HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-8-21, Page 8rA .,..1.71,.....,.._,..7=-_.... _f.i a4 4aiq�as}44�•ssalwt***,AcAlmsaingsalmmAVAA.i, �W.„-,,,4 jaaasxsscrii. taw – 'aON I-- RH.ASON BLP, PRICES RBVAIL a Goods Mlls6 SO not olar uticy to carry goods over- from erne sepsen to another, so all Summer Ooods us.t go. We have some very special values They are much lower (ban the usual prices. b have, bee ar s clic the ,tiaoney Waists $1. fl, 7;A„°rl ef ire p iced Hoerr* Parasols Son;,e very pretty clot *aay to secure one at; swat TSE; 'Market Report—The following is e regort of the .Exeter market :,er eted up. to 4,'ugsaSt gist. What (standard) 9. Oats, 35 •Bari ti (standard) 48 B• ckwLeat 4& to 59 '`.ear SL..00 . r Shorts *23 Bran. $.2O per too, a I`laa ,'-.SO F.w grade flour, $1,5tf. Eggs 204 Butter 29n Dried eiesles 40- l'og sfh 4o $. k,d0 Hogs Expo, cels 8, fa to 6, 7;-*; Choice 13^azeirers 6,25 to an.".:0-; ';11Nlitin 'Butchers 5.75( o nail Common Butch?rs i.00 io 5. 4 Cho .r, Ci to 5.50; redauaa^ Cows 4.25 fo b,0O f Common COVV1;-1 3,00 to 4,.00; 40, XETER _T 4 is `r, Fred Mallett is holiday rig at Grand Bend. cies. Keys.; has, returned after 'Ids- -4,g in Chatham. Miss 1t>4sie Creech has retairnea, Cone, 'Maidstone Sask., Miss Evelyn Gilt or Toledo Mom spending her holiday.. Mts. Diekson of t,hat'ham is visit- ir.� �i,•. nn3 =yrs rm..Davts, Illiss h'iytzo: of London visaed Miss Ruth Hooper during; the past week, and �Tx s, Arora of Ica c4at21 are ., set,:ng, their d«nghten. n €'ele °rr, 7d, Taman of Stratford, is i r1sat;n lata brother A W, W Tamar„ Mr,Mrs, family and Ix�, Davey and �.,m,aF taf Tckront, `are vi -5 tir;gMr, and Mis I Brief nod, >blt4+!*4444#4 b!►1F144�i', LOCAL •• 4¢0444411 Ssl * nfclters aha week �. at s is .oliday7r:g t t :Grand 4 Ara' $ & ntOS.SOSe mall sizes. Every one .s wo Et elm they hhOuld adore quickly. Toren tirIss Li�il P kaR. F"Xs r,, z it htte Shoes baa tstce' o ass° Mock, 4ssclsacBelt Lad "a leaved of rwduced p Dinner Sets Lig tsd than We berre nem ' To e >al . special prices for the rout i t �atups lawns is ultadoaabtedly til $$,id. o a Dresses .1+ the 1,1 5.Ir, N. J. Pore aid byte are, visit-, ia..g for couple of weeks in Chicago and Montreal, ^i s• ` o uret t x Clarks, of Goderleh s cl +rss.Tr,.,randMaro e OROGERY PHONE 47, Opposite Electric Light PI We make a specialty of 1 ling Ramify Orders. The Groceries we deliver to you are the best to be bad and the prices we, ask are the lowest possible. Send or bring your next or- der to us and be convinced tb t this is theRight Stove to buy your groceries and Pro- JHF TEA AHD COF E TORE oaa 1.-t week. ' 'a> n Ohoice Butte r q Fresh Eggs, ,. e�. 3f.stex- Charlie Sitter of London le i ewtzag his grand arents a 3r. and £yam„ itie1 r Got ld.. ''{e}Lrr, Thos.Elliott is ,teluilding ills ono: and is at. tare-sc'ut &ak,az eaR QUM fD, llr�uu ds fa��oa g , 4VN 4r,d ,Ir,,A-1", .. , oy141 'and, ly ` +.* b'etum ill ton of 'e a $1 G +tl,'a e ;.lath at Grar,d ted. Miss 'Viola 110a;'e bis taken a ; :Loa as saleslady ir4 Mrs, 'yip.. IS )` Lor, +Mtn Jaruary 1st, Mkss: s ,-)fa, end Ethel ;,`A 'tlistrocar feat to Toronto MS week Io u trend 1g' ylillinar,° ora'n ram s,: TO " "Al -o -4 -..day- of last week 31; and cickwood pnt'ert:atc,' d their rs 'io ,a laicn`c, <a,t O,rrsarMet Rend, a1 n 1-1s'll4 rtoir of Ii;earsil,f and l'vfx flatrr, coir of Detroit are , isi¢sng at v. Peter ,dole's of the Themes Road lr end ^Alis. Clifford Sipeckman. n' d b ve aver Afr. D, fl r'-aekmaxa• car lob are home