HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-9-25, Page 7" ^"" • .", , ,.___11A9_ A TERRIBLE ATTACK''- , Of DIARRHIE.AI _............_..._ _____,___ , , No ma,:l1:rheoh:141111 ilLielhAt:1;ipping is used fish when being feied is ant to stick to the pales bottom. If a tea- sPeoPfUl of 4,IrY salt. is Put it the Dan and rubbed over it it will be any length of thee. causes great week: TeaSfed. Scotch Scones. --- With 4'311 11 1'411ds The litiitesaeth. satin coliar-s that are , , ness, and the only thing to do is to cheek "e quart et flour, one teaePoen so fasblonable no cal be oleaned Sugar, one-half, teaspoon salt, four by rinsine- them out in etliel- P" that.°3 ait3fefiwrSdto4sePPe3s or pneae: F,Yolso.LugWRI.11$ -C.171,,nxd., t`-sasPooris bo.-leing powder, one ta, a..' little e'ther in a sea -all liAel ttoldt blesnoon of lard, two eggs and eue ' equeeze half the 'collar at a time, ST' °7;11-1dc)th13. phit a milk- make a smooth eloit<=11. It will come oat pertere'y -v'es'e ..... , quicitly and effectively. I Roll to one-half inch thickness ad I When, olive -1 • -4- '' 'S..14 '' - 3,1.tes JAcon q,irr-I M Sa t. e‘ t ,`th ' 1 - - - - ' - ' °1. die4sing lua "t't • o„ . , anor, e -. u wi .. circa al or triangular cut- thicken art,ex the aecessaeY amernt ousehoid Became Very Weak • 3liseelleueons Recipes Diarebeea, especially if allowed, to run " --poured over the top. The Whole is covered with breadei•uinns peel melted butter and brovei,ed, tlit aeon weitese—"I am pleased to express my. ter, Browno both .;-.4 gratitude for your remedy. In my case, 'I girdle. , '-i-,„ 04 .s—es op. hot of oil has been used, beat in a email Ihad a terrible attack of diarrhcca. just ,d "1" and toast. Butter quantity of curdlinee and the dress - about very three minutes, 1. would im,,,,,e .411),,,,L.,, serve ,while hot. P.. he scones log will not taste of eornstarco• didPass2gef and it wouli keep this up for ,. ...,_ 'e(1,P,reViernslY /4"-laY. be toasted at instead of Melting oatar Whvn ,i1;100-ivery avtaatertintel, causing the pass.ing of ,--i-koe.,r1i.,Oste 9.21 ,a_tik _eleetrie toaster, you want to mix it with eugar, , was so pained and , nle and Dalout Sandwieltes --- 'place the hUtt r " ' d ' ' 1 eat, I could not do anything. Chop equal parts of olives and -Wa..1- a•nel. allew it ieo ;IA "wat°'an1)'eltu'Wielrl 147 ." 4Seixtra your fpu r", 1,„,.. , -.7....,„ ,I aid meats nix -1 j, b • ' . - ., , ., e -As teeere.wr „ - together, In; 4 May- t len eat up very easitv 'exth the eat Witn STgliNnnttnv recommended. I "nairse and sPread on thi SliCeg St1.4 11 .1.1 ' " tried it. and it thoroughly cured me. It , Of Boston brown bread. pillac ..t. - tn-t„..r\anc- W1 not eattee. the eeko isI wtihnen041Y.M,e,Celi:Z,Ii,/,le or this 'complaint '. slices together with the fillineg -bae'.4)- —T.—he'll:7:i the -Wings and the (leek /la tween?, trim and eervo. of a. fowl. thDilOfj With h. stalk of eel - Dg. POWL'ett S trah bcra On the mix'. i StMl'tld Greeia, re 'i S ' .- 44 ..4,- r rr OkIlt taord°01.Viebkif .1t It):e3Iiii.7t Yrc'caJA4,yltit -1.t‘;'0-1"6 "Oh; : fromrneti1 limb e' $'s'Ite(lri peppers. : eat ‘-a-:r.e* 1,:ilteiNecte: 1:pPno'Zoll:ifottarinotofwinlocAri4C:ta m. v; iatal714:11da.%eYi il:'''ll'idt3 eii:: the ewe of Diarrbma, Dysentery, Cone, seeds ) I "ft a enuh, cramps. rain in the stonmelt. cholera . 'lino li?arblilfil peppers fifteen , are eeolted, make a ouPful of deli-- m.90m% chniem infatalwa, and au ninmtee, Ptil with equal parts of ' eious soap , Bowe/ complaints, ,.., ,f1,(naellyancidiollyeeftel codoked chicken or The most successful 'way to soften when, rot 45k, for „rm. vowuilt,,, ,,, .,ca d 5 elm bread crumbs, 1 a hardened paint brush is to dip it te. tbat Yea itre nobltatided one of the , n,„,,;,Q.2, ..siv143,11 ow,r1 juice, .,s -alt 11114 ' in vinegar, Heat the vinegar to the =my substitutes for this old reliable err'Ll'rnt'h's, 0114 tio4p 4011:3'a'g. a'ettlxibbutictered bt°11i4ng. Pe.t41.t, n-li,' 1 -he l'itshe4 to remedy. a rq 0 m. s an In 1 ror a row romutes, then Get tue yellow wrapprr ou wbieh ,,i u , m rate ce, en, Serveremove and wa.sh thoreughey with, THE SUNDAY SCH331. LESSOA Get Next To Your Liver, IF YOU EICIN'T INTEI::..it:lislit,0:1;,„4.Lii,asLz.:.SSON , ubS:eucinaninit eeedts,/lanoinvd-1:ewS;terrTedutbsebMbaidolYncii,"1;niaPP4114seaarse; --....„------ -- At times everyone Is omens, the Live* , , . ...