HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-10-2, Page 3, ' THE GREAT AlGOS SlIOPS REST 441.31LPPED RAILROAD WORKS IN UURIOA A SAFE TONIC Or INE FOR rilOTIIERS Their AbWOLF. ility to Detect ft Trap Is Ahnest Uncanny...) ^ e A bounty- of ' iti1715 for a timber- Wila Do Not Deowter Titet Strength wolf seems rather large. At fleet thought, you mightmight--hincliend-- to-- as They Should. agree with a man who wrote to all Al! the Machinery for the Canadian voiry mother who to regaip acquaintance in Utah, -where sueli a reward prevails, that -he thought, it an her health d strength after eau- fitneWMatnenSeseltd4stuoffilekringT‘hvBw-"Yer5Qrs, lwrtei"vheciPaFt-tCnItgiodFiel°Itiu=h.:hiltiiTlinide.ieti1311°t5rir olt7: As for the Angus loeomotive and ; , otten follow are unneeessary ane door world ano Recreation., ,ex_ Car •Si4Opa, these eover an area oi a,..say avoided, The faet that her owes why eo heavy a price haa 320 acres, The works are located saangeh does not return is a Cer- to the et a Alontreal on au ele' tain indication, that her hioed sup, b/243eoo.tuart<1.,113th°: fte17.., e441 '<:' the "big vated plateau ot a height of 173 feet ply has been overtexed and is im- unless you are familiar with end everIeeking lite St. Lawrence poverisheel, Tnis condition. is eft= their habits and the country ehey Riycr- made worse ehen the mother taleas There are prebahlY tew loe-012e°- un her household. duties -tile she frequent' 5'°u eaunu't understand Pacific Railway Is Made There. ECZEMA ITCHLTI AND IllitiNED Until She was Nearly Crazy. Began with Watery Blisters. On Ears, Eyes, Hands and Ankles. Could Not Sleep for Scratching. Cuti. cura Soap and Ointment Cured. llow to Treat Online. of Gold. to ur the e Sprains and Strains isT2:etateez:Of th2ellTiviin-eg vrielhaed- long to them -Berke. ,After Tea Days' Suffering' Mr. The love of liberty is the love of Quinn $046 Nothing Cures etheee; the love of power is the love 141ke ItTeryilltie,,, of ourselves--Haelitt. — The Apostle Petd tells us that a THOUSAND4 REODIANEND "NtrE:V lininiNE" tor liveth, t's geed law as well 4-ae NriI1 ia of 'Do force where tbe testa - One of the most soul-dis s g ae- eidents that can befall one is a bad ge°a ge'5Peit----Lerd Konne4S. ankle oe wrist sprain. "If I had only In every life ,there is a: perfect delight. latovra `Nervillee earlier, I ceul moment, ill, flash a 8un, The, have saved raYae enernieu$ eaa ourday"." h if "w amount of pain arid in,arty agorkizing win -before, by faith; wee after, Ilrup.swic,.. St., rrededet,oz. N. n„ -.....r iiiight,s of sleeplesapess,' Thus writes —I I) - Air tl Reed bad e vary bad caw otea2.:.e.ala. The tmaNe E P. Qui4n. Watil'Niat 3" 1__ ,nCola, e ... ,1 bbwarrodwuri"tRwIasstersariata,iy:razy4,1trt ted mid barn tuflPlootle'l'anfdr9mspraaillneady llatytorigtilhet.'te:7117ePreerY el; eet1:3-111 ttille'3.2:- narrestalr; 11 Tx ea roY e4r$,.. oyes. hahde and aoklea. 1 et?eld alikle and left wrist. They awelle end 1-71°"-e''''''' 14'eu'''''' -s t. Ito* the bed eethen Crer ni t Mgh idl d i ti i " ,t h h 0 , caused excrec a zig pa us vir 1 c -4 -•4.--E. mere y t. e, a seece e no P e a 0 rap 3 an. 1 , two hotior amps ott the westorn i , 01 li ompleta how hard it le te catch them. It is for the faoarttoS and itching, MY ears It was not convenient to go to tee „re• 3 s B- e • 0s, The most powerful 2t"Pe of ell- -weak mother needs en he Mile 3 h ir 1 calla talte a toe e au C4t I on re te„. came qutc. t y. 