HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-10-19, Page 4G:
>rati'1 Ls -,o
S 1 i crANAPA
S iA
School Exeter, ;aced tale
s e^n„ses coateiected with last„ulght33
rtainment were earri d,s. 1'h;
ion3of officers was then Traced -
d. ►,.nth. with tate followir.g result*
resident—IL I;o,s Dunganton
ti ic: ^'ceyidexat ,1Iz5 C.. V o,f.(or
Tress— W, 11, 7o1 r ten. l,,apeV.
.• lift A. Goderictt.
Cee rawSor Exeter,
r ice. JMurray. 1:x ter.
Altss L. Tenser, Godericte.;
1. Long Cetde ri;eh
1 W. Archibald.
Ate ttclitors° rerorf Shows
on baud of;., .91,05; tx
teats adof'red. A commit
t to>e
of Dlessr s Ross Long. At" -
eh ' at' enc lloword aria Moo
SaR Wyss az•prninted tea Menke offer the
strt,on,tioti Of the #"atrat3aeozaa "Foul,
tate schools talriug ph sief al
tint laid Xereises,. Tfaer(e aro eta.
teachers rasa t Six men whO
*rtikia`atas ttf. ttialificatiatai; in
d vxel',eisees andt &tariill: in this
agate, Mrs, A. :al. Saal;d„•.
read an excelltsiit paper
4 h ' for Third Classes, Sh,., of
cats flat►* in order riga teach Ge+akga;t
a4;•all In the' tl1;14 ettia,•
oaaladation worst begin at
carried throughout
omss A brief aaoat:line
t.i”}fin _Q�iSa 64C'.
znl fu sl oor S tae5aag
tcese stn cllit►!r°41
11.'4a4clae ' Tor
laG` 1AC ,or t
Spot) i i 'tottl'er
Spanidng does not :cure ehiIdren of bed-,
wetting, Themis a constitutional cause for
this trouble. Mts. I4&,, Seca -mars, Box. 841
Windsor. Ont., will send free to any mother
her successful home treatment, with full
instructions, ;Send no znoney,but write her
today if your children trouble you in this
way.*Don't i't blazes thechild, the chances
sre it can't help it. This treatment also
sones adults and aged peopletroubled with
ar;asccifacultiesby day or night.
short whiles otlzer'children were born
lorg. in some re:Teets, "These facts
didn't keel, many short boys :Veen
girls from. succeeding' atvoinderfully
well along" ,special feces,. The lessoa4
ttt be drawn was that eNantinations
should be Mere fleriialc than ibe
are in regard to the 1,Peraelatoges re,
oulred., Ttzc cl _cu:' ior. was dor,
ttr,.ued lty Messrs Tout, a+osnasoaa, end
Dr, Strang-
trang.13r, AV R. '1r bid, a:taa roue *r °I3, fl,
rrireak al of the T x,'t:•r Centinuat en
School. read ac excellent raper on
' tin' tca;aciaarg of Agriculture. in fire
[asblie schools, lie :showed That r►car-
` oil notions are tta„actiiaa it r. tv aa=
their sob.00ls. ll'e hold hoat'eV r that
t natant be co -related with other Sub
CO, a'il", aoceOunt of tlaA crowd,4
haat deal ray 1r4* diem' tea interest
idren in faiestry the breeds of d,
sro ant,,mals. faalaii's progress
aete, cfc,. A t urge r annber^ of
are to tea lead for rhe
° �n, the 0, A. C. antb rla es,
1111 tided is 4^c'l'an, for the
h(ers'�Wr e ¢ { k oritiiitk�d.
w0aflicla. tk%. would answer
llraV4, 'e1iilne tai Carr"
iu the Affirmative.
will o' aate ani intere4t
tl. 11M al*f-1 the t oratite of
' eaohera will be zialicl,y
oke ori this work. espcc-
i11 tergal ria he* the ImY4
.°.a nrt taxi flat f r'ra fits would fould aad-
_._ to teach
to.. antaaoo
sane a
ytaus of VAT Sammi_
delay ot ria.
