HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-8-14, Page 1Hair stops failing out and becomes beauti- ful and luxuriant when RexaIl "93" (air Tonic is, used.. ,Itives new life to the hair, keeps the scalp clean and healthy' and is a positive Cure for dandruff, 50e and $1 bottles. For sale only at Cole's Drug Store • Best R EXA;v: L AP RIIENT WEAL Diet veseeut ,l effective ontbittl ion of saline laxatives biliousness. ;sick headache, impure 01Qe41 es and prickly hent , Cools the blood - 50 rents a bottle. 0 ' Drugstore 7.7 EXETER EXTENDS A WELCOM TO THE KITTY CIIASERS ONES HONE AUGUST SAL MEN'S & BOY'S• dens Odd , its 00 pair at and $3.03 each. 0 Y Goads.,Dept. All Summer goods roust go, Ladies waists, Parasols Embroideries ` etc. at cut prices- Come in and look them over. N ORDER o reduce our clothing stock we are got to SLAUGHTER prices for the balance of this neo ire going to need a Suit o Fall, come and saye $5.00 to $8.0I Scores of swell patterns & colv ors and every suit a Sovereign Brand and Fall iiiLeillmemit. ma 11 ,ol L' iho May Loci t. 'z''L. 'reia)FOSCtAaa a"' , Sratluyk&ln z n s;&PdG -t ariog ptant tar~ of read L'"rader.;m ateWa blo.k saki brT,ol ' olr baa h an i iry �. 'tea 'rt:Rrt t,r 1,�ekkl.R]4,`tL I ix�A 4i f rials .ot eine&u lie zzhnzx su n €Mttllt*d' I>y tate ,. h'zlr-1tr thctG X11 tE>4:loo, sa-lrcrz tltp ezt.rtl h a$ illig to ,-'. `1'rtnItleittg',: otz rontttt to v11,, tiv fl tear, tai 4Qt r4 for. P t e pa.yaatle, one tbo hT,eraalof thegeQ,lltnt o h' iaiads Ihaek iittorm�E, 150, r411130.1 fact 4 ion n t (vett kM i" e��lla�erett: tabtr Itf • to olear at i.a-12 & i; Le range ca s Sllzits Tllzeh we wx ear out at greatly reduce prices, Scores of swell slatterns and color's and every suit Sovereign Brand and Tall weight, ;1t ad t't ter; au dolMstr rtra t�rW.eq�n�l.f¢¢xll"� rfla.i�tlan arcs l<: nvlest 1.o • Phone 32 Jones do May, Exeter LET US DO YOUR Eave Troughing Furnace Work and s - z ESTIMATES 0iVEIN workpromptlydon and o e, REPAIRS of all kinds m lete BUILDER R � p Hardware Stoc Hinges. P a,rior Knobs, Hlll Locks, gr. hapgers, Class Plitt etc. 9 - �e naa e a specialty of 1-a r d- re.for3ar1s and13ar1 Door Hang - . and Track. Usee Plymouth ire Tr] 9 Cola Medal Salmon and Tag • AA DA, Ralf holiday Agreement We, the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to close our places of business at half past twelve o'clock on Thursday r f y' a ternor^Sc i o• t L5. :ar a. « i'.Yi},--v: Civ"' 111,-citi°7. Cr - JULY and AU(.1USTi . 'J. A. Stewart W W. Taman S. Martin and Son W. J. Uearnaa.n W. J. Beer 11 Spackman .ckm an P J.; Senior J. Grigg 1_+'d Boyle e B. W, F. Beavers, Jones and May Joe Davis Mrs. Yeo. Geo R. Bedford E. N. Shier Advocate Printing Co - Times Printing Co. Ltd. S. Fitton A. Mire hand P. Fra':. ne y : x. �.14r>Js 1? A O D n 1.. b. a.d Mrs Tilos.73 alatit from xom the (vest forinerly of Hensall ar:cnt last.: veelc visiting° Mir, and, N. s. Jahns Moir.; Mise Welt;() and l:iss Jhom .•1'scin of Terouto are ,spending '.i few days rr itli'..:thieir uncle fidr, Iiicd �Bla'i • e.hford., ht.s s' r1L' t r. ands rs zbrnar' L- • a ''` d .,_� slr,,t5o, t.S rd 4 '�('n 21 all ` a �v 1 lY y,. ..e.ti,s••, 1 6+6i r-, e eraJ-1,190, r t. a ` <, �.9m"�f�",nz'�rc'�ak.v,w+�',2ytd�f�?nv.r� F•'{P 91ni'"'y�: :5f d 9tD tor leo nr altalnitt h r;s the storm an'3rts l'r t. At times the ligiltt:'A; tor,rible told 'Was followed drenching Tama and high' lchich did r great deal of Incl., be uncut oats and bar'1ey. Viirxn. r wino Laid their. nr31n tat n d• . C t Ar re,'ttir for :threshing will he ;sot h>ner: ars with their work, he rain. however was badl,v * e n In 1nost +da;striris 'tai" t.To £: t ll, ginning to suffer and ir.. ar , Claves 'tate water ;supply wa rnzninzi short ome of the le ephb ie terns ,drib tint of commission as suit of the r;'torm. During the storm on Friday the two fine Fares of .dolrhus ar of il'ay ]°oargbil al -out tiro miles from lixeter were ` sf.xu.