HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-7-31, Page 5iJus7z- ,4iTi3r.m 1913 TFLE E X E T E R T 1 M. SUFFERED Crediton TERRIBLY At Regular Intervals--$ays Lydia E. Pinicham's table,Compounsi corn- , Pletely cured her, Adrlan, Texas, -"j take pleasure in addingmY'teStioa0alal to the great list ; Ud hope that it will i be o1 interest tosuf- fering women. For four years Isuffered untold agonies at regular intervalS- cramps,severe chills r and Lit's Wan, Vie1garth tat 1,0)0 c!ty Mizia are vtsrting the Parc: ters paleuts Mr, and Mrs„, ,1'.. ilaistt iMrs,_ Henry Motz has „returned hosa. after visiting in Rochester ;And Iu4iIrlirl,,ItA°Aallal' Mrs. Ilarry Wind of. '1t rozt is span:111g their vacation in -- ' 'he,- "t's h h 1 f -- to i 1 t e re. -u t Q sincere study I 'Mrs, Link and Mrs ',Bertrand 'ri,it• ;4/41.."Peri,n14'n-t ,'by °Ile of 'ia wQr1" ed 'their daughters at the „Lietroitt Aea'Ittg se.tenf's`-'3' Cottage aond Bo'nd on 8andaY• ha -11'1.1. dtdir"uesslidngeheiciasent. r?itg,:d1acf;ter' ;141,4 Mr. atId Mrs.. TOM 'Willa are sPend- to p, event dandruff failina• h-vr at ing their vacation at Grand; Bend; i a,ny scalp disease. . . . , ,,„ .. . . Dembra and children of j PAR2S1AN Sage. r.ot only prevent,: Hair Slaughter •KILLED 1.1Y IkTEGLIGEIICE. Hair must have nourishment or die it it does not have proper nourish, meet it 1vill loose its vitalityrs_gre); 1,;,eak aud become an easy prey to the ravages of the vicious germs of daze, druff, PARISIAN Sage tg a hair on oa are visdang Alas Harry Not I but ..i a rettnin core for dacdruft , g Te AliSSeS .91.11310,.. Ilillie, Mary and , if t3f(111 f`ciling of fh° 'waft) 113"fan'f- 'Ea.11,4ne „Bertrand and Lipiao ,,,,I ,,J13 ; ft is espe_,oially in ,A31 Ar-od f i e la or laaln Qaisar Clara Palmer and ZRAA iladlies, (because it makes the hair Such pains and a pleasant vacation, ' D C I th a - - t . u- 't d Link have returned after ,spending beautiful soft and fluffy,. S. at rand j3end. 0 e e toggts se t The i'dissers ()re and Lily Hoffman, uuSitive ntee, to (10 ajl, that is rolsieltnessatstorn- of 1)11shwood are the guest. 3 of Mrs, cents claimed for it, or money back. riff ekthen",finally•hern.... Christ Rattner. orrhages Until „,1 "'Airs. Eels° left for her- bOale, fat I would be nearly iDetroit offer visiting reiatives tn. fiNSALL blind. had five town. ud none of them could do moro eve me for a Vane. saw your advertisemerit ia a pa - peg decided to try Lydia E. Pink - es Vegetable Compound. took' even boxes of it and Used two bottles ,elf the $anative Wash, awl 1 am COM!etoy, enred'of roy trouble. When bean taloa the Compound I only 'Weighed ninety-six 'pounds and now I "weigh ono hundred and twerity-six :pounds. If (Anyone wishe,s to address :Iran person I will cheerfully answer ;al letters, as 1 cannot speak too highlY IDE the Ilnkbarn remcdies."