HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-8-14, Page 8y TH EE re a,3a{,fgjricmx'mcaaresr 7�Tac►q,4Fw!s7u!�1° u: ONE 46— ��taaed ,fair i an rglp4nrz PI*i1 of t.lee bates prtstus or 1 Sets ?�. let} piece toile 4 'i�'.t- loo a;slti itz 1 sf'gt.t QD3i walling to prey. B rs e China ;74 • } a.... r. 7,1 aassa $$ to 8th ed newest, d �e acxnen ii y 1: is what we ic. "s kL Eol t bay one.. a =ajch Thin pa onion wane i e o .:C d. kis gin. salts . ii£ $8pets,. sup,,arss. er gand tea netsl. , ,tete >- gtsowi g dernaat sl ,tor this were i#ti nee it. SQBae new rated feet, T as dal ,t% ' Ale STEWART in very pretty 4l r t• wac 44:41.1 �, 444b**'ti**4••••••••••44+ 4+►*4*N***++ ANNIVflR5AR +tk a •• • 4 • 4 4 4 4 • 4 • 4 a 4 • 4r 4 1Y 444*4*4s*44.44044444044444!+*44••44444••444*444**44•*. 40.444444. AUGUST 8, mar s us3 years n business, and our 4th year we are run. ning an 8 days Anniverary Sale. Specials , hi all lines, come to the Feast of Bargains. Cash receipt with every purchase. Souvenir China 20 to 35 cents. POWELL'SBAZAAR BIG VARIETY STORE e 4 4 4 4 4 y4r w 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ;p 4 4 4 4 4 4 "his is the last month for summer goods and we are bound to clear every line. Ladies Gloves- 15c a pair; 1Inslins — Se yd; Glass Towelling 20 in. wide ---121/c; Fancy Parasols — tiOc each: Ladies Hosiery - reg, 50c for 3Sc. reg, 5c for 18c;' Whitewear at about half price; Mens Suits — all reduced: Shirts, Sox, Ties and braces at one third off regular price; Belts — '25c each; See otic shoes at $2, $1 and 50c displayed on three tables in centre of store. Come iand save money Stoi e Moses at no° rely Thurs. ; during July and August ore os E A Door Nob Of Post Office rented Ai: to AuMori et Report—The following is t'he report of the Exeter market .•or - gust 7th: 1.1,;at i`0 flailed 45 to, z8 Oats) fa clot heat 48 t Pleas Sl.fl4 Sot S='3, Titan 0 nen toe. 1: Ienr 4,7 80 FFow uredo tient $1,54. 'eggs 2O,. Ramo 20c, ., Pried :dipoles 4e Potatoes $1.50 - Hogs O'4:19.55 Choice. , moire*:: $555 to t,O5 Chafe 'butchers. , 30 to 6 ata M+r<liurat butchers 58€1 to 0.335 `eenottron r •,,robes 5,i0t ro 5.f.il a1! its 7. 11 to 5,i/4. thea ll; $ 3,0f to 4,6) ,Lanths 7,00 to 7 ati, Begs lower Sheep, and a:aITies "s 4, dr. lambs nosier. r. l' i13 e r, ,14 • XETE1 TIME~` VA AT1 ON NOTICE r Kindly take notice chat` tin D dental office will be olased from the middle of Join to r+r• the middle of to ug'zzs�', Also note that' nay, office is closed, every afternoon P$OIE £7: thr,lughont, the yeah , oft 1112,. I1OULS'3 O111z C>laPasite Electric ,igiat P a.c Mr's, Q.uance is nsi:ing h z Lro, Cher in Stratford. T Mr. Pills ra ;4ills o£ Gool,oti is visit• izag in town this week:, Mrs, Sherri and daughter ter ° argar 1'OlisS, Olive Quan e left err 'ilonday for a, visit in. Toronto, Irs James 3'iTillis has re atter visiting in London. •*4*4*44***4'44*4.*** i LOCAL 4�R444** Rivers *fkE"is of rErP" to. F$, vis T''y Yi3�7,7r4iSC4 "ewells„ 0¢, ra At -Woman the Bend this N. 0 To � ��tazrzaed. ,lOhl a =qty rtf near . a did r24' a;i ita ¢fi friends nand ra'lnfly x ilia 1pty { bra ne 000fnrlir, s rlslt. , r trim), free Ratheee Stew. hen r: ;lt.• r1i ra1R his d rpaalr. �1r1A#fi fe, roJ h' lana° tips:• here motor a"t* 1laursday and leek Sra;sth Ar; aft a'. riq tit Zi'na as is 'ail. o .9 r 'Aft', Tietti(aee is learning etatt u a.ith'ahc Ja;'kstm Mfg Co. :Tire grain Street tots aug.aitF tn. (4 '4' as thn f`z3 ash ess section., Mr. nod '"airs, Jelin Pedlar izz oz.s; oc., .car kips z; st .vee isited mitten Pall Voir 'will iteid ea tear i er :`5th and 25th this year nfzc� l'trargariettn 't:!r5a,g° o` Toronto §s e'isiti ; ;fir, Q d y,l s. E. Christie:, t>eeraaye.-. the Old' loys a# �1 hortztolz of Nkreod t07 �1iss 1Bontledge <;f ' asitat•<aaal <d Miss ',:Alden rt cowrlo of ;rays ds week,, ek, .c: ix A1 iaasarra'a has taralied J. Watson has ¢ "^:tare•.(( lith°:say to Aria 'fe, 1".. 