HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-10-31, Page 2-HONEST TEA IS.
Wo id Retain People on Land and En.
hance Agricultural Production
h from Swindon, Ig
. Chancellor of the, x
d George,
u tt
campa• ign. at.
it, Ple. thee.
ject to "tree »'-
to attrsot
population on
o devise means to
he quantity and the
total agricultural
ho British Isles,
asserted, would be
the :atteittraemt of
:Oat step,
it wal4 pro.
Iliniste47 ot
0,04 superri.
dealing nit
Tft town and
iturone of the
vse in the wages of
aborer, in such aa eVent
lard wettld have to e01114
ntributor, and in times of great
agricultural aepreseaort a. tatepor-
ary lessening ..)f the relit WOIllk be
The neer Minister of Lands,
cording to the. Chancelleten.te-to
give fettlt,npeeieete te, aianire
prfee all waste, derelict
glocted traets of land and to
hens forests, altd to re -
drain the eprin,ge on such
vlow to their
t11.43 aU 1bntt of 'their pos
The llinistry is to be not
only empowered hut instrlieti4 te
antbreeolinCeil of the State
would be placed at its disposal f
thia purpose, If men want ape,
said the Chaneellor, it: must, be at
their own expense and the gale
)aira would be rePL;441 thie 4111IVe"
The establishment ,et a fair
=UM vnlrge for laborers 1,14
enable hours of work, 4.1'neent bQu
wag and the prospect a the lab
obtaining a bit of Ilsnd for him
uld all he within tho ficop e of
Were Of tile Commoners, who
onld have authority to ftx the
ice of tho land in the ease of oern-
ry acquisition„ Te Govern.
v.:posed, the Chancellor coa-
t° remedy tint grave deft-
•00ttOgOti hi the country i'nf
erne themselves with
ftnd, and "we have gob a
ittle fund at hand--thnw-
ic eaeve fund n
The announcement of the land
epciskils by Chaaeellor Lloyd
ekes at Cattle, Crain, Chess* anti Onto
isrenuce at, Hams and Abroad"
f endSt Offs.
Toronto, Oet. 26.-Plour-Cintario wheat
pure; 90 8I out.. mode of neW Wne4th
.43.44 to 0.50, Beaboard, and At, 33.po
Manitobee-Pirst patents in
85•30; do., seconds, 14,89; sa,oult
baker, in jute bane, 14.60,
Manitoba wheat --No, 1 new Northern,
660 ou traok. Bay ports, alid, No. s
84 I -2o,
Ontario wiea.---Ne w No., 2 wheat at, 6
to 3.1c„, outside..
Oats -No. 2 Ontario oats, 33 to 24"co-
side. and at 26e, on track. Toronto. West.
ern Cauada old oats, 57 to 37 1,2o for No.
O.„ andat 3'6o ior No, 5, Bay, ports.
Feae-Nominal g.t 83 to 25c, outside.
Bar1ey-52 to 540. onts1d0.
Corn-No.8 Azneriean CQT12. 73o
nye---No. 2, 60 to 620, outside.
Baclotheat-62 to 53o,
Britn-Monhoba bran. 322 O ton, in
boo, Toronto freights. Snorts. 324, To-
Sountr.v Produce.
Ilatter-e-Cheice dairy, sa to 7.40; inferior.
se to gle: areattaarY, 27 to 290 for rolls. and
2.6 to 26 1-2 for :solids,
'Eggs -Case lots of new -laid„ 36 to Ho Den
dozea: freal, 32 to .23o., and storage. 28 tO
23oper oleo.
Cho -Now cheese. 14 1.-2o for large. and
14 3-4 to 15o for twius.
on -Moon -nicked. 3125 to $2,35 Der
I. prime% $1,75 to $2,
er-Bx1reeted.1 Vino, 11 ' -to 120 per
.f No, oentloo. 62 1,,ti $1,2$ per dcfren
for No, amd *.,.5.2 for o,
Poultry -Fowl, 12 to 140: geese. 12 tO 13e;
orLeYo. fresn, No, 1, 31 to 140...
notatoos-Ontazios. 75 to 88o per bag,
traels, and New Brunswick, 13.5g per bar,
an asolute
duetio and nnanirmana decision reached. at
eorge was made by b
Sta.te eoent meetings iqf the, Cahinet,
test ills Clothing in Camp e and
Were a Barrel.
