HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-7-24, Page 5'THURSDAY JULY
!Mrs. ;rue lialicla has eeturned horne
BABY BOY i „after a pleasant visit wita frieadst
1 at Rerlin and Eright
Mr. ami litirs, Frank Pelatilte from
Detroit are visiting the latter's 'Par-
ents Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Wenzel.
rs. Beck's Fondest Hopes Tbe 7-Visses Tillie and =Mel 13ete
treed a.re gaemling their holidays
Realized -Health, Hap- v.eth timer mother Mrs, S., 'Reetrand
Mr, George floltzmann isat. lere-
piness and Baby. scut very ill but we all wish, him a
speedy reeneery,
'Messrs Dedgine and Nicicolson ere
' 14.41er Lahavec N.4., Can, -“I wish netting i he flax pokes husy lbey .
-report a fair crop this year. •
The (Misses Lillian, and Lolo' 64-
sor, Clara Eahner. Ella Lick. and
Madeleine Lfary, Rillie, and Llillie
'Bertrand, are enjoying a week at
Grand Rend.
Mr, J. a, ilolltaanona. is 'able to be
roond agaie after his recent illness
Met. Guenther had the rnisfortuie
of having a 12 iceh tile falling ou
his toe and bruising it very bmily.
Sevetal from here tendered t'or
tim Imre/ inail rotates that are going
out from Orediton and dras. Clark
as the /tacky one. in getting both
rQ1Alt-re:'Claae, sleYer or (ley-a:ma Ohio
; "
$ the guest of his father-in-law Mr
Joint Viakbeirter.
On Wednesday dials 16tra the, Ail.
sa Craig Stars defeated the Crediton'
$tors in 4 game of base hall,. TN
score tcoing 5-2 in favor of the visi-
tors, Boy li"alaner acing ill the box.
did some fine twisting,
Miss ;Mildred iittrlotzle at Aurora III
is the geleSt of laer ..-masiu Miss pearl
hoist for a few days,
hiessr3 h. Young nod M. 1Zai9h
sent Sunday at the Pend,
4'cliss ,I.u, SA 0. arar kalpent Sunday
-itlat kAtiss Lydia alatangaeten.
Messrs lingo Shenk Otto Ewald
re grvira 1Tel-a and !Roy Palmer' vieited
frierals in Dosawood Sunday. The
boys all report o good time.
Wortnao II (altar:tor n who sine* last
Sapriug has been working at Sasko-
eon was called hater ou account of
is fathers hitless, `
itoLyadia nannithantiltrotileitatte0. Alf Bedford is spending a few
4confideritial}Lyna,Nags..fornAr dayu with his hrOiller J01141, -
Mr. August Kohn of Cobelt has
em trar.sferred to ti branch of
the Welt of commerce at Cre (Mori
W. ii, Paget who has been man-
- loal, for the rost two years Ira -
Toronto en the arriVal Ot
to thank you fee' the benefit I received
-• by taking Lydia E.
• Finkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound f or
female troubles
from which I Was
great sufferer,. so
that I wan com-
pletely run dawn it)
health, (Dammed-
ichm did not help
me, but Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
be CoMpeneld Made
ell and strong. I 00"MM a big,
baby `boy, and praise your noodi,
r thowenderfnl lot of good it has
." - Mrs, 'slum BECK,
pper Latiare, Lunerthurg Co,, a S.,
Tile darkest days of husband. and wife
ten they Ortla to look forward to
1 lidless and lonely old age.
Xany a wife has fogad herself ince,-
tberbood owing to SOMO
of the feminine SyStem,
able by the proper remedies.
many homes Pllee childless there
OW children because of the fact
Lydia IR, ,Pinkham'S Vegetable
Compound WOMen normal,
f* If you. bare the slightest doubt
Abut loydiaE.rinultuut*sTeget
'Nice* Tour letter will he opened
Imad and answered by a, Aroma
4trai held in gtrict confidence.