1GJ gad llaasl�olta* allalatynei of }'Toronto isi :'rod r'. atiwl s°aca4Scin 'lin ar•„ x'islaOng in ney,r7 tielc . �f Ttarc►nlo ding her toUd�rb Iri16 'liner i mod-'MMrs. viv1 I£aelr. titre is 62+'f9 Srta 7, li'erey' ,••seal, l ear x 'lie rhe' rear. i aaf "'Oka** 'Wash,. :z1p O. 0. ^ti fres. In acral «troatal4 aaaad Miss Grt'boaa.. 0 isii"e I .'li'.inalenfieltl, Ff asralaay teve[i."nag ontboir. tv 'affarntaalal hos reftarral, sltisa tler brOlber" €. Gb s 'Ad'ilitni bind tsa y, vfocItin3 p tl,ar+kr '►Fife and spn .have ► `�1 To rtankcr after stontling l `veal of nleetbrina to; in lawr- =Prior tg rraaatl t%Iri'L OS, P'Toy diad as„ rsait; I xliv as cr notaxs ail( l file e$ iIy 1'gtif iti rdti tie. ect�rarxix. znr, 'f;Ill has, retained io ria Prairie, after s endtst th- 1°rrli(lays with her father. .... has' arvey and ohil4.4» {girl ilAratlrsrert ard daughter Mary 3 as& wreck et Crud Bond. Iran and T Jorio $elcion oral flay% this Creek with t'lz illi Ilpylr at Grand Bend. 1fr and Mrs,,:Ara*o4 r,l :Pr1nsloy nrd tisk Eslt-a o= Proo?:lv'b 144 T. pnid lei, za Ttlrs slrr^rs n rs`f on Sundry fr, "FA`r«ren 1lnitt<•r .Iass loft for :wtt,aal+ Sisk ¢rror xisitint his J ar ra{ Al"r, pini' Mrs, Jo'=n' IT -enter. ai Ly ri t'ie " r s +-o-e of Tctrer'o -ttk7r <c^.np.'iina tront'ga. visit .v't,h' totr rt'o `Ian r 1-aS renarned to 1aor ho°re 3trs. tGro"ge Brownlee and hoe ^laiialr.'rlorSt•afar: ft are visit:co' the formers ,tart-nts :'Ira. and Mr'. Thos 1'lynn. 44 r. IV. TE', Ve ity wife. and fainly ° iranif0-,i ano4ora^dire and scan i rens; I+ of vcle,ys with .1tTrs. Rieh:ard i'i~lxrx-d, Fier. 1Sdit,T,_Four no -ad 'dor* 'non. thn^n,rhhred., bound-. Anyon- Wnnl;an a good 'hound call on F Treihner_ Grarton ffnirdr•ate s'rer,fi 'the week end at his home in findnri-h. Trp at I.rndrd the fa'r"v dress 1w11 en Fri :lav evernon _ Miss Jesse Draa.'er of dlrrntford has retuanodto her'home ing, the rust \reed: with 1Tr, John 13raund Exeter. Mr, Russell f.?alkwiil has secured a 1osition 'with the. (Bank of Com- merce. Hecommenceswork- in. a few weeks at Forest. YIr Walker Kerslake little son Roy and brother George visited 'at their mothers Mrs. Michael T'leteh- ors over Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs,Thompson of tleor ,Paul and Mrs, A, Harnilton of ' iinneatolis .Minn, were the guests. n Ytr, and Mrs,: D. C.,. Micinnis on -onday.: t 'ard-five dollars reward of- f,: red for the it arson Who can, give:` rug information' as to who pbisoned. T,r...Hurdon's dog on the morning of August Strayed from Premises—About the 23rd or 24th; of `July. A' brood ,`sow. blind in one eye. ,Suitable reward given , for -i r.formation. 'A'p'oly 'to David Richard 2nd con., of Ste`p'hen 1.-4 .folies west of Devon, Mr. Peter Tawden a former' res- ident of Exeter. died at Colchester Ont on August; 1st. The id(eceaued was welt known in town baying resided with leis son. At ttlhce time of his death- Inc was residing with his daughter Mrs, M, Dart. three' sons and Bix daughters survive Pet- er onExeter George of .Lucas'; John, of Collingwood; Lizzie of Windsor Bessie of"Lucan ; Emily of Colchester of Vancouver E. 0, 'and Mary and nnnic still linng at the old home r 'IDevonshzre,' ICe .is atao survived .fn3^o.brothers. .'Mr, Joh Paw - len of Exeter and Mr, John -Barden in the linnest, (;laud a:tl Chip Amir. Sa bra Wm, 3 ssery o 3oad, alas raurotirascd t race of h1r, T ont ton T, Voyle and Chas �truer left itIonday for Belleville where they will attend tem Tarsi Lodge of the 1`. 0. 0, r 4 411 -iltds9r iaa ,four; to fi aldi tsally who ' marl a:t Tprarltp LottitOri brief: s o>a1. • nkat. T. Cameron. High Vide( Ban- ger of 'Court Star Fortluhaa ° it, 0. ' Fklenae3egat°1G4IunatbetIjonr ret conv*waaots yet Grin xex'ttt'Ira ;lir, Chas ¶l.indenflel<l returned Tuesday after (holidaying in Detroit and Cleveland. iilrs, ir+c`.azdeaafilaft rand children also returned holo from %alrigh (Bev, S, F. Shawl: its intiosieri h. fly's ttr irlk giving a series of JcetUres on <Ttaaral Sooiology' in connection wif:h. ho P'res'byterian Suanmer. School ha- g htdd there i 1:upairifg done --at It zagain, turn- s"ng out ,tett: flour 'that marten the dough, You can buy , chew aer flour than .3iodel,but youcannot buy ha- ter; Mfg by Harvey '; tBros. 