Exeter Times, 1913-11-6, Page 4tor 4-1k, of 4 '•44.4.N 4101 1 bf 4114 Cla 4.1 111.114* i 114 Incorporated 1SO:5 Reservt $8,700,000 gt, LRANCrIES IN CANADA A RAI BANKING riaINES TtlAli,SAOTEO„ eiRov./4: ETR 01? ORMT TRAVELLER* CILE4-y" - SLI BANK XONEY ORDEg • - sokvIwns At,,,nEratacttps. Intel* Teti at itig,hetat current. rate. PARTMENT Exete .litit1DONMalager § Age at Ezet for the Dominion Qovernment OF NADIAN BANK 7V. STR Enziwr, MIME. �VQ., LLD., l'resident zzzzr.x r e"Pta 44tatare-‘ TAL $15,000,000 44teneta,t ,444.-7^ter • T, $12,500,000 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may Le opened at evezy branch of The Canadiarf ZV4,04,4*-4“;C; efult attention as is given business. Money may be de tisfactorily as by a personal xeter Bran X.BANcli ALSO 'EDON 44, J wfli r.ceve the ed or wit it o the Bank. ,B Cedar S es in Stock A Ceme e041 end sopp1y OEarge, tIeslirg cool tine • tithrac into your 0.7-7 • toeTonr Dole Con!, se; sued ago, without e yr HaW of Dan ee IsteFStc hair is veale; There e. 171-0 tis eaent and if o shriek. fella out o onight-uow- oavo your bairt adr °thing eetees, st ger he this $.4 THE MARKETS c1-14cAGO. Nav, a --wheat weakened today after an early ahoy.' cif flrunt„.eas and the market etozed easy. 39, to ate tower to thot amount net higher, July be - Mg the only °peon to show strength thruout the sesalon. Coro cloaea at a net uolift of ,1,O to Mitt.; oats' were ot to no; prcrisions furehed 25f; to 3.2.ta4 up. tellerPeat wheat etc,ed Vbighor to lit lower; corn, ra to aa higher, TORONTO GISASN MARIMia Nirlwat, fail /mallet...a...30 to 30 3.3 Barley. buialei 0 aft 0 63 bushel 0 SO Oats. boahel ,...,,,,,,, 0 38 0 40 Eye. bushel 0 35 Buckwheat, imallei 0 S 0 52 TORONTO itAlittO stutter. Creamery, ita rolls. 0 23 0 A Dotter, separator, dairy,„ Rutter, creamery solids 0 et 0 av Rutter, are 20 o Cheese. old, 19 0 1614 Cheese, w-!nkl 0 14 0 14 la Eggs, new -laid 0 41 .... Eggs, cold „storage.. „. 0 29 .... Egga, aeld lects. coAtor'age It 33 0 33 Iforley, extracted, 4 Q 0 11 Honey, combs, doaen„ 2 59 3 00 WININVTG CRAtx 31.111.1110, Witmpg,g, os... 2 -The wheat mart ket °petted atrorg oa ateada cables and Unfavorable rePorts atom Argentina, The Olose was easier on quiet demand, The opening was Tee to etc higher with the close tate helm the @Peeing level. Oats and flea quiet et attilelletaged lorlee3i Dealt vateat-Nta A noethere.elS'ect No, doe 724te; N. 3 de,. 17ilet No, 4. 3ete; Ne. A reieeted acada. 771.4e; NO, 2 ei No. A veil wieten 331,tei NO. 4 el No. 3 e t No, 1 feed, 823.'4e; NO. 1, • ; NO, 2 faea, 39e, 43tee.; Jo< 4. 33%e; to - °tea, #33ol ateda, afia. 1i,W„0,, $1,1314; No, ; NO, 3 O.W. SLOO1/4. POL1S GRAIN MARKB.T, Nreeriet0AVOLT9'. NOY. Wheat •tieeo 320: IttaY. 88o:No„ 1 herd. $t a. 1 ratrtherta S'iSie• to $50; No. 2 do,„ ;9C to 83e; No. 3 itheat, 14V.,e to fnc.„ corn --Ne. 3 'yonew, 6$c to 69. Oeiaa-N, 3 white, 34.1-ic to 36e. Victim end hretW.-ThieliAtMetL DtrifeUTH GRAIN -MAREKTt 11'LLTTK. Nov, 3.--cleeto Witteat-N 653ite; NO, 1 oortherro 'Tie to 1014e; Mentarie -No. 4... aelteel; Man vet CUEESr RICETS, TICA. NOV, 3.--4.4.st weelea Pr eh Prevailed at todeeeti fa Or the Dtry Ward ot Trade. ott.er eti ed co Cent. The heese vere 34 boxeeq,t 14e, 'T01)1 ti• 0 lecte f scurf. tive to e laalr and ito 'ere` a fee Ogl- er tho scIp, which causes the hair roots o aral die -then the little Dandertne aUrOlY a 20 cent bott1o of Knowiton'a a froua any drug etore. You nre1y ean bavo beautiful hair and lots it it you esill just try a little Dee- erine. Save your hart Try it Giatwortii C-111,A,NTON. •ONL ousLE TRACE. betweee Toronto tAlontrtal ond Toronto and r O.riecipal cities in Canada 'Double traek and :Solid between, Montreal ard ego: also between Ontarie New York and Ettilade- ,>via Niagara, Fails. 