College at Home
vr4004;m45 of ambitious young
tale are fast nrepering
ir OW.0 110=4 t0 occupy hate-
-a 'positions az stenzaeraph.
bookkeepore tolo;raph-
civil servants in fact every
Ot busbaess activitie,3
may finish ot Calino 111
OIZ o *astisla Positions gamma,
ed. Enter college any dee,
nelividual instruction. Ex -
Inert teachers. Thirty' e -ears
experience. T ,T4'4"3t- trainers
Caneela. ticeirezeee'rette,,,,,
Special ceillree for teachers.
Affiliated with Commercial Ed -
*;......I Aorrots.;,,Ift-",rij ?Ixoeauy
netseiotiei cieeueleeIonl oo eee,
Summer School at Famous Spot *I -
ton Rusinesee College London.
Clinton Business College
• Pesident P incipal
EViiT Woman
Is Interested and should knoVr
about the wonderful
Marva.' Whirling Spray
anau Ian
New Livestock Depaerment
Ea'erything in Agriculture
-Exhibits by the Provinces
Exhibits by Dominion Government.
1 Exhibits by Foreign Countries
fieres of alanufactures
Paintings from Germany, Britain,
United States and Canada
i-:ducational Exhibits
Cradet Review
Jtiptinese Fireworks
'.'atioda's Biggest Dog Show
America's Greatest Cat Shaw
-AN* NEft0 Tun
The ieal Surprise
e A 'sleet Ride
to -Polo Liatches
us and hippodrome
!flh1l.iH Chariot RaCes
Athletic Sports
Great Water Car nivnt
ScOre of other Famous Bands
Twelve Bend Concerts Daily
Vreele of the AirshiP
Withington's Zotaaves
NOW Giant Afidway
nand Double Hill of Fireworks
Aug. 23 1913 Sept. 8
Indfcat es indigest ion eonstepa tion
Ito r' liver troithita. FIG PILLS --
Will legtacite the system and hutia
et: the nerve feree eo that you can
sleep aud senjoe life. At all dealers
25 and IOU cents ox ale,- Pig Pitt: Co.
Ste Thoniae Onti. Seel at flo.vey's
Sbottly after six o' 'oek on Fri-
cla.v evenIng the fire ala.ne was soun-
ded when it was discoveeted that the'
re,sidenee oceerjeci by Mr, A. We
Shasser on High Street was on fire.
firemen quickly responded and the
blaze otiginated in the kit -
:Men floel a gasoline stove •was
the kitchen was Pretty' badly darn- „ere Alfred G. and Arthur e1. of see,„
soon under control but not before ?,.iguacntt,,s,a1,;:llastillatil;oTbhnoitntii,,audil.v.otibleEi
Toe Seaforth cadets who were in at 11°11nee fluleral held.
tanp at -Loudoo the past- -..0 day.;
returned bonze Saturday.
A petition is being circulaked re -
tweeting Wednesday Augeet 13 to
be proclaimed Seaforth's eivie heli -
Mr, G. A, Miller, A. receotly
Chatham but formerly of New Brew
swiel( bee been engaged as princip-
al of the Collegiate institute as ezae-
ceeeor to Mr. G. E. Rogers lvbe goes
to North Rey. Mr, Llitler is ;
Gold LIedielist from Queen' Un-
iversity and comes very laighly TeG•
epn Tn,n;iinlle ri (iNi:\h,,e holidays)33igi4twith sis-
Chare Bailie of Brandon La
EW!,, A, \kr Arelsit(Vh and
Mrs, 341-1,Iltaitl anal cbildten of Sask.
