HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-9-25, Page 5S EMJ1 5 19 •
-*reed From Bearing Down
Pains, Backache and Pain
in Side by Lydia E.. Pink-
bam's Compound.,
rtt"Oht--LaStOetoher,1 wrOte
for 1vicej was eornidetOlY run
dawn, had bearing
we part of bow -
I, backache, and
pain in the side,
also stlifered terribly
rota gas. I took
ydia E. PinkliaM's
dem now entirely
re ftern Pain in
ack and bowels and
stronger in. every
1 r ernmend LydiaPinkhatlas4
und hghy t aU expectant meth-
-. -Iles. E. VA,NIDE,T, 92 LoganAve-
Toronto, Ontario,
-der Well Tiiis AdVice.
uliTeritig from y:Qrmer
hies shook' lose hope on
rep. Lydia E. Pinkham*a Veg-
poerid a fair trial,
remed,y, the medicinal
ients of which. ere derived front na-
rbs, has for nearly forty
prve t hea Most veloable tome
nidgorator of the female organisra,
residing inalmost every eilY
ie the United State.4 bear
testimoey to the wenderful
of Lydia L Piekbam's Vegetable
YQU 1/4Ye Me slightest doxibt
Lydia te, rinhainues
la T,I.Pitdchnin nettititno Co.
Tour lettet ope114,11,
d and artSWered Jy
d /told in striet t*Itn04-414,e-e.
College at Home
housande of anklitioui YOUP
eople ore fast orepar1n3 ILeIn
r Own Unita to occupy lac- 4,
lions eia stenoeraph. ;
keepers tela-raph- "
hosines.a activittez ,
finish at College V
wish Positions optrtron, +,
• Enter colleae any day. '
idual instruction, Ex. .2.
eachers. Thirty' ;rears +
riexace. Largest trainera
Canada. BeTers colleges
dal courre tor teachers.
filiated with Commercial Ed.
Lionel Association of Canada
rimier School fa F0170003 Spot .1.,
Business Coilezt Louder..
Clinton 13usiness College
Pesidt nt Pincipa
n win' SY
k'ertexaber 11, 1'2, 13 Round rate
./Trips from Exeter Ont to
Port Huron Mich ...2.80
Detioit Mich 1.04:13:
!Bay City
Cleveland via Detroit '7.60
Grand Ratids Mich 7 05
Sag:rimy Mich.,
1innezzoJjs or St. Paul
all Rail.. 28.40
' Mail and 'Steamship 32.40
AtETURN LIMIT --All tickets valid
Onr return to reach original starting
4noint .not later than Sept t2.9th 1913.
Arad return from EXETER Sept 9.11
90 cents, Sept. 3 G. 7.8. 10. 13 95
0,ents. ;Return Limit September 15.
1913 ;Special train for Loudon twill
Aeave Exeter ,8.0-2; a, au. Sept 10 2and
Alth _Full particulars fund tickets
Orem N. JeDore, Ticket Agent 'Exeter
Hair Slaughter
Hair must have nourishment or die
it dbes not have proper nourish -
intent it will loose its vitality,. GI cAv
weak. and become an ea.sy prey to tbe
,..ravages of the vicious gerna-,- of dan-
PARISIAN Sage is a hair notir-
4slier; it.is the reisult or sincere study,
aud•e.1111)::riruent Oy one cif the ‘‘orius
jrig sJie lutists.
should be used regtilarly as a;
neessitae'l/ecause. it never Iails
o -piesent dandritit. falling hair, or
y „scalp
ARISIAN S'age r.ot only prevents
rjt is a Lectoirt cure. for dan,..irwif
;slops itching of the senlii ;,n,statit-
- It Is especially in 'demand for;
Iies.fhecouse it reole,s the hair
autifill soft and fluffy,. W. S.
le the drtigniSt„ sols it under a,
?positive guarantee, to C.,o, all that is
ainied Int° iL; or oiley hark, iO
d&Vais Fegraate
ll'ablOeFrencli tegailatee never fails. These
,a,re;'4ceediligly eewc,ehil. in regulating tlia
ek4ti,p,•415,1iKtiOn.,of the female system. Refuse,
101id:40.10411.4tions. Dr. de Van's are sold
14,1Otlilit40fOr 5[3.. Tvlai led to atilt address .
ocd,Oldiptitttig .90., co.fsbarittofib.9.,,LI
Bir. Fred Saxon'hae ngaire xesumed
his 'duties in the !hank here after Jais
Miss Ethel Farrow Of C.oderl'a4
visiting Mrs,w.Clatke.
Miss J`)Ielvina Bearer dtas, returned
to Detroit, after visiting her loarenos
Miss Lydia dlauingarten of Sika
visited friends here an Sonday.