- . a general clogging up a the seeretio3m 'Lesson XIII D Tveral and Di When this happetts no one can escro Constmatton, Jatuttliee, Irseadaehe "betlie:li_Z—t,11;:hle.;.17..°("e° wpillhaeaiicanrt,blItQatiodwtrhth110.41'ee'e:t,rtitio:ncluNf,.,,,veatiiryvgnerfoeel,Clietrirahg: * ll'aitiritirL;Tet:IN;SgiTsistAxil'vle'Irs:4cItleaPultLbLes csoatimtetld" (Qttestions for PupD....ti ) ' tongue, sweeten the breath. and clear et_hdofliasnr_l,a,sepliera,srla-Li—telr\.I,,T1-'o4SehiliriPa. e-d-lee'ad-i.";;:c;' l''':E.*°7:rili-.)F.-tsah.leilits.113'::s1"..viel\i"114c-tCt:I'LT:A.F'71Z1.7-w4s 'tCr Lesson L—The Chid 12..-s,-.-- 9- - totiece:efIronawhir:rve,,as. set t p. o,. .t, . ,aeetted Mieeereie'S.LANA- ja*W (414 1)11ara(jahlZktoto° rar/exio,7 711t•.7t—P;Iii,•311, a:nd--22;realmtibe77.,„-'e-e77e1;1. Who was born at this time? BOW ''culih the reults, I had Indii on 1.Y3S‘ Moses saved from Pharaoh,e av'' t'cl1-.. a bitter taste in my nes.totluti; .0 -w,„+.- after retiring that was so finnlea t dwiliseaetrsehre,„11.14„.he,eeme ,,of bine c,..' \d"V'ito'l dIeac°thulted° snio:kuseleseePsol:mieent'itna:l.sd alltst hIaliald'n -0 the 1,aoy In the basket ''' eaten 'Two ' 1 L xil-Lijr„.% p).)..,, Wit a t tvas done, ,.'es,,e.eo hien e„ ' ' heye 'cur d, e vias of A - . '''''' - - -4.-..4 dide'liL el'a' vr?; e:. la:go 1( d>::te-Dra '1.1—:‘1111:931y*11::::::seti:e?,II:71:ailll-1;)14.114.,-7nie-a:t.s:::';',ke'‘Ii'f'i k‘h41)11;1:::::::: 'e‘, :: , , ,:a..- a:::::' 1 L:f I. P;'::::111tutl::::::4'4'; ,Eg:::6.*:tr;thvbc1:-21-41:23's T tt'oerl 1TS-: askedi.'1.,()°1- b LI 1 nfor. His Work -11re -- Moses'''- 0' 2 centa per v' i - - * T'ILI's are Was the result of hie haste' aet1 To :i . --3-31P1- 4,-o k.e eamio 11-4.3W Were) ',:11:i'th4;eleAlatliE1(1.1 .11.1fr,;eti!.1:' ?'1.\,'taltv 1-cv:"7f.s.1,. 'it'''S'Ile°Pitim'PIrtibtle'd i'jr their 'idol' abiids oGeoefy pteal.tticohnilif,vh,, ".41Qurtiriliegri,°,17,122,s, iliVnhieet?.1 Leeson III.---05es Called to De- coJtoNATION E3ialliON$, liv?-r Israel, --W here was Moses T110 Aetluittcil Pfil'tt'S-3 ASSiStetl- CO Court by Oendarines. .ee.(1,'Ing l'i4'-- fic`ek. '11" 4.4' 'E'aiN a' re- A• ll Tilt"e'illn 1-44'1111.6 ot Qlleelk pear the name of The T. "Aliliniza doP.: AbiLheolitrliaei of madatno A,liee, Cep an on a., ohnrge, of Ennrderrin,4 the 1. mareabieesjght ',' Whet, wee tile lee- Tictorieee jelnotieue., n I.', r %I ,s aceinn 0 L./tatted, Toronto. ont. _,,,th,e eie,s,s carefully. and chop fine. T•t•y wiping q greasy, frying, pan ..„ . Ding, caueed 4, gteat sensatteal i....n France on, account of i tl,lre f`c4 th`tM '51'!!''.- -.111111101.1-51PQkweta.'Ot. , „ Watercress Sandwieltee, — Wash seep and 'water. ' ktIx w4til maYentialse and spread/ with a. pieee ' of nee- :pen* 1).f r 1,,410 Position and attainments of both t6e 'net'in, 1 ;41'1,1., the ac'ell,''443* ili.:11Gie''',7te.rit.,1:::'1,T'1,14,11:e„-?,,,vicl,, 3,,1,-i,* c,c,,,.':,,,c.,..:',.,,t}:;Aii,),..t:roi,e-t-..4 'for PriCe, 3$ cents., v,etwee,n thin slices of white bread, 1 washing it. Much of the 0-relee will Qbe was finally acquitted, after a heartebreateing triet. _tee auev‘) 4 1" / a 3 - ! - Tao 1- e C.'''.-43:tibtr-li's Joule -ea' front Lord 1 v.-ipe off and can be buenod there- Pleture shows ner loeints re- e -,,,,..d ik, th, e„..„•,rt b,,,,,, t,..,,,,,k, „.,„.„„4,,,,,Iiree, slie, i Vi, 4.,,.'i11^'11r. -1,e' -f-')." rshtir's ediT'eee of tho yOtine- ruder's 5napeci as' desired, KAISER ii -A 8 -3,1,1,I,14 OF SIllif,t ortuge ceimiia saileke_ii,eer eatit by saying seeo,..) aed labor, ' was eom_p'ete?e- brokee dee:on after -tit.? Vilal, ra e..., tko-tdreek Wiliam did .1:ke eao dzaree we !lave an 'interesting piee -to, e., 1, 0 c,eitetl',..VOn TO De -e- ; - -- ,,e. - --rt:,-; .400.- a ...-..1 ,c41,..441341 ..gt-'1;41._$4,:t„... e:c1,31eivele....,,o/gueeome:ansfilf; il'e,tlico,:te,eliv,,, ni:1,1t.r.o!, LI:&,.1, , Jii!:::„, ..,;,'?-r:„.str'qQ,;q1ozrle..1.1,•el-sgz,m3r4tt;t4r).1I;., An English frivoller A,,Nho lias re- and [tear French dressing ever all, a sheath, w•eiell OM'," t)..`, i‘l.'-i':?,;.,' teado '71i71( :Nue 1.7331verAtY, Its naA a eall Ott 4.1.141gaCt itr- z-11.2,. Iararipteq. on Wo. etn in to "'I tins qw0L- 1. t f . -,, ' -,1 1,, h . 113a4i. :4,3 4 eeauel ta ltiTu 1444t ta ,61.3s, , f^a-xl..