HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-10-23, Page 5URSDAY'OCT .flZ3rd 1913
By Common Sense
Women anffering front any fora of
emale,illa ate invited to corninutlicate
promptly with the
Woman's private
correspondence 'de-
partment of the Ly.;
Co„ Lynn,
Mass- Your letter
will he opened, read
and anawered by a
toataa woman mid held la
-Ptconficlenee. A woman can freely
Mak a her Private illnese to a Weiner( ;
'Shoal -ma been established a, confidential
.4cornespondence which has extended over
-Arany years and which has never bee
larekert. Never have they published
eatirnonial Or nsed a letter Without t
sarritten consent of the writer,and neve
Ihin the Company allowed these eon&
adential letter's ta get ont of their pes,
giression, aS tho hundreds of thousands
litg' there in their files will attest,
Oa of the vast volume of experience
which they have to draw from, it is znora,
Ittaltupessible that they possess the very
2mowicillge needed in your case- Noth,.
Ing i5 ask pa in return except your good
1611, and their advice has helped thou -
"ands. SurelY Ally W0111411, rich erpoor,
enculd be glad to take advantage of this
Ageaeron5 Offer of 65 -stance, Addre35
.traydla E Finkham Medicine
Ifideutial) Lynn, Mass.
.L‘*-vory woman ought to balm
Irgyclin, 13. Pinititanes 80 -page
1CO3Sb Book* Itti$ llot a book fOr
agetteral cliSttibUtion, as it is too
ienTrusore., 'Xt is fre4 and only
Ogrtnittallha Izty' mull, Write for
it today,
Sir Rufus Isaacs Is Now Chief Instiee
LONDON. Oct. al. -The appoint -
lent of Sir Ruins Isaacs,. tbe Atto-s-
aey-Gene-ral, as Lord Chief Justice,
Nes officially announced S. aturday.
`.-Te succeeds Baron aalverstone, .who
recently resigned, Sir J. A. Sirictim,
3olieitpr-Genera3, is appointed, to. the
ttorney-Generaisliip. Stanley Owen
ackmaster svcceeds. to the Solleitor-
leneralship, Baron Aivcrstone has
been crea.ted aviseonat- '
The appaintment of Sir Rains Pau -
1 Isaacs to sue -need Lott Alverstona
was geoef4trY exPeetied, Pltholigh
ionae guarters his connection with the
College at Ilowe
'housands of aWou :mon
Wide are fast preparing
own Wane to occupy^
yositionsa tarto;raph-
bookkeepers telegraph- e•
tivil servants in foot every
of business activiticA
ay flaioll at College1r +
Positiona guaran-
3. Enter college any day,
ividual 'tnstruation. Ex- T.
teacitare. Thirty' areara
erience, Ilarg;:st tratoRra t
Canada. Beven colleges
pedal Courec for teachera.
!filleted with, Commercial Ed -
;national AasoolatMn a Canada +
nanner achool at Famous Spot +
txuinen Col) -;e LOndOL.
Wets, Sir_
of tbe
gh offiee tot
enisode Ivaa re--
.e.indIcial to his
ufus is the drst
is faith to hold
clt be now sue -
Years age,
the University
at Brussels
butcher of
in 19O4 six years
ado a .nl ntered
1.1bera1 uzemhr for
having since coa-
t that conatitnency.
Clinton BusinessOollege
air Slaughter
Bair must have nourishment or die
It it does not have proper, nourish-
ment it will loose its vitalitYs grow
veveakand becotneaueasy prey to the
ravages of the vicious germs of clan.
PARISIAN Sage is a hair nour-
iisber; it is the rosult of sincere studY
and eIperiment by one of the aoridas
loading scientists.
Is should he used regularly as a
Azair dressing because it never fails
netevent dandruff. falling hairor
any scalp disease.
:PARISIAN Sage not only prevents
but is a certain euro for nandruft
atops itching of the analp nistant-
Ii f' ft is especially in demand for
ladies, tbecause it makes the hair
.beautiful soft and fluffy.. W. S.