Mr, Norman noltzmann left for
k)askat000 on Toeedas,
Mr. and ...Mrs, Itaymond of 'Buffalo
have returned to their home after
visiting the lattees,garents. Mr. and
Mrs. If,, Either.
Mis$ Model:win visited with friend
in. Stratford on Sunday, -
jr. and Mrs. ',..4iforteete and
Harry' E.41i::...q• 'are 1.-sitirtg
relal ive'S
Mr, Christ Finhheiner. of London
aeent Sunday at Volpe. here.
Mreand Mrs, Chits Tay-lona& Son
of 'Washington I), C are yitsiting Mt
and Mrs, Matthew e5torloele,
Atise Carrie Wein left felt LOndoll,
where sb)..e.wIJ remain for the win: -
Mrs, Cawley left tor ne/o nomet
Detroit- after visiting tier Parents,
!..1r, 4/Initn$ of 'tote/Ito reiieV-
hizti lintete„Urtditring thel ah
senee of the .Manager A. E. Kneee,
Among those tt were„ Fres .st
the rortieth atiMs,-ersary oOE Mr. Fred
gither or. 'it'f;t 3.51fit,vre„Mr, ari,d
Alt* Louis Raymond of llitflato, Mrs
Fred Cowley Afr and I.rs- T
1141,1 family, Mr, ant Z'Air
4/eDtmaid of Detroit..74r, and-.11gen
Chris 'Eater of Znr.e.b ;lir, Wm. Bit-
ber Neerierk Ondo.' Mr, and Mr'i,
'Chris Eith.er, Mr. and Tani 'Wenzel
and lit'. anti Mrs, 11, F, EMer r
Ceediteri. ()lie eee George oNe
Ontario was ate,ent, 51r. Eliber
bat* ginil hearty ter4 hii
hone h. will seit twiny' more yeecrs
ivith and lia1004'"'
".T., Tallbere onel
fato'' are-
titre home.
.3hiixto 3fe
4. am J. A Beate
foe rEdranntell
it.'7,eitei their
he bead
( 10 a, ea. and 7 to.uVtrii•Yoa
r .fforstio, of Cueditoo.
Nal music will he pro-
Weodixtm clie`ar, Onoo-
I c tali/ 0I-tti teleert 4110
Tito Aura; ix,rhi, bean
re al d l'efiNired and pre,
.,tetitt.. ry a ttragtiVO 411)pearti nee.
The ser nt Wein and UlinlVillz
110„,4,- 4,4.1 Iwthdrvn for, the daY,
'ilt, filling thtx order,
cora et 1 an exe
this year -
:dr. and Mrs. john Jnn of Mote
ar'ring with their ditr
-has. Codiaolt for a feu
3liss Elva and 1,yd:a Tom., triqted
with their irranMaither alitra. White-
ford, of Exeter.. tfor erilatio t41
days week.
Aunirk.rsary and Re-oven:ng tier
vices.. or the ButtShin," chureh %vitt
ale held zwxt Sunday Ilev, 13.Jeffefe
•soos will rreacli nt 1e.30 a. au. and 7
In. ;The Woodh'ini. ehoir wn fur
ALA %lie mush: at boa, eiervicea.
°Alreedy in 'orottt bUildinn"
ations are fallitg off and 1.11%. rank
and file of the- niemployed 'is. daily
growing larger. Last Year at this
time there were few carnenteirs or
11:'.004 Avorkeri entPloYell-
To-day things have materially
banged, Already thits early iri the
season there is a grow're-- %my o,"
the 'unemployed and it does not eon -
t of ern:grants, or foreigners bizt
native-borr Ceneiliens o:British
,snhieets who hare been in the coun-
try for years Tbc,,,refore if - things
show tirvit a tendency wIt00 clintat
conditions for out door work ore
so favorable there, is apparent cer,
taintthat ibc". coming) winter -.lin
he nue of the -is etsr., so for aa the
wage earners are concerned that theDo
roin;on has ever passed through,
The Ailsa Ora'g. fair 'held or, Friday
last was ore of the most sdecesfill
ever held there. The weather was
fine and a large Crowd torned ont
Tbe exhibits in most !knee were good
31r, Lr is addit.er t
trearanee of his civ..-el4r.g. on 1
rE145E't 2;ort1 val•lin,er to
cher-et-4,g the trent.. 'Air. - Oen.'"
,Ile4e.11 of Lcoalor- 40-
e, at 2.