.hex .I?`
1st tw epi
▪ Lot
l„#lt3l, a aaf, jT
1s. * t^,' htai; a;4 Q
on,. of
native a'taltiri
aer for hip 't:
tl that ii,grie'oaltor
in the .stla:aolts tat ..
r11i) Mateo ilae capon'$,
tilsatioi: tw,ttaaaaaaatto; bran
owing rµ.aar`t,
--That rhe teachers
_ � b coror.'ntiort tniserablo, ,.
finest that the Gciaaa -
roviaite fel.` : the up�
aunty 4tgricolllnrll
for alae County
Farm for Sale
The Executor of the estate of the
late Wzn, Rectae} is offering for
sale that desirable 1Q0 acre farm in
the Township of Flibbert, being Lot
1o. 12. in the 14th concession. On
the property is a brier,: house with,
frame kitchen bare. with brick foun-
dation, 9a.z, 36_ and pig taouse 30 a 20;
Ten acres of .14taen:lid hardwood
busiz, good water, fencing and drain -
:lug, Porn has been newly shingled
soil i; rima and Productive, fall wheat
is looking well. Further particulars
may be had front the undersigned,
Application should be; made at once
as t#. .1,1Xeeutor is anxious to wind
toe the .Lofene„
Gledraini' .. tanbury. Exeter Oet.,
Soliiaaa,tors for -l:l eeutor,
Auction Sale
01 f0'CSEU0t j? EFFECTS
ne be tut-
�iao undersigned has beet/ irate r e
cd . to sell by Public auction at the
resideaaee of .Mrs, Evans., south of
t entre is, on
At 2 o'clock sharptlxe fpllarsv„
household effects. .
1 coal stove.. Parlor cook; 1 woo„
toe 1 centre table ,dining reteon
hair 1., Rocking chair.,_ 2 largo
rut clear ,, tacc341teold •ietarsaaa, crit';--
rit';d tarot 6tancts9� carpet Aweeper
ets, loopy;; erases oatrtaiat and
x P.(eles., pctuses =aunt pit huge
rl+tsswer9 ; quantity dishes
wi mower; wheel barrow._
at -den utensils lawn chair,
d other articles tea
stale ---Small solus casks
,rhes, st,a <tley
fearing Auction Sat
Ant SOW & 1MPI.d:t,IENT
'nos,Xi..a>iaaFxon ba.i ,C. `iv01 in -
a-15, faroal the toaders" o,. -d
public auction Ott,
South Thaino•
Friday October list. 191`a
'4"lCpl'ti tchari' the following,
Ir.k —& agricultural mare �t
supposed 10 bo ata foal; I
yrtaw old agxic. 1 ;chant
R'o ycaa'rts'nM. nitric,. 1 geld -
3 ,nate old fraught, ;#
Its agrie. > Yearling cot.
lrIPA alas farmer's driYo-
flet :and aiu,#iie.
g.-�»i, sow with calf
d; cA1t• 1 cow Luce
awy iIne Areal; 4
yard; 4 steers 2 y
year old: 3 st
s;•rinix calves `
at -di
aI fl.t tat tlo•`ta hec°.a
gaiveXxc,llaaailt; neigh
a. filar* ' at tl f $a s T. - Inamt ln`t it .. Irl
taf tlre* ° tri3: ut ill Bae a ast
ttaaata • of t * fr v ori» ia; .er rt.=tit
ret atlLtiaiaa `tat:.X sitoad' xzf iz feta+,
TETT RSDA'y ocro e,:
P elaryceitkoltled,careAd
1Vegetable iepargenforAs ,
sacaitattn$lheFoetlan4R�er at'..
t nglheStomadisandBon isof
P!profeSDi eskionCheerad¢.
Opi nalaritlline Miuml.
For Infants and Oil ,Idren .
Mothers Know
Genuine C...est.,
Bears the
ofT o lR
tion. Soaaa^Slai,aaptit,ilionl'
neSs attt3 40SS �'WSLEez
Facsirde Sva1to
trA iaT.itrgeom e Y.
