Exeter Times, 1913-10-9, Page 5, 4. 41HU1SDAY OCT 9 1913 ThcfropriehiyLzpit4iLefedidock3: AVeeeleblerreeeralionerese thellelisethatreleldlicestee. hoelbeSloosithsmilOoveletif PromaesiNge5tiogilarr ngssanagestOnWas OPituallorpite norNitaral NOT NARCOTIC. -49.7/041 - ; tiarligawg 4 414:t4i°01:::10!feillte theof Peiteho BEAT SUFFERER Rolise of CoCal9naMoni on Agriculture aud Colonieation a few monthe ago.. s How She Was Restored UJI To Health by Lydia E. rinkham's Vegeta. ble Compound. Ihttry, Ont.. praise Lydia latrines Vegetable Compound all around theworld be - cause it hes done so 'Touch for Inn. For two year I was so run down that Iwas unable to do my work. 1 had female weakness and dread- ful periodic pains, constipation and backache, but now I am °well of all tb eso thing. I took Ly - 43E. Finkbam's Vegetable Compound, 'Mister Pills and Sanative Wash. I give you permission to publish this letter to titles) others." - Mrs. 1Vieenem MAR- -40111AND, Box 464, Tilbury, Ontario, Can. Case of Mrs. Tully. Chicago, "I take pleasure in "writing to thank you for what Lydia E. lffickbura's Vegetable Compound has Anne for me. I suffered with such ew- e(s] periodic pains, and had a displace - and received no benefit from the efoistIns. I was advised to take Lydia •klE•Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and 'Mtn now as well as ever." -Mrs. Wee- ,selaist 'roux, 2052 Ogden Avenue, 'Chicago, Ill. If you have the slightest doubt 1$11cat Lydia E.I'inkhana's Vegeta- Cfonap o und will help yon,write itoLydiaE.PinkhaniMedicineCo. :iconfidentia,l)Lynn,Illass.,f or ad- vice. Your letter will be opened, woad and answered by a woinan, And held in strict confidence. V*1.4f+4444+444;44+44+47+4•++++4; 2 College at Home 7414,_ !Thousands of ambitious Youw' ; ,; r:ecip le are fast DrePaTirkg all 4. their own homes to occupy lac- + ratios Positions as stenagraph- era bookkeepers telegraPh- ens„eivil servants in fact eve-ry tiPhere Of business activitilee You may finish at College if OU 80 so wish Positiens iguaran. 2. • Enter college any day: vidual , instruction. Ex-, 4; teachers. Thirty' Years 4; • erience„ Largest trainers * Canada. Seven colleges 4; Special course for teachers. t. Affiliated with Commercial Ed., ucational Association of Canada 4; Summer School at Famous Spot q*, ton Business College London. NO VACA1ION $ Clinton Busioe °liege * GEO. SPOTTON ARD -4` Pincpai + .4.4.+4....1.4* LONDON it crime out in evidence that many apple growers., were /est year uste ahie to secure more than from 750, to $1,00 per 'barrel., on the tree land some ditricts hundreds of hare rats of good fruit 'were; allowed to fall to tbo gronXid., "and rot because no frontable market could he found for it. it came mit also that lo tbe western rrovinces consumers wore required to r; ty from $5,00 to $ii,t,0; for good fruit Ur. .T. A. tiluddiek noire end tent etoroge Commiesionor in ng erideuceon this imesItion pointed out that. about Slie5 per barxel vere received., in the Lake Ontario anciLake Erie Districts. by the Members of the co-bretrative liveciotions while iodepondent grow- ers received about $1.00 prr barrel, The Vorrimiss:orer in referring to tho discrepar.cy between the first ;led fit.iii rrices of epplee., estimated that the unavoidable expense.5., amonted to about., $2.2e per barrel, made up as follows., laarrel 45c.. reeking 17c matagement expenses or commis- sior. to local buyer, 19c., freight to Wicnipeg. 