HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-10-31, Page 5 1 71 1 - I . - I I I I ; I - - :. , - ,, 11 I — 11, ,I ,,,,,,,.,("'," , R , ," i,1%7 L,-- ,'?,, --- -
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I . , . I _-AT 00T.,40 iftal ,, -, e I I 1 I ,THE I I I I . I :il. , ,,, ,
- 1. — I I I I 1. I I I I I I J XET ER T I X E,S I . I I 11 I I I
1 _-_1111 ___ 11 ' --111 I_, - , 1. 1. _____ , — —_ I I I I I I 1 -17 1
1 : 11 I'll I i — - iol - . , I - . & __k,4
I , I I 11-1 11 — _ . I I I I I
I , . I - I __ I ; . 11 - I , , , I 11 I I I - I I . __ - I I 11 . I -_ I 1 7;.4 -_ I I I vww: -,
AT : I : TO OTTAWA. 11 """mmm" - I - I I 1 –"04-1
. I I I —
, , : : , '0 , i I 110140— SOUX AMD STOMACH$, I t ;;;; 1 =4 ` , '11; 1 ____ -11, - 11 I
I . , , ul OHS 0 10 I _Av ,w 0 1 1 1 . 1. I . I 1.1.111, 11-1 . , .
I I . OA$X$ OR DWI I I 11 I I I ,
I I I I . I ' Wts t"D Varmers Draft tong Series I I QFSTI()lv Rheamatiso Lumbago ,, I*- :11 1,
I I I — I I ... I r
I 11 .
: I I I I OX warig rvoposals. Each, "Pape!e Piapppsin, r digests 3ooQ I I I I ORALITY THE GUIDE. I I 11.
, i .
I 1 1. NOTHELP HER RIPOINA, $aqk-, Oct. M—At a I srains fogd, r ending all at6ma4,1) ' I , "I . ... "I I., 1 I . I
I I .1 I I 1. meeting of the Canadian, Council of misery in five minute And Lame Back Doctrine Of, — I f_1 I , I , .
11 - I , . I I sr. I I I I Expediency Fla$ Enslas- . 1 -111 . , D 0 ,
I - -
- ,;, . 1.
I - 11 .-i.,: — Agriculture, # -which re 11 Latin Amvr -_ , , ", .
I . . , ica, Says 117ilson. 1%-k ,
. . tiyea of tbj, presenta I Z, C4 1 1 ":;, I
I I ; , cab.'be cured by the great frq - I ; ,, 4
Saskztphewan Tlme It! 14 five minutes 411 stanI7 ney , it L d:, :
am!, ' , an 0. cti, 'No iudistmL; I 1, —W ,,, I, 1-1-1 ,:! ... , I
, __ "
,, 11 __ . . . . . . . . . . . "
, I I
, But Lydia Ee Pinkh ' - GTaia Growers a I , "I 1 I
I )14,vi,to M -socia, ,Md liver XcInedy, I MOBILE, Ala., Oct. 28 i hile "I 2 I I
I . s Veg tjous 'n distress *111 go. vu, Avoiding any )aIention Speeffically of 1.11 I
I a (I U !tea Faroir-Ts of lioartbux-a, sourness or bejehi g , . . I
-0 , p of .
I ,eta ble Com -Pound Restored Alberta, wertehepresent, it, 'Was unani- gas, acid, or crtictatlen of und_gc 5, 4 I _ _ F1Q P1 r LLS Mexico, or ;any Europeaq influence " " " , R,A ;1 14 ;_ ., I I I
. , I
I I . I
I connected with the Mexican situa- .0 , I
I I '113raAntford 4 ug, 13 1911 . :115
1 sly dP I I Q taAer .steps for, a, 100d,, no dh 7ineja,s 131- tj, to a I
- . . I Mr#.'Bra41ey',s Health, moll ,eided t breath or bea6che oa ' ", Pil . k lion, President Wilson delivered a 1` .." . . I
r deputatiou re i Your iwedip_h ,
I , I w R I I " X
11 I 0 I I presenting the'organiz- . . lso has, wor - Ppeecli here yesterday which ,: 3;_, ,?..O;_ W,., I .
farmer4 of Canada to Proceed to paws p ed to, be freighted with signifeAuce , r,,.` - .! I
: .: Her Own Statement, ed I I DIP epain Is noted for ,d lvonder,5 for rn , The rlicamatic I _ appelir `T:]
, aW4 beh>Te, 017 near1he opening ,spced in regulating upset sto map ainS f - '-/,r., I
, I Ott It$ ' 'Ave Oa*el)' left Ta a'Ad I : ,-:i - -,N, _
or N , I I
.: .1.
.: 1.
,.: 1.
I ,h4, And which served to point with fur, a,'e:,*
! _ 11, __ the next opzaion of rarljamea OWP everything to N,,Qkix: ,*1
, .. I I . I I It is, the purest q renieciv. You I l , 1, 1!1 I
, ,!: 1 , , I Ptckest stoniaeWem- ther directness the
I , , policy of the
I , 11 . . . Vjimlp&g. banadg- — I - Eleven to lay before ,tbp O the whole WqN4 gn are at Liberty to 101-sh. th s. R. I I .
.", 1, , , d bodd.eff It f,,allIn4g., 0 i i l i .
I I I - , . , I . IL . I K4ft9d _(4te,5 net only toward -Mex. g: I
r I I
1 1 1 1 X N6puf 'ara 111. is LArmleSs. Put an end to stomach 'At 11 e 1 ,5 25 I bu! toward all Central and Am, 1
12 "::,.: 1*90 I y- Pre4r-13tatJOns'embodled !a a series teo t I I
I . . , to the Victoria Hospital,' of resolnt o I _ a 'a 4 er i, And 50c or i,jailed 9 . ,
. I I I
I 1 ", . ' his dealing with the tar-, trouble forever by ,getting ' the ri ig p;jl. co, st, Th, 11 .0 , I
, 11 1. XOPP7cal, Pllfrering with a, growth. Th& - I 11 11 4, large, by thern Anieri,can Republics . I .1
., ,, I ,:: I e islati ' .. tuas Out, 3 1 ,
I , -Aactors gaja - I. 14* ,",perative ,IvrX,,1 . on m-nd ,;* ?Afty cent, ease of PPape'S I ,jr, WilsO4 SPQI--e ,before the . .
