HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-8-21, Page 444 acztosSi. 4. I 4- .4. 4- 4- 4* noorporated 155 4, 4, cord of Progress or 'Five Years i906.19xi 1: 19.11. 3: .$ 3,Q00,000 $ 4,901,N000/ .-7 ., 3,00%000 00, 4 2077,730 35 04,2,$11 •Le,"—;\ `, A 'NT 'Z.; i';•i-i!,,-:',q1,,ii,.iisi,,* ...„„ 27,1,7:a,00a .i-4851,801 tTOTAL .1-SSETS ., .. , , . , ..., ....... ,.., '8.3,090,19`2 4%237,28,1 Ilas83 Bratc,^7ies in 04004 And, A.gents ond0oXresponaents in all the ptinvir.le,Ai.----z ha 014 A A ,:i3SS TFail clod it'svarfl nk Department et ow dot Ibghost Oorrellt Bates" s. RDON Ivianage 4.• 4. .1. the r THE EXETER TIMES Communication ,j3Lustt7tcoi ail'l.a"sl'3' Augusl; j)ear iltr did .1.1 good, thing tvheu came lllos.ton for ne,ver hadunell good tinlefore. 'United Drug Collis Convention exened n;Nlechtuates building yesterday morniug when Mayor .Tobia F.'Fitzgerald of Poston welcomed us to the city. Then, for three hours twe listened 'to On ad- dres-s of ,P.rcsicient Igruis R., Liggett who told atoitt the Com'pos1 pto- gress ia the .past year 011.d. outlined some big clans that will ,inelan better goods aild rViCze„: -every Itexall Store in this ,lcoubtry in the? future, "Then, tame the annual re- t of the Xreasurer„ u4d, a tell you it was Diet reSSire to gee in, black Awl wjiL how atexall sales, lhhvo grown. twelve months., , There are 2,000, druggists here' mo every state in the 'Union rout alt the 1;rovinceso Caeada and rote England Ircia3a& ettitiarad anti V*141-ts, of course. a .fellow can.t.t know qn.Y f eerie vorsooally but 1 kaow q,sgleoodgrnaan:S;00.ptpthiator-anyttd.tieh thooa filltd with the Rexall that. w "II 1 meet the stranget$, tro.lutiott seems unnecessary, gOsil tlIttnY ot: the sloelf holder's .tave 1210^1,°,4,1" iveS dallr;XittorS yie4y •afterneor. the ladies az uto trip to Wellesley they hmi five c'eloelf IttPus. Jr.„ `the af tcv be4 ntt-r itnilies' mee• „l at gtt ,p•trty if to a'grteconcert'. given by tb Drug;„p'ir..y aSy5n, Olt,T 0t-4nd i no oante tor (,06.4,4'1:fl (13 0):117a0:11:1t4:4aszle Olitsica Bo' arrd Albert Scalding and Lr these moo w,-te rtlisitig Lavi- n Snitorldittg dlk cur en f lir to :Mass, wil;Te 14'w 11S:tooth Rock, unti nil * aStoTi iced wt,t the NTE E .01 $10., $10, ti si sista:It 9 0 0 UES 0, $200 Ineipal nond1 absolut traveller t his jeurney in able in every ner Fresh Biue Lake Cernent 'eshiug coo goOd Supply of large bi threshing coal 04 4 't 4U SVk :4° % e • .ss 44 J11. • ^ ,evtiva . • I , ri ,i uvt, .ort1 Lure and Itemberst4pt- 1 . ot rdle„ tier lt, earrIVii ri lltetWelhi.4111y it I Allrerim 344gq 4 071414aret iih adjue- , f mall -adverb soelely rized L desire to r - in for endrick, lu At. 4OW is the trne to stockyour D., N. Anthracite Coal, screened ht into your wagon, without tandling. 74v7- GI(ItViOr1611jU) GIZAITTON. Canadian National Exhibition 1 EXPANSION YEAR NeW Live.stock Department Everything in, Agriculture Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Governmen Exhibits by Foreign Countries cres of Manufactures 11 3 Art% Ni.,..ft,747e1cie ably the Corpse. „ n the blanks which life insuraueo eoiupe PleS EPOVIdelbeir medical. =tun - twos tor use in recording the data of the examination of the applicant for insttrance they provide a space for per., sormi marks whiell may bo uzcd. ter identify the insured after death. One company recently reeeived 4 report from an examining physician ;with the following In tile 1dentition-5m Want; "lie has a strOng Cornish acce.nt,",-4' Lippincott's, . A Steward, Teacher--Jolm, can you tell rad what is meant by a steward? 