A despatoh from Port Arthur,
Ont, -says Attired enly in a bar-
rel packed with a small qttantity of
straw, Alfred Sara, a, loca1 clerk,
found Tuesday rit4ht wandering
around in the rain twenty miles
down the lake shore from here, and
when found by a seareh party was
delirious and in a serious condition.
He went on a, hunting trip and be-
came separated from his friends.
He wandered r'ouncl in the bush two
days, and then found a deserted
amp, whore he started a, .fire arid
emoved all of his clothing, which
he placed before the fire to dry. Ile
went to sleep between mattresses,
aud when he awoke found the build-
ing burning and all his clothes de-
stroyed,wherettp•on he had to find
shelter n a barrel. Be is expected
to recover.
Had Not Been Seen or Heard Fr0311
A despatch from Seattle says:
The steamer Centennial, which left
Moorra-n, Japan, six years ago for
San- Francisco with a. cargo of sul-
phur, and was never heard from,
is reported fast in the ice off Sag -
Italia.' Island, Okhotsk - Sea near
Siberia. A Russian expedition,
bound through the Okhotsk Sea,
discovered the missing vessel with
lifeboats goue the name partly
obliterated and her iron work cor-
roded. There 'was no sign of a hu-
man being' on the ship.
This Company lnvltes you to
open a
Savings Account
wlth It on which it will pay you
Interest at the rate of FOUR
PER CENT, a year. Compound-
The Union rus„\.
Company, Limited
end todingl Toronto.
Sa4 4213;000,on
Prince Albert,
Second son of Xing George of Eng-
land, who- has joined the flagship
"Collingwood," vvhich he will
serve his apprenticeship in the
King's navy. He will become a
lieutenant at the age of 22. Ho is
now 18.
Left An. Estate Said to Be Worth
A despatch from Montreal says:
Among the bequests made by the
late James Bosse the president of
the Dominion Coal Company, whose
will was prebatecl on :Wednesday,
is a gift of $10,000 to his sister,
Mrs. Mary Grace Ross, "in addl.
tier. to the other provisiot alrearlY
made." Mr. Ross' only son, John
Kenneth, is given a million dollars
and „an annuity -of $75,000, The es-
tate is said to be, Worth $15,000,000.
pros Islam,
t tong elear. 151-2 to 16 3-4 per
• a 0 lots, Pork-81i0Ot Out, rAi-&q
tf4.01 name, plethora to light.
1.3 to 2191 lleatf;17 to 20, rolls, 13 to
brealtfatiti D eon, 21. 2^.41 backs.
4 1.:01:
1,141-..,,e, 14 1-4Qi
tin and Straw,
bay la being bought
3. who ash 854. to 214.60,
No, 2, 51.2.52 to $13, aud
trac1r. To-
Tragedies el Disobedience.
One frequent-ly reads dietroseing
ociunits of aeoident.e toonildren, aceidents
WhiV'h 600M Unit0016.9p.'y and, preventable.
Tb ere was An item just the other day eon -
I four-yes.r.old, who climbed
up to a high eupboard, oecured it bottle of
e:Ekts 0). r1.3211f 711: dirnleatell{:123;:uldn' ttt '3:r1 'Ice' '41i1 04:11:74 7nni
this cense. ie tke laxness of modern par -
The laoineos of parents who -411 not
tOk6 tlIO tiM0 and trouble to enforce obe,
dienco from their children almost belongs
alignenilacat' ingatrkle-1
for thereal happiness of children; and
also it is the best, Of scouring their
s_afety, Dangerous object e oannot alwaye
op:a teePttantrgollmt nthote-itor inreeaddite withcit•bilidprreon-
perty of others, and they eau be tought to
botohii anbsotoluitteelg.beaTiebrtecr: sieueeratolliy_ttleonoef
that, very sukiect, an domination or mod,
of thonow plays of the fait deals; -with
ern children over their parant6. irbfrartal,
natObr it is a weak play, not adequate to
t4heothaywrorneisltuotfwthtastdaa;,ubtutieettottlitarnagit fo46c
• aa eoutio poesibtUiee
1 I Markets,
*titre 22. --Corn, America -
Zrelloirn Oatd. Canadian West-
W. 2, 40 1-2o 40 No. 3igtra. No,
to 700, Dueawlicat---No. a, 63 te
feud 40o. Barley, :Sian, feed. 6 ; Melt -
A fae-foot Plagnole.