-ziklissJs ' Maas]; Adrian, Texas, dreds of such letters expressing de for the pod Lydia, Pink. ▪ egetable Compound has aCeOrn- aro constantly. being received, "Ing the reliabilit3r a this grand old o wont special advice write to E. rinkitunt Co• (COUR* Lynn, Nass. Your letter will read and answered by eld Stria mildettee* %. College at Horne housands of runt Woos youn3 ople are fast preparing in r own homes to **coop), Inc - iv vositions no itena;rapb. bookkeepers tele 3raph- servant$ in fact every of business activitits a may. finiab Colleget n so woh Positions tguaran- „E I1e3e any day. tnatruntioo. Ex. rt teachers, Thirty" Wears pertenne. Lar3est • trainers Capada. Seven college lei course for teacher/1. ated with Commercial Ed. ' nal Ansociatlon of Canada euner Snbool at Famous SpoL usinc.%s Colleze Londor., vro NO VACATION Clinton BustnessCollege 4. EO. SPOTTON B. F. NVAID Pesiclent Pinclpn) .1% 1Veman 1a rirdereated and elretldltnoir about the wonderful %%knoll Spray — Douche grate he cannot, nuppli ARVIEL. accept 210 bat send snow far nhis- book--ftwea It Ore ftyll flero Young and 7„1,fese Faist Sinaday at Grand Bend. miss Barbara Irinktnrizier of Cleve lar,d, Ohio and bcr brother Frank of London visited their parents Mr owl Jam Pinkbeiner, 1.1.1r, and 'Mrs, Danko of petrol; A-eturried lo their Immo afte anding a few clays with 11r, on Wol„.•Wenzel. apd_. Mrs. Paget ond Dit3 •33.0, ' land lf=verett. Pohner Motored! to Grand Illand on Sunday, remains of the Ate Corr0 were Anterrad in Ibe Credifon ccmetery on Friday after poop last. The dveeasi"d away oa Wedoesaday the eauSe of clea th being bloodvoison, ge had bee'n worh framing' ba rrt and p_d a ptisli in leg with, arz„ lantyy first svas not consteered - seLaitottei sr a btlittooldAele001,5aotnialciAVvelopl,e'l; itn fatal results, The deceaSea was mcoakt or the lilvangelictal church in Peril i',3s WAS Ire wa$ id in the higneit esteeiri and at funeralOtt Is.'•ridaY a larRe rtatator ed out to their resplets.„ 10/3,rte(i, side4• his widow a %daughter of the tate Atv,- Nt he s mArvived by szr„,,o nu Ana; Clar A, "S", Norman, Alvin. Cat' C11�, cud .11airray. Thrce rothers and two sistors, alto s14,4 c've Jaeoh .of Crediton; Fr..nic: Cif latett„glolootott ot Chesley. I Mi;.'h Beaver Credilon i. Lotti4 Stahl of Saginaw, V LI, The roof Jr.i ut the shed the Blimvillo Alchhodist <hard) and. whey completed bave one of the most op -to -date , aronod. Rev T. A. and Mrs, Steadmanand are lIx/101tott home this week and it 4s exppoted that Mrr, Stead• man. 1 coaduet aerviees at 4.31itn• ville Sunday ovenitg.T. Mr. 1/abridges new red brick bout.' tatt,arlav cOmpletion and WhIn finish- ed it will 11.4 one of" the finest in the neighto'hoOd. DA SYI WOOD Mrs. to Cook of Drumbro is vi"$it• log her parents. Mr., and :Mrs. A,. ,13renit .N1rs, Charlie Pinker seriousij 111, Mr. and Mrs Frank: Cla „ r Were the attests of Mr., and 31rs,. Prod Geottu 01, maks it Is possade to recount for st tier. Leonard :Klapp of Stratford/ th13001-rtetrin'eatriolcabbelafloltirrnfdereenr!soesr linnst3ai.necT '13C;. accamaanied 112 Miss ELeanore Walrer the dairy division. at Otla.1va- found h..° son 111e. Zurish called an lrierals CM the Bron- afwo 11,,,„ of fat lase month. and Alert•I 31.iss 1ileatrie.