+k by laghtninar :anis cornyletmy destro:Ocel, allr. /iooper had only fin- ished his t:hxe"shing on 'Thursday and had bvst ar d one n ` e o f t',hr_ finest -crops in years. 'His entire crap of wheat barley* and hay wns destroyed as well. as m n a y' implt,tneaits, His lois will run into the thousands on whirl there is a partial insurance in the tray Mutual. Tire :insurance Company Also a barn oti t•nedtzr' by 'Edward Denomic Sauble line, -was totally de- 'stroyed `the building contents 'nay and krait'. The tire s, read to ano- ther barn where a fine team of hor- ses wars and in spite- of the efforts' of neighbors it was found impossible n adred Picn rand 13erid Ire,m.%:. �^r r ae 4 Qtn t R`tA til la iA Dry star Gtraartt .tlti' itzn ovt#r ll : it to $ay" Ye Belide°s illli R . k The akwt4zg' otwnatoel Tllr treat ei:d fooked for day" ifas da�utned* and nulllairgtbe'rn ,ire lined #;<n t,lae ree€o to Ity Tai .t eTritof Bowling, 'Bowling or the eller tt;ter+ wor4o Were ftv'e't`-Slang "lz zn that sin(; ('a, `orbic "Sitpttl ' bitty ellasero arty t 1eala e. Toon we give, M:flit"At you oll bus t;ft ik'�" �� �rr�+ fitV!e i' toTeffuirs„;. Xe 1 Sing a ons t reit ttl 'Whatever -0 va And ttal9v Make tltip oiler dust help g . 4x1# of &tan e;u ago ncit rata, e sat + rlrflr of Lanai $*Aired;. enwF+fit; E4 )r. 3e ban IA ;rag 1;! iaollowing ,nve t& o ree;411.4 t ntl alrltltr"-�1. v W��It►��� gone 4 '�g13fei 4>iu 8� f3111~G slated an et ;v1 Ont to °t, trot's 1 Cu. tHb xt G6rla I Vera Co Tlors 1 odelr. red 1 tl' n' nli�, iatMre )t' 0. AOC .lrttb itand itOtl r— t a.l Solt lra las* r.2o zw !=1 dy t,tXCCa4' r ltoye l•I nlnl +iztd r�'t', `Arltlrewq 0 t„vl r lltrnter., irl5z .f artd, ,rr)darr—lt, :(?arson; .G +irl9olr4+ Sltrlford, uX3aya, 1t1 and ndt --"G, 1'enharie, W 4nrlr ivs ":f. ' llaptan i:irt 113 rrxtii n sena Par- e Lina Cotes tl t.re y- C, Travvey 1 . Raab �i„ 'i1''illiar Lanes liaetw: te11i .CU>itbeott; ud more. �laxri`°d Lsdle Raieea-11i 4 G lira raftr Mrs. E. Coates'. 3ZrL56 1;9« "l i 1 Pant; lst.9nti °l:;ice—Th., Ogacken-1511 i b rir. "Coif;=°s, aro Snc«ilk Thaw legged ra;'e—A 1".V', Willis firms :£. '4i . 1,fi HBs; l:tr. rtouk ton' and 3...•I, £'out eotat, iV, Warren"'nin'1 0 T?xonilv`. w w :line et n's itace—Tars 18oal i; t1 Chas. l ersla1 GG, Snell. Pie Eating tontcs"t-Soba etilriUis Willis 0 Davis., ° Throwing Baseball—Miss Parsons n'4liss V. Rex -slake. Couples Lace -14 R101101-46. anti li. Parsons; Vs Prouty and 11, Cedmore Georg'a Uones and V., Kerslake. The Exeter lino up for the 'Vase- (ball ;acne Nils C. Harvey, T- ' It, St; ba'cateT :Creech ..D; Harvey outhcotL'. Thrall te.ry; Il, Tord J.., r5 (ell,. IL Ford 3. Davis; ' o save the animals wham; " rva Lost with' other contents of the building 'Also Mr.Bohert Stanley of the. North (Boundary of Biddulphc had his barns together with the seasons 'crop burned by lightning • from the elec- trical storm. i, ✓. l,.Yi rT_L Run fig Shots The Main st� edtivi.th flags Th e green he ugh d ay' to ' ,� th G i ectric lig•his ~ The green x ains have tbcc the best of 'cc et has liceoi tleeorae- 'd buotino., been brilliantly neral string's of el - iia cad sfta '• h �'pt,., No spared put ' p ft in rditio.n:. 