—^Row Vt.O.?? It.101(03 receiTed (1, ..1 er SRI interesting aeeoult in one of, the e!tll eaeh ralsms, prtnies, eranber. Dry hrati is an e,N,,,,-;',fent cleaner i‘t %.t tettreo-nee Teerdot4 to 4).10)3,13 ilit) now 'gr. r '7'1,1'n '- X Or VIP% 4,141. nit teli mem Om guns IA flit) PA* .c,-,0 Naiad. uoil' , wortel.aheyaii ot nreeet reilki teests,t ,,,'eo„ek e- r „-r-„, ,, . , 4iirk. 0,,, •Cil.1-, 0 *,-0.0' ,,. ;',4i, . v3 . really returucil, from 'Berlin gave -rrutt SuttP.--Doll together ono from heriey :\,rapInnf,t. /r,'•a/lt-'1"., new palaco of the, li..ni5er at, ,Zt.t7,3- one orange, ADO lemon, On 7 ldo,Idon PalWrta Of 14iS ViSit 1.0 Cll.(' Ile; "1110d Peaches, and jttieo of 1 for claintik.:jelF, _ililoilwer,s. rinedi ::po:ii:s-- 1 orkir.,14.1.4:471.41,,' 111:44',T1:4,1""vtre,7117?:0;111,:t1,1710rIcort'4:1e.4';4 ' Pb l*PhAfrio.''''hult111:1:t-to. :nzteli eg• o'"Ititnnit:3014trtleeenVoialefttrt '4tiT'. Ptrihle°' tlam, - sPooio "ngo two cups wateer taenad i titQttUd itlibelnebrusblit ,etff°tit':1-4+.4ei'letlalv, Tbatb in YOrPiitighc and at "P`47111Ofa:al Om ; ,11,Tg,t4;'...,4;f,r1171,24,:l j.;:***;`,:iii,;',P,' i' "'""fii.; li,,4)v4:41, Ls-,,, 4,,F.,,,‘, '31050sh:vt!iiiilgt1F;r04.:17.4 ne41.:1:reer,4,g); tt'ese11;e: f;:e„ Klar, ceerea ea Me r1q74M fkatc4.1 veeei a teevlel ,.„)t u neLreee:tt ,Ire(mdtri sr r., oh Kee, ,,,elont. .,3e,,, . I. , v 4 • .., ' IC444M leen been aneae ne to )1,iret parte Pa 41, hrql}z4e"t1104p72qe:floiln, lilftotit,r4:1,TITtg t?i,itt;11, SC:O:i11114rtaropute7,0Arl'ia9S31j11::i 11441114illleCrIll-P.°1' fr°T111° 1111,1;ti gt :,1:een 111:41‘°%.?;(10$Z311: le.Z..Pft: '11.^..t.n(.c ri;:Q41UShr 11011vM:3413,r411411;seiTillt4frotilryil'fitrgrlfri;Ttla ilf;t.g;riinz'Irt iltioP142es9ttel'relltoll4td,<)1/4a Ii14;'1.17trrht.ht:B.Z; ,741„,/..4.4i„,ttp c ;fs/t.sTIltZlellilir4;4:14 itniong Avilieh loi the Mtvhen, r.hieh i„,1,„%itil'eli,LIC:Ifeft„,: -;131Ftel!F;)41tveh„e3.1.f,441" .the n'illa-d'I'eNathaOnt'F.Qatfoot li'''' 41.-4-44".0.:'::'atii'lhit'faht4Y 'f'''4::::--(i'll'It----'; il'IlLeti,e '41tt.:egale:i'laIrte'll.$41e4iln lif:14:11.9rIta:74'mel'1114-49' 41 till. .Plillit4 marY° diPtF7 blz"°;11 4: I et te co' '" - privilvged visitor,. not the lew4 „, ,i, i t .,./1. lowered phee a • - r of ';'31,'„,"444„,lghLg.„ -,;;,,'V"if,!2„,a';',1'.„ ',;7 4:i; 1.,-,, ' sVoi3/411.::11(.41/Z 14:401.1:14'fp.f.:41,t4,1b,11!ildhilai, g.; ,si:17‘;'s croslii,it'11171,1 the i'B... 1 l' To°. re."111;tonvetbseoiceg.111.,ehturl P!neo.,. .,1414?;11,',iZ;44441.18).,!;e1,tt„,41i,1,, 1,,,?:' it'ilfo!li, iino ;-fvver 14444,;ttlittis 7;111441114 , 4,111„...le,°"n1:1a„ 101:) w' 1ean:11,f1,11:17e,.1rIllbir4:ret,e1::::41:31tvieleoref .t,,,;;;1:14,, ih-ires:)!nct„:t;:4-t;0):eiialict,fin 41 tii :rit • aFila eaninell mix .it. Nt it It sal.t, pepper ; raincoat, dieeoloe Is:ap in late, rleiell)::,.e.,,r Pellt 14fle,Ft.t:oaTfe:gfe1:14.,:!4:^rt.stV•11, 114 "T' l•ratieuottv'cstcet triterc$t. '111.7:3!cd1 ". . '' wirg,r1t,(A1„1,1$4:4111,1,e5e in' gh el e Inl to 1.1103 0 0 , and 11,1p 5., r, v .„, ti i knd tIns gams law ffrot eontro/ oeer tbo; . lee, vire, „ha ri„,, „,,,,i‘c.i 1.atrrele. /la be taws a long 1 Tlo lierofil0ne treeente..,1,tovetv. eoren4nite l-,,,FPt.---eeee,w eeee ---1 Fs, -- 1, e,,,(w.(1, (4 /e,firile, ox.ce.e.dett what 1 t imt rno,.:41,, ..... - , ,, ,.. r . ....d.i.........., t.... „ . -. , st n. 7" , tot 4 , 1... .1, "Alt a eel!, elo a or: swipe of tht every lioitselst'rd'a ni“'oN•c<11.i.w7i,::".liron;' 1111:tim6,1113•1111'Ythhek/p41.,041.1101,(1-::(i;li ocniTP0Paeif„,_1,' l'sral...1c,18.1, e' Itiu-vQ c""illIkv \vith ele4B'' 4.114144 tile batt;tes that: iltave cerise Ni 211°11t7-1.4 n;tcre'ot in' the 'W'oritit. i, or 4;4144r!iy a. '4;etzf`rt htal` h t d,1-4 ' f t'hi, clinalve•thtt.'W,Taf;',117*5„,l,f,Innatnlac-k;it:rrt,e,r_ect.:1;etirt", the palnce T ie eatables were con. , i , • ., i • to spoil roi onort. Jan ,eur eirer,,,e .agitatem hae Iran you: W,:nt ela,,a,. tlone.to t.ie.wa.1,0,rs o. , , i 1 t„ .0 _ ______,), 4i__i_ _„„) „...11h__ __ t„.1.,,,, .. . •• . . . . . ) .. a • 1 1 - " .. .1. , . . ... NI . . 'I ... ... . .. . ... ... , . 1 . ' .1 11"11 .0 ele; iv ot pat.a,o, 1.1. pre- ,i..f you put, 1 rass p as, 'pi° hol. ik ge,,,,,,i Am, nt. ith„ T, 4111113' in thts otrintrar. and Me 41/N1074 0/ ,Nifel 1,1,1to wurit "mimeos :4134.1 all, / • `` .... t : '. litIVIrct'i 0 10.r0,1r11 11115 1;4,1, ,Y "II 4 14.d. Place the shell oil en(' and 211g )rater wIth n gOod bit of wash,- 1'1'5' Ilhft fnItt'" 'km 11"'" ..;4•311 "41°"" rar ' " si;* ' t '' f '1°47 With wIts 11-(13354;711Qtiliug t° tile' 'n1114t'. I nefeound lia‘Nrt,ve. ,r,mperor fili 1-'t-1 tl • ttn, 1 r 4 „o4 • , , . . . it, peolie as though ow Tints. are to be '.ari'r07711, 710 eors,truNc•rn, 1.40`tiktr 'al"' 9.",1.