Exeter Times, 1913-10-9, Page 37w')
The Canadian Pacific Railway
crates 17,030 Miles of
"And here," the guide pointed
out, as he, took the, visitor into a
Part of the plat ,vhich resembled
a large schoolroom, "here the
young ideais taught how to make
all these locomotivesnand cars and.
what not that neips to make up the
Polling stock for the more than, 17,-
000 miles of the line,"
Iiardly any other feature of the
Angus -shops of the Canadian 12-1
fic 'Railway at Moutreal is consid-
ered hy that company more impor
taut than the apprentice system of
teaching by which young people are
Pada familiar with the itia and outs
and the first box used satisfied mo,
OP -
r 'load equipment. It is assort,
That Terrible Fatigue
Can Be Overcome
• Simple lime Remedy Now Cures
LaeIt et 'Energy, Loss a Am-
bition, 4nd a Feeling of
"Don't -Care:"
ul in Nearly Every
That miserable nervousness and
half -sick tired -all -the -time condition
is due nine ea es in ten to a clogged -
un system. You grow irritable and
'despondent,- you lack ambition, ener-
gy sepias all gone. Surest road to
health is by the frequent use of Dr.
they will make you
feel like new all over An a short time.
Writing from his home in Darce,
lona, Mr. Frederick G. Mayer states:
"I think no one ever suffered as se-
verely as I did for nearly six mouths.
So many serious ,s‘rmotoms were de-
veloping as a consequence of this evil
condition of my system that I real-
ized I must find a remedy. Thestrong
pills of Varlotta kind's I tried seemed
after their first effects were over to
mate me far worse and I did not
ImOW which way to turn for relief.
SAW Dr, Hamilton's Fella advertised,
od by the company that it. haa the
largest and heat equipped railroad
Ehoi" bt Areerleae so accounting
theroughness AS v. sign ergre,a.tness,
tho foundational work aceoinPlish-
ed in the apprentiee school needs to
be takefully into account when it
e, re -Relation of eetinuitiog what the
road 'means to the immense terzie
Py it serves".
"A Troia of Cars a Day;
to reply of the officials when
ehairman3s asked as to the eaPao
of the Angus loilennative and ear
woeks. This means that in ease it
was oceosary and all repair work
eoulei be put oeside the shops oould
turn out evil daya train composed
two passenger coaehee, eight box
fiat var. That in iteelf
ormance 1 induatrial
mut% in part !or
the 0,000 men
wage outlay
re e pl
ATI4 1114:1
ore taIall
Atter an UbpQCL2ofl 01 the
eliope and at ritore, tlicy ece
*Iirealization .tit the emportan
e apprentiee sehool is bornaliom
the visitor. Among the thou -
d% a 'men 'new art WOrk are many
to had their firet 1ee$011 in looe-
(dive and ear making in the Angw
After looking at the
derful activity inaiiifeeted
department a tho worics, this
DU$511 glance at, the verhool where
Theaiiway, as it. at,zktes is loolcing
sults five or ton years in the
tt e is like going Imek to first
principles. %lie instruction system
covers every, actual and related
thing that eau be considered .of
vrelue to a eailread leuilder or oper-
ttor. There is a primary education
ormeisting a reading and writing,
e lementary arithmetie, and geo-
graphy of the Canadian Poxifie sye-
tern, biographical sketches of past
10tuld R true releedy. Instead of
griping witit. undee eetivity, Dr, Ham-
itton's Pills acted as naturally as if
physte had not been taken- I neVer
had to laerease the dose and, udeed.
within a mouth 1 reduced ft, and
Tama the system ilaally acted of ite
own accord as a result or Dr, Herrin -
ton's Pills, I took a deee twice a week
only. 'mit to Make sure the old, condi,
Oen would not come haat."
No other remedy cures constipatten
and biliousness to easily or safely As
Dr Hamilton's Pins; they are an
Ideal family remedy for all diseases
of the stomach, liver and bowels.
