HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-8-28, Page 1GOOD BUY necthe best 25c purchases I ever niado a$3 Nvlett. I took home a package of Rexall Corn Solvent a customer the other day,' Prompt, airless and a sure cure I:t,exall Corn Solvent .doS remove the corns, Price 25c a package. Cole's Drug Store •RTY-NINTIT YEAR—NO, 2,055 JONES sz• A HAron 8c laid. sex Gazette EXETER, ONT, CANADA, T ANT1-,iD _Ladies 'vim want to bet te ier ngreputation, they can do :4 by ;Ad Pickliog Spices, Flavoring Extracts, Ea 4 Powder and all kitchen tequisitos here, LOW' est priee€,,, for the finest and be Ladies. Leis 4f . ater [Or your plekltog wants, Cole's Drugstore VRSDAY MORNING ATMUST 918th 1913 F. PtIONE 32 COATS FOR EALY BUYING -LIST ARRIVED Our Big Shipmcnit of Ladies Misses and ehildrens Coats, They are right up to the minute and no two alike. Now is the time to select your New Coat aud have a first class choice. We are showing a swell range of the latest New York stylesCoats from. $10 to $40 each, NE SS GOODS AND SUITINGS. ALL Our New FaU and Winter Dress Goods and Suitings are here for your inspection. Some en, tirely new and exclusive patterns are on our counters The early shopper will get the best choice. Bedford Cords Silk Creape Whipcords Figured Creape Knap Suiting Silks, all kinds her New Goods in the best shades. Tweeds Camels Hair Seizes And all FURS For the early shopper, a,11 our small Furs are here and you will And them the best we have ever shown, VELVIETS They will be good this sea - sou. One of the Leaders. We have them in an orBrocade in every shade. eicottliti 8: ens Boys very Newest and Niftiest its that are wade will early and have the first choice. THE NEW FALL SUITS are here in a big variety,, of Cloths and Patterns. The be found here. Come along Phone 32 Jones IL May, th Exeter Give Away%'Your Wash Board! Wives; will yotr,please call you hushande,attention to this Vacuum qualms and terrors, and guides him . its chairman t.Proeteds of the, Gar - Washing Maehine, whichis a more artaight et goodly gait through' all !den tpartY amounted to ,about fifty, 111111Me.,_ ttlre, .1 Another Pioneer Passes again it 'hecornts ot-,s sad. duty to note the death or ore morei of. Exe',.- ter s pioneers 1(4 the iiii•rion of 'Jahn lieriioned who delaarted this, earth August -25th 1,9/, At the home of his idanghter Pro tis at tile az nd th o ot 84- years a +8 mons. Deceased vas torn ft. :Merlon Devi Onshire England io the year 1829. Be sailed( to 'Canada the Yearli,85,1 het ig thea 9.7 years of age_ ;After dilr ing two years tr., ...-teter ha settledi on a farm. two miles east of Exeter now occupied by his 'son, At thli-s time he was married tr>114.s. much be- loved,. wifQ Susan Featbf,rstora who predeceased hioa years„ peginning farm life in 1858; be lived in the i.oroter days 0f, Ruron County and labored hard With great ipeonvenieures,,, clearIng :and "it.r"Zog ;7. g nder c ti vat; on 20 a c or CI1Ole.eSt trk.,), Tirstorta,-2„ • h brought returns in , ass. iraving refired finm roil in In9t: at the eget s 4, IlaS 1111011110tired In :Exeter. cOonecied himself -with James Street church um7er the 'Pastorate of Dr. N. R, Willoughby and 5iO4e hen a true and devoted elirisilan ,pheracter and has "now mina /9 reltr a rich reward, , OS -ending vas ileart.