80c. broker's commission 12c. eta retailer's profit 50o per barrel. - 1 The vest ion or marketing was one ot rctar_y dealt with 'by the special Committee, who had as witnes.ses besides the 1)airy and Cold Storage Gonamiss:oner 111essrs Daniel Johnson Forest, Ont„ S, B. Chute. Berwick. N. S, W. S. Foggo., Vernon.. and Tames lfordwell, Ottawa. ;As evidence of the value to the grower of co-operation, Mr, John - on instanred the ease. oE a woman who was offered by a local buyer, • $125 for ler crop., tor which she re:- ceievd through a co-operative as- sociation $1,035 Mr. Coate who represented 1.500 • farmer., cis manager of the Coiled Fruit Company of Nova Scotia ex- plained that through his organa tion. 5.000 tons of fertiliser as beeii bought from the manufacturers. for the Inerabers who had benefitted to the extent,' of about $15.000 on ;pur- chases.. of fertilizers, Spraying ma- chines and materials farm iMEIC-4 roents., seeds 'and other wequire naents,. Equally interesting evidence wa;s given by the other witnesses all of which appears in a pharnplipet of 116 rages., that bas been printed for Public distributior. by the Publica- tions branch of the Derartment of Agriculture at Ottawa. -ANNUAL 'WESTERN EXCIIRS'ONS Sertetnber 11, 1'2, 13Round ` rate Trips from Exeter Out to 1 , Port Euron Mich . Detroit Mich .430 ' Chicago 111...,... 10:10 pBay City Micb. ... Cleveland 'via Detroit Grand Rapids Mich ...... '7.05 ; Saginaw Mich., ...... . . Minneapolis or St. Paul ' tall " Rail and Steamship 132.40 RETuRN LIMIT -All tickets valid for return to reach original starting point not later than Sept 29th 1913. ea and rettira from-EXETE,13 Sept 9. 11 12.'90 ,cents, Sept.: 5 6. 7.1$. 10. '13 95 cents. 1-tetura Limit September 15. 1913 Special train for London _wilt, leave Exeter 9.02; a, .an. Sept 10 'and llth 1.'141 Particulars hod tic,kebix, , o t from Or.‘,/aj; Dore, locket Agent ExekT 41' Word was received here. last day of the death it: Toronto of J. Harold Proadfoot.. Or fhis town. The deceased contracted typhoid fever about two weeks ago, and in spite of the b,est medical attention passed away as (stated, Mr, Broadfoot- Was a' promising Young man i32 „year's of age and at the time 'of his 'death, held the positioir. as manager of .the furniture deportment " of the Rob- ert SimPso]r. Company, The remains were brought to Seoforth Friday, the funeral 'tieing .held from the home cif his mother., Mrs, J. Hi, 'Lroarlfoof of market and Jarvis istreels,,..on Sat- urday interment in Maitland cemetery'. .Tas. G. Martin Nvilo „recently sold his farm in Tuckerstnith has 'nurehaaed the residetee., ,of 21r, 1-1. Stevenson., anti will move' into two .the course_ of a week or two.- , Rev, O. II -meAlister t).1. A. of Exe- ter. rresident of the London 111eih- odist Conference occur:led the pulpit in the 21et1todist church on Sunday MiSses ,oTar'orr. Votso ri 73 t Grieve. and Norma itartry left week for l'ol'ontoO .s b. theY , attend the, Fact?, of .Educat' HEI THE EXETER TIMES Crediton Mrs. Garnet ,Raker and daughter of 'London, are se-n,ding, 3/ few clays in town. k Mrs and Mrs, A E, Kohn have re- turned home after sfeoding their honeymoon iu New York. Messrs Fred and Milton Barrie of London Spent Sunday in towo Miss A1sa hill sport a day got Toronto last week.. Miss 1.41lian 'Geiser bas return"ed wee after visitieg relatives in Bur - fah>. Mr, and Mrs, John Humble after vislAng reNtires here have return to their home in sarn:i4 Miss Moderweil hos hoer/ elagell. to reach High "Sehool -work ilt Ottr ehoot here, and Mi --s Lulu Galaer to 'take ;he room forme,rly taught by Miss Moderwell. Miss "Ma.