= KloPP` . of in or.0 locality 100 cows that gave but 190 Go Ga cows close by in the some county oo :ar, Waite IToiekirk retarned houle rola the west during 4b, aa week zItisq-s i‘i...,Ktveri daughters of Mr. .ioba Ire also spending summer to.leay, with their pareut :Ars, It, _Beck of Londoo and formerlY Of this village is :spentlang syeeli; with friends in TienSall and f, it3rGt,e7,4o1 Vie7toi:RdA!.isiNicfprtiehEnot ,Ntic‘Dwinnblecor Ilvatr- I "zrriliaaa 'Misses aladYs Alind Rose Mellevin of " , coderieh are tho gin, sis oc tr alrolt cojoY• lue baltnY breezes, or lo°' ikylLsi.tIniLletelait ripeurbsol4st,;:,ofioorrStleacbli...tl.:datzac:itil,aille: ; ,,oe4t5o°grie" E.; Aoii''..4, 11)13ii:delloc.t.ile°trblOY La0P1:,,izl',1.'eao I . . , ,tv, f_t,o,-,,..,,.,m,,rs. 1-3, 1 • - •, ' ,• g ., I abreeint g'cout4xueuclo ;Li; ccoa:p1;:nc‘lgi tya.Tut Camper„oi1 s• ,Cr:L.:Sianders of :::.” ul Laka Mhdi I everat 1'411 games have be"' 11413Y('14- I 911 i':isc0111anf:'311e1:elica.by jiotto.i.:. p,sdedhileleil..-atizui Lekil:;e,u,,fac$atatioole,tresveanttdrkcille.srinr;atime,„ ....r4tiop4 sought . - 1 :N,Irs. Stelk is ent 1 .; i i i ,.!1-coaage at Grand JB ad 11 r'-' *11E01;40RM-1S are Pa of ,tYld lid i other friends the pa.i„...r ..eetr. 1 and Clair Wood are holidaying Md. Some Fireworks ! It ii'ti-ooton, her tierce gXe.a.,, ;t4uCLIFidtenvt ::.t.:.' I, belk:tt IltAttlilrtoOfrfi:g15, fi?.i.oitil.:;;;,. 17.4v they begged for some with. Tillie i )10. i jonie near New 11,11,„,org... i feasou.r.ar.ol -the different 'hoWling al- ,1 doline,itgr eoershotowo ntahnecywelovia be ,setuviltn, _ 4_ I .Ars, William iKlor,p of Stratford is " ,aYs atford iota Lot amusement 1,'he ; .")1":,l'ilt‘r, 1'i% APPri left. for a visit to EIS ;"iier cp3st.'"'x' is in °I/Pratilmii thiees (Ilirelnay base n•feW,•" dalla 'Ma be vory careful?? s. Akr,vc POpular re,o r a re inei.Q.4siurr •- ; sipheendginarog eaotteit,:::beackus be t:::,ite :a, cinie::: ::: nfetivf1.- .",,. ), ,leill.f.afieleeld,:: 11:sIalt.s.-5., :0-'1`!gonji ;lilies e:ulf 0 s,fvoe ir sons Me.,.rs ELinier nod Osraa R101,11) ilmitlPers- • I el ,e1),r, aro ;,.s dY id cideaoiln'' r li tzal .1 ru..i. d: ir : t hi 1 1, _, I le tx3,...44-1 a, 0T:nill lel ilsa riiin ja:,000voi., ti ill ail °_,e111:1gIrsiii.te2ticatl'i. 24,4r r,..,,o,,,eie'rrostc.ertui:fpiya:z;pn;4:11:iciilararni.co:tiaan:e 'weather as_, eek...,..', _ , ton .and Zuei;t1a, brought out a larg,e. . - . t- reoner Ied a drawing card, Dasbwoo A Cred- ,,Niessis, Ausx ii 1, Atoll• fillisgreen anti the rural casi. ttztie and ,,i". c n'-lii'pl i el meet: 04-tal,c,,kts P,iavl,v-te 1, 'attend -awe. rhe band greeted the 1 - 1 It 1 ( ° a the old -river bed !Clinton eouringent by givi.ng them a ,.." last Satur".10.v Twarnin'' They w r '''" 4/ e ,1:1 l'931211,1:ilt.Ine,te6116\,:a:::t,e1 c:11111:::;d jells-.1°Tit.i ebb:3: c aherec:1s i'eita 7:_li ':1 if,°:,i4rel3e;,_itledr::ts 5: :inf. u. ‘ ltdiAtIli:if I ri; a*: Ab.iAt' arro.biirol:tci g ini il''.Q;C:f. 1-':"1:Ari:lool frog eto 31 e. g a:7;1:r; vet t co o N•ii,.. ill boal enaas? a?' ell r‘arlirclin'e'sgatqoyr. a T 4,,;(-;iyv c'-' e :/ic,?,.tr..e..