ritoon who bal'e vieetimr. 'Mr. Me
1 Zetoeh'e eat.; for the valet two
I lewfetsi'l.at 'reek icir their
Mrs. Ches. Ilroulfoot and ebildrele
are bere from -Aloeseptv to visit re
1 Mrs, IV, 1)1 $tewart and two child-
ren of St. Paul eliani are visitiog, at
the blame of -N1r, erol Mrs, Alexen-
kLvfit'S'et\SN'vanr,te.lanent. wig) sprairt,ol Ids
41,'„i On thIc Lov, ling' green is able -
to get amend iiith the aid of e
It is our ead. duty &hie, weer( no
record the death of James -lobos
which, I pole ,place at his late reni-
derice Varna, on July 22nd, The <:-
was enjoying good Oealth un-
til three months ago. All that med-
ical aid could do was done bet of no
avail. Deteeased was born lc-` C°F°'
wall lengland in tile year 1842; La
the year 1873 be with his family
moved to Vaizada, eettling ae Scar-
bormagli where thee remained nne
year. .A.fter ..vhicti tame they raQV a
ed to Varna. The deeeesed was well
known and respected by ail who
linew him. I -le /eaves to mourn the
105S of a devoted Imehand aod, /ov-
ine- father, Mrs :fames johns ani
Mrs. W, Rey-er of Kansas' Cate',
eirs, 0, A. Treat awl -Charles G, of
Chicago alrs 1-1.T_ tehings God -
Irene Badly of Toronto is the
nazest of Mrs. A, 1), Sutherlend!
Mr, Keith nLlefee-en Was ill. Olt;iw:1
frfen,e,;tdaol.s,e11[Isit„, ego ru fee a Lodge Seaforth.
ies 'Co re iela of London To'it's the elan:rg'telaisla;C:,:::.hiellat.tat::t:itleialll's:P:rtii?,eiC:t1111:::eolPilndT1,0111131:ti,liirmaenttlealiL:: 81;e104r4t3s4 1117141°e:1 t4titiolt211.1g:ei tIoVneallant,411:34-5w etuilleec150',4'11,11111.0$11:itnri°441:tz91311,,,-., 4131.I:eriTtr1;:r(loduic..,
.rhe ems eroe ie very light 1111-13 visiting At the ilom° of ;\fc' rit'd 511.s' Ifie nsla°;: ItetazgyttrasiaQut%e 'papers for laeie was a elmoting
Yetrheo:zrt,:.dill1(111,1elatelrisrillYetlafttr°15at'IS N1,ovallrnygdegvoo°t01: aowaa'rlYe" c'ea:11?):1-itlae,(111techilee,TYT:1;re18.411eksr4sare$:;161‘.i.:011°'fil 011,11 c,r1vg ; II e t
l 1111,
' ealdvi 1)1%1 t hea,ii It tat.'acfsr for the .a,itv or toa p,
Anne end, fret and groan /hese are tee, (IvI.tereil
cinjst volored Sample Mr. axial .Ltrs Matthew Will'azos
Mies Norma Diekson left laet iveelt illfOrIllati*C it doeen't And bow tbev wontel 01
'ear, nod Mrs. John Whiteford of Miss !Llaud -Dickson datighter of
th.' cost °I the sUL"11" j".111'w‘•511.0el'ili ctPlItge"petpocri)e-arlots.41411 cobnebell.:er ,1‘'Llienareirzel'f ir‘.:eatset1 lit-SimPson*
Graqou were the gnesis of Idle 1.V Mr, Thos Dielcson and music pupil (at
0- ay (Thursday) to tile Vzirna cern-,
Mr. and ;Mrs, Thornaes '1'hotnpsen-
retatined to their homes ir. Torrent°
on Saturday feet, after e please ut
visit with blonds in this' vitinity
Isle, W. J. Gould reeently had abo
misfortime to have his foot equeerell
ehile operating mowing machine
fOrtalllatel„l 1.r(a,re brokeo
Lir, ,A, Wildforag bee been confined
to the luoucKc for some time on ec-
count of having, it. badly eprairied
A large number from herr plevited
t Rend on Thursday haste
Alis Riley and Pearl Aldelvoeth
one Miss lfazel Sweitzer awl party
of fileocis of Jiayfield spent a few
deye in these parts 'wite friends1
411011. italic age.