711 I:WADDED VINEST, EQLeitMENT ELECTRIC LIGHTED SLEEpEltS Pull ,partitulars,'reerth raSer- vations etc, from Grand Trunk agents or write C. E. Horning District Pessisetiger Agent, Tor- onto Ont. At OVER OS YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARRS Desteras CoPiRIGHTs &C. Anyone sendIng a raetch and description I 11 , Stfltckly Zaeertelp:eur opinion Sreoirlther ;Ir(2,:1raTAeg_og.nn1O11111MC)111tt%hdpateL ut free. Oldest agency -for securing patents. stouts taken through Munn .3k Co. recedv Liciatnotice, Irit bout charge, lune irnndsomety Mustratea,vaeidy. Largeatclr Atinn 08 any so/entitle journal. Terms itr $3.7'4 a year, ,postags prepasd. Sold 52 heytEdealerz. N &Co'gor36v3rP.47):: New Yo,,r'Y' Breech onto°, ,, St.- Virns.ington, e d ChiIdrii -. r 30 Years HOTTEST IN YEARS. zi•ew York Mayoralty Fight Approaches Close. NEW YORK, N.t. 4. -With Fusion aatl Tammany leaders predicting a (Wide to -day foe their respective candidates, the municipal campaign, described by old-time politicians as reeeliest of a generation, came to ' -n last nigbt with speechmaking n all parts of the city. "We will win by 15 0,00 0," declar- ed Char/es F. Murphy of Tammany Hall, who in the past three weeks hos been moved to break his sphinx- !like silence more often than in any otber previous campaign. Fusion es- timatee of victory ranged from 75,000 to 12 5,0Oo. John lurroy Mitchell is the Fusion candidate for mayor, while Edward F. McCall is the Tam- many standard-bearer. Information reaching pollee head- quarters that "strong arm" men, gunmen, guerillas and thugs general - ]y were to be employed to intimidate j voters to -day resulted in promises 1 last night of police activity unusual for election day in this city. Seven hundred piehed policemen, familiar with underworld characters will be assigned to all parts of all boroughs, Police Commissioner Waldo an- nounced. At midnight last night every police captain vies Alined from his regular precinct to another, the change to be effective for twenty-four levers in ad- dition to the police measures for protection for voters, warrants were is-uedfor the arrest of 9,0 0 0 persons, ant -will be served as they appear at the polls. The warrants charge il- legal registration. IN SEARCH OF ISLAND.. NSAV Born Sandbar Off Sable Island Is Quest of Acadia. - CANSO, N.S., Nov. 4. --The Cana- dian Government steamer Acadia put into Canso yesterday short of coal; and after bunkering, proceeded to Sable Island to investigate conditions there in connection with the reported new island in that vieinity. The Acadia has on board the crew of the wrecked schooner Alette, in-' eluding fifteen Chinamen. Ice con- ditions in Hudson Bay are very bad, rid the Acadia got eut only by hard battling with floes coming through Fox Channel. Captain Robertson of the Alette, which was chartered by the Govern- ment, saw that the only way to save bis :Thai) was in trying to beach 12er. This be wasatble to eo in the mouth of the Nelson river. The ice in the river prevented him from lauding, and as all the shore boats had been put into winter quarters ha could get no asoistance. ,Acadia picked there up and thus-sared them the probable fate et spending -the winter in the northern country with scant provisions and shelter. The Acadia is expected to B "f4e, Tbursda.v- TLE MARKETS UNION $10 YARDS. TORONTO„ Nov. 3.