I ,. -, ,
11 - I
, I I It Was a tumor and could sample inarket. , I)JAPep,sla ,!$old at Iloweys Drugstore. I
11 . I 1 I MOtberemovedasit , I ,r ... 11 I froni'any drug store, you realize, W I Southern Commercial C ,r I ;dl
. I I would causeinstapt I OuUOP dealine -tb the tar- live minutes how R ' , ' . opgres,s, and, - 7K k -I' I
iff followS_ , yrJ , eedless It Is to sur- I - __, (he big, audience , h bea,rd, Min. I "I I
, " . 11
, , I , Idgath. They f9ond thatiny organs were I 11 feirfrola Indigestion,, dyspepsia, constantly -was s whic , 1 .
Y we .11 . 11
s,j, , t with pheep 1. -
P, , I '* 4&TWcW(1,, And said'I c,ould not live more h4t we Prge, the rarliament' z ah ,, -, or an 11!1111 LATE I ,,, , I I , " I ,
L , , - ' ,toma disorder It, MRS., joS -VL%,V,QON end applause. 1 ..
A41n s h ' of Cana( ., '. 1 7 ,
I Iximont slathecondftionlwa - ,la to j a t . I
Ir . ,,pere .se, jkt its firA , s the QuIckes
I 11 1 WIM. t Surest and most harmles,3 stomach 14 the course o,tl ,his address ,he I 1. ."::, I I I
, *'$Afteric =eh'ome1saWyphradV $ 'ssiOrr, the British preference. to at jaactp,r in the WQrK on wednesdo Oct, 140 tliere,ra-s. said,,- I -,.., _:
, I .1 ,e - 11 - - ,, ,, "
I , commenced I I ,il want. to take, this a - I
ItioeMeAt 14 the paper, and r least , 50 PeIr 4 017t , and, to Provide I sed co%,,ay ve,ry,4ad4eW, , -it lier 'boule;
T for 4 gradual increase from year to I . "' Nvest of CreditoM. the_6 4ovc cepMou to 4
. 'fticlug Lydia F- Pin ham' , , d wl o MY ttat. the'United States Will pf,,
L r I aVegetable yc,g of 'ver 11
V ,DM _ r u"t j we, have free trade with ' 'rr , Jus, W, LaAv ,soxl aged 37 ioiIal foot of ,' do 14 .
I I , Pound. 1 t) is Ar
11 ., took it -cOn4taht1y':for two, Great Britain in fye years. year_q e
. I I ' ,
. Yom" 20 sti I I Crediton ;1 mor.th5 and 17 days: _ lrr ,, L4, territory by CQAqae4t, She. will, de
- , I It t3ke it at times, spa I w.50a , _
I I , fe;' That l arijamqnt accept the of- -as bort. in McGillivray SNL -; ,,t,3 g vote herself tpr Showing that sbe, ,
. I I
I I MY husband and myself cla daughtcr MCH -to FM**w tGood Po *
t0tb I I I im that. 01 the United States Or a free APPLES IVA , of M An -j ,flr ,, , siffons-
" john 1,
I I r, ,,, ,, f, knoWs ho,X to I .
. . I I
I I I ,NTEJ) Thc, Exeter I -1, . hoorable 4jpd
. it, Was the means Of Saving InYL lifo, Welrebango of -,1I agricultural ,and ( Ev - ' VT and 'was fn'; rri d I - uitful use of the te _
, I 11 I *19711, I , a0ala,l P,rpd4 I . arorator ,nJ11 ,ppyej fo Cents to Mr. J%s, r I 11 .11 .rritQry riha. II45" a 'Ire 4174v,
V recommend it to sp ,e , , _ Tra 'ned 'Pe ;tFe w4nte'd IeWrylVhP4)0 74,q fact, thev , ,
, - ,rffQ I I I 11 t§i between Canada , , per Wi, Law qx4 ,,,bout 1 6 yv -,r i ago I - ., 1,
I ,rin , I - , a %
I t;p X adrIP4 for Rood 9 ;Acr, raalers, . . 1$he And sl%g m I " - "'i
,pUpt, regArd# 4%, fine of tbe lvap.te,d for lho dmma,ad i4 9T`4t' P thP,11 t' ' ,', AUPPty. Th 5 dqu_And vi
r Wcon'; —M PT)a tbo'unfted State.a I buy I _ ui a , ,, ' . 'A
I rs, 041L 4. BRAPL14T. WA . om,ber of tho ,)T r' 44ties Of frf0,Ad4$1rhIJ to f eo t1h4t fr to * r
14 , , ,O
' . - , 3 TI -at a - I JQS., I UTTOzN Dlpwlg( :r ,I"- I _. hodUt nu got for t1w, :ffipp wup, is 44, io carm on1v tw(* or thro ,, 40 am a 44y'
- * 11 foodstuffs not pro uvqh and. her Vhri c,,,m exv ,r-W",,,o Re tivarter are in 11 - -
I 11 i0tw3onA,e 'Winnipeg U44Obf*X4u. " - ,,, 4terial, i4terQ,5ta at b4o mwm'; labor gild lxbo gm ivork'ouly U4 r I ,.
. Nfdeld for 10 the above offer of the ,,Mss 'Irartha Wiod I% s,4!,eP,d1Rg Nms 4 er aud real lud Jv r jif e, %yaj piade su I do i4e:,41raqt1,4n of 1
r r ' 1: I Wby will IN -omen t4k 'chances or (]rag United States be trans , Q : , . pe.ijqr to bulgan liberty an.4 souie: out "I's*, but to I
I r 4=taS!&-ly,balf be,4rtedeX!stenqi, ,miss . free li I fOrred to the few lv"ks in Pefroit, ' c1miracterizod -ir,. hc r .ji ty ItId , tlatl.0041 opportornijy.": I I _r t:40 xp ;xa who Its, abh to p ,km nniil'inr I
- _ & r I
, , ."