- b,1,715, ‘,1‘,.!,5, '-'g)11 _ 11 et`c'1.31 - Tql tildes, the milltous ,ef my loyal sub. . , 0' - A 'I 1 le nitx e, o Ulu) li. 4,1 ilig scam ano lot, tneyn boll tor per- left I„ murk t„rrrkt D,,,,,4,e0„,, ,,t A,dri,,,,, e inneat wavateil ttleaLor uot,,, OHO, tiltaf.,,,, I, alit*, ot„eases 7.1,0'ke •//k... arnMa., ert IN,1110 %,,,,c,re, ztesonlb!ed in vc,ry Willhial 13till keep$ up the custom of ege; white and brown in ltot Oven. haps an hour yOu will and tlieln ai_ opto otter oil, Europe 'it+ l•144 lilm1 of have !1,''al•'''°.,t'likliti't ,;('"'Vee.' ,1,irt,' lirg awl insle,tortuertted l W at natural t•I ,-* . - -, 4 • .. ' iliS 1)1T(14',VOW, iertoes :mit too idol ot the verr mune 01. ejr. si., ti cl, ea iiy4,0 „ coo. k %, 4 .; ,„,-, , _ _,...?14,,,4 -0,,t,j, i„„haljit.. 'k f•Pir4 4;0 1,1,4t111,Itii tfile proeter-eiton, Serve at once. • • most Clean, I the, Balhanta to• start --krother wolre int servo], 41s 1 • .4, ,1' _V,IIngf (1 ('Pler* —"" Oat tender Fme laees should never be starch- I dangerous wrangle. .:1. ' diplomat: or .rril ; l'tl,riletine111"‘4.'Iri'l.:4etnr":)';; $1.);?•11Ve*'s.174* fT41:7' aPIlitteuITIll\e'llat:t Lair4141';',ItrteoBli coutptuand ,"1-1R"ir good hmnor and oe-..c.'"eetve The dimnr-rotett of 'the pa.'ace i • . .. ntia,, 4„onlug rooms go, white stalks of celery in two.inch od - tl e , -.11 ell. 1- 'tt'l aeq114i'llauee Pr"besied thi'i t* iu° ''Ql" ""'""'''' il'g''''t3"t3°"1""ii;ILI'*ti‘14""LA's")m't 1"1114rInIr"'''' f''' 4'11 iaTalt;c 1.41'' 1 ''Y ' - " '' ' 7 !-t l 811,tlt4.;01110.4t411)fiu t,144 1_1011re lfell-ITI 1_ Val ttabtle pliece-s., ,vvith a sirup kn'ife cut, eno'ugli if ironed- VI% rIt4''VCrYu damp, wairkagligerIt'utte aillyr"o'nileei'rl ure'leil4v4 ' in' r".14/4F4,414'io-R-154441.7 si-lifieVaY'''474.104-4-4-r4Isql.: --1:-.:- * - :•• '-'. .._ The, passover, _.,, l'.riallY:' 4:a'nin't7:':'....:-• \ ;1'''''''''.1.;"'ITL'i:;n17 4'1 1111n i 0.3 b , 1 to ' I even S s ots three-fourths i ch d ‘, .i - d tile re'nin bei ' '. - aware end wheee mime )14a, ,lev . I paper, lite ":11.44tin," on their ,..,le, The wha, wAs the, rinai pinglte ...ith LeLei to be, the Quven of r,1101 a„ nzl. 1VU060 existenee they aro. no dc,nrub,,,Itmenotr: tleY lm") 1°1' a' 1.419"237 lv'wfi. '''..'s'°n v I laid oran for luridly affairs, now do t , ti 4. ,, g ng &untanned until Int "tho IC0iser's tionilY iS gett1ng FilrOW the cclery into a dish of ico Salt should never rernain in any- 11(:.'"‘:!:;1nriar:::44rs'':141-.Q11?-1''1641telli'lril`t lai'lie,3 'illti,elg:Taiinl'ic,:t:'It'''''''.'al'.1.tbnAr':Tai (...`i7'..laellt l'i?egsYtitlitht, 17,41.1-1 v‘i-'iletin le j?+il wItilalt 1;• 17:1; flalv4I3-111-4"13PPIc-1711teat wt°itl;n14-%l'IL;14; , ,. . • se ,age ler zicroes end' end, they are dry. it up,tairs iR u;,Td, , Thrce llimdri.,4 the out edges curl, thus knitting the ter bottles or syringes. Rinse , em empty, 3,out,eerk, and officials aro emit- ° be ,so laxge, hie fereottnartde hull wnter and allow it to remain until thing rubl)er, Itir instance, hot Wa- lltailminZ,'Cli'elo!.Z;,;';ive`,'8 TIlfoUt'ele(l'itieeik,°rPrtcYfr known Airman. V 41 " , /.4:1 17,.i . iniz. it.-maiutes a,,,e, t:toi 1PI 1,‘',41:314--' e t to: set111111:ed and 6queezed on ae;.'-oulit • . . th au ii,„,,,p,„„ ,apitah, ark, i ow en st ' half Of the Bleri(V I,(rm, can dine a.t olio Unit* an tins hall, "-fringe." ont thoroughly or tlie rubber will tored, the i/e-rnamenti, aro eolt, pitt:,-e; Petic:YrITiinttli,:,11014',(1,1`.,,t;1.41Artit'Itliw4t'fo'llh<11:rtxillrc..i.litt',11311'.,• ktlilflirfotiligailtsiagPlieetut(:"Ititecaas11,11 ff\11,;11,11Z a.' llle. tr.2111end°us rIviih an 3 Pre5- sovereigns of Europe, :led on those Ilbodemnasu41.'Q'tiairaeltt:t•Ymune!iiirieinit:ra'r,'pla'rttuiff:at`ii1111,ratimialle.ri 1 ''.‘4,i'liatjhoinetlirlay.o.31!!'ilast17.i1,14i:110e -elf;onsb.t„ we e. don e..wii,t1t 111)0 urpbolsoeoddi,cli Vilies ez;;Ifsr(0.1)0.,lti.evast 11;calltytel3.1: taltnftl.cicl tall: soon rot. Hero hare gathered. nearly all the ooewlions lingc• 4:andir,s 'are used for ,t110 banal; or the ITILPItH• 13, "A' 11A41., Some 'Meatless i)islies.........