HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-06-04, Page 1612. • Help wanted 12. •Help wanted 15. Tenders Serious about selling real estate? ese are some very important facts that you should know. 1. What are the trends of the Real Estate industry and where Is it going? 2. What do you have to do to succeed? 3. How do you get listings? 4. How do you make sales? 5. How do you prospect and secure your future? 6. How many hours do you work? 7. How much money can you make? Our Career Night is an opportunity for you to find out. If you are in the business now and not even thinking of a move or just thinking about a real estate career you must know these answers for your own future. FOR RESERVATION \ Call Toll Free CAREER LINE /// ���` 1-800-265-5412 ••■' TIME - 7:30 P.M. \\ Wed. June 11 LOCATION: REALTY WORLD Candlelight Restaurant, Bayfield Rd., Goderich POSITIONS AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT CANADA RELIABLE and con- scientious babysitter required occasionally, to babysit 6 -month-old child in my home. Call 524-8871,-23 ATTENTION TEACHERS! You have. an opportunity to work this summer in your own community as a World Book rep. A substantial guaranteed income is available. For further in- formation write to: C. Rossel, World -Book Child - craft, 239 Queen St. East, Suite 2801, Brampton, Ontario. L6W 2B6.-23b.c. DIESEL MECHANICS with John Deere experience required immediately, 3rd or 4th year preferred but not necessary. Top wages to right 'individual, complete company benefits, excellent opportunity for ad- vancement. For' confidential' interview contact: STET- TLER FARM EQUIP- MENT, BOX 818, STET- TLER, ALBERTA, TOC 2L0. Attention: Gary. Fedick. Phone 403-742-2295.-2lb.c. AGRICULTURAL sales person - we offer protected territory, guaranteed minimum salary, unlimited potential earnings to aggressive individual, good commission, company ' benefits. The following qualifications preferable: minimum age 25, agricultural selling ex- perience, mechanical. -farm background, familiarity with John Deere products a definite asset. For con- fidential interview contact: STETTLER FARM EQUIPMENT, BOX 818, STETTLER, ALBERTA, TOC 2L0. Attention: Gary Fe d is k. 403-742-2295,-23b. c . EXPERIENCED RECEPTIONIST & TYPIST Required for full time position. Apply to Drawer No. 2, c/o Goderich Signal - Star, P.O. Box 220, In- dustrial Park, Goderich. HIRING NOW Summer Jobs Cars Needed By appointment only CALL: 524-9024 BY 5 P.M. SMALL PROFESSIONAL OFFICE requires PART TIME BOOKKEEPER TYPIST Apply with Resume to Drawer No. 3 c/o, Goderich Signal Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. 13. Wanted (general) ANTIQUES- Toy mechanical banks wanted. G. Zemenick, 31815 South- field 18, Birmingham, Michigan, 48009. Tel.: (313) 642-8129 .-20-36x 14. Employment wanted CAVIL ENGINEER - six years experience in various aspects of ' engineering wishes to locate in the Huron, Bruce area. Contact Larry Pearson, P.O. Box 662, Clinton, Ontario, NOM 1LO. Phone 519-482-9484.-22-24 YOUNG MAN seeking employment. Experience in sheet metal, gas fitter, outside plumbing . and sewers. Phone 482-9507.-23 15. Tenders TENDERS Tenders will be accepted by the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Company' until June 10, 1980 for demolition and removal of a building at lot 12, concession 5, in the Village of Dungannon. For further information please call 529- 7961. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. -22,23ar • TOWNSHIP OF HAY Tender FOR Industrial Tractor Loader Sealed tenders clearly marked as to content will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon DST, June 9, 1980. For supply of one 1980 Diesel Industrial Loader. Trade-in, one 3165 Massey Ferguson (gas) tractor loader. Tender form and specifications may be obtained from the un- dersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. Joan M. Ducharme Clerk -Treasurer P.O. Box 250 Zurich, Ont. NOM 2T0 MINISTRY, OF HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION Tender Reference No. B05 PT 80-95 To regrade and water- proof balconies at Brussels OH.1, Alexan- der Street, Brussels, On- tario. Tenders wil be received for the above until 11:0C a,m,' Vocal time June 27, 1980 by the Ontario Housing Corporation, 1c/o Court House and Registry Office, 80 Dun- das Street, P.O. Box 5600 Terminal "A", London, Ontario N6A 2P3 (519/679-7110) from whom details and specifications may be obtained. Details and specifications may also be obtained from the Huron County Housing Authority 48 The Square, oderich, On- tario N7A 'lM5 (519/524- 2637), quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. 