I , t f,t
I I . Ir ft three-fourths of the joy , IsL :' Ii$ i ROxie -FilbPr has returned to votloo, altd bei % 4 kiLd ttito ZK41;erlal in I tpx 1. wor); Of qtlim-th-_ rean. 4, 1 . I - 41 . .
t4ghtful rests -,
I ,,, , 4, pbrase much lvh4, 40 trafni;ipr bas qu T-F, tli 1winq to Qn I
, - , , ,
. ''I I of living" "4 Th; t agricultural Implements, her `home in Zurich, . bt,%' ,itablo Nveman ahq- joj,5 appp"g,pt, In use, in0ruatlonufly ,Of I rate in petently, livid pos"itious of Osibility. 4
, , ,
' , I
: and cement be tran rred !Krs- GarLet Ba a re, 1 1 aud':oved voi - uly by her .fa , ; , Ijy characterjgjug tbe,gt ',Or fo WI-R'Nl-tTsozrA,rel"lpll .Vsro:q.f>r. ;cF- SqjoaLs, t,41e _t
. wben they can find health in 1 ydja R, lumber, , I ,- _ i ,
I r 1plaham's vegeta, to the sic - ,ker h , j.1rued to 1 4 1, tl(Ude - reign # Tile 1,N col ,t gM4
. - I
11 - 0 free )fst , b, ,e in Lo -d but 4y all who know 1wr, sh, 1ij nations to - i4s,titiltiou ti-lat bas vlol e sp m1wil ir, 0 M" I I
r - er how 11 011. _. 14 rd A,foxico- - frequent- I i " , doiflg i
- va, compound ?, le 5, Tbat pendiv Xrq ,711oder'Weli of &r4trord visited. surviypil b Ule pa',t ani 4-1> i
,:, ,g the passage of , y .1 o ,
. filInily, of ollt_ p;op, ,Sq j_ 17 was, employgd by ,the preW mucli every joim* - for woTking MQn :;nd Nvor4mn, 0 I 1. I I
li 'st4 . _dogt, ,m I
I Fol tbirty years it I , g1slation AeW for mr-PIP any 04- ,his ls or here fo ilord u,,cd 1 ye., rvi one daq ff(i ilePlgre(l the Amtrim 4 ,b,, e4s,Vr 17a)' tQ beWIT40 4 trained 0 41'1 Y04
1 tie$ now Mpq , , , 1,% ai, , gbt,e Woo in
I or A few days, - . r
"I AW J),aeA tile Stan , sed umder Canadian Mr. Parei ce JTolt4 app IVQ,irl aged if) Years mid ope . 114M bad suffered, long from _ gpq , mau to s0pnrl 4 gvud P4,511
- 'o ,h* houC 5, Wl'ti,I . , , hu'ril bar,
cocfifi . brother 'r I I I I I It I
I _m, , I _ I th-g traft vr ,pmfi a5lcm th,?t b t ; ,_`,* ) .r vav ud Ambition.
- -
N - a , r, t4r Nr Prank aaoor of, Lit, , 4, Q ,by , -
of -1 wtlz Are the w* 44ti Ji 9MU's orood Upon - Top ;c I
11 , , I 4 "- rernedy for f 0, I cmstom tars , -, is f I -
A d aulop, I ,or - , tb,m
ce , ,. , gonces
. -
I , ler '50r; 5 4, ,
I X"le ME6 and bar, re Vll 1 of vouvtoxv O)Ialg duties beitig lm- owing huNb,md 4115,9 ber t,- 4orilres: zeeklU4 4gina .ri Interests- The, 1. C S" plan enables you to help ) If' right wherq ""I
., = '-i Orme .has,. r qurr kth- ip al, . - yours 9-
I 19- PUN 4N-MRst aRY food product .(,,d h Ine 4(` er a;r.d inotljor ljlh( fA a __ ,you ara witboat l9slag I 11
. 04ozed h a Of ter r1s,:t;lrg iu Loador 0 tk few ected. T110 Preal, . Q,J -
I t e bealth of - , . I tbe countr,r DY any, foreign, country 1,eck,. I . for 111pral , 100U in (be. courjtrle b , P 0 , an, hour of, warf; ;r A 4 -jar Pf ply;
i ' , 4 T ,t through Inot
I Undsof women _ , 4. : 0ace on wburs,441), oc(QWr 16th forr 4ent declart, ' Witliout eb
. I ,4bom 'r 4 jyes 411ging P_Qs!dQu$ uAtil ).*On, arg reAdy to step into
I DO, lmraedlatelF removed, I lr4ertgoit Liz. 32, of "morality a- a, U expqj -
r VbO bav ,, - I I Xr. a rd et4r coMetorY. A , .Q# _leucy,# the Que you tipsim; without obligating you to P47 Moro thaii ""I I
.ebeentrou. . 0`6 ,That any, tariff or tra Xts Vy. Lailki CRA the UP, e(t 4tAte4 041red to belp the 704T pr t salary will Ajrbrd, no znattl r hov. $TW43- it is', I
de con lir-er t Sunday voth "T. 0, lame, number ot, orxojsrjag relgjivj $ t
I . *W "th such - I c9a,$1041 granted toany-otber coo 11 01 IT", X . and frie,r,its follow,c , Q
'me I _11
all, W , 14 4F Yining, 4 tho r W, to I Tbot_ ,;ip4Z,; uf men ha" f_gcPro4 lik,long bettf"rwont through tlm% ,
' L, , ema., I
s -AU aa displ4cenignt,a', 'br.4t, uAlst AT4 A 1
I I , utry Mr's, C Lat 11-Amerimu ropnb,I,I(,,5 to o4n
il ", 11104M?1131tio!3 be imin I iiughter Mtir Jast ro,5t lvg, ;:Io,q9. I 4,c sy . =aucipatlon from tbQ, Agho ,
. - I .1.1 ediately pAtonded to orcat, . 'roip , verag no voluntariny iell, I
-, w wCek,, - Atby of a, ,bost 9,'f t Wbich bas been ineyita ... 1
M t' um . Gextr , .atjog great,
i a t . , moutb ;an a epf ,.
BritafIT'.1, . , t, 1 plan Every
I - , tion, in ' I , . epros is, T,cu to foreign ,
, ors, Irreplarities, etq, 000r, molutiong 3411 for,legisla- 44c,eih5. dv,,(I. to tbe sorralviun and. Ionel enterprhm& hie Of suell Advancement. ,, you 'P-ITI V 4,4 '! 1 ,
I it, _ - Toronto on
I YOU Want speej,31 g(LIVIC , u- , I . **, #***#**#*******#.'