3-ohn—A ard is a, man Ivho doesn't mind his, own business. Teacher—Why, where did you get that idea? John—I-Well, I look- ed it up in the dictionary, and it said, "A man who attends to the ,affairs of others."—London Mail. I MAGNIFICENT ART EXHIBIT Paintings from Germany, Britain, 'United States and Canada Bducatioual Exhibits Cadet Review Japanese Fireworks Canada's Biggest Dog Show nierica's Greatest Cat Show AND NERO THE BURNING OF ROME The Musical Surprise The Musical Ride Auto -Polo Matches Circus and IIippodronse Rona -an Chariot Races Athletic Sports Great Water Carnival I HUSF GUALIDS BAND ...*•COre Of 0 thel Famous Rands "Fweive _Land Concerts Daily eck of the Airship tit i rig t on 's Zouaves New Giant Midway Grand Datable Bill of fr I PATRICK CONWAY'S BAND e' Sept. N T Oftentimes the Way. When a man takes a dislike to you tbere is no use of trying to square It. if you do him a favor be thinks he cos von bluffed. and if you do him an rijury he is justified in his first im- pression.—Washington Star. A Man and a Dollar. During courtship a man easily. makes a dollar look like 30 eents, after marriage he tries to make 30 zents look like a dollar. That Is less ?a53'.-- Chicago News. No tegary is so rich as bonesty.— beia re. Have •City COilVeilleilCS O. enu it 5. fl11 go7.11;.; on every net 1A;V.W57 good time some - ug tusloeis among have had to break , to write this. 'To - Add 'day, The tO ;Nan Lasko t k Rnoe, e3tandi0”. INYLI melieoo ail rpgpa work tnmeKs ov, Is u 1J Ear OD the will le Lb Valan I tha to ,Nt 1sitie Ite'Xallitites. iuost oi u.,e,tptaciaIly those who rene from the far Not (be eitatICI to Intbe it Cho oeein NS in he the, bmt feature. lo the 4r...rolling they aro, nolo.; tdvus an Old-rash:orod Now Ertel, land Clain Bake followed by ovate Slum, music, ani fi re woflcs, iI „ AnurstitlYile ViSt day \tilt Ale .1pent ot vatting the lig vanity plant wnere Liggett's rentvoy nod Sturdey can- dies are made; the Itexall X..aboral- where we Make Ltexall Rem- edies, "'ormolu' Perfumes etc, and the Taew .3,*utrinarentlea1 La ore I orY lust completed- The Convention will close with the annual banquet to be held in the Alechanies build;ng. of Couro,,, r have enloyed the gooa ,timea but iIie best tea (ore or etv rvil. la i ha chance to see JuSt hbw the goods controlled lby BeaiI Btores ara, Made. laTow that 1 nave seen the care and skill tint't goo into everything .matteloy tne 'United Drug ColdPIMY I have talOre reason %ban ever to tnvn•thusiastie over tho Itexal; proposition and to congratu- late myself on the fact that nib Rex ail Store in, Exeter is my state, 1, steppose You irneW 'something about the Uoite a Drug Conti -lay. 