The ereetion of a flagp.ne in front of
the Pr011acfal Oen:ft Haase anTancouver.
B hae re5e4te_. tt, unuSual features be -
C23 -466' /at, airs to use a long single
stick, „rep 0 tatzve of the timber rem
PitraeSVrayluca and to so OlSee
it* bgrta 7i4o24 *wow. front de/
eaT- A anitable UMW' 1540, outaeoi
livered in the roe h t110 44-""
tho fell of 1932. 1 WM left for a Par
to season.viheu_there would be no eli,
need. of its curving when 4rYinin In se?,
Mintier, 1915. it was mooed on rouero to IcAt
haat location. Ticegpole is 208 feet
long, 33iaches in diameter at tile bew
end 10 inence et tbe Win Aod when ready
tor erceitoll weisbad 01)(44 wgt',114''''
mounting the pine* a fourfoot sic) aild
twentv*foot wantbor vehe Uthu abavo
at arrow,
Eats:iliac, of Suffrage lc Europe.
dances abound of the iii4sad7 000144
or democraey in Nuovo4 through
argenieut of tobe iiitifrago, 14
a0at1617 04Q tUO 6taraii* Catt1,0
potted, his nose into tato RaVargt12614
tent- %War 'both litti filon1 recto eP490.
side everywnere except145I.tuesia, and Oa
Italy tieo itiowraa wla1 ipracti-
oU manhood eugag 5045provert7
Ideation. gve 1 he 54: -
wed, to rote la elec-
tions. Mid now la 1)awat 4gla
thAt 11VPIA 90e#11;04,1e; g for
more tibaral votiog fair
14 bo viatorimui,
Tb o Dante ba vo boa II
duetiou o tho voting ago
Aso your, for tho exteue.cri o euf-
fraga to woman on Om same be4la ao WM,
of motto, for tho roma/vat of .itrobortY
qualidaattone for voting and for tAa 1X11444
lOrlx4t1Q174 •Ot MN upper lionao of trbo Van.
fah Parliament,
*two umettauras wilso IOTA efreet
•ot the elactors In the tor coming apses
provided as" ars indorea by toniorit/
to dm country, sad of that thero la oat
aoming WaRa of popular ru heswailed
not to bothe 014hteet dolt t. The ort -
the oros of Denmark and Is 11k817 te
wet et Tee. 01 etandput Danes,
Raelisi Ilutt of Retientsg.
I aooi ere caricatured upon ths *Digt,
mato 4ugltommts it caw su
vf a 0
f art ut an. fa rattuti 14 awot -tho
. Lear, Mr.11. sl)rloir wheat to laughter RR
tO, 15,40; geoeutig. 14,90; strong Offai 0 tiOr111413. rile at
430: VItiter patetite, choice, 85: Corot of wit: an none ot
liers, 84 62 to 14.761 d
2,03 0
g.to. tiar, exrclie. 11,11 er tale pwescre wee d ii
Igtilltr 9 6212 • who* slap.og bintiness
*22, lur $Z4," age, Oft 101411 heap. But Yr en many poop a
;23 to liaty to 2, per ten car tote, cave* 'wounded by tide sort o
1131.40'41 7,1‘' niteorrollodi*Leor ox.nti
Dat,ter. oreanier 27 1.4 to 27 1-201 quiohly, t-1411 Puna tIto to -ba
tor for any 4011.
selected. 320; No, 1 etook. 280; S *stock, 0w0r0,1)10 sip011,011 0 coukluunity
22 to 23o. Potatoes, Per bag, ear lots, only poor business- a IOW itr o
70 to 76o.
geooxids, 26 tic 27a, •Itge, !Leah 4001 nindO n in t
United State. iYiarkets.
Minneapolis, Dot, 23.--Scheat-Deternber,
83 348 to 22 1.tai. 87,:u No. 1 hard,
85 1-2a; No, 1 Northam, 23 to 25o; No. 2
Northorn, 81 to 840; No. 2 hard, 3foritana,
811-2 to nor 'Au. 3 wheat, 49 to elo. No, 3
yellow corn, 6312 to 64c. No. 3 white wits.
15 3.4 to 36 1,4*. Plour-doirste, putouts, $4
to 94.74; tecond pa,tents, 13.66 to 34 05;'
chaise. 22.80 to 23.60; second.. clears. 9215
to 32,65. Bran unchanged.