I . M tion to Permit co,operative aociatles XV",rs Lee Ifolt4maun A 14=4 band avil f4mily in the .r ,7. r -..I----- li do tbr. sg=, pm tht*4 xnen T =t, *#. I
Write to Lydla.M r ',,)X , * =p"N'mmki 'co 11 I , ,
r . , jnjo A= Whet " (I "G, Ile*i of ZuT!0J,sT,V;X,t Su lasTru vrsT - * ,.,E I I
I 1, C 4- of a" kinas, her for "edit. or i`i aday Q;tveMq,nt- I doue. *Rwam Nu #.
, ,
, jKlue ,CO. ( Ontide I r ST'IT, : X,0uk*i4%tVA.r46 *
U041) ,L trade,, and for the inspectfo lit tolm. 11 I . - . I ,, . If Ton really Nra4ta, good * - tyr tv %'Uav ,;a*;Iqy _4
. , ppsj rZ= ,"OATQ-Vtht *,9_
- )MAII 4 of all , * #
. "I - , , W, 9,n Iqwgfilr lar ,, 16,kig ii Zw - , Q
I I Wp$s- yrour'letter will bo ovene scares 14 amia eleva Xi"54 Rthel Cialk 1.,% able to he Van. a larger sahary,,-=4 a sgc- 0 2 #
I I tam and wore- , , out Control of E'dumtlou ;and, Police, May , 14;-Aaw oe zx4lg,x*tv.gp# ,i t, ih46,;";i"A.a'I I
1 XV44 antl An 41 brQu$". to be Placed In thejurisdic- 'Q,Z;tl,u after him r"er.t ItIness, IMUNSALY4 0 1 1 41
I AM'd beld ,n Striot I r geutu'l life, gpd out llow you can , I , , ,
I ftit4l"WIV PIC . kn,
'43030.f , gjgj ;jjg V,o
. _ coa Y'" 0 11311'nx tibht Of' the I Qard of grain tommIs- I Orey. # 'a I" '" "
SNvered b Ue Oraute,d $ays ' . 4*1CN *I
fidenm sione". , BUS' -(da'Z41'h`uer dstill co"""lleA,111 AXPLES WA-NNTKD-Tbe r r t. 2s. . dw, _1.=vr* it in tIm surest a0d most * , I" ,
. I 1 , ro a" -Mro, A%Aelion ,and rglMily ,zet'o M.IMM. Oc _ ,q i r 1,,, - j 44* T 0,7M" ''' V11#VVW0A'QWZ!.
I I A rewIntitrp Rvar,orator ,%vill pal, 4 , , 1 pra,Wv-o way in the Nvorl b)t '* W , , VW4*0" W14 eo #" A, I
I --.--1_----, was Igo pass04 4 10 1944 Affwk.g kiwg* , I # ,,
I OC jj;"bwood are 0 4, 13 GreY. S9crQtQX7 of'St4te for For-eign Q1"rmv14fR0W4,r* 1, I
a 14'euclilla 4 'I'- Tow hundred for gumd: %;I . . vt r =+Atkiag and malling this con. '* r ftlo,,V. I"Alx ,!: , Fq Ag"T'r*g* , #
. Ae, r Affairs,. ,in el 0 3ft U;,'Mg 4 4, 11, " 9-W Va ,
1 1**46+++*K +-K1-*+- +-;.J4*++++-, agAT04 00 el4ahlisliment of a sa I eri. b .,it VerwWc 144t a. ",
. I
. , I pla m4r4et lintil a - 4,43 W10 C'. Vahuer. ,, . Jos,., 81 I X night o = '0 _r,nw # q
1. + In " , ", , This;, Pula you under "O .1 9, 14 f rrllkwfta
I *t% ircb UMe as the I amaer M4 wbat the coy-, rou, 4 *40 #
I - 1. - 0 Fq"00411 "&W iX sm"'o, .
. I + _ I . e ru In 04 f P ;1:0 e d" I im It ti .sim 414 , " '94N94,0 *11
, A+ I i 11fog ,to comde to I obligat, 9API*, V 9q;;iNij
I I ply a ra- * 9114;imrm ftf #; *,4' .
Mr, JAmes DalrympIe -,v # I
I I sp , p %, satisfy 1;later Vats -a -sort of home quest for furtbl.= inf6rm.1tjo1,1, : P4110540ftv4o, .f. V ,
+ Colle at Home t ,',,,m, micclovNverbaa 1"U'DVenragliedid Itbatthtelle 3everal 0 .Ilfu ) *#f= ,,
. I 'i .ge + boneat. r 0BNJTAALIA Inontha vilth ., I'lliv a I rule wit IoMe r AfWka Z =_ #
I I -,.- I ffensall and d1istr,let a, u1c, giving, ,Ul,1tQr Clip, =0# UP4 =all it, ,now, - I 0
I Thous ___ A,P1%1.;S t%r e la$L control of her own edut.. I I
azi!3 or amlitlow'i youn- -%NTANTRD-The Ition - *
I , + Rxete.r ,, Police 4t 't "'Alor ,
I Week to her home in 3 Eoa,sa Jaw. and matter,,;, of ttgtt 'j,jud. . * ..
I ' I +* reople are, faSt Meparin,3 In, + 1301THAT 1.1;1ort's CTTT$ Jq. ,UvaVorator will V,ly I 11
, - _ - 11 _-1 _101
I 10 cents liar Mr. Benjamin Smillie who is `-----------------_ #
I I . bumdred lor good wiraer p u *r$ 'I It would thus seem clear that in -14n fl gn,'r Xg., 0 I
,, - - ,student at' wh li s rempt zztpnouncexnent of policy
,1+ their Own barjes to occup - * a bi -I,------- __ # ..