'be 'Was formed ‘eleven -ears oo by Louis 10 Liggett at a time when 11.1a;ere was absoltItely to-ol:eratioa nmongre tail druggists who were trialf.ng their own oP rie tarY remedies in tile back shcr, :buying their goods in small quar.tities at large rrices, aad in gonera.1 conducting hu.,:in‘ttls with a good deal Of tveste.fr Liggett saw that if the lbuying uower ad manufacturing, facilities ot the leading druggists could be combined the result ,Would he better „service, higher grade goods und lower i'riees for .1,11e r.uhlic. 'Beginning with forty of f hest known :retailers in the' country he 'otganized the 'United Drug Comcgany and began Lo. manufl- Th - and such cp.:ben:a or :Wp),'eleekr iserivee as thcY never Saw 'before oxeu fin l' the Ilexall Store. A t Yottrs Sincerely WeS..Vole d.S—Stialllendeavor' to secure. ,the services of Collinz of the Red Sox' to ss ist the great Derry k'llral nighty Windsot. for James Street leatav SOn. 3914 Eirect to sell Ishorb stoV Fuzzy Pie' to the Poston' 1Nation- als at la«ooO figura. w.„ S. 0, Replace that tie.ts- tilent,•draugt,ty adang-erous' And of- fersive out-of-doors closet witt. an In- door -closet which 1111 requires r.o seliver, . • ° no plumbing, and '..__ no finisl.ing sys- tem,. Tda.ve city conveni,ctees in, your Lorne. Safeguard Family health by iastalling a "TWEED CLOSET - Sanitary end Odorless "Tweed" closets can be installed ir. the bathroom, cellar', or any other conmeoier,t place indoor's, merely re- quiring, to be tennected by a pipe for ventilation with a chimr.ey hole "Tweed"Liquld Chemical,/ used `ir coy/teat-ion with Tweed Closets is botn a dent -lora rt and disinfectant. Many hund.teds of Tweed, • Olissets Lave been sold Canada. Send for illustrated price list . Weolter Apr', '3 1912, Dear Sir; The SY-lair-5 el Otani:cal Closet T. hauAtt from you en iLoL1 40' sTh",lcholdt Jan Ott 1912 is petfect.„ I did not lire, toor'e,,, than' 7.000 empty it till March 29th , There arc 0 45.ti.i.ifevi'.101:ttri thtee in the. fa roily and can leave he I ell ,ntlyl,hf, 11 lid up and no particle: of odor can be Lowid. 1 would not ask for or-Sthing: Yours Truly -E.'• Wessell, adkifre Rexall e medics. e rena edies, were made rig,ht and iso1c1; rigb� and the int1li was protected 'by( a guarantee of satisfaction or money back. 411d.r., t lhoughi ft besl to give the jrivc1egc of selling Rex - all goods to only ,cate: man in each locality: • iNo Irian alms allots -eel to become • re ftexall. ,druggist iiiis lils final:10;AI . standir.g lad ;eh ara 01. or were above re-IT:roach. IL NI' as long before the the cliblic realized tha't1.1'.11e Rerall S'Lere sign, over a marts, door was' r,roof that the man coulch Ib e truster and that goods houglit i not:lira .stere would be ,better., last le051: flss than goods Iliongll't elswbcre 'Then. people .1:ego n; To ailc for, ;other - goods made by the Isa \‘'110 tfinICO. 'Reza 11. To meet: this .deinand the. United Drug (70111,i:tiny began t o manufacture ' oilier goods. la 1903 our, bils:ndss v.as onfinedI to one .1.naticling ,compof 130,91;0 squa.re, feet of finni aae Today 'United ,i) rug Vonr y j5i n nitl" (op- era I;es It Ci.Ori 015, p4 HS, ,1 cskora ware houses and ba hes all Ove'r the United Slajes. Ct. n (la and -Great Brit alit.and 't\;•;.., require' 1,000 buO feet of tioor .61,eriail---Or over. 25, cres !to tsuir. fy Tlin pelt lie with Ilexa 1 liernedies • LiggcIt's , "Uonn-ay, and Scittli•day Oaticly,,,Rfa moray . tr;erfinnes arid toilet !ITT -Ides. Sy tato fie ny Us( aro,. a InilIck ra tionerY ; irrtion, laloact;rrta in aryl A in'erlan b an - (V ,Iiiibber '1(ielaz0 a'Gcl,,gde r - .ANIMAL ViATUES. OW, listen, little 1S'ancy, to Illy Ingit- ty inarai Though man declares, hituself prea- tian's king. TiiOre are lintflY gentle antmais could iff*• bpi:stings fail, That r.oyer wi;i1 oats" nor "base raltbird hin.7- no dealings with the ranrand folk „ ifiatqsht tip tie With j'aiibirrl or with tuay ratte it off a nobte en tre$ tVtzticA,°':.r4t4.'raiicOff ott a deal. trueftee contraption with tbn or,,i;i11.1-14,cce:nsiletlap 4,tialtliktzo=perceivp. iotos tet,41witc-1,t, rr'Ms (lance ev trey t it ever ettrtits cee,q up its Stee;ve. It'l)toaUt, b14, ana hist and sect ta*tto a peanut from your tom,, Stateld you cruelty feed it peoPer taight sh it never left its traffic to jump yen '14antilt the toof. No mrit this sow tairrennde by lie ste4dagto Plating palls tact interest iA aroused. A $ow may be somewhat toothed toward gxecd. T. must confess. nut you never taw e. actlY tred. o thla ea,a0 ae sadly' daLvs. o Ischia' a-gettin t ebella alt Old 1111n with rre h nitcyc eu ol g home llt For Sale trhat ziicelySituaffed, lcomfoeta.bLt antA ul,g-to-date frame coetage ou• 'the corner of iwroi4 „And. Votora,Utxeets. Good kitchen, cellar, and woodshed, hard and of t water.i Posession giY," en ..tOisuit if,tu'obaser. Vor 'termatand articulars a/i.ply to D., Mack .Rx.eter. Or f.gnomas 4aneoU Ac Fargaihar. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FlitsT pos- TING VOTEItS' LIST Voters' Lists 1913, Municipality of Abe 7. PClunt.V of Huron "Notice is hereby given that b4yetranaMitted or delivered to to the „Persons paer4ioned lsections and 9 of "Tha 'Voters' List At the copies required by the aaid tseetiou LO be transmitted or delivered of the - list mode Pursuan,t to said act, of all PerSons appearing by the loot revised asces.'sracnt Roll of the said hitualcinal ity to he entitled, to vote in. tha said I municipality at Lleettons for mem- ' bnrs of the Legislative AsSerahly and at Municipal elections and that said list was first Posted up at my Office at l'ato ;8treet Exeter ea the 2.8th d 2914. d a"tr ther Tor insccetioo. Electors nre 'aro» to eaciat me the said list and 1.4- aDY 0011.11,,*tr; or other errors are fouryt therein. to lake immediate proceedings to haVe the said errors corrected accordnr Lo law., T, CARVING alga of I he said Du Nat Lifia h da 7 of July 913 To might upon o Min! or two, lecTlearlorne:edeel I.:ApPIC;),u rell:t hoot a fisher - b t enure There sleeps ,fat t would IleV1:7 ''it7tot your modesty, Ion sure. s Nt Pell Pahl alt we frum I dogs Svelcienartnn7' t t Id never wag the Poo. 1r0n8 bears to hear Pad forbear, to keel) cool from swam -intim frogn And frar.1 tho lowly oyster to shut up, —ationat,,,Itiazipk, BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the 41/114&-4/17/ Y C . A LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions, College ' in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free, Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal ChatteredAccottaten • 17 vice -Principal .611.110.100•1441411.41.114W Wornaa r, and should ItAtny arvel vibdronl'ugehs,-q howeederiel Farm for Sale 100 acres, Lett 1, ConceSisioa-2 Tid- uiph. the property of the la.tek R. "Elston ilviac, liouse trarne barns cement floor ia stable etc, avindmila never failing well. '1,1'4st-c1ass and in good state Qf cultivation, 1 miles from ;Centralia. 