HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-8-21, Page 3( THE KING'S IIESSENGERS THE SILVER GREYHOUNDS AND THEIR DUTIES. Carry Despatches to the Varlous Governmeets--Must Net Be Delayed. King George bee none, in all his turily (.4 servants whose duties are inyeeted with sue h mystery and ro- Mance aS those of his Foreign Ser - WOMEN NEED A SAFE TONIC Ind There is Nothing Dotter Than Dr. William' Pink Rills for Toning Up the Blood, it is said that woriaan'a work is never done, aiad that it is a fact that whether an soeiety or in the benne her life is filled with more eares aud mere worries. than 'falls to the lot of man, For this reeson 'nee Xessengees wriose numbers, i women are eompelled regretfully to is said, he is ab:eut-, to reduese stays watch, the growing pallor ef their Lendon Answere, cheeks, the comilig ef 'wrinkles 4114 The very name by which theY the -thinness that 'be -comes more die - I are known—the "Silver Grey- tressieg every day. Every woula3, hounds"—suggests their readiness keesee that ill-bealtli and worry is to spring et a word from the a feta enemy to beauty, .and that "ieash," and their eaireSting. sPee4 geed health. givee the pest fage until the deetinatien fe reaehed an enduring attractiveness. What wereea fail to 'realize ss the fact that if the blood supply ie kept rich and Pure, the cley of the 4QM- 1.1/1g of Wriltlace A124 Pallor, doll eye* and sharp headaches, meaeurehly pestpenetl. Dr. Wi1- 11111DIS' Intik Pills are literally worth their weight in gold t 0 growing girls owl woroco of mature years. They fill the veins with the rich red blood that briega brightness t the eye, the glow a bealth to 1PW PheeIrS, and charme Away th hesdades and hae.kaebes, that ren the live* Of so Mall)* wome tuntly miserable. rs, WillieliA JPIIP$,, OTDvir Laket Oot. ss-yst "1 feel Oat D. Wii. liexasin l'ille ,eaved my life. I was so bv,dly run down that 1 could hardly drag myself ATQUild, 1 was go bloodless that I WAS ila pale 35 sheet, and you could AIMPSt see gh my hand*, In feet the or told me AV' WOW !tad all to wtor, I wo.s taking 3' antly, but without Iether bad so mach Williams' Pink Pills light in two boxes And to take them. Row m that 1 followed her ,'' e. Bdorc theSO ware vein 1 an to e1 better, and I centin- ked nein he Pills until I had n AV4) more boxes -when I WAS ain enjoying the blessing of per- t health, with a good 'Color in ray a, good •appatite, And 1 foOl It new lease of life. 1 will al- ,, be sure, be a warm William' Pink and therr duty deseliargeol. Night and oJay they must •hold themselves alert for the call to any ointQ ths compa*s. Dioing 'wing 9r sicepulg the PURITAQIIK y come ; but within au boar, or it be a, few 1474410,05, the Silver ia of with hi S de - here or what net on his race Burepe---to Paris, Berlint, ntinople, or wbatever Ina ion ntaYh Ati4.110thilig iut Q allowed to Omsk lum until o_get there. all appearances be is in te0 be distinguished fTQUI A tleman travelling for b Ile has left behind his P Uniform a tans, with, its gilt s awl braiding, his pealged isplaying its CtOWil and It*Jral ram in gold, which, however time of war to provlaira to the world, 4,re uot for u o But ko UTtli 1110Ited by an Zrnob. dant from A Xed tibbOn, t Ot this is sufficient to brio h most fillater.y or obstructive a. -ay official who delays him to submission.. Ife AISO carries wit hint his POUTier'S passport, whim will make his WAY US 'Smooth in for- aign iaid a that o au ambassa- dor. The Ring's messenger, as behove one who must journey swiftly, tri 'els lie+ only luggage 2H mall portmanteau, alWaTii ken ready peeked, and A leather bag to hold his despatches, which are all sealed and labelled or their differ - t destine t ions. Ifo earriee, too, • ith and private col/ections, were mane ilfaetured by this little esemmunity. in England. They,. riensider their business entirely'legitimatis, and in a way itis,.fel- it, the shreWd, On- ierupidone middleman who eellis for a goodly price