-4/11 -and quiet eireurnstanciat evid/ee /Wpg qtmgg,--,3- tive of the "oseliab7e fact ibat eh- wa.5 not aware 0f. +ilc"rair1isg lite he being, found CoMfOrts+bly at 2.00 o'clias1; flatt tikad the morning withont; s',,gn or 116 Islightest 'struggle between Are deatb. Tie cluv11- olY 1(.+45+ieQ11.*nd, mooed, io 13,40r14,, Eff', leave to mourn 'hiS Ws,' three IS,Or11; anti two datIghtua, Cileb, hua and Esli so -A Mr$. Karr)) Poll - ...One of Fexerer and AO% Ell Tmo "Oretliton; ette both'er 'George ot • iielseA and one Olater NI.Tt of London ROad 'South. The 'e YVATOttity of the .he tructertil woo etterneon to the id Vr ie; tatteroletl of ' friends, to etteArtkkl taY • t on Lin e9t1,a, 0 Pict c ... frlie, Main treet Uthelot <Minds tt 7,chool bold a Oolo11E11°C lo Gran end on Thurqd,rr oE lqqt weelr. 'The rnirg.'wel idill nal 1;Te 'bus !olds EITAYed the tri'rt to th,, lAteside. De - ides the rlotases quit.", a number 0 ingIl ri'gs drove out vial the gather ina g that sot ilowi P !b . 1 t• l."1 '1'7 tila 'Park Wal 0 la rc.,'i, '',n1 !spy on The lake l'elna enju /ni, i 1,‘ orion 1 tv45,..F:pent., in A °Wing' 400, ,,it 1wr "amuse ments Llama' two (37-4o dgathe ,r'onds 'began to gather andWitost‘• pi.lcniekere I soughtel ter nod' ' for the cot*le oi; Lours the rain earne do".3.3'n the merrY rankers adepted themselve:i. io il‘el occoslon 'The rain interferred witb the arrangements for sPorhs. t at cleared oft bowever in la short time The -water was ;mite cool for ,bath- ing. On. the lehoTe I ha lpiene eons a sneces and des'pile the ram e invery- thg avent oft in expellent order. ' KfillZ.TON . ............, haey ben held on Dr, 1Camipbellis The 'Gavle)) Party "which w"tt's to , Irmo! on. Thursday last -wale", Nni'Poestpon lunilFxlanYejellgonlc°1n DOIG THINGs itigaz ethe ram. 1 might -that is a goodly raottof your g 1 there was a large crowd Present to do things riglt, vithall yo To e' ' pasted that inside my hat, and If 5:41vnke I fterthrawsFrae7'raIt'satiiinugts ''Parnpavide:t1;.)yr dont' you ought to To do things I .The iprogramme was excellent and 1 ' right. as leads your light,avith -faith ;contributed by the following soloists „and hctie, abiding, to do your hest i Messrs Cracktel Ranati,l'ph DaTI...S I and let the rest to 'Jericho go sliding {lIarold Pym, and Cha, Tara, 'fr With :such an aimyou'll _win the; pyna also gave a 'Piano seleatl" ' game and see your fortune founded, Bev, Mr. Royatt delivered an and goodly goodly deieds beats :ley creed rpropriate address and Mr. Driver of that ever man expounded. To &it Molsons dlank exPlained the Objeet things right, too arard5, tight, whet regulations of the Kirktoii V.