Sold la 2Ue. boxes, live for 51.00, all
druggiete wad eterekeepere or The
Cataerhozone Co., Buffalo. XT., awl
giageton. Canada,
Ohief Justice Sir William
Meredith was lately hearing a case
he was disturbed by a, young man
who kept moving about in the rear
f the room,
"Young man," called out the
Chief Justine, "yen are making a
w Diets t
ernily wn
0.ihat Lak Stqeror s t o laegee
tel La o Outarie the :smallest
he Groat Lakes, but the relative
•aro soarcely known to the
\Wage person, While Lake Miold-
gan ranks second in eizo, being
fQ1 ty-five railes ehorter than Luke
Superior, it is twiee as deep at its
greatest depth, the figures being
000 feet for Lake Superior and 1,800
feet for Lake Miehigun, so that in
eubical eontents the lattor far out-
reaeltee Superior. Lake Ifuron'e
greatest depth aleo isa hundred
feet moro than that of Lake Sillier -
lox, so that the greatest is not su-
perior to everything after all.
Lake Erie and. Lake Ontario aza
comparatively shallow, with maxi-
mum depth eA 204 feet. and 412 feet,
and yet we should not like to fall
overboard in either of them. In
erieltheormaximurn figures -Lake Su-
perior comes first with 160
Huron second with 105, Michigan
and present eminent Canadians, third with 84, Erie fourth with 60,
freehand drasving, punetuality and and Ontario last with only 52 miles
✓ egularity, thoreugluWts, applica- of greatest breadth,
lion and tuift, self-relianee, elean. In eomparison witli its area, On-
linoss and reereationtario leads with a. drainage of 20, -
The Young Employe, 769 square miles for its area of
tater sueeessiony Inasteroa 6,700, the others being Ere, dram
the PrignarY requirements, is initine age 39,860, area, 23,000 square
fed in shop ineeharlies, including
every phase'essriial for his future
occupation. Tho practical work of
the boys in the shops takes place
under the supervision of specially
qualified instructors In order to
encourage the d.eserv*ing apprentice
theCeOnipany donates each 3.oar ten
scholarships in -courses Wight by
two scholarships each year, tena,ble Sunda.y School Teacher -"What
19 Bad Condition. Pimples Large.
Face Sore and itchy. Looked
Badly. Cutieura Soap and Oint-
ment Cured in Two Weeks,
llisaccr; Otatario.--"some time azo r2ar
face was. in n very bad condition with soma
kind of ph:epics. '1110 piniples were thickly
motto:rod, The tops of them
were white; matter was in
them. They were quite large
and my face was xere Red
new aeci loolzed badly. I
Lid to wretch to be comfort-
able and aeznetimes lost mr
sleep, 'rile E.Ore9 iastod about
two months and I tried some
ointments but dida't like
them, Thee I peat for .50.M6 Cuticera Soap
end Cate:AtmOintment. wed the for tem
weelaik gadi "(44 compkte,fycnred.m. (gle.a)
Ma:, R. 0Ige. Jrt s.
Qatg19,---..myutgogto. grst
tWO ir(auw, skeeeed wine a ifda alswes. 0
her feee, r.. 1 brd in the lector and he
add le waa CoSZera?.. The rain wee gene
.red and all som,17, X -weeeed the pe.rte wea
with the itleticetre Peep mid yam x pee
the (.7;ittiorsa Oluizo0A4 OA, YoA Ought tA
gee her new-- as far AO A mei
.x wererod a met deal with, Pitils«
had thenw Teri bsd, and, thsr lt,iect end
1,1040, so I eeeld hardly hear le, , When X
see tem OutIcera Olaterime X need It. No*
le hes taitrelY olged ree0 (31st4)' lame
CeaueliVercl,3'en. 1,1012.
°talcum ecuip sudOuticuraOtatavot are
raid axe:mahout the world. Semi to X'scottor
D. to ‹) corp.. 3)0pt. 030, Boatel*. 1,1,644
for free; wasuelte cre met wale pajetee book,
bare you abou 1
r getter," replied the yonug
man, "I have lost my overcoat and
I exa trying to find it."
"Weil," said the venerable jos-
tiee, "people often lose whole suits
rtleormeoolv.Lthout toe-hing all that clia,
special instructors. There are also
mother nximie for t
f her onees-above
he ta them tee have good
aith. Thousands of reothere have
n eeorot of keeping their
o onea healthy - they have
esrued hat by keeping Babee
0 10t8 in the house And giv-
lng ane "onal dos' to the little
will eecape eo'netipa-
limn vomiting., cella, colds, WOrMS,
eta. The Tablets never fail to be
of service in keeping the baby
healthy and hAppy. Sold by meelie
elm) dealers or by mail at 95 cents
A• box trent The Dr, Williams' 'Medi-
cine Co., Brockville Ont,
Some Strange Custonts thePeope
of Various Berms Observe.