'glue iS required II" hauling 'E'er found irk the tonie treatraeut with Itthhe4e ffr tw'ent'Y 3.."e41"2' as ma'Cle -Iii d.a, it Nv aid dtsfisuro zay raze aaa h ,.,, lung relieved the pain and sireelv smile en oee auother: Canadian .racifie, piu5, inere se and enri i blood 071.1°70enuoupouintoog tnn'e?"t. it is. veTY r4re 27,1`QeeiX;2122:1 auci }b0733:tetivs,4 swel" e°1214 1 gaVe me wonderful eomfort, Chrettantry waets nothing so mace te vi. oroesce, tarioty Co$baraz; Sovat, ,44t,allofervta a=1 in all at;tsvna ot OntAT,,a.. ineldea idinIahuree: opfaiti.aciolefin_reeting pits no7;edllufboto. olgrtal°roos4o'Ytltyh.lvee,Q cia.aireeeentsn;3le:?ifeeetri j,alkmanie ot?athPe,atvroaTle. soaPatale4Okftmerai tiaTn.hdthe3-gave.zae 5: it 111-1s:Inr''' eY"u'er'e':;:uruehtgen't;4ce daY t ---.'s '''''. `u.s: 4;(j'r.": -''''e '11:5 C-ecAP8- '1" "yrr""P ''' "4 1.' T1" "I' '''''""an'' ease. It,„ed them ablzmtfour =oaths 4,41 x I+, mean to you to have, right in your eon. what it reey ae :s equal to '''''' years and I could relate many , ce.-- s s weak,,w en, . aamost ten- poesibie woalaawen. "w9t414,foratchOora thtt. blood city, aud the liniment in the house eye 40 -pet e-uow whet ripples of ,contineet equalling those at An- breakdowneresults. The etroneekiira. fel-the ova.r ere haye waged upon (if tesh, 1- 4 ' It took dowii rantas Fon seee. eel • vrov-K ran ans1 then fotan a e.tah. foIt es Nt-a4 uSeleaS. Whea get Neeviline •set in motion 'when we 1 POTTED MEATS— Pull flavored and , perfectly cooked make delicious sandwiches: -picnicker's choice,. veryiDedY'S favorite W. el"-A.M., Were mouireel, the great <ifsfanee,s; ie°vered bY the Dr. Williams' Pink " These tfid 'rhe heeomotive ite,alt4 and unea.33,11.7 malt set f,,boree, zr,,a;s aetting,a4T k",strt;4,Incsa, ebsceesirthsIserk,eduinNgser,vimienuese jaorr iiiekenthrev Dwe:Ir;rfi1/4,11raolicis'arlaY Their ability to deteet 'rens ;e wed Ovei•eteieg X teand taius also the e, ug „eofierPale'ut pnly .4d b Qlz ''.b.43 30. olgines .ean be pitace.d ,sido by, riTagt. to, the exhausted system, e,031: f t .1 t. „' reaeueesactetaiateaaeuebetur eueei s°r? I 'lave Pr'ved G'Ve r; F R-171%' (14'4INS 4ND 4.10pa• where '11, t p traelage, 1.`,1rootx). it:tome, ready for an, accident or e;ner- la these eite fertee- tee Ta MitlwaY'.; on tbo .uppoAto nide /rem t1147*5-141 ;the lattr .4974 'gelzt 0-2kness- a t°ttlP '131" two of iC:er- --r Pu r - "117 The general etereheese, PTh '010 • Ile hoped that, when the wolf de- az4haOOTtasztlriaaa—aaftw trautb'ed Pt, cugge '.,ereneeee. ete eees, esteeeeree, eeaceersea ue the lecomotive works„ is 14141(14:i°' le Ils? 'ute1.3r° %N111141°'' Illuk 1)1113' v eet. in a .eer'eleso where disbursements of roaterilfs Inatoemey easoa e,bloh aorao, _ ne ru2, erge, size betties, sarAnle 0144 6teP aside /It'd SO the, trAtttv t; slae,L25e, et all, dealers, or Tile Oa, W.111 "t''C'tsr4Q1-1'4 1QcPr'. ' " 10, • W» Cfl 4 WaYS° 11.$0. them and I kllew Oil DO traps eate' p- at; tjae. --edge 43-'''"°"° '`u ""-‘14* turrhoserte 01,),,t Kingston, Ont. alr•e°44t teO' $14000,PODO a'PleT411, other inetheme tliat ePeedilv und bath .net only teads to proserya,.parlfy and eaeutify tho 4044 soulp. hair and limidg, bat assists te prevemlug ludatarnation„ Irri- tation and clego.5 Figet 4zaat).-roOn CAoso rtatneas and toughness. yellow, oily, InuthY =Eft:0er WI, - wholesome eeacutica4 et the skin. CUticura scaP end cuticuri Pnent 4914 thrat.bEhout, the world, Liberal sample g wit sne.ileot fteet with 52.p. seek ekeee Adders& past card Potter Dna ft 'Qiiezn. Dept. 44ED, Boston, U,8. IN,41,titeeit s t mot er 411$ er ti- (.1 . `5. etleertvo Liataleat Gurus Porn's. 44. 