`b- fate icuts utl unfairly, to Pay your rary Association. ' way from day tO day, and treat 3 -our The lband was id attendance Land fills neighbor squarely 1 That dolall avants and till.,s 00 (1011btCrrice 0 NovfasmvuesricY Ileneevr Ills, NCV..“:3311 1.1r€0 14entileCtRend5 t THA:11ES ;110AD Dr, Zleidrom, of _Cleveland is to ozeuty tba Thames Road,jtt et Sunday morning: alev ,Elecher Oardiner o. powessi occon:ed the pulpit last Sunday mord", izfg- and E.,,reaeled a vely ..ae-eept.awe sermon. a Mrs Fr++tatVr ot Hamilton is vt'l ing at tha Manse. • Mr. and Mrs, james Earl were the guests or Mr,, and Mrs, Orville Conn last Sabbath. fr,'George 'Roller and Steve llutchings left for tbO west fa Mrs, E. Meinnis is visiting frends tfti5 r,la e'gorhOnd, WbUe Mr., Bray. was driving hOmA from town last week to motoreYel-d eame up from behind, 'The horseS be. came very frightened and one un - en top of the other. there was a .a."enerAl. 14;: onla,' for thb„ as- sistanee of Fonie men working in the ' who came 10 1:31r, asele- e thitgs might have tan very ser anniversarY Methodist church were Me ny' and ontlaY lost and -were a decided S11.`. 'Were Con-, 41UPtP4 aftetugoo. annlo d eveing e PreStylerian eboreli 130', A, it, Fair of Arktina former !Pastor of firK=WE and the emigre - ons 'cleased to have bioi -b 1h&fl1 1� hear him 014e roore e ‘vas a good attentf-ince 'both C't sni-,s,*0 was Itv James Srteet church choir was very much ainpreciAted 4+i'Y " On Monday evening a was in 01t.than7 ebotk te V,110'amply se'etairted cot sapper. After tea a pro- ; wahe. s given tprat4hyteria sln-i che large thnilding e were given ly Dev:s, ; ir Collo 31:.'teller. and .A, The Milliganloys. T;on, tedOre audience with on the violin i'31iel gavae a reading whieh, reed end the ,TaTilC.5 lio'n^ 'Provided aeveral •v"Xrell. ers, alev, E. O. T,`0well ed e/rnirman. Min pro ‘e Anniversqry imonnted i+0,09 ut,it't31 3 y rno-t rernarkable•discovery, not an..inven- the field of errors. To do your best five ,doilars„ tEveryone was made tion, than the flying rnachirie, Come within Your breast a cheertul heart welcome by the Genial Rost odd the . , . . . ... lbrings the man all things he ever ' The Eeptember meeting oE the You put it in the wash boiler with wanted: At finding snares land neats woreeros Tnstitute will ihe ',held. at clothes, w(ter and soap. - of mares I am not ver3; har.d3,; hut mr, ,T,as. Zena`o'S home Paerts on • - . When it cotnes to finding thinas folks tickle end Jelly making warA'c', giV- unted--tha.t is a „pl'an that Ladies or the Local Committee:f and see it in operation here to,day. say 1.4 -ata ;42 dancryie'lar-d• .„33aY. receilft is era bY Mrs, 3. Douteand, Mrs. IN, W hat It Does,and How i - short anti qsvreet; att'sY. 0120 to rola Donate respectively. A. ;button . .hole ) _ This Vactitnn Washer -sucks up low; Inst to ,clq -things 11 E lb • '11 a on s .v mane. gir s a 3 take 141i JP7 " gallons of sudS arid floods YOn-r might -it Theat4 othtrs bel-‘ pclacee 3. 