HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-10-19, Page 1U "Trusses We have many good kinds and can sup - ,151.y the one best adapted to your case, We iguarantee satisfaction or money refunded wee our new hood truss. It is posi.ti'elyT the .;test truas on the market. Consultation free, Cole's Drug Store We prompt teat fails to b.. .toe bei r used will. _. idney aiin'rents tient we,.SN em to; 3 -ion .r.t the ahoy e von pills ia bez for Hely xt ...,Huron u s o RW -NINTH YEAR—NO 205V JONES &MAY PHONE wFo a , tt ° it coming<ready =o f all the good warxl wet id Winte1•: durst be caught tanppll g. test waiting for We have ad nig o ?approval. ck l A E WtNT R COATS New lots arriving every wee ,y different in this week. Curgre It:[i.11ll e new colors and styles,° :ever Board 4.1 held in; tie To' n tfxal Ott, 13Ila with all 19Te1' ;scant The fo110 v in, lail.Siri _-i duly sni m tt ed, Per chair rza.aaat.= ti vvs Sbor, fire, ho order of d} .. =arF 1rov,- oI 1?'racvou l eports of (_erlrnatrt' her deliveries `'f "on3_S� is lougall dur'ii'' tlae ciarr as sld:za� rag. fry r :nt �ar�ra111.1 3,g,d drain`'. .1444 correction ;, ha' set .aft fC1�"t;+iF �;it: n p ',1 atten<1 acet #' g y,'ink.'' :tl ttnIt-V i tr= xtt filar a�ri tE rain eora, art anti e; C Tai$F , for wkly µ. hnot ,i,—:x—ono.'—e or v' r -...........'s -E. Pu140 '.i P. a146> t+kii3O meal R r R4 (o,'''Ea C`z of . . AT t 13 /1041,c4 td rd fur - I3 , ole - West Huron Teac er Convention. 1'a?r 'flnsrt-f tah art aial hna i r; x,:C 41 fst 1ia.rot, 1, ache, r'sA;r•.oca,.t+O( v.aa ba Id at thcI'x$al . &Loo! az i, inn 1 .h S'.? 3y 'a1dt1Y ;5'x titan of Per' l^, W ro1A than tl . frslleRsviaa l to nac�try as provedn .+�1 ;" ones Rk v. 4.ia llti la 14tatctoeutar« ;,, (-L" " ;.-o .1onr' mayt Clado . laliatalma' 1 t, gid'; v, Gquld ) bt} 'nnY, n � x 4 ♦ Ito. €' xiaical^s 3-,."x0 ai i 1;3y+ie r.t.pair ent4. )3. . fere ria ad,aaeaa214aaa'>r;t• ra ptic suor. Fu Sweater Coats Grey t newest fug ,s IOW. Z'omeaas �. 6. 11oys r1El. All the colors that are glade aro here ra the good; ay)* weaves "ees$1to, ND BOYS OVERCOATS lkiaa <:y nevi style of make mai different hinds of cloths are right here, We neyer,laa I better ;> election of the New Overcoat Models to show You: We Tend in this Zinc. enter weft s� illy Maar full winter stock of seri ma now here. They aro n coal nifty lot. The swagger canapes and styles. If you want a suit. we were neve; in. Netter shape. 11 oxl't forget your Thanksgiving Hat 111 Phone 32 Jones & May, Exeter ew is a Good Time for ?ainUnu & EGORfTINO USE -e ki-Hamel in ?,0 35 & 6.0 tins �' a,n pbolls Stains 15 20 45e Lowe Bros, 13.S. Paints 20 35 & 60o tins Elephant Paints 18 30 & 600 All Colors _ere Turps and Pure Linseed Oil Get Ready for the Cold Weather ►e Have a' complete Stock of Stoves :and Range ati' es,from $32 00 to $60.00: Heaters " $10.0;) to $46.00 Coal oil [eaters at $4.50 Coal Hods, `'° Stove Boards, Elbows, etc. Accounts are now due: customers will kindly note: . HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE Pointers Vote for the by -lav an steady work for twenty laborers. a Exeter is due fora boom and .honed be encouraged by rasrsing the b3-Iaw a s * • There will be something doing next year in the building line if the ` by- law &asses. a is Q IIf the loan" does not go into effect until after December of this year the taxes will not be affected [or two years, a a a 1 The rej:rc eapilatives have been con-. servative in all they estimates and have dtsFiayed