N. S., .ChroaiP1
Tattler says the paper the
reads ain't eut ep „right,
filad8 a lot of fault, be does
,perwsin it ot night,
there ain't a single thing
in t wo-th while to reed.
And that it dosen't priot the, kind
of stalfT tbe people need;
JIo sttorsieeetisy it,,otxtisidtebetutulfwelaiLs itey -rvo 101,110‘rekem
'avhen the pew doseir eon), P(.1`."'by °hrl I-,eYwaQd tb4.rtY
ning a silver cue co a coneiel,
Daddy's f3edtini,,
StoryHow the
Game Cock
Won His Name;
, -
worteral Somto
Doe of the Fille.0
ACK had asked daddy to tell them another story tafnut the brave --soldle
who had fought for independet70, '-
,"'Yes,' said Evelyn; "that Will lig Eno *at 40- get ready, tor
Fourth Of July,!'
"Well!" agreed daddy, 'there- are "go malty Mork's' about the -4e good 'Ts -old
that it is hard for me to know which one you 'would like best to hear. -
"One of the guest was General Thomas, Sumter. Ile Was horn in Tirgini
and soon showed that he wished to be a soldier. Like George WaShingtog
and many other of the Revoletionary officers, he got bis Best taste of war
fighting the Frenell and Italians.
"when the Arnerieaus and English began Aghting he Was ready and
bus to take a hand in the war. Most of his faghtlag was done in south care'
lino, he made the proud and cruel Torieton, who commanded the 334*
troops in that part of the country. =Oda, trouble. Sumter bad his own WaYI*
fighting. Ile knew every loch of the country, 'ills sollea:s, hirasel
were countrymen who could stand many hardships. When tlaey could find it
other food they could live off roots and wild piants, the Indians did, The
ere eo strong and active that when the fighting went ageanet them they coultlti
e oft' the swamps Or the mountains before the Zuglish etaldiers ktleNv what
they meant to do. Once safely there, the Eritleh. Wig) 4.00w the roadA
eo well, were afraid to follow them,
"A. story is told of General sumter which may interest you, tie was tawny
on the lookout for good men to enlist in his regiments. One day wben 174,4
out on this errand he beard of three brothers wine were very fond of cock;
Bghting. They owned a blue ben whose chicks grew up to be great ftterS:.
These men and their rough eompanicies theught it was hue sport to s,.et onea
of these ehiclmas to fight the Other. The star fighter was a rooster named
Puck, which had neTer been thrashed a single fight he was known all
oyer the country, ana the three brothers Were vela' "areal of WM-
"One day Sumter eallea at the brothers' place irittte a cockfight
on, 3an showed his contempt for such an amusement ani when tlte
spoke of it Said:
"'Such an employment 14 childlike and cruel. Come with me and I
give you Worthier game. I will teach you how to Oght with men,'
"The letotherS and. their companions were go naoch struck IIIS noble man,
Per and 'brave words that: 'eY cried out:
"'Puck oreveri Efe Ane of the bine beteg chiekensr
"This name stuck. to oral Sumter. And afterward he ss -as ong
enemiesder the tide of 'the Gam
llenrY ,Ilor on of Y
her of S, s, NQ, to be
oilgrallttlated on the large elas5be
orepared for the, Entrance exeMinae
a Lions 'ibis Year. .7a1r. ifortort had a
ellass -7oven anal all were sticeeSsc
fnl. Outside of Godericla and Exe-
ter. Watl the only place
tiles peeeed more atudents that did
S. No,, 10, which seenks 4111104 for
the teactier. On Friday of lest week
Mr, Jlorton invited/ tbe class to els
boon: Itheru they were right rev
They w re d
Ilet you ought' 1.0 hear him holler , on to k oecasion of vin
Mr, 1). Eleks o`pent Snriday In Eel- tor Fort Saskatchewan where she contain a crone!),
De done has reef best
t.,...ok, _ . miss Hazel wintc:r hoc.; vass.ed fourth lies. alwaYs fiest to grab it he rends Eiglat out oe ten to kill.