__cpathat unwritten law working (:;. ilb:to.rz7ilt:e(ilx7:1:71114"iitrthil! CII:e1:17!)r‘111,1%.01'''41•31F:4"P"Tc: mbliud°ridsletro"-'i plth,e\VIrk;Itt1 trt1,11:11(11aley'rd1S711:t Paallitbeek'N'7131•1(.'ul's et,' re'n),(7nia, fa4)111.1(111i, . ._ met is lighting insteed of the more modern Altholigh meat furnishes heat for electric liglit. the body, aild therefore is neees. To FIND ar i?ERsoN is DEAD. pewit teco nionthetheoaroli4eor,oroor f,ii:iiitero,i, lete, c.tlelemiorte, juntee.dr: it is: ot eon,p...e. ordere. .., , - "Tho I'reneli 'nevi rnment, 3f. moreee ni.5sage. did Inuradi then send to (i)ifenadll, t!vtehit,CbroN)vtrilLs7„-lis Ilrillaiested::vnairatty Other rooms of interest are the sary in cow conntrtes and cold sea_ ---- The armies of the great nations udglit ', firilici oniv fo.tr)irrir'n'acifr,l;r41,8 lir elx inn,m,,A., should ltavo had iCniser's inli°Hug-roonl, to ‘vhirh sons, a relief front a. meat, -diet ie" . dors would have been Muir f"°t1114- Aml'a'-' a' -whereas 'Ater reeterles eau turtt"orn°1t)13;e: Mc'1,s4sslol. VII.--tlr,v,ci3ig the fled ' most beautiful and impressive 1110- iteinatt.able Neiv Illethed /immune- l'"v° beell " a' 'nr some wonderful va-ees haVe recentlY welcomed by every one and affords ed By French Pilysleiatt. n.esentlitions" or prei,entlnIguulfi'll'Lt.c.ar.°'; 11"Q11,11r8 int ellen't•tfP'Ad vAilAil ‘tlieCriButi,Iliti'. (.117irlheI.::...;pT\'llie01.11.7tliple(11.:(11. tilL1 I s raelites mPnt;'" bee'n a.C1114:1"do t•-lw• gift 4-4' a l'Iit'ing a variety to a <lie t that gives be ney- en./t1„iyre(mleaar,(1: aphelersiomn_ wi:etrezIrlid13,0....f:dtees:.d- (e:i.11eoleiraveheitpezeleein vt,.....eicteildmieietiNt-ee,iillib,iej.rie.c.nanenll:01,ileolde . 10,1,,,,.e. ra.b.100,Tetot at,etteirtofpusiao,,,,ii,t,131e;)orrono,wernwribielti,,,e,rroat:eiti3,,,,r: Chinese prince. The. private palaea ficial results. of the theatre, holds about ae0 per- The combination dislies fitin ver sons and. the, stage is arranged to well f r • -1. ' th • 1 bl d , it rns itrig in eir c ell e an and thus a.voiding the possibility ot milai:ittbheeauveabenimaltter 't'l ing absoltitely whether nn appal.: . . . portance. In the Jon,' tenter and IIttbas and Wolif and the ' onier that number, Ths. that time, how. da.al!ee'rs 7 th:Neeal: la'dt7 il twh:e1.0 1:,e,refilvii41:14113eenr::: thin:Pre:1's: with How were tile ' soinewhat awl'ewlon;-elt lvit ''''Tvalil AarftelhIc'- lred pat 'the* 'ring on 'the, produce all the latest scenic telfeets. triple forni a more appetizing and 3ost the Immo-that is, London. Sent. 10. 1913. I,:.40.elites affected when they saw i, bis.hor men he gives his gueste. one dish and to use left -overs in an colleagues in Paris. , Lord Strattncona and the High /1../.°11,r),.dth-lvelderniliniit. e iitics. le ,, _ ..„„arse-ees, has -cep. te put our nerves on edge. ' 1,— the Egyptians coming ft to get it, off again—which at i was iiir, '''' I, had the grealts.estil(elltlfhea- and this is the kind of entertain- housewife to ring the changes on i•eceived with. great interest by his How did God preyent the Egyp-o . et e . - T -he IK•niser prefers light comedy, nourishing fare. These allow the prom,a,tiire burial, just announced Adrianople would kill have been Turkish b Dr hard of it,1- ill 1, 1, e -but diplomacy would have done its best ELEcTRiciTy ON Tut FARH. tians from attackmg themr{11r,j,rlyg ,lciltzl‘tt.E.,.t.leic.i.lite,11.c.ietnhdgitireptr,opinainth.e tin.° ,., Dr 1 ard,s s stem d rids , Gointnissienership. Of escape for the Israelites . 1,1liat,, the night.? How- did helnake a,evn, , . . The most interestiree apartment; °attractive form the entire palace, however is We Call resort to European coun- ' e Y ePe en There le good reason to believe that the it L lteliztble, Safe, Clean and haPPened when ; 1 . . , , pinfitnt„, Person Serre on a bell of give erisp 1, When eharP kniws are kept with teu Pelea° at 11(4Sdaill head lettuce a slice of Spanish on. other artieles kitelten, drawer,' '014,TtnY Othon 'MarVOL9e on betWeen two slices of oranges ,oach blade eb.ouhl be proteeted with Flexible. the Egyptians at- - - g Ile.' Letson VIII. ---The Bread t tempt ed to foil( ),ve them ? .rem ! b,,,tvo'nelrnICri,iseu'c„4'01hIburlyv,ced„.evillet„,thrlaetit„owlis.,Ita., .3.‘,1;11,... The possibilities of the use of Heaven.