Writ, RF,AL&N#lA.l"'ORit
4sa C. c441•+1rA4444 4,44°.44..444'4 ,.fgeg 'VIsle a• cro-rr,
Ise and Lot for
tee over Dicks*
office. t`Xoed
.d st a aro$ tv ptxt
▪ l,t1.4'' arc eor
ret ,of tlaia sa^a&amdt
athle, dor tti..
o sta'b1e, For terms,
tit±gs ttr ;Pa a"4'. kbit
Reat Estate ,kms
One rott^ an in 3;aAuer.
months old; ;about 75Rens
ll et,s,
Dl18\T1'S-1 G -toot 1t;lidera
i►°c r, 1 roanbinecl seeder nod
land roller. 1 bay rake; -
a•rp4rt t'l0W, wanting plow ; 8e11ffler
t iron laarrotvs; fztnniog raid, root
ttklnter,. nearly' ACV; 1 Bain wagon
and hear. 1 gravel box; bay rack.
rig rack; 1 democrat waggon, 1 pts;
bobsleighs,' 1 set double harness;
w.birt :ireees, lied yokes., crowbars,
chains, shovels; forks. grain bass
and other Articles too numerous to
nnentioat. • a
tl5o a 411t3ntity of turnir's and
inanuolds And 'some cedar posts .
'o reserve as the proprietor has
x^cnted 'his farm.
Terms ° of stile -All sarins of $5.00
andunder cash ober that amount 1.22
tnosntbs credit will he given on fur-
nishing approvedjoint cotes -with a
discount of 4 F er cent off for cash
on credit arnouut4.
Jas Monteith, Prot T Cameron
Prop Auct.
cool Ar
Abe attend
iF tory
rs Bair.
od Coin October 2ot
Ea and One T
end Oio
of ha also to
Secure your tickets early a
Trtmk Ticket offices.,
yonder/al transfor-4
vel the, p
fifteenth centuries, In el a
erlendid address- the Spaalrer annealed
to the teachers to be faithful in
e.ork. guided by the teach:ngs
Dr, Alorgan, in a very thoughtful
and instructive adtlress„ spoke of our
National ideals, In opening he 'said
oar great T.' 'rural resourceS., but
ideals., Thor. after oshowing that all
nations havo. had their Oa:11s.. as for
'inetance., ITehre,w4 sought „after
righteousness. tire Creeks Weal beau-
ty. the Romans law. the French art
Nolan, the English, manhood. the
German education etc-. lie thought
the Canadians had their ideal char-
acteristics arse. and these were given
to trse the_ influx of _TT E. Loyal-
ists. and Dr"tisto iminig-rants who
have canoe to cur sthores., Those
characterist,:os are perseverance or
industry.. a 'love of home life._ intel-
lectuality. ch;valrY ;Ind strong re-
ligious tendencY. As teachers we
should teach our children. to be as in-
dustrious.. chivalrous. humeloving
intellectual and rengions, t.'rs our fa-
thers trere. e, that we as leachers
are not merely lowarters of know-
ledge but nation builders.
The large and intelligent audlence
were ir.deed well repaid for thelv
attendance Friday night as it is
seldom two Nuclo thoughtful and in-
structive addresses are 11Card on
ordinary 0:the-ring At the close
Inspector Toni paid a fine compli4
ment to the scrake.rs of t.he evening
The 11.M.,-,•cs,Seirlon a.x.d Quackenbush
added not a iittle to the Elcasure, of
the evening by tbeir instromentak-..
A hearty vote of thanks was len-
dezed all who took r.art in the even-
ings entertaitiment. The singing- of
he' Presideti occupied the hni
11, icral exercises were cond et
Votes gra r. ti ng fi v dollars
the Public School Debariment. of the
0. E. A. one dollar to the caretaker
met free. Oldest togersof for sectlanvg pat -Ern? ,15..
1 tatx lx: vo*,t,
to linter taxde
la(' wads "1M1'.,lla agbt,d
Pro aria }.1 ° tatoles. he
irattrri•Slo'rg to ctU,
txif,� ;cute bx'iefla on the
hoo tar°lawan' ..nd aialtlorxed
chat y es among than teach -
bought the teachers
tvcre aaot to. tal;trrt ser They
ttier honeiUy gtre,pariztg ftar:. 1heir..'
t tiaark„ and tr1"lrrg, 10 curry It on
hadn't -mitts faith in school gar -
der -s- e cef;t io pee al tsSes,w nor they
teaching of o little Agriculture.. tea
'eel the teachers the=re, but be
thought:. a farmers, wouldn't grum-
ru m-ble so much In the bearing of theft
children about their inability to
alto money on the farm„ and would
treat their children better,- there
wo z1dt't be so much restlesness in
the country among both children and
teachers. A11 :sere delighted to
have 1)r. Str t g with us again, and
to .hear his words of cheer,
committee., ‘,410 Drra or
=day night's meeting d ro he
ublic school board, for tit of
htir school., ond the Exeter staff of
teachers. for tbe xreparation made
us, and for their hiudneoss in so -
'he sir.giog or the iNational An-
them brought cez-sful convention
to a close..