these valuable an- tiques to the innocent. A great ulanY gehoolo and Public edeeetiests al institutions are supplied by thee knappere, and, whether the objets are known to he imitations or not, •they aro inueh mole valuable than diegrams or illustrations in the teaching of history and geolou. • Highland Blood. Lord Stratheena is blessed with A remarkable coestitution, ter, in epue of his advaneed age, he ae well able to get threngh a day's work as any man in his prime. It is several decades since he entered the employment of the Endeen Bay COniPany, and he has rendered vale nabe sserviee to the, country that brought him wealth. As a natriotic Scotsman, he re- calls with a chuckle an incident which, he witnessed in hi5 early days, A fellow Scotsman, who was ss king with him on the same eta - t, en produced a. set of begpipee ratuenred playing "The Laddie," The Indians Who geteed relied were delighted with the per - 11 latITLY PI LES CAME�N FACE Sore S Spread Until Eno Was Ca*. ored. So Itchy Could Not Rest Scratching. Cured Entirety in About Two Weuks by Cut/cara, Soap and Ointment. Clarhanl Onbarin--------"112/Yeretseste tard with•sores bracides cut en the ram T4ey came as pimples and ware uasigitee. ,r bees gores seemed to keoP West:ling na0.1 MY! face was covered, Thw weee 40 !Way 00'0: et V„nuns 1 could blob realab scratching Ohm. After trying two or throe. difforent naives, 414 tartt stoP the.sorea seta 10 1. tried a caLio QtRIOnra See* also OVISoarle Ointment, X found that they cured me, entirely of the goes. te eteut nee gees:see kateeee) FTed E. Mayer. Feb. 12, 1912. LEOS BURIED AND ITCHED H'049#, W. P. X. le.414,---Pgy rita gni. Aged. rOor W --TN Vil4 tivahl'ed Viti4 a: painful rash OP, P,M' IPCP, It hogou 41, a, sees siege hC3t, ao,l, Itoby end etItoo * le locits4. taie little teeeete wan t en saves UN" 1..f,P numea spier, h e. numb, and 449 PAS MT reseals o err** rista Meta, ailie 31..md,l . mutt* Wes when X sese net, X 44 le leers her ntooeldess" ' Wald irlibaba her lecs. tat IIIP, With 'PAM WA ,99Pa 2949 14*037, OPP OD tb9-Cittisem °fames la eels ereOnn Ogee% el sesAues 2, 1.012. p dCutleura Ointment ere d dealer* everrwteres, ir . periteriell'atoPrtfte7litt 824", Peer, 510, Water', V, 0, A. a 'OMEN ny -st 0 ave heell Their them endeaN To these quainted with the hstury nag!, this ststement eouo urprnie for nearly all the IMO e s.kmanal' spying cases of reee yearv, have been engineered by vul upulons women. For when ekery there is no mate lett4woman, espeeially o the case, s11441,18int,tura beauty allied to her p(iNitgletg,14 stealmg eonildenees. Only a few years back an Impart - apt German fortress had to be en- ly rebuilt owing to France ob- rang extensive and valuable °natation regarding its armament and the •geograpby of the impeirt ant portion of German frontier That it guarded. And this net was made necessary owing to the rami- fications of a French WPD10,11 WbOSO ttractive personality enabled her worm these secrets from import- ant Berlin ,ofilcials in whose home she was implicitly trusted and en- tertained. Iteeently than:ding woman Who posed ns a governess was scetenced our Years' penal servitude for spying. She WaS enspleyed by two European powers, and by tiding as a governess to the ehildren of na- val officers it Paris and I3erlin she paved the way to acquaintance with. those holding responsible po- sitions. With remarkable audatity she annexed ehartis and plans and told them in the right quarters. This she found an easy task, hav- ing, in her position of governess, Ample means of learning in what part ef the house such doCUmentS were stored, and it was not until a bunch of duplicate keys of a MIDI- ber ef Admiralty safes were found in her possession that suspicion fell upon her. Every one remembers the sensa- tion several years ago- when most, complete plans of the interior of the first British Dreadnought were published in German newspapers. About this time an attractive -woe, snail of