HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-10-9, Page 4THE EXE T. TIM: THURSDAY OCT 9 1913 . CAIT‘Te .1,1) A 1441iiiii.LY Incorporated ISM &Reserve $8,700,000 Se BRANCIISS IN CANADA ERNI. DAWKINS BUSINESS TRANSACTED LETTEus OF CRED111 TBAITRLLERS CREQATES - te ISSUE BANK lgONEY ORDERS .* SAVINGS DEPARTMENT At a es zet ingieeet euerent Tate, Non WO nage A.eents at Exe r Ica the Dominion Governmeet CANAI) AN BA (V:5,27 7/g, 774) If7 Jape Te.C.tte, Pees -ideal • QUM AMP- Asteleteat Ceneent Masteeee REST 0010 FARMERS'BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Fame fad.* for the transaction of Their banking business, inckt discount and collection af sates notes., Blank plied free of charge on apphcation. e- CREDITON tee da Stock 0 to stock • Anthrcfle Cepa Weed bee kzodrored by a to The0t8b ttde nt Frut ,treat Tbe Saudeplt Is gone. ufle8 ot territory next to the isee gee. No lives were lost. Tbe torm Allot Saluda)* night be- 1 gan beating' in front Baring Sea was the worst ever known tere. Mit end women worked all nigbt in the fey water to sevatheir household effects, iThe electric light plaut Vile wrecked and telephone eervice cut off, elle eky !pee le eetinutted at o. rattllou nue e Mat dellere. There 'will be much suffering and uteide help will be required. Wieter 15 at hand and it will be Impossible o get In supplies needed. The eteamehipaa Victoria and Cor- wth, were lying fte. the road: sted, ran to the open sea and eucaped damage. All tbe small boats ou the beach were destroyed., Five hunOred ihouses have hem demolisbee, and more are tjtilinS. Neluii, the famous gold cataiii on Behring Sea, the most northerly city th the world, was built on a sandy sea beach. In feoet of the town there Isen anchorage or ships, but steam- ers not make a lanaing. Cargoes and passengers are lauded at an lal tramway station in deep water. e principal part of the town, which lozen yeT.r1 ago had a population of 20,000, is on the east side of Snake River, with a finger extending to the west along a narrow sandspit. Thie andspit was rich in gold dust and e earlier settless built their cabins ere. The etimmer population of Nome Is about 4,000, and in winter 2,00q) re- main, the others coming out on eteatuships that leave late In October. One steamship is yet to leave Seattle for Nome. It will be possible to send revenue cutters to Nome to deliver supplies and tate away needy persons who wish to lee:see . aur O., screened without Gidtworthol, GB/ANTON. Have City NOME& Replace tleat tient, draughty. dargerona and oi- 1 ensive out-of-doore closet vete am in - doer closet .which requires to sewer, LO plumbing: tared BO finishing SS - Have city convenier.ces int your 7.4nae. Safeguard Family ,health by grestalliag tar ereetED CliOsleT ' Sanitary and Odorleals 4°1weed° closets can be inetallcd, ir. bathroom, cellar, on any other valer.t place indoors; merely Te- aeulteiteg to be ceenaected by a pe ,fer ee'eXtillation with a chimney hole "Tweed"Liquid Chemical) used in .eictiseection. with Tweed;Closets is been deodoraat and disinfectant. iMy tandeeds ot Tweed Closets lave, been sold in Catade. Send for ilinstrated price liste Ihroteler Apr, '3 1912. Dear Sir: The gettemical. Closet 1 bought from you on Thi 5tb 1912 is petrfecte I did not 4enepty 'it till Merck 29th There are letreee, in the family and car. leave the' Ala alp and no particle of odor can be iinined I would not !ask for Anything eeettezi Yours Truly E. M. Weseele OY LO Wedneetitte he Firat Day o At D. 1913 Esgs Cbeirman A. Be regeara Lelte Vice, ceaireaere and U. Rittson See, Commissleger TRE eIATTlekt of tbe Mono ei-n0 Centrelle TelePbene elation lacreaeed eariff charges for eepbow eerviee. etoeer eectiell of '''The On- eephone Agt° ee Geo. V. c. oviclee irtillOWAg 1,11,e Not witbetandlog anyebing A, any Act heretofore pessed by tlete Xoegielatutee ail tells. b.;• charged y rosy gorepaey &shell be entetect tO ee apeeovat t It* 'P9ArtI., • tee Every coifliY bUi We with Aar s tOU 1maeh. eiee :alert eete, enti give A07 liefee.nteeetta eerriettleese. ;led tite ./Reeed fore tin* to "tqe Iyeeeral repletion* or he aftlitetble to the paetiee $ ere -scribe, and rLt rag an' && intee ie defeat b E-elt.7,1119wpa t tUpg or b 17 t VE STOOK ADVANCES Rush of Cattle Irate U. S.