„4,1' ,' {::es::gi hent:::: 9 ,:e.' :1'.."i: c:,st:rvi•4:tal :34' otamj ni-a; r -b*() P- I i 1 i 1. .1, '' 'I';'e• ''''l tt; tr 1 alow- the lat.- .-hort• Ne• i%'. l Vas In on th.-!, t.',.sturn .journey. snuck ari til r ey tale azi auto. T i i r• aod :11-1-s,:fitol;ei f Sonthou arm , . ' I tri,ets 'contributed touch to (bll large fro, ,f -s i • r e. ant•hab,i, ol d• here, shied -whit,. pasIsing the Ina, 51rs, Llik" and 11,e daughter / b t •conton Jrc i • it. et en -scab ' creg'n ing the earTiage WO'S' T?tvo tbe tjyt,11). 'UClite, guests of 'NUS'S Mar), Yen lza d- d vere I " iz s 111d •Mgi:*.1-V..."72,giusrdnoeciPice: has' 'been awa.rd. 1 1°1111-117til 7eT14 1 toute betw eu 1.1 nsall t Hilt f° c°°tInue t"Ir •Innrnq ber(% ed tb,, verdraper (or tit w j e auto Par Y ".5 tQc, tti(, r 4) nd IVA •AQ.elis. e „ e la $ I /lend where the rig ;vaa repaired. Aic,,5,$4,. IT. co bill „ma noworit 1. (keen, Fost OffteeS„, 1 The sit rveyeri ha; e retnrnea art i ,,, , _ g I :Atra, William Lee is here „from 1;11,- 1 *, •,_ ,,.„ , , ,,, dram a/artzer or otretford, were week i4,‘11-4 ge" vi•itiog her 'sister Ars',. P. .1/ I are Pnw n.`14`11' c' t'''''' 'nut.411/2.1'u'u n visiter,S. i 1 tLe ee the village, '• I east of tha iswagp, !rho oxx:onsaixbattx setoOt io Air aohn Foto:, who some lino "ovented Ati uortaleic sawmg ma- FV144(1.11TON fi;odeti?h on Wednesday was very ,bine that iS now doing sat':sfacto4y doseoll Skinae'r of Fullarton 1 proves, that taw ,etzu.ty tow.4. zti.u. easotine eng$13Q. that he clains9' will 10G ra,zre,s ohich adjoins lifs for .59 . I an ttra.ative on the revolutionize, the engin, inI3ding 500: and is st 49,90 sor . -)1r T ^ af,'Q I UJr tickets bensold at this, station and . ttrgel), •patronized over four 411r•dred wooz ..i.5 working cm a new t3 j) of has currhased the leostlir farm of t 15 !picnics The train left here a 1„ttle i tmTslhaes'r „city 0 ,t.efore ten in tis e Corenoon lad a , - - a ` E. r.,,, owl .0, him toonotaiNg ,,,c.ilroIt.:1„1,3%A., .44,,,,'.1,r0ih.„,,ts, ,J(f,levr01111' sold Igl,' attetiOn, at Miter 11 . fileial train IreauV4ing cioettrxicotub,r,n4(1! 41416°41'1 'ilt °Th; Vi'741t I 40 , 11 +.'ight o'clock h 0 ht. 04 ,• - building' oho:M.1mo. . ing. Oar hitaioes'a Paco in 1 nrde"»* te"-I" ists home after pleasant days tun, 'Ntr' -11:1;9et!dr!e-v.',!,,1 r„; sBAVORTIT svelte A titIzth,) or tI*4 31141n4rb,",,sC4;4.44S4: 1 itITA0 ttn, vlooio a socc000 oo xo ,dt- i'itAlle-1." 24-1 't‘ t 1 t't4a'-1 -tjoweli r, : tegilanae olosed their :respective '''115""es''' . ignatiQn w sez.K.4d. 4:111 .1;10,%collf:41.4444rt 1,1„0„11,,u131,110.(41iyootuiltry 1018. The anialganlatton at th',"' grtcoll- Countiroc Ilarrytt0o 11 Ike clew to 1 1,t1111;o'ls,1.41.47111tey1.3' IlltrIfut.'"ilete'f03`1C:LacrUblIt5:4° , Ilit4nueitnut:Ilett8t4.":11• 1AS elect:ad ' wa''le,•3:110:i 141hiss Xyritik.„, ‘rriighi wig, -,,,,,,a vitylt, I turf clot) held its tarea on Lahor OttY for .m,,.. prol-A.;;.9 rowp,,,tio° atm tftot ilea Ler tOtta:rt Miss Vlosate, Pos4 re- ill i' t'()11$1(te're4 Illat (115.'t Acddirg4 414- ,-11 t 41 13/4 sc"$`401I of 1,-41 Otit' ' i „mod. to ioxonto las.. week. I tbe ()AO mee ittf-sAti t. -$,,Pin gn U. 4,egiSlatur,;• a 0 ainerylm•e.nt weAtttlizsi follrartorlo4';itCoulttlo C'rrtealtleefitt sitlit4,;! 