HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-10-31, Page 1t "trusses We have many good kinds and can, sup- fly the one best adapted to your ease, We crarantteesatisfaction or money refunded :See our new hood truss, It is positively the =eat t ttss onthe market; Consultation free, Cole's Drug Store gii TY NI TR YEAR—NO 2000 )Uri; 9 c pay reined 1I Lave'been use offer thein to you on u! Sixty pills its Sesid only gat ex Gazette FXF.7,`jy'. ONT CANADA, Rte@ PHONE F ColeColels Dr i s . .y MORNING. OCTOBE Presbyterian Anniversary The anniversary services of Cavell 'iC, sbyteriau ehurdle were held o0 Saabbath last, Large audiences were Present at both services, In the even - the ciaureh, was packed and wane were tinned away unalele to get in. ?dr. D. of his employer, tr=ying So do all the work be eineld hast aci of v etching tee clock- and if the eiaktaoyear wits al .acs thinking of hi13io ce,s, laying . o pay hiaa more le._ oe a.:.,.., e working conn inicu,,s, t instead' of trying to hei;) One r, ;other* said the speakea^, we a e setwanlin,g how we eau get ahead, of one another. Maws chief ,tend is to glorif fid. ttow have we ;been investing, ij � ,,, clear byes alae story of the rieh fool in the new testament ie very modern. Men are pulling tieWri their barns to build greater,, they are hoarding up moneyy and meaue arid 'Intend to eti.;r «r:' eniev life. But. xod says thou Pooh There is not,htop wioil i A ..^vi*,. rr Preentation and Address On Thursday eve un Oet'obt>r 3.r tectsapt trade spa. tspZlnt at the home of Mori, a7 --d r�. Geo f:4tiire, ltkt# cru„ Qi d3t� thatd wt&n' their hilci;rexa stud wand children gath- re: to ce eba^ate Neill theau th ix thirty' fifth anfl sersary of thf,ir. wed- 0. ftteGregor. B. A. of`I'orunto, See`Y, ding - day '�'�wga%.heT Com., tit>� z''ad='-1e- of. the Social eftarEaz Board,6f #.§�e to sur_rixe to . Mr, and Mrs ,.',h,lu jre ,and Thesbgterian Ohurc k, was the special dale 4.5 er�'One 1, a- tti e jo g teems l speaker of the day and he gave two hat axed tAsa�i l Agar llo xr called excellent discourses~ In the evening or, all freseer to list.:'e, while he he took his text from 1 Cr,ca4:r. lead an addr , end tf y a ice each Moreover it is required in Stewards eseit-.d. with a beautiful l wines that a man ba found faatlafu1, ,.... The i c eho stered' rocker. Ty : ;with 'rs soeaker^ said. t-baxt svi'aea I3siiiel "4",eb- tlaas night shall th flier :1;iileact..k.e5h1 r " ttat,rr era+lair n y .ry it r ws. the. neo -1)-12:1;i1111:1-1':: irxkpoktant of thee, v solar required ratuehes- glt adk a 1iyxeought tl?axt:a;itt' semeattatszraancl,taeTlau gs cd e the aside a. reAlke f�3f&tittfi f t lesgg €iar lunch h d t..4r, eervtd a t il?,diVidne r pf) lbiilty' to At igirty There is kw.,.gi}ca+gang. i termini'. titan, ‘4xtnt- .�ti r p:sir,,d tte * God. ` This theught of individual res- •lee harm, lea ltli'g as e huwittere Z lacy i ,A 4kak3 r k� Ya wr$S 4l ever* cAaP., ere 1a lex a hit ref h home l4 h �' d p ibili y t large v ase tttftawas r ih � ;many tt� zxP: �° aro thaaaglat otgratitude xes L's r nir.G tar e,saf seliptur�e. We fEu that Gold . i t or t'ds ad- held Adana. responsible for the ttse otr m ThereWas no 1Onillix,h, for iiia ! rosea aeaat_a rdlG6ckras a> acaa the ardrt of Edeas* Vain was helm ? e5Pflalstl'. e fpr laic brother ib4� the t t ugltlass� men, ias� i t e ti �, ra . thotaghtrfnk kl2"a"€3' ;;?batt in' rests, ramie rage woo held r4;t 0 iillte lThat man .