- Brings inevitable Result; I ernoval of 27 lete Pe r cent. Date Censes an Unerecedented Rush to Bute...lie and Detroit rind Ontario Consumer Is Confronted Willi au Inerease In the Price ot Beet— Choice Grade Brings $8, I'ouroNvo, Oct. 7,—The inevitable haPPeued at the local live stock yards yesteeday. Market values advanced generally $0 cents. to 75 cents per AllindredWeleht. It was the flrst mar- ket after the passing al the Wilson tariff, which put live stock and meats on the free list, and AS the Buffalo Stock Yard*, with higher price levels, .re aggressive rivals of Tomato, hold- ers held oet for sharp adeancea and lauyera knew they would have to pay or lose the trade. Indeed best Cana - diem steers were shipped, to Buffalo from ()uteri.) poiuts, and brOught from $7.50 to $$ yesterday, exactly what was paid here for the same ciags, °Iell pay whet I gave last week," 'Then eeen'll not get them.," This ia h tYilleat da1oue h0 dicatee the ellitraeter of the mar throughout tbe reernieg. Up met mama the number of sales were limit- ed. Commieeion vela claimed they had their order e from the eountrY axed could not eell uuder the advance (wee cee. given abeere. Some eholgo heavy ex- atid rLiz TI pbone Awn,. port :steers were oared, weighiug fr. tutflisijd a- teeite eerie, 1.400 pounale eecn. and brought from e for telophoue sers-iee f$12 (Twee 47,50 to ;8 per heneredweight,When nolare) eer lealenla lieu 0 the tbe sagle elaaa nPPeared ou tbQ leer' Ana cliarge, Wed and approved fey Ilearal on. the ',lard December 1910 7 Oierett, Dollare) Per 4411111011 for said telephone nervice, AND W11E11E4446 the Mcnant Car el and Centralia Teleehelle elia5OCI hai failed to %matey with tta id proveelone of etetion 31 of be Uric. Telephone Aet" b nei- etkzi to file walla tbt tetrad th barge of S14 &Twelve Do ler telephone Ue E be appr et SRI (Twelve fl want mas e he fail - el aud Centralia Telt*e AFtlei al to port the obange riff char - tor telephone eervt as efere- id was date to ignerance ef thz re- ernente el '"."the Ontario Tele- . Act" in this respect and not a II f el interne " 1 Tlli OHO MOnille CO. [11110 gent;— W.J. Heatuan A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL •fro All :Women I will send ireeia it full instructions, ray jeome treatt which positively cures Leucoere Ulceration, Displacemepts, Falb. the Womb, Painful or Irregular kids, Uterine and Ovarian Tumors growths, also Hot Flashes,. Nervt Ustiess, Melancholy, Pains in the qabl, Back, Bowels, • Kiceley and ladder troubles where caused, l'tY • a. eas peculiar to our sea. You iftinue treatment at home at a. "evenly about 12 cents aeffeek: 66k, "Woman'. Own Medical ser/ r also sent free on rein o-clay.ta Address Mrs. Mjf OX 841 a Windeor, 'elate by the tart viet,„ acaurra m 'eel and latiort is he tie NOW OftDELIS that charge for telee'bene tier - (Twelve Dollars) 'per Ly tile ealial leroent Ver. ralia Teleebone Assoc. ileproved. ket Net they sold at e4,25 top price. end tbat was ;ust NW' dare no. Medium weight hattly choice Bikers, opuler for the lacausehole„ were aiee Meer in about the sante .rope_tion, seUIng at from e7.25 to $7,75. Chelee heifer* broeght $t,50 to *5,75, n'Itla entemen tea medium et *4.75 to e5,25., ',Meet Ultra MAY .11aleale 'tile eerie umer, Tito its 'got t cAttle-dealer. Ono o theao bullocks yleld 'when dreseed m $4 to SS poutele mat et 100 oe ilee 'INelglet. This meene that .haele et an advaace of 75 ire Weight the consumer Q pay Octet donble: thee d. Or lea cent/. Per pound. IS to *het 119 PeTe new el14It , L 40400 matter. Canadian Cattle RI Auction Sale oF HOUSE/IOLD EFFECTS oe, , aquetreautinae:nesigteed