sree4ir.e tc8ida;� < lltrlaT road ' fond,ar ,paroles ill aes;r t at rive Apeiv. Hlc aldhBithatlY. Lena and ` "'elaaa.1, ,, reozr4i ; their holidays lc Mr, AleX ePher- , cin tom( earl) Oave seyter, Ssardaay fAaapliM holdt hair-, nen Me to Gra a. l3aznal ,od ,y` `�( efaur s, 1r•? Bev, J. d. S»l>:ll o isiaeen granted a. months is uo„ ° tvreoding a fcr, titer, Ir, ltalsswl Jia l 4e for Forkret as a hi dauber in alto (tide. Wbeo .you see f aea, $1,tistl,x+1.21 you ca Pian ax visstixt a:al a erx3y ti r;stt catre guests eat d hoc A. STEWART IcC allasatt rear t and oft" ale carob rl town 4 k 4 4 0 4 ! 4 4• 4 40044404446440@84446440444b46004i4b44444000444440440 111444441444444♦ Bays the best Talcum Powder Buys the best Tooth. Paster Buys the best Lemonade Pcfw'r Buys the best Complexion. cream Boys three good Mir dap Vans BuYs one good Tooth�Brush g Buys scores c res of useful articles OWELL8 BAZAAR BIG VARIETY ` STORE • 4 •w 4 •• •4 4 4 4 4 4 •0 4 •4 4 4 4 4 •4 e 4 4 4 r 4 4 0 4 a 4 4 4 4 SpecialSale to the end of Atigust of all Summer GOODS All odd lines of shoes are beingcleared at greatly re= du e prices,Voncan c dget anypair of mens low shoes for Tan °�,�a --- Ladies low shoes from 1'a � � pair upwards -- T g ase sizes 5 to regular for 2 fol 25c—t � z gMuslins,�ly we have at 8c a d. -- Waists,the baiance at bigreductions _ O 1S l linen SeeOrflr aI spun glass cilia to 4� red check C 26 in. wide g g r ct ° T,.-- l'oR.�2, c a yd. A table of mens fine topshirts worth up to ;1..25 for 50c -- Buyyour fall suit . scat now at our reduced prices, 1 t, More closes at noon everyThurs. during`Julyand A.0 lac. a hors rs :. and .'b u _ 2 t- a , , a�.� rs ,S e the 'buggy rp I drivel- , o f - to horse''' Was and the e under e Exeter `Bargain • ,tvrarklbill bee ation ar..4d days in, ltiu'il, eft on, :oleo- �t'hort tie catioa. the rit) finers- eaue. IS on hi4 .4.4417 tont) aid nlcr4rtl1 or Lace' aaatd ]Lain ,so .,. for London '+,'here lnomo .is °'TorogEo £ore going to their Miss Alma. ;r. 1"ot�hor or�i¢ i,s wad. In; a row weeks holt�lays atf her home after ettendice the Summer School of Art; in Torocto. tslessris Jack "Atkinson of 'Minton Ind Wflbertdfnrtin; .nuStorced to Bim• Ilton last week ,end took iu �a. coujale oC drys of the a celebration there. wolliok or St. ' faxy4 And Mrs, Rev, (Baker of Wood,Etatn motored ov- er from St, Marys unci'sleet ,Saturday Miss Mable Ii'o11ie:1 wort back with thein., Mr. and Mars, T x"^, Stewart; and family accompanied Eby SIiss Mead Rollins 'left by ratio oa a 'two weeks visit" in Toronto lowranvilie and B T$Cltin. Remember the date, Seat ''5 and G and .hear the funny vantriloguisce J. es!w Kelly and the aaccomtlisbed en- tertainer Miss Lily Lorcll froward, in: the Opera house Exeter The pulpit of Trivia iliemoraI church was occupied on Sunday by Clarence DDupian. James Street put - Cit by Russell May, 313oth`are' local boys and are 'a credit ,to the corn-. rnurJ ty.. Mrs. A. 'Alien A'ndr--e1,7 tStrcetz Exe- ter announces the engagement of her youngest dalrg'nter 'Violet Eva to Ur, Richard 13,° Nuance the' mar- riage to take place in the Tiiv;itt Memorial church 3xeier in the early fall. nr1" fro rir..thteerr'i "I;aree Nies;,. leering of Xondont 'i^ - C, tt , lari ties during ek. lirsa 1F. " . Carling oS :ilriginto : is v.s.iting her fnth,er_Mr, T,ih'ilton'who at the ,:reseatlt time is very 41L tIir, John; Ranter and family :fond Tell, Butters tinter .iixs. MTeQuorry arra :coeur ng at rand Rend., Tiss 1tcGrcgor of Toronto and Miss McGregor of Ridgotown