HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-8-14, Page 3D! 2OTWOW WAT IT WAS fl OF OLS ti.se 1Cream, butter And add sugar grad- nelly, eoatieuing the beating e then add cocoa and cafee infusion until Of right eansistenen,to spread, -Useful filets. We shoeS' should he etuffed with paper before they are -pit awaY. They will dry more quickly and 40 the blood becomee imratre, it , Selected Recipes. be SO hard. Sheets that are wearing out , I,s only naturel that boils, nbaaoles, or I some otber ittasi•elion of bad1)190d steuld I h°111{- break 9ut 91 the.' stexn- Ther;s Q"1Y l Cream I)ressin:"' for F4'llit Saba.— 1 ha've their selvedge side ' 4 s thine to do, and that is to purify the Ione teaspoon eat, pee -half table-- eiseild"dite,gagnedthtra:etehtehnebeeeeel!teierlheteslie,. isseed by using a ther0ugh blood deans' i spoon mestard, three tableepooes mete , -a en. pes,anne such a*. BuRTIOM. 131.00D isotilfraet"t‘i..Norees-ritiTaltrettearlee2ptio)aae;ref..., thrbiztker-lnittn a fruit e.ake pour half li - 1 - • in s eerseas. the nee be,fore addrq, g r couega Ttiver ted batter, three-quarier cup ere.eien' lee fruit then tee, hint win net be • . „.„, cup teneen juice, „„_44:1'..n found at the bottoni of the cake, r 1 Glade. 1S1..B, NNTrttest— xer years 1_ was !one quarter tronbled with 'Boils. I did illot '#3.?.c•if. '', first eeven ingredients togetnar.,; --w-ben prep4rittg eannee or teaesee whet it was to be rid of. them until i ' ec.ok" in a double boiler, etirriog for roasting, , try rubbing it inside iwgao to use EtiRDoCK 13L09D 131I:rFlt eonst a ntly, When the mixture be- with a piece of lemon, It will will- /. onlY ',2SetclenTenbin°Itlaensn I cait'n aaane'sttl'; gins to ibiekern add lemon juice ten the flesh ,.134 make it more tends say that I have never bad any otti s S , , _ , _ ... ___ , er. . " , . now over 4 ' I-1 inee % SIC:WIN% 1 A.. -t, vd.Avy.$ reoPininend --,TULB." 1 Brown liread—Two tinns t --911r A satiqactory wash cloth Is inade Buenonne Backon Tnirraas is a tenled,r , milk" one egg' one-ha4'' P°11114 enr- ,of two ,or three thieknesses of mee- irodite1 for the purification of the rants, two tableepeons lard, elle cap , tpeto netting. The edges are Anise, bloodand has been used by thouSaud-s , etnen syrup, one teaspeon soda, °Pe ed by erocheting a seallon in pink dering the past 3+9 years., l' CUP v4te, noun gaaliamtionr, e991- or blue ' r ea It The T Milburn - - , . re . , , . ,,,, ,,,Hr lta w , It is tuanit,actur„-- -ry -- . woe ingi e„.„ients. sttt rme st-. E ii, hen hoihna,. cabbages, tr:( peals, ce,, Li ted Toronto. C'Eltt igrahem flour, Bake two houre cov- , in, a small' vessel of vinegar on the ered. ' beck oz. the eteive. The Odor o the -- ------",'"'----'''' RON OAS A GY.P,;Nf VIA -11, Sow 'ream Cooldes—One and eabbaige will not, be se, unpleasant, Vat ei---Litei 1 t p ,,,, 9,,ynth,7":4.4 e°P sugar' tw° egaa' 6'4e Buckskin sheee Can be cleaned by '4-..r ....... -11t- --,,Te .,, QP, gap saa,er, one cup soar ercaan, One leaking a lather of geed scouriog or Conventions. simon oda, four (eine flmar, care, soap. Teen a swan tonsil and rub e lMea. T guava clubs 44 LN41d0 44$ :e41.4r 4.tiopl'itircae's'('.onnsicte° til-!,t.t.e.' l, Jii,nel;:eartthete'r; t1.1)110Lehugglitsilyaginatle ,the e . • A - quaintest .1s toe 1 -?;;FP- the morning, or they eau 40 D4co)ored bronze, stinuld be thor, L°1!f4 el'b, 14 1:faild T6INed ill the, morning and dropped enghly cleaned el duet, thee apply from R 1")(),011 Into greased pan,, bltu bersliip of sueli ja tie Free_ t - fu - 1, a mixture 0. ty-o parts warm water ' f a '13:1'11/4gadti9bnY tlt:ir 11110eb,11:111.11eiar;titlisa:, 4'stan"fil kltlf '.,,,i'ilt;'17,Fal;,,au;I:171' t:a'a)1',1;‘ i hae:ntr:e g4eig: 1 'ainriv:k4'. vi°i4taiL I:tpa citamol'el$133..stiki:bn4. 