milk cle,th% 1 44'1-"'"' - I On) 11015 of music,
c. elite c-rede examination
1 \vitt' h°11°1.'s -t°r I e IdtrosPein",itntieracti::tif .i:i: a walet, nut -ii hen the referee
-"leer to exelucte 'tee,ad- that is true. Geelared the match was won
' zuhiened e-hanges toe.',.. -4. -,,.'11, -ac doxlet laicise what we Jr . h d te• t
-- of-ii47dall'il_V'..Nir, Ceihas Pyin 1 7401 in a 1,10W1 lin 1.4114a ^ r- ,
a .- -icon- ,c.ca , ,tc.. a cif% Art 1 ssc al 7cy -11.,4-:',' .......--V-: -4" ''''' . • • ii a 1 remedy ie.,'" '''''.° ''''4c1,cre,
To rernovo tau, 44.;,,,,, a of hig., i
1 call -...a,, e gat eria lap as rape
Innate e- ere itinc,:succ rd at,'‘ec., IN-111alli
.stlUil:( n011s reuaOt or *1"*.e.t nle4'.' ,,,N,,, garden a largo stmk, xt web \vas
had an exciting experience the other ------ - --`,1)O ' I'm going to take a day eorne tim
zdup„;T:antan,00fi.._sattlexl....,divie,stoltstictes ..0-1r.jace,,siii,,,,? , :,,,„m.r. take
ie and go an put ern lease.
Croquet bitseball and other anntee- e' serve cold. And to the villatr,.-a run.
% ere Provided. fn the evening thee' `iei't7m,Itie Sometimes, it seems its though theY AT -111 inl: ael °lir 41. el:gose Trgt:::enaa- tr. ' sa' sill;11
doe. when he discovered in his fable- 111.111ilvsillet1h 1, lin-on
were taken to a neighbors. A/r, G.
Hills, wheria they were entertaiui,d ii, a spotted variety measured 18Xt la in town °Pal ,
4 tie -deer, but you ought. to hear him holler
must be deaf and blind and dumb
to seleetions from a phonograph. in, length it i, souvo,„ed to, hove es. fal‘ernder 'in ;
when the p a p e a' dose ii" t e011le.
The toys enjoyed every minute of called from a circus teat .resently tines-T.11'o'; b-e'ellt,(.1 ateereet-
exhabated in Clinton,
he °erasion and pronounced it onie tom leacher .1 0,611„er,i,i!te
of the best timea they have bad. Institute ns ",,,,ir• iuu",e,r
I)ASTIWOOD 6‘,1.,:huod i Lig: 0 s leacql nrs,i1,e ei,ie
Miss Deail Kraft has reterned to
Citing° ill after spending a week
visiting ber
II. Kraft. ,r.arente. Atr. anl :qrs.
Miss Pearl .7ohoston of Rerlin is
Only Line Reachlrg All
Summer Resorts In
Highland of Ontario
It A• sk yota• druggist for
Itf he cannot supply
1.4.ARVEL, accept no Including
catkin, but send stamp for inns. Muskoka Lakes OiLigneteivan
grated book -sealed. It gives fall er: Riv-
Lake of allays,Ereneh ltiver Geor
parucrears and directions invaluable .
tpladies,W/NDSORSUPPLY eq.:Windsor. ea glen Ray- Timaigarni, Algonquin Park
General Arents for Canada. Ka war the lleikes.
Full summer service now( effee
to all above resorts. Write for Cull
eerie:Wars and illustrated folders to
fen looking up from the 'bottom any Grand. Trunk Agent.
loaTo tbe heights that to glory lead
- You think of success that awaits IIOLIESEEKERS, ExCultSiGNS
Eaafiel'iles • until October `nth
a When ,at lest the end You're ael-0
ved, inclusive.
Zech steP .that you take makes you 10LIONTON AND RETGRN $43.00
long y‘et.
Low, rates to other points. Retain).