{exit, out as splrltttaal bank', .. tiaeakt�tstase than Itml made of their Irv,, tel}t, be ,Lord blotted them, out., the dile fuca4 r thought ire. All through the Bible t a `°'<sa r na t, tri, ckl irs Ii }a"m 41 taindividuals wf i e lath res t t}n35 ale thaeye at as tar iila It* their bane. sward enol thp.t every man ai ali gips 'toruli to Gtk h we ltegki a i WW. data at of oaar xtri hbw hey o wrong, brit tt �gl`i'e an acccatantuf est fl *,anted airing' ra of lea ritel d turned theax a u .a r rix pen Slog sand they were eavy selling part ofthe year, ter ara l s ar ge stock for yo eavy e Comte l~ aaft CY Blankets. akadlaaa : 'wtl8 e studivaallty. to ler lair. ant kinde aaarad curt, nil, l,'e.rs- t,, Persian paw lot, psindo, e idea. E Shirts Ties Dress foods inryttaikai~ the I cloth, 4 pial; from int aG yard and up. xazauerwa:aar Soz New Padatsams Sweate Y choose Sweater' Coats For kiesf rbil r lien tamed Bora lay. till ;;doxy and comble 4fop a bite selection to show you., Ladies Coats atber.lot gat ilxe Renal Swell Cage 'Inst arriyed. We are h& ing as big season as no (MLR a are alike., ..'"ett. 0000 i• v very der wear rm woe, Wool scion and fleece titled For Boys and Girls Nea aankl Leaks. ood Dresses A real good lino apt Ladles arid (lhilairens dark catered ;tresses in all ordure eeiitaltle for; fall and winter wear, FURNIS IN '` E Coate Nese Collate New Sults New Overcoats New Capt Cardigans Phone 32 Jones & May, Exeter es of t#z eeretee f sg 41 .-a9ffn w...t � k a `" a� nal.-Iva/We our ' :b . tate anti y With cleaare ' 4aTlth 'aa3ete tore order;zed e7ruyothy to a�i aewildernt on, to ven4 by Clhvt ben aim greet +stwn lr e rano till tae ea;< two Molleraue I . iaas + z l pies They, lei rk hider slim not allow bus- sts to COMO between bhp lass. ria tekes timet plena 1.Christ WWI Qaa hire `04 WO young Wei Jesus des ahead hips. IteOlitret11014 w dela they ere simply .tot es. God is the mode VOW alert. ;twat ryas„ . saaaasla. be 'fern&, lgo,....z ..,...� ther bow' j**.of the* choly nr leaaat and the cream o nFc hflsitos "$bilins a ad let :gime ktaau, UU dillies rid 1, er Aing solo mux id alio Ills aft+ ist.le Memorial thod.ist vitt l+ ➢fwf. Its^, l l mit. (mu k k c4 x sot Ra Ata 1 si of tier a tea e ij Our ata #waw# 'cut wh-ar we tat, 4 ri °sifn " T io .xad, t' ern dale that* 4,nst; ; -t ' for, cit osr ability.. WO 1aave. d we sheuld a c v b y' Injured BY Run 3 eves O'Keefe ag 4 eaa`fi user reeidi an ' id:dlit2h, Tuesday TePult gat .iaat k?s received today evening mint whjle bring` inn- a i .. .FS a,x home lead uf' r;....E er��a ..r.�tl- '104. 3.1c :had just reache4 04e his farm tad v a . turning. as vy h,et WI tear took fright .at br.d , 41ras s�v e41 char` i ter .fr, l ;'a fe stud fit e 1a44 K wa� �htarie dead fs lfr�,to that rani a d lie 5 t El'v azt 440 ids head' Tri a si rani the r as r a*a- der to cat il,ta rife wo+' rtv As kerne pl `'k5 t�,x,}:;.r sa o zt b.it ° L ite slaess and rl c Garih1e iulaaries, r, 'O' ,Keefe was not ale- l F J nucha Qta,gtas5., mitt . tt art neer as will l 'held to Si.,. f' a ie t CrQt"r.r' kis a� al;i'sgi.r ,' Klgak`field g4r4'e the bey to the „u he shad+ be that would long Tau lot him serve. °E said be wand ha ea that the greet eiati aatei'ed: without' at tht r, iu *bedsy little, Wit .' count as acre frllkcat bey would, con his own people ogle la ,they would eo'Caesar 130U.l d aaftee stein e heti. he sail things .-u things that bore the inutgo o' 'sex In tett it belonged to ve bear the icnaag we belong to God. td that we are proud xat, Gaal qua given, bavo tilf? ^{Ile W of rite laixti. the ores of the mines or the fish of the seas. The eav tit is theLord's and the fulness there. nr. Whose silver,: asked the speaker, whose gold, whose wheat. whose tares? The earth is the Lord's we are only the stewards /and after a long time the Lotd cometh; to recon wrtla de. lie did: not give us full possession Now Is a 6000 T1oe8 for ?diilUllQ &� DEGORflTIN G USE 'Chi-141nel in 20 35 & 60 tins 4thimpbells Stains 15 20 450 " Lowe Bros, 11.S. Paints 20 35 & 60c tins Elephant Paints 18 30 & 60c All Colors Pure Turps and Pure Linseed Oil Get Ready for the.Cold