Vilased fun"' tireperty of rit
late Byrd Thompsonis this wee
'moving irin the same
31r. owl Ne/e,or, Blatehror
here reterned from Lorelon vh
they have teeie. spending a
rith friends e ill 3rft 133';' d
Miss dlitti's residenee on Itiehm
street ii0Alttl
74,in, saltine.) CeititeVi Inkre spend
t t t lt,06 1-,,4rent
Wm. Venos met, witit
exo-riern:•e Tuesgla
ay last iv Wife drOring along tit
Lor;d0u, Road awl ttlien near tbe Re
erB1ebr;r3g,e, where the road '
trove, with the eteeti harke o
AO elder, her met :AV:. klint0 and
horse taking fr"'4tat to one
side opsetCag 10 and
TO clean,re th2 sys-tena of nut/gest
ed food foul gases; excess bile in the
liver and waste matter in the bowels,
will impair your health,. The best
system rer,ulator is Fig pills AL ai;
dealers 25 and, 50 cents or tue Eine,
P11/ .r/n, St. Tnomas Ont. Sold at
Howevs drugstore.
Zurich Fair
trkisclolt‘r\b,?..Nacreenebiiii. .eplo, rie)r.grsiend A111.,07,n,Solott,014.4..
:red.es 4 J 107-r.eir. ft J D-ys,
. „ _ .
-Collection of ar:y kind of af.ples
L Rader P. Haber, r,•• 4 vatiet'es 0
faii ai.pies.„ J. Pfalf II, Rader, t..,,
a, 1.....1j.e.r..; . rortetteS of winter
es, 0, Ftis. S. J. lion-garth X. J.
11,, ki rf) ,:g, ytur ii il 41 ;I i i,,cr,g0 .,o,, f 1.1%op:tic,i If.1.-.I.(r,,,.,s, r0r,„..is,tisisi, .".,
Iqiir-; northern ',Tie's, L. Bader J.
Neuseliwarnser; ha d'ivit.s. W. .83,0,-.r
0„ Trnemner., lin 1. Cir-notint-.0,, .1, J.
Itil?degra;rt elk a Pe,4,11;:i grleTisa. ; IT''',';11ztfelltri:1 1.11.: 1
Ititson PI:OPYG., J. Pfaff
oggarth W. Stniti'
rib Ben Davis: L. Roder. Suntars
Italterer, L 10* :Acts:4 phish
e pewiikee Rader tioggarth.
Volverte. tree -me.. Pettier,
gloria Mond, ttadei. W. Rader 20
1%11: nicnoti."4tih:r
collection of Itsei aiiiihee. C. Troe.,
toper„ eollectioe of fail pears
• ikr itatlerer; inu'r -P4,14.40‘sn
Itederi realety, 1,144,4terer.
Battler- 3artlet near.", A, iiannio
A Pattier: tlenio,11 leeznty ue liens
Y ihndter sr., elanp',., niroriten,
• ifaberor llabereee;
O Pt -le Pett'er' Prou-s ar$
11, Wen; Crab
iineredeti• ee., eratt Qfp
• pes yellow, Snowdee, lietrie; graPV4
° lieae W. tiettlete. elate Of
Teneititnie aelger,1 t,cd.
of liatuV ln bcovocden.
Most valuntle colkielletr Of ran
oh. It. Ile johnsieler. Vieeke
' J, ileeleer
throwing Mtn, out iiingt
siderahly The barse rot; to
with OW, harno0,,% traling 014
rottltd anti mime th'l hagga.
,irs. Shirrity acid the, Mites
My orerif,'",ting itt Toronto an
tend•remaining (hire eis long a
change Oirovee beinefile,all 3d
altirfa7 who bee reeently tve
Pearly, hot who iive are pleased
y le now ittipOtreitIg nicely,
hurl recently epotier 3 Couple, of
rid ,:lifre.. A milvv,-. Moir of V5i.
weeks recently in Tilannt0 In fact
TVS. Moir is t'ill there being token
quite ill and Mr. Moir was scut for
after returning' Itorao.
lklir. T. Neelande la Vfs:tiMS her
daughter in Ingereoll
Tlie neat .Pror.tilltext dwelling pro-
perty to the 1.,4a4t OE thi. ptrit offiett
• 'being improved by the widenline,
the verandah and other improve -
mots luelitd,ng a Celinnit Walk fr001
the main Street.
The relatives anti frieede or Alr,
Samuel khrtillie will regret to learn
that he le, iptle III having. taker, a
had tnrit during tho Past Wevk-i
Mr, George Itieleirdeon who iii In
the eost offige service in St. Thonme
ts here spentlirg a week with his
• carentS.
fareleroli-01:111n°13tIor.err, tw1111.;,/,11).1::Xstir ..!tit,.1.111Siti 11: irilLetsouir:ttoaer:
having iir.dergone n slight ofh!ra-
an% and igro, Wm. 7.NforleY rind
children srent zunday wtjJ bis
ch... Mr. David Loneei near London.
Mr, Prank Ginuting has returned
hotue after. a 1,1easant visit with Ills
sister. lifre, Pollen, of near Wood -4
Miss Ada. Gunn:ng of St, Blerss
spent the past welt with relatives
around here.