1 ii;:ig;111 ttilt.el1a0III,e;IfTa t‘c.'111tusiint'."‘t;v11'11;1111.1ZItigb?:I-1. 1 ttlitvistItlaft ':1C4IolitItIri°1:1TILtlerk:ts-viirctl.4111110i3d;i(Ct4tt Hon there. g 120t1:10isulo aolent on. 1.4,T:1'4:Ott-I iltS4. .111)r,trit,K; t!r°,3.14rIl 1,,,, v",11174.1 jfil4011 It'aliec,,('Llett.dti.1:1"ofult;f: t•1,741!°F.1.' ' tik41131-;"E.,°(1.11rielligg iiii5itc'eleffilcreotlf ()(1/1;1‘,11111:;$5,1:rti , oud ..,‘Ii.S, Ilotert Jarrott. the prizes made larger and the addeu court in :-ca fort IA, he is obliged to V nuttiou a ow 4,azieties ••'t tom abnormal positions the dirqualifica. , A.NToN, rhosn 'who were suceessfu ntrnne,examanations from here ale t • Yerart Wilda Westrnan ltns AOStizi, llobits, Grace, oungson Earl Hodgson and Wittre,d 1. 11111 M.isa elaaa aid exception- (I; ally Weil this year 4.er:Vo13e vass.ing i111 marks to sne•re, 111111 would assure better Ta5n1A5 . resign either position nod• be 'ant for tin,. Agrieultnral Soch..ty. ,. any ,110,-,,,, too Jost renvinerative. nr• If an arrangement 'r., not wide be' nominations to fill the vaeaney wilt 14,eeettrturtrult;;Itiir)vowiotti,gitItonliozati,ti5onisi.wettfiltlget:.10.ient-,h,o,ictiaottlt eletlArits)11.1 listt,100itilf iiitt:, Ilthjae..0.1-1 • 1 tile Spring, August Eith. ' The 111110... Sunday 'School, . picnic .o.ut liens 11 and' way stations to oderich las , w.b: w.easwell attend - d (11 YA.V.E11A 1.11,,I)S A i.ottunon question tutted the fac- L tory reeeising olatfor,a -tow are re the cows do,ntr*,, Who,I. lolunte of thought, that suggest's. II,' thiey are doing well it is because of gond food and careful attention or may it he despite 11ze feed and .^are they deserve but do 3.101 get. Leavin," ide the auestion of whether breed 00 Wedrtz..sday last the rnurriage t‘otemnized ot Mr. Ernest P.' Box ej.afe.meLurchttinotcsooft Suertsic11'orofcbto Z11ss lis gl'4,110'1101:111},111:11.: iezt:itt ts.N. sm8z,T lo' ok tin, home :f the brid'es Toronto by Rev, Dr, titts'•or of 3(1 o3OniO '1:rinity 'Methodist church and were liuI. Mass of Preston performed the isoffale and they ir.tenti taking up reinno,. Thu attendetns were Mr housekeeping in the groom's entn- jlerb atd and Liss Clara ftl.ikrtinr.blbenzjr AIrrt;.°)III‘eralthz,14181,171/.1:11vrenzre Qt 0001111 JItach Cal., aro visiiting (he formers parents Alr. and Mrs „Jas. Lasverante Dates of Fall Fairs ihe Princess theatre undergoing alto ti 1Cc. Sept:, atha inter:or much ‘tet 23 al• enlarged and improved, ...Oct 2 3 Par A Aferiprns the, voona, „,Sept15. 