Weather e Have a Complete Stock of Stoves :and Ranges Ranges froni $32.00. to $60.00 Coal oil Heaters at $4.50— Coal Hods, Ste 've. Boards, Elbows, etc. Accounts are now due custoraers will kindly AMA note. tIARDIVARE AND STOVE STORE DOBN tbEtt—in Exeter' „ en ciotitts,;Ja da order the American Road Machinery Conif.arry of Goderfch- may tienel factory costlier.; e75,600 ethe guari.intt‘o tile Company's bonds for sn.ent for 10 yearse The COLTUCil has reported the matter to a ,soecial coin, As the' 1Nrayor and the niajority of the council hare cxeressed thutrisel, is likely that the iiiatter be sue- unc del „art Missionary Campaign For Exeter Distric The missipnary con -mate -4 azpoint ed by the Exeter district meeting' let in the Methodist church Park - ill last Thursday, and it was unan- imously decided to hold the ne,sisiOn- ary caintri...ign on Zira 11 and IS 1914 A general excluAnge of be made on Jan. Ilth; 'le, be followed an 'January efith by a eerciee con- ducted by the eestor with whate:ver hele he may secure when the' oLft,r- ir.g will be taken. The 7.1er. of exchange is oe, follows; Exeter Maic Street, "C„ fe,Kaine Ex- eter James Street, Jeffer•sorg ;Park C. ,Burtor,; Ifensall Gorge; Orediton J. A. Snell ; Grand Bend A. II. Brown, M. A Sylvan11. J Crane ,'XHE LATE MRS, SPICETt Ca Friday of last week Mrs, Itobt S;ictr paseed away at her residence on the corner of William and San- ders Streets at the advar.ded age of years. 8 months and 15 "dhys. The ,dtteasca had been -for sorde ae era tri easio onling tkntu lilt -sue That Breac under the a.irept s nines rd promises to be an event of unusua terest. judging from newspaper epode of similar entertainments eon ducted by the prsesent management it would seem to be one of the inost am- using things now ffered for public patronage. it will be. in place, ethods and p ure and on this account will be rnely interesting to iadies and oth who have never attended al real t i . Best of all will be the refined fu Of the whote atrolr. With L. H. Di son presiding over t the Ccatrt; Miss Edmunds appear- ing as the bro en -hearted plaintiff; - J. M. South tt as the defend - lWorcester. Ma prosecuting the ease and J. G. Stant ty, D. A. defe.nding the accused; to y nothing of the bril- liant array of c and jurors it is have aill the co court scene an to lasta whole Todeed, it is position to kn ing of the cour case. the audie the point of en With pathos local bits and u only two weeks crev,,,,ouo to her., death was .ts,h comil.-,elled to take her be.d4 eld ege being the eau -s. of her death: The inaithid name of the tieceased 'was Clarissa Steven,S, and after boin,g nrarried to Robert Si:;icer who predi.,Ceascd 1101' about 1.1 to -a farm' on tile Thames Road and inovieet to town. She is i -sur vivc.,,d by two Bons and tNvo ilaughiers ter 'cif the Jaines 'Street l‘fethodist • church, the service,s be,irg held on. Sunday afternoon hy.1 he eastor, 'Rev. elace in-, the Exeter cemetery, the .) fethodist Church trediton, Out -Pearl 1,'370 nett ,eldost daughter of , Mr, and Mrs, ,George 'French '578 Eng 11513 6. treat svas ,united inar Rev, Mr, Jefferson effie046a. They urt officers,. witnesses retty certain we shall enough wholesme fun edicted b3r those in that from the open - until the. close of the ce will be keyed up to vulsions by the uni- eloquence, laughable games will be drawn upon without tint to keep up the cint rent of merriment. As an entertain- ment of innocent fun, conducted with mock dignity and without tbe shade of offence to refined tastes, the Mcck CourttTriat will be as mentioned above an event of unusual interest. The fol- lowing a,re the rest of the participants Clerk It, N. 