bare been ilestruct- ed to zeil by Tpublic auction at the residepeef MrEvaas.outh ef co TUESDAY OCTOBER 21st At 2 Web)* sbarP the- Tnliewle,g household effects lstevrall esente.t7Tee" tte4lre17.ociepc'ingk 1 ;see'"gize chaise., 1 Rocking ebair 2- large arm chairs, tedsteed bureau. cue-. beard and etandea earPet eweeper arpete, looking gineses cantata land curtain poles., picturea and picture frames; glassware; quantity dishes lamps, lawn mower; wheel barrow,, ladder.. garden lite/Leila- lawn ehair. vegetables and Qthe' articleto L'uTmeerr145ot e toemale—m ntSione'll Auras Cash „hires Evans ProPrieteesa Stanley Auctioneer HIGHWAYMAN CAUGHT Artillery ,n an CvIi age in Thrift�g wo Meat Reid tea Payter o Oran e'elvet Co, mad ele0—Itooty Is Recovered An lits et falaniserete Which YAl Low s ls Participated le by jjo Ovals of exited Mem STONI4OT014. COML. Oct. 7. Skirmishing through the woods in the ziortberu part of this townleet night United State e come artillerymen- cen- tered Men Nam itt believed to be oue of the two maeliell higitwaymee who 13' in the daY with drawn revolvere. 14 UP Carl A, Roelle paymaeter ot Ameritau Velvet (.o., Red totalt bha a eatelael eeetel)leg ;lee -1 9119. Ind bUh.I eeti Oa* trilekty recoveTed bo nuder lute which had been tossed, Thera the I ot the two banallte began, aeneuse or townsmen Who II of the men, and then Ie rs, nrho were ip theIjh• borhocn1 for geld exerclees. Tbe DETROIT, Oet. 7. o artillerym eit went at the task in duty on cattle under the new terlff earneat, going out In extended order resulted in a rush ot shipments of and ideally melting through a cenxe- 1 stock from Canada tato Detorit Wry. In *bleb it eves thought the ban- turday and yesterday. Terenty-aev- dile were At hay, The men lead eaten'. carloads were received Saturday ed, bowever, and the tatirmishline d twenty yesterday. The former swept onward until it 'Wee deep in ty was ?.7 leg per cent. "Witellea* Woods." in a 'wild section ft the town. Occateieeally a aoldier uld get a glimpee ot the quarry and the pursuers would sweep onward gain, Tbe artillerymen were relieve- d by groups of citizens and farmers —most of the latter armed with guna while About mid-afternoon 300 male employs of tee velvet comealie were released from work to loin in the general scamper across th fields th and rough the brush. Darkneaus set in and the soldier Were making their way back through Charlet; Deets' woods -wean a party et them Tau into a civilian wearing a soldier's overcoat. He was taken in charge and escorted Into town aud turned over to Patrolman O'Connell, who put him iu the lockup. The matt declined to answer questions as • to Ilia Identity. He is libout 25 years • of age. ee-- —e"" Tbe second bandit escaped, and It ts believed he is traveling north • - ward, The mea apparently planned Hie hold-up -svith considerable care. They had not anticipated that sol- diers, who have been here for a fort- nigbt's field work, would be close at hand. The place or the hold-up was on a bend in the road, and conditions on either side were good for making the attack. Ptiii.TriklIt ORDERS that tb OZdeellen come into full force (led effect on the first day of Nevember ea, D. 1P13, erovided .bo - ver that that eny !meson or persona., wbo may now or eereafte,r be affect- ed iby the ovLslorz o two Order may before teat date make applica- tion to tbe ;Board to be Imard taloa the eubject matter of this Order. ND IT Ife 21111TIIER ORDEREI) that a con' taf this Order ellen. he advertised in etre issue et each weok of at least two local neweeetpexe circulating througbout the territory In weieli the Blount Carmel and Cen- tralia Aseociation is furaishing tel- cehoce service, during the two weeks ending October eleventh and eight,- th 1913. D. M. MaNTYRE Chairman All YUAN IS PRESIDENT. _ Momentous Election In China Results In His Appointment. PEKIN, China, Oct. 7.