* Pertrand is visitingin Exeter.. Miss Ida 'Fahner is corifitted to the 'house with an attack of Sett fever, Dr. oud Mesearree it -Dent SandaY Ilensall the guests of it. and 21rs. And Mrs, l'. of Das* ICOOCI si;e4t Sandar in town, 2,,Irs, Rata of New -Ilaxabong has ell home After vlAttlIg; her Mrs, C. Zo.icker. id Mrs, .DinneY of Exeter were ttw guesns of Mr, aud etre- Wenee over Sundae. W001331A51 Dr Seldoo and bride of Vaocotiver s Richard SeldOn and ME, 101- 11 of Exeter, visited at the hofue of - Samuel Ford last weak; orge Daher ere' family of Og(Dr4 visited et the farsopage t rs o Itoetleir tit sr.4ed tn fjnt.ra!late 3fre ox 'week, Th I, ram "4 At, he lie Jotrn I he A Oct34th be given • el M.. yellow b,oute lifxctt? wpiro 1 he Obtlireb. RANTow bro1c nut in um unnv lr.gto Mr, Jermyn on station st about 10.46 a.m. on Friday., ond cor;siderable damage before it was pia out.. Many men responded a one to the call, and although the fire had gained Coneitierable bead- wa3'. V7jiY controlle4it,.'Much etimage woe done by water from tee /mile, which 'would have lbeen4 startle trottedbad a proper fire Bighting apparatus been in Irv.. The cause etun lsbitho039g..1,1t to have °open 4 defective Finkhoiner was horn on 20t1i ar october 1841, at iteichenr back Oberant PrendeOstadt WeuTtetn- burg and died, Sept 25th 1913 at 11on1 ir. Crediton, Iji 1865 be was joined in marriage with, 3tagdelene °Braley. who three years later stre- deceased blue Ile WAS again mar- ried :or it eocond time to Eva Meet, which mama was ellessed with ter. ceildrett 3 having died some Years ego, in 1891 he came with his feneily to Creditor., and lived bore the remainder of his life, Ho came to the conviction of bis nine through tee labors, of Rev G. F. Broils( join- ed the Evangelical Association and was a nor:stiller uetil hie death, Re had been ailing for some titne but was only confi*d to hie bed for a little over a -week, when: death made an end to all trouble, He reach ed 00 age, of 71 yrs, 11 rime, and 5 day's arta leaves a widow 5 Bons ond two daughters %rid 1 hrother. W. ZiMmerman aslisted the, pastor at the funeral services. 2 Suffered h bilioeseces and sisk headache Calgary Alberta July 8 1911. 1 was a great sufferer for a long time with bilionsoess Sick head- ache and Liver Trouble, Nothing seemed to do in. a ay goOkL, I had almost given of, in despair ellen 1 decided to try. FIG PILLS After takiog aboixt half i bo.c the beadachea storped, and my appetite ' frayed, 7 halo,' jostfinished, the filtn box Alld feel as well ee cVer I can hardly recornInt:art Fig pala for stoomon and Jiver troobies Mrs, Blison. Sold at all dealer.> in 21 orol, 50 cent boxes or mailed by Coe Fig Pill Co, St. Thomas Out., Soild llowey's Drugstore. VS1LEY 'Farm rurchas,ed,21r, "W, N., Glenn sre Mr%V. N.. 'Glenn 250 ecree or as good farLDtr,g laud as Can mind .E.t Canada, Mr, Gleou is to I be Cogrottolated on 3/15. IllrehASO ./ •,T, MI' CLINTON Mr, A. In Beaton ons eteemed residents W8. Calte4; ewes' by death cerly cat y morning. Oct lst, Mr, on ad beet; io faiing health for of years, hilt until within o rely ;of his death was able /o ofida lwq .Y9 130 a cheer7 wo74.1 weeds whoa; he H; t_ 9 'Stator. was torn in Klein - burg York Voiense nearly e9 yeere ago. Abolit rioe years one he elt40 to Clinton •Ind went into the grocery hich be contigoiNt mita foiling herdth cemrelled bile to re- tire o coulee of years ogo, eft-, ReatOft was Miro married, ass eoe, ted wife and a family of eight eon. They are. Neeneth 3. Beaton. Meaton. W. Grout 'Beaton, Mese use, GiffOrd. 