6(1' 1::17, Iv for g therings on Thursday 02NTIR, 'iv - Tue wituessed at thci4. wese.,4 4,tiansl,oun,rm oven ono, thPe,,Iwitite5 4Pro t,91,4 isria exelonae:tagtoe iw.tvt isnertbheen4ur5st, ings. The Menkbers declare them - NEWS OF THE 11101)1f WEST THE SUIDAY SCHOOLLESSOi BUILDINGS MADE OF GIAS FaCe To Foe BgTWPE (ONTARIO AND nsit COLUMBIA. • ery, for if cream butter or gravy to the sworn foes a eon- '°444111 Ntataeli— 134ke' b • la4rneu a aeatltalen' lOw 31711 t to \Yin ; „ eemp et,ely a orbed the cot- , s, po a es. p t p 1P(4"lelli 'CCA4V443kti9"5" ! 1 t r'tit 1 tt r it it" aPPhad at aacc' +declare their objeets to b g " /..!/ 'T/ sa 13411 Cali4Onate Of soda. will remove the promote fellowship amopg, rta, andri bemoan ealt. Pat hatk ,mst obsthukte mud staills,, rob tlive,e, interested in gypsies and gy'p.,1 T‘T:14,,^ „ off with Cloth of flannel dipped in sies themselves and te encourage; 11 tit"e—IKK nt", the 0,(0414, then Press well on the' BRI - INTERNATIONAL A I: G USTr. tems From erovinces Where Many Le Ontario IlnYS and Girls Are "Mating Good." Humboldt, Sask, will have a, new day 2s eamiag when a. Our $65,000 public school. LESSON, on VII. Crossing Bed Sea. Exod, 13. 17 to 24. 31. Golden Text, Ise. O. 24. erSe 19. The angel of God—The ET ALL THE SUNSHINE WORKING no uRs. ess bdeh Means That ness Will Be AVoided. wine presence watch maintested nniinien5 wen be made of glass. The fused to make a 0-aatit'of, land tn be 1"Jel),01`,111 (Exed• 13, 21; 14. 24)t , sing at their work in bright, the ilare of electric lieits in denar crOWdc-ol 0Yerilowing this eum-1Pc'sition 13etWeen. them and the ell- throneli The walls o mar, and ;many viedors have had; -n.}. Dg the /light` crystal. . to apply to private houses for ae- 20' And' there was the el°11(-1 and ' 'Color will come baek to pallid , • eommodation, At Yorkton, Sask, a by-law was tataesa7 issue debentures fOr $140,00t' the, same to eoner an ex- tension,' of the town'e eleetric ens - At Lloe-dminster, Sask., the au- thorities are on the iookeut for Peo- Pin 'who have iteelit stealing the The Moose jaw City Council re- iteell in the pillar of cloud ealled aae is near when rosy-fased girls tised for fircight -terminals for the .and SealetIMes -toe Atigel of eereies fa.etaries- salter, in. place of 1 as here. wmujoeg hotels have, been Stood obituld them—Took a nxeca meet eteres a stream of Heine su the darkness, yet gave It 'twit by leheeiss and eyes that have gro-,tn night—Witile this translatiort is the weak and tired etre:ening over eeuna 7tooretlia'ece;ateo'dth'e't:itnhgesjea,i'n'etsnVakeers- leen'; s withbntl eoys inof, htebee2.-tbtaa.ck r9°I'lls sion, by the insertion of the phrases or dir_gy tenenwilt-houses glist- the intended meaning of the passage The streets will shine like tbese a little plainer "And it was °load of the famed spotless town, with andn.$)d„abltneistsgtioveti-iligelriat b(tyhen, igEh:tYbtP(:l, et-erst:ss.taCalat,heae:Itierz5d,,sana,acliK hese (the Isranntesh" spires, marvelous cunningly fa.sit- Tonesten lamps off the -street, posts. Caused the sea to nay toned combinalgone a-, c or -ed , - Throng!), the atstien '0 the' Lord's ''. a strong C'315t -W515d ''Not,, WI 1/ WISI111 glasS, 441,7010 which the light fat - Day Allinoce. the hotels, of Moose l P1191I9mell9r4 at thi$ INaee^ 4" t 45. er$ into the nave below in wondeene .Sask., have been compelled quite noas!bele that the watere al talie,,,50doed gior,,1,, at. tone .,,,, to 4.14CP$e their eiga,t StandS 04 SL111' 'Re4 Sea •Quee ex'te"ed as fat ti°t"th The poorest, mom, the veriest bo 1 day, as the Bitter Lakes; tf so, there I Rattleford, Sask, will must have