7 low., -,.Walt Mason. Tars, Dr, Jose left on Tuelsday for Over. the clothes every five minutes.' - 13elleville and Zradoa +where sha \vitt In twenty minutes '3rour clothes'are snowy white and clean.4, I visit friends.' , on d 'Rev R )10 -fiat :it, does is, actually takeS the dirt out, without rubbing, PLNITALE-In -"itic.Phe..11, .......310n.aY, ,i„,__s, .n 1311119:3 is IA.4ust125th to Mr, ana ;Mrs. Atsa nonuay I Toronto and Pert Perry Ile has seeured a good tsupply for his tulpit for the .31st . iftrittiout a washboard,. without fuss— $2.50 Pcnhale a daughter. • H,A.°6uKg.E26 to Mr.' and Mrs. G. lelockOY- 15.°11apinaYssesr`a°1011,len, I°1„Terrt'W Dia chard' I " cl t h Galv' ,$1..50: up. In Exeter on Tuesday ljCC Wash, Boards'$4.,50 : , a daughter. on Wednesday l&st. 'Interment tech Washin& Machines andTingers r• e storehouse ownedb 'n and o3en.ried by Ford,and Me 'a?O,o'gside 'the ,frAight 1)17CITA.RAL13-at Drysddale on the Ida.ce 1St- Marys Cemetery' on '8th t" to. " Mr, ' and, Mrs, Joset.'‘h Fri dra Te'ax.c.S A daughter Ari$..,6. Wochaime a,daughter. J. J. 1-3,e\111,1ny :to; . was 1")2N01\17.., -+At .theSauble, .Line „Stan- - mourn tias 1°-i" of " r°° -be -i": ° tao tt,nd. ittaiNv_leid,i,is",rritiAvilec:loetrie.0:1tv.t.,coctreoder d soBomy jrkton who ha been , for some DIARRISD eresent in a seriona "condi:teen. , • - a COLTInI- AN1\t_ICELE- At the Ont '... Miss 'Jatile.ISell V'sit;ag Tia largest "mo here. a her irt(i; --Yea 0 Eranets Base'ball .en :Cole ma n" of 'Stratford,. . , Clinton1WSon Jsty. .t.13.+e'fa, , ,Ot, t O x ...,04, j,,t+.all-;1.)..i•-.7rit, '- 'nfactixt. , ea ,r.foclii.Ey--...1r, 'Ex:eter, on TuesdaY, Ag'v"14tera`rge AUg„,. 26tb • , the infant "el ftuglte -.' of ne: eAr4,,Airs.'Cien. Hockey L 0 1 1 U., '&0 a ifi011t A,ZO.S,1r:;?,/ th : 0 elnii' dley "vto d ,-tia-ieds.,,,3.4 " )),--4Ifl'.1.;:i4er'ed'°. MoridaY as and" )8 ."rtiOntila ' '- .".. -3 e st 0 g found - "IfAfit6tAe oa :Two ganaesof have been , , , arranged for next. ,i)londayr La.'aor Day to he -,rlayed,-on the ' Seheot, grounds 13e -6'Y -ter- t1i, London 'Ttanl- Liats and II:se-tor,: ,gannes mise to he ,frst,IAts "e,-diemblers a se considered one "ofx ..Tas"1est, n.1-cri- tett,i, teams ill Lf 'enrlExeter is 1115, UPNs'op.; .7,04SdS, 'tfols aVY 'and. 4'34341 aittlne ea aiasoi tail+ i 11 daY,'Wjf a.ke,,S0.132 boysi' soneetet', •0f45 t1J at lila '‘‘r .A4 The people of Ceotralia ebnrcls forwerd expectantly to ,or.ening services lo held Pe-st Sahltath when Rev. D N. MoCannts or 'London is to pre-ich both morning and evening., :Mies P. M, l3latr1ifor1 left for Cal- gary on Friday last, She perposes ottendiug. Normal Sehool there p're alory to teaching in the N”st-, ;Art's, Canning of Grand Mend is iris= iting her a!ster Mrs, illaskerville. Mr, Ray Denham or Myth visited Ewart A. Blatchford on ltIonday ! Mr. Wes. Tinker left for Ihe weSt on Friday Inst. :Arr. Simpxon of the Windsor Col- legiate Institute ;s visiting listhe Mr Parsons at Victoria 'B. ling relatives here, - The -church has been greatly bone - Mired by the ki1Ifu1 band of