Cole the druggist, sells it under a,
:positive guarantee, to do ali, that is
erlaimed foe it, or money back, 50
Children .Cry
'AO A •St'' CD R A
111 bent oa
t tt Rebel's rsr to
Creek; Vedcral
3,11,1X100 CITY, Oet. 3. - "he
heiding Of 47 Cerniarnit at Torreon by
Oen. Frarefseo Villa as hostages
lost art rattnelk by the Federal
bav nrettatql the German Gov -
at tomato, etrong demands up -
Mexican FOrelgat Office to In -
heir safety
Ilia permitted lito Ame1-
artfrom Torreon,bUt bald
haat tbe =tine number
rent Mtn` ten' or twelve
B tsler a s Verai Spaniarde, eta
taring tha3 'jose asvis to use
here 11,Sr'' to deter tbo federate
form attacking the eitsn fealso let
it be known, aecording to snivices
hem, that the would be eacrificed
unless the effort to retake Torreon
Its trbaadorzett.
What agtion the Foreign Offloo pro-
ses to take has' not yet been de -
'Would Drag in Europe;
PAPAS. Oct. Figaro, ac-
t,ording to az 2rticle published yes-
terday morning„bas received inform-
ation that a group of Mexican atate.a-
teen, whtiee names are not disolosed,
have approached the French and
British Governments, ceiling atten-
tion te Jim resnIting advantages if
the 'United States was net the sole
power directly interorted in Mexican
The Figaro says: "The group sug-
gested particularly that prudently di-
rected action would increase French
and English prestige in Mexico and
establish a precedent in conformity
with justice and international law.
"Intervention," adds the paper,
"would be jusSilled becauce of
France's and Great Britain's. large
Mexican interests." n
Sir Wilfrid. Says Reform WIIL Head
Liberal Frog -rain.
JOLIETTE, Orie.,- Oct. 21. -The
necessity of reducing -the tariff for
the purpose of-eatting down .the high
cost of living was announced' Ily.Sir
Wilfrid I,aurier here on Saturday as
being tte -first item ,on •the Liberal
program, which" was, said the leader
of the Opposition, more important to
Canadians than the, 1;eilding of
areadnoughts. - The second item was
more railways, especially the 'connec-
tion of Montreal with the Transcon-
tinentil, and, filially, Sir Wilfrid re-
peated that The Liberals would oppose
any tribute to' England 'in the shape,.
of a contribUtion of $35,000,000; as
proposed by the Goverament at the
Is.st'sestilen of Parliament, •
y eddress
1 ,ebt
Watson On iriaL
AUG Gan act. :-2,I.-14-Th Dinee
E. Wattinin lawyer, Pnblicist and one
time ,Patisitletatial` candidate '; pi,' the
People's' :Party, nesterday, -was placed
ori trial in • the tj".. S. Court
here on El charge of sending obscene
Matter tiaraugn the mails: ,The speci-
fic chasega against Watson is that he
Published in ehtly, 1911, ,and April
and Mae of 1912 certain alleged
questions Which he claimed were ask-
ed -by tiontan Catholic-priesta to per-
sons in. tesitessional, which 'questions;
the indictment alleges, were abscene.
Tile questions, appeared in a series
Df, attacking the •Roman
Catholic, aleurch andespecially, the
ain Dead.
1"NI21 '0
rlair714irmen of ;the greatan-
• nitiraof Mochanin
dii;0ws the ttnS4Jojh$r
APP'LES WA 'AT -FL -The EXe ter
Evatierator will pay 10 ceiats per
hundred for good winter pealers.
Mr, and -Mrs, 0, Either of laity
Mich, are viisiting relatives in town.
Mr. Ity Leaver of Hamilton st;ent
the Inolidays at Ina name- here witih
his fainily„
Messrs Frank and Chris Finkbein-
er. of London ,snent Sur.day at their
nome hero-
itev, S, Vinitheirer of 'pak,
twat., is visitana relatives ia town
Alr4.• Cornet 'Laker of Londea snerj
Pox.day witli his wile here
50th Jubilee of the Canadian Coa.
ference was celebrated. in the Evan;
einiich on Sunday last S,:ec-
Lai music wio rendered at each, -ear'
vice, and a ,,,f.issionary oniering
$300 -On was raised.