I y Iua
-0 ra0ve Tiisitiorkl ad iteno: , I I Jos,, SUTTON ;Ifajii ger IWO year there ,1,reacbed jl 0 0
I I ,;raph. + 1!;VArT 1411mbant Fail$ Wit?, He
4 ars bookkgc,pers tel " " .avy _ 1,10 in Ulster - 11 11 ,". I,t-,,,; - .v -.,--4-,.W-, -.,i
4 . I Q ;rapb- + LOMC$ Ran&S In rCril, 14, I ill nl :, with regard. to home n Vil% . —.,, ;-,W,-F.*!,
A Oro, civil servant . Xr. Richard BIstou ,bu-,j aloved hur-wi. lxr, -smillie, is a Promfer Asquith lind-R.0 intention .
i in fact every 4' to Tu,l;ers 0 , 1, _ _ I
1. ' spliere of bus"Euem activitioa 'Ile ROMILTAT. Oct. 28,Tbore to an the fallu lit* reenotly !;,urchased, doNv,A Mith boy b6grag t,he tzoll of of Offering even the temporary ex. - ------ -, z-7=— __=, MeTT;!7-- --!!!!!!T !i!!1V!! T!n!'TM"Tn
- . 1 u May finish at Coll + Marating crisis in Rombay. pallure Aear, St xarys. ow"rhas, 4 Is the late JJe.njamiu Snjjlljf , ,ind was Cltlsf(lu Of VIster frout the operatlon Woman'$ Wit. -_ I I
. ,$ e-40 If + rallowe Will 000U!"Y the i oipe,,,. tead, in ,ton listened to )V th very T.Uqch ;Jeasure Of the, home rule, bilL, , I THICK,
d V b tt I
. 11 11 7OU 60, Wi3h TwitiMna guarou, + failure after the .recent .ke and, interest. An emperor of Gerranny bestege GLOSST I 'L
& t1a I 1
,,%, Znter,colle,.3a bvJlk suspension$, and tile rush of de- ,aear future. 4 k%
. I l dl Amy gal a y. MA Joba, '1>arsans Iurt for Van- "Arson Sqna(ll* nr;.qy Ag , FRMI FROX I)A=.UUFP
dual Lmtrpation. r X. . poul'tora to withdraw their money , Mr, and Mrs, 1,1. 13u;,4h, N%,,er,e visited ,city i0tvIi be)ODged to 000 of his rebel.
I !pert tencliers. 0 has atralned the resources even of couver OU Saturday imt. by their son% Wid dau t b ter$ 1.1 ,Arn. llous noblemen. .After (be stage bad
Y111C at LONADON4', Oct, 2 ,_ Njlljtant XUf., ,I
. Thirtl rr ars, T 0 t;aat Week'. 8 , Girls, Tr Itt .Nair gets X^ fluffyand "I
1 noc. Larzest trainers be Litoxary and Social QvenjV., . * AEr, e I
I experie sound Indian banks. The crisis then T a ,distance durirg tb $10d for a long time the emperor de. b ;Aut(ful--Get a 25) ceni bottla I'll
! I i In 0 naidd. Seven C4DIJOga-5 spread to a .,bare marRet. A broker Xqndayv uu(ter the a , Willi'M Ifildebrond "s mOv- fragottes Ye3terday, morning set fire ttriuln4vil to take It by storm and to do. of Danderl;ie, I I
I Speclaill 4ffQltlf; a big business who , USI-Icc s at tne ed, int b to and burned to the gro
I eaurat for, teachere, tried to . .ci X.r, 1?ettylscot jjge an Queen . und 'Xill
I + 119;,%vorta League, %,-as a ,decided 1$tLL -House, a fine reside in. stroy,ill It contained by fire nnd sword. — ,
.: . N , ,Street on the,,%vc$t)jid(. of LtiLlIaLl- shott twelve miles nee at Bm I
.1 I I ,, : ; , Affillatedurlib COMmercial2d. 1. I mr the market in mill,allarias with oe's L. xr. a. 'Q.. Joue s gave a most road track. I , , , from Aldershot. I UO did not 11E)wever, wish to Injure
All teational Aasoclat[on a the assistance of certain banks col If You care for heavy ',hair that gIls 11
I - 'ing to T. ATC:Kenna, a brother 010 defflIseleSs Women. Therefore he tows with beanty and fq r I t ', - , ._-, I
iv f Canada , . ir.tLrL-,;.ztjz.g addro 1, 'Zo Mr. A. Mturdoci 6 ved - # belo;'g
Summer School at Vam taliled, His Ilabilities were nearly J rjta,u BI,titi4c % a 'at As tri ad an NVIUA
I * 0 vZs furni shod. by Blis. .,k. Meekt,s i1welling, lr'to "NTr,5, Of the HOIDO SecretaM Reginald "Dt 4 PrOdalnat1011 Into the town any- Iffe; has an Incompa,ral),la. r,oftuesfs and L'
+ ton 3ausiWum College Lc l - : haft a million pounds. Several other aa Mora 11cly.bura and Iva _Lsse,r3l, by -Air, 're"-ntly ocau.410(1 MaXertna. A quantity, of 11
I I ; t . , fallurres followed in quick succession. 1J1r,a",1N'1r3J3Aatobford and Xr.,Nur- 'Mj-z.-.:, G Douglas. literature anti suffrage ill- that 311 the WOVIM might leave tba Is :fluffy and ILustrous, try Dand,er
I . I several harosene, c,ans pim I Inc. .,
NO VACXrION The Stock Exchange was Paralyzed. man Al';r.,911 Case, and 11astor Lor- Ace unhurt and carry with them Just one appliantlort doUbl,ps the ,
I I;_ Mitchell- and recitatioas i were found lying on the ground to- Wh0t1vtr they ))aid most precious. The beauty,of yourhair, besides it jmznL%. I
, I Business 'was suspended, , ftrt) 11L, Zolle-ry of Toronto, Were bore getber Witt, the notification that tbo .