For the stees thar above you soar „es:, ,,„„ mouths apuihnuo
'those stePte 30a have tonm , ' , ' ' 3-
lout-Isl. !situ:Tors Jeave oron 0 11..3
. quer oil..
Mt the top there appear Still more
le 01. on a'bove -dates running thro
ugh XV1NN 113.EG, via Chicago and St.
And at last when youeve climbed to Paul without 'change. Tickets are also
, th . t .t, on sale via Sarnia itnd Northern Nav
i liand your longings have all been igation Coe, The ,Grzind Trunk Pan -
fulfillede ific Railway is the shortest, ancl,
mon then help the ones who are quicicest route between Winnipeg.
, ;climbing Satskaloon and :Edmonton.
And striving their casties to build Tickets noW on sale at all Grand
DEBATER, `nein!: Ticket officee
le -eft
lle done his very best
Three out-ot ten to kill ,
13tit as the mateh in question
Drew nearer to the end
Lfr, Leelcie of Saskatoon has been Iiis object for to gain.
Ile shot the ,seeond barrel
nt- visiting, at T. Feinebill'e.
LIrs, Priestle• of Allem Craig is vls. The third was W. 13issetit-
i a
Lloyd. Stacey of the Molsones Bane.
, Ile made a splendid start
Ws merits is not so _high-
,' iting Iler sister ells Abe. CaaSe.,
the guest: of c.LfisS Meide Routledgo lgoving Ineiterbworksiare
Alvinston is home for his holidays. Rut spoiled it in the tie 0
is at eresent vieititig his grand lines are e,ehat, Canaidian
surely the /et i eerotfach-
the,King. George.
this week.
Mrs, Quigley. of Elginfield, is ale
Master Earl Jennings of Thedford nits. And tirldres icl' ell guest of her sister Mrs, Carlin at Tii shooting oft the tie
earents Mr,and ;Mrs. W. I13,rown, National Exbe ,e chei mo-
Lliss !Brown -daughter of illr. and tion 0 thid are Ern Sleazy is home l' 1,
be bas a good position in a big store The sun was shining bright •
It glittered on. the barrels
And spoiled the sitooterS sight.
Lies. I3rown of -Westminster B. C. Is on the hill /s ' g ne „hine
ii t a a -or --is holidays
gine that ru
home on a visit. t • '
MisS Jennie. Murray. teacher at The fourth was A. T. Pright I
held their annual picnic to Grand with wheels Ma rain tour- - , - .
Exeter is spending the holidays with Ile done his very best
-/--Sellool Ina from itsat to fire en- A 'tailor very neat -
The Evangelical Sunday
Bend on Triursday testi the weather. es into an 3i3,7 t.: ing rev
e, t it crash -
relatives in this section. His opponent 'to 'dere*:
v„ , ,i days
Itaa8 excellerat and a large crowd 0111110501111105 Add a e changing ReR.Ilicks spent a few
turned out to eri.;oy 'the- balmy breez- at the 'summer eehool at Aline Col- Ent when h
t -e. tnataLh Wan over.
es of the lake. In the afternoon 'Rumination/2a aloons, the
0:ea:Iodinring rocklege StThomasarol half bis birds got free,
sports were held on The park anck a ets thc mns,i,f latains and
e to, -
- . . '
Thomas Tradson of Marlette Mich. He quickly left the field
large list was run off. The raees disreisinnerl, tries, and accompanied by his wife is here els- And said, no cup, for me.
avert: keenly -contested `and ;thew you have rt!, ,. ILL ' more
ltille• his mother and other relatives
. c- .,
was a great deal of interest and varied and rk Z 1 than a31..1!" Mr.. Waghorn and his mother of 'Ulla fifth, was old Sid Fairbairet
amusement for everybody. A tug'• of thing 'ever .! Toronto accompanied. by a friend are 'Trona lIeniall village came
war with E. Tuunan,'and J. Hoffman tad at the
the guests of Mr,. and lelrisi 11.- Mc- There's not a man in Exeter
as captains of the sides -Was one of Canadian Na • tion. 11-5LarenHas risen to such fame.
the events of the afternoon. The. "'''''
v .