no fli giity orvv ild. cat as1 irationS. All in touch - with the gentlemen have beau favorably imrresscd. • 1 1 * 1 With the last ray'ment made on the Grand. Trunk debentures and with the 'Oannirlg ifactory starting to pay back' their lo;'i Exeter can, well afford to snake the Joan to the, Exe- ter Alanufacturing Co, 13(11:i 1V, llTJRDLE-1n Exeter' : on Wed Oct, 15tH, t9. ,11Ir and ift,s. Frank tetrad _ 1 daughter, 1` t,13tR`lY, k\t.Orace 1To 1,11ai '1'01' ,,nnto,nt Oct 7th -.to' iti :t4nd KingsburV (nee, Edna 11IcCa:- lyytlftRl - i,.rinc l OVA adtcT,ghcdr of t)r, xs, .t�uackcinbu'a1h' to M,r. r biurduck „o[ 'Chatli 3m.j ea 1.i I)01 DLlo—In E,..eter on AVednesday 03t, 15th the infant daughter of 1\!r, and Iv1rs.-"!frank 13ulJ(0.- 'll.krt'1JAL13—To Stephen oi , Oct; rS i (',trace Anis relict' Of the late Jos A ar 11.111 aL.,ed. 79 yedr,; orad 10niov A1r-, ll. 'S '1 'right and family alito ed over to !:11 or:last vveek dna vi, ite.1'= 111 ,s cousin 'in cS, :I?oavell. :4,ct'o 11' 1i' Lee.` of ¶IUIOIllo is 01 ti few day,r�c, her C""ote1s th • a. • 0 'A petition is being circulated at St Marys to have the Milting by law :recen111y.'dt3111tedovvann largely Lt is f'el1; to lack of ir�terett,, re-scabmitted to the ante) a3ors, Let the cfliien� of Exeter cake 1101:° 0C t.liiU,, anti 'nog, let` the ,saine' thing acct here on Fri eJ ay''. - ¶Ji (lob' on' -131101(1113 lou 0111 t-,iu- ect u cfirdy,n aC 9hovv .sevoral town.; .in J,on,a. hi,d d, ,tributed„,,,.rizesto all vho would ride into town 011 a' road era The rncrchants ,01 one :town i'distri,bui,ed over ,wo thousand,. 1111' in 'oa'ne day,' ihi.s'sho\vs how, setae ncighborhepds aro 'taking ,` up' the rn'itter of liigh tvay^ irn�i n1ci.'ts.' • 0l11111; C:itIgd �1 1ti-, 1+.dit:oc T _have been In-, car'nh''1 111„ 1h,1otvn':1101113(1I, 131 1'rol)ex 1 1' '1crlow 11 'as 'Ili o-131315',':I'alk arid not ,1 gift 1:rOnx the late I'civ„ 13,^..vvden as a n11niber of ,1)e1' Ons Er ''11111, and as stated fa- (.1)e art„t,,� li,ubl�5bed :last. tveel a,;,1, i'eade' ' 1lLi'*Tti.".�,. shy 1e 11' t=,a sum +liy>3vLudt. The, at, 'n g* l:: sa'itla i epnxt wady Cur t; r[aaaxtt�r "oaA e ill " ,°ho t,atrty lett t ir$t Pf Q4 h nt '.slit d Cz'eds v q SPT b*14 M.. OX 1* \V 1 bet a, ^ dlurgu Tile ale aI t l0r a rd Goderrah. m stub alae xztaay also be surveyed to R'irittolt,, 1t 151 dg ' ropoi;etl to .aur- For a coact ie of liner 0e•-. toss the cgnsatl one. at Minter. and the other a:at ellyth.;. Groat intrrn"-tt; , beim manifested in the xrottosed x4ditals especially' the one from 1:xetu r to Gard 13e1)d a .cd the ',tub line to 1Cirktnrt There is no doubt that .,u ch n road would grove a great service to this section send would give trarfiXortation fac;l- ilities for which at bas long felt the �tateed. ,REASONS 11'1113' YAG SILO T'L37 VOTE 1fOI� T1IE Bi'.. -LAW 1st—We must be progressive. end—Your vote !nay mean forth teem working all year In the ;new foe= tory. ° :3rd--yr:onr taxes will not be ;aflerted. The iinone returned from Canting fartory and the returned ,:non.y� from, Zeit; Mfg. Co. will more than pay the:indebtedness 4th=2t will mean sig; or more row houses in Iixeter in ]: 111, Sib—r1 working men need ' your vote and;need the work. 6th—E etcr's del:enture debt t� lower than any town of its size', or in 'coril:orison with any ,of the towns throughout this d,strict.. 7th—Do not be a drag—Let 'Its be progressive. The Late tv.i.