German descent disappear- ed from London's society circles, where, by reason of her charming peesonality and apparent wealth, she had been 'given a hearty wel- come. • An enquiry was held on the affair, and it was suggested that this woman probably knew a good deal about the leakage of these inaportant plans, and probably fur- ther proceedings would ha,ve been taken had not the honor of several officers of high standing in naval and society circles been involved. friend Pills," If you weak or ailing begin brace of rereirers ready far 3.0,1., to euro soareelf to -day with the mediate •use if theY should be red blood Dr. 'Williams' Pink needed.„ ahually make, If yon do not As fas Ids duties, they nro•peals find the Pills at your dealer's tend may te ea/Ivey aespetebee be, efi eents, for a, box or $1,10 for SiX e.cri the Vorcign Mace and our boxes to the Dr. Williams' Medi- us ambassadors abroad, and to eine Co,, Brockville, Ont., and they earry lettere and presents from Will be tent aiell by mail, postpaid. their Majesties to their friends and relativeat foreign Courts, Thus, on ono Journey OUr Greyhound may be the bearer of an autogyaplt let- ter /roan Eing George to his eousin, .tho Kaiser ; on the nest he may' he speeding across Ent sipe with despatches of the gra-vest im- portance, on which the issue of war or peace hangs, and for a silrlit of which Come would he a smalrfor. tune. 'Bia Many Perils. In olden times much more trivial duties fell to his let ;as when a mes- senger, who was jokingly asked by a „friend whom be had met on his journey what his bag containetloan- swered, '''Nothing more precious that the ambassador's old boots which I am faking home to be naend- ed.” Or when, on another occa- sion, a messenger was sent post- haste to Constantinople with a brace of plum -puddings to grace an ambasador's Christmas board. That these journeys do not lack excitement, Captain Windham, who has recently retired from the ser- vice, testifies. "Once," he says, "when I carried the treaty between Russia and Great Britain to this country I was shadowed all the way. On another occasion, during the riots in Rus- sia, I was told before we left that they were. afraid the railway was mined. In the middle of the night - the train stopped, and I had to • walk through the •snow in my py- jamas and an overcoat, carrying my belongings." aturally an office so romantic and responsible is much coveted, al- though, as Captain Windham says, It is one of the worst paid in his Majesty's service, with a paltry 2250 for salary. To qualify for this poor remuneration a candidate must, have powerful friends at• kis back, he must know several tongues intimately, and he must have a wide range of qualities, from strong nerves and a cool bead to the tact- fulness of an anibmesclor, and the exterior of a gentleman. Just to Provo It. `‘Smoking again 1 I tho u ebt you'd cut it out." "Well, you see when I've con- vinced myself thal 4 can cut it out whenever I want, I start sinoking again." A sTRANGE TRADE. anufkketnre of Bogus Pre -Nista ie Tools and Belies. In the low country about Ely, a town 'within 12 mcs of London, Eng., there is carried on a flour- ishing industry which the world in general knows little about, This is the manufacture ,of bogus prehis- toric implements and relies. The workers at this trade are known as "knappers," or flint clippers, and they use the same tools"' and work in much the eame manner as the men, of the Neolithic age. The knapper of Ely,. says Har - per's Weekly, finds his material ready to hand in: the. extensive strata of flint lying amid the chalk beneath the surface. Shafts are sunk direct to the iloorstone, and from these burrows are made into the chalk. This mining is all clone in the most primitive fashion, as the men, for the most part, work singly, without fear of syndicates or earners. Each has his own hi.s own workshop. Quite often, though, he employs help in getting hie' wares ready for market. The claim is