I AIVILA by .ALI. s(ls Aoa I ONV(_ And vcer.dirg a fe v boliday,s, lately, dissolves every part1cla o
" + Clinton Businessoollege ,I While, this crisis was in progress kaba iwainau. "Tne luilcu wits good "Arson Squad" 1101))e=110's 'rife Instantly decided to dlately t
1. 'I QiiO- SPOTTON B. IF, WARD '+ a fresh Shock came Yesterday, In the In ivantity alld aual;t),. Mr. Xtr, MIS,- 2thel Murdock of the qil"u mansion had set fire to the 0ke her busband, and the other 'wo- dandruff. 'You cat not have 'Wee ,,
1; I + f0TM of the' failure -of an Arab vin City visited .her girents last week. as a protest agaInst the beaVr. healthy hair It you I
I FincPal Zistoll ocztll, Ipo the dhair ' forcible teeding of imprisoned suf_ uleu followed her exnmpl& T , have ;; 11
I + preart merchant doing a big trade, ' bay soon dandruff. This d0structlVe scurf :robs i
_* 1 fr, David Germo4t has Inoved !Lto tra..'ettea. IMUM frOn) the cIty,gate,in a long pro, the hair of its lustre, Its strength -and
, , community ,lifis rk'. Ou to ex- the dwelling on 13.1-ock streLt, recant -
I Xile
I 1 .+++4-.,-+.,i. -++-,..,.+4_1_.)_+.,_++++ + and known In the market as "The 40Z,ect a raxe trt-at next &Iubacu , I ... 1-1. 11 -
'N'+ Lion." His liabilities are said to be , ac lY rurchusE:d by Mr. A. Murdock C('$$I0h, en0l) unc irlth her husband on its very life, and It not overcome it
I I the lsilvex atUqvcr:,Z;aX7 o4 the ,Cca- fforn the I?ett3- estate. . o bpr shoulders. The emperor was so produce 11
; I over $900.pora. Many other failures trali MethooLst ch s a 1!evorlshness aud itching of I
. ilulcirly ,
I I I , -rt IcArthiir and d nmeb stnick ii -lib lbe noble conduct of the scalp: tho hair rwis famish. :
r_1 - - followed. Several bank a urch " It", Dr Mrs, ltr,h. aug
. whichr were advancing money on CatuadiLtii A rc Q,1CUn i ; Urt . 10 ays I I
I . S-1 Cently wit he e spared all, Even locisen and ale; than, the hair falls out ,::
lethociLsin, j& to - d '- FASHION ININ I N T ,rely got ,,I 25-cr-Ant bottle of ''I
a .Varinaix, one ot me greatest inen * )v
'I tt,r 31(rs,, IMe .1
. I "air Slaug pearls are- deeply involved. Further * .i)re,act, h friends ,in Sarcia. theelty Itself was left untouched. fast, Su I ,
. I hter bank failures are, feared. 11101711ilIg tit 10.30 and,eveLing iat ,7 a,- MiS3 10SSI c ,,Bucl'a=n ,vv,ho io at- Knowlton's Dandertao front any drug I
clock. No ione ;should fait ,tol he,ar tending the ,Normal ,School at Main- Of Courso. store and Just try it, -
,. . : I - KILLED j3Y NEGLIGENCE, Dr, .Carmaii. 4 , , iltOlk, was here recently 4endir-g a By JUDIC CHOLLET A New Tork dranintle vi-Mter tells of 11
, U,air must have nourishment or die I Itev., fr W, ,Blatcliford fcW` <JaYs with her ; arcutzj. ------- 4— 1
1 Jf it does not have is at.'sisting Breach of Promise case.For Sam., 1. I
I ,r roper nourish- Mg Liner Has a Narrow U-!,capo proin Rev. Mr.* Bro%n of AiL-sa Craig Ivkth, Rev. David Buchanan of Cildconia ,,In actress of great popnlarlty who is time it is a,
. as
days at the 1, areutol home. I I V,nt citizens -has r.aid more or lt ss at, .
Hfttfn- Xceberg. s thig', week. boys' sults fis well as In girls' dressm notion that the public holds her to be ter_tion to a oung ard beautifut
i sve4kaud'becomeaacasy' prey to the ices at .Rrurs Ifill a %N Just be-gloning to Ve obsessed with the leg0 one of our riromi4-1 .
mellt it will Jo0see its vitality,, grc%v s;:ccial ery ,opaiat- - hen last wLek s;ending a fe,.v The Ballmn idea Is to be tound In
ravages of the vicious germs of dark- LONDON, Oct. 29. -The White _______0_ . Our council, are endeavoring to -et older than she min is. y I ..
'druff. alt'jobs com;leted befoxe the wea" and It Is so becoming and attractive Y widow of this towm forgutti,g or ac
Star Ifter TentGnic; which arrived th- .
11. er gets bad., , that mothers are sure to welcome It.. The writer was assigned to Inter- least not: heeditg the ftdvice of zhe
r Mersey Yesterday from Want- view this player. He wished to obtain 11111nortal 3 1r.Whecilerl.oh:s"n t aai
I in the I j .UAINLII,b 11OAD - The white suit shown here Is made . ..
. . ARISIAN ',Sage is a hair nour- real wft[T nearly 4 00 second and third A.L.I.VLLeS WAj\1TED-Thc Exeter I Of gaintea, With trimmings of blue her vlews with reference to the state uO to "beware of the vldders. , lid I
, _
isber; it is the :resul t Of sincere study class Passengers, bad a somewhat Zvoi7orator will pay 40 c,en, per . , MUCEF IELD of the drama, a topic wbe r -ow cl"lims that he WZ15'not serZouq
isad ,experimenL by one of the 1%Qrld*a exciting experience. When about hundred lor guou w Lter pal- era. I braid. In the back view plain white reon the act- in his inte"Ations and that he wa,zj Lot I
I , . leading scientists. 172 miles east of Belle Isle on Wed- . I APPLES WANTED -The Exeter ress did Dot seem particularly anxious attached to her. But however Eba -_ I
nesday morning the Teutonic en- I J04,t 8 _ X anager 1.
. , . I . 11 It :bould be user] regularly as a Duril]g the ' 'Evar-orator will pay 40 c2fits per to descant. . may be the widow bec ,Irae ftttacbed ,
, . " I Alair dressing J)ecauso it never fa*0s countered a thick fog. The atinual mepting of the W. V. hundred,for good wirater,ff alers. I I "It does not seem to me," gently sug. to him and as 3he iseems to have lost
I I Av ,rrevent dandruff. evening an enormous 'ic I - gested the In I
I , _ falling lair, or eberg was x., s. of tile Prosbyterial,t churob:L I JOS,. SUTTO& Ma nager , terviewer with a smile, interest ja t,ae matter she has at- I
at the M4.n e on Fri:. Mis'3,Wary ,Gibson has , tfe I I In really ascertaining your tacned his groperty, whtch is a form
, any scalp disease. sighted right ahead, almost on. top ,will be held s . I I I 1 w "that I a
11 I ' of the vessel. The captain prompt- daS. ! 11 ; turne(I I I I , _ . Opinion. You oukbt to be frank, since of attachment that he doesnot .enjoy
, - )?AWSIAN Sage not only,prevents ly put the helm hard aport,,and the Mr, a * " I - howe from iLou,don -where #Iie has .r 11 1W your eTes are gray andl - The result is that he find,s b -'rase] I
I I but ib a certain curi, for daLdruff engine full -speed astern, and then " AIrs, DukEc w&o 1ave : been been for some, time. k : - the defe,adent in fLIst ' cl 'L
.at` ZtOP soalp instant- . the lia6j, sjv stowly:-Io starbbard rc,sid! , - , ass ..