Miss Moderwill sete.ut tbe holialaya
at her ,home in Stratford.
Misses nizaie Oestreicher and Ad.
eiine 0taith are visiting ix
Enloe:tiara DE Waterloo znisited
ierJs Fahrter for a few days7,
s7.:ent Saaday L Strr-
Xis's; Alma Hill ifs in Londoa
Mrs, Chas, Hroivn of Detroit is
visIting her fathet Mr. ,Tirs„, Kienzle
and Nirs, l!,7(1..,Fablier and „faces
zire ilentiieg 4 few
rnasen treeat Sunday
home in aVingliveria„
n.nss 3Iary Yeung, ef Loodala
svending the nelidoys ;At her hotne
Ewald i$ viAlting in Lon
The fowl sunper selfish wan -held
in the ,)lethedi,st Phnrch On TlintlsesdaT
last eiVietAlid otteeent; WAO
WI S bi,',41g4k1t 444 moonlight
sse rigand anto3 came 1.4) from
all direerior,s, "Over on timueseatial
reople aiat (14)117ng he ta.1)107, 4fld
were well looked atter by the ladies
After super Prograra l'i4S given
in the catirch. The rx,oce.g.d$ Qua -
minted to $350.90
ad r
last week.,
Chas Rao
ear Shipka, maved
ratty corchastd from Ai
Aim 3. left last'o'vek
r Chicago on a visit to her (laugh*
MI -s Ida and Mrs, 3t, Doughty.
A Wort -wit of fewlWords
Blt4 „klarrY E 3sse ,7,taba Istrec'.2
north Mount orresc, Oat, writes
Your exnedy or itidc<ey bi4.1d.il-r and
stomach trouble has givin, m -c- great
reief HaVe taten th.ree heas arid
17ilov feel like 4v:i,-..cg tv,t,..zr than'
have felt for yezirs and f give Tonr
alt i:raise for they are the best
ff have ,6yE,3".. trt,.?n, At all dealers
$23 and O cents.r, or the (a,„
, Thotna..'.= 004 Sold at HoWe',Y0
Drug stets;
APPLES 1VANTElt-The Exeter
Tiei.)/0-.Iversary beta on
Oct, 120 Aven .1:argtqy attended aral
,seranoni, which wel e match iikipriv;at.,
The Bowl Ser onTnitpiclay.
001eLvtoictslruol,142itrite VIN 1 (:-.J1()!;`,;!,
.g."; and i,,ever.huldrrl e,.
the reg,at Owing 0 tile
reat crowd thoph ncflat
ereecl irs ex7zeditiOuSlY es do.-5,re2
erofit by oar expertencea aP4
C' are being talker, to rentedY
oatertaictneat In tho
church was 4 wry high order, Tilw
whUa ibe PC4 nembers.vralerett hy
Miss II; Illingworth were Of Walt
The ,Eirkton Quartette vans
'hated to the everincgs enjoyment
ably renderirg several setectioirs
e addrewe,s hy the visltIng olertzy.
were timely atsi approxiMat,-
groceeds amounted to over $200.
PP. We desire nett xureasour tbatrio,
fulness to all who by their rreSence
4 services- contributed ta tbe sotaa
cet°, e:el r1 -J t1g
0. Burton occitill
rice of tho ranor %vita .--
aotiversary e xuonr at lataieb
Watter fiteVena t,as rstart-t-el bOM
foam the west,
vaf crater will pay 40 centS per
Undyed for good wir.ter
;IOS, .1.YTTON Manager
Thc 3 -Gregor limo' 7,'.1is5iao circle
tekt their Ihaakotferjrg mectiag on
Monday evenian Getober 20th and it
toolthe form of an elitertaiarnoet.
erovided by the circle A mi4sionarY
dia/ogue "Jean Wilkie's 1 nfaia-
en ard a104 ma'sleal rogrru
'31r, Alfred. 't'aylor zuld slaft ar
busifY “tgo.gq.11
bloisk which was I arily de.itroyed by
Zire a eout,le of iiionflis ago and w
oon hoz.,e lo eethe entire block re-
INlis, Mary nee Miss 'Afary
Armstrong nf Pert. Aiigi.le5. we -abase
ton, is s,,:endlag a coupla of niontriS
here relatives and friend Ft
.ao a bire/3ekt of. 2e) yar'5!, ;Ind
„t great change i ier TtatIvr7
neighborhood aad talcitntr.