—One of the most important events in the history of China ---the election of a President of the new republic, took place here yesterday. The members of both Houses of Parliament were called to- gether to east their votes for a chief executive, to hold office for a term of five years, and the greatest interest in what was to China a novel pro - debiting was manifested in all parts of the empire. When the united Houses of Parlia- ment came together yesterday morn- ing, the register recorded that 759 representatives of the people were present to take part in the historic proceedings. The first ballot took a consider- able time, owing to the fact thethe deputies and Senators were not famil- iar with the proceedings. When the .probably become involved in trouble voting was concluded, it was fo-und WOULD AID CARSON, .g MuL Sari 1300 'Volunteer Aro Ready To Sail. LONDON, Oct. 7.—(O.A.P, Cable.) The otter et assistance from Winni- peg Orangemen to testerwhiele was prominently advertised bore, yeas re. !erred to by Sir Edward Carson in hie anal speech before leaving Ire- land. tor London. * "The Government," he said, "will soon find that a quarrel which looks to them ia the distance to be a local one in. a, comparatively small part of his Majesty's dominions, 'wilt very soon grow until it permeates eeery village and hamlet of the itholetearnit- ed 'Kingdom and proceeds out Into the Empire. from which eeskelo, fK5S4 /17111ralPeg, we recelYed an offer or 500 men to come across. (Cheers.) "In your name I send to Our fel- ow-citizens across tho sea and In other parts of the United Kingdom this simple message: 'We are prepar- ing and are prepared to do our part. We call upon you to do yours. We are prepare& and we were alWaYs prepared never to betray you. We call upon you to see that we are not be- trayed'." RANDALL EXONERATED - Police Sergeant Who Charged Me: Asked to Resign.. GUELPH. Oct.'7.---For the. seeoad 'time in one year Chief F. W. Ra of the Guelph police force has. beca tech -tomcatted, the pollee last night af- cleared of the charges preferred *.er tavestigating his alleged crimes in police eomniissione various cities were able to fix upon ers, at an adjourned meeting held yes - against him. The elm only- one mender,. or possibly two. terdae. came to the conclusion that Captafn Haipine chief of the detec- the charges preferrd by Serge Thos. ive hu'rean, "4("h'hnea bk. ecnnic-finn Kickley had completely failed, and ,that SPeircer, in giving his long,. Or - they decided to ask Sergt. Kickley to litmetattetial confession Jcrime, was resign his position on the force, to ' ennstantanie' 'falsifier- 4- take effect on the lst of November. Four of the murders he says he While nothing official from the com- tomraitted were perpetrated while missioners has been elven oat fee vue Ipencer was le the Illinois State Peni- blication, it is understood that Mayor tentiary at Joliet. Of twelve of the Carter was a dissenter. Sergeant illeged murders the police in this city Kickley had been -' faithful member and other,eties have no record. In years atrhse. force for the past twenty-seven one case described by Spencer pollee records show that a body was recov- .- ered, but that the detectives have as yet esteblished no connection beeween Comic Opera Means Trouble. - Spencer arrd the crime. LEIPSIC, Oct. 7.—Signora Toselli, "Except for possibly two murders formerly Crown Princess Louise of spender's weird story of killing peo- ,Ple by hammering in their skulls and sinking their bodies in lakes seeres Purc. fabrication," said Captain Hal- pin la;t night_ "His, fraagination, stimulated by drugs,. poured Out one of themostfantastic.taIes of murder that, has ever come from a man whose 'mind is given to dreams of crtme." . t A MA IS SHAKEN. Rouse and Lot for Sale DR, 0,1?. 