-Contractor Radcliffe of Granton is
imild:ng a new cement bridge, it.
front of Patrick Whefehene. farm,
Rally Day services will be conduc-
ted in the elnireh ler. ,/eY the. oreain.-
ized clais next Sunday ette.rnoor...,
at 2.50. A eplerdict pro,gram s ;being
Mrs, 3. Wright who has ibeen a
JOseLill'e hospital taki.r.g treat-
ment has returncd home and:has al-
most regained tier health again
Silo filling is going on it. thts vic-
inity this week.. Ibe hiorn ts .
splendid :,rop around here. ,
:61., RI CIT
Mr. ,0hr18 Weber of Preston visited
Avith .relatiVeS in 1.oWc. last week.
Mr, W. 8. Wilson who bas beer
employed in the litolsons !ea/11 here
lor ionne time got word on Saturday
that he, lied beentransferred to Cal-
gary Be %vas later on ordered to
stoe at Winnipeg,
Mr. Louis Jeffrey has dioeosed 01
his flour feed and grocerybesi.ress
tO Messrs George Douglas and Goe,
Sparks The new owners will lake
Vosi,ession or. tbe 15t0 of next, month
Farmers ore busy hatilien; gravel
oE the t1oads this kve,ir.
Mr. and _Mrs. Mena Kir,fer of Wat-
erloo. are visi.ting, thr former's or -o-
ther Mr, Soloinor. Pipfer.
111r. Orland Johnston has lett for
Clinton •where he hes secured, a
eosition ir. the liolsans .I.eink of
that town.
Mr. •ar.d Mrs, Fred who vis-
ited at the home "nt ihe latter's 1..EI ^
'Cr 1 S for a number of cloys hav‘-' re"
turr.ed* to fbei hotuc v.: !Berlin.
Wogr.er oC
is ;et -Linen.' or relatives aed • former
a'cquaintances this Ive,•Le. it, is: • 21
yen I'S sice ITT% VTogaar left town
reed bie incr..), fr.:ends -.ire ,L-Jeasecl' to
eec 13'in bnrle for c vOf to 11;- old
The, Evargefica,1 Association. .LIEIS
P1r01.111SCC1' "ti.-1Qr: foot strip at the
rear of- their i:ro Pt' fon Fen -
ry Truotrizer arni al', gettingreafly
to 4.mild a Jorge covered, sha,d,early
in ihe net,rly $I500.00 hes'
already een subscribed; toy. ttrds, the
. ''.
A C-li , ofeSea fort' h,who
,.... ,
has, been in, the groaery hinsilloss 10
that.; town for over 50 yes. 1_1a s ills.-
Tose& oC his si,oek ,Lo 1‘1.i". (5, I). Ilai,e.-,11
of Lucknaa0v0 who :t4kesaltsq.`,0•4•1 •q--,0 •
lc eater it.
-MISS Nellie Cornlichael has left
to Attend the Stratford bosic,:s5 C1 -
Mr, end Mre, aemeet Simpson o
tide place m lio were heppily married
in Exeter are sail eujoying their
honeymoon eliroad before et•ttling
<low n here. ,
Miss Beesie Attlee, returned to
Guelph last week. to complete her
course in the Zrellocald Institute.
litircest thanksgivitg services
were held in St. Boors church' dr.
Sunday last, whet the Rev, Mr
.Bro'n of Seafortb iireaeltett both
mornitg and eveng The chureh
was tastefully decorated for tbe oc-
casion and special music was goon
by the choir.
Mr, Arnold McArthur /meager of
the chartered bank al Port Stanley
„has been spending his holiday's with
relatives here.
Mr, Win. AleKay principal. of our
publio school 'has been visited by a
brother item Australia during tbe
past week.
I've kitoclt-ed around " anis zin'
In this world of storm and 00110 '
And I've liacl some hard old nattle,s.
But I've kept a Plodding on.
And my spirits jisst es cheerY
As it ever was, you trat;„
0. I've bad nay tribulations,
1311 t I ain't dead yet.
I've seen a heap!, o'
In the country round about,
And my old -time frie ode and
Is most 01 a-dy,iia out.
But L guess 1 sin tofigh -and hearty,
Arid,the tirlie for me, al,n't•set.
I've seen: lily frie'rids,
Bolt 1 in't dead. yet.
But sometimes 1 get to
As. 'I'm r,etting by myself.,
That reasoln fer it.
) ain't la5c1 op ;the thlf. '
might 'be, eoni 1serviceittle
Tliat the Nvorlcl would never get
11 j was I:alcan from it, •
So :1: ain't dead: 3 -el-
' ,
And so 151 keer
With all the might. 'I've ..got
And P11 la it fcnv more no0iies
Tit the old world's garden spot;
And though I'm old and fogey
I ‘von'tict down: rind, fret,' ,
1: 1'1 1-sl]o)v 1110 :Col 1;:s around me
That 1 aiu't dead'yet.