'The c re fa cs 'en: t booth, has been. n doing a land �ffiGe business in the :way of the visitor's. EXETER SCHOOL d O(.BD Notice ci;�ar1 Public School T3oard of. Excl.- ere cel.-hrn 'that the ter respectively niint3t as .- -._.. High (school •deF.aitmcnt willFavols&h" September 2nd at 9 o'clock a. In. The staff will consist ot.. the following teachers' Principal W. B. Weiden- ha.mrner L. A.. "Toronto University Graduate 7lonor _i n Moderns and Eng- tish.. teacher of Mathematics, Science Modern La ogunges and Middle iddle Sc hcol Ingltsi, First alssistant Miss Lola 3 Edmunds, permanent first clatss tea- cher and J -T, 8, assistant certificate teacher of Latin I'ngL,.:b and '71is'tor3*: Miss Estelle R. Cragg. jiertaxanent first tains.; teacher and 11, S, Teach= ers 'certificate teacher of Commercial work. Geography and lower "sthoo1 Mathematics. Pupils are •advisi•d to register early and parents !should con salt with the principal' ,in selecting, the eonrsc for entrants A1s in- frr• foi°)ner years f-torongLi preparation will he given in all conr;ses leadr" tng to. (:11e following cxatititrat:ons;' Lower School Entrance- to. Normal; Model School; of • _ idd Entrance. to Lo e Scl'ool':Eutr<•+.nec to Normal Shcool;1 and ,Ttt.ulor baa triculation or Ent,- ransse to are Trniversi'ties and Pro- Cessional.' rourssti s Tit accordance y. �vath 'the lat.es� t•eL;nlations a two t:ars. coni 5e A.p; 'enIturc for rural- students will be c,uececl with the be- ginning of the pres.nt 'term. :arrang-;, ed, in ordr of the recommendations i,hr,13:oyalCommission zn•'lerhnilal Education. Phe- science 'department is thoroughly x quipped: 'wit hi expen- siva imps ove ents to the bantling: rresideu`t 1. SI .Carlia' and n �eeve W. 1Te" t'] �i rw�n d ar. n e c the 'toiirna- wa'ith an "address, to -ate visitors. olta six G (;a;p1Ll.... '.l.'❑PS' a.b-IT:UT'la- ing the sound o''''hc, 'hgnamer vvas heard on the err ;'a minefed wit. number of .lrisi i; z8ongs. e.i e Arran; ,erra.eni are i;eing made for z^ match I 11) at ° , 4 � s e 1< y fat ler. ver,al :f ;iol-ed rinks, e „cat a,expert Ole different ev- 'Phe 0 ladies usat,da e baivlers, b.. • 'Elle, ffprires erLs are on; t s „hi Lion. in 3 A, ,',ce, art;4 lvinclow (hey are : i• h ndsonic lot. anclany ou of ilh,ent, worth` atinn Ing: ba its b. ,eaz , "said i:hsy ere' .the lobar 1 y �!'i!' O '� a • �. £ sale.. of,f�red i ' a • P c �t n aC ?ibe7� 11x11-,_ tents in \rest,ern-'Ott- z0 nT! h the `! Taman Ashcan you tlo? lAalva°t b'u za...0 ate titan t,lra?y;lt � no slouch at th ty'ern, r+,tl, m the. 1*'roz�r rla one a The Vfice•SIGits Me Baird of tli Play the game Lltxt year Eike y last year we wont 08k may more, Scotch Doubles was the wind up Eighteen teals d"1,i (,ill in tine. They couldn't put it over that Lando tealn Oke, Jiry and Silcox, John. Iti ata S.Aa.'v tis r riots e eri;", s ". ilte: the 'ne'no;n.R Braes Street in the, i vxaicg €kr •d, in the ' a seg;. poc , rte,:. 5,firs; t anal tl' • 4k AI;�nA; 0kll lta` c,tii txEr,4 t t ola lr� 11,7t the.+c'a Vn "areU7�a:g oe canal ri95 l'ixi, 1t 1 3ra', taraa� 4�pr�'�� "t'ha t, Rl la • ,, 5 a'rl ,r�F ,k. Ari, �'< r,, 8. tar t reeeb 1 '",stet is ra tI fr r. f,,. 