Duluth, 'Oat. 28. -Wheat -7o, 1 hard,
83 1-4o; December, 83 1-4 to 83 3.80; May.
Northern, 82 3-4 to 83 1-45; MontanaNo. 2
hard, 83 14a; D000rabor, 83 1-4 to 83 3.4o;
May, 87 3 -So. Closa--Linseed, 11.35 1-2; Oc-
tober 11,2A 14. November. 11.35; Decoraber,
Sports 1?avillon:at Bristol Destroy.
ed by 'Suffragettes.
A despatch f roTet L
, On ,op says
An arson squad"' of. militant suf -
Rands Wilt red and Horned,
fa Przioce a nor sitter/A of rand desig-
nation for tire eetivenitmce of tourists hue
will g von' a name and a number and
been *doted. Every rood in the conutry
these des guattous ivill be painted upon
direotion posts at the road 'crossings and
the 100•moter poste along the roads. The
higilWerYit Of Franco are classified as int-
tional roods. deportment rondo. and so on.
roada in each ease will be numbered.
The dlreotion post will state tho chum of
highWay and the number of the road. The
tourist tdarting on a journey will need
only is strip of figures, and he will bo
able to find -his way anywhere.
The Standard 'Le of
Canada, Has !many
Imitations but 110 equal
Figures For September Show an Inc
Eleven Dollars
de tdn& ato
t trade of Chum
of September, iesood by o
Bald, Minister 9! Onsterilh Is titt
deer/Nat-a of imports awl the
ercaeo ei experts, Dutiable goo
to the value of $371,007,00Vr and free
gooda to t110 amount of fius,a42,oeo
_ imported during Septeniber
last, The imports for the corres-
ending rcontli a 191,2 wore, $"-
50,00 dutia.ble goods, awl $1%-
307,000 of free geodis. Exports for
last SePternher were SKIMP° Of
domestics gooda and $4,071,090
foreign goods, as against $95,81,4,-
domestio and 03,163,000 foreign
for September, 1912, The total es. -
porta for the Si4 months ending
September 40th last were, all of
domestic goods, $189,404,099, and
forotu goode; Ma42-00004 ;U;
againgt 01%12427,000 ot demesne and
t 518
CaPItalized An idea.
Thortute A. Sperry, the inventor of trod.
81.33 34 bid; May, 81:39 asked. ing Eta:ups, died recently, leaving an
estate valued at 210,000,000. Young mop
ivho are discouraged because they loch
I.ive Stook Markets. capital to establish, groat enterprises'
uoutram, oat. za.-A iom. of tho boot oat. should oonsider the case of Thomas
tao sold ot about 7 ,00,,to; medium 6 to tIrpiegrirynalaniddetsakaenhdearlaLadonfeitcawopitartalisedelaone
6 3-4, comroon 3 to 4 3-4; email bulls. 4- 000,000.
The world ling places of honor and dis-
tinction for =On WhO oat: think, whe can
lift. their minds out of the endless oirole
of aimless thin'hinst andogivo definite dir-
ootion' 90 their thoughts:. •
Thomas Sperry obeerved the cust,orn of
some merchants to give 'their customers
'what the Branch call "lagniappe" arid the
Spanish call "pelon." Hs conceived the
idea of systematizing the practice and
making it a magnet to draw trade. The
trading stomp was the result and for.
iled on him
cent;stockers, 4- to 5. Cowan 136 to 37
each; oalvee, 3 to 6 141 sheep, 4 1-4;
lambs, 6 1-2; hogn. 10 1-4 to 10
Toronto. Oot. 28,.-Cattlo-Ch01co export,
17.23 to 37,50; *holm) butelteri. 16.70 to
1740: g_ood. medium, 15.75 to 86.50; tem.
mon, 11.50 to 34.50; cannon: and cutters,
32.50 to 13; fat cows, 14.60 to 85.50; COM.