arc visiting Miss Jessie Manson. M. -Jordon acid ,1.3ab of St, Thomas are 'v'isiting Mrs. Jordocee tarents \1r, rand firs, ,T,, .Isturr'a r, 'Miss Ando Cobbled(k .mals " been visiting :for the ,Oast fern (L'ays With relatives a"t Cla.nde"hore and Lymn. The Misses `Bullock of 'Toronto who have been 'visiong at Mr, J.tsserys Eden. sretur>:ed to their lro`ine., last „•e1ek. In mine ia'bsesee of ger Air, Sharp Main Street and Cavin churches 'held Union services conducted by 'Bev, E. G. Powell. Mr "Tarry B �. r y a� den of Tiidgeta,a n who has been visiting this r;randtht- ents Mr, and Mrs, Jos.i3awden he's returned novae. '�Ir, and Mrs, Luther Il3raitnd, wish to ,t -hank their many friends for their kind ae�xeression; of a sympathy dur- ing Chair sece"nt sad bereavement' M11ts, P. T, Douppe and family of Kirktor. returned home after spend- ing the pact week with Mr, r nd Mrs A= Camm' Miss Owerdolyn will let- main; for tax winile.. ; Mr, and Mrs, Will Amy and child and Mr, Wood motored up fr-om; Bur- ford and. Sp'e'nt) Sunda at' tine home Sunday f Mrs, S E.' r !Jo 'Vlis,s Laura ,gory U a era Jory returned with them on -Monday sand `will visit for a (short time. Mr, W, T-1. Dearing of Ste,phe'a met with an accident l on '( d d c nes a y .Mie went to get off a load of manure and fell to 'the ground :.Idly stpr'ain- ing his leg. fie will he laid up :for' a few. days zn '.cocsealuen e. Mr. Coleman Moncur who has 'Teen 7ery sick With ity'pho:d. fever' III, the Peterborough hostital is improving and is exp'ected home 'bins nveek, ;aecomlianied by his sister Miss l dc,th Moncur who has been with 'him :dur- ing his illness. 'Gala Day was held at 'Grand Bend ora 7uedsay'la'st The 'we'at}ner was ideal and a'large . 'crowdgathered - . for ite day The sole ttracition . was � a balloon ascension. 'A( lady ascended from 'the �Ba11'+Groueds in' Lcavitt's 'Park. and was +carried cut over' the lake coming dowirt in a ':parachu'te. "w + She acs nicked on by a launch, I, N .0 >Cook of .Ileneall had, a -bad, gash cut, in his foot the, re u0 df an occident Tuesday even- ing.' it -Le was returning' to Grand 73 b Rend n after tersin 'n'`fh��,07 "� - e� tn-• a a r tiY 1h, � 'hips auto when h + . r. e .(vas 'rim iii t a' IV One Omar Noll Of loos( 0ilice inf-liueaae' of.'Ih uor'' and in'eaa,hle of l:andl:nn the animal and Qagi Luta (-i;e 1 auto brea k ing o ff the lights and crWi.se dama zn thn auto. ctthh e mix ug":,' Mr. Cool , 10 civ d::a'Sb d '�c t . �: c e. a. u tri the. foot., E, 4*l� 5. rho sorneo of Air, Orr. Notice! shit kiands of live poultry:- will be accepted on Mondays, Tdesdays Wed. ttesdays a.nd Tlte> ':adttys Of each .week i dewing July sand �,ta ,ust, for wbic1t bi :best prices will be paid, Ducks --- Se per, 1b. Spring Chicken —1:i cents Old Rens— IOc, per powta Roestere - Sc per ptlasnd Ttarkeys...414 JONES a A ' BUFFALO BRAND FB TILJZER i aaai'prepared to su -pI " yxaaa with rice IuiTalio or9 zer, The best and c aeopost brand wade. Do not orf1er until you have o.sasi me;. LSON STANLA ai►ed Prernises— Ora . venin. Angarst l$t1i ixoa i on 6, Vsboree. dA. red. " carry. aria horny oc, giyin arnilk 'En" frtrrat ;:A;ir irnfol'matlotn as to r reaTon err ittlat,Uy, , seeeivcd. . r P.Yol- Vii. I . '�o, i :07, ntraiiai Mr,loht. 1\TeKc'nzie of Ilidoef•cld Wash, `avis killed on July 129th: ,vliec. he fell fnotn a bridge over Whipple Greek at ,i napes. )le:' fell aborit" tq feet )striking alog and crushing his b a• chest $ 1 w. :Help as sent for but died before' 'help .could reach him.'His