been many Pointe will r?fi"t• sPlertdOr Of the ew tioloat $145,000 which as exceedingly sholoy. (bni'iltghtsiaenes td glitt;e JitiestA wood with_ tle.NN" ',post ()Ince eostiag $50,-, A .trang southeast wind, therefere - 4 e -,Tim' 8:qua and 00; also a government armory to by driviug the waters of the lake4'out and filth ran - „ potatoes. Cat locu thwise anti hat. gets on the cluittrens' clif othes it eau' w 0 be Vtlady gpf and couversattett in the t irP41.4 the shoulder. ITave it wrong ado Qt tho material with gt Rogagoli laugoogo ; (o2) To opipmo the Qtlit rather thin. Cut into four artificialities of modern life; (d) ariP„s. DarnPen enoh side of Meat+ enconrage camping, caravanning igt roll gri brigaderitrAW add Av tdOITS:ifOrtn,a outdoor sport and .Ititthe. onion; roll up strip ,rogi fasten' The• members, are n.aturaillv very!' thirt4' -tninrdes. with skewer. Bake frMit twenty to c rion 'keen Opett air litrre"/ and thnlit„have, oenamit 1St/Un--Three cups -veallriuse in plenty of clear water and itrA organized a Ivirimt eompention„, 51t40kt tWO tablespOons COrrtgAreitv 141111„% Allt ILO dr.y. They ev same of them propose .ta celery, salt. 'nutmeg. one cup cream, many housewfvc$ have lomorimd tahn to the road 4.71 cOmbine sait PaPrikaa 0114041111 IV,Ittedi the fact that their tarts and pies do 4'47is' with pleasur and prizes; nve,(eocoainit. Blend cornstarch wall a,.uot, have the delicious brown desi +offered to those inc+st successful in ,,fInv",11 amTIlat nt ("4441 water' Mdt ed, MwaYs keep in Ftnir ennboard inciting their livtag on the road.1 • 1Prik4* a few small pastry brush arid brush your Their desire is to prove that it is graInti Oritt410g. Atld „one -044p tarts and pies over with milk lust I C the mixture thiehens. Add cream warm Iron. Velveteen is SUeeentOUY WaShed by making a lather a soap and wallet water, then seaking the vet- vetdan in it, squeo4ing,it, but not rubbing. When this Ui 64414ed% We Ler any one, however steep. ty life and however tied to to 0 obtain a thing on the petitors majf arrange to have ,y payable at any post Alice or other bank, but will he qualified from the competition if they draw upon it. 44* TITLED )1 ED ICI ',U.: MEN. kteaspopn • , ' ar!el cocoanut. Reheat- and nerve with dots of whipped cream. t'aramel Salad Dressing—One ' tablespoon tion r, one.quarter tea- ' spoon mustard, one tablespoon brown sagar, one tablespoon butter. . Some, Royal Personages Qualitlet to AO as Physieians. 'Baron Henri fin Bothsebild, who wrote the play "Croesus:" is a physician of no ineontullerable 41vIld the bead of a hospital for the poor in Paris, and the fact re- calls that there are even Royal per- sonages qualified to act as physit clams. For example, Queen Arnelie of l'ortueal is an M.).—the only Roy- al lad; holding the distinction—and the Duke Carl Theodore of Bavaria actually praetises the -medical pro- fession in the interests of the poor ankh. and bas long passed his e thousandth operation for eatar. act, For he specializes in eye iron- bles, and he it was who suecessful- ly treated the ICaiser when, some twelve years ago, he was tempor- arily blinded by a swinging rope while cruising thc North. Sem.' The Royal duke is authorized to practise as a. doctor by a special decree of the German Imperial Chancellor, and it is eetima,ted that already nearly 60,000 poor people have received free treatment from him. And yet another Royal work- er in the noble art -of medicine is the Princes.s Sophie of Bavaria. I. putting them in the oven. If the tatloth quite clean ex- cepting One two Sputa, .41P a folded towel between the titbit - cloth and the padding, and on the towel place an empty bowl, having the stain directly over the bowl. Pour