---BeceiPts of re stock st the Union Yards wero 295 ears, 6375 cattle, 1105 hogs, 037 sheep and lambs, 19$ calves d 1 4 horse& Outchere Goad to Owlet) butchere' oteere eolel t e7,35 to 57.50; good butcherc, 30,25 to 37; Chalet) beitera, 57: reedlum, 85.70 to 55.25; choice tiOwii. 55,75 to 5645; good Coatal. 54.75 to ;foal); inedlulll. 54.29 to 54.75; canners and cutter, ;3 to 54.25; coc bn, 56 to 37; butcher bulls. 54,75 to 55.755 bologna bona. 34,20 to 54.75. Stokers end oetders The market for atoeleera and teedora # woe easier, and priceir about 25e per owt. lower. Steer, 1000 to 1100 lbs., sold at SG to 35.35; steers, POO V) 1000 Iba, at 55.75 to 36; Steelton,. 500 to SOO Ma.. 35 to 35.75; rough eastern otockere, 54.25 to 53. Milkers and Sr:ringers Tim market for fresh milkers and for- ward springers of good to oholco quality was very strong at 560 to 5100 each. The built aold around $70 to 330 each. Veal Calves. Tbe calf market *was firm at unchang- ed quotations: Choice vealsold at 59 to 310.50; good calves. 38 to 39; medium, 37 to 57.50; common calvez, 55.50 to 36.59; rOugli eastern calves. 34.50 to 35. Sheep and Lambs Sheep and iambs v,iere in demand at steady prices. as follows: Ewes, sold at $4.25 to 55.25; "culls and rams, $2,76 to 53.75; lambs, 37.40 to 37.50; bucks, culled out, at 75c per head less. Hogs The hog market was easier. Selects fed and watered sold at 38.85 to 59, and in one or two instances $9.10 and $1.15 was paid. The f.o.b. price was from 25c to 30c lower than the above quotations. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. MONTREAL. Nov. 3. -At the Montreal Stock Yards west end market, the offer - 'logs today amounted to 4000 cattle, 3000 thee') and lambs and 2000 hogs and SOO calves. Owing to the continued limited supply of choice butchers' steers coming for- ward, the tone of the market for such was stronger, And full loads staid at a turther advance of 10c per 100 pounds, ns compared with prices of last week.. An easier feeling prevailed in the mar- l:et for common and inferior stock, and prices were 16c per 100 pounds lower than a week ago. Demand from Ameri- can buy.are for stockers and common cattle shows no abatement, and sales were made at 55.40 to $5.65 for stockers, 53.96 to $4.40 for common bulls, and 53.15 to 53.40 for canners. The shipments a cattle from Montreal to the United States from Sept. 1 to Nov. 1 were 598 carloads. Butchers' cattle in good demand, with prices. steady, Choice steers sold as high as $7.75, while some small lots of picked stock sold at 57.69 per 100 pounds, Other grades sold from 36 to 56.76 per 10a pounds. The tone of the market for small moatv was stronger, and prices for lambs show a further advance of 25c, and sheep 25c to, 50e per 100 pounds. Demand from buteheis and packers here today was ge0d, and sales of round lots of choice western lambs were rrade at 57 to 57.25. and ewe sheep at $4.50 to $5 per 100 pcunds. The trade in grass-fed calves Ica shipment to the United States con- tinues active, and prices are' unchanged, at Vac to 41/1e, white local butchers and packers are paying Ge to Vac for choice,. roille-fed stock. There was an easier feeling in the market for hogs, on account of the in- creased receipts, and outside prices were - 25c per 100 pounds lower than w,eek ago. Demand was good. with sales of selected lots at 59.75, and straight lots at $5.50 per 100 pounds, weighed off cars. Butchers' cattle. choice. 