for- mer home was in Northbranch 1llich,' On Thursday last the W. M.S,• heldv a. et iso c . is eofu •:'n Y 1 ac zc at Rv= S a. ervieav Park. The day Was ideal and every one cajoyecl thein elves altio the goodIth.in_gs 1rrovidcd by the lad ies 'pf 'M'ain Street. Riverview Park. is becoming' a. o U c n la Or r . resort for L o picnics a aur ljer being held there this summer. Mr, and Mrs. W. 11. Tom, of ;Med- icine Ida(; Alberta-, arrived from' ri.he west on Tuesday morn n, to visit Mr Tom's mother and sister, Mrs. Tom 'nnd.Mrs W D.Y o Cari'n, 'Et) Mr. ;incl IvTrs, Tom see m. ny-rh'arges here 'after being "near Neat lover 30 years.; They intend 'bisittng, several Alai s of interest in the'oni.-4 before. ret urn: fl to 3vredi 'ne George • Ortwoin proved a hero epi Friday afternoon: when he rescued. Clifford ':Cr sy timnoomh:; from l.la;e swim- ming 'hole in the.river at (l e :lam The bovs were in he thir.g 'When CI'f ford e ho -is only `ten' sears old Lam t , cd. off raft into clec'r water Tle m tet shore s led. to reach but .,,g . � c .hor.. , it went dawn When George saw him dis a':pear h dove dew , , jd hro agh,tf him� C e O 'ilk � i'L t ,-. him t r and. made foe shore Cordon Powell n lad of 'nine.'.reaehed.them a fishing pole, a.nd Mr..Mak:ns bo was cishing on the dam came to +heir rescue and' -Fulled, them : both to 'bore 'Clifford had a; narrow ce- rvrie sad`<should,'l e a ,v lrnin� to 1}ays�tvth :'',patina '�Y�ayee;ird-'+i`':' Apples for ale w , :oo Duchess .for 4nxi o tt 'and tn tvvrtins and'F.'C1l t :Les and: other winter:aarieties in ivosoza, 3,.T. 1Togartii urtcr 'Route Nos 1, Exeter; 0.4 .stS;C MOST—Motor Cycle number, No, 1641. 'lost between axeler anti' reed= iton, Fiaider rewnxdody 'leaving with F. J. Wickwire. EXETER SCHOOL BOARD Notice The tublic 'School :Board of iExe ter respectively announce that the 13igh sohool'depart neat will re -open September 2nd, !ft 9o'clock a. ,m,, The staff will consie of Lim' follow- ing teachers Pxiva;pal, W. 13. Welded - hammer B. A: Toronto University Honor Graduate in .roderns- andEnj lish; ' teacher of lfnthematics Sc.ence Modern Languages and Middle School English ]first assiatant Masa Lulu J idmund sman n e r tfirst1 c Cis tea a e cher' and fl, 5, 1t1,^9sis&tit" certificate teacher of Latin English and RLstory Miss Estelle ti.. 'Cragg. permannit first class) teacher hand '11-. S, Teachers certificate teacher of Commercial work. Geography a'nd. Lowey Senool Mathematics. Pnpilsare advised 'to register early and parents (should con suit with the Principal in' sclecting the course for entrafdts; A'S in for- mer years! thorough ;prepara•t on will he giveninall courses leading to the following ezami.nat ons; Lower School entrance' to Normal; Entrance to Model Schoo).; (Middle Szhool en,• trance to Normal School; and "Jur- Loi Matricult4'tion or Entrancethe to tTniversities and p'rn essional conrres ?n accordance with the latest 'reg- ulation n, two'yebrs +course in Agric- ulture for rural s :udents will. be oiened with the beginning of the 'Present term arran ed in order of the recommendations of the Royal Commission of TeehnLcal Education: The +science department, is bhornug, h- ly ''c 't.uitned. ' ` Extensive 'improve- meats_have been made, to (he light- ing and ven"eilation. " J. tiaioo SEro' Tfl' P'c islative Grants •'Lorural schools have Just been , at -portioned 'bY the Education Departmcat and or- ders To l,he name -will be To Lb. secretaries of the board in a fe;w+ days, As ,ex'plained i'n n.circular sent to trusllees