—Where is the -wilderness' called the altar was oovereri with of Sin'? What kind of a region is it? What did the people fear when ' ,r,.'ahned,e,Viechhei:ishaioipd ehaomtetlefna, aorifd ought they reached therel What did God tonehziveha,cdtelinTreeraeddyth„ont eirt,h,, shhnots_tahide then promise Moses? What did they find upon. the ground in the Q morning? What instructions did that the crown ht'iirt her a good God give for ,gathel-ing the manna? , deal; but nevertheless she set it e Lesson IX.—Israel at Mount Si- down that the day was "the proud- ntii.--For -what did the people pre- est of my life." pare when they reached lilourtt Si - that he should meet him there? ,,11,reivad.e 1,1nIla,Thiita?ht walliiiihlaetGnosichniadfsro(Graliod-dththetoeledipLedAsleocnsacelesl (14.),e,Cslia,7 freezeanr. of God descend upon the mountain'? ::°ne:e'naasna'keecila.t-hIiegitleidaethhaert. duipdon3c0Msoesseswationeltol:?e pAegoapiinest aNsvhhaet There was a moment's silence. Then a voice in the rear of the room Went up the mountain to meet Gnd I 'answered, eagerly, "Please, teach - Lesson X.—The Ten Command-. er, hot water 1" ments, I.—'What did God give Mo- ' ses while the people waited at the foot of Mount Sinai 1 With what a a reminder did God preface the Ten vva Subject to Oonmiandments1 What is the. dif- ference bCtWeen the sins forbidden Hot Flu hes, by the first arid second command- ' - . - merits r1 Why should we revere rALpITATIoN OF THE H.EART sat-Liotdu'tsionna.„moiet9honsoav„:bboalctlhi7s the in- stio,RTNEss oi BRzialic Lessen XI.—The Ten Command - the last six commandments deal? ' - ' mente, II.—With what duties -do mu.s. 'I. cApalo--:--y„ ,motint. v" iew,, ont, the question whether the blood is UndouVedly tilp Hall of b•ies lor insniration• France, 'tab'', Germa,ny give countless recipes still in circulation or not, and con - room is most beautiful, its walls sists of a subcutaneous injection of that aro economical and unusual. adorned with thousands of shells= of a small quantity of fluoreseeirt; They are good to eat, t-oo, a very all kinds. They have, been arranged which is quite harmless, but one of deftly in 01mA-riving patterns, while important fact to be considered. In Italy there is a wealth of the most violent 'coloring 'natters ot,her (shells in grottos give a won: • . • cheap, nourishing dishes which known. ' derful effect NvIlen liehted by elec- trieity. It was in us rGOnl tha , of ile blood the flourescein, ca,rried Col., Roosevelt when ex -President, was entertaieeed by the Kaiser. The The famous Imperial Christmas - tree is set up in this room. The 'Kaiser has his own railway 6tation at Wildpark, which is only a short distant:0 from -the palace. . tr. over, hoiteekeeper gives when meat If there be the 'slightest motion ' is not required. One of the favor- ite dishes of the It-alian is maca,- around the body, stains it a vivid roni and eggs combined in numer- golden yellow, „while the eyes be- aus clever. ways. come a deep emerald green. If, on malorre, Dishes. --The ma- the other hand, there is BO move - cereal boiled' until creamy and ment of the blood the coloring mat- -thick, and never hardened ,in the ter not dispersed and produces oven until the uppermost layer re- no effect. Half an hour is stated to sernbles pieces of bark instead of be enough to,inake this test. flour paste, is mixed with sliced, hard boiled eggs and cheese with To clean windows in freezing weather wipe them off with a dry cloth, then with a cloth saturated in kerosene, „Polish' with a clean dry cloth, „ • ),. tentatoes. deliciously frie,d in 1;ittter, ''', With poached eggs sprinkled _ With Ny41,Lin B. liElliP RETIRES. e -rated, cheese, with fish or- with . -- e-hestnatS in manY different WaYs. Scotland Yard,Loses Inspector -Who If:, ifo.pr :lack NiiVIS You .Patatc Alla ,Provenzale:—A fa- . §olved Crippe!it mystery. . ,, .. °Sy tEbtirdfaipxioCina,artti!ovrignilicitviesmtehnet inTitihn, pivot, where the cost.' of providing sena- vorite, potato dish—to be served as _ .. at he a ,dish by itself—is ,,in-evill as .o..isa_ . scotland yard last itsmo-etgigan_ had to go 'sooner or later it AngIo-Ger- date engnes would be practically ,sciue gure,,when In man relations were to be 'Placed- on ' a prohibitive: Fire risk .is reduced to ''' YOUR 111P4tETt ' . tcaotoel,c,ailD14;ltole/,:„0::7inazrag1;...:17',ilri,T,11, oe'f', itt;laie.titaerit. ts,ipe.e0,atnod. • p,kliv..citiyKiraeeniln,p.ti.wfi:ai c'se'mth,p'e -retired,b.igg,t ws:ndiselvocortaiingti::: p:atieint: too f eivrtedriyseenreeti7aos imp°. r.tzalce en, i.s.,014.1ted; :rills where ere -had followed hie:career in, Vienna. He a innamium, wnien Is or tne greatest' ABE IRESPONSI331.E.., iri.A sio..tcepan. she ,rtdds to it a few last wee , ' ' • es of:" a :'clistinctlsr anti-Gerraa;n character, spa,c,n„fil j.!..1, of ,si,13, besi cooking oil, man physically 11 the metr.opoli.tin and he' (ince permitted hiniself te. nre.