Mr. Van der Veen. WOODITAM -..11r. AT. Irvin' 13,-'p7,•eate of 'AI's, "Allin and Wife of Edmonton have been :re- newing acquaiotances in the village. Mr, -----ase of Aylmer and Mrs, Ful- ler and children 91 81., Marys+. vis:ted Mr: and ar3.. Samuel FOrd, Bliss Avery ot Nfitehell -has been visiting her aunt Mrs. Eniiinger. ' Mrs, Eerr of Creditvis;ted at Mr. and Jas. Rootly. • :Afiss Beatrice Skier of Toronto is visiting, her aunt*arts, Shiere Bev. T. Sawyer of i55.parta has been visiting his relatives here. Mr fil:Ilv- Yer took part in the 'Satadaserttees and, delighted all with his' Itel1pful minis tra t;ons. ,litr_. li-nd Mrs, Rae of Detroit -are visiting their son Joseph on the 1Base Line. The VV, 11, 8, held a very .sucee,sis. ful)quilticg bee in the Church on Thursday last. ;Tile So,otion Business College, ‘thicli will re-onen for aefall term on SePtember i2.cd are the largest trainers of young ceople 'in Canada They are affiliated 33-ith the Commer cial Educators' Association of C3�-. ad. and, have a clinic, of seven col, !egos ofwhich the Clinton busineiss college is 0 worthy link.- '.Uliere are tnanY reasons why young ;people should attend oce of these ,collegos as we have over 2000 graduates per 3 -ear and these sehoolshave lbeent es- toblished during tam paet: ,thixtY Years Every g''raduate is guaranteed a position, consequently no young Dar son need licsita.te ah to gainiuss foot _bold in the busiaess world ire, naultitude of counsellors there is wisdom Iconsequently having over tea.cliers in these various col- leges we have beeii able to pick mit 11 corriculonr which very far ,:sizt'Oas- sr's that of anY iichool. The famous system of Bliss !hook-keel:log Icacling feature in. the Commercial a;artmentsand in the Stenogral?thic) Der.artments8tu4eats maY take e'th- er, 'Gregg or:Ts-lac Pitmen 1st-torah:SO:I nose lethe cantot enter ori ing or_ f21 -til. may ernes ,ar„..,y ()the er day of i13e ear as an ali stidnt is in1t1,-itcte1 itdividlialiYw . at, his ',on b0,se withont. any furthea] e.c. The e engli oar Rome. ; .11iite'p'artreeet,. p sent nie y , OSnli'tirt ein r e )/lesInesa College ,Cliaton a in-: 1".-:('!, ten ;."--1 or ' the o sa ndls I toSifuSdffio, tvaTioie,ig; In life +shonid write 103 in Toronto titi rs. Was, llowey .is vlsitleg 0rand 'adoriga Se▪ niOr isj. in Tera ing the exhibition. 3 Mr. D of Clinton was in towo on Tuesday, 3. J. Knight of Guelph was it town on. Wednesday, Caarence Smith of the ...SeaIs ;siting Mrs.,3"ohia 355 Mildred Hortorr has r,-,+1t,r0r.d homc, aftrt., 'Visiting tr.cdsrb EitTlY's at: Li.h.L Ozara 5th. and 6.t,h dri.ots Xiss iRrown and. Jones are spending -this \ves,,L: In Toronto_ Ea4wood. or WrhithY 1,?"5tha gacat Of .:3tr, and :Ira, rt attend 115 Atr, 0, ilq,Irdet Wedoes(ioy s^ea'..ez 5,15 ?Ipi-644P1,,,e,Gaoral Warat+0,:t1, 3Z'3 iitjg it elly'S+ 011 the floorat the Qu9P„ 1 am going Vridayf *Ad 0. day lit,1A- and 0th 6, Co:e is in Toronto thps week attending the Canldiau Pbsr- m3ceutleal conventioo. AtRed813-toll lelit.':TrAniv'ItilEXP-toarrt4g.nrxzian waueg once apply to Li'. 