11r George Smailaactirnhe moved his rattails' and: household effects to Stratford .last :reek. George Smal- Iacom"ba ir, accoraPanted theca and re- maained a few days returning to ;his duties on Saturday. - Inion services will be held next Sabbath by ai3lain -Street a4lel'oodist,s and :Casco Presbyterians, Servicets will 1be held iii Coven ,church' in the morning and Main Street .church nt night 4conducte4ty Bev. E, G. Powell The Rev, Mr, `Vickett of London preached two acceptable sermons in James Street on Sunday. last His wire and daughter aecompanied hint and 't:hey visited" Mr, J. Johns Exeter Mr, lvfckett will supply during they absentee of the castor ,Rev, W, G;. 1:1. McAllister ctvho is away on vacation. The retorts of t'he Matriculation results iare out and thnie who ta.sseci from Ithe Exeter High Scbool were L C. Harvey, IT, Penftale, and C. Wcod. H. Quackenbush secured nartial ,The Exeter school has made nutdber of students tamed in the 'different exams. The ,symtathy of the •contraunity is ex.t,Einth.o. to Mr, and Mrs„ .Juther their infant daughter aged,six „rnon- ths and 11 days. MT ar.d Mrs. Praund were palled to Exeter owing. to 'the illness and death of ' Mrs, Rraund's mother the late Mrs, ES, sery and sinne that Hine have rosined on account of life, sale et bbe household iffeols 012 Qaiurdan their little' daughter became and 'passed awaY on MonclaY evening at !ha home of Mr, and Mrs, lAlLt Hastings. Tho eOrpse was taken to Brantford on Wednesday for interment. ' church will hiold their nA.nnivet9ar3' on Sunday and Monday „August' and 25th. Seru3ons to Itte preached by Rev, IT. Ettia of Atkona ;102.30 and 7.30; The 'Sante& Street . onotri Exeter will furnish the music n't the Sunday services, Monday 'Atigust 25 a .sopner still he seated. in, that lnent of .ithe elvireith! from six to street choir,Exeter„ the Milligan liens 13oy is ts, London Addresses in-, Bevni T. AL 'Steadman' '1Fietenter: We make a specialty of 1. liaag >Fa oily Order, The Groceries we deliver to you are tine best to be had and the Prices. we ask are the Itowest possible, Send or bring your next or. der to us and be convinced them this is the night Store - a buy your Groceries and Pro, visions, ANO t'oFl"1r, 3TORF ANTED —Chictice Batten arid Fresh Eggs. 44•44************* ••• 4' 4. 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 tt N Rowe 4 Dirac Phone 'zoa e TH fl SD;. , AT101,7ST 14, 1913 Our Store �II,L SOLVE 1111PiY fl INgDDINCs GtET PERPLEXITY Shen you are purchasing a present:it is a mat- ter of money and what you want, nothing else: There this is your store, for what your want'is here and at the lowest prices. A good variety of articles selected :from the largest stocks, consisting of Silverware. Cut Mass, Fancy China, Clocks and etc. Those are new, beautiful and modern in design and of a superior quality. ' Headquarters for Watches. We make a special, ty of handling High Grade Watches.. All Kinds of Repairing Done and. Guaranteed No stable is np.to,date wit -4 4 Notice ! All kinds' of live panitry ring TOY and August, for which beet prleei will be paid. Hooks— P Up. Spring Chicken —Id cents Old Hens — TQc, per pound Roosters — per pound JONES riAY BUFFALO BRAND FERTILIZER 4111 prepared to supply you with the Buffalo Fer- tilizer, The ben and -cheapest brand made. Do not order until you have seen met NELSON STANLAKE tArs, 7. Willie. Pow I is visiting, at 'Wayland Atich. Ur. `altrld:Troderick is visiting with his son near Da'shwood.: is visiting Ms.'s Ethel Mrickwoodo Mrs, RanasaY and daughter Mill- ioient have been visiting. Mx. ond Mrs, T.: Varling have