1101(11;Taror'' 81.d 1 te The Be I Teat . n 11 meet ' httrvilay a A n1etatli4 nrogr m od tor, AlldoVe,rv, teae torate will ee preeer, EL1MVILLE it .May 'INfartin and Miss Ethel McLaren., of Cromarty visited Mies Addle Jobns one day Jost week. WINCHTEDSEA On Wednesday Sept 24th at 40' - clock in the afternoon at the borne, of Mr, and Mrs.11ichard ItodginsS. 13; the tnarriage, took place of their.. youngest daughter., Ruth.* to Mr. Clarence Fletcher son,of. Mr, and Mrs, John Fletcher of Winchelsei. The ceremonY was performed by Rev Royott of Kirkton in the presence of forty guests, The Wide was at- tended by her neice Miss Vera Da- viswhile the groom was supported, by ,his brother ;Bert. The wedding march was played by Miss Gladys Coursey. cousin of the brideo -The young collide who are popular in soc- ial circles. ;make their future home in W-inchelsea., and have the best witsbe[s of their many fricrids for a hatoy wedded life, PO p 71, 10W8 1»I 1Q4T. 1 ell wit 5 ee parnte for h'l It deireed to Tor7io. (11, Jou1 Poster moved ittto Mrs. *iie'7 .hour loet week. r. W. LSibeert, hest moved 14$ fondly front Daeltwood buil ore ore- vlillYing Mr. 'J. Deciter's house at the west enth The eitildreu and trionds oE 14Decker sr., pleasantly 2.urprid him., on the -evening of Octolin; ht when they Met at big home to eels ebrate 4V11 17 him Ms 69th birthdel The 'eVening WaS epent very plea. sently be oil 51r Docile(' received mouy ... . S. No. 2 HAY For the month of September, Only the names of those Vila obtained sex. ty vex° centoratoreure given. 3x.. IV Gretta Case .81.6 Vero Jonee., 72,6 sr 111 Herman "46; 11 Ernie 'Willard 71; sr.' Ieeltelle Murree' $82 Peter Case $3; . Annie 'Willard 64; Hannah ninny 77; Number int Itoll 16; °Average 8ttend/1m0 13.25 AlID0 Dow teacher. t111 crnAmEs Itatti) Mr., j. White es vieltire; Mrs. v Puestnores. ard Mrs. Homey :spent Sundny with Mr. and Mrs, Orville Carus. Mrs„. (Rev.) Fletcher is er.erelipg" a few days le Cleveland Ohio. Miss Janet Brown of Exeter was the guest of Mrs, Robert lee-dd. last ;Sabbath. Next Sabbatn. Rev. A. V. Brown ot Ailsa Craig is expected to occupy the rulpit at Bethany. Mr, and Mrs, Sohn Cann visited friends in Bewail last Sabbath, Mrs, ltobt, McDonald is on the sick net. Mr., Edgar Hur.kin is recoverieig from his recent'illneep and is able to 1oo around a,e;aini. GODERIOR The Council with the cooperation Of the local 113,oard of Trade, are subs mitting a request to the public work department.. Ottawa. for a further additioo of 200 feet to the ontsidd break water., which though not fin- ished still proves. ir.adettuate to the protection of the harbororaas was -shown by recent storms on the Iake A very hafiPY event took place Fri- day morning at the residence Of, Mr. G. 