17 cleric Ivim ;•,hot; aceidently last 24.25 1VC'elL"' IS 'St eadly improving and the "r'• • nct 2 3 doctors arc now quite sanguine alout . . re ons 1 is weeks 'A new front heredidity and zersistealiy 01 flow , 15 le tki h ino• t • Marys -tassels lesley derich clot! nover utardine idscs And otiin.ztlawsinvaintible- rea.uronasonsarriN co..Windsor. On* gr. Hal. Nadiger's in;sv buldieg ,zatve only 2,500 lbs, of, fat, Another lia OetseraiArente ter Canada. tit° paarlY '1001111010t1. kle moved lot of cows in. a. near by county gave lid t;Ic OniMondaY and is now reaoY r -o only 2 200 lbs. - do a good bUShicSS in a fine; ur Is the ordinary factory Datroifs to -date harness shop, herd; keyed up Lo ,the pitch of cred • Mr, tani Mrs, Jennings of Thedford 'table performance or is it inst PILES CURED at HOME visited 111,r, and Mrs, W. -Drown. last by'New Absorp flop. wedr., thirs, Bender of Li 1, 1 If you: suffer- from biee.'dittg,, Sent iStaying with les nwe 11$ 11 P10 - _s e -your address,, and' .r.tieS, send m or protrudin ‘Grenzebach.1 er (laughter Itrrts. g3 ;!tp 1 g, blind ss L ,13Inn of Landonsnont tell you how to cure Your, , with her grandta* 017h-e'r-' el.f at home 13' e t the absorption: Miss Pearl.. o ntston, fias return 1' T b trisoniaerrielit..t;i .altd. will also sendi thome in Berlin xree foot, hNovin. le, :treatment • ts.gmhsottewr :•-uendeng Y I -re- s with ,hi aunt hIrs. C t 1 references I,. Walper-at C From your e ar Grove Fartn, r owu localit guested., Imme ate relief Dr de Vat's Female Pills !permanent' cure assured: Send A r'eh, money; but' tell otliers• ofi pills are tble French regtzlater ; never failu. These dX,Ce.edingly oVielful in regulating the Was offer: :Writ6 to -clay to MrS4 makratift;:sjoct... Lneglitharto algr:51dLenst each cow pay a good Profit. RIS; Slimmers, Box P 841.7.Winciscirti .. 1;3 "They know r "Ah, do they?' daddY answered.. amtling. That is very nice. Little Sarno% I rale Simpson Was one of the TerY earafol hoy-S.• "Ftrecraelters were not the fashion ha the town in Which be lived. ,5o 01 tanneaer he went to visit his grandfather and grandmother he begged so hard to be allowed Plenty of them that the old folks at last agreed- ! 'They hod a" large pe. wAth no neighbors- very close to them, and, sri,, when grandpa went to town be got some of the very Largest nreeraeker CiSa ge A, Le „aid anui. candies and g lored fire for the evening. "Grandma Cdd not want them in the bonse, era In tbei which was used for the stria- of rohhisbi about baVing them there, Antheng,h at was quite a distance couid hardly wait for the Fourth t=iit eome, ei tease 4,tfiCTO be alio-red to try one litoo e,i•-e1;:er gittodprtsaltl., 'Well., as tomorrow the Fourth„ g supTA,,se„ we anl' thef.e reeketi,V "Grandma groaned. 'You'll be very, very 1, s,4e ty,u3 wo a good while since yeteve seat up any reel uGranaldt .langhed bOyiSbly, 'As If could forget bow to seta& ' rockets? be answered, Grandpa and Sammie went out to the little shed Web tbe firewo 'were stored, and grandpa picked UP a rocket. Ile took it out into the yaral an Sefit up. Now, you know. a rocket mitSt be set AAJo the ground very st If you want it tO sail up to the sky. Perha Os gyandnaa was right. AlcandPaiy It 0 0 t of Prtletige. At: any rate, when inf,bted timt caehet Sizzed and s Pnt tered and with a sideway dive curved over arid went straight into the door tbe -ed. Where the 4reworks Were. The floor was covered with sbavlogs, t1 