about a man's length and three feet wide. Generally he digs down about 35 feet, and thence in a horizontal or slanting line, as best suits his purpose. His pick is shaped like a figure seven, and he - goes down the shaft by toelioles, as- cending by the same means. His workshop,. like his mining, is also primitive, being a rude, cheap shed in his •garden the only fittings of which are a block of oak tree, trunk; rather sm,aller than a butchers block, a, set, a little stove to dry, the flint, pails ami come old- tin cans. • It might be suppesed that flint- leelse went out, of use about the close of t Revolutio n a ry- War, but these knapper,s stiiifind the steadi- est and most important branch of their industry the supplying of flints for tine old-fashioned fire - Where de these relica of bygone An-,- s go7 To male muskets. for the uWThat variety., of sweet 'cprni s this 1" asked the ,:s;liininet. 'heal -dere s'llbe corn, tomatoes; and peas,, replied the lire& Man, "are all the ante v-ariety. thiesyeae—canne Lord: Strailieolka. formance, and expressed their joy in their customary fashion. A dis- cussion afterwards arose as to whe- ther the Esquimau .% were, of Ice- landic or Mongolian extraction. "Hoot, mon, ye're wrarrg," exelaineed the enthusiastie piper. "Did ye no see the chirls this morn- ing whilst I. was twirlin" the pipes I've nae doot--nae doot ava— they've -true Itielarid bind in their veins!" 111.4 True prayer brings our wants to • heaven and leaves them there. "Waiter, this coffee is nothing but thick liquid. mud 1" "Yes1 sir —certainly, sir! It was ground this morning!" negroes in Africa. Some are -ship- ped to Seuth America and China. As yet there has` beep no decline in the dernand. • Another odd, ship- ment was, made dining the Boer War, When 14,000 finder flints were sent to -1.1titish troops so that they could net light when wet pulse the matches, , " ,emains of bICr0lithICnow)te be fon4nY mu ,a Post Toasties for Lunch Appetizing and whole- some these hot Summer days. No cooking no hot kitchen. Ready to eat direct from the package -- fresh, crisp and dainty. Serve - With 'cream and stigar—:-and sometimes fresh berries or fruit. Post Toasties are thin bits of Indian Corn, toasted to a golden brown. Acceptable at any meal-- ost Toasties Sold by Grocers' ,everywhere. 7neadian 'Pont; ra Cere'al Co:„"Ltd.• -, Windsc.4, 'Ontarict. , ".,'"•;„ URIC ACID NEVER CALMED RHEUMATISM 3( WANT to prove it to your ealistaot$011. It yell 1124Til Ith.eumatiam. aeute or ohrnitio —no mutter what your coudition—writs to -y ler my FREE BooR op, 1`RHAITITA- TISII—its Cause and CurThotasande caI1 it "The moat_ wonderful book ever written." Don't rood SQLWELY FP„Ehl. JESaR A. QA8B, DOPt, 475. Brockton,. Acesa., U.S,A. COREAN J f.:!STICE. The judges Rave a Poor Idea ot Administering Its The Crean judge dispenses jus- tice in the open, and .by etiquette only the judge can sit; everyeee else must :stead, excepting the pri- soner and his friends, who are forced sso remaia in an humble keeeling poeition with bowed heads zees's the Wide Woes/ Mega, - eine. Uotil quite reeeutly these triale were always very one-sided rel shockingly sinjuet. When man was brought to a judge, it was 'Fike)a for granted be was guilty, 4, if he did eonfesa he was 'tured and Made to do CO. Wit- tOo, were openly bribed, In evidence for or against person meaet a livmg to rt of the ealletelleity, ad ritnesees 4.41irally fexered /he paid hest, Punishments carieel. If the priaelle were too 1, and the 04;11decfmed could no ta Atte, by werc Oftett given tie to eecape, or disappeared owe means Though these a this of the past, Corean, PI'agPal like thPati ehilla poltaSerta poor dea Of the SeldaP .11.16tiee t, an aCe ieee o, n reek * come There aro te ne has ever ye ro—Fer doing - eking evil a IIQUP Q lad ins; for thinkinbefoe r holding g to being kind to the dis,. asking pardon for all being patient tOWA stopping ilke a for disbelievi • Berberine Belief. Everything