57,50 to $7.75; do., medium, 56,25 to 57: do., common, 3( to 55.75; canners, $3.15 to $3.40; but. (herscattle, choice cows, 55.75 to $6, mediiim, 54.75 .to 55.50: do,, bona 55.75 to 56; milkers, choice. each, 385 to 590; do., common and medium, each, soir. to 580. springers. $65 to 570. Sheep, ewes, 54,50 to 55: bucks and onigeosa01,75e.4s..5f9505..tb.oi0.5tgo0.7_5560:15itt.tom5h0s.,753.G.5° t° ":25. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK, CHICAGO, ' Nov. 3.-Cattle--Reeelpta 23,000: MarIcet good-,steady;,others' Beeves, 56,70 to 59.65; 'Tetasaateei-9;, 56.65 to $7,75;,stocrters and feedors,„55ato`57.50; cows and heifers, 53.30 to '58.25; ealvee: $6.50 to .510.75. '1-logs„..o/leceipts 38,900., Market ' weak, 5`a' tower:a 57,50, 5810; mixed, 57.00 to 58.20; heavy, $7.40 to .$825; rough,' 57.40 to $7.60; Plgs# So to 57.20t balk of 1 near the:hoof. ,ilo remembered the' italea; 37.10 to 33.10- tot reft,rred to, , She-Beeeiple 52,009.„ market 'slow, --a „- ' 10e ,to 15e tower. , Native, 54:. to 55; year. liveratga be had been tryited to a. ,lings, ;SAO to tot. Lausho„...riativee.O. to I first -claSs' nu)ral ,show whfeh turned to .Wae2 u t • , THE EXETER Mock Trial TIMES tcontinwd Orem page 1 woe only hcansay .evidence. The obiection was stnstained. The ottor- aieY a0ae4 the OlaiOtiff. if she had not on lseveral oceasionta brought sim- ilar action aguigst several, elltleuleu of town and ishe relied oo. not one. Did Yoe not about fifteen Teal -A ago eater action agnitait Phas H San- dcW? asked the lawyer. 'No I was the rekly. Did yea not .3zatt ten years ago* enter aetiOla againet Al. Me- Donells? The answer was Ul the neg- ative. Then Jet ne remied yon con- tinued Mr. Statlauty. Did you not 180235 Tears ..a,go enter notfor. against John 'Grigg? 010 said th. for-ot l& -thou' Joh b t be 'settled and that case diti ',not amount to anythill'' Nr„ Lie Murray was next, called. He tnstified that he had seen .1', X. southcert at 'the •t,:latzttiff'ss hoarft'e. _house very often, in fact be •was there 'i.-ractically all the time. The defendact haxt laid considerable at- tontiorto the Ivi,dOW and Wee le al', ien(arly attentive about ore a a 23oittl about jog u tiut, One zsightOL arriVolog hotne about one o'clock,. (be was, sure it wa.$ one for be heard the elfeek tstrike one three times) he took eff his '$./tW'. 444 en- cred the hOtiSe ot beard Vkli443 11 aarlor, 'Suspepting. burglaraIhl ok his life in one hated acd tbasel 11 bast in the Qtber and vatered. titO „Airier only to findbi AfelVi,41 Ota htees, hefote the ittidow. 9'bf4`, 41.00ient 4101'14 P3oo40. blarated thwougb ir.aaat kaittratta „ Alarray testified he Wita 7ara" tbe night et the alioppaga, and lip extending copgrattliatie45 MoS- ititt his hat And ,41131 from X001.11., iss Olive GURIttel,a tegitifted eo toe egild the defendant that made Arra to her at ,onie time.,,nwi ;reposed to her end ageePted Ile had given her a ring WiliOhbe d cost S30011 bat AO bed taken Mr,. Fitton and he said he woad vate It for 2,5 000.M, glair( 4444 10181. net' he did cot see hOW snob ' Atrdnala etttaid aCattat itt Meta a ba,- but she tol tole always took, atattettute, gain ,und be looked .so sbt acce;ted bin; on the spot. told the saraz, sterY stai