'Morris. Cambrla road it beitg the marriage 'of her second , daughter, Mary Elizabeth,' to Mr William Stra- chan.. of Louisville Kentucky The house -was beautifully decorated and the bride wore her going away gown of gray broadcloth 'Th:: ceremor.y was performed by the, Rev, George Ross P. D.. in the presence of a few of the immediate relatives of the contracting -Parties., After thc. ccre- mor.y a dainty wedding breakfast was ,served and the, hapPY couple left on the morning train for Toronto and other ,poitits, , AILSA, CRAIG, After .4 ltriti 1r.e.sis Alexander Anderson. a lifelong resident of this place,,,passed away early this morn- ing. Although not ,enjoying the be,st of „bealtirfonsome time lie was -only confined to his room for a couple of daytt. 1 i is survived R1Y 1si SOP' rowing, -widow. two sons, John of ,De- troit and of 2roosejaw, 'and obe daughter_ 'Miss I?onma. at home. The deceased was a member of ,tbe h tmconodrac3h „1,,01"N171i rfnu nceerma le t.fextrnyl,., )9ace A quiet, weddingwas solemnized at the Ma LS_C 011 eV edneedineeafternoon. 5. 55'1. Miss Lizzie A. Shirrey become the bride of, M. LC' Roy Siddali both of Falkirk Rev, W. H. Geddes Performed the ceremony, They will reside or., the, oroom's taroa at Fal- . Grey Hairs never worry the woman who, uses She luts none, flay* Hair Health 'restores natural eelor to !trey or faded bait. It promotes a natural, healthy growth, free from dandruff.. It II not in any cense a dye. 50s eitia $1 at oU good thotioon.„ For maniple bottletend 10c & dealer's oarae. ratittsyspeciattles Co.; New irki,!t: 41 11 A SH Wrion a ry Smith of the Goshen 81 e t 0 17 an unfortonate dent while leaving the, Growl Stood at the Parkhill Fair. she fell and .broke her arm. The late Joseph Eidt notice ci whose death 8l615a7e51 in the T1me-4 last week. /vaa boxv in Wilmot ti3v."1'51Aii; (05 013 of Waterloo. and was Q'f Gei"nrno--- Wnrentage, 44Ther, a YOnog mon be, moved to Wellesley • tatA,ir to 111-itc1itill where he carried on general store horsiness for .Year, movitig from there to Sr. -farys where be work d as a Miller for fir.- Years-, and from there be went; to Crediton thi.rt;- e;/.rs ago eanie to Da shwood.,„ taking .00 f pato the ioto oab Fr --i.1 ,atid some years later, based the mill which in.eoaduet- d notil a few years ago notil sold out ts- to Mr. Wm, F.bler'Ile 'as married C1 Mory Ann Ruthig wbo •- i. him two Years- ng SIr.,Eidt ,,,vas a man of unusual /tier t, AM1 Upright 17. all his dallio'gs. • boXiOured on,d 4Qsfterted bY 43; Ixto knew bink, as anOetire member of the Leoxeren ehereb and staunch Conservative .i 'ss ane, ht. -ether Mixt 9f Clifford- three spors Ind 10111 dAughters, ru the loas .1 C7Vl4 14thr.. fl-/t1'4A1nattk; ' 00 Wedn,,,s.l..*- itie,rieerit hying 1011,11Am:4n ctInc-tery, The sor- .e0ndneted., tiy Bev, 14-41P forMer Raster ftrre. EIE 'SALL r . extePqre flax go5Ves 55 Lion and teen cultivet 11 r joicens in tie' verY tsertb I1711r QC iniq fell- god hure 4 their cruet /4.0*14 Candi tot MT( to etete thet lme er. ie tnufeerd to lies zoo ottgh etathwell makieg ittleTov • Ms orltvelling "prev..rty Aloe Ile the Fostofficee Bartoa 0i thi.11.4WItilli; 110140 k- nt t178 veto*4t 411.1142e Det** (NEW IDEA SERIES) s011IE folks (Tread the winter- bethese of the funtane troubles, . it bangs Antiqua.ted heating Systems are eer• tainly a PC:isanee. Dust and ashes, semetimes deadly gas fumes, all aver the house. f3r hot air like o breeze aeroosatlesert waste -poisonous, dry. -lesaithelestreying air. All - hempen conservative ntannfaCitirera WOtlid no consider New Ideas In heating. The SOLTENIR femace makes the hot air systelD tbehealtbiest, cheapest and best. TE'E., bt,lilt Agtvt-r-A. solid. eem---Pirr-e. iron re- peo.t7-44.