Arid wheti 1 get' lie, ,3 -ander
Where ,eternal ,ftowers' blooxnw,
And-,sta rad a in o 1:10.b.usancts
All ,tirourel the 1:e 1:11rOnC
- ,
Then 11. 11 say to therri around me,
`Even i.bougli w haven't, root.,
`Why 1: hi s I; e 1.,."1, :111 cioa tion.
cr ain't dee,d .r
fobert. E.
neigh -
rock; Mrs, 04, Hes; jalile mats'Irs
G. Hess, Pfile s Spn; inen,
ed hras J. G Forret W
Siebert colt of tatt/pg T.
jelinsen,rusidon for `fif`p.. T Johr,schi
W. Siebert; pr knittedlaee cOrtain5
in cotton., II. Nee- W. Roder; heal-
stitebing on eillow eae, It, Geiger
T. Johnsonkitchen airlrOn 37, Decker
sr, 11. Neeb; hd room slippers
Mrs, lieyroek 11, Neeb; braided mat
Caniebefl R, 11 Johnston.
irooliesi coarse_ *W, Rader, J.
VtIss: fine, 0 liess„ John..,,on
CP).Yeriet woven wool, T. Johnson
Igrs, G, He; eg -.cabin quilt eottOn,
3 r •
0, 1,1;lherT Jolinsou cotton: R.
fl.,reg.loa:Toe r.:121;04-cil
W-C.411‘r, T- Jelmson; eotton, 1)- S.
,etn; venni H. ¶-i- P' TInttler;
counterpane d II, 40.\ -ell W. Bat
Ocr;kri(“Ji. T, Johnson., Rader;
ocbet, J. Deele-r sr, J. Decker- ir;
ching worlz. co nritoj'ser. Johns' -it,
rawn. 3, iiCCL'QT an wool
cane. Seiro„Mrs- ih,',rroek/ kcilfed,
11;, ,
T. etJbrna.ut)ar
-on, ader3;1,r
Afrs. Sifc-Yroz-4./ beartttrug wool
arg,pho$4ro K, am04,11.b4z..-4.0aq be!er;
If, WeU, T, Jolitron; l3urit worIe
et at/ • wuL „741..rs Peyrock; COttOn
warp,. W. itetl.•?r. 11 Nect4,- best wool
ara 11. W, Under"
Johnaott; /id), 14,44 .te1 Ott -Ont,,, git-
der H. e., Atgli:in or staatber tin;
11W. 14.v,°
Well, It;
lotithed title, IL Well. 11
itted coarSe„V . Rattier,
Bros..; /Pitts /coilled-
14„1.„130til,r;rogii.,,,iFil,iiii0ttsa orirlie3ltfraerd,
▪ r'S blankete, nolo nunitie wools 11 I
4,/„ quilt ce."Yed /4,roont work.
1. \YeU iJit-r&dr„.
Judges74..,rliti Fatter.. Mri,„
1?;41.4t ondXeUliceolth,r.,
4neoTill 11er12r Wool tush-on
turol :
tidy. .2a-tic1aet ention'. lifonencr.
Q. Weber.
SP4031--DrOfrot, S",:i7;,'•ert.
1YX 3,flTi
Jailing "portrait D. Forrostx
Ile J. O. iForriti4 T.John,on;
color landieitt,p T johmon 44,
lte vest-. eraStin work portrait. J.
• o •rest, tid or water Nt".or flow, •
s. 3.0, 'Perest„ penxit 4rawird.t
J. li 'urreq. ii• -11 and t'
sketch T. jebt.sota, J, 11, Vorrest
O. Forest.. T
ii,Lang :felt J. 0. veri..st.
ou 4;i11; Pore5t Jui.vi
Whit Zlet,lhatu EQ gj1's,
iietteger., W. Ilattl;,
evade red.. A. „IflUtt
other tarit'Ly,, 4. tilgnss, 5.
lloggartb. A. Ronnie 411y v.',
ttoggerth. 4.4. flogarti,
sileran wormer. A Ittas
Incite rotaloos. O. 4, Ihrmarth, 11,
1 A, italnal,, o1/3•111, Wteitei
am, It. illeiger. Railer; beans
- variety, D. Nee L, 1teryele
uw earn. 11. Kremer
k Mellon long, 11. Mile, A bestir.:
ktuellon nutmeg. W, eitnith, P.
)erer,blo eh sweet torn W. tta t tier
yellow dent cm,o, W. Gutter
Red ralints. 11. LiOpItardt
We)er„ yellow onions .111, Linultardt
Weber., yelow oniohe 11. 14ppliardt.