that, ttalo 4ot» met witnesses in ,reference to t ;ropoialt marriage :to the plai tit crosl-examination the It t admitted she ivas owing, a hoard to and had consented to teal 1.i ttf.dorrotb;e4;laltztiff if tbe beard biU „s The ;r0aKietttietn dr01-Wed that* ;1114 J. G. Steuhus,y brought on Jn evidence, J. Southcatt the defendant was first vatted, lie admitted that the manner doeribed n meetteg the ';httintlif Wail correct, that tlie letters terceluced had been 'written to lite witiow$ ueice Is.s ,Teresba Balt* Perkites, Knowing that; the 'teicia worked in the kitchen, arrangemet.ts had been made with brr. jas, Gould to send the letters in tackages of an - gar. to make sure the mice would get them. 'in order to (see the niece it wan necessary to sit u; late one night with the widow .and the next night she wataid be so tired out she would retire early innd the defend- ant and the steice would t7;eL4 tbe eventeg together The de feedaet had been ieformed that the Mace had been left a legacy of $2,000 andite thought it vaaa tho, -sice to whom reference bad been made when be and thettaintiff Rad dtscussed the matter or marriage and money and itt was sur;rised when the widow fell into hie erects Crying "H ain yours." Ile grabbed his hat titd rushed from the zoom. Mis Jennie Hardy in the roll of jerusha Ray Perking took tbe stand, She said sho wets „engaged to be mar- ried to the defendant. She lied been induced to live twith her aunt and become a comeanion, but the only cromnrenion the latter wanted was a husbr,nd. Her aunt was cruel and wicked because she scolded all day she talked about her neighbors And out red flannel in the 'bast for beets On the evening in 'August she wan lereporin,g, to go to a band coneert as Melvin always took her to all the free concerts and secured a reser- ved azent when no admission was charp,ad. The 'r.ext day he told her all about the eraceedings of the even lug before. tithe defendant had asked her to be a comeation through life. in the cross-examination the law- yer stated that the ladies of Exeter were an exceetion if they (didn't talk about their neighbors; and that She would be disatiponeted if she ex. oected a husband for a cotnpaniop for it teals the exceletion not the rule Dr Quackenbileh was called to aive exeert testimor.3. He said that the relaintift was 'a monomaniac tnat is, she was insane on erne subject but sane on all others', the elaintiff thought everyone wanted to marry her Ile stated that there was oth- ers in toNv.n with the same cliseaaa and for eixaruele . eeplaired that lawyer Giadman thought that every man should be arrested for they had eithee broken the law or were about to break it. . Rev. G. 11 illeAlieter was a little off on sir.Ortg as he imagined he could sing in staccato. Our 'COWL fatherwere a little off, or. road, making), they thought they, could make good roads las clacionced. by, Main 'Street at the 1.,:raseut time Quaelteelsosh bad celled in Dr. Sc;ttvlseeetaefodr 7tosnsiutltiiiosn aolnwatp: .3t1hael,,ateiafsfae they disagreed And went to anad- ioinitna rotim where. they tossed te,7!,, ae;enny and Dr. Quackenbush won out ale they used his lerofets'onal, eenny wilich had a bead both. isidee. Earle soutimott wars the last wit- ness De NN,s acquainted with „both the a:liiritoff and tbe defeAdent. ile had ic ei ded with Mrs, perkins wee she had tried to 'make love to han At first .sins gave lem the largesit T,iece i"tet, flVe primes, instead of