-44.4 opa seieetod froa at thar,--aed d'4.11gP4'., nte 0^-fter "sV La iacrtase. xadi- /8.e. zrate is s.'mplUrity. 175ef----ashes ra daulpg'd blr ..a, -'1,2.-,' N70 of theleeer N0 clam fer eoiskor. troablga, dOqr evciT soeveesitie 11:L=„2„..:e. is Pralect. Mk. for onr. 1V-71. T-.,:-.,..)ktm The S.' C, ..F.X.12? Forra-ce 51---,- :..1.--,r Tbt Iipmilton Score ond If OAter C.o.f Looltsd„ o.,...csororaom fle/oo.00t Erg-ry tu3"5r f 4Sorrettir ,Furxace Pfe.-ten.ka a Ie.c.4 b.”T.d trrA th4e 9/Pur.. r.,,.aranteririg firspal ogai*4 crolco, Irk 4/ .044, end fcr ;iears, wW b EAM,Di4 EXETER you the "5.5uvenir e 1 ‘svtrItilleIdrItel":1:tferil::1,;:vo:Iltrilaulfg*-;:: ix i 1;in' *IOWInartors or tbf;t1,1botri. 0 bavius 010:41:e0:37,:::::: *vsit7on ot leararlan; su' t II efenSIte "tato d$ t ail ePC af 'Ibe nenr e placr, tf81S lionth..' p8 4 ' fin'. Igiteo lactilt:illin 134v:toad' gion4e 1' Ilielil rge outfit including de.or and - undertakirg vehicle. Th,*'. hord 'Redmond who has 00 u ) ng for thi. cormr?gationl- z, OhIflClb. in Stratford (or the while the.v. were witliont .astorwas- in the village during. W4ek vie:Rite; les lerother %dmouil• f walker who 1io8 hoen, vis ✓ It. illontbron and fainllY st moutli has returned t tee for Detroit Our respecteei townsman Mr. Geo. Doogins, bee pitrchased lt nusinosetfl Zurich. azd jr, the course of a tweed. or two intends moving there Norman Cook end Fred McDoneld motored to leetroit last week. Gladys /he little daughter of Geo - e. Wren of Cbiselharetistlown with yphoia fever. Hugh McLean itnends moving to ikintiitoU shortly The death took place on Sept 28th In the towsnhip of Bliddniplx of Jae. Carter at the age of 97 years One, ot the pioneer settlere of the nd., can of iiNroGillivray Mr, Carter was born in the twee -ship of Huntley Coutty otCharelton, With his mother and three brothers, 1m moved to deo 2nd con, of MeGillivray in the year of 1835., when those parts were It wildernee.e, Ile lived on the home- stead until kven years ago when he wer.t to live with his daughter Mrs. Susan Hunter of the Towaaiship of Didduleb.. He is survived be two sons and eight daughters, the. last of a long lived family. 'The ;funeral took elace or. September 20th„ to St. James cemetery., where thel,Y were ir.terred in the family plot, GRAND BEND Mr. ar.d Mrs, Charles Lawson of Toronto who were visiting Bfr, ar.d Mrs. Joseph Gill, have returned to their home Mr,Fred Elsie and Theodore return ed home on Saturday from Detroit ?Jr. rind Mrs, J. Sharrow are visit -4 its- relatives in Detroit. Mr. Peri: Stattor. bought Mr, Will Patterson's driver. 1)1r. Hermar. Gill of Thedford was here putting a piepe to the dock that washed away. Mr. Hy Eilber of Crediton is Put - ling up a cottage., Fred Page and son Walter have the cement work. Mrs. David Webb is very siolx. at Present. Me.ssrs Wm. Oliver and P. Baker were in Goderich last week. Mr. P. Paler is improving bis house (by fr,utting a verandah there- to. : 71 I 1, Chiltlreiri's Hair Kee,. it ;clean and free from' Disease usine PARISIAN SAGE If you -want your 'children ,to grow, up -with trong sturdy ova vigorous Mirleach them to use- JlARISIAN Saze; the world renotonocl Hair Tonle 1A111SIA21 Sage is guaranteed by 4V, S. 