• Marshlaif 'rite funeral of 1.ha,: late ''Al -,r,,, Joo erh Alai:shall . of Stepla p,, inentio0 of whose death eras h.;lct in the: '1'irn e,s 11111, \Va tt,, tiv 1s held last Friday afternoon, interment tak;ng .1-,. lace i+:: , t11e Esetea cele etl r v, 'Elle de- ceased had been allll for sori1i time vv'rtlh 1101111 and l idr,ey trouble 1311, had been conit i d to. her bed. only' i"tibout sit 1ve'ek,i.. On the ;Alondray treviou:s to her 'death Jre took. a par- alytic si:rolce. r 011 1‘.1,1 esti ,3 toOI:0itlg .5;hr, took atiol:her fro111 which ,1),, rl.ev-. raltiu6, lasign, 151.013 Wcdn�a[la y� a.l: 1011100o Tue. d,teeased 'oak bero ia. tJcxnIV' 11 England and :c nic 1;0 Car1 ada with her .,:are 31`•13 a11011. the oge of 13 ycr tw `1.'1 ev 'settled in, New CasLle, -n a.1' 11011 nhanvilll . .,3 y o 111 later moving to St(p013 ' 1 -fere she i1'ds (1101 ied r,0:111r, 130p1111!) larshaal!, and 1131y Sc 11;1013 0n- a:''1'rit'h west. 01 Oredii01', '!'\vents e. .fii: vets ,aa jj1.h1y retired uf:l moved tb 1ell 1111; to Jive t vv.ht,i'' 111), .icltsl hall a,eif about 9 3 c 1'0,'3.130 1113 c e 1lilri. C.; hit; 1\lr.,, ntf'1:r.h 11� ha. (Hada, her 310111(1.' with- 13111 e1' "11 rt1 Sh „t;¢,[t 1 ,le 1 11000013 1, 09113,11311 "by o.to' r'srytt ,'; Pira, Sha 11011,;_and, 011(1 1.1 'alt Mr,. 'Cho':, Amyi,', of Steuiiva1 be iiir as lig st oC orro.vi11( 10l13131 ^t�{ Cr'. mends, Ir, ;v1:ar'ha11 vvaa .a. 1;11 long member ' Of' 1130, hfetho'dist `('1.41'110 th.e services be;nl' 'c0171,o„1:1'd"113' lees' W. Cr. 11. Alcil.1 'tor and 1:1 ' , '1' W. 'Jalateli ord: `the j 1111 11. 11111 kis 11ephew i .11101u,as, Josipii ,n,11 Nosclis Amy.:Felson ,XJ,d J 'sigh KeiS,- tle 'and. 'J,is.. bi aiitOt he r�. A e.,rr x 4'i^'re:1se'a -, -: a a�4jf fall. 1rfifi 1:39)419 itae*tit iaatrn on tri°a r^ t aaiai ra,-ill iaal auaaaT. litar'«t xe'a° raataatr li? ;,C12 '. o ^ 0 Ca'? - t�ivTt oait�. tikTaa° a % v qt 6a'ne4 and fl iti ^aR'e ha' tel as aaa �a11+y >�!�9t1'fl; ltiaat:� lute, ar°"� hn „viae tat <avtt&>t lf• g'vn o*A tat' ouatbsallrinti [a►rg:11 x1:11. a1 of t#,. tat l tYaaol pa taailttia, gtvs� a 1 era sir, 'nzipssit;on for ,aata@i Thorold xena-antler that fatal t e' t;or t the lnrere5s of 1,XPrt�g aa1€ al x1tA�r,xfoa,x we �hauld raaaiw +raaa rlt.i-, oar :fares�dum of'exnlre!ataio to .a'1y'uiaraataty roaaat°o gtiaoa Mode aa+ gat xe..-1,t It hearald tae, grad ally `sraaata�eat'' Ifaalia Go t1tii direc- • t tarir » reatei. tlese'rl:t^t'i �a't or lector- e*tr: Io WA�tlai as 9� Paairy� t;zi1, tt the frna>^;noiation gat the el i1d or ;ratotie a tag i 1..r tte3, t;miatt litl`ar4 1 °traria l to ih•1 P the ehilel'�a vrc- lartlax'y etc. ltitorle, �haaold las iuit- llle to'for tea,on The teacher' 1)t+tslal;:b{atsan+ kis ;story well 'tooth the r tv1'i'1,reatuaaa and al%nt t si ei, a 1t' tiw Tory, in order to ata" able to tell it ',IL, I1vr would also 1:4.0 rie1ures to ram clut the child's 'maginatiol haat vault/ he careful to choose his ieture' «ith, the thought of having rity", or on., that would teach a adoral Ic"zon etc. They address was an excellent one' tell on iat1truction to all. Adjosorowret 1 141 0 VOTE 1 -OR Til thlsistiolt. BY— ting Town is0311 is->uma Present F" ,?e,'tnilgof 'sit,dla'1a: !;?'t`S %rhlia rarss a tea t. .l+as,d?t;-3,- - (' z. .vas 1101d i the friday eyenao, . test t J ei': atter dance- of raa1ter-Py, til rotee t eft d the Praia '' ;t; t'iV131,'it fi,x 104, s Si >. cured .