The kiss, the hand -el -lake and 'the
bow are the salutations that ego in
the most iteivors,a1 toe ab the pre-
sent day. Yet there exist rues to
-whom thee* forms of greetieg
would seem as luelieroos aa their
own customs eeera to us. In this
connection Reelion'a LIniversum de-
ecribes some ourious cuetoxas that
the people of various races observe
when they greet ono another,
The prostration and the salaam,
salutations that many Orientals
use, are only more pronounced
tulles; Michigan, drainage 10,000, forms of the bow. So there Is a
are.a 22,400 square miles; and Su- connection between the embrace, so
perior, drainage 85,000, area, 32,000 common in civilized countries, mid
square miles. Drop in elesration is -the greeting of the member of the
very gradual, Lake Superior being Koiari tribe of British New Guinea',
600 feet above sea -level, Michigan who, in saluting a missionary,
578 feet, Huron 574 feet, Erie 564 placed one arm about his neck and
feet, and then conies a big drop to stroked him under the chin. .
234 feet for Lake Ontario.
pulotiolk Aerial
There arodrnitiv
noro or 1
es, Togethe
0 to320.,.000 tans
u order to
How to Cure
llorse Distemper
Au Experienced Horeemart Solema-
ly Declares "Nothing Is So
Satisfaetory as Itierviline.
Says Nervaine le Fine Lininaent.
"after Afty years' experience in rete-
ll -1g horses eau safely testify that no
remedy °Tees such good results for an
all-roand%table liniment as Nerviline."
Thus opens the very eaenest letter of
ar. J. Evanston. who lie -es near 'Welling-
"' had a very valuable _terse that c'e'eas°n fCT 3115t 4 11414t'
rftrintr:ar gre'l4aTr 10:eg°11*rrinnd ainmean-ba''ssb'ihto'
threat swelled and hard lumps devei. never go to sleep until he has tnrn-
one& His nestrils ran and be had ed, ‘ver three t:mes. However tired
a terrible cough. tried different he may be he has to make those
remedies, but vole linable to relieve three turns because he has allowed
my horse of his Pain and suffering till spimself to frie i,abq
I started to use Nerviline, I mixed a , Twiro;,..etaaorrii,,,,,„Iiie:tr„soo„cni',-40,;:aen:sn'otris:;
breThised°tfholgenivfxiitinnrc's eeTithsr telitro°alti aainidd
esyl•Oeultd tshc7recelytimbeelien've day,
wayand 131 -Taut T'eaeTfOlttlege T-a1O16yote7t.'0 eT01;11-83e' ailriea4nr
at -
horse picked up. Nerviiine cured tack them; they are not eniecting
I also have used Nerviiine for cella a/Iselin:4 at onn. zney Lane got
la horses and cows, and, eareestlY re- the habit.
commend it to every man that * rale. ee tea
ee Won.= ease ec; o„, a weeeee
ing14°setk'ralls, enraine. swellings, canc.
distemper, eougtw agd CO', Het, Ptrai5chse N‘A'Itshtli& isse! °fT5hu-e4flOes1;t11(.1Preid k,hlitto-NeV
mem witlt prove go effleacious la tie all about them. Arid they will tell
amide ao "Nerviline"---it'a good for that penple vho sueh things
man or heast, for laternal or exter- are neteroC'e
nal use, Wherever tbere Is pam, ve
,Nervilinwill cure it. Refuse sub. if "d 7°°4-411 "firing
from aoything tilt" k113(1, the only
If on Are Troubled In This Way
Break It Off.
Some peoplee lies are ade
misery to them by senseless little
'habits they cannot get away from,
such as the habit of counting the
steps they take. If a man once
learns that trick he is in fpr a bad
Another ooramon trouble is. that
viiieh leads ;people to 4v:tit:I Walk -
mg on the cracks between the ftsg
stones of the Revelment. There;
etitutes. Large size bottles, 50c.;
trial Wee, 25e,. at all dealers, or the thing to do 15 to got your will-
catarrimi:,ne 330e40, Noie, ana ' palotewhertrtifte.iewsoarsletahtetoen7 and break it
Riegeton, On, off, Alen heve boxt elaiveneMad by
I see the English women A DIVORCE GRANTED.
who are health faddists are wearing After maeuire,Yeare vealeee eutterine
3'011 earl GO 1A;IreaVed,. trete eeree ep-
heir hair uuconfined.