J. Pfaff.; dutch, t•ete P,li:Ef,ert•r It
dee 5, 3., nogroarth, long reit tuna -
golds, II. Nalteger, 1? Heeeerer; long
yellow mangolus. L. Rader. !leder
Yellow globe nutligohle A. C. Elates;
Oxford Cabbage, D. S
Elitist W. Siebert; Arnoilload tab-
bage 11. Well A. Pu....4cr.,
ish radish.. AV. Daffier P. Ilatierer.;
white radish. • AV./kit i ler A, a'oeter ;
cauliflower. it!. 11. johnstowe pump -
ns yellow.. X, Better P. lie verer
celery. Be 11. Joheeton, 4. ilabereri.
eeriest). ,P. Ilabeter, Neeb; blood
beets W. Mat le.r. 11. Xrneger; rooted
beets al. Lipeliardt- W. Rattler
watermellons W. Smith E. Rader.
inuskniellons IL Wile, A. :Poster“
red tomatoes. it. (iciger. W.
yellow tomatoes. W. Battler. J. Deck-
er ,'sr.. .sugar heel niongtilds 11. 1)1 Ile.
A. Foster,
Levitt the n Ma lig old Specie I-- 11
Mile; h
• Set of buggy harness. E, Stade;
double set ot Li'r1111 harness IL Stade.
collection of ,shoes, S. E. Faust. col-
lection of hardware- .Preeter.
Butter in tub. W. Smith 11. Neel).
J. Decker, ,sr; ter Inc table use,
W. Smith.. Alf Reitibert., 11.,Geiger;
butter in round prints, ;11/, Battler
Alf. Reichert, Pfile & Son; boom -
Made cheese, J. necker sr; _Loaf
bouacma.de 'bread. Berry 4. Clausins
extrtet honey, W,Slflil j. Rau-
erer; Best. collection of lioncY 4. Bob
erer; lioney in comb., 4. Ilaberer.
Maple syrup W, Battler W. ltackr;
Embroidere.d 5 o'clock 1.'ert cloths,
1111..s. G. Bess., 11 B. Johnstor..,; oval
tea cloth., T. 3ohr.stor. 11 Geiger; eon
fru piece. C. 11",,lber 11. R. 'Johnston
sideboard scarf. 3. T Johnston
shado)\-scnrf.. Mrs G 'fess J. Decker
to‘Vel monograms lt Geiger 0El-
her; 'ItidieS iotridkerehiels 11Irs.. G.
Hess 11. ,To aso ; cash i on ANell
11Irs. G. Hess; bardone-et-, " 11.
R. Joh s on. T. Johns to r. ; ro-
man cut , work T JC)1311St,01.1 11...
Jofitstorn Illode.rn or eross stitch;
Mrs. Bess, T. Johrsori; corriation
eel Pfile & soc. R Geiger
ger. embroidery'''. on colored linen no
LI ikal1101'.. 11. \V C11 liri eushio II in
eyelet. Johnson; Sirs Gi 'less la-
dies fancy \V Orli bag 111rs, C. lIey-,-
ine2k; 1/. Geiger. uattenhurg, lace),Irs
Hess; T. i13e.z-ry • T.nieriffe lace.
T. jobosot; Mrs. 0, /less; Irish Cro-
chet ince 1\fis, G Ticso. Sirs, Ily1ok
oralvin thread workG
It. Geiger. !limit:1nd, sofa 31.1sh,on.
5. 0, Foirest: colleellon- of
ladies widerwoor, .lrolit..stiin It.
Geiger; fancy- arum.. Caniphell 11
G(liger; fancy child's, dres,s. E. lireo-
ler. ft. Geiger; li.ner. laundry bag. 1'.
JoliMom ,e11-5, G. Jiesi 1nflti cro
,chet IT. Neel) Itadei-,; erribro-
idered pllo\v eases.. 0. .h'ilber,,Mrs,
G. Hess; Ivisl;holder; & Son. ',I
G. Forrest; headrest.. , o arso a
3Irs. G. llese; toiletmees
, , ,
tie of Powers. K. Oa arr...411 ,
tinstenc. imaide NWT., 1i*, vatt1. K. 1 Vaill-,"
,C;,-iiwhMt. i
1 lieberer. hon‘lpiet Or 00%1 erS
;irli l', •Joinv-or4 sedan:lion
ms. 1,7;,, •
II. T, jobtasoc;' Calla 111:eS
en., it. 11...lotattior.4 ivin.iiei,
1 ft.lt. Johnston; ifIl3hisvii.
1 T Joints:tor, dodge Jas.
I t • '
• Tilts dress is an admirable one foi
arty school days.
The shirt is no In four gores, hut
is laid in plaits that provide collator
table fuliness. It can be attached tt
an underwaist or to n belt.
The blouse is entirely separate. Al
shown here it Is made of NvIllte linen
mad the skirt and trimming of blut
liven serge.
For the twelve•year-olcl size. tilt
blouse requires two yards of material
twenty-seven inches wide; the skirl
and trimming, two and a half yards oi
the smile width goods.