!Mr. and Mrs. Carden who have, Although he got defeated
puromonts pas -
ll was for two out oft threeA and The British° been s'pending some days with Mr 1.' everybody knows
was won ,by Mr, Hoffman's side .A sed the honv , tbe neeena and ..Mrs, Moore 'returned to Detroie
baseball match w 11
as ;s -o played be- time 'with a,' 3132 :to 1243 on 'Monday.; 1Te never talks of shooting now
tween the Dasliood boys and the Mr. !Boner lists ,rejection As Garor seom ever ows:
Garnet Sinallacombe was julep -
Grand I3end campers. IThe game but Mr, Asia) e bill) could, ina out of a window the night of the The ;sixth is Tommy Al11iSet,t4
was close and interestinglit was not he 'droPprai as self gov fire his foot struck a round stone Ile made a little too sure :
arranged to play ,seven. imainge but ernment waineby ,almost which caused it: to tarn, under,. him That be 'could beat the farmer ,
at the end ofthe seventh- 'the', score four fifths c ,etion of Ire- and erpained his ankle badly., Ale: As he did old Corky Moore.
Was a tie 7-7. In the ointh innings 1 land and 11 -"I by a great, thouali in considerable, pain 41nd
the ,ca.ropers ,seored the winning run I many in Elal Hand and wallcina is 1113 great difficulty, he. Rut is ben his skill was tea:fed,
e On the whole the Pierec was a great i wales as leap alraosa un- left for Guelph. on Monday morning To his dismay he found
success and wes one ot the best in l'animous !sen,ia•ile R_ritish to talce !charge of the painting gang That several of the birds.
the history of the schhole I i in, ,1 self governiree; t 1, . on the Government buildings. , Got outside. of the groend., ,
I e
4 (114
0 tijiirt
4.1),1 0. 1:01.8 114,,
w1.0 14.141:17to°
12j) U1111 ° rs, :fa meg, -Sint if(
!at; -n- 15' 118 131118 131111r22 3111-8 8 3fl;0-u 4140,-.*:
:en 0011. 111;a t rm li: c1
4lieo evd!
r 31,,(11;aal
on -e 9cuunksuPd and at' last rep
9. Simpson w
;‘ea,s or agoay cot t
Mrs. Yaegor has Tett
atter 4-peruling a few
atires lore.
zstr, mar.stiall Laughion has
turned home after slycnding11
wezia3 with friends in Mcpin.
M -r, (leo wis has the rontrnet
Of moving a large 'horn for :lit, 1`..
v.. I
.1 •
with re'
ow days 'with Lir
this elate.
-Mr, Andrew Pe.tion hest o
from his reeent sickneSe.
Mrs, Thos, Lewis ie visit , I t'
in London.
(Mrs. J. McWilliams and tor sea
Dozialas somata Sunday in town.
Laughton Rros. have test* complet-
ed the work or .arecting a folandation
under the mill and will Om ready
for the fall work.
Mr, Edward Lewis has made tbe'.
purchase of an auto from Mr, L'ang-
ford of Lucan.
Mr, Garnet Case of Toronto spent
Sunday with friends here.
The Rev, A. Bice; of Iluron College
London filled the pulpit in St; aTarces
church on Sunday afternoon while
"Mr. 0, Simpson preatabed in the
Destructive Eire -The saw and
tIanning mill of Mr Wm. SadleV in
this flace was coualpetely destroyed
by fire early 'Sunday ;July 13
together with the machinery and 'a.
lot of lumber La fact little or
nothing was saved The fire is sup-
posed to have originated from a
smouldering spark Mr. Saddlers
loss es C,SiOnated at 55.000. Ile hopes
to be able to rebuild. Mr, Sadler
is an enterprising well doing man
arid his factory wae a great advatee
to his village and surrounding coon,
will be Pleased, should' ha
00 rtIebuialndcle
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