PlYing 'Futile -We Cara Exteemer, which.
Briggs- wife wore hers that app in 24 boute 'without pato, Iterit60 a
ay aee aria ie feu eu ee eimettiute heemtee "Puenam'e" t
" Temode tieet *ate tinel PailtleSe, 2.5e at
ed f
ar auntie
keep the 111111
01111R price of sugar in our interne
merket above a price -below abie
our little 11111111liaoturer4 eey would
be utter ruin to thew, it is 214.1e0a-
eery to put, on le prohibitive duty
by which we etiffer an export toes
of 90,000 tone of eugar which should
be produced. The population of
Brazil reepeires about eight and
one-half laloa of anger a lIeltd 1311-
ullally, While ill other eountriets the
consumption varies from lb .tro 40
kilos a head, as in England, .A.us-
traiitt and .1%.tew Zealand. It is Cid-
thet a good nomber of small
prod tteera WOUW disappear before
the great znainifaeturers. But. what
difference should Unit inalte This
is a fatal law of modern industry to
which one is obliged to Edina in
Breeil as elsewhere. Brazil evi-
dently would also profit by -aban-
doning' her beet root sugar.
QtrID SIJI.417111711,
to dirotiooit. eue et elle
toratIreo *bat can bo
eta. It
Ad arelteo vooktiblo for Ito 441r,
o do their work erePorllY.
Rod rntattor.st et Ito 114
go to treatment, Rundrisla ore
lo teetify to Ito kono,
of noing T4241.7I1) SULTIEVII
ISM S 11/11114i ttle ITOGIt.
leo(1 and clofraoil blood Tea5010
PAVE :mover! the oaltee
arIty and olearten •tto blood
for four years at McGill University, is the conscience I" Bright Boy --
Montreal, to sons of employes. The "It's wat makes you sorry w en
holders of these McGill scholar- you get found out."
ships are employed by the oompany -----
daring vacation and receive yemum-
elation for their services.
The Former Was Used Long Before
the Latter.
Table forks did not come into
anything like conmion use in Eng-
land until the seventeenth century;
and even then they were used for
serving, food rather than transfer-
ring it from plate to mouth.
ThemodernPer.sian regards the
fork as an object worthy only of
contempt. So, tee, 'did our ' fore-
fathers regard it. Your sixteenth
centnry ancestorinfact; when din-
ing Otit,. fOnoxl,'.:and L.e..nly expected
te find, 'laid on the table l.lefore him
a trencher; a nankin, .and aspebn. '
He pr kid his own kinfe, asa
matter Of couree, and occasionally,
no eloulet, 16und other uses 'for it
°a his return journey home; whilSt
at the end of each coleree he would
wipe hisspoonn just as the modern
Frenehman wipes his fork, dexter-
ously'in a piece of bread.
And .then of conese even after it
ecl 'been- a eoepted as necessary- to
every table, tie fork- for a long
while had to contend with the rival-
ry c).' Vytf,;. knif,e, Indeeelk,down to
henelred years ago,, tlie latter
was ve ey„ much mor1. popular than ,
the former for 11 i; food ao,,, ethe
meuenk wheist eveno-d y there,,
t a
areold 'people' te 'whOlon, "desnite 7
the ,rnanelat,e:e pf.
che e never' Would he ‘clueese
less the3:''' could ,
e gly nel an -ger: , '
rom. the end o
liefheld cutie.ry.
Well Met—
•A Good
A 'dainty, nourishing dish
for breakfast, lunch or sup-
per -ready to serve direct
from the‘ package with
&learn and sugar.
'Ton ties' are thin bits
of choice Indian' Corn ---skil-
fully cooked and toaoted to
an appetizing golden blown.
Easy to Serve
old hY Grocers everYWhe
astute Cereal CO..;
- 'Ontat
Among the Masai and the liker-
ewe; it is a mark of respect -to greet
an acquaintance or a stranger by
spitting at hini. Almost as strange
is the caste= ascribed to the Tibe-
tans of sticking out the tongue by
way of salutation. Rubbing noses
. .
is quite eammon; the Burmese, and
many tribes of Eskiraos, Lapland-
ers, and /VIadays de so.
Stranger than any of these cm
toms is the weeping salutationthat
has been observed among central
South Ilimerican Indians. This form
of greeting occurs, too, in the An-
daman Islands, New Zealand, and
Polynesia, A Portuguese explorer
deeeribes the -custom GS he saw it
usecl amoog a tribe of South Ameri-
can Indians :
"Whenever a, guest enters a hut
he 'is immediately honored, and
made welcome by being wept over.