The minutes of the forenoon sessior.
were read and approved. Mr, G.
Iloward, and Miss M.S. McDougall
Were appointed as delegates from
this Association to represent us at
the Ag,ricaltural confeience in
Gue/pro next sun -liner with Mr, A, W
A.rchibald and Miss L. Tichborne
Miss A, E. hIcGowan read a very
creditable pap..er on the ,131ack-board
exercises emphasizing the needs and
worthiness of neat and .efficient work
on the blackboard by the teacher,
I'requent -writing on thc board by
pupils should encourag,ed to give
them free arm motion, Blackboard
exerciseS do away with monotony
which is too common in eome sch-
ools. they inculcate better interest
co-operatiou and result:5., with pu-
pils in „,ouneral.
Mr. G. S. Howard then followed-
ard gave his paper- on Blackboard
work. Be advocated that teachers
should use the :13oard freely for class
work. Bre should be, early at 'his
school to be it reactine.ss for the,
opening of school'. Be should place
the neatest of writing - and figuring
or. the blackohard.. so that the 1;u-
tas will have no d'ilficulty in See-
ing the work., Roth Lepers we,re' in -
The, ,disconsion was continued by
Pletcher and others.
Mr. MacKay of. llersall gaVe
surrtmary., of an educational book
lately issued, and created consider -
aide interest and arnu.ernent by tile
but needless to say this won't be the
last time hIr. will he asked
to tell a similar story. Th..e book
raulat that most children wer'e born
Clearing .Sale
13.1r, Thos,,Catuteret, "has received in-
tructions from the order,s'gried to
sell by tpuldic auction on,
LOT 18 CON 12 lifEBEIrri, ON
W.EDNESDAY OCT 129th 1913
At 12:30 o'cioek shar.).the following
old. draught ; 1 gelding rising 4 yea -
CATTLE -2 cows due in November
1 cow due the fir,st of December; 1
cow due in March; 2 cOWS que
Awl! ; heifers 2 years old; 4 steers
2 years old; 6 heifers 1 year old; 3
stee s one year old; 4 calves.
110GS-1 sow due at tinae of sale;
1 sow due later; 1 sow with littte.r
at foot ;12 !gigs •weighing,125 pounds.
rowl.,-5o ',Black Minorca ;hens.
'20 'black hilmorca,. Mullets, lot dr
1 steel horse rake, 1 3-horSe cultiva-
tor; 1 disc, 1 roller; 1 set iron har-
howa,; walking, plows, 2 -furrow
tire top 'hloggY nearly ne,w; good
steel tire, toP buggy ; 1 Portland cot-
ter nearly new; 1, piano box cutter;
1 set bobsleighs ; %ialper, straw cutter
font-ing, `Mill, hay rack, gravel box,
set truck scales„ 2000 lbs ; :set of
bras mounted teaM 'harness ale.arly-
foot sap pan, -100 sap buckets and
Splles; reuantity of inch lumber;
water trough; laddersJ, forks, shov-
els, hoes, whiffletrees. neck $okes
chains, Iscythe.,. -crowbars.. wire stret-
cher, block and tackle, odd. horse col-
Jars- Typn- --d other ar-
ticle. too numerous to me,nt:conl,
Also 1(10 bushels of oats., a guard-
tity of seed peas., 15 tons of good
timothy lay ; n quantity of straw -to
be fed on farm; .800 bashers of man: -
golds If:A ; ,500 bus of turninis in
pit ; 10 stooks of corn; 50 bus of po-
tatoes, 6 trees- of- spy apples, '.?„ hives
of bees ; 300 13 -inch tile.
Terms—All tnms of $5. and .der
cash, over that amount 12 ittonts,
of 4 per cent per .aanum off for cash
on credit amounts.