Mrs., V0.110, SgiFtli of thr t
'Len on her way home from L
tat week where- ;Iie hid neen vst-
her daugliter, had thcte ,. zo2sfor-
solo shortly after Meg off the
evOng trate at Exeter. to
ia tattoo brolso, herie,as well
banning her rape anite badly. bet
4b3o 0 rattan% ta hor'hame Itere
doesdas last,
Ds Bowden of Offr,toa fozo
trw days her Itts't zveel; 'with t
'Rev. Mv. Smith of Carmel chore
xeceiven taisserata last Ire, k ad,
' him a Ilhe very suddoo drmth
of his s;ster, a Airs Stewart, af 'anus
• in the Ottawa IiUeL od
nmediately ,for there,
Andrew Moir has
ramp where she los
the city basiitals..teei
41Cti Nkt,
un he in the enjaymett of i•
buirered heal t b.
trout ort iteron afte
visit ws.th
IS1r4 'W. J, Porkies of
norrelal has a ,stalf et NV
ItNrovements to the r
;and is zloty haci
* the ;yards 44%
be botoi,
ad Mrs.
.• ,K44.1 out i
*4 a tarot ma ut t
resirang go
, In the in040,thn4
1 -biting 31;r, and Airs,
otz' awl loudly of Willow
will pay 10 cents
d lor good wit,ter p,;,aterft,
Mrs Wi1a Baker or r40105,
here with her gier. Arthu
Oa ker.
Mr, and Mrs, Tito MorteY and Afr
and A1ss. Alhert Gunning opent Sew
day with trineds 4tt iCirition„
Mrs,J Wright vii3itle4 with he
parent S and Mrse .tillson at „lieu,
Iglu test week.
Itev, 'V- George or Loran preaclz
.cd ,trhahk‘lgiViht; tterviceS here Jual,
Ii bbathe
Rev, A. 11. Drown of Ailsa Crain
and the Woodhara choir have been
secured for the armiversary servioce
here on Nov. hth,
Miss T. Gunning handed your eorreo-
roodent a treat last week avhich
rarely enjoyed at this time of the
Year, it Is a quantity of wild raar,-
berries pinked at their bust Tho
fruit was a good ai,ze and a ,r,;plentlid
Mr. and Mrs, E. Johuston cif Low
dor. spent the holidays with her mo-
ther Mrs, SutherhY.
Mr, Phillip McGee is on the, sick.
list. 4"
Mr, Wm. McGee of ',Myth spoot
Thanksgiving at his, home here.
There was enough now fell here
early Monday morning to eover the
'The cattle sueply situation cannot
but beot vital sineortance torlia Can-
adian I:rot:weer of beef cattle, With
free access to the Aniericaa market
for his cattle he should , be able to
largely increase his sunplies and,
have the assurance ef a erofitable
outlet for all he cact eroducce.