lEnhtuto there was a display of firework's st•Wht 05 had never been aronlad,thero before- The pre company came to put out the tire and there a time for a'little while. Vae shed Nvtl burned down, but pe one 'NT hurt e,xcept grandpa, who Illistered Ms hands and face. "PM next day wa4 thp, Vourth„ daa Sammie had no ilreworks. Mil I flora mind any.' W coOded to grandma. We had Plenty et firma 'set night' n estern Fai London, Canada TriE GREAT LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION $27,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions mmosinumseemetattviou Western Magrnile Program we of Two Speed Even Ontario's Daily Popular Fireworks EXhibition Attrac ions Night Sept 5 to Twice DailY sommimmummilim A000.00 ADDED TO THE PRIZE LIST TIIIS Take a Holiday and Visit London's Exhibition Single Fare on all Railroads in Western Ontario SPECIAL EXCURSION DATES -September 9th, ;lb nnd 10111 Prize Lists and all information front the Secretary W. J. REID, President A. AI, HUNT, Secreta 11111111111111111111111MMannimmummismomments ion Ihtnic staff performed the. "du ties of groomsman. The wedding march was played by Alias Gertrude Reid 'The ),ride who was a great, favorite of the young people will .he much • 17. 19 is u 110.1 e recovery. After a dainty wedding breakfast Mr missed in the 'social ci.reles in. town. • -Sept 18 gr. Win. Noble who has rementi; dAlileag-51tirsi;Igial'orioetuttocirl,NIOsghaorrat 117TO111; SepsteiliSt, 2169 drea:Ttusrntbet 1.1vreo:ki Cabeingalgr 01t1 hais Jseisw_ ar.c1 .131tffalo after which they will ter afrs„ J. O. Thompson Mr. Alex MaLennan of Lilo Commer CEf--:-..--41L1)".--'-11E-N---A—V12.11 DEFECTIVE cial and Mrs McLennan left th's SIGHT week on a trip to the Pacific• Coast A letter received from Mr, Gar - and will visit friends in WimaPpeg diner Principal of the Ontario School and other Weste.rn points enroute. for the Blind from the Stroerintend- t ;Davidson and two Childrel Tit for the American Mission School Zurich . __Sept. 17 18 WednesdaY after a Pleasant visit tions 'that t.be estimated number of pt 18. 19 Listowel bept 16 17 London (Western Fair) iSept 5-13 lverton Sept, 25 26 tcbell •44. ••• Sept 16 17 rani° -.0;in. Nat Aug Sept' 9 inghtini SePt 26 20 mg along in the old rut, of average mi yields? Suppose the patron aster- To ?tains his herd IS do:ng 'about as w Woodstock •. ...Sept 17 10 wen' as his neighbors, does it' seem great pity Lihn't his arbitration should end there? Average cows can do vastly better 11 the owners train theta to train th.zirisz;lves for better results 11 every lot of .100 COWS in the Dominion gave Ines kthe west on tor .the blind at 11,3pombay India turn - an additional 501t rounds (if fat' vet- , month would- there not make a To cleanse the syisteni of uadige.A- startling difference in the amount ed food, lout gasses's, excess bile. in of the patron's cheques? Cow test-, the liver, and waste inatter in, Abe ceremony was performed by Rev. A, most, highly civil:zed tonareuniiies ing has helped many.comrnunitie.i to bowels '%vill imr.air our