boiling water through the Cream together these Ingredients stain until it fades away. Ley au - Ind add very slowly one-half 'cup of other towel over the wet place and Ninega r then put over tire and stir iron until dry. tit thick. Use cream to thin to *per consistency. An egg can be ed with one-half tablespoon flour- SPOKE HIMSELF TO SLEEP. lt and paprika, are not needed. St northward, together with a eitretisli` There will be stt4shiPe The 'Mtge of t-444011$10bb of the tide in the lower heart and 4' 14' htmle^ 2 2a4,111, '1,1aieladmsoutrIlltrinirvtatch----Between 11144ufaettlTed btv InachinerY 4/14 Saslto not -is yet A year oki, has an aSseSSittient '0! a million and a quar- ter, with the single tax system in vogue. SaskatelieWan is believed to bo the most Chtistian preoinen in -the Dominion., In a population oil sin ne, less ban 4.704$ pmfes, *be Christian faith, At Indian Iileadl SaSk. five me 140 IllttnPled Off a freiglittwere run by the 3Ieunted Police after bar- themsekes in an empty (or the night, gulf, might easily produce the, effect A/14 when will this he? When fitriM9 5iteet$ of glass can MTH A Serious Problern. BAD WATEll VAS THE eilV$E1 Emotes]) ineostani or,. A , est---k'Coming to the North- , from 13.C., in the summer of 191% we were face to face with the SerhlOsprot, blem of being stible to secure good dd.*, ing water; this we c.-otdcl not get, so were obliged to -drink water containing a great deal of alkali, with the result that we were an troubled with Diarrinxa. Ver. - ornately, we hada bottle of DR, Few- nna's Exra.ker es WILD STRAVIReDRY in. the house which soon relieved our sufferiugs. I have always kept a bottle the houtse since obtaining seen beae. acid results from its use when my boy as a baby was similarly troubled. 'It has always proved a friend in need.' There am mane. imitatione of "Dfra Fowtge's", When yen ask for the well - Inman/. ardcle, insist en beine givete it, It has been on tbe tnatket or over slaty - ave years, and bee always given the reatest of satisfaetioa, It nitres when fliers fell, that the name of The T. Milburn . aPPear$ on the yellow wrapper. Cutiets—Wipe or telneVe the tritlsh Statesman 'Relates an Aunis- ne; skin and tough membranes, ing Experience. ut into pieces for Serving. Cover with cold water anti nook at a IOW of Devonshire iu yawning, to the temperature. The stock is to be light of Disraeli, in the middle of used in the sauce. Small pieces his own maiden speech in the Cont- i" be put together by using mons is generally reckoned unique Awl toothpicks ftir skewers, of its kind. But it is positively Season the veal with salt and pep- obliterated by an incident that was per. Roll in fine breadermobs, dip described lately by Sir Guy Fleet - in beaten egg, then in erumbs again. 'wood Wilson, who has just retired Melt two tablespoons of dripping from the office of Finance Member or butter in a French pan, and of the*Council of India. brown the cutlets in the hot fat. Sir Guy was reealling in a speech when browned, put the cutlets into at a farewell dinner the great a -double boiler. Serve with sauce. changes that had come about in the Sauce for Cutleits---Two table- Viceroy's legislative Council as a re - spoons dripping, anc-fourth cup stilt of Lord Morley's act. Four flour, one pint, stock, or water and years ago, when Sir Guy Wilson be - stock, one teaspoon or more of gen work m India, it was a body of Worcestershire sauce, X tablespoon only twenty-one members, and he salt, one-eigth teasplem pepper, two remembered well the day on which tablespoons chopped parsley. Pre- he was required to answer the criti- pare as a brown sauce, pour over cisms on his first budget. Sir Guy the cutlets and