15. Tende'r's Townshipof Colborne TENDER FOR GRANULAR Sealed Tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 12:00 o'clock Noon Monday, June 9, 1980 for the supplying, hauling and spreading of some 17,000 cubic yards of Granular "B" and some 4,000 cubic yards of Granular "A". Tenders may be considered for the loading, hauling and spreading of the above noted quantities from the townships supply of granular from its own quarry facilities. Tenders ore to be completed on Tender Forms which may be obtained from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mr. John J. Kuran Road Superintendent Colborne Township Shed R.R. 5 Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y2 TOWNSHIP OF HAY TENDER FOR INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR WITH ROLL OVER CAB AND LOADER Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to con- tent, will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon D.S.T. JUNE 9, 1980 For supply of one, 1980 Diesel Industrial Tractor with roll over cab and loader. Trade-in, one 1965 Massey Ferguson (Gas) Tractor, Model 3165, and loader. Tender forms and specifications may be ob- tained from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. Joan M. Ducharme, Clerk -Treasurer Box 250 Zurich, Ontario NOM 2T0 17. Auction sales 17. Auction sales t qadC�e// ,5944oce'z??J FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES AUCTION Held at the Rathwell Building, 77 Main Street - Seaforth. WEDNESDAY JUNE 18 at 6:00 p.m. Consisting of furniture from older Seaforth home and Goderich home. Consisting of Furniture, Antiques, Glass and China. Full listing next week. gadlefe, 12f- c.0 Jf2c/a/e,s AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. • , $EAFORTH, ONTARIO 15191 527-1458 NOK 1 W4I1 POLICE AUCTION of Unclaimed articles, assorted bicycles, watches & other miscellaneous items on SATURDAY, JUNE 21st 10:30 a.m. 57 WEST STREET Police Parking Lot Auctioneer: Harold Lamb 524-9657 AUCTION SALE OF OVER 50 TRACTORS and EQUIPMENT Brindley Sales Yard DUNGANNON SATURDAY, JUNE 7 11:00 A.M. SHARP More consignments welcome Auctioneer Gordon H. Brindley 17. Auction sales 17. Auction sales EVENING AUCTION 5A.' Furniture, modern appliances, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton, Ontario for Mrs. Adeline Bennewies of Mitchell plus additions: WED., JUNE 11 at 6:30 P M. Quasar floor model colour TV, 2 years old; beautiful chesterfield and chair (nearly new);,, Zenith frost• free square model fridge; crushed velvet chair; Admiral 13 cu. ft. square model fridge; 30" electric stove; Hoover--spin--dry washer; dresser with mirror; matching dresser and chest of drawers; humidifier; electric, clothes dryer; double box spring and mattress; Simplicity propane- gas clothes dryer; radio; two continental single beds; rollaway bed; little oval parlour table; pressback high chair (needs repair); chrome table and four chairs; • ironing board; table and four chairs; plc, ture; TV trays; Electrolux vacuum cleaner; lawn chairs; step stool; harvest _gold canister set; lamps; 7 feather ticks; small kitchen appliances; pots and pans; dishes and glassware plus glassware; etc. from Pearl Erratt Estate of Hen• sail. PLAN TO ATTEND TERMS: CASH Richard Lobb: Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 Estate or auctioneers not responsible for accidents Jay of sale, (7./CZCii���e/ eiw • / AUCTION CALENDAR June 4 - Mrs. Jean Cairns Estate Auction Furniture and Antiques at the Rathwell Building at 6:00 p.m. June 5 . 8 Goderich Properties to be Auc- tioned. June 11 - Florence Lauder Estate at Saltford Valley Hall. Furniture and Antiques at 6:00 p.m. June 13 - Goderich Property Auction at 5:00 P.M. June 17 - Ross Cook, Kirkton Farm Equipment Auction at 1:15 at the location. June 18 - Estate Auction Furniture and Antiques at the Rathwell Building at 6:00 P.M. June 19 Property Auction in Kincardine at 12:30 p.m. June 21 - Large Commercial Auction to be held at the Rathwell Buildings. R.R. 5, Clinton. Consisting of 3 businesses. June 24 -Property Auction in Exeter at 1:00 P.M. July 12 - Cook Estate Auction - Clinton. JL'(,/ hget4�` ,, 4Joc ales AUCT.CNEERS: LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MA N ST • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO 1519( 