This May Manton pattern is cut In size
for girls of eight, ten, twei-ve and fourteen
years of age. Send 10 cents to this °Mee,
giving number, 7965, and 1tvi11 bo prompt7
ly forwarded to you'by nis.11. 11 In heats
lend an additional two cent starnp for let-
ter postage. When ordering use coupon.
• $1z
Address vOve.,101“ ••1114,10e1,1",t60.2.1110
'' "" " •""•'•""
• •
• .,...:FQ:11:.:Tiik:'HMAIIKET
In spite of the important effect of
Vahle5 at marketing time there are a
few factors that must be kept in mind
by the cattle feeder, Says 00
Homestead. For instonce, steers of
poor quality that could under
Cumstanees be made into 'Primo ff"-
Wiled cattle should not ha carried to a
hIgh OttiSh. The last hundred pounds
of glin required tla Make a„steer prime ,
are t.h. OlOat •o14.fieusice, and the- in-
crease.ba the 5elling Pr-iVe n$t Car-
r,espineXrigly larger to eeenre profit
hoto by American Press Assoc/glom
Pell. her Ul;0%5I1
ed wog dret in her ea nil elinto-
pion fesuoe obarthorn at t recent
IWO. agrle14turo.l sh 1.
Iiiiiaxidi, Wtndsor
lay his tionf'es/Y "'
siicritairn br;.'e
verY no/to/ariaI ii
this cc'
etaotrY and Indvi 1.71'te
quick motoring and h!gla
beef is ValUed. 'The $horiborn
titnPri' in the illf$t 1-40U of beef pre-
ducing hreeds sod in encelled PS' no
others in ttantrestlEa, Its goad gnat*
frtg On cemmon or scratt cattle,
Don't forget -water, 0
ter agaitt, then gmin-._
If a Iters0 Is tired give b1;
tone bay to nibble on for in
our or so. Grain should never
giseo to o wuy horse. 1.et
tdro -Npt
Salt slionld airraYs be ;tent be-
fore the horses, ^iltey will tben
at just what is needed.
Horses s0oa11 befreqUehllY
ttered, but lot the horse that .1%,„
OrerItcated have only a few
swolIews, until be 14 noel,
Look mit tint your ;torsos ,are
Tint overcome with hear- Drive
and ;;-orl; earefulitY-
Peed more oats and alfalfa
and less' rOrn now, as corn lacks
tilicient inusche making protein
or the wnl-king horse.
In i;ion serviee to wan
g000rdiy gets_ Just ahollt What.
he pays for. SouttIngss should
- the basIs aseleetiog Oraet
and Gentle tilethode 1a Trainin
fikive Peet ,Reeutte,
By th time a eol; is reads to wean
be nail be halter broken with 'very lit,
treublo 117 you spend o ter
etes eaelt daY pelting.Ond reeding Mtn,
of ;land little'thIng,4he lihes, suy4,
'n the; American AgrIgultur
Wtrea yott .tvont.to halter Mtn
i;155 00 01157 egnotter. T41;0
lter into t1t0 stoble.aud let lam
' ,-..t.)se, As soon au he
won't hurt hint rob tt gent1S
head, letting him :feel It
0555555 1: Pc In donbit, Do
o (-,.4d 1410i 0) put It on, Lot
n he f!,:wsv yeu, 174.,..K- 0115 113k
Off a f(,,w tirozo,4
from the otkbtlonai utsL1, Olvi
theriefOre, I *ill Ent 1.$ 1
Eariks to
it nit thlti dagli ;me
whet; there is every assurgEve tI
wifllf110t eniliniand a high price in tI
Market, On the other band. en a Wei
bred steer this last hundred Naiads
may make him a market topper, anti
the result in this VaSe may listift• the
high /latish. though the latter part of
this may he made at a high eost
The relative supply and cost of grain
and roughage to he disposed of are
factors which should in a measure de --
Maine the length of the feeding pe -
Nod. Cattle for short feeding are usu.
ally in tilgher condition at the begin,
ng of tile feeding period, And there.
e the proportion of grain to rough
age consumed Is greater than with cat.
tlo fed for a tenger period. Where
teeders wish to dispose of large (pont'.
f roughage the feeding period is
necessarily longer than when a large
proportion of concentrates to roegling
Is to ha fel. In a general way, there
fore, it may be said that the low grade
steer shollid be used for a short feed
only, while In the ease of the -well bred,
fleshy steer a high finish trill usually
bring the surest and largest profits.
In the case of tho Individual who
raises his own feeders and carries
hem to n finish there is ouly one type
that can be handled nt a profit on high
priced land -namely, the steer that in-
herits fleshing tendencies. Snch cattle
are the outcome of clearly defined
breed characteristics, having in color
and conformation the stamp of one of
the great beef breeds. It does not dis-
count the sound doctrthe which re-
quires that corn belt farmers raise
only a good type of feeders to say that
when feeding cettle are put into the
feed lot from outside sources It is, un-
der certain circumstances,entirely prac-
tical to use steers of rather inferior
grade if these are bought right and
brought to a nicely warmed up condi-
tion on the cheaper sorts of feed raised
on corn belt farms.