11. T:::70s40. N3'11.11A0.1r:5 f a'Stlell:(31;c: 'tQ.1% Ca n te their fillirtery 3.,:e,e++,ratoont to Va. ifr5 3. hbe7eare:r.ttLe::{iert:ov:tiOrlaf coamilog lvtel: GrAla Vold. Sheerer of Petertero xr'inamer. I .Torto$ 33" ha, ePgagOSI G. jOts, :4743 M.',37, -.11A Mr, aid I'4i'rs Gins, UOimborg two c,1011 Ars.Xi, Da e Soo. tare visirirt,7, r .1;1, 'Wedoee 7Nlis..A., 15 Su Toronto. da 15 S,+a e itrs, Smtk of Einotre and thild MLss SmtLh are 'visiting to Mrs. (3.1.5 Mr. Thoulao,l'Sneb cattle dreier et died tirLs 'word: at ts horn$ the' 17,tit The' fuberaf was be)d. Wednesdey after0000, T.1.1Q funeral of ra 11,1,ghter of Mr„ And Mrs, ney oi5 .SiVphr),O. aged 2 3- ,rnontlis 1,vas hella to the Exet terY last Friday from, the t,0nrie Mr, PP,r50.45 Ldog r.4o10+ ,Fofttrh , O depillntiQ5, 1ppOftlted by, tT,tiei .0.aox410i.f., a e, ,i,rCtd+7ryco!mtri,dn+ve;e4 sroili4,y,ti. 110 'are negotiaUng. to lr)frare la - Irtve tot7;.1rIled-17..e.ii,v, 1401 1,4re, .114,,v40,9r+,r197jv :,..,Kxi4;17,1rric401.cr,11,W4intnkrite-„b443, Tb,e'y excr,z,s,,l ilic, onin;on td.Pit Y .1.4;21_tn11,5`,1+;:sc::::iitfisk.,:r..v,firroit.:Ikp,i.;:47.:Iontto,05,7:t;),..sx,:t5ri:;,::. ti0A l'1,rt:ritys-14etoni,dii ellweheiltrt l lirciveg worth the e AuSt-rv Wlt 717'.J Al (1 14# .,ENeter ati:+1 lha 'bquilq. • ,W 1 oronto nral ompanied 'hy earet. 31111 lett Tueerla fan;Uron. rife Iva nobter :Star Ira, 0. fl. Cleo of Winnipeg for- merly of Clinton passed ava-to teeettt- lY,, he remains wort. taitott t Gotlerielt for iotermeot last Thur.: - lay. I Ilev. W. 0., IT. MeAll;t,t,rW5,1 eni- kd home Wednesday to confine funeral •!,erices ot the late john -feY wood Mr, rleAll4ter will oceupy the rulpit in lamps Street r -ort SnedaY. Mrs. 33. Spaelianon inil (Low:liter Tar.iorie or Mlenle'im who have been pending the summer 1 Orttod 13erel sr tre eral."`atrS. john .F-iteek :errs. xi a few day," ,l'efore ratornino is -.1.-.iittne• WM'S sJ Mr, IS111 7,;Irieh di5t. 3. ; to t its -eV end „Caro 1-1331 aft(' enteuded 1 1115 aorta- faiy Y000g of . it r 1IVS11t5i, and trs Riche ' 'ft Lomloo ora a, ircfldll In town, ifld Mrs.,Sol MeaVer and tlatejf tor retur d to their home. in. San - atter VI:siting- , rs S, Dow -al 11tyal gT'e rttpo' talitablO of , Other, r. MIS are home. Mrs. (Rev.) Fear of `-ft+1,Rwater, )7red1M.00;:sn:,-ACIOUrralftaT a'ontcltsr'llf ttovIrriel°tIl'10.11-1'e of the Millinery Department'or tlo re while Mr, and Mrs, Ifowey are i1.48.ti...t'4AnoanotlisiSviltehl'its4c)Ar'cl;;;Icei a tte*1.4 in Toronto. t • , ham or Windsor called on Mr, and •• CaFt, W ,3. willo.,nhl'y and 7:oli Gra:- remaining with Mr, and wlIrs, R Afrq. C, tintleatiold on Satu4n rday d Centralia e=Opening visited 'Mr, and 'Mrs, 3 .3, 'Merrier in 7iirlob on Sunday. Afester f;rahlm 15 denfield to visit. Trite `Apple Crop- Mr... Jones of .Ot Thomas recently made an nitro trip lirough ty,s sea lion look'ncs over the aPole prospects. The erg') ill, the ter- Bev. DN, :3N,fc„aaintis of Lon v;:ryinigoi- '.