110=K0N DE,NTIk3T Honor Graduate of Toronto Unitateete eaty Office over Dickson ec Carle- ling'e Law office. Closed Wedcatiane Hrick cottages very ,centeal An- day afternoons. Phone. Office idge drew Street just eieleied tow -n hail Residenee 5 le: coutalc.ing eaeler Dinieg 'ROOM Kit» ellenand summer kitehen 3 . „Bed rooms 3 clothes ciekeets large ran- try_s,ciler threughout Hard and soft Water, EXten large lot with several fruit:trees Also etaeble, Eor terms ae frint trees alSO etatie. For teethe n'e"- to A. Haetirees oe ^auctieneer and Heel gstat.. Agent Exeter., For Sale That nicely eitutheed, comfortahle and ut-to-date frame cottage on corner of 'Main and Victoria. alreels. Good le:tcheri, cellar and woodshed, hard and soft water, Poesessien giv- en etaatiit P„erobaser. For terms' eat', earticulars apply to D. Macke Exeter or Themaseameron, Anat., leargebaar 50 Are Farm For Sale The uudergted t that fine 100 40 ‘aship of Steehell b E or tot 15 Con., l. and Lot 16 P There iS on the latter a go franle bouse tonteieieg 8 reeme two back barite Sixid and 30x50 wtth ZoPft stabling ue0erneetb; a tever failleg well with wind Mill rpit▪ ancesl Weter through tbe 'barn wJIeiletralreleed. well fericee ft4i in geedeteteef celtivatioa 'or ur- ther apply On the pre - raise e to J. le. Schroeder or 11, Philliee, Reel Estate Agent Rxeter On. , DR, A, R, KINSMAN 4.0.6". Honor Graduate of Toronto 14iyer, easity __ea) DENTIST v411 Teeth extracted .witieteet vela. soy bad effecto. Office over GU**. teen .6; kiteilleureeti _Office „Mein- Seee Exeter, W. )3RoWNING AL 41* Graduate Victoria thaw ette Office and residence Doluirieo*, LabretOree, Kxe tete . Associate Coroner 0i Huron D tomsoN & PARLING elareletere, Solleitore Votariee Cale- eyeacera Goranaissionere, Selisitiame dee Maisons llank etc. .. M / onee Loan at lowest eateit et Lege est, , FVIPReerkleNtki STREViT AY-WM* St Parting S. Ali 14, Plakigair 1 °NI:17 T a „a W e have are amoutat priXe" feeds t rm en on fagaud Idea. propete t leivest rate pe leee GLAD/4E4N $c STANBDRIS 1.Itkis.LaSsaa, Solicitorei etsita 9*, , 0,4A liS-4 G. E. At. DISARM' A Ilhe Vogl Hoaor Geaduate of the London Cceue- aervetery of inealc, Teaekdule Dar* lege of the Weetera Lieivereliter Teeeher ,Dieno-Theer.T. -tlartaeirelee Veenterpoint and falueteal Btcx /ends prepared for musical extiecei- free. Fetter J.W.Westentel 111044 W.Westervel Maniere AMC= Vice -Mkt! r ex • - eeedsthat previous • ea'/ .eceived our catalogue , :rue toy or gt wo- h h not • doe*, not keow the great OpPOr- • tunities or Commercial lite We .bave three deeartments_Cem• - merclal Shorthand a cd lreg- • replay and we offer y ou oti- vantages not offered efawhere in Oetarle. You, may enter at any time. 1Vrite tor our free catalogue at once. • • • • • UST A PLAIN 1.1111te ellerderer Spencer's Crimes Are Not Carrc•h•Med I CHICI.GO, Oct. 7.—Of the nine- teen murdeira. Henry Spencer, slayer of 'err/ lielicirect Rercroat, swore Saxony, will, It is announced here, that Provisional President Yuan Shi_ Kai had been given 471 votes, and Tsai Yuan Heng, 153, while twenty other candidates, including Dr. Wu Ting Fang former Chinese Minister at Washington, and Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the ,leader of the Republican move - meet, had each received a few vOtes. Language All Important. LONDON, Oet. 7.---(0.A.P. Cable.) —Premier GO -1130'S advice to French- Canadians to see that their children are taught English produces a long editorial in last night's Standard. "The advice has been thought so good, elsewhere," says The Standard, "that Premier Gouin is only repeating a thrice told tale. Language is thought by empire to be more important than attleships 03' armies." Scalded To Death - 11T ART1i1111,,-Oet. 7 ----Engineer Pioufus- vras scalded to death anti Fireman 1)erripsey was ba burned by escaping ateaniyeter when tbe backbone of thei asbroen as :it, etathee at.Wild pck with the Saxon Government, in con- nection with the comic opera of which she has writtea the libretta, and' whose approaching production is announced in Rome. The ,Goverement declares' that if the work contains any attacks on the Saxon royal family, it will cut down the princess' annuity. Bail Was Refused. Ea tluptlare,5 Continuer In the Interior , , , Ad , . NANAIMO, B.C., Oct. , , .