cook at a low temp- said: It was on the enth of March, erature until tender, which will take 1909, and the day- was abnormally at least one hour. hot and close, even for that time of Potato Pnlf—Four clips hob mash- year in Calcutta,. Partly owing to ed potatoes, four tablespoons milk, the heat, but largely no dotibt ow one teaspoon salt, two eggs, two ing tenthe wearisome effect of my tablespoons butter, one-fourth tea- first attempt at oratory, one by one spoon pepper. Cook. draM, dry every single member present vent to sleep; and it is the simple :truth that after a while I actually fell asleep in the course of the delivery of my etatementi" the htuae and tough pfece$ of moat......The toric feat of the late Duke The SatlkatcheWart department of Agricalture estimated that fully ten fillion acres of Saskatchewan land has been put under erop this year, increase of 500,000, acres over last year. Repreeentat of an Roglish (Beate have bought 8,000 acres of land near Canmore, Alberta, and will develop it for coal. The ce paid for the land was in the neighliorhoote ,?.`1,5410„,Pun Brandon's lOth fire since Mart+ oceurrcd on the 1114th:ilia of July 22 when B. and Cristall'a second -- ha -lid anr0 *0401440k with a loss of $10,000. It is believed them is a firo bug Brandon. Ralph W. Dawson, a home- steader, was killed by lightning at Assirtiboia. He was standing on a load of lumber when the lightning struck him, passing through his body and tearing oft three of bis toes. At Shellbrook, Sask., man named Bird was arrested by the Mounted Police charged with tak- ing a shot at a 'homesteader with a rific. He missed hint, but the Mounted Police frown heavily on offences of that kind. Dr, Montgomery, of. Assiniboia, made up his mind to start a fox farm and bought nine foxes to be- gin with. He placed -them his stable for safe keeping-, and in the night the whole lot burrowed out from under the walls and eseaped. Edward Lowe had a meal in Lew Suey's Chinese restaurant in Craik, Sask., and declined to set- tle. A row -started and Suey carved Lowe with a, long butchers' knife, afterwards throwing het grease in his face. The Chink was fined $5 and oosts. At Prince Albert, Sask., 50 men who were engaged in street grading work were laid off summarily, the city authorities saying that no more work in the way of civic improve- ment would be carried on unleis the money to, pay the men were ac- tually in sight. During the past year the Saskat- chewan Provincial Depa,rtment of Raja -ways- and Telephones received mora -than 150 applications for the incorporation of rural telephone companies, representing more than 4,000 new subscribers to the pro- vincial system. Travelling in two prairie schoonn ers, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mat -hen and seven children, ranging in age from 19 tai. one year old, -pas,sed through North Portal, Sask., en route to the Red Deer country. They came from Flasher, N.D and She Did, But— "Mamma," asked Willie, now miles. that I've een such a good boy in George Mawer found SOMe hu - Sunday school, you don't distrust man bones under, a sand dune on me any more do you?" his „farm near Bradwardine, Man 'No; ; I feel that I can and the remains are believed to trust 'my < little man now.'' partly explain the disappearance described in the teNt, be 4b1 to resist free and breakage - Jehovah looked forth upon the Tbat sounds, like a d4malt order. host 0! the legyptieseenee 'psalm' Bat already oilie wire glass ie used of the events nere narrated seems la ... tu.tti i.n. ' tO be given, -the meaning of the . glass which 'words of this verse is explained AS • "-,tance and it$ -Bows; 77, icer5es 36,20,ere an evinnee as a preyentwe fur fire, and