-' fire-figliting aPPlianees are iimithe'11. claim that ' the Eastern Question 'could. With ‘a number of motors installed 2 ' . -- ' ' - ' finely, -Prepared. lemon Deer; finely. poiiee force. He i.,,,a.10..bad over, 30 s 'only be sollied if England were to obtain chopil)cd shallots, 'a little' grateel pounds, and, this,s,.- to.o. ' without ,n,";°-; li-ave, always. with the exception ' of the ..., . Suda.:Bay. Our relations .with 'vienna for the variouS classes of service, ,, e a, .1- ono BRIGGS, Whitey,Toud, pasee, 1.1 ut,ittee, Salt; Pepper sand, , minced pi.i.n‘ee of fat He .was.,,,i,:,:er 67? fe-e-et, tele ,mootb,,,e of the Bosnian ecirlitseicsi, .thlheeeine .1.:13slai-an,„.0ePciera,,,.a.tsnilltgo Pseericuordes caanvebl'ey sogoaorci .... _ . _ .. , ,eiviites:—"I am. sending you, 'tliis test pa) sl...",,y.1, Sit e,t,,,hierittpoe,Iss 4a' iinedinsliihet6s, „titil and, w,as, built . g,enheras-ily 2,0ii, 'a,, blbly dai ..,,,riritiLi- P?a:et117'.e, but it obviously "S. :i got 'Se riat down, that 1 became quite ' int on topai alb ,eoi inetv e'. crf: inptop•eaigeri;ntitiitnuetldei,cilaises, baumt .1.. ts1.,,:sniiim€1,icif,i,pnyilentae,It3-t:1),tv.sba, li.).,..i.w..t_sc,ritit..be.i.iri).t.c.:en.ci_..9kts ,ita,ilie:.dm,,,.,.., 41.t.joit.a.cricieolitt-s;gin,lcileol,,..,„10,•,snEoaornt,e. :6n. in.,n1ilytIE,;,6;3"1.,,e.01.1.7„,,,lish:teil.tleie piniear.6,,a,:sa.v,aaciii. yypc'vel,acoainoti:s;saoirtit;4! iss'oct.sol l''";),:iti.-1111,3.101:610"011)00,, roula juetiti!..i,ii. 1v 10 for iotiic,vliorvialiet,nill3,111i. , . osoif i. ar.m..11- tx1h10171.1 waet,' 0, iiu. I 'osOttielr,n, 10 i 'on: Illin a 1 -vi. vegetable al Meel ,te.,aatl,-br- iil:e gt3g7. tr la- fl 0:i.t7ht.711::: , Willing -to give anything ...x triia. 1 Paid The , fire is net tee quick. ,,.."411a1137' 'credit :of the on, ' ' ,a visit to our local druggist, and to1d him • , , , „le arrest of cbai)-man hearted. disavOlvala our oulP ayoinwheaviiesra,decru'rs f-:• 'Slifferirla latells'e-aguaY with 111Y an -id handS iliccs. of _lemon with the she serinkles lemon juioeover them ,...,,n,e, ,of the famous, poisosners Of Eng,:i ,utterances. The,. moinen, .11 lyt.lorrrv,Fiqpcmce. dtVded to abandon ' the annodw it is seuxrtpeiri.:1,1n.gely-tellIve':'tigated' „ ,_ , ,. „. ..., note the eback : lie toldene I lied kidney troublee ,,i0,_ . , .. . . • ,, ,,. .,., , , land; Years' ag'C' . Re' was a,fter'. '.'a'r tax 'G'artivrig•Yli.t. in 11?":us'ilua.enc'aef . been , a numuer or experiment • • :.*no handed' nte,a box of ' DosN's KinNev (•,----e,- , eesor, sir Maurice de been made the', prom' in'senbelleatofliathveo 'itli'r;r,s, saying it was the bccit thing he ' ,ItIce.-.81/iinclf. --: rliey-,. ica,ke, be (lea er Supt. Froest's ri.ght; hand ll'aunndseteria,"1.0, loilii.'sthmec'econtravy . ' ' ' 1.1 '',-le-,-r 1015 t,re dish. in Get- msler 'irY °I. the' "advoeato of ,Auglo-German' allia,noca, 1)0,11 men condu'eh:..anelgt,e; iltienemn.,aa,atai.vt,edali,nytelidslirajr-i, : er°t'dildtliPe°esfil[rIe'13(:' 0' 33 c10.11.'eta' fall v t31:1ile'Scirvell°'ums: Isii'e..n°,;.• e'')f sidn'ileli ;'il cf.,' rice , Whit e ' 11-lnieunrdienr osf61.13vicTillge 'tEillemorel'ebY her. bes,,,, 'sileilici :11fiirnylif adnonaher Of the great 13nn- sutb-8 which. 'heY are va)rtik 40 a b°'' c'f-allYb°637- s 'the spill a ch is 000 1413, a, 411a,1 uel „„. ,n:Intid:_it,,c,10-11. te, .t.;i•lelesn..p h, a....8 ..10,,ee,n Hi6, allppilTimenie), owaiilli,11snt,a) doubt sctentistpr„ talbugh,;;:s6ney,welild 'not .hes without,whu ' it.): (ikr ' _ ,Lesson XII. --The , Golden. ealf.L-7.; ..06,,idbitYiomilet.;01-t,co,In,..1,;-Ynrin°,',,,v,eymp.,,,,P,t,-s„,., ..*+1!..,in.'1c,e..",..