'Creech. Court Officer W. J. Bissett. Crier, Hubert Jones. Witnesses, Misses J. Hinely end 0 lQu ince, Dr. Quackenbush, W. J. Jurors, W. J. Heitman, S. Maetin, Beavers, 3, S. Harvey.4. Hind. Sen - Sanders, NV. 13. Weidenhanamer. Locals Dr, and Mrs, Rivers 'of Lethbridge) Alta and two children are v;,siting Mr's, ,McLaughlin of ..p.teetter, an-- de/went an cr;eration ;on 'Monday last at .St,,,Josejh'rs hospital London. Th., 0,;:eration was very successful and 'EVIcLaughlin es :doing eieely. McLaughiM ie in the city \tete eter 1)1. Amos, of tow n woe erssent for, opto attepding,a meeting, of the ;Con-, tral Section of the , Book and Pulite-et- ing Commrttee of the Methodist eh ground flocut space, the business h fo ett tti‘WS to tjl: Nni nett 'owl very WAY the real* The v beta! support and t 'We are only stewards, trustees but t steadily inert. how oftendo we forget this fact2 has always but tut The speaser recently made a tiop is rrosperous commonly and titer ugh the west and was much tin- we look forward with brighter piessed with the greatness and rich- spree.; than ever. We hope to ness of the country; of the minerals ot rmittuue to be 51 co-Worlzer in the / tains and the fish of the seas. Thous - the mines, of the timbet of the menu- ibmuitldh'eat.geollitzt::notfiedthsisuiloci:ttionolatniideti;T: 1 ands of years ago God thought of us detnts. and pnt these thinge there. Efe made the prairies for the wheat, and tim- kats- os mc bered the mountains and stored away the minerals and when at last all was ready he said to us enter in and enjoy the fruits of mv creation. As the speaker stiw bow people were grasping for all they could get their hands on; how in 20 or 30 year.s men had tat.. en out or the soil the fertility that had taken God centuries to put in, and now thtiriands of acres are lett to weedsl uncultivated; and yet after all 'the merciss of God he heard scarcely - a word or prayer of thank- fulness he 'wondered what God thought. They will leave to posterity a poverty-stricken heritage. Men have exploited God's earth and are retell.; pcsterity and we have come to see thee it is sinful. You must put religion into corn- nierce, into your business and if it, is oot there it will uever get you into `heaven, sad the speaker. If you. can- not put, religioil into politics you have ro politics Some say let corruption and vice get into politics and keep re- ligion out. The speaker said he was into polities. The speaker also said that he was in possession of a signed t-ttettient. from one of the members paillanient, and he did not think e cons itueney which this member re r s • is any worse than other cnnstitutentl, yet this member states t liai 50 ,,er elkt of the electors in that k'ey for the r voteand 70 to SO per cent expect, t, Do,you not think it is time f r religion to get 'into politics? It is ',ugh ou, thrbugh the church, a r Heron Must get into commerce, ine•s and pnlitics. If the kingdom of God is to come on earth we must get religion into these Chines. God life, to use for him. Ile i. the °weer' we are but tfte stewards. Taking seripture all the way through God is th -owner, we are the trustees and it is quired in stewards that they he f rind faithhil. ft does not say - Icel. clever or resourceful hut w• 1 no good and faithful ser- vant, If e are faithful then God is respo • for the results. God only ero feitlifulness ha the use of the ta he has given us. Thrt t is the t. The pastor or S. 8, teach courng hen they come to this texl it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful. suit t Tbe Astoria have puton sale samples Ladies black un kirts storm third o pear price. Vire cart s. you money your winter flie Ulf B. W. f. LAU AT THE COLD! GREAT LOOSE SHAG- GY MATERIALS, WITH. THE BELTED ACICS OR PLAIN BACKS.. CUT AS LONG AS YOU LIKEAND LINED WITH STRONG ITALIAN SERGE'S AND WOOL MATERIALS, OR SCOTCH PLAIDS. Both in two nat and up.