,ces for good beef cattle -have .ruled
high itt Catania for the ..east few
years-, While the free entry of cat
t1 ',to the Gritted States., will Let d
to increase eiarna,„ that is, prices in
a ‘vitie market are not likely to vary
as much from,, season to season
iln a ino.re circemscrined market,
subh as the Ca,naclia:n horde market
only, In other words tne Canadiac,
farmer, who fits- and tee63, a car load
bf good ateers, will not haveeohly the
home"' -market based ii;ona popula,-
:tion of 'eight million, but also, the
United States markets 'based nf.on
tht :,:ou.pla.tion of ovez ninety mil-
lion neeplc to eater 1.e, This shoula
-give a solidity and Ecrinamincy t.o
the ciittie raising business in 'Cana.da
that it has not: had heretofore. Itur-
log, the 1.ast -twenty , five years- the
beefbu.siness id ,Canada.,, has had
mary,,ups and dowti Wurirg the
"tie" 'periods, " farmers would e.nter
ma:in-the' hasinses of producing' cal,tic-:
Viger.„ only to slind abet' sat
soon as they had got nicely going,
and suf,plies Nvould begin to increase
;driod would „fol-
low. with ,nicti- 'startling suddenness
that all the riiofilis we.re, knocke.d
out of- 1.112 undertaking. This;
•dition ,maintained tretty ge,cerally
until -a few years ago, and ies one of
the. reasons Wily" farmers have been,
tune ward), about raising beef cattle
even ,in these 'later days when nri,-
ces have held a -pretty high level
Many have felt the ,f.resent eorid-
dition id not last long and dad t
tho,1°C.::,- Would- -he a big' Slump' about',
the Jirne 'got' rightly goo.
"tut this isnl" •".k likely than, any for-,
w or"'
CkfildrAt,,,4 0 thetil ancV:
url, not'
(New idea Series
Keeps the house Warm and cosy itt the sevcr,;!st winter
veather, and beats 01 mums equally well.
It is very simple to operate --just touch the ever
dump the ashes: there never can be dead coals at t
of the Atepot.; the ashes are readily removed.
It is easy to control the beat and the he/ crs
means asavin'' of 2,1a tO ,50% in fr,el
It iS 2 cleanard itealtitial "enlace -gas anal nest caneet get 5r.to the not
air ,chavaber teed then into the living (it sleentan roclens. it 1,;rt`es ptue
air through the shale
The Souvenir 'Furnace is made 511 Har„1-
111°,4, the stove centre of :C.Ianada, by
to COn.
teualt dona;e'Jpuhase,
9214-ianfe ng fize.Por coaiast
crock.,- 02, 6,r ks
kind fvr 5
enir Ln
1. Neel:tints aeceie;
Mrs, A inter to
Igo ;tall iitteti
`n dtiferent
s, I3 1;r41!th4Vi5',Z,ifiln
4Q IldOrt h1st weelc.,
illatehlOrd To D. S. of hut
William is .1.01liding n wed; or $o
with htli tarvatf* Mr, and Mrs, V,
ltlatchford or tiabornO
tchie of 1e
Air. Will Cole o 9
lidasat ()rata;
Zits, A. iJodtert 4ecnnlpanied
her Nett ar.d daughter prnt th h
Ars at Ohl;,ellturst.
Ernest itoy who la tng a
course in If rectiettl tarto/az; 'in the
Q. A. C, Guelph spent the holida3
der the Pjarer,tal roof'.
Afiss Urquhart a 'Aloes,. Jaw ist
„resent vieninrits friends it tbia vie-
The little daughter Or :Ur* r
Frank I)er.t is at 'resent ur,der the
doctors careWe 0,1e to 'hear sroott,
or her recovery .
Air, Wellington Crawford has dis-
posed of his 00 acre lot to his bro4
ther Milton for $3,800 and has pur-
chased the 75 acre farm of Aim 3113
itiVerS ror $V.00 Mr, Rivers Witt
bold ao aoction sale on October 120th.
Mary Martin left for Calgary
where sin will visit for Mite time,
Mr, and Mrs Neil Gillespie, visited
Mends it ;Brussels last week.
Death came to Mr, James R. Hock-
ing a farmer who resided about two
and a half miles from Cromarty in
the Stratford 'General Hospital on
Tuesday Oct iltb as the resalt of
an accident which °mired to Ellin
about two weeks ago Death wan due
to paralysis brought on by a fall
from a load of clover, on whieh be
was riding. The deceaSed was well
Ignawzn ji% this locality having lived.
here most of his life, Ile was 55
years of age and leaves a wife end
five children to mourn ble loan. Re
was born in England and came to
Canada when 'he was young The sox
viving children are 'Wm. 3 -Ricking
A,. of Ottawa Archibald near Mitebs
ell Jolia:ai home and Roy who is at-
tending high school in Mitchell Miss
Laura Rocking wbo insides at home
iS the only daughter Mrs, Graham of
Logan, Mrs, 3. AlcPborson and Mr,
Wm. Docking of 'Croznarty are the
sisters and brothel of the deceased!.