t LI 0 usual three and. wiser. they had chick en he alwa3s.,got the heart. After et, re-!, ceed 10 ee haginv marrying the atxdow he only , got th_ree , rnr.ee and the beef steak Was from dowr. ITE111.11SDAY nOVEMB,roft 6 11 eam,e those L.:reset:1 'but the Judge Oeterverled and on eromiee that the name of hie honor or any ot the, jury ishould not be mentioned the evid- ence was allowed. Thos, Harvey was referee. Thos Barton. stakeholder and Dr'. McGillicuddy examined the, 1;u18e3 of the dogs. Oa returning borne the defendant ralt into bine tied WaS "much excited ard asked him, to aceom;;tuy him home. On the way he told Of hie eacailu framia the widow Perkieet, This ended, the tee- . entinateee and the attortene teroceede ed to num u; their evidente, G ,Starbury iu a very able, maximer ore - ;seated tbe eauee of the defeadant and Cod Newton ;leaded for the tiff. Jedge Dickson gave his cher- ge to the, jury lobo retired and after brief consultation brought in a ver -diet that the defendent ahould be fined three detlero fOrthe jurY and forty eight cents for hie boner the judge, The tiatoceeds from tne enrertain- Meat amounted to $131.a0 # Notice to CreditorE Isi the Mai tar of the eatate of Itiebard Crocker, of the ViLIage of 'Exeter Laborer deceased, otice is hereby aivert laurSuatit to "Stattle•si in that lialitelf that oll cred- ti.Ora and Otbera ,havi,og elajms g, pinst the estate of the said, Itichard Crocker who died on or aboan $eat ote reqUeleted 911 Or belOre a'Spv„ 1Nti o etid by ;rest preptiiil • .deliver to Z1te84tn and Staelsery of tbe Vjlinge ot etee Selfeitoes for Bneolstera Of the deceased, their ehrettian end Set ;lame's, addreasea iitpd deacriariallta' t5t fult'fartiell1ar5 of tbeir ca.}ima the statement of 'their alaCCOMIta and the nature of the 'securities,. if any held by them. And further take no.. tice that otter ;such last metitioted date the klatd. L'aecutors;•..z.a., ,deevecdosteoo daiSrptt;ipbVethetk),,,e,a4rstsi:seeftittilsede thereto having regard Qt.la to the etait715 Of bteb they eltaB thhtt have notice and that the Exevators will not be liable for said assets or alria' art thereof to any 'petition or per - us of whose claim etottet, 11 not tbaso haall received by theta Ibo time, of such distribution, ' i,iTetN111:111: .SoalitvitExor,Rstrb tor tExir 5ut4 Dater toradv et (dice to Creditors „the matter of 'the estate of Samuel $ottlito o Ake 'Village or ttotleinen deceased. Noticeis berthy given tz:ursotint to Statues itt that behalf that all ere+ tiers .and others having claim's a84 - Must tbe estatui of the said Samuel Smillie who diei on or about Stet ember itith 1013 are requested on or before ',November 25tI4 to octal be ttoSt reeenid or deliver to rea.srs Glad - man& Statibury of the vilittge of Exeter`!..:nnlicitora for Executor or tho ,Ntid deceased, their christiau and au: names, addresses and deecrietione the full esartioularn of their claims the otatenient or 'they accounts and the nature of the securitien. if auy beld by them. And further take no- tice tbat Atter such last mentioned date the stiid tExecuten will (sro- ceed to distribute tile tea.setti of tbe eh:evened Among the c,arties entitled thereto having regard only to the dahlia of which he eball then 'have notice end that the Executor. will rot be liable for lead assetu or any vat thereof to filly purion or per - eons of whOse oleitu notie ohall tot have lisen received by at the time of Ouch distribution. GLADMAN & &TANRURY Solicitors for Executor. Dater at Exeter this 5th day of Nov, 1913 Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate o Donald 'Alexander Rosa of the -Vil- tge of Exeter Lumberman cleceo- Notice is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the.. late Donald Alexander Roes of the Village a Mre- ter who died on Or about the 6th ief Oct; 19113 are requested on or before Olith of Nov; to Izend byroo.st prepaid or deliver to Messrs Gladman & S.trouuty„. policitors for the execu- tors of the estate of the said deceased their christain and sur Lames, ad.dresses 3.uu descri,pt'ions, the felt partieulars or their ctions, elite state:nett of tteir accounts ind the eature of the securities, if any, held by them Aref further take notice that after such 13St niettioned date the said Execu.tors will proceed to dis- ,tribute the assts of the' deceased among ate parties entitled thereto baying regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and tt.o.t the said Executors wili not be liable for the said assetts or any .part thereof to any person or persons far wl.ose claizns eotiee shall not hive beer. received by thein at the -time. of such distribetior.„ ' GLAIJMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for tke 13xecutors. Dater at Exeter thi3 .51.111 day of Nov. 1913 i A .NFCESSAItY FOO D T ;'PPLY `Some comparisons, r#r rccords ir- dicate what infitatelY bet ter re- . turns some dairymen obtain from their cotes than -do other owners etf herds. One lot, of milk testiag 3:4 delivered at a factory lost month was 21,580 'aoutals, the yield of ;.?0 cow e in'two herds. Two' other herds also` totalling a Cows and producing 3.4 milk geve only 12,380 poundo dor- ing the ,sanne :month. These are not extreme comearisone beeahso. jI in any known' cases the test was low- er -and-the total pounds of fat 'de- livered would be consequently far o va er't 'A tart how CV Cr ;frOdrI . toe 2\1 iNo'ee icogo,f7t,s'hoe,affatilivriiiniadak,itahilatln ,ettro;f‘,40reintoi]r ende a half tons' of milk mere then tee ot'h''"eriSgeero°1172n'h l atrot eltie „re TYti?`nvdeleVeritleallialitiselid AVegetablePrePalforAi-, atnitatinibeFetajoittflOala' tingilieStoradnancl000f INFANTS 'CHILDREN •••••••••••••••• PromotesDigestioalterrif nesstailtestantairtsreittir OPitgtatorphine norittgat NOV NARc irlOarambzwarnwa Reforia'a togr-' Arr-razia 422Liexce rzfre Apeziectileatedylertehstip,, nos. SeerStomath,Dianlices; wornis,Convulsions,Ectaish, nessandLOSSOFLEEft, yar$11,77Fiftesehtt'V Am-'cr.timv4colvAny,,, • NONRIFAI-8,NEWYOR11 • At6 months a 35 DOSES -35Cf.rolTS EXact CASIO I Por Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of For Over Thirty Year CASTOR clort.rirovaim 401PAPA,S,y,, 2.1g1W Ironic crrir. se and Lot for Sale Brick cottage, very cell al o. An' Street just behind town ball clog rarior Dining 'Room. Kit - and summer kitchen 3 . ,Iled 3 clothes closets large Fan' y„celler throughout Ilard and soft water, Extra large lot with several rrott trees also satble, For termstv.E frittt trees alSo stable. For terms to A. liasticgS or 1L.S. 2.131111ps atzctioneer and Beat Estate., lig...tot Exeter. 150 Acre•Farm For Sale The undersigted is altering for sato that fine 150 acre farm la tho Tonnship of Stephen being the west half of lot 15 Con, 8. and Lot 16 con 9 There is on the latter a good Remo .house containing 8 rooms two good bank barns 81x40 and 311x50 with good eitabling underneath; a never failing well with wind mill -eininnces; water 'through The tarn Well underdrained, Avell fenced and in goodstate of cultivation For fur- ther particulars apply on the pre- mises to J. It. Schroeder or 13, B. Beal Estate 'Agent Exeter Ont. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2ad. Catalogue free. Enter any tune. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal CaarteredAceeuntant la Vice -Principal CENTRAL 41#1.1. $1ERA X FORM ONT. • • Our registration again ex- ceeds that of any previous • year. The boy or girtwho has not received our iatategue • does not ktow the grceit oppor• - tunities of Commercial life We ; have three enseartments Cana- • mercial Shorthand acd Teleg- • raphy. and we offer y ou ; vantages cot offered efsvv.bere • in Octario. You may enter at • any time. Write for our free eatalogue at oncre. • • D. A. IYIeLACHLAN. • • Principal. • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• to eicture' the consternation there would be if Canadian cows tn general were as 'poor as these mealy cows [PeOele need milk, pletty of it ata a good nutritious and -cheap food in these days of high 1,rices. But if 1;oor cows with only losv yielde are ke,;t, where would be tills neeettearY see "universally 'a;PreCiated food froitunat6IY.."-threugh 'SYStenlatie CONV testing totaitte COIX1,,' a rifions are ,posisibleo ;nee tive fur- nished to every 'oeener of a aoor heal to ,keeo cow,,s .more worthy the 'name' -• dairy; ,'cow, 'a:ample records, ily kept, give 'tletinitte . information. ,aetirg, as guide posts to herds, bred (AEA fed Lor lOr*P.1riel4a. • ' DR. •G, , 1 uotor ,oraduat ii7.,,I;I:ro,:tone o.0.1tice. Darr*, ling's Law Oft . losc-ti W 4dittty7 af9teffrniztemns. 1 -cb":"3 1 Residence 5 b. DR, A, Graduate ot Toronto malty ; DENT'IST Teeth extracted without pain, any bad effect,s. Office over Glad-i- lia:in& Stanhury'a Office Main Exeter, BROWNING AS. D., M. tat • It. Grraduato Victoria thalvere aity Office rind residence .Doutisticker Labratory., Exeter, Associate Coroner of Huron 1OES0.N & CARLING Barristers, Solioitors Notaries Corp.- veyancers Gotanaissioners, SolisitotrA tor the MoLsons Bank to, Money to Loau at lowest rates et isp4- terest. OFETOE-MAIN STREET EXET1. E14 R. Carling 13. A,4 I. Lik Dick/Asir MONEY TO LOAN We .have a large amount of ate fund funds to loan on farm and sih- lage properties at lowest sate o2 tereste GLADMAN & STANBUBM el3arristers, Solicitora, Main SI, Exeter M15:e Ge E. M. 131S13ETT A Mu/. W. U Honor Graduate of the Landon ,Cone servatory of Music, Teaching Code lege of the Western University Teacher Piano -Theory -Harmon.y. counterpoint and Musical History P colts prepared for musica/ examina tions. Tflo Usborna and Ribbon Farmers Mutual Fire lam- a= Gowan!' Head Office, Farquhar', OststP- President J. L. RUSSELL Yioe-Eres. RoBT, GARDINES DIRECTORS - HORT MORRIS THOS. RYAN WM. BROCK WM. ROY A HEN T3 - JOHN ESSER Y Exeter. agent Lros- borne and Bidclulph. OLIVER HARRIS Munro agent for, Hibbert Fullarton and Logan. W. A. TTJRNIIULL Secy.Treas, Farquhar GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors. Exeter. fitaf5. Winchelseirre Elornhol.o INorttialu to iriterested know about the wonderful ass r"11„,WhIrlina -Spear" g'e'lDouclie Ask "dristoett *or, It, It, he :catittottonSplie the MARVBfa itecept-hoaaa, .othoniliatr'senastainp,Mr,111110 1-nated•boek-liealed ,alaglatat felt , imams and direattortathattleable` „ aeseratittiuitii tor cansda,; . ,