toOn cowg. 83.50 to 14; butchers bolls, 83.75
to 36.70. Calves -Good veal, 88.75 to 910;
common, 14,75 to 35,60. Stockers and feed-
ers -Steers, 910 to 1,010 pounds. 86 to 86.76;
eood uality 600 to 803 ounds, 16 to 86.25;
light astern. 400 to 0 pounds, 94.50 to
35.50; light bulls, 13.50 to 34. Sheep and Progress le but tho result of the old wayappli-
ooyy. oation of new ideas; to s of doing
lambs -Light owes, $4.50 to 15 23; h
33 to $3.50; bucks. 63 to 13.50; spring
thia nieR6a. bAanmkaanoco'e munintathiElathiisncbgatsescaPaistaili
lambs, 17.50 to $7.75, but -with 75a per
bead deducted for all the hook lambs. 18Indrathwins ulainl'of opportunity no man is
Rog -439.65 toh. to drovers; 19 fed and poor who has an unclouded mind and
watered; $9.25 off cars. the energy to work to tranelato his plans
-----E*— into deeds. '
ease of Abou
Tile tlX/R}Ita r pFo,
duce show c, big i , being
$11,829,000 for Septemberw 1013,
Area With $5,575,00 for 8on-
1918, There aro big hi-
e age a exports all along the
Bn ports of minerals for Sep,
tember last were 80,40,000, and for
the previous September, $8,273,003
Exp?rte a mpaaactlArOS 4159 00)
au inerease, being $5,041,000 for
September, 1913, es agaillat $3,5$7,-
400 fOr September, 1912.
Canadian trade wan never in a
ore prosperous condition, ae tho
total CATinala trade for September
I st, was close upon one hundred
Mims, gm actual agures being
$95,005,00, compared with, etero,-
605,001,1 tor Saiitember, 1912, Po
the ilrnt months a the presen
fiscal ;year ending Stptember soth
last, total Canadiau trade Iv
$18,872A0 foreign for tlio ankt078,0,79, eeraluwed wth U»
months ending September 995,000 for the tetTeepOildirlif e3X
dm of the fiscal year 1912,
Britain's Navy Is Crowing.
It is reported unofficially that the new
— battleship Queen Mary made a record
Sad 4 frail. at North 13attleford, Birpedassiblo35.to7 krneotalsizeo3.1exhaecrtlytriaZatthistiiss
SaSkatehewaii. need. eignillee without taking into con.
Conractors re
Commenced Werli
despatch from Thorold says:
O'Brien, Dougheny, Quinlan 454
llobertson, the contractors for Scc.
tiell NO. 8, the primipal geethni ell
the new Welland ship canal, the
oost of wbioit is to be, some ton mil-
lion dollars, are opening o nes in
the bric1:7 building on Chappell
Street formerl,y owned by the Cal.
oott estate, but recontly taken over
by the Dominion Government on
account of being on the canal right
of way. Three steam shovels: are
new at work preparing the out to
whioh the Grand Trunk Railway
Company's tracks will be removed,
as the present: line of railway is
where the oanal be. The
Grand Trnnk station will be re.
moved farther south in the town.
$4,000,1130 GIFT.
New Yorker's Splendid ileneresit
to Cornell.
3 a
eideration the buge sloe of the vessel.
A despatch from North Battle- The vessel Ives built at jarrow and is
c.hildren, aged sixteen and twenty- have
eight 13.5 -inch. guns, unlese these
fitted with Pomona turbines Her contract
ford, Sask.,says: Two colored speed was 28 knots. She armed with
ecir inohaned to 14 -inch as wee suggest -
eight months, were suffocated by appearance she is much the same
asplethi: battle feetloNew Zealand., only
smoke in a, Shack off Railway Ave-
nger and has nine feet
nue, North Battleford, on Friday. 1310re beam. Her indicated lionsepower is
The mother, Mrs. Mark Daniels, '',1Vil: Vutc,"):,,T.,artIcile ‘lUe'lelin 7C:g7y *111 have
left the children in a perambulator
. ecofonalsucandle itoonsau. eto'riathere, a bauteetlne
apparently asleep ,while she went Mary's 27,000., The Tiger has Q23,000
t°crujLlaerY 6
to the city. Shortly after smoke reoueoreen .learioya,toodnd hoairettecIpowughe.r bertheaonntraothet
was noticed coming from the bliiid-, speed is only 2,8 knots,. it will be interest-
ing. On tlie arrival of the fire bri- Inge tit°, ewAtche Ill; tf,,,:a;„-e•t )1elltar the"
gado the perambulator oontainiug soon bePicutting intO thrteht,rewtallrenpeaitothe bat.
the children was wheeled out and tleships Queen Eliza.be
Valiant. each of 27,500 to displacement.
both were dead.