Before You Cart !Leap
it,u might no well try to mak*
4rmirl9 Pay without sowing
seed as try to make a rneman-
- Ele business pay without sdver*
N- s
rick, cbur1111 LuenWei Lb
5O1J0 of a verett1wedding
ednesday October 8th when mars.
Lorrtto yoUngest daughter of Atr,
and Mr4, Lanabier,.n 4 United itt
Intl:triage to Air, Jams Cliar.,n. The. I
bride was daintily gowned in white
marquisette and, veil trzonnol with
grange blos,atns and wreath of /;earls
bride .vas gvieo away by her bro
they, itev, Father Nagely owl golg,-
ley cousins or the groom c'ttjesatedi
The groom's ander Miss Clara from
Detrait, dressed ;n ameth3st
acted as brides -maid, while her Pei-
ces' Gearldine and pearl Itagen tire*
sod in blue smd link silk with hats
to match made dainty little flowr
girls while Mitster Ed, Brown ac-
ted as 3,:age boy 'The, happy coulee
rtiotortd to the 8.15 train for Wes-
tern points. Alter November fir,st
they 'will receive at 'their Rill Crest
Immo on the Tos u 1180 betweec. Cen-
tralia. and Mt. Carmel,
For half your life you've labored
nith the children in your mind
Sometimes a little step ahead. some-
times a inile behind,
And many a night you've nondered
on the whenceness of the how
Rut you did it., yep. you did it rais-
ed 'on one and all and now-
Lortly. but its lonely when the last
child leaves,
`The year is at the autumn and the
very weather grieves.
The a.kis nre 'gloonied and raininn
The svbieped trees are complaining
Aral there'a bobbing in the chimney
and is-weesing at the eaves.
For oh, its lonely, lonely, svhc,n the,
last child leaves.
There's a good deal of that feeling
when the baby went to school.
Or the big boy went to work as Inde
pendent as a mule. -
Or'the girl went off to cottege with
a happy hurried. kiss.
Lut always they are conairg pack it
never -was like this.
So. oh, its. lonely lonely when the,
last left, '
The living room has sufferetl lass
the bedroom Cries of . theft.
Ar.d eke the cheerutl' dining room,.
Becomes a Sad reining room •
For every foam is lonely whenl.he
whole house is bereft
So. bo its lonely when the, last child
Yoli cannot change the universe,. You
wouldn't if you could
YOUr link is in the chain of life
• -and :somehow that is 'good,
Hut- you ,were first Lei. them sinTOng
in all i.heir joys and cares.
Aad ,i101v, the last orie7s left you to
reniernherance and prayers,
Stt. abii.sJon2ly, folic:13' whet) the
last gene,
Sc),,erns most like a waste of time just
Ins One,: left to do , for
To bustle for and Stew for
Ar.'cl,'you know the dusk 'around yo
is the, twilight rot the dawn
e, oh: 'its .3oz:else , lonely.lvhen the
last goz-e.
-Eclinittc.d Vance C'ebir'-
Men to Fill Good Positions
Traiueo mea are warded everywhem; in feet, they are always
wanted, for the demand is greater than the snooty. This demand is
not far the man who is able to earn only tWO or three dollarsZ-lay
t hart' manual labor and who can work only limier the direction of
some one else, but for the man who is abde to plan aud direct the
k or others -the raau whose training has qualified him to cono,
etently hold positions of responsibility. •
6 The Px-runassamazi-an CORUESPONDENCE SC3100X.8, that great
institution that has done so much itz the past stud is doing so
much every minute for workiag Men and women, offers you an
easy way to become a trained snase--to secure a good position in
the trade or profession that best suits your taste and sunhitioa.
The 1, C. S. plan enables you to help yourself right Where
you are -without losing an hour of work or a dollar of pay;
without changing positions until you are ready to step into
the one you desire; without obligating you to pay 'mere than
your present salary will afford e no matter bow small it is.