Without a -word being spoken, he is
led tothe-hanamock. As, soon as he
is Selited; the hostess and her
daughters:' and any of their girl
friends who happen to he in the
house at the time, some and sit
about the guest, ton& him lightly
with their fingers, and commenee to
weep loudly and to shed many
tears ; during this Ceremony; in a
sort of connected discourse, they
Road What Mrs. Harris Says About Thorn.
Mrs. Harr* of Tyneside, Ont.,
knows all about GIN PILLS. "I am
now taking my third box of GIN
PILLS," she_ writes. "The pain across
my back and kidueys has almost en-
tirely gone. I was a great sufferer
from Rheumatism but it has all left
11 drugglete. Trice fia gen
`lower M'It is
On the score a alone, the
peooy should comma tho Were
of All flower -lovers. has 11,
tory 'which began wetly hundreds
of years ago. The tree. peony, more
Thaw any other Bower„ has been t
glory And pride of the Chinese for
nearly 000 years, and bas been a
'subject for the painters and a
theme for the poets, In China, for
more than 1,000 years, a record has
been kept of the parentage of seed-
lings of this peony and their ehar-
acteristies. Its great beauty and
fragrance made it, centuries ago,
the favorite tower of China's em- ,
pero and it was called Ilwa
Wang -king of Bowers.
Oetting .1114-sT.
Vra:Inhaw-I thought
were g to speak to that you
MSG o has been calling
daughter lougt
fCrabsiteav-I gneea
otu" all riglete my de le
eke bill this inept
oraething dong
T e Crank Th
ever omelet out,
Well, you shouldn't
a you can enjoy you
be,ing (comfortable.
uQuxisiiiicast ts4th
eccuomi meal.
A time and money
out un-
Surilabot,forerbItIAIT • te,
NV004 SeL 12% x 49
for emta tn. 0044‘4*
Wood 514it. ny, 7., 48
fee` 8 1536 aleafia
Wood Spilt BilleY, 19X
for 3 7/16 in. chat.
Weed Split
for 0 Tile in, shalt,
ulleya of =eller
heftilSg of,var,,riOt ,Tn:rylehe. aod kr.
• ZS,
waon I g Ce. Toren
' h
itqA3iIiEs# COTAin.013. ro
vac1413, Porailar Coanne
GiliGtglt. cAtAlogue to
Tral; PrloPg
or pod a deaftri
coilaterne St.,
,ale 111 good Ontario town. Excel' n
g men ot apergy., Write Wilson
tang compary. Toronto.
• Purely Itcrba1--Wa poisonous coloring
Antiseptic -Slops blood -poison
Scathing -Ends pain and smarting .1c.
licals all sores,
50e, La.t. el 11 1Drugghttand.Storg,
Minard's Liniment tor sale evorywhoro.
Not That.
B. A. De Gree -My stomach's out
of order, doctor.
Doc. Shipp--Ilave
me. I strongly advise all women, who heme_eaekolgi
suffer from Pain In The Ba,cla and B. A., De wGree-oNo, that's n'ot
500 a box, 6 for $2.50, Sample free
icei rite National Drug and Chem.
leat-Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto.
Weak Kidneys, to 'ISt-rPILL!' the reason.
Mrs. W. -Odd invitations Mrs,
Reid issued for the corning nuptiale
of her daughter -just written af-
fairs, with the first line reading,
"Mrs. L. W. Reid requests the hon-
or of your presents,"etc.
Mra W.---Tratilitat any rate
Kinard's LIninient Cures Burn's, Etc,
recite everything that ,has happen-
ed to them recently, and talk of the
hardships 'of the road that the visi.-
tor has Suffered, and of anything
and everything that can arouse
boinpaeeion and tears. The guest,
his band before his face' pretends
to weep, and does not speak until
'the. crying has gone on for some
time. Then they. 'all wipe away
:their tears, and become asand rnerry as if they iaad ric
cried in all tiheir Inc "
• A. Sign.
"Jinks appears to be putting
aside something for a rainy day."
"His failure to return umbrellas
made me suspect as much."-
minarda Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
1:iniend,-":Wero', yeti ,smitten
trr,wife before you married lie'
il'iiIIOCISei--- but, not hf
'have I;een
Value of a Good Name.