01'NTRY IVjftTir ,NgWfill'Atnia TIM Tilf) i.01"g0 and smithy of the An- bt b b of the trail, Imagine Isis div-,nst gus works are iftterestiog places to tim b av or t\l'o later nn and that the LORD ASITIVY. SYMPA1-11IZRD. Sete ODIADID taArA.. os er 'anti et VieraTt Write VIEt;oa Pitialta4ang Company. etneeee ea e. aVe so °nu t ent o vgit,I the,,eustirug,Fitop tens of rogat Tai .11 The ermo 0. ena wolf had stopped wace he scented Ali the switches, frogs and acces- ta7r„: 44;ladvet:db*T41.1 :ult°11,1n7; tt•epp,in,g eylte‘r to right or left, had e3YetunY oacw1 eat of tho danger material is the daily capacity. the trap in the -trai , het instead of sories for the Qamailiatt Paeffie doctaea bin., I feel safe in mado at the Angus shops, The car- th aro. too be -t write akedi,elae pactty is 300 complete seta per knew g zone and had the Diatir 4 tiOT,OHT round the carefully construoted o mouth. A feature of this depart- Nursiug mothers wM find, Dr, 15118r°' "uud tak°4 111) tht) '4411 au*It if- impossibie to run thero with ' Goild• Tillie Cowing. anent is an immense rail saw and woe A p- o . some fifty feet farther ou 2 tains s gave • her six powerful rail planers. Tito saw put trett.gth she eeeete, end llounds on roccolult vxtrome tell von, Births," said the mil, ltee*pieg hor child healthy. If you 360 eat virbeels re, u.y. .4Q ,fin4 teeeethe rider fftdOf tila rear, uhout, your fun There is nono ti So much depeftds upon the 404., era they 'win be ?ea by Mail at 30 their etreeath and endurauee tor deliar 4.0114x,,, e'an 'U11%511011 en "'Pe/444 rea they Ydli, at th° $'1411e tiT-att eld "IP roughness (g, ;the country', whica %onto great gusto, "talk and strings the dogs„ accotding to equal that a earning a million, fly of Vat' wheels -that :11 in not to be oents box or eDr' g bones for - several miles along the rii modern, and rfeetonaohinory wondered aThe r. WilliamsMedi- tinue cattle =Id sheep ; hence of ruest pe tueut at Angus is equipped 'nth the eine Co.„ Broelkvillo, Ont. "By ginger," said Mr. 1'4014 Iu 'OD TetelVatintO4 'WOlve$ con- what a lot a fun there is altead tho high bounty. ebtahlable. El'orY <laY Tegvz" RAILWAYS rou AVSTRALIt. ZOO COX wheels are turned out at, the AnguHelpless From. Rheumatism s shops. Agreement ms Been Signed for The the'ehille shop 'a the C" de"entl$trnetiOrt of New MP/. pertinent takes care of all the metal GIN PILLS Give Prompt Relief By work entering into the -construction An important agreement, 'which Curing The Kidneys. of both freight and passenger ears. will requiro ParlininelrtarY oPProvt It Samuel Here are to be seen poNverful drill, al, ha a been siSned On behalf Of tirtO ye Just a"tiN.:9orlInolrie;ra°11;01Qourtrail ing umakines Oat ,caut put. six boks New South Wake Government and PILLS. About fifteen inentbs ago I b t ti of Norton„ Griffiths and CO" for the CORK not walk egress my room, suf. I PILLS and la mule quite Obeli. lathes for turninii up the north coast, including one whieli 11°,0°11 G Nee, Taaataa ago, ed to GIN PILLS a ale for* bad Mete tires on car wheels. piarong um will shorten the route. to Qt resorl.c. . ) . Ineas- mane alas Willi Neuralg a I t iug and slipping lunchtime aro pail Ina, awl another from Condobolin of the equipment in tlds ehep, to Broken Irill, the latter plate be- and became (Mite w IL" "e wee Trucks for Imilt passenger and nig an Important mining centre 60o' 1l,pg.6fz.5,..wign-fx. freight oars are built in wbat is whieb at pretent b only served 4; if Y°u Ical Co. of Canada, Limited, Termite. ,.. tailed tbo truck shops. Aeles are n, railway from South Australia. 