Thoesands of men have secured life-long betterment through this
great plan. Every month an average of SOO voluntarily tell us
of such advancement. You an ta. 0
do tile same as these men„ ha_e 44******4•44 4 • • • * • • • 4••• 4...
' l'. nifTERNATIoNAL cooRESPoNnEXcE scnOoLS a
done. - ,Box 799, Scranton. Pa.
Ifyon really „mut a good posi_ ! Vrseexpiaih, virabout Jut litr olilization MI vily nail: 0
' vr 1 tan quality tot a Iargver salary, sari ativunce- •
cissful life, find out howyou can a ana
tion, a larger salary., and a suc- ,., triestah:a174zit:orn before srLichhul.th:::::::: X. 4
secure it in the surest and most • Wdrahnv Trinnnet ttruaturnlEnvinver •
practical way in the world by
Ornarnantni Designer Farman Pliimbv:
Civil Service awn,. SiClarnul't*tucTolvD:nTruger
• Moofionicat Oroll.man A. n, Conxtructinti enil, iv
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At the annual meeting of the Sea -
forth Curling !Club the following of-
ficers were elected for ...the current
season:, ; President William McDou-
gall vice Pre-s,ideota Dr, Charles, Mc-
Kay; seeretary and treasurer, W.
IS, Kerslake umeire. Colonel Alex
Wilson. There vias :a good attend-
ance and erospects for a' good enjoy
able season are very. bright A hear-
ty vote of thanks "INIVS teadC,red Mr
John Leattle the retiring secretary
for his efficient services and bis
untiring zeal in the interests af the
'ClubL. A motion was snals,sed with an
excxession of regret at the -death of
three on the, leading membra,, of
the club,. and the rernaval' of two
others, The deceased are Mn Jas.
McMichael honorary patron; Frank
Kling and G. Coiling and the re-
movals Messrs 1G eorge. • Pattersoe,
and ',G. LC,' Rogers. ,
The second 'Annual meeting of the
Huron Fre,sbyterian Home Missions
ary Society was .held in the
Presbyterian church in this town ou
Wednesday ,of last week There was
a good attendance, 1135 several aux-
Kelly of Goderich. Mrs, (Rev.) Lar -
the ab:ence of the President Airs,
iliaries being Nvi;11
ekoc2i3:1'713';iir.::::(1011:eessialne:jai'usp tbo 7ef ,nuAl.nthe
afternoon by Mrs, .1 A-. McDonald
Rev,- Picku.p. of Tel:Drag, ho
has spnt
1 ir the Western f.rovince$,
sonic utis.sio ,
legates were hoacitably entertained
at dinner and sunper in the !school
rootal of the church by the ladass of
Ate Seaforth Auxiliary. The_ follow.:
ing officers were elected President
Mrs, 'idly. of Goderieh., vice, erea
sitienten. Mrs, Ross of Goderich„
Larkin of 0'eaforth nIrs, Ewing ofi
Layfield, correirordiz„g secretery
'Mies Buchanan, of Goderich rea
cording ,secretary Miss McPhail of
Porter's hill 'sucply secretary Mrs*
Taylor of Goderich ; home helrersi
secretary, Miss Ferguson of Gpclerieh,
Treasurer, ales, M. Y. 'McLean, of
Sea forth ; The . next ar,nual- 013c1 -
will be held in Cariner clitrich Ilenu
salt . 11 tiri
Mr, ,Satnuel (Stirling oE Stanley 1.ct
recent,ly on a bubitiess trir to Saskt°.
tOOD and other 'Western 10i0nS,
MiSsIlabel Elsie of Grand i;ond
visited at the home of Mr, anil 1\Tra
ifenry Thiel
The services in the Evangelic4
elatirch last Sabl)a th took tin.: ni
01 TL'Ilar.1,,S,:giiVnt- IS COnni.etiOn elIb
e Nafional l'hank9giving Day.,
_rho 21-1,•,cs Ileideman of Exeter are/
srending a few aays Ivith their untie,'
it. ifeidetnnn 11
3,1r-, and Mrs. Levi Hamacher mor
d into their lipuse on 11 Id St.''',rec
tly voostdloy tive