A good name is rather to be cho-
sen than great riches. Both are
treasures and both easily lost. It
is no small thing to bo well thonght
of among friends and neighbors,
But to lose that confidence is to lose
the best part of one's possessions.
Reputation may be regained, but it
may net be 'Until the best years of
life are past and opportunities dee
Parted forever.
Baltimore, lid,. 1.1eV, 11. 1903.
Minard's Liniment Co.. Limited.
Sirs. --1 came across a bottle Of your
MINAILD'S LTNIMENIt in the hands
one of the students at the University of
Maryland. and he being so kind as to let
me use it for a very had sprain, whieh I
Obtained in training for foot racee, and
to say that it helped IGO wouldbe putting
It very mildly. and I therefore ask if you
would let me know of one of your agents
that is olosest to Baltimore no that I may
obtain some of it. Thanking you in ad -
vamp I ,Temain.
Your6 truly,
14 St. Paul street.
Care Oliver Typewriter Co.
P.S.-Kindly answer at once.
• Lady • Customer (peeved) ---I've
come to return this paper-eutter.
It's not ivory, as represented.
Storekeeper (musingly) -I -won-
der whether that elephant had false
30 K.W., 110 VOLES, D.C.,
Try Murine Eye Remedy
If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes
or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart
-Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell
Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid25c, 50e.
Murine Eye 'Salve in Aseptic Tubes,
25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mali
An !Clot, Tonle Good for All Eyes that Need Car*
Ihfurines Eye Komedy Co., Chicago
615 rt. P. IVI.
At a Tory Reasonable Figure for
Immediate Sale.
73 Adelaide St. West, TORONTO.
• sr I 'T
We; 1 1
thue n,
neve 41.
obl 'reroute), ,
or Zweig/a Stamm Catalogue.
'burn, o Seven Coma. ,Stanip
ComPanaN 'Toronto.
bilSCEt.t.AN oOS,
b.', gong Seoess, "*.‘fy 'Wonderful Ir1:4,
N. Wilaon, Xelindr, St., Toronto.
Intertis.r"add. atertfirirlitt
out pain by our home treatment.
re before too bit^ Dr. Denman Iictlicai
Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont.
..1,!,4 every town to handle household
neeessity. Soll$ or eight. Agente make
55.00 to $8.00 a day. Apply Wtlon,
lfolinda, Toronto.
N..7 der Stones. Kidney trouble. Gravel.
Lumbago and kindred ailments positively
cured with the 'new German remedr.
"Sandi:" price $1.50. Another new remedy.
for Diabates-Mellittio. and sure cure. is
-“Sanol's Anti•Diabetes." Price $1,00 from
druggists or direct. The Santa Manufac•
miring Cotnpany of Canada. Limited,
Nt*innipeg. Man.
lifer Best Bargain.
An old lady accompanied by her
daughter who was about to be mar-
ried, went to Dublin to make some
purchases. Having finished shop-
ping, as they had some time to
spare, they strolled into the Phoe-
nix Park, and ,feeling tired'they
sat down on two chargeable chair:.
Shortly afterwards the collector
came around and demanded two-
enee. The old lady asked, "What
or P' So then the collector ex-
plained that if she wanted the
chairs they, would have to pay a
penny each for them. "Oh," said
the daughterjoining in, "we'll
take half a dozen, and I think it's
,the, best -barcain we've made to-
TOR S2t14I1
rplIE Cara listed below have been taken in ex-
change for our latest models with the Knight
Motor. They are in good repair, fully inspected,
and are ready to go on the road. The prices we
are asking are just what we allowed for themrn in
"B.USSELL" Model "SS," fitted with Daimler -Knight
Motor. Beautiful Torpedo body. Fully equipped,
at a reasonable price . • . • • • • $1,600.00
"'RUSSELL' Model "11.°' A flve-oassenger -T?iiring •
Car in splendid shape. Pelee . $800.00
'IIIJSSELL'' nodal "22." A. beautiful IlveeoaSSelag
120411Ch whe.ei base' 3‘3"1"1i wheel. A. fully, eqiiipe
pod Touring Car with the Kaight nietor. Thee ear
iill carry our regular guarantee. Price, $1,590.410
110 Cars are m splendid shal)e, and iii1 1)ea,
examination and co2li3ariso CI evith any other.s..ka,
,tne niarket
one Di
(iilee Ade
nt Cures Oanoru