about: New Years, the n+oney apportioned by, 'the. Gov- ernment w- ernmect for this 'purpose haU been fixed so (bat. as schools gener• ally :throughout (b _ province : have qualified for higher grants by payi,og'' reveler .,s t1•tries ^end engaging 1eacher's- with better imlifica 'on� '-t'� '��. t. s + has be- come. necessary to basil the g o.. Ells on', a higher ti'n'n�uua crd even- after Libor 'to Drake'a _pro .za,i,, nein tion; grants n cors,hr ueiice the this, year 1, ar-28 C D aCanC less h l n who,t were anticipated. The sums received on salirz.s' ,and certificates', in ;lsiasf West Huron in 1912 were res+tectivc ly $7272.10 and. 8208.70 thisthisH year there has been' ep'poriiotied 1'5601186, Viand °64,•,%32'r:spcctiyely or'.a, de^ riease+ Po'>l' 3744 92 ti' r (, i TT UIISDAY AI aU 8T 2t 194.1. * s Our Store I When you are purchasing, a present:it is a mat- ter of money and what you want, clothing else, Then this is ,our store, for what you wane is here and at the lowest prices. A. good variety of articles selected:from the largest stocks, consisting of Silverware. Cut Glass, Fancy China, Clocks and etc, These are new, beautiful and. modern in design and of a superior quality, headquarters for Watches, We make a spec ty of handling High Grade Watches. All Kinds of Repairing Done and Guaranteed A. t. No stable is u . to h.te without a Litter Car�i�er We have a large shipment o e celebrated B s Bros, litter ;ers, The old wheelbarrow d is a'baek umber., I1= stat the atesttp ove hent n your barn and reduce' your tabor Pe axe prepared to supply your deluandsill t:oel ehions and Stalls and in hay £sols of every description Wes. Sri Canadian !ecjfic Railway Farm Lands an d own Properties • Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan ritish Columbia. ARAi LANDS FOR TRE SETTLER Terms--1-20th cash, balance in paynmuts,extendin Loan of $2,000, conditio nal for Farm Develop omen Loan of $1,000, conditio nal for StockBuying REALM -MADE FARMS -1N SELECTED DISTRIOTI Improvements madeby the O.P.R. to enable settler commence; farming immediately COLUMBIA VALLEY IRRIGATED FRUIT LANDS ti In the beautiful Invermere and Windermere District ove W years. • 0 enter upon and in Southern Br. 0, BASSANO 'TOWN PROPERTIES FOR SALE Bassano, ;Alberta, is a rapidly' ;growing town situates on the Canadia u Pacific Main Line, midway between Winni peg and Vancouver in th e centre of the Irrigated Lands. } a FOR PARTICULARS RS APPLY- TO Ernest Elliot � S••^�, AGENT 0, P. R. LANDS MAIN STREET, EXETE e,; MAMA 0044.444'46400444444044044 4 4 • 4 • 4 o 0 • Row�!H� N O 4 • • P 4 4 e 4 Furniture Dealer 4 4 a i • r 0 and e Funeral Director 4 4 0 t F 4. 4 Phone 20a • 4• . 4 i A , Jgeter, Ontario w 4- 4 • • 4: 404•004404004404049040044•.:. IJIED :DYER In .Exeter ou Sunday'August .q < 1 =I 1 to i ,3 M h.;+:,i� 1<<n 9 ,;,., orf ,, las .,11 -beloved 1 m 9 ` wife of112 v re A G Dyer a ed 6 r + r,_ 9 mentb9 �� � Vtt.LE—fn 1?yeter NQ 1 August 1 r{:h 1913 .Tf�r Vale, little,' {ion, d; llclson 'Uccle �agedr� Half Holiday Agreement We, the undersigned merchants of this town, ' agree to close our places of business at half past twelve o'clock on Thursday -af- ternoons during. -the months of JULY and AUGUST.,. f3 V pz J, A, Stewart W W. Taman S. Martin and Son W. S. ITeaman W. 3,Beer I3, S acknra J•. Senior J. (;ri gs 1 Boyle l i .V, F. Beavers. ..1 -nes and May Davis S ' .1 i s. Yeo. R. Bedford lr N, Shier Advocate Printing Co r irnes Printing Go. Ltd. 5. Fitton 4. Marchand nd ori s -"`k ayn9 �: 1* al E