527-1458 1.iocIate.4 \' GODERICH ESTATE AUCTION �\ We have been instructed by the Executors of the Estate of Florence Lauder to sell by Public Auction all furniture, antiques and appliances to the h,hest bidder without reserve. Sale to be held at the Saltford Valley Hall June • 11, at 6'00 p.m. Consisting of a fine selection of furniture and antiques including walnut furniture - 9 pt. dining room suite with spindle legs and self -storing extension table; love seat; 3 pc. bedroom suite including 2 single beds and matching dresser; matching dresser and dressing vanity; oak hall tree, mahogany lady's desk with ball and claw feet. tea wagon; lady's bow back walnut chair; upholstered living room love • seat; drop leaf table: parlour tables; serving table; •Duncan Phyfe coffee table; matching end tables; 'double bed with bookcase headboard; 2 pc. living room suite; 2 floral matching platform rockers (new);" oak stacking bookcases; blanket box; Windsor chair; needlepoint foot stool; trunks; plank bottom chairs; wicker matching chair and rocker; 4 upholstered- single chairs; Zenith 19" color TV; smoke stand; paper racks and many more items of interest. APPLIANCES AND MISC. ITEMS: New har- vest gold double door freezer and fridge; Inglis 3 cycle automatic washer; McClary automatic dryer, humidifier; 'dehumidifier; G.E.- 30" electric. stove; small kitchen appliances; pic- tu ;es and frames; oil and water paintings; crocks and sealers; brass school bell; brass tea Pot; cast/iron pieces; Napolean mantel clock; beddingnd linens; lawn table with umbrella; crib, viol n and case; pots and pans. Y,./ 1'6LASS CHINA AND SILVER: Quantity of Sterling silver servers, trays and. flatware; ornaments; souvenirs; crystal; ironstone; Nippon: Noritake Canadian glass; colored depression; soup • tureen; silver tea service; china pieces; cups and saucers; plus a host of other items. TERMS,CASH LUNCH AVAILABLE ll ir��/«eGG r iC,�,soefez. P.i rIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS • 5EAFORTH. ONTARIO. NOK 1Wt7 15191 527-1458 17. Auction sales MORTGAGE -SALE 289 Cambridge Street Goderich, Ont. Under and by virtue of the POWER OF SALE con- tained in a certain mor- tgage, which is now in default, there will be of- fered for sale, by PUBLIC AUCTION by Bruce Rathwell, Esq., Auc- tioneer, the sale to take _ place on the premises at, the hour of 5:00 p .m., on June 13th, 1980: the lan- ds and premise known as 289 Cambridge Street, Goderich, Ontario, and more particularly described in the mor- tgage registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Huron (No. 22) as In- strument No. 166693. The property will be of- fered for sale subject to a reserve bid. The Purchaser shall pay down to the Vendor's agent at the time of the sale by way of deposit, '2,000.00 by cash or cer- tified cheque and shall pay the balance by cash or certified cheque on or before the July 11th, 1980. Adjustments are to be made as of the date of closing, The Purchaser shall search title at his own expense. On the premises is said to be erected a two storey semi-detached brick house containing three bedrooms. Inspection of the property may be had from 4:00 p.m. on the day of sale. - Further particulars and conditions of sale may be had from Bruce Rathweil, Esq., (519) 527- 1458 ' or from W.J. Walker, Esq., Strathy, Archibald and Seagram, Barristers and Solicitors, Box 438, Commerce. Court, Toronto, Ontario. M5L 1J3. DATED at Toronto May 22nd, 1980. 18. Services available 18. Services available MOVING - household and office. Complete Ontario service. -To and from Goderich - Kincardine, Wingham - Lucknow and surrounding ' areas. Fully insured. Wm. E. Walden Transport, Wingham. Call collect anytime (519) 357- 2050 or 357-3410.-18tf AIR HAMMER, Backhoe. Cecil Cranston, 529-7691.-1- 52x PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & Appliances Services, phone 1-887-9062 or - Granger's TV 524-8925.-1- 52x FURNITURE stripping and refinishing. Also caning wicker and reed work. Call 524-749018tf MAN WITH TRUCK to do clean-up jobs, trim bran- ches, take brush away, etc. Peter Prevett, 524- 8553.