day by Hc—I suppose you have tried trio- and mash pota.toee. Then add seas- , teeing, judge? Judge—NO, I have oiling, milk and butter. Separate not; but ha-ve tried a lot peo- eggs and add well -beaten yolks and pie who have. beat well. Then aclet whites of eggs which have been 'beaten stiff. Turn ocTons sAlp into a buttered dish and bake in a . quick oven until brown. - Oatmeal Macaroons On- table . . . . ZOOLDGET CURED — .. one-half — . spoon buaei, cap eugai, . . . , . . .... . one egg well beaten, one-tourth tea- spoon salt, .one and one-half .cups .rolled oats, oneslialf teaspoon belt: .ing .powder. Combine mixture.: Do not. add water. Drop firoin spoon an to greased pans. ,,..Bake e in hot oven until brown. . - ' Roxbury, Cakes—One--quarter cup . . . , hatter', .two eggs, omen -tali': cup sour , inilk, one ' teaspoon einniannan, one - Mina: VIALS OF ?Milburn's Laxa-LIver Pills CUFIED Ham,, Cot& Hardly Eat en Account or Indikestion. MR. DAVID Btitrunor;, Claremont, NS., writesii---" I have had indigestiCal ''balf cup raisins., one-half eup sno.-tr for some years, and could hardly eat. one -hall cut) nmlasse,se 911n -hall en-ri It then turned into a sour stemach, and dour elm teaspoon soda, one -hal! the 'doctors said -1 could not get cured, 1 used a lot of inedicine until at last one of ray friends told into use 3\01/Lutaans LAXA-14yR PILLs, and after I had Used Oarce I was completely cured, arid I always keep' them in the house now" 111:11331JRN'S nkxA-Lrvsa P rt.s are a wonderful remedy for all diseases or of the liver, and haye been univer-' • sally" used during Itte twenty odd years tbes have' been on the market. Price, 25 cents a or 5 for $1.09 at all dealers, or mailed direct receilit of pricc,hy.The PCAiii1,13urn Co,, 1.(imited Toronto cup English ivalitut e t,s 'butter, adcl sugar and beaten yolks of Mix and sift in-restfie TI LS and, add to first ,mixtnre alterti'atelv with molasses a.tielssour. mine .1).it,-Q s, e.ggs,'heat`cm dry, el ed r a' is s 'and, uts. gem pane, ,e,chn;: r with -efn.Oelie tyotng This'shoeld nialee'er 'Veen to, twenty qakes, oa a Frostinn. rtter. 011 .01.1.er... gar, rd. cup cups cop - liminess Failure. Tramp—Yes'm, I Wunst had a good job 'thana.gi'n' a hand laundry, but it"failed on me. ' Lady—Poor Irian!. How. did happen:0 fail Tramp—She left an' went home to her folks, it Th of thy thunder was in ind ; - lightened the w ' qua a b. bled and shook Pu(;e71(.1-retc^', ment f relyf r of an in hick, "Ion T. a trifle shra - eye-tiriag og the eyes. dents are eliminated, takes are avoided, the health of tl 155 „on,,erve an a me ideal relations exist between OW11 and woaer. This sounds 511' t , PrVtgl▪ 'agl e X ed UtOrgal Lie and, 0 - than Thy way Wall, ,n the er,t. wkg suppor Tight, of Thou leddest thY Peal/la Illke a flack pounds. And Oren under the -we By the hand i1loses and Aaron 24, Took off—Literally, boun arimered in their turning. They 4Irove them heztvily---Liter- of 1,422 ponds (14 net br oily bent and cracked. A room built of. this ,sarae U Imre a lire in it and the tempo te• hef ,ettlitylotler ohiee:14ture ielnetestruolri okei as ot Oe. 611,0avfly" The 1, len4gtt, le:kineencrateowiiititleertosi: roltzt:s:eti egttelrvoeceieloeuisnIn.p sop sa s s ot.1 er ewviertel attlItaetisr r edeti were etogged with sand and 4vka. is 27. mud. Overthrew—Literally, shook' b off host's were scattered here and there. - the morning water. r years the aim of architects has c7;t6;i ilnlotpurs,ase:,ticitatinta have approached it as netaly at a natural time for atmosphert Factories have gene up, the ionr changes, but in obedience to thel t walls of glass with narrow steel sup - rod of Moses, the furious wind staircases of glaes, in - veered or /ell, and the sea returned' ,,,pitt2t, thc transparent wal14, the to its accustomed limits; and firSt, i.'"e:`"'-- in ;toot's of the stockrooms of glass, as the sands beneath became satur- letting in all the light possible, ated, the chariots were overturned glass roofs and have his whole house of one color, ing line of foam raced forward and down 'like lead,' and then the hiss- Ibl'eactiii1.0.??:;iliiiilttlis'y'ulartiltirwiintItlaetyevedda(1,19Iniele,,,as with daylight taming in only and the mail -clad chariotec,rs went closed around and over the shriek.. r • through the windows and the color strength Of Egypt oitly an hour be- prtneetion, day„.iong. if:gre.mob which was the pride and bes'r eutficroalirlel'3U‘'t, orrelA1:110c.4ceci:. 1,11,/,': osiftt*haef lirlinelr egllillsnla/atinneglit/tigle°111.010)1/05s: "But, as the story repeats tWice housealdpei is f °del te iN(ratiil sattriouneit,1:ti ellni.ei n agtlia°a),,1 glasstelie'itilelltie:tiaLirgee,. greataiidthePeconomy!lil)iltiesoi I CI ttlbi °B over, with a very natural and glad And as they make plate glass :elahsesmies iesxpn:ntstil.lvee.leolntstaccoAntnituoletIT: reiteration, The children of Lsrael stronger, as they study the poesibiln loss through breakage, hut the ma - walked upon dry land in the midst ides of interior decorations of glass ' trials themselves of which it is of the sea,: and the waters were a and vitrified paneling, the new made are the cheapest and the ea,s- apartment-house will be a marvel of lest to procure. Smee machinery clearilinzie,itliigilititioaensdrbaratuet.y„ hittl,es taken the plac.e ofbandl)les-ing fl -,p , of piodu tioi has been Think of a house as unreal, as of a glass building exceeds that of a ..g0h1i170 might udmii $ulate the building. eoiy,Nifit be followed E the future 1 be an inner or thick, a There N not b about ween mission nt Any Be ired Color. If a man building a house es one room a- pale blue or a "unny yellow, he ean have his bricks made of colored glass and suffuse his room with anv desired color, or be can „ and yet o speak, This ,nma the lass „ he", Ith 'ee inches sp e between, another roof, heavier anti apable 'withstanding tho This dead nir space be- , roofs prevents the trans - at either heat or .old and sthple wall unto them on their right hand and on their left' (Expositor's Bible). 31. Great work which Jehovah did —This wonderful deliverance natur- ally made a deep impression upon the Israelites. Believed in Jehovah, and in his servant Moses—But when they turn- ed awa,y from this, the scene of their their total journey will be 1,200 "Tr 1 • kec 'the Of twc 'Young. Englishmen Basil try' door "kk alte.r Bull a,ntl A. Charles Tul- . loch; w ceme. en Canada 2o years- ag.6, to learn to farm. They 'Settled ',in. -Bradwardiae district. They , Were, ',:remittanee , men. ,Tul 'loch di Reared first,' and shortly 'after* ull.,-alSodropped out of authorities, are now o Expantl theCurnencY• He had just given her a check for her first,, mon,t 3 a ov,anc ``I think," she coyly "I shall have ,t1-iis check photographed. ,,.`,`To, preserve ento tr3 into touch with rola- . , tives oung men in the old co untr marvellous deliverance, and again faced the stern realities and hard- ships of the wilderness, their faith was all too soon displaced by dis- trust and discontent, --- 44— Grains of Gold.. Few causes of War can stand his- torical examination and test.—Lord Rosebery. - • You never know what is enough unle-ss you know what is more than enough. --Wm. Blake. It's more important to court the missus when you've' married her than beforc.