'or furtner Particulars apply to Tar. 3e4se ton or Messrs CT./adman 4..tanhury Barristers Exeter., .150 Acre Farm _For Sale Tie undersigned is offeziag for sato that fine 150 acre farm in tho TOonshig of Steobea being the 'West halt of "lot 15 COP, anet Lab 1.0 Ma 9 There jg-tou the letter a gond tgagtO ,4011,100 'Coomicong; a Tompl twc.k goge, hp* bar/40440 'ag-X5Q. with, go o4 'ulailiorueatta; never Talbot.; wen wttia. Witid MAR a)/»e45; Water through .1W tarn wou ooderdrained, faxed nn4 in gciadOatc. Paltil'ati9A, FOr gPr- t1epartieuiarn Aapply on tbn pro., iSeS to AT, Schroeder or ),-! flips Etal „Estate :Agent Exit DEti GF, BOTIVSTON LD. Si. AD. DERI"TisT. rinnOr: Graduate of Toronto Llmitgr, say Office over Diellson, ,6c cerii ting's Law office, 014$gd day afternoons, Phone Office filx Residence 5 b. z DR. A, R. KINSMAN 141,..D.SiIL bincor 'Graduate 94 Tomato Ulluive• ersity D;l4NTIST, Teeth extracted without paha._ AP" bail effects. Office ore r ouctu 'Mart Stanlmr.y's Office Man Sfj Exeter„. W. BROWNING P. S, Graduate yietoria thith1044. giry Office and residenee DePoilgO.4- Labraf.ory, Exeter, Associate Coroner ot 131nr,4 D ,Xcgsmi anaiiNq Itarripters. eolialtorn Tanta:rm.% VeSiatielOOT4 09Milltissf011Ier4k oU for the ;r410/40na Oa)* ofaa, ,,noney tA at lowest rato re,g, IIM.-,4114Jai 4 Carling for Sale COD 1, 1-iSbOrlUt VOA, taiDiftg 141134idrtd tICTe8; civaig9 elanl, 40: 14134=secgonitsaulvagoods nearly '13407'''.Arwitair,terstalaggu rooms underneat 4 good spring wells QP tIlo form. ,Ahout three acresot good /orchard. VarM Is wto feed la untlerdreined iand in good I repair. Atuated on 1 nil I tU:iltoe:rti., 1171401i: rall:uotrtvt rot xi:. 13131,:i '4;1 Stia.tct eat, Jixetv h Proprietor reggIct Psnutiot DiPP tato ALUMITX. actcp IAA ceed atztop to boolor-stalod, aru mad direction" NWRinsonsurrxxeo Atirg APeoia ter Canada, Niar TO LOAN. have a larae nalo ends re+ lean 94 farm o WIZ* Properties et lowest ,r Tilrk GLA,141AN glaN004% 6.011citoro, Al014. Explanatir.7.7. In colontry to aw York, WAN IKON fore the I P Iltt Hamer of adulteration of milk, "You arecharged,'" ;mid the Judge, with n most $DritAIS offense, ot adulterated mint linve you anythl to say in answer to the charge?' attswereW Ute mill:man, "the night before it was raining very hard, nod the ouly cause can give is the vow Must havo,got t througb,"—listrper's Wechly. At a Pink Too. "What a perfectly lovely Ilttle tow Is this; I'm visiting .11N. Wilkins, you know. 1 delft believe I had been here a day or more before everybody tried to owtdo the other in molting me feel et home. Wasn't that your erperience when you first arrived?" "Well, l'xn afraid 1 emir -- "Oh, I beg your pardon. I'm so sor- ry. Per the moment I forgot, You're the new minister's wife, aren't you?— St. Louis Republic. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Parini Laborers' 'Excursions sio.00 TO WINNIPEG VIA CHICAGO AND DULUTH Plus half -cent per mile from Winnipeg to destination, but nct beyond Mac- Leod, Calgary or Edmonton. RETLTRNING $t8.00 to Winuipeq, plus half -cent per mile from points east of MacLeod. Ed- monton and Calgary to Winnipeg. AUG. 18 —From all stations east of Kingston in Ontario. AUG. 22 --From, all stations Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel incluitive, Stratford, and South thereof in Ontario. AUG, 25 —From all stations north of, but not including Main Line Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel, via Stratford, all stations Toronto and North and East of Toronto to Kingston. • SEPT. 3 —From all stations Toronto and East and east of Orilla & Scotia Jct. SEPT. 5—Fran all stations Toronto to North Bay inclusive and west thereof in Ontario. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Edmonton, l,Ui 41 ,1c0tI.11'''''' t,rtfc cs ;1 gets t)ratig eft:de' :Itilee a rid (Priiit kiaere to -Aly there' ail t Lbesc you bang 6a aerca being cioutit part of lot borne There is Oa tha goad. frame house 20, x 20 lt x 24,torn, so; stabling end; wood sited, pig house, 10 4 wo good wolla of water Ormeres Arass; weft drained attil. fenced; ,g orebard„ zot aold korivattly on. Wore the oixth (lox of ,October 10 It swill he 'gold, publity auction. o the 'Prelnisils with the that -tots o October 2.I.st no 'reserve at limo ono- etor IS trtovittg to town, .8asy terms of payment. John Cornish, troprietor. For vartieulars a'PPli to Thos., Cameron Auctioneer. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonoll'ealorostrory netve the body Ora and vitellty. VretrgalaiTtreztangx, weakness averted at once. ,Pluaipltorael Will make you n new man. Prt...e a box. or two tor $5. Mailed to any address. Who SeebellrerPS o,,St. Catharine% Out. • • • • .• • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• CENTRAL STRA rEVR .49 Canada's Best Busi- ness College. Z :We have three departments Commercial Shorthand and ; Telegraphy. Courses are thor- • ough and practical.. We .h.o1-..e a strong Staff of exeriericed instructors and our graduatela meet with succesz1/4 Write for our "free catalogue and learn what we are doing. D. A. MeLAOHLAN, ROM!ZOfl THOS, R Wt.DROO ROY • • • • • • • • W1110 UoioI JOUN 1.188Eltr Exe gent IT orne and, Iliddulpb. OLIVER ilAlt1118 Munro aRerst Ilibbert Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNIIULII cv.Traas. Farquhar G X & SUM:WRY Solicitors. Exeter. • 111t1., Principal. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO RXETER TO TORONTO AND RETURN 83.85, Ailg, 23 to Sept 6, inclusive $2,83, Aug. 26 de 28, Sept 2 oSz 4. 'All tickets valid•for return until Sept, 9111 1913,- - Full Particulars from any Grand Trunk Agent. 'elta2w44-111'762'.177370;000,7 F.- ARM ',PRCIflai , oin..wAyr/ BORER: 1VANTED . . , ..., . , . , FOR HARVESTING M \ VIESTER1l1 CANADA ' .-.' 1 .".G011sid tRIP. ilVEtt:" - ." RE -1-u RN TRIP.tAsv!: . .. . . . . . . $10,00.TO WINNIPEG . ;$18.00:FROIVI WINNIPEG- ; , Phis half cent per in il o front „Winnipeg op _PU.1911131'1 een t, bar mitefrom all,potniseast of' to`MaeLood, Calgary, or Edmonton. , biaeLood, U,Ilifory or Edmonton to Winnipeg; .. - , , GOINGDATES . '. . AUGUST 18th --L'FrOni all stations Xings on to Renfrew 'ieclusive and east thereof in Ontario AUGUST 2nd..