0101 turned to standard guago, and The total. oost, of the railway Wuff: ---' the Ivheels bored to fit them. They seheme, it is elitimated, will he $15 - are then pressed on by hydraulic pressure, which is recorded by an the Governtnent supervimon chaxg- auteunatie gauge fend the record es at the rate. Of 5 per cent., and charts kept in the office for future the workmen aro to be employed reference So systernatieally does On the clay labor system, under the the maehinery work hare that two same labor conditions as prevail in men can turn out 150 pairs of truck the ,Government departments. The wheels a day. Minister for Works sttpports the Freight Car Erecting Shops. agreement. Theeirojected railways to a title ar t ar one mo. sorewmg and tatt,,tappitts7 ma„. COVArtleti011 4T1 railways on the tering 2Avorcitr with Ithemitsflinit. 000,000. The firm is to be paid by to he comple it two and n May who have visited the Angus :elriaif years. ted hin 114 Never Know One Another The old saying that people never works consider tho freight car ereeting shops among the most in- teresting fe:atures of the vast plent. Hero cars aro seen pratitaeally made to order while one is waiting. know one another, until they dwell To the east, of the power house melee the Barrie roof is a true one, are the passenger ear -erecting end for nothing eo aeverely tests the finishing shops. There are two of disposition as constant intercourse these shops on ea -ch eide of a long and the wear and tear of everyday pit in which are electrioally driven life. Hence it is more important traversing tables. The cars menu- to strive to be agreeable at home lectured here -include baggage, inail than to acquire manners that will and express oars, eolonist carmake as brilliant and popular in fireteclaes day coaches, parlor, din- our circle of associates, though the Mg and sleeping cars. In addition two are not at all incompatible. to tho hundreds of cars which go through these shops for repair pure poses, 250 new cars, or nearly one 44 SI S di Cep otm 131, for, every working cla,y, are turnedFeel Like Nov" out each year. - The Canadian Pecifie take S par- -- ticular'pricie in the upholstering de- All Who Laek Vigor, Those Who pertinent at the Angus shops, and Are Dispirited and Won Out, this department, -together with the Should Read this Carefully. cabinet department, are housed in — a two-storey buircling 581 feet by 'Proof That Health and Renewed vitality Qulokly Return When Right Romedy 62 feet. Is Used. The polieing of this great aggre- e--- gation of buildings is done by a sys- "I am only thirty years old, yet for tem that has been found generally almost two years I have felt more like seventy-five. I have found it diffi- satisfactory. The company hasa , cult- to sleep at night, and in the uniformed force patrolling the morning felt so distressed and heavy grounds day a-nd night. The fire that -effort was difficult. My .hands protection service is no less ample. were always clammy and perspiration There are drills every week and on slight effort would break out all It seems to he a, favorite stunt A real good-looking lass Will spend, most of her time i front Of a. good looking &ass. Minard's Liniment tor sale everywnera. Eneouraged. Kitty—Oh, Ethel, Sack has final - Ills Short Speech 31ade An Elice-, BW Plea. • A brkf Allieeoh is a rare thing in the Buglish Parliaraeot. Thee atteh speech gait he offectiveN however., s proved Ity Lord Ashley's spootg4 a two sentetteeS, A bill that provided legal defense for -,r24- one acetred of treason was under; discussion, Finally, Lord Ashley, Viie sittin .arlia- moot for the first time, rose tiO "-`11DPC,I1 ws.