—Little in- tlieRePublIc. terest was evidenced in Nanaime yea* PA -NAL, Oct.- "7:—The series of terday morning in the opening _of the earthquakes continues! in the Interior trials before Judge Howey, ailaing of the relmblie. Advices received yes - out of the ,recent strike disturbencee terday morning, from Tonosi, a town In Nanainto district. Before court in the ' province of Loa Sontos, say adjourned for the day applielifonfor , that two 'hills have been levelled and bail was made by Mr. Leigheam on -many houses destroyed by big fissures behalf of George Pettigrew, cargania- in the earth. A church talker at Peno- er of the mine workers. It 'waa re- ,nome'end some honsCbave, been raz- fused. ' ' - — '•• . ed and sin:tiler daniage has 'been i gt$4. chine in, the "towwatee:gea,pnice. A feeling of 'aPisre,h.0 :ill ,Prevails On .!' " K1 QN4G7S _ * ereity r,:fili a is- ni- thetoclobsnt;!iieantuuiaeat. tio4Til,,,ee-V tilgraotPhstsh,oeokwss: he 9! y;.lie.'cif ear- () a' 401i..0 st .001:0•4444.•••••••••••••••• • • D. A. geLACHLAN. 2 1 ILI t Principal. 4a • varyylonian v.\ ttwonderful is latereston and should know ab„,he \ ,z.\\A Marvel withung sPrsi Douche • Ask year druggist for It. If ba cannot supply the IltelIVEL, accept no other. bat send stamp for Illus. 'rated took—seaded. It gives full partite= and directIons invelnable ikplatitas.WEITDSORSUPPLYCO..Windeor.Onil General Arent. for Canada. DiriE to= ECIIIRIS OS, RYAN BROCK • OY uhar,°Rex. GARDI TORS T JOHN ESSERY Exeter. oval MK.* borue and eliddulph, OLIVER RARRIS lifunro agent Digr (filbert Fullerton and Logan, W. A. TORNEW1111, "‘ Secy.Treas, Farquhavr GLADUAN & STAN131:111l$ Solioitoes. Exeter. wriinfl OVEREpapxtillte4aclej TRADE 1.tri31R.E$.I- DEstavits e COPYRIGHTS &C.." Anyone tending a sketch and deseription map' quickly ascertain our opinion tree whether BIZ tiniornetsnisttioductisypcoronboadbeinpupreennitinaitte.001Comonropanteninea.-to sornattterleaso. Otaidkeestit atrronuegyllolleueneuan4nuevuroclaeta.omp, apetial mike, without charge, Ill the ... Scientific ilnierican•ii A bandsomely illustrated weekly. Largest girt— dilation a any scientific journaI.eTwermysorrotg— Canada, $3.75 a year, postage prepaid.. Sold by - all newsdealer,. 361Broadway, , MUNN&Co N Branch °nice. 625 ay sae waselestee.leee e et YOUR BLOOD 18 TAINTED irapERs, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT We desire to call the attention of all those afflicted 'with any Bleed or Skin Diaeosa10 our New Method Treatment as a guarantee cure for these complaints. There is no etc- cuse for any person having a disfigured feels from eruptions and blotches. No matter whether hereditary or acquired, our specific remedies and treatment neutralise alt poi- sons in the blood and expel them from the system. Our vast experience in the treat- ment of thousands of the most serious and • complicated -cases enables us to perfect a t cure withou t experimenting. ,We do business on the plan—Pay Only for therRenefit Yon Derive. If you have any blood disease, con- sult us Free of Charge and let us prove to you bow quickly our remedieg will remove all evidences of disease, limier the influence of the New Method Treatment the skin be. comes clear, ulcers, pimples aniVhlotehes, heal up, enlarged:glands are reduced, fallen out hair grows in again. the eyes become bright, ambition and energy return, and the victim realizes a new life has opened up to YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY A.FLER YOU ARE cuaeu seeTTIBEEI feaGrOntaNtseDulailaAemTino:NINiarreasPle, fFelfREEmas unable to calf, write for a Question Lid for Home Troattnent RS. &KE gan Ave. and Griswold St Detroit Mich. NOTICE- All letters from Canada must be addressed r. IVIichi to our Canadian' Coreeepondence Depart- „ esire,to , e 'isdtreat bes', ''' „P a -that; you d edical tnt