease .3•1Z,,,;k%S r. Carter who fer cnvyeere was eann,,ctsd with the et ;10,f:hieing itenzeire ef WP,7-17`71t 'lane NInd fli:AWIC ,,Alort ii471‘;r7 ra; ogfCIL tn 4.e rpe 44,,*() lie toe): a levet, St it'! tr:41.11to.rio ducat -,on ;lad abotl the Cortes Seb.olc.tr$h*P3 arci countins a Westerra Qe- wes 13 yeers of age 444 of S.etfortb Oen, where Jti rempss were taken will thiy- rgmera held from the Grand Trunk deat, on Tuesday roon, dt:ylestR'elre'cterlidllt"o7thl.h:1,1:4'nisi:roaft didate in tAatth Proce wae ett There,. e majotito. of 124 over bi,s, or.folt W, Ceegill. %ia‘hr% rt9th:f%:14'1'9rif*'''' 11Mt:e511751't y morning October 18th ra•'3911 eavestto moorn bor losr sor- v ng husband one soo three Mena ld a father ord two .isters. 31r$ 'Ratting and 'Artul‘e at home owl brother Ilussel ;Alt heMe, DOCeai, - well tired and her death is by ail. Interment took Thursday in Grand Amid Taylor ,sitl„e,ped from tion recently a an crot e cottle and pig* to Tor - bed the misfortune to na41,70, MOnti 10 a commisston firm, mod Wilson of 2'01111104 ince mart.e an aomoot We 114 r orthatr azrulteeno.cdintsr. r .4 Tooter may he tomewhsit incomes:a., "eenre;dtetahras, .not setter ‘Vord was received ober 31st that Mason . and Mrs, Peril Bell Ca h bid died in the General Saskatoon following an o;etatt move a bullert which entere mdy witen a rifle accidently dis- c'rs7eldlelal Liv t for SktEoo apt ago, tebern'tb4 hoard or their ns eenoua *eminent land ,reached shortly before his deatb. The .,:oorig man was welt known. nnivereally liked artd the newe his death is a shock to the town Orr, Wesley Jefferson has ;sold bra farm on the boundary between 'Ro- bert end Fullerton, to MrWm liar. 1/4*.er Dottrel, for 1$8300, Mr, James Perrish ot MtOoliell hea le•atsete urtreedfdrol,faorl itlrioth)dIr11.ei esZheril aOgbbe WAS it is leartially Testcreel nod with the aid of a nageirYing glass will be oble to read again. He lias beerin dark- ness for tbre.e years. Mr, 'James Brittora, of Ilibbert died on Oct. 22nd. The deceased was bora in illidderov3. 1)evon. Englatale in iSOO At the age of "22 be came to Oanada and a year later was married to Mgr aaret Trick*. After a reendenee or fire ;,.1. Whitby they moved, t 1 a libbert N‘there tney ruade anany A number of Hallowe'en pranks were played in St. Marys Several par t ies had falls from steps being remov ed. Onel lady 'was eemously injured Some of the lade were summoned to a ppear before the Magistrate The "Gurn Langlois PoultrY Plant of Clinton .have 3.500 chickens in the feeding batteries and exoect sbort- iy to have 5.000 The fowl are being brought in from the isurdroaiiirelin cg ountry. About one ton of cheesed fo, wl 'is "beii.y. eg ;shneped out . Homer ,Iloward O'OCOttd Son. of Mr, and Moe -Wm., Howard, of Lucas. died in -SnJoseeb's imenihnle Londool o n October 25th, . Deceased was ?in h is 28th year. At the time of bit - death he, wee livir.g in London /nay - ng' moved there about four months ago. The -funeral was ,,held on day to to St. James cemetery, every means at their de:tinsel to ar- Mr, C. 'W. Hawkshavv.. of Isucane ho bat been in a critical contlithon now out of daeger itad jO imarov- rag nicely. FEVERISH CONSTIPATED Look Mother! If tongue is coated, cleanse little bowels with "Cali- fornia Syrup of Figs." Mothers can rest easy after giving 'California. Syrup of Figs," because in a few hours all the clogged -up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Sick einielree needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." MillionS of mothers keep it handy be- cause they know itn action oft the stomach, liver and bowels'it isz•pre arid sure Ask Your druggist fora tle of “California Syrup,of hinit contains directions forebabies,'children of all ages aud for grown-ups. Owing to eevexal caste- uf scarlet ver in Maclaell rthe ;Odic Schoot. as closed d0w. for a few days- white. be buildirg, was fumigated. BAND TO AlOtierIl So many blow in every e.ennyt, and when the rainy day is here there needing cchn„ but haven't any, ar.d they oiled the scalding tear. Dig -bus irtees grinds tlit„ eoor 'lien's rece- ive beard them noltmer once or twice our •Government a rank ties- orace is when worthy men can't ra,i8e the. f.rice. The rich ma,n by ,theikr chauffeurs nrivearegard the -oor , , with hautY glance the honr may have' a show in heavert-on earth they have to c•hance. The eoor man bas hiS chance however; ii,s better eow than e'er before unless the, fruit of hie endeavor" be blotee it wittily at the store, tanless he burns -his hard- earned wages the quickest ',way that:, he 'Iteowe how be never hadin all the a,,esa better chance then he han now. When luck is good a.nd skjea are ,sunty and well-e:aid- hales are runaling loose a. marc ishould salt • , away .his money where it *131 „ , or winter use. lion ei•er .um he --Ankles tis til Cheer him t bus ur.diTif..16Yed I thhipi tiler dozen, mickies than,' ,49ihing cl#1.1g V4),Ld -Walt„Itf''' 199