As a squadron these battleships and bat.
tle cru ere would be distinctly danger.
ons.i Their acted alone would make them
_ ng so terrific they possibly vrotiliTI be
THE VOLTURNO DISASTER. tiPsteTiatutrowert° ttairallsit,t,igge°t ower
better to avoid than engage. The trouble
A despatch from Ithaca, N.Y.,
says: A gift of approxlmately
$4,000,000 he Cornoll University
Xteclies.1 College was announced on
Thursday on. behalf of the Boar•:1 of
Trustees. While no official state-
ment was made, it is believed that
the gift, the largest in the history
of the University, was made by
Oliver Payne of -New York. The
interest from the new gift w give
the medie,a1 001loge an annual in-
come of $200,000.
One Ittandred and Forty-four Peo-
ple Perished.
A despatab. from New Yorlt says:
The total death roll in the Volturno
disaster was fixed on Thursday
night by the TJranium Steamship
Copany at one hundred and forty-
four.' Of these twelve. were passen-
aragettes ore Thurs ay set Axe to gets, Capt, Griffiths of the etearn-
and destroyed' tile Bparts Pavilion a'hip Star of Ireland, whioh sailed
of Bristol Untyerbity, They left the from:Cardiff, reported to Ura -
usual., tali -tale auffrage literature neata Company that ha had,. passed
.snattered ,abothe grounds, 'the Volturno last, Thursday, '0till
burning, about 62 west ,,arentltWest
tots fe a! of the place where 1313.0 aban-
iidoned." '
is that it -would be extremely diffloe t to
Every' Bone In Alte itl n 's Body
-.,detpatch. front!,.IrOn 3,,Ionntaitt,
i.nstarittY at/.the 'Ohapin ,Mine
on ,Weaneii.laya „then he fi311 'nine
hundeede'feet deWn1,, .'a shaft
step statiek on ,Ji esieteanct 'every
bone in his bo y '
+Canada,. the Empire and the World
in General Before Your
Electricity will be used te dredge
Toronto harbor,
The Government will build an
experimental 'Co/d-Storago plant for
traits at Gri'mehy, Ont.
Caeadara exhibit is a f.eature of
tho dry -farming congress exhibition
at misa,, Oklahonia,
Nearly all the reindeer that, es -
coped fr,em the Government corral
in 'northern Alberta have been re-
A. letter from A
to "Joe, Lally, Canada, via
Amorie.c.„" reaelled WithOtit a.
day's delay.
A Hamilton jury awarded Fred,
Fritz $78 against Magistrate Jeliff5,
Ntl'oP0111 ejectinent. He sued
AuriSel Bros, big rartelnnen of
Tod, Alberta, have shipped a.
%load of fine OfttfifS eVernen
lbs. each, to the Chicago mar-
t a arti. of Trade will re'
4333P317 to the proposition for
lea 11701 Xf* be
hounds of
T114 apartment of
dedered that Ottawa Separate
School Board, by non -enforcement
of 41t4le 17," has forfeitsd its
school grants for the year.
Hon. George Langley, Ilinist
Munkipal Affairs, deelared his oo
tion that the establishroont of a
ans$o market for grain in \Wani.
uld. result in great loss to
ors of Saskatchewan,
.Great ,
bo oi
o t
Captain no. hristia
ve tha Eyes') g.leaued by
ruitend the aniza
Look Fur Nasal Catarrh rfA,?,
tb...-hi.,-,.....-..4vs-andard surmises
C18trrt Never Stops In Ono Place
Spreads Rapidly—Often Ruins
Health Completely.
Tn his Changeable climate It Ifi tbe
UttIe colds that drift into Catarrh,
t1033 the litflararnation Is cilteeked It
p aptab, from the throat or nose
t e roneltiol tubes and then to tits
Itings. Yee Can't malte new lungs any
more than you. can male new lingers
or toes, but you can cure Catarrh,
The purest, cure consiste ot breath-
ing in the healing balsamic essences or
C.S.TARRHOZONE, which is stnlply
a medicated vapor so fall ot rich cur -
alive properties that every trace ot
Catarrh vanishes before it,
"Tim soothing piney vapor 02 Oa-
tarrhozono is the most powerful medi-
cine ever used," writes 11Irs. Edmond
1. Christine, of Saskatoon. "Every
breath drawn through tho Inhaler
sends a grateful fooling through the
alr passages of tho 7100 and throat.