‘s ft) 4dXftlitod.. and nervous that for a moment ho 0222214 riot And a, wo‘rd to sw. At lag managod to stammer, irt Tamer of the Naea- earn. If I, standing here before eie peers, am so confused, what roust the poor prisoner Seel, standing an alone d without counsel, before his judges!" Lord ...Wiley at flown, trembling and nervous, but uucoosciously had mado far more affective plea for the measure than any of the members ;who had previously Apo - ken it a favor. Tito bill Was int, mediately passed, t that the wheel depart- by 'writing Ifinartia ainiment Coe Tiglitt'dt anatplAcr of ours oared, a, very ad coals detenkeer ikt veinable erso 1z1" the Vett of ViDieatn"S tiree Tiletalas ratuse,. • You TOY° Heard Thm1 "How long did Barker tai ' asked the Boob. "About two hours," replied the Grouch. - 'What wee be talking .bout" asked the Boob. "1 dunno," replied the Grouch. "Be didn't say. UN LIQUID SULPHUR In your bate. Nese Cook. ‘‘What DOW dishes hare you had ly proposed. I knew he would.sbrenchace yocookked Squire u have had your new F'?" as Ethel --- My, you said ve-It of a friend whom she met one morning. "Oh, a whole new dinner set," replied the ether, "and several pieces of out glass and she's only been -with us about a week." thought he heel no intention what- ever of proposing. Kitty -Well, he didn't have. LIQUID SULPHUR purifies the blood. In Meal Life. In real life the fireman who re- scues the fair maiden is married and eats onions. Minard's Liniment !MUMS Houratsla. FREED AFTER 38 YEARS. Innocent Man Forced to Work Charged With Murder. After 38 years in the galleys a Sicilian, Erasmus Vassallo by name hes, as the outcome of a deathbed confession, been pro- Ile --Yes, if they are on the win - claimed innocent and freed. ning horse. Along with three other victifne Try Murine Eye Remedy It you 'have Red, Weak, \Victory Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Srasurt -Soothes Eye Fain, Druggists Sell /retina Eye Remedy! Liquid, 25e, See. Merino By,o Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25e, SOe. Eye Books Free by Hail. An Mrs Toad° Owed for An Ewan *et NO411 Cane Elre Rena•dir Co.. Chloate She -Po you believe in horse- shoes as an emblem of luck'? who have meantime (tied in prison, Vassallo was condemned to hard Conversatio-nists aro people who labor for life at ra;lerino a-44) don't have to step talking -when Assizes in 1877 on a charge of mur- 'they've got nothing more to say. der. He already had spent two years in confinement, awaiting L1QUiD SULPHUR oures Eczema. • trial, and has never 'since ceased mInard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. protesting his innocence to deaf Airing Iler Domesticity. ears. She -Of course, I are much hen - The confession as to the real as- ored by your proposal, but I must sassin came from the farctily of the have a few days to think is over. murdered man, and was dictated in He -Well, when may I come for alatons are ao..„eo at intervals over me. It was not unnaturalthat Bedridden. "Yes, meairt," said Barry the Hobo, "I know 1 look like ft, ttrong ' man but out of my forty years of life I've spent ever sixteen ye.trs in bed." "Why, you poor man,' rep:sed the lady sympathetically, handing him a quarter. "What has been the trouble-pztralysis "NP, ma'am," said -Rarry, "jest reggar 'habit of eleepin' eight hours a day, ma'am." .. . , t.14., prese.nee of a priest and a 110- my answer 7 - fest' the vigilance of the men. - -II should, begin -t� brood over • the With so many men employed, fa-. rn 0,1•1;n10vuo'lkliUtanId should be aunfit-dto do, taa'Y.