health. The ) W. Barker castor of the Methodizt largely as the result of greateri far larger banking bus nes because hest system regulator is FTG FILLs mediate, relatives and fric.nds• of the kno;;:ledge and tnore attention, to it shows' that, scores of cows and av- At all dealetrs 25 and 50 cents Or the Young couple. The brid sv.h - - preessentive measure, on the part' of i a ions. r. do an's are sold , I more t an t ey do zit uresent. lkfak-e , }lowers Drugstore. ' travelinag dress of Royal blue serge returris of ihe /ast Dominion Census 1 C with their parents Afr. and blirdd people in fiadia t(10,000 of A pretty -wedding was solemnized Charles ',oche John Street. N hem certainly kot 113 more tlaan 509 NEGLECT at the _home of Mr, and NErs John; Dodds Eigliview Saturday inornir,,,r when their eldest daughter Iva Rho - della was united in marriage to 1,3/11-' Liam Blaine MeKity of The ha's e bad am oprortuftuty for tan ed- . . . ucaticri or training along industrial; lines. llePor Ls .from many places in the linited /States as wet/ as from several „ liluropean countries indicate that /blindness is decreasing in gina P Ira t vqp?rtl?n of t 3; femzi1;rsyste.m. Refu,ste verageh crdhs can be made give far • 11`'n• p'll Co St Thoma" Ont sold t Riven away by lier father woro h phys"cians and nu s4s W' •I th and wasattended by her •siter Miss on this'subject have bob ora NvIal!e Mr Co!mar of tlae Dooysn.- i:dbulated and pub!ished there Is 1'053 11 to haler 111,1 0. 511331 lz 15 apnlicalble to thAess it is possitlo (hall tneY are nosv-as there always have bran many YOUng people or Onto rio 11 ho ought to he enrolled as tinpils or Lille Sobool at iBrentford but are (not, some )arents or blinid childrer4 have never !heard of the school: other are sensitative about iefting it be known that their children are taftlicted: Many from what might be describe& s assessive affection do not like?' to be separated from their clultirett even for the cbildrens good To g,et into " communicat1on. with the parent s ot. those for whose benefit the :set -noel is maintained the PrinriPai depends largely ulpon the kind lutervation of neighbours. teachers. ministers ancilmunicipal officers he will be glad to get from any reader of" the Times the name and -post offire address of any person under twenty-one sears of age %vim is blind, or' whose' sight is so defective that attendance at 'the !oral nubile school 15 not prara- tirtfble„ Py the ;Deli:Inds in late at Brantford a good English educa- tion tau ',- orquired by the sightless and instruction is 'filo given to such. trades as. are available to enahle the blind to beeotne self sui3pOrting There 18 r.o charge for toard tuition/ or books nddreskS 1A.„ IT. Gardiner r,rira- cipal O. S. D. 13rantford tv5 po4 OFFICEg,, 0F" •"°,4 LL. HP‘vE TOASK 'VCTc ,i COr'IC Y�I) • "NA"-r-E.P •,SS vvri-Hes A uTO "cCIDEKT COME 0614,1 1.rilonfy- -r5-toP414 •"!.Yot-P• AhlEZE DtP -/st,ET pp-toNe:22} 0114 4')FP BILL. JON -q 5 6-9'ME 6c$,Pr'f' j HENRY JR. SAYS sr 4 .1 '11- , • ,•4 r e•teli _se 0-to1-i • I, 1, '17t1E. cr" 11 lf 33