- v�Y 11 tlA 4: tt. e x,.111 tr,a nt�. r 2i t1. A a i1 Vox Otto ' a ' ire o 01 Loi p )ad°7144' t4 eoaad ,111, final teat+ a�kaail raial l te'n, year Ir. (315d11113 1 e1 F11'ili0d l's trio x.nl eee ltaai'ke cleat: raze fOotthatrraltala th asmd tdsallaai1s ria; to bit 170' tt1' a�aaa .a'1lf onojirod o od laa 9aaa bt anaro s' i tm,” 3ara a.. u3 rand ellaad aaiexat.T or seven thousand :alai! Iia plaa ice tato: tllse aa12 s arec1it of 1t* too,n ftpi1 t„lifi ae This aa, f ho pad oast tatatdal .'anti lahor. Cha ca'taafn. '.as ia�a aun t.'br ltrc,a:r,t.. a' raua eth:'r xaats . err lraau alt1'(, �tl otek't #' {+' is takr rosin The, , 11.nrt,l r srh.0a 111 faun w,- psl3 141. Pt.*. alditt th' CiL0a7 'uta ; lb' Pt *1'»5(J cats., i toaotctl.a 13 ,111«; �k.tM ised fa e ,i.tIrTE1INCON- SESSION The :klitrutes Or the mortuug rre read and arprOved, 114,,,, Consitt lit the President's. a dress au c.hild's Life very u:cely S ileW We 'ell 11, el Pilate the -.0111.r" ern personal cleanliness.. health , rules. that real things. only arebeaut- Vitt] and to develop in theta a love , ,for tile beautiful in nature ata 2..1r. Boss it a -s;lentlil paper dis- ussed the teaching of IP:story for Fourth Class., Ile held tb It the lortatit thing in teaching bisto:y r. • tii:S great :subject, The teacher ! should he thonroughly prepared to ,nch the 1esion, Et should be full of British History tip to the Tudor Period. and for aoth Fourths onIY , the prominent eVent,. To in3Press his work he N5.ould hare rapid awl frequent reviews. „tie would inake good use of maps and ten.o.h dates one of the inost important subjects because we can train children, through it better for good citi4eru- shit; than we can through the teach- ing or aoy other subject He gives it an important posItiona on his time -The •disctiS,sfor: was continued by Allessrs.. Shore Weider:klammer., Tom Johnson and lillo,wston., . Avorin... and ga.Ve the teachers many good thoughts alor4.; the line of sqiell- Ivrite. ,rellIr.,,t,g on the s1a1:es in class but ha Ivould have 1 hcm. write them it their snts, Ile laid great stress or. leaving tile LuipPs pronourIce the words. ,ard read the scni•enees in. the , taught that r_ouhis end in el°, us etc. I 'orbs from other words,. -while ise . 1 - Tin, discu-)s;o1i yens confined by, -\--,,r ' ” glare us a samtfle 'of reading,. , :Miss 113aLlio discussed School -Gat, den's from the 3..'Iral teachers' Stand, d that itte to r motif 'Than ruatetial on hand a It Ivas ltredee,Sary to keep this annum " stork, at a times. If the factorY the raw material they would Itavo to matufa• rture their haw of goods without havitg on Emu] a lot of raw ory and gave an estiniate a the num- ber they are turning out, In east 'rot. culverts last year they zold about 1000 tons or fifty carload5. They have one of the, largest bell factories in the United States, aud. aerorditg to his knowledge there ate Lc) belt facto-ys Canada., A belt tro the trade in Canada. Tbey a4e. manufacture cement Woe); , wand all mount" of concrete worlt.. if the. t tactorY is slarted here they will most advisable ter the trade% 11 anted oh ad ver - Oda, 1 tante ; rug yotz money on your winter B., RC ssiminamagEmEmEmzeufm THE undersigned ‘rnercliiants will sell 40 Gallons Imperial White ), to be taken i 5 Gallon lots as required at 15 cents per Imperial Gallon. -- Moore Bros. Hensall Merner Zurich 1-Zuby and G-ascho Zurich Chas Hartleib Zurich D. Tiemon Dashwood G. 'Kellerman and Son Dash.vo d Jas. Gould Ex J. A. Stewart E'xeter IlawlKins and Son Exete)- , MT -T. Iieaman Exeter Eraist Bros. Crediton G. Young and Son Crediton f-1. johns Elimville 1..T. Shier Kirkton N. Cr till incr