• • . - , She -Let's see. Monday there's tily, but there a -as no help for it. Vassallo is now 62 years Of' age. the , Washing, Tuesday,,I. `must, put His mother would hold him by the - ellities for them te Place their sal"- sleepless ,nights pelislecit'elliSenir:NI; lii-Llgr He is broken in health by the harsh tiP clean curtains ,anc.1 NVednestiaY neck, and with what purchase , lugs in bank are provided by the repeated trials of medicines andniix- Italianprison regime and can I mustmake some jam, :Coin° on could get in the water, throw hiin. a ;[,,,,anee (lose to the ,entren,ce of the first gleam. -of hope. From, the' scarcely epeak. The ,prisoo autheiri- Thursday. ; ' ' , , „ as far as possible frOJ11 her If ho RanIr of :Niel:lb:eel, ehich• maintains. ..tures,;preHamilton's Pills gave tile . very fiest I- 'could see they were dif- ties left him to tiay his own fere • „ ,,„,.. - tried -to swito. shoreward; 6lie would workers. if nature and not the pills, were • On the three -da -y journey tint le she 'would swim away from him, or i cashes the ,„, -wage cheques for -tile didn't gripe and acted as nateraily as Palermo. P Ys m'' .3' I ----- "th te l t ' If i b sluggish action of the system; gave wildored by the transforma.tion, of i -ern as the Can adi a n Pacific Rail - MURDERED: Put, right out et business, a whole oorns Putnati's Cora Ea tractor, which cures terns and -warts In ono day. No ,artiu or sera "P tilnany g" la need, Berne substitutes, 25a, per bottle at all dealers. A, LESSON IN SWIMMING. Illow a Coon Mother g'aught Iler Her Young the Early one nkorning, writes a tor - respondent of the Youth's Compan- ion, I was standing an the bank of a small stream that runs along the b.order of a. heavily timbered ssarap. I had been quiet for some time, listening to the song of a bird, when I heard a rustling in the hushes a little distance away, and the shrill whimpering cries of some animal. Suddenly a mother coon and two young ones a little more than a, quart,er-grown, emerged from the cover. The cries were coming from these babies; perhaps they were protesting against what was about to happen. When the mother reached the strearn, she plunged into the water and swam about for a few moments in great enjoyraent. l'hen she re- turned to the shore, and taking one of the little ones in her mouth as a cat carries a kitten, elle started back into the stream, The yomag coon. was not eager for the bath. He kicke,c1 and cried Ins - esent an ol aPP 1*- gnce before your ttrael HAIR RESTORER Tour Gray Hair C412 be re- stored to its Natural Color. THOUSANDS INSTE atf:DFITTDO ar Ara USS Act all Cier atitglata, ii0o, a Etat, the main works. This bank also . fereat in action froth other pills They from Ancona back to his ri:a;fave . head him off. If he swam t,o her, 'r „k. AXWELL*S. rliGH Siatt) .014AMPICI fa la elm 'by Ittalt-Sta aultat rtrinfm,c. IR;,a T4WaisiLo:4r that mast Apt/ear:my AirRs41C.r. **4)104t, washor wethed orzrk hadlo M Crle es as twist. 1110 0119 Whgr. Oa Whall AA PC: 41SW * 4bAlif zee Out "Cu:1,41m" waobor. "Fatcrttto" Cir.= Is ths weir* bast churn, Write for cattleeue, fitri3HIPIE11. &SOIS Pr. staar's, ear. e'''''olfo'N'AP V4771' Irr *(72 'Ye k 44, lotrittriann N , ....... kat nii W'infin,. iiiiii,Sii--i4r,VAint•n* 1w4..,i or. 1 • . • wowou locally,' Fzalattr and,, Italie .7tte, to ,'len aPara titea peentell. .4,,,,D, •,;.te't014 C4,t,,, PADHADOM, X034011.1A,CDUAtItt. *TAMPS AND DOOM. COTAtiE0'4,501*-11M)1114E1) r- ffirepte. A fontn. 