,s itchirig of the I g in Mr; aobt _ McDonalds John W alkcr has Istlarted 'his rural : .. "Prematurely so. my dear boy, PrO' breach of rromise casc and IlLs ques- .11
I - r * t " ""bg k Of't1me.--Land ,t, ', 1$umiue'r intend, to mail route in Stanley. .
* ; Tf is especially in, demand fo us iW I O,Ls. _,durin,g t4L - maturely so," the actress hastened to fionable at,tiju
nk 11 b ,
4,Abecause it makes the hai I ' gffe d silently along the " . I Saturdhy ,for' de tolvards the i ,Ldo,w
' I
I . ladie r i,.b,,o- ja "" On I -,, N6j%F1,,, LB,ign- , Aklrs ; Nichol of Gode.ri - d I I I I assure him. --Judge. will be given an airing, in the nean
'w"ek. . t I I I -week at th(. 1houie' of her uncle , ____1_1 --- future. The , ariie .1
I -beautiful soft and fluffy., NV. S. portside_wltbid a few yards 'of the, r ." I . ' , 1 !, last I "
I I I Xale the Zlruggi' - , " I I Misses -Auna Goso Win. -Alkeoh,ea,d. I I _, are ,,o promLl,.
. st, selfis it urider a, stern. Main -and Pertha - I I t _
, zositive guarantee, to do all,,that is .1 1. I PrenIner of Dash,wood ' ,w,ere - T,he - . I Delicious supper Dish. ent in he case that Lt is, feared no I
I I I . : POP Swiss eggs, a delicious supper court room will hold the vast crowd
. . ,rltCimed for it, or money badk, 50 Commission ,%Vill meet. I guest's of Mrs, Fxank Clark last, i ab- I I 1 I ,
".." W*nts. - .- OTTAWA, 'Oct. 28 Cbairman .Path. I I : I I / dish, spread the bottom of a baki desirous ;of bearim .r the trial so it I ,
. 11 ___ I I I ( I I . mg "'ill be held in the 0. era 1-10 .
I C. 'A. Magrath "of the'Pi3blic Roa&' ' I%lr,, We,slcy a El I I dish with two ounces of bu on
11 . I . tter. Cov' Alonday evening November lra?'scnd. I
I . . isfor- 01 I er this with thin slices of Am
I and- Highways Commission, , an- tune Ao lose. cmg of his -best h V I .
, I I . I . orseo YOU MUST SO ,i I erican er the aL&;icLts of the Epworth Lea-
I nounces sittings at Ottawa, O t. 28; last unee 4, , , I I I I I . (>11 cbeese. Place four eggs over the gue Of ,Tames Street Methodist ebur. I
I -Children Cry, Belleville, Nov. 4; Hamilton, Nov.. - . I .- Ea.
Z - . ' 11-1 Lon , don" Dec. 16; Tor I I . 11 - cheese I king.care that the yolks are ch, for 1-liose beri'fit s the 11
, is - I f 1;,roceeda
. I .1 , FO onto, 4an, ' I 1. ------*— ___ I I I not brohen. Season with pepper and. will be devotedt In other ,woids it "I
L I "I', I .13; and Glaelph,.Jan. 2O.' Reeve' ' . ." , I -
I . .1 and other' representatives of neigh 0 11 . I ; , i - t // , 1. salt, pour around the eggs two table. will be a Mock Trml Court and it
JO A.85,70R-1A - I ZURICH . . / -romises to be one of the moot u-11.1 ,
I -, - . I boring municipalities I in each case I I . . . , /// C , spoonfuls of rich cream and cover the -
I I—- I — are, invited to give'tlie'ir views I ' ''I top with grated cheese. Bake It for ,oyable affairs Of mar.Y "
I I I I I I on e x ' er . I I , Yeara, as a ,
I I . I . I road .improvement- , 1, - Evwrorator will pay 40 t , 4' :_ . f y I - - / I ten minutes. garnish ,with parsley and large. number Of Our leading ,eoi)le , I
. I I., : , , , hu,ndred for good will, . - I will naiticipate In
f , I 1. - I I I -_ " 't servO with fingers of dried ' I ,the procee,diu;- ,,.
I 7 1 1 1 r"R I'll I I F,ealer,., . . , -X`- - - toast The - - I -' "
I 11 9=k I . I JOS'. Suf . L . .. I I . I Committee hav! " ,a
11 , I I T --al, I I I I -'Woman's'Aigrettes Seized. ager . "'. . I. I A. t& tr LL
I I I- . in
I I . , , ,1 I I , I I . I I . I charge have eng,
. - 1 11 I I I I ,NEW YORK_Oct. 28. The larg- Mr.,,' 7xvill SmIth of De . troil . .1 11 . . . --;:;" .1 . tged Col. A. v. _New,. , ..., ..,
L I - ' . ;.. . I I on the - I
I I . "IS vo ; well,kno,An law-v"r
I est ngle seizure tbe.-', custoj s' in iting his !., , . , - locturer
I .: , . . fathcr '11111,.', ,Dariiel SWAN' ! 4".' . I J .1 11 of Worcester Mazs; to attend to the :
spectors, have, made a * " I IRL t
' . si pi, - - .;,-,. I ,. -"- THE R RED G
I in e the new Mr. Josej:h bi-i;j;ird,jaic- or Tor6n- I . &tails ,l'id --cer-onally..conduct thei 1. I ,
to \. 10 - 1. I p ' I "
t-, , I regulatJ.O'ns,'p,TpuibJdnk the Jm qita is*home for a few N%,L ek;_t , . 11 I 1. . . . ,% I I I I I eT.tertainmeni, i5ol.