that goes wrong is at- tributed by the Berberines, a tribe of the Sudan, to the devil. Ethel 5, Steveus, in "My Sudan Yea,'' quotes a story told her by pshop Gwynne of his "boy's" coming to him one day and aneouncing, "The daYil in in the house," very haterestingi When did he ars "Oh," said the hie:hop, "that it, eame with the cod: from the souk market yesterday evens • "IteallY 1" CPIninented the bishop, U4ileeds: and in the niglIt he naMe nt of the cook and passed into me,'" goQb, and what did he del" brolenwpeinatoteantaheticlealtoOparc,df Ira ,) i":14 )3iVia't broke in ea the bishen, "Oh, he was after the jam: H 611:PPQSe 14,te et:Mel" "Yes," said the boy, "he did"' The idea of devil -possession is not merely an elaborate form a ex- cuse; the native servant really be- e THE MARRIAGE DAY. 1 lieeee in it. Roiriamee eeasea 4Pe history iiegiun—asd COVid begin to go too W.110.3 "Putziani" is arPii:e.—ci:47raep44Oliwt,.arroat i;:thraractone.:: aturyd sees, $0,14,h4, 2:seat,guairle :tena a4 As tasa The delight. The picnicker's choice. Everybody's favorite. W, CLARK. M'Flr.. Mantra POTTED MEATS - Pull fia7oted and perfectly cooked make delicious sandwiclaes. Wereen, One Carriage. eu are really too lineal*. for 'Meg)" "What% ithe trouble mow r' 'WhY, askeetl JOhn ter an automobile to -day, and, he said That Muet eentent with the pleudiel carriage that Nature has ven reel" AS FOR SALf. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne 5ra Toronto. EDIT.. STOCK. AND DM Farms la all sections of Ontario. ra* *Parr' , AOToRT SITES., WIWI IVIT.IXOUT Railway traohnge. TM -onto.. ethr to end 1.,....nolkerrmnsenreo*w IN d othk,r 1:11 %MON, Colborne ., Tor -cots. TA Ter lc nt. col Seven soy. Toreobo. .„. 1110E40. gta1220, AUTOMOOME FOR lititt. og o rt.i„ ;rOURINO OAR. COaT 4,6214., Will sell for 6606, or will ex. /Or A tea' COPP, h9F9e0, /104.. in a Peari2arni car Atilt IA in matting order- Aenir Pox sx.. W.. Toronto. Ont. elitt,g, tf#1.P letatirrOo„ EN WANTED BR A. ISARIBRIX. Tr.i,,,mt *metals. Usereesbir roe tree. WO iay4 acittlal ea. Write ter tete Pata, te Queen at, Zest, TIONAlt ION. a reliable source op Sarety Razor Co., d., of well.known t ugliottt t 4 hr 9 sti 1 w ,witi lz,',Itur- e i Yo won't ui mey CI while 'els if or the 'Sel if of reVi'W d man, an or, have arra ziorc 12.F.Vilet,.,,, ,,,, atm method of advertising -which ; 0'.`" ''''_''' A- li be demonstrated at their booth' 7•41" "1111 4ert/35 my ure in.tho Manuiacturers" Buildinin at the wish Y(''n'a Put them an thtt des'er‘ 6. 1 haven't been able to find them for a month. *kV tr, Canadian National Exhibition Tins demonstration 'will be con ducted as follows; ttel1 visitor to the Booth will be presented with a nuni- MMER RATES THE bered badge, whigh will be issued in PACIFIC COAST. duplicate, By finding the person bear. Via Glikeue and North. Westorn Special loW rate round trip tickets en Ing the duplicate lumber and pre- senting sante to the Auto -Strop Booth each holder will be given a 85,00 Auto -Strop Safety Thum- free of charge. It is imfe to say that this Booth will prove one of the most attractive at the 1,1xhibit1elt. CoWardly. Asking permiesion or a girl before :rou kiss her is cewarelle. It is putting the responsibility' up to her. Minard's LinCriient cures Diphtheria. Grains of Gold. A man never. rises so high is •when he knows nob whither he is going.—Cliver Cromwell. To be 'free -minded and cheerfully disposed at hours of meat, and sleep, and exercise is one of the best precepts of long lasting— Bacon Wealth is honorable, and may be used most blessedly when men re- gard themselves as being what in- deed they are—stewards of it, and not the ewners.s—Farrer. • The middle, class is a large and important class ,of the population, which is often eyerdooked, whicn has to bear a ,great many ef the burdens of the State inalmost un- due proportion, and which does net in these days receive either the sym- pathy' or the attention or the cre- dit whieli • it deserees.