—Will Crooks. ALP. We are not in tbis world to be happy and enjoy ourselves, but to fulfil our responsibilities,--Bis- rnarck.' The determined and pereoverine need never despair of gaining their object, in this world—Beacensfield. Good Fluffier. may be said to be one of. the very bast articles of dres one, ear wear in eociety.----- Tbackerae There is no life of a man, iaith- mmized, and ROW the COM ethereal, as evanescently lovely as concrete Or \V-4XSCI by only five to Maeterlinek's palace of the Seven, e;eht per cent., and, of course, the Princesses 'a house Where the .sun upkeen and repairs are Practically. ever shines and 1N -here the stars at tIothing. night trace pa,tterns on the crystal 1I'hat a gladdening sigh it would withstand the elements, warna in with be to walk clown some of our .streets floors, and yet a house made hands, a house strong enough to winter and cool in simmer. The steel suprjorts are incased in sheaths of glass, glass bricks inclose the and, in place of the dingy, smoke - smeared brick walls of some of the best houses, to see the clear, shin- ing walls of solid crystal, airy and bright and radiant in the daytime, solid pers a t the corners and are glittering and resplendent -when t arranged in tasteful patterns along sun bas gone and every room tbrowl the cornice, casements open out- out a thousand stream -is of light into ward above glass winclonaboxes I the night, darknass, glea,ming like a trailing brilliant nasturtiums and I wonderfully cut gem. flaming geraniums and behind the 1 expansive elegance of wide plate- glass windows women sit embroider- Valves 11-d Leaking ing the most intrica.te designs in the far corner of the evenly lighted rooms. The main residential street of the cite. will look as if it were made of Of The Heart. fairy palaces, and it will glisten and I ThWc41g-tlilltd NEGIltdr'lliHne!rlijuitseDrIe7:111 glit.ter as does a forest when J ack`l/lilbtlril'S il6iii t 241d, Meta PisCud tier. 1Fiest has waved his magic wand. ---------' -, was darkness and. filth, el e a,eli tie s s East, Owen Sound, writes:—"I have , mas, J. D. 'rAtintrr, 1775 3rd 'Ave., A nd in the slums, where before and stinshitte have entered,in. The been a great sufferer from heart disease consumptive no „Longer languishe,s and leaking valve'. I hare had re''' in a stuffy, pitch-black room. ,so source to every hind `-'1-1-r'airrient 1°1'114 dark that no eye can see the heaps thfinske,Triag-illtaloleeltPorisn,e' iincsittliTclielriegd:1':',foskfoilr! , ;ears that at times .1 have folt'that noth-r of dirt and refuse that have accuni- fully recorded but it is a heroic now is as light as day and the sun vvas advisd:datthty ca°farlidenedil.flwiniol3bandlisSetirffye. re! elated in the corners. Every corner -1 hat poem of ite sort; rhymed or un- imakes a path across to tlic bad untold pain and IniserY, juSt. as 1 harli rhi‘ylianenc.317.,--anCtlaii:ely11,1e0.rid run altar ieli,_ I where the convalesceat sews on the and had. i'eed chr.d- hY • i'1.11'nul'N''' . holtework she is doing to help pay huntirig for his , hat, while all the t ry in the summ ,..i. , 'Ir't-4i6t1. ''Ol'i)1 Yetqet, Pt.c;LLPst; gi.:1'!ea.;i.AltLile.! tiliarined._it,sisrdneeny Itsilsi*Ii_....italle:ad- or in ' his And in t't.,,, 'Faet,ory it istitet :"Ptiale,yterl,Yyane'ctitillteldd,polsnheae'lliat'‘flo'y(";alin:l'ac'ela:te:al:,initclY,:,snitiotel:tt.vaPs,:il):1114i , fheue,t1..clorfesdu,nci,ifilitiln,oinue,d,iw.„0:11 arf,.a. gu-a-;._ an, :ru.. , co:r-t-ierite;evilorthaenyk7;at etotrlire hoeit. eitY like 'the absent-minded man ftlr her little yacati'-`" t'--3 the "-f--)un- Some people take themeelves so riousl3r that others look upon them as a joke. antees a 311 RX1ITI a.movia , p and ,the uniform' diffusionl `$1.25 white dayi ight gho ,,,direct est interiors, , AID; tan pe, 914 1O, 4.14 burn 911