• 1'."+01.1' 1 Pw.ht: don? will preach of London 013 part at the entertaioment at lleth- ta::i'l1011fiYa.hrttehtiglYrnosts of 'Ala, and Afro. mwoetrteeroot;ottnapt,:ins;teedr pntdo John Ford while here. Word was received here Wednes- day of thedeathof thewile of Rev j" R. Grimly of St Thomas, Mr. and Mrs Gundy -3veze former reside.nts Exeter 'Air, Gundy being, pastor of the Main Street Methodist church. 'fl3e funeral lent he held to the Exe • ter cemetery on Thursday on tile arrival of the morning train from Loudon. 11301.1ntiful vtst- HaTVeSting ps over in this vicinit-Y and -threshing IS in full swir_g. The crops this year have been excellent The quality of the wheat is somewhat better than the average and the yield was good Oats and barley were also good eroi, The weather for harvesting has been ated :Afr, and Mrs. V. liowey ajst week and wos =DUI-ft:Ceti home LY her two little ferenti-ehi:le ' ',1gene and 'ArPrrYo rfor,a'X", '"Jto will visit Services Sunday, August tlist, 19 I ideal. lbe corn crop is coming along Eice13,- as is also the root crop. Mission Cirel.e. provided Musie-Dur iota the absence of the Jantes S-ireet church choir lithich „provided de lmasutsicl.Sufiodnyt-Ileaf'-er3e2rfr.'11.oaoln:37 aAn.tinn4:vareAs-tairti; the service of ',song in j'aineS St church in the evening was render- ed by the :11"issior. .eircle under' „t.lia. lcatiershrr, of. 1.1.rr,, A.,' Andrews. The* Nvo,:k of. the girls was very sreditalie. and nnich eujoyeti Mrs, L. .1)igtrtn ed at the, . W 1, 1?sinair,al ef Avon (Def., 'public School' who a. few years ago -wr-..; ay the Ed- o.cational authorities of Ontario to visit,the 'schools of 'Great Brij:ale :a the ,ioiercsis of edueation, is a m, n -who. tries; 1,0 Rear, himself , aitreast of I the end in lote.,13 with the it..a,t ap-dr-cc1),nrile,c'e d ist cc ots-.1.1e1.,.. ii0,11.10;2tr (itan nil tI lug vjth the ce'w ,subjects that' are Jciig r,iti red owthe iaablia Sch,coi: iduring 5imrc3 Nr;jacen-litio'111.,',)1a".417:T'03g-c;thrri conase at routiOdeecoloilsti,gio,or PbY- ,` f*i;e431e'r1 r e 'Iato mseir C .Orttoirt),M . eiea I train; rig , e rill' ;in' 1,4 0 , trirn'gt "and" on the ihome stead Leto clutle"Sat Aao 4.3 " .13 6 -edition :Clinton POCKETBOOK SURANCE IS C/LAP By HOLLAND. VOU can insure your pock- * etbook by reading the advertisements in this paper. The manufacturers of tlae most reliable goods and the merchants who sell them are telling you what is best, what is cheapest, what is most de- sirable aud where it ean be bought. They know what they are talking abont, and they would not talk in such an expensive tbeine ell -irvost+-1;nleNISs"..(711th'i eY'll -915''lleITINV- s ti en. They want te save money for you because by so doing they make a pernaa- nent eustotuer of you. It takes little time and lit- tle trouble to read the adver- tisements aud few occupa- tions will pay better. The returns am immediate the profits are -in cash.? m Y My ri :MT WANT 71 TIE EST:oDiTITAT .-RTI SED.