-12tfar 17. Auction sales Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 . AUCTION CALENDAR Every Thursday HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALE JUNE 11 - 6:30 P.M. Household sale at Lobb's barn, Clinton for Mrs. A. Bennewies of Mitchell. SAT. JUNE 14- 1 P.M. Tractor, truck, boat, machinery, etc. for Terry Short 11/4 miles east of Kippen and 'A mile south. SAT. JUNE 21,- 12 NOON Antiques, furniture, etc. for Mrs. W. V. Roy at Richard Lobb's barn. SAT. JUNE 28 - 12 NOON 3 bedroom house, fur- niture, etc. for Mrs. Elaine Leddy, Goderich. WINGHAM SALES ARENA AT THE GUN AND SPORTING GOODS AUCTION SALE Wingham Sales Arena 680 JOSEPHINE STREET, WINGHAM, ONTARIO Thurs. Eve., June 5th 7 p.m, sharp WE ARE INSTRUCTED TO SELL WITH RESERVE, OVER 50 NEW AND USED GUNS, SCOPES, FISHING TACKLE, ROD AND REELS, HOCKEY STICKS, HUNTING KNIVES, AIR MATTRESSES, BASKET BALLS, AMMUNITION, WADERS, LAWN DARTS, SKATEBOARDS, GUN CLEANING KITS AND HUNDREDS OF SMALL ITEMS OF INTEREST. 25 NEW GUNS, Ithaca model 37-12 G.A. pump shotgun; Remington 742 308 semi automatic; Remington 870-12G.A. pump shotgun; Savage 99E-308 lever action; Whitworth Interarms 22/250 bolt action; Marlin 30-30 lever action '(M 338]; "collectors guns, Belgium Browning 30/06 bolt action rifle; Winchester model 92-38/40 lever action; Le Fever 12 G.A. double barrel shotgun; Russian Klagent 7.62 bolt action carbine with bayonet [Circa 1920]; Commemoratives Cheyenne 40 - 40 carbine; R.C.M.P. Winchester 30 - 30 rifle; Cam 'illus Centenial knife set; hunting guns - Honing action; 22 Cooey semi auto; several single barrel shotguns [various makes and models]; also several 22 rifles, including [Cooey 600]; Ruger 243 Vermont rifle; Browning 300 [with scope], magnum bolt action; Auger 45/70; Remington 12 G.A.; Ithaca 12 G.A., plain barrel trap gun; Savage double barrel 12 G.A.; Mossberg 22 plinker; CVA mountain rifle kit; fishing reels by South Bend, Daiwa, Quick, Open Road, Olympic, Zebco;'good assortment of hockey sticks, basket balls, fishing poles, waders, tackle, hunting knives, ammunition, air mattresses; Evinrude 35 N.P. outboard motor; variety of small sporting goods items of great Interest for the sports minded people. TERMS - CASH, CHARGEX, MASTER CHARGE, OR KNOWN CHEQUES DAY OF SALE Sales Manager PHONE WINGHAM AUCTIONEER ED KIKKERT 357-1730 JAKE KIKKERT -23ar LIQ'UI"DATIONS 8 AUCTIONS' RICK'S ROOFING - We do all roofs plus barnsteei. Free estiitiates.. Call 395- 3488.-21 tf MOTHER of 3 -year-old wishes to babysit in own home, five days a week. Fenced -in area available for safe play. $6.00 per child per day. No babies please. Phone 524-2937 (Saltford).-23,24 MOBILE SANDBLASTING and brick cleaning. Free estimates. Contact: White's Sandblasting Service, phone 357-3637, Wingham, Ontario. -23 GENERAL MAIN- TENANCE - will paint, clean-up, cut grass, just about anything. Work by the day, week or month. Contact 524-7280.-23,24x TWO RELIABLE students, experienced painters, would like summer work painting houses and cottages, reasonable rates. Phone anytime 524-7520 ' or 524- 9604.-22,23 MAWHINNEY EAVESTROUGHING & SIDING SOFFIT & FASCIA CALL: 528-3815 ENTERTAINING? I can help with: Food Preparation Serving Clean-up *Experienced* Cali Anita Shrier at 524-9106 after 6 p.m. 17. Auction sales Clearing Auction Sale of Antiques, Household Effects and House will be. held for Harry Watson Lot 4, Con. 13, Western Division, Ashfield Twp. 3 miles east of Am- berley on Hwy 86 to Kintail Sideroad turn right and go one block then turn left and ap prox. 2 miles east on Con. 12, Ashfield Twp. On Saturday, June 7 commencing at 1 1:00 a.m, Sideboard, • buffet with. mirror in back, pine back to wall, cupboard, pine cupboard, pine table, 2 buffets, desk, wood .box, trunk, wooden washing machine, 17" Marconi b -w TV, 3 upholstered arm chairs, platform rocker, ii•vingroohl chair, basket chairs,,. rocking chairs, clover leaf table with claw feet, beds, " 2 dressers, wardrobe, Fr'ench doors, butterbowl and ladles, fern stand, cow bell, 2 arborite tables, wooden table, Frigidaire fridge, dehumidifier, scales, fireplace screen, utensils; drapes, Aladdin lamp, 4 folding chairs, small quantity of dishes and 'cooking utensils, oil heater, Gurney cook stove, buggy top, harness, walking plow, Black and Decker hedge trimmer, quantity of small items too numerous to men- tion. 12G Massey Ferguson • lawn and garden tractor with 48" mower. House Suitable to be moved for summer home or cot- tage. Arrangements for moving to be made day of sale. Other articles too numerous to men - LUNCH BOOTH ON GROUNDS • TERMS CASH Owner and Auctioneers Will Not Be Responsible For Any Accidents In Any Way Connected With Sale Clerk -Lloyd McNall Owner - Harry Watson AUCTIONEERS: -GRANT McDONALD RIPLEY-395-5353 WALLACE BALLAGH TEESWATER-392.6170