0,41Y &MO Coota. Iferite eteuea eererapir, Tororat" MiSgSt.kilifiOUN 141tie,Elt, TCMQ118, Internal and es -ten -ma. qured vqtzh, OM Pato, ixt. our boom irestioesi. , re laaeea toe Into. Pr. liOltnae 140:4e1 liftnItod. (talltursood. Ort 1YjSTANS'Zi;„__NIIANZT AND der Slopes. Alttney -trauble, Coravet, Leatuhrtgo hittdrtil alitueute pasititstoy vgrel *It the now Ahl'EMOO ruriedr. oguroL,,, pales etre. emother pew reefer far Thatsetes.gollitais, n,ratl sure, ere. QS I"S3VOrS 4/041A-PIAIWite," Pero V1 Ile tom druggists or dirtot, The 6suat Manatac. turiur f-cninany of CaUsdrt, TdAtnItal. Wirnieett. Msts AI LIZOA1:) sad Telegraph., CMOISS4 OS lorFA4t Catlq0eta and acslars toted taagt!t right at rest owe home i>r Shaw s Telegraph, sett Railroad School. s Garrott St„ Bost, Tocaoto„ Wtits for particulars *no sat:1134 lessens. tY. fl, Shaw, r114, 1 ELECTRIC DYNAMO OR GENERATOR FOR SALE 30- K.W, 110 VOLTS, IC. 675 R. P. M. At a Very Reasonable Figure lo Immediate Side. FRANK WILSON & SONS, 73 Adelaide St. West, TORONTO. Soul of et Plano lath° Action. intiliFt or, raw **OTTO IIIGEI4" Piano Action FOR Pulleys & Shafting* Sultabto tar %Ills, Niernanoturilit Plaids, Printing Roa4ez. Eta. woca Split Pulleys, 12X 43 in. for 3415i:sin. ebeft. Wood Split P3alloy, 13% sc 43 tn. f4r 2 161113 in. abaft. ; Wood -Split Pollay, IS% z 23 in. for 3 Ms in. shaft. ; Wood Split Pulley, 1034 z 36 for 3 W1.6 in. shaft. Pulleys smaller tires and• Shafting of various lengths slid sizes to be sold at very low figures. Box. 23, 'Wilson Publishing Co., Toronto, pusit him under v.ith her nose. She appeared to be enjoying herself, It is a, consider g-ap bet,wcon cleansing my clogged -u s t,e 111 e pros ency f s ueli liast ; is - i er a nor s ep e s e - spirits rose. I felt much better. The :way, with its steamer, Li,e way to normal activity. Dizziness Naples 'and Palermo. On reaching Iwo oceans in addition to its trans- ada„, es ceaSed'' aPPetit' 'g°°d his licirne he finds that' his T;'ife and 3Ing ;laid he d h color an rnhition to work returned, all his relatiens ea ,e, n; , continental service, and i -ilio a p- and haye _remained. I am like a new are long 'since dead'', a only Bcn Angus, montreai, Bet at this great P,Ills for it all!' , - ' — prentices at work in. the shops at man, and -I thank Dr. Hamilton's plant eppertuoity is present for ad- This was, the experience of J. E. 11711111 a Loss! ' vaneem,n 4., and ,,,, ,., 02 „tie lads Parkhurst, a well known grocery '`.1115t my luck. •,' . . .,' ' . `-'"' ' i'l dealer in Jefferson. Follow his', ad- ."What's the 'matter now i'' ' , reititee colt in the class -room 07 Yice, m,.e ,Dr., HamiltonziPills for “i prorefsed my wile I'd hehtm..3e the- guicle may be heing fitted to " your sternach, kmdneys axW''':,IKT4170,2,and lit to' o'clock last• night." - ono day fill the- post; now lield" by Sir Kou'll enjoy long ro ers, sell D . rni th • . Thomas G. Shauglinessea ' ealth' A 1 drug ist84a box," 5 boxes r, r ha't, 4110ws' from: tlic Cat ,The vegrente„.soretff.,,„ •,,s way, 22)02.2PH end couldn't make it, , sup- pose - 1.". "No; I got in at jU# but she was sound asieeP '1-14:1 foik.f0 1 ore , 1 -E 40-- but the poor youngster was far from happy. , At, 'first I a,imost -filo fight: tlia,t she intended to drownhero •ff ospring, but I soon found out thetshe know t.wil'ilh, e+ his .brother. Pheiu the fin I returned was doing it. After eiiht or ten is minutes of this heroic instruction i , the of yimmming, heipcL bank, where he sat' and '•••,--tit-ert<i; ih 18: Lupin SULPHUR curss:Ighopn't ' _ , , • tit0. 4" 0'4,4 11 Jo ab CRetif -- • t--'••••. , 4,...j, \ Baby's soft skin i* the test of BABY'S OWN SOAP — and itS constant use in thousands of irarserie3 is satisfactory proof that its -fragrant lather helps and whitens the most delicate skin. No imitation has all the ,raerit of DABYtmS OWN SOAP. OAPS 1.imited, Idanufactarers,, 4 ,4 • • -, • • „4. ok. • '