—Lord •Bal- four of Burleigh, wearers Liniment cures Distemper. Twinkle! Twinkle! Wilbur—Do ilhey always Re p that big bell on the cowl Papa—Yes, Wilbur. Willaur—I suppose it is to ,keep her from falling asleep in this quiet place, Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart —Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Thhes, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Eye Tonle Good for AG Eyes that Noed Care Marine Z7* Remedy Co., Chicago • Pearls of Truth. sale trOM palate in Lunette. to Los Angeles, 'San Franerecet Portland. Seattle. Vancouver, Victoria. Idinonton, Calgary, Baur?. 'Yellewstone Park, cto., during Aug-, ust and September. Excellent train ser- vice. For rates, illustrated folders, tune tables and full particularsoarldrees. 13. D. 'Bennett, general Agent. 46 Yong° Street, Toronto, Ontario. 'Speculation is a word that some- times begins with the second letter. —Chatfield. The virtue of prosperity is tem- perance; the virtue of adversiey is fortitude.—Bacon. Be not curious in unnecessary matters, for more things are known unto the than men understand. -- Fe ale sia sticus I think you will find it true that, before any vice can fasten on a man, body, mind, or moral nature muse be debilitated. 'The mosses and fungi gather on sickly trees, not thriving ones. -0. W. Holmes. • Maybe. Gabe—Who was it that said :— ce"Iitve„ is better to give than to re- Steve—Some bachelor who was buying wedding presents for a friend, I guess. Minard's Liniment Cures Cargat In Cows. Tery Good. .A Highlander-. fell into a river, and after desperate efforts manag- ed to reach the bank in safety. His wife, who had been a distressed on- looker, exclaimed, as soon as her anxiety was relievecl—'‘Ab., Donald, ye should be verra thankfui tau Providence for savite your life." Donald was somewhat aggrieved at What he deemed an unequal appor- tionment of the credit. "Yes, yess," he replied, "Providence wase very good, but 1 wass ferry- clever too, whatrefer." '0 eta TtlsOlte, and este r our borne ire t. late. Dr. Dot t (Int tfa d ri Au RII)SitlY AND I atones. El4ne7 trouble. or Lumbae nd kindred ailments poeltisel rured rith lam nen' Getman Bernsels, tieel," price $1.60, Another PAW retnerIF es- ter reatetteetenaws, 'arid' sure cur 'linnet's A nitUlabstes." Price *to 4 druccists or direst. The torte 5. Ilan. de. Tho Soul of a. Piano loth Action. Insist on the 'OTTO HIGEL Piano Action • 4. • lShE • Is the kst, remedy known for stinburn twat, Imshes, ecze,ittoi, •sc•me feet', stings antk Misters. A skin food! 4t Dfl7t5 wzd ESTABLISHED 1889, e 1. structIon. Writfar Cate% = 422 Best Up-to-date Courses. Individual In - 1 FOR SALE Pulleys & Shafting Suitable for Stills, Manufacturing Plants, Printing Houses, Etc. p Wood Split Pulleys, 12Ye x. 48 in. for 3415/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 12% x 48 in for 2 15/18 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 12% x 28 for 3 7/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 10% x. 36 k for 3 7/18 in. shaft. i Pulleys ef smaller sizes and Shafting of various lengths and •IIIZ-DS to be sold at very low figures. • Wilson rubliBshoix23ngC, 0., Toronto, An Irishman complained that his .,. , doctor kept stuffing him so with drugs that he was "sick for a week after he was quite well." Fu[[ Courses in Arts and .DiVillitY Leading to the B.A. Degree and to the B.D. and D.P. Degrees rytHE excellent Staff of ,Trinity college and the whole resources of the University of Toronto, with many exceptional advan- tages, are open to Students of the University or Toronto who enrol. In Trinity College. Students of Trinity College achieve notable suc- cesses in the examinations of the University of Toronto every year. Correspondence invited from Students looking forward to La', Modichie, Teaching or Holy Orders. A R SIOENTIAL COLLEGE OF ed., kFtp, sTANDI rm4 New FEDERATED WITH THE/H.1419E04 *ONTO " REV. DR. '.11.4.C1CP,'EAt4"PRAN114* °Cara, !Om )1i