4) anal ria w sa rif'5 roller tinn- lie ,ti out sixty d03rnrs i *asses are hztid the It tousethisag lik.r 'tea x Ttsr. a: ala': wil lre gao Exeter School Board :13 ^� 1'atrsti *Meeting of the Hoard held an: the A double: Town Hall ,Monday evening, :f ,ug .11 a ,arzdos' tea All x»ernbers present. Tabor Day. The Sollowinw is the order. of bus- int;As duly l-ubnnitted and 'iaVproved.l Per chair minutes of tre'cioua fleeting, Iteport of fio xis, ;Teachers supply Miss Quackenbush resigned. Grounds and Sani try`—rlowor beds not satisfaetory., - Building Com--- Vandovas . raced" Messrs Gouid and Jeckell secured .for the carpenter work, fessra Sweet, the brickwork. Principal -Exam iftesn1ts, laver sehool Seven 'tried Five PasSed ; i4todel Entrance—One tried, one pas- sed. Middle school. --Serer: tried. six 'Passed. two with honoris; Junior matriculation four tried, three Pas- sed. Algricultural Courses to be intro- duczo in all Public Schools with: Gov- eminent Grant attached of $199.00 with further ;rant of $25,00 fox Dent onstrai:ion plots Per IWood and T,. ;Armstrong n r that the resignation oflis,a '- ,-,bush be ncet:I:tea a ted the ge f - Trenc lay the cugag�emc ct of iii• -'-..:'*:..the name sal - teachers sugply corn. at a.ry cnnf�xmetl: Per k' \V, Gladman and L:'.y, Creech that the asWserismen,t for the current year be $4,009 Per T+.,Wood-land `['Armstrong that the report ot the building cemmitltee br ,confirmed, Per R. N. -Creech and. F, W,, Glad- man that this principals report be ac- related and that; congratulations and thanks 'o£ th-e 'board. be given oli, the succehs.' Of the. Del;artm,extal exams and the tains taken during the pre - seat . holidays to further oualify for his .basil ion a)s principal of the school. Per A. E. Puke ,and 'I', G oodt that g t•S I- be ', advert z t the ai�i�lEummea a er lhrovg'h the ueiceall'Credi'ton� and local'papers t J 1'ut> Per F. W. Cladtnaia and is , e hdthlowing•`payrnen,ts`'be dered.at 'CCnitafoled Fype Wkiter ; Co blies-$5.80; Grigg Stationery Co, Lie- rrtry and eXfr5ss 13,15; Per, F. \V: GladnanArmstrong B., Creechthat Pr, Wood , and the chair be a co at ictee, to com- plete om- t' n,zrne o. s L L t.S e t ��'rn r ale e p 1 au r, I,,;- d x E. a �'E1 u Per L J ,t i1Gta SECY.' ,.atr`os' T'.. ., „a, ,I :, 9e he c. ia,in� are arn:p]r. ,Cofear x'e.,re..., e at:d ro- h oucrt T o'. 13 tx (Lord nru e 1' x o-ia• s a ( xr LTti1-11r,T1 J• :GL?1G(z h� x bland P rens fir, a `, IiYZtCs„ Jots Baodcxee3 t "err 3 G�ao,aT1i%an. Seoret'ary, n.,,_. ,,,,a- :•2_,,,>�:�t�'t�.��'sas`>�'saatvk�;�.f o 1 la, nine ere ex�es» loosal reatsx elm 0,der."e evcrri W:at;a1i for ' g e with' arra.tccd for; is LOST—A light eight gray over-, colt between Times Office and (Frank, Cowards. :Retard at Times Orrice, ,r.:. By HOLLAND. O1J DS good, doesn't And the best of it is it is true These cash dividends are pa%c "alb ^vers dollar you spend, provided3- sou spend wisely and buy y baVtil - ihat the maker believes in so strongly that he advertises thein. Advertised goods are not alwaysthe • a cheapest so fab as e ri the amount°asked for them es concerned. •''But they are a 'REST. ' il�i�:�l3is..B,T_?�., TI�tE.:,tiDS ,rP, And this tiia.,.cts thorn. cheap- est p { est ivheia all things are con- sidered. y When' -ou hc;y for the sante money a Letter article than you have been buying you get` a4 sh . d it.iden d o n your put- chase,. pxre a,t. Lcn you pay Ioss for he same :. 11 article of the sa e r ua � -aa t you get a cash oividend. 1.3wTESE 1"JIV1D, i"DS AR PAID TO 1 HE Ill arD€ RS OE ADV(, T ET PAP s �S I 1 l'1SLMEN'Ai4 IN 17i.. eft isv #t !. it ,7t