-,t,s,elael.eenti,e,..,a_eneectiefieLnceni.iiie,;213ehcell, ni,fv2,- , :it,.efisi.creeplois.6--isesei,"•cess,tbiaata'ytle:a'rtcliie; a,snudpe)rt.o'. .thistilece p,iperrr2eLynsfee%he ,t:s .1),?rgehria49ei.trice;dti,7,03:bnYseroi:ivaafkn'ta:*„oh-r. iedrirege. if.cali,oa,v.n•e-Ttlitene„lie.s:fscdnu'i:Iseoulert.aa.cithi"'eeicnilssAbble:rolie,nalc,h, ti_roellv„:.,);,osiiii, J.;_d ,\,•,v,,,1,,,,Ir.,,e;t.ste", st.saort,11,0, riattel..tAe cf heal ::, r.l.Pc; b.sLasorrencolic17escienat tat' Aa Ne% ' ' . ' ' ' -' ' lliealteiVe4g,.is iittIcled s to Inc 123.,:.,'S V.7101' 91 the cemenittee ,fOr b ,..ed,, ,C„,,, have been duplicated, ,hBrQ,', In thrj. ing ; him ? 'AVItat did tl- - ' '1- ' te.all wila Li' .' ' 1' 1 'ell' ,th .. rect,,lothion 1 1,iiimcirict.,,,toAl itles.,irr 1.Tee,ia,eeicnteivoie 081,1101.es in . ' ' ' •• ' or rnailed ' direct Ota .'1;t4§1.0,- ..: of tri4cel)Y1 1 .,.-i ' '.' .ctittA',15, ,i.2,,,...7,,,;:‘,...,,,I;a.ilead,,f,,, r... el.: 1 p,e.iliC,'•enTie41:ical,,vsohibl,3',11:141, visated :),ri),17. ,t,hsroat;i7„.„3:11 ;e1).4,0a' titt,„ the oyrosocipt, ‘;:?,,, iii, ts1;111,1Cli;ecipti:;;.,,tei' 96' henil.e.r.t.ilvi:.1.(1:i1.1.,irilit,l'.;11.ni.,q7, illg\i;:t:::ci:31:1.1";;.33aP':1;;e1'.ce:t!f.c.r'5;?:±11'lle''O'''::::::::'e.'i.it:1 ''')4t1'i;ti°r'9.41i:J:::' °r thrc'e b°''res r '7'14r -i'' at '''°' de'al"r'' ''a 4r S4 The le Milletirneeo- e. inn, lien40.1 . ,', .3,f,''.•',' er9A-1,0,.. Du.4 '''' 'tern.), te I y .,,pl ace d 4.1‘.61teso.ta,,I.aetideilo, 1),,,,,7.raa.,rdi ,, ilcnew, se ., , '.',,.,..akod., tact 41;'''ra' ',V.'',0i;tel. a_ _.:rc.igai.. :police r officials. Every Filtering how secure we a ,e n. p -of madrid. we .,r,t;?,,,,,i1,1.,,,f.:i,.,,,,,,, fiiiii.,,,,,,,,I;oa,,b-o,ut: this oib it, ,i,d0:ulli3is,,,,,:ie •-• ..,t4L131117hiiii/iqe:btri l's;:e„ti,,e,:. 4.11.T' 1ns,, s'e',..PrInellpie^s,*1... ' . d#IttO. their de'''' ' di.? Wh ''' '''''''"A?eV'''';:tof 1Prie'e .),.. vi-- • ,. ., , . , - , statement that Lord Strathcona intends to resign the High Commissionerehip of Canada soon after the New Year is well founded. 'rile announcement is an. inter- esting, if somewhat premature. clisek" hydro-electrac power in commotion sure of what I have ground. for believing . are his Lordship's intentione in the mat- WItal farnyeeig ar,O_ agricuiturad. work ter. Nonagenarian though he ie. Lord are many, says The Engineering strathcoua will relinquish with reluctance — • those duties, devotion to which has won Magazine) and offer one of the most him the. title of the Grand Old Man •prornising fields of the future. The Canada. Fer some time he has felt ,.„ „ that the appii„, sirens of giving place to a younger man. unqualified success and the only question has been the &loos- cation of electric power has had in ing of a convenient dato for transferring the reins to other hands. 'Whoever sac- this line of work indicates tha-b it eeeds to the office will find it hard to li-40 has become a factor of so much im- up to Lord Strathcona's standard of dustry. Despite his advanced 3•ears, he portance that it must now be seri- remaine glutton for work, tind he is at te hr ously considered as affecti-ng both oinffiaceetaitnigaviletoiluia hsitsreetitt,tetnocliraidnoene. the cost and quality- of the produets with that, thoroughness which has mark - hie personal supervision. cd his career xio detail is too small for Ootfhtehre fme:mdsernef faarpmpiiedCopmopwaerre,cithtoe (The alcove was written., of ecume. be- one advantages 0 electricity are fore stre,theona's arrival in this country, reli•jefbiliby,safety feleaniines and saying he „has no intention of resigning. ) • • • e• fleximlity in ap,pheation. Power -rho Embassy at Vienna. can be readll..%', and economically The diplomatic changes now officially distributed to the scattered loca_ annouticed have, of cour(io, been fully dis- counted in advance. The -retirement of nous or 1,11e various oinictings, 1-1,Woheev doshouldesol,ovde pitreattmisoeu. e,thpdasreenwtisi e?writes .— am an eluer1 wornan nosv honor "their parents '7 How' should was subject to ears ,bot fiushes palpitation rwe ..ere,ccf4r1:itainhamf rao'lln' 1. i E.wronong <4 • tlio heart 911 °rt4,ess .of breath' ' ,neighbor, „even in though b as, well i, I went 19 a doctor b,ut -seensed tc;,reelain. ' as, in word and ',deed 7.'AVitat% did 1-1,-te 233110, natils.0.4e,19,f msneighhors re-; the people prchnise when . Moses conunended ivfrr1300N's HEART sur- - C,omoronl.f ac,nIciora.le tnbt: e ,B acltne and ani da t strong, rhust 4 41 4 4 4 4 4 341 t; , td1HpfL eeell(Wesee f 41. ,