Auction Sale
The ,undersigned Auctioneer
sell by ;public auction At the yards
back of Wes, ,Stell'is shop E:S.ETER
on. SATURDAY OGTORE'll 1S 1913
at 1,30 o'clock sharp the following
veritable property namery.
HORSES -1 4 year old work horse
sired by Percheron, from larg,e blood
CATTLE -1 Jezsey cow newly cal-
ved` ; 1 3 year old heifer Cdoe '1st.
January, 35 choice Durham stockers
yearlings and 2 year olds', heifers
and :steers choice, lot of feeders.
1 Success spreader second, hand.
and. lu need condition; 1 new wag,or.
Chatham ; new Stanhope buggies
Greer's make these were boag,ht
early but arrived late,: 1 .newly
!No 12. 1./eLaval Cream S,,parator one
grinder . 1 1. E. C. horse power gas-
oline engine guaracteed in goo3
running conctition three sebs
of hizn grade ',new single
make ; Dumber of new wheelbarrows
a number of Vleury plows.; ; "whips
and other articles too numerous to
TERMS SALE—$5 and ander
cash: ,over that amount 11 months
credit on all but the cat'tle on fur-
nishing approved joint rote. 6 pc r
cent per annum off for cash ot. cre-
dit amounts.
The is an annual. clearir.,g ,sale, of.
Wes. ,Sinells implements to >make.
W.. Snell ,..- - - ,A;ed. .carofePtybtte.:,el'
T_ "Cameron Auctigneer,
For Sale
That nicely situated, cona or
cormor Qt :Main and Victoria. to reels.
Goad kitchen, cellar° and Nvoodshed,
hard and sof t water, Pcm.sesSIOn My -
to suit purctaser. For terms Ornoi,
articulars opor'Y to D. Mack Exeter
or Thomas Cameron. Aunt.. learquh, r
150 Acre.Fa
For Sale
Tbe undersigned is offeriog for
sale that fine 150 acre farm la the
Tosanship of Stephen being the west
half of lot 15 Con, 8. and Lot 16
con 9 There is on the latter good
frame house containing 8 roonas
two goon bank barns 81:c40 and 30x5a
with good stabling underneath; a
neVer failong well with. triad mill
oliances; water through the taro
underdrained, well fenced and
in goodstate of cultivation For fur-
ther particulars apply on the pre-
mises to 3. R. Schroeder or 13, 0.
Phillips, Real Estate 'Agent Exeter
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y. M. C. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
LW. Westervelt J.w. Westervelt, Jr.
17 Vice -Principal
Our registration again ex-
* ceeds that of any' previous
• Year. The ihoy or girl who has
not received our catalogue
• does not kinw the great °poor-
* tunities of Commercial life We
have three algiartments Corn-
* mercial Shorthand and l'eleg-
: vantages not Offered efswhem
in Ontario. You may enter a
11,, any time. Write for our free
Z catalo,„one at once.
140.0; DMA
ear tract without
d effects. Office over
Stanbury's Office Ma
OWNING a E4 Oso•
Office arta residence Demin
brotory., Exeter,
Associate Coroner of Huron
eye/mere Commissioners, Sraideittokor
for the Moises/a Bank eto.
We have a large amount 04
ate funds to loan on farm and.
lage properties at lowest rots 0,c1 igp
Barristers, Solicitors, Mom liffta
busa G. E. M. BISSETT A Mom
flonor Graduate of the London ,Ciankee.
servatory of Music, Teaching Col0k
lege of the 1Ve,stern, Universikor
Teacher Piano -Theory -ila.rmoon,y‘
counterpcont and. Musical IliAtory,
apas prepared for musical exam*
Tile U8Dorlle and tiibben
Head Office, Farquhar, 0112.1L\
President J. L. RUSSELL '
11013T A101113,iS
Du b1164,
borne and Biddulpb. i
Ilibbert Fullartou and Logan.
So lici tors, Exe ter. 5'F
le' interested and 6110[11(11620V
.about the wonderful
Marvel WhirlIng
Douche '1
Children. Or
,Ask your Arraggint for
lf Int cannot szipply
the MARVEL, oecept no
other, tout send etanio for Ulna -