Hog I'Vlulch For Orchard.
A Michigan man uses bog mulch and
bandies it very successfully. At least,
he calls it it bog mulch. His land is
net particularly good. He cultivates
In the spring and seeds Canada field
peas, sometimes using a small quantity
of oats. 'When the peas are pretty
well formed he turns in 200 hogs.
They do not touch the trees, and by
the use of movable fences he has been
able to switch theni from one part of
the orchard to another until the entire
crop is fed down. He furnishes his
hogs with a little corn and then turns
them to market as a byproduct of his
orchard. The orchard is well cul-
tivated by the rooting of the hogs, and
a large amount of humus is available
to plownder the following spring.--
Orange Juded armee.
Sealing the silo With Water.
Hoard's Dairyman says that the best
way to seal a silo is to put a consider-
able quantity of water into the silo
after it is BlIed with silage. This
0 100 55510)014155'10.,
411 hi
rob It di 1II
ISo not tr,o to hrealt
,bout twe0tr to thlr
lo as you
an o
Wu ha • az
which do net
Longue. Take I o natal
closure If peesil tiny hi
guide. In del 01-; untii yen
hitch him s hest to run tint
reins Orel he aft carrier. Teell
hlin to goide one way before ruing
the other, After he will guide easily,
both ways pull him first one way;
then the other. Ilis mouth is verX
so- do not be rough with hiut.,
Now you are reedy to teach
the command "Wheal" Start him with
a little pull or a touch and stop him'
hy a SPOSOW pull, saying "Whoa:" itt
the same time, Stop Will at the stun°
Place for few tittles till he stops
f his own accord; then make him g0
on rind stop 11717%1 -here yon want to.,'
Ileduce your pull on the lines till be
stops at the communal. When ready,
to teach "Get up" let Mtn stop; then,
pull very lightly tin one line; touch bite.
with a wbip and say "Get up," all at
the very same time. Ilepeet till he'
starts and stops at either conimand.
He will now be ready to hitch up.
Put the harness on end drill him two
or three minutes as before, then hitch
him to something light if possible, let
him know that he is ettached to a tag,
shake the shafts egainst him gently
and rattle the wheels, hare an assist-
ant help him start the vehicle, go a
few feet and allow him to stop and
think about whet he tem done. Have
a helper assist him to turn by pre.ssing
the shafts against him and back up by,
pulling the vehicle back. When be is
afraid of anythiug talk to him gently,
and allow him to approach the object ••
and touch it with his nose. If you
lead bim up to anything don't allow,
him to burry when you are leaving it.
I3e firm, but gentle, with the colt and
you will develop a horse that will re-
pay you with good, honest work all his
' t.t
When Pastures Are Dry.
The late slimmer is always a trying
time for the dairyman. Flies are bad
and pastures short. As soon as any
shrinkage is noticed in the milk flow',
some provision should be Made foi0.
supplementary feed. Fortimate indeed
is the dairyman who has a stipply of
silage left over to fall back upon at
this time of the year. ` Soiling cropS
can be etilized to good. advantage at
this season. The results Of allowing a
dairy cow to shrink seriously in milk
• flow during this trying period often ex-
tend into the, fall and winter season.
Even though it may seem troubleSome
and expensive to keep up the milk flow,
at this. period, it oftentimes will pay lit
the results w ich foilr»v ater
th • -Kansas Farmer.
, .
e sea -on.
WO y of sealing a silo was discovered
by accident, •a heavy rain on an un -
I covered silo furnishing the water seal.
It was feared that much silage would
Pc ruined by the water, but when the
owner began using the silage he found
a very thin 103-00, of silage rotted,
whereas before the rotted layer had
been many times as thick. Now this
owner always seals his silo by cover-
ing the silage with water
Stock Ought to Have Grain.
Adding a little grain to the roughage
ration of even the stock herds not
only saves roughage,' but by' furniShing
,greater variety of feed better' cligesr
lion- will be pronaotecl and more .oetir-
Isbinent obtained, than front a, like
; ,
artigio‘ At' '
Permanent Pasture For the Boar. ,
, It will pay you to "go to some trou,.
tile to get an acre lot well set with ,
permanent grass ler the boar to run
M. Having running water in the .lot
if pdssible, build him .a shed, tig,lat on
three sides and openon the south, and
with Plenty. of 'grass he will reost:yeu
very little feed.e--Farm.Progress
for .1: go. Si .1 111 Pnui nr. g7s 046e I s: el a', for : 6
i 4fr'g. d' Cde:sraYt ‘.1-ePrO°Wr)
'end svvine.' Every ,farmer
en• acre or two ei