left( for Toronto where they will make their home in future, , Mrs., P. Pawden and daughter and Mrs, Jos 113awden this week.. al- so Mr,„and drs, Geo. Bowden pe Lon- don were visitors in town. 7, The atpreciation of the music 'soot Plied by the Exeter Prass Band on Friday night was shown by the large the 'nark. a is hoped tfbat the The Women's Missionary Societn of -the Main Strent chord& tont hold a _picnic at Etiverview Park next Thursday and in the evening, twill hold their regular Thursday evening nrayer meeting, on the grounc/s. Sunday schools intend holding a Un- tticnic at the Pend on ilbarsclay AU gring,t. 21.s t, All wishing to go will leave 'their names by- Tue'iday August Oth at Follicles or 13eaverls be provided for only thot ..o.o leave their names On Sunday the cong,regation of James Street church was favored in the morning by a quartette by Mrs, Andrevvs Miss Chowan Mr Andrews and -SMr. Ed. Shantou. In the, even- ing they enjoyed a, solo by Affss nen tra.y soloist 'of the Boas. Presbytert,„ &lett by Misses Quance and John- ston. Thc• remains of the late MaS. Rich- ard 7.oiiiinson who died on August 7th at tile home. of her daughter 'nirs„ liostoti of Flat Rock Mint ; were toought to Exeter oil Tuesday ond inierted in ibe Fixe ter cem- etery. "file deceased was in her 7n year. _She had been, oiling for about- three years havOng suffered :I .slroke before leaving Exeter. tShe was %mot in ate Tolynsbi,ci of Step- hen ber niaiden name being Mar- garet. Walker. Alter her marriage dttoctel.:;,.tixirsivtieosnx::. `ttiohokh.eirli, ,theayt. wFelna out r Cary°icer We have a large shipment of the celebrated B. T. Bros. litter carriers. The old wheelbarrow method is a back number. In Tour bar d reduce your abort prepar supply your dernandsin Steel Stan- chions nd Stalls and in Ray _Cools of every description en to fill Good Positions • • • Trained men are wanted everywhere; in fact, they are always wanted, for the derriand is greater tha.n the supply. This den:tand is not for the man who is able to earn only two or th'iee chillara a day at bard manual labor and who can work only under the direction of some one else, but for the man who is able to plan and direct the work of others—the man whose training has qualified him to Com- petently hold positions of responsibility. • institution that has done so much in the past and is doing so much every n1/flute for working men and women, offers you an easy way to become a trained man—to secure a good position' in the trade or profession that best suits your taste ,and. ambition. The C. S. plan enables you to help yourself right where yon are without losing an hour of work or a dollar of pay; without changing positions until you are ready to step into the, one you desire; without obligating you to pay more than your present salary will afford, no matter how small if is. Thousancls of ;nen have secured life-long betterment through this great plan. Every month an average of 300 voluntarily tell us of such advancement. You can _ • INTERNATIoNAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS 4' , Box 799, Scranton, Pa. • do the same as these men have done. If you really want a.good posi- tion, a larger salary, and a suc- cessful lite, find out how you can secure it in the surest and most practical way in the world by marking and naailing this cou- pon. This pats you under no ol3ligation. It is simply a re- quest for further infortnation. Clip, mark, and mail it NOW. • Ad Welter ..4 Eros:::n1;11:m,Eiriz:Fol v:,,Oner;I:glnoerr Fo e'otririn Plumb, h it 1, et,. • Foreman Machinist Civil Engineer . eCli: 1 1 rS i 1 1,:i Es : 11: nx.:letri : , Contractor and Builder 4` • Po.or-Station Supt. Surveyor Architect Cl3hoo'ITIrtt'per 4 • 4 Name • • 'daunhteos' Charles. arici Andrew. of ' Edna on ton 'Iti,tats, .1dus tory of Fiat State PORN T.).1. -014O 1E—In CrYsclale on Aug,' nth 1.5 ".1r, and ntrst Jos...Duchartne ard'AtPhinson „in,