, I . I _ . _. I
.'; I .- algiettes went'' ' ' . I I , X11 . I 11 - . , RAS WENT, . I Newtor has b,ld I "
I '. ' #rl, " 7 v`4 T "' '11 " tions of 1. I into, eff ect !Mr, and INIi- George,'Th(ql si , , I .1 I - , I remarkable sue
, , %,,. ,tAt u< . , ', , *,';P,- Ik-;,, cL_ ,s in -
I 11 I .. I I I I is on record 'at the 'customs li, xis6 sou .11ughic t_:,'_"',t a f'ZI-. * . . ,;, . I z - ,,,conducting "I
I I I - -
I , ,, , I I d4_ys, wLt11 11 . L . . .?.,, - Sill'tliar. entcrt&in.ndnts and 1 rjth tj .,
1 I I . I-. I to-day.,as that- of - plumes valued'at F.- - I BOX'S BAT,XAN SU:rT, . F015 WAS WREb .. ,doubt t
jl . i. I I I I ... rulatives in,, 336ji, , I I I t,., L i", I I 11
I I - , I I iffl. .1 . I . . I r I 11 I I. I the' 13,reach
I, _ , . , tp_ff_, , __W4 , $600,,.taken from M M- , '' ,, I I .1 I , of Pro6ai.z;e Ir:ai
X , . I I ..
I . SHE WAS -TIRED. au 1
- I . W I iss Edna , c-, ,: Miss Alag,gle (,' ii,il, b(,11,"z'tn"'d,n, ice of , I . . - I . linen n coiublned with colored serge, will be here, as el I
, 1 §-;--4 p6- Guell:h al -j-, vis I - I . . I
, - , . I . I L'4 . . swh re
_L,:" C. ,, - " - _, ._"_ _, I , , ughlin, daughter of a former i , - . .., ., - ' L .1 I I I I avelit
v, 4,1: . I I ' . .1 *tigg:tbL, Joruiurs a, - I 11 I I I and the'older boys will like wool serge . long to be rememberod with je,,,, .
t ,
. 41w , , . , " , N .1, lj e Juspector here, who, arrived yes : ther Mr% G',.. Catfilt bell '.1 . 11 0 1 1 . I - SHE WAS HAM , I gure 1 I
, , ,.W, , :;,P. I . I . I I "I with tbecom . I I , ,, I
", '- -', , , , M A -.d 4S I I .11 - 1 . . lng of cooler weather. ; I I I 11 I _____eb_ I
"I', ''.. I , I 'i terday. from,E , . -' ,Mr% Alc x XeLeod o' ic I ' I I . I . -
, i"."""', I I , I , I I I urope. ., 1. . 'IV I I. I I
111's t, I I - . . . , - , I n , teaching 11 . I The .trousers are In the regulatioll , I 1. I I S I
111- I -1 I I I .. I I I I I GIVE " YRUP OF PIGS"
I rg _., , I il e I , I .1 , I
11 ' ', ,','.., J " I . , I I I 11 11
I 411' ,i ,- -,' - 'will be sent 9 o ian Y, addre ,.qS Declares, Farmers IWVM ,"Go Bust," ,,Vith ber' Ixenrs .1 TO CO 11
I 1, , in the W st ' isr,e:nt -.711aa,riksglying. - I kiilckerbocker style, finished . with , I I I
.11 ,
.. L ." ,'; ,, ,,-, l?' ,lz'-. ,.* , ,11 I - ,q 1, I I I CAGIO, , 11 " Llf, and Idrs. '' I I I I if STIPATE. D, CUMD I
. , ,Y", "', r'' I . 1, I I " CHI , . Qct 28. That'', the: Pdtei I.- I .1 ,,,, I : walstbands.',The shield I , ', ",
, ", ., _ I 11 , " . I - Kclohlcr. , - I 1. , Isseparateand I
I , ._, ;.111 .1 . I I I 11 * who . : - . I I .11 I —, I I ."
., "". I er attempts to ,carry -, W"fl`d h Bi ONN'k of the B a u k , 7 :, , , I . "
t,, . . farm I , I I I I .0 I Is adjusted und4 the blouse. 1.
. I I
. -
, ,Jn Cwiada ,f r Diii nowAill all re , advocated,,.,. by Ot VOUM10rce _Toj z)r, to'%v ' 7 , 11, . I ;'For the toiiryea .. I 1)011cious "Fruit Laxative" c tilt harni ,
I , 1 _4 ,"" '.`I. ,4' ' I , out Mi I
, '_ . _!;, _
I ,,.p, I I I ''I 11 quirements staft,' - - -old size tbe'sult - a I
- ,
r '. , ' I I '' , ," 11 . , ,
1.12 -.111111. a S Y"'S. L I - 11 I .., I
, , I , . 1. tender Hitle I .
_ " , ; I : L " ' , , . , bealtL, officials will,,. I .I I . I -' ' '-at - bl iaiehtki Ri[ V I - I .. .. I I
"'' 'A5 . L I I " . ; 1, 11 I flaree-elgliths . . . . .
Al", , U` Oli . , . I and:, In:, ban k it -,ng , , tbe'boule"or , will require three and I , sidrhach, liver 1,
" I
" . 'R' g JW,._IL, I . I - I 1
I'M', K" ruptcy courts wap -,t4e'statement I I . and boWels.
_. - . ma Inches , .., - I I I I
1, 11 ...;,I I I
&. L ,
..!. I I ,
.1 11 211 t7 .'Aj 'Iq`, o i ''I . .1 I I I enipg iy g_ , I , re 'YOU Qft"Xt&P, , wide. I . . I . . . . . . . — . 1,
t,Q1,',X,4_ t and Mrs. G,,V.. j3 1 yards ot
` '
;` ,, ,, ` , "'' , ' 1. I . , , ,, . I I y6vll I tPank-,gly ' ' I I ,material twe*nty-s4eu .
, i '11.illl - ',M; ;,_ , , -..,. . , de here yesterday at, the op , BOO - .i:!::!. , I
: ,
- P;'11191, " , si A& N , R 0't- ., 911's . ,over
. _111 . 't '' _ "' , f I z I .1 . . . I , ..., I
-, , 11 .- . I L
-, . session of the convention of'the Inm . I 11. -
_11 . ."
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