'Cole _Exeter, to cure dandruff and stopl-lfallitag hair in two weeks It Q1 ows new hair quickly in. coses where the, hair is 'thinning out.'" Trained men are wanted everywhere; in fact, they are always wanted, for the demand is greater than the supply. This demand is not for the man who is able to earn only two or three dellars a day at hard manual labor end who can work only wider the direction of some one else, but for the man who is able to plan and direet the wOrk of others -the man whose training bas qualified hita to com- petently bold positions of responsibility. lb el The Iserneelerroetet CORRESPONTIENCE Scomons„ that great institution that has done so much in the past and is doing so much every minute for Avorldng men and women, offers you an easy way to become a trained man -to secure a good position in the trade or profession that hest suits your taste and ambition, The I. C. S. plan enables you to help yourself right where you are without losing an hour of work or a dollar of pay; without changing positions -until you are ready to step into the one you desire; without obligating you to pay more that( your present salary Will afford, no matter how small it is. Thousands of Men have secured life-long betterment through this great plan. Every month an average of SOO voluntarily tell us of toth advancement. You can *k * do :the same as these men haa,e : 4.1N17.11NA. ...11.0.N.AZ C.O.RRES" o40.NDEVC.E.S.CH.;01.5.11; done. . 'Box 799. Scranton. P. • If you really want a good Posi- : l'oe„am.P.',4Tac4dgraliggt,g,'-'t!wrx.Pri: : tion, a larger salary, and a suc- 0* meat to the position bah:ire -A13t1, 1 bat q Markest X • eessful life, find out how you can • Window Trimmer .0 gintri:d Writer Archltectural Draftsman ea secure it in the surest and most. : C1v11 Service Eaerne. StructuraiDrai.tmen Et ructuralEnninver ' hterthanieef Engineer 41 practical way in the world by • Mechanical Draftsman marking and mailing this cou- •• E%'‘..!tmcgirrithihnotal. : 'C .',y's:n:P' 1 i'rmn db ear" d " Civil Engineer Ornatnentat Designer pon, This puts you under DO 1 Electrician R. 11. Conelmetion Eng. obligation. It is simply a re- : quest for further infornaation. •Architeoo sot. ct Minhg Engineer :81tiam.klie.ppesr. r oo,.•,9t.s Clip, mark, and mail. it NOW. : , e,:,, ...... ,„.....,, .., , ip 44 „szi and Iva ......... .. 4.... . • 0 • 0 •4,• 5•1 a+bee. 0 0 0 * 0 .0 ,, 4 Is rogiriveiy and roost delightful noigalaiing hair dressing o.i tho prkt' lt is not sticky or greasy and Witi ritalce the coarsest hair 'soft I4sostt91°btoisitaiendaniri dlixtuvataent. hohOIGYea;0 id 5it4.:" Blinn. The R 'Co -ltd nadia 47 47 47 47 47 47 • 47 ellAPORTH olammosamme,‘,.....0(114 Vell'ALEN At last this vicinity has got a dello! mail, the rural route running from" Grattan' to ZiOn School anel theial down the tenth of Blanshard,, NVeddir,g lbell„s are ringing ihiJ week at the home of Mrs, Lat-phier w hen her daughter Laura is beittO married to James , Glavir., of ViTersO, McGillivray, fler many friefndss rhieere INivie,. shher every success, in dfmar,-11 Mr, 'Geo, Mill.son is doing an exm tensive business on Tuesday of each week takino fowl.. Last week they receive'd over three ihundredf dollars worth, 'George always Pa,y5 'a good Price for produce'. Onr your.g'ireople seeraingly, enjoy`, the rides in. the Mil -on car., Mr .andr2Irs 'Aaron Davis of Saint -ebony visited fl -ends here on Suraq MiS's Della and Emma Peart Zion. sP,eni. 1Sunday here the guest of Mias Edna , Gunning, Th' Misses Mabel and Ethel Par-'. ison of St. Itla.rys., srent the past e-tx With their eensinso oroundl anM d rsm .. -W. !.Y3..lcnn e funeral of her acrletnas. kithetti