Catarrhozone mired ine of frightful
headaches ever the eyes, relieved rae
ot stuffy feeling in the nose, and an
irritable hacking cough that had been
the bane of my life for a, year.
genenil health is greatly Improved,
my appetite and digestion are consid-
erably better than before. Catarrh-
ozone- has been the means of giving I
me such health as I alwaya desired,
but never possessed."
riven though catarrh has a firm
1101d 0n, you, and affects your throat,
nose or ears, you can thoroughly cure
It with Catarrhozone. Large sizo,
guaranteed, costs $1.00; smaller size
50c.; sample size, 25o. AU storekeep-
ers and druggists, or The Cats.rrho-
zone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston,
Canada, .
Grain Men Blame the Steamship Companies, Which
Asked Exhorbitant Prices
A despatch from Montreal says:
Montreal is losing her grain trade,
and Buffalo and Portland are ra-
pidly getting it,. There is room in
the Harbor Conanissioners' eleva-
tors at present for two million
bushels.of grain, and not an ocean
boat is loading ,in the port with
grain. 1 There is a reason for this,
'according to grain men, who eay
the steamship companies are to
blame. Earlier in the season they
say, the companies were &slang ex -
t the whole trouble over Mom. -
policy between, Great BritAla
the U. EL is due to rivalry over
control of the oil fields, Huerta
having reversed the Macro poliey
of granting concessions to Alma-
A party of ',.1.1) proonnent ntining
officials engaged in rescue work in
the Seughanydd mine in Wales,
where over 400 lives were lost, were
overacting) by gas, awl rescued just
in time, Sarno of the party were
affected as though by laughing gas.
orbitant prices to carry the grain
from this port to Europe, and con-
sequently local shippers were forced
to make terms with tho steamship
companies rUnning out of American
The situation at present is very
serious. The Harbor Commission-
ers' recognize 'this and oreTharsclay
e-vening they left, acoompanied by
Mr. M. P. :Vermeil,. for Buffalo, to
study 'Condition* there and to:leare
why that city is getting a portion of
Montreal's grain trade.
l'ourinoney back 1;16ft$ ,747Zr do not cure.
When tlie idn'eyi fail to do titeirWork of dbleharging
the uric ac d front the system, the result la rheumatism.
Until the Itldneys retanne this work in a natural health
IvayotO cure is possible-
Gin Pills
ante :bees:lathe': 4nickly and for 'alt.:line because titer,
are the most eerfeet /iolney''CorrectiveOvertitheoirered.!.
Prom ail Druggists, so'ccs,'per box,
•6, for $.50 or ditectrironz 181
$a1lo,nai-DruB94 Chm1I 00.01 a9441.119008.,
United States.
Twenty-three civis officials of
East St. Louis, 111„ were indicted
on graft charges.
Xernes Lyneh, president of the In.
ternational Typographical *Onion,
has been appointed labor commis-
sioner for N. Y. State,.
Attorneys for the four "gunmen" „
under sentence of death for the
murder of Rosenthal, the New York
gambler„ requested the Court of
Appeals to postpone the hearing of
their appeal until after November
The arrest of William Levy, at
Cleveland, is believed to show up
the operation of a large gang of
jewellery smugglers, and seizures
to the value of $30,000 were made
in various shops. Toronto is al-
leged aio the source of supply.
American troops are having seri-
ous skirmishes in the Philippines.
Constitutionalists in Mexico cap-
tured a big town, executing the
Federal commander and the Mayor.
A noted surgeon, Just Lucas.-
Championniere, of Paris, dropped
dead from acute angina pectoris
while reading before the Committee
of the Academy of Sciences a paper
on prehistoric trepaning.
A Pekin despatch to the London
Telegraph says that the Chinese
Cabinet has -decided to open nego-
tiations with the five -power group
for a now loan of $100,000,000, to .
be used for industrial purpc.ses.
The President Says It Will Be the
Mountain Section Only.
A despatch from Winnipeg says:
Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, President
of the Canadian Pacific, Railway,..
who arrived here on Wednesday- -
morning from Minneapolis on a
business trip, laughed at thereport
which came frent Milwaukee credit-
ing him with stating that the whole
0.13.R. system might be electrified.
What he had stated was that it was
the intention to electrify Rogers
!Pool tunnel,. and if thk proved elle-
cessful itt o.perateren electrification:
would- beoatended ver the moun
fain di -vision ,from evelstelee
Field, TLC. Sir Thomas alSO denie4
the repert in London that "Canadian
Pacifie ,interests- were to be split
into three.parts