—Ia',nrodtrlsolaiothrotnhieoreaonf.clk West on Grand Tnio, idaM:Line,t.o, Sarnia iacTusive , AUGUST 25th ,..,,—Frorn Toionto and l'for h -Western Ontariff, North of •• nut notincluding Grand Trunk • Line Toronto to -Sarnia and East of Toronto to Kingstion, . Sharbot Lake:and Renfrew includingIbuse points SEPTEMBER.. 3r,t1,...--F, ,Grroainnd' TrorruneneoLaihne,r deolrlosni-ta:)i,ltoonN-oi nal?: iltacyri.o East . of but nut!inducting 5tii,--, F.t'eni all statkdis,on.oraiid Trunk Lind Toronto to NUrth :nay inclusive, SEPTEMBER - ,.,: -71.7_0. t.,.t...lereof fn ontario: in6uding CPR. Eine .Su,sibury to Sault ste. ' 'Marie,,d)ntario, but' not includiiig.Azilcla and West. • • ; ONE -War SECoNIKtAss- Ticutts wax at, Soto To WINNIPEG ONLY- . One-way ,second 'elaSiitielielf to'..Vinnineg only. will be sold. E'e'h ticket will include a " weiification certifiecteWivithAtYeitension coupon, When extension Coupon' has been signed •• at Winnipeg by a.farmeriShoWing he bas en:gaged-the holder to work as 'a_farin laborer, the ' coupon' will be tion,oredaip to September 30th. for 'ticket at rateof one-half cent, per 'mile , (minimum fifty cents) to any station west of Winnipeg on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern or Grand Trunk PacificItallways in' Mattitol,a. Saskatchewan or Alberta, but not west of,Edmouton,,-Calary,or MacLeod, Alta.`,.,.4.,..,. .r , ce,rtifici,ite Will be,issuet1eiititling;purchadif*.:4,secend-class 'ticket gond to . return frantany stariOn:MOtif,e,',..O.anildiiiityRiktific; caVatilOiTio.r,thern, or Grand Trunk Facifid' ,Raililiiars.in, ,rAlber.f.a,.$41,leirlartiP,Maiiitofiakzirerof , MacLeod, Calgary and 1?,dmontOn ,t0',OFlaInatstelitiria ifeill6 ItheikatrOiite,,,laill igil4yort . going journey on or before: Orehilaieglitif4)41:Itilialt-pirl'itbdPeOrtit,' ' 4C:it':' Mlle. lralninium 'fifty ',cents)" alp ,te,,;;,' e4pliler deposit ' the certificate witit,i., WifiniNtalideitftataAtliAiii‘winiiraqa, tapy, 6Ptallcitia" ' litrjiree Oifitt;C' NO eaiethlity tiara at harveitingy, , -7t,sta. tth.fpleffit.42611P1 idalfalliOadifittotel) ' id!. Ono ..,,„ ,.,- • ' ' 4 VER GS YEARS EXPERIENCE 3 PATENTS RADE IVIARRID ' DESIGNN COPYRIGHT'S ite.' Anyone sending a sketch and description mar coutekli ascertain our °platen free whether aa hivontion le probably Patentable. Communicri thine etrietweenadenttal. HANDBOOK on Paten* sent fres. OldeSt agency t or necunnitpetents. Patents' taken through Munn & Co. receive, valet notice, wittisnit charge,Itt the 1 , $CitiitifiC ilillelitall k, A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Inreest eh.; enlation of any scientific 3ournal. Terms for - Canada, ttst.15 a year; postao prepalcL Bold by - all newsdealer& .1 , . NIUNN & Co 36tBroadway, New YDric Branch Oftlee. 4"-S F WasbIngteat.1).0: ; NER OUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLEAGED MEP& the victims of early indiscretions and later ex. 1 cesses, who are failures in life—you are the oneSwe can restore to manhood and revive the spark of energy and vitality. 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