HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-05-28, Page 81ONTARIO JERSEY
Friday, June 6, 1980 -12 Noon
Judge: Alan Cawdry, Herdsman for Queen Elizabeth
Entries are to be completed and returned to the Secretary, Faye Fear, Box 1423,
Clinton, Ont., NOM 1L0 no later than May 25, 1980.
PRIZE MONEY: $50.,$45.,$35:,$30.,$25.,$20.,$15.,$12.,$10.,$8.
112A HEIFER CALF, Junior and Senior, born after July 1, 1979. From a dam with
at least one completed record with a minimum B.C.A. of 120 for milk. •
113A JUNIOR YEARLING, Jan. 1, 1979 - June 30, 1979. From a dam with at least
one completed record with a minimum B.C.A. of 120 for milk.
114A SENIOR YEARLING, July 1, 1978 - Dec. 31, 1978. From a dam with at least
one completed record with a minimum B.C.A. of 120 for milk. Must be dry.
(Ribbons Only)
115A DRY COW . at least one record with a minimum B.C.A. of 125 for, milk. An
animal shown in this class cannot be shown in any other classes for single
animals, including the best udder class, but may be shown in the 'Breeders
Herd". Must have completed her lactation, within 120 days of the opening of
the exhibition.
116A FEMALE, July 1, 1977 - June 1978, in milk or dry. If dry must be within ap-
proximately 8 weeks of calving. Must be either from a dam with at least one
completed record with a minimum B.C.A. of 120 for milk, or the "entry"
must have attained a production record equivalent to a minimum B.C.A. of
120 for milk.
117A FEMALE, July 1, 1976 - June 30, 1977, in milk or dry, must be within ap-
proximately 8 weeksof calving. Must be either from a dam with at least one
completed record with a minimum B.C.A. of 120 for milk, or the "entry"
must have attained a production record equivalent to a minimum B.C.A. of
120 for milk,
118A FEMALE, July 1, 1975 - June 30, 1976, in milk or dry. If dry, must be within
approximately 8 weeks of calving. At least one record with a minimum
B.C.A. of 120 for milk.
119A FEMALE, Prior to July 1975 (5 years old and up). In milk or dry. If dry must
be within approximately 8 weeks of calving. At least one record with a
minimum of 120 for milk.
120A BREEDERS HERD (bred and owned by exhibitor) Group of 4 animals, but
not more than one bull. Each animal in the group must have been exhibited
in one of the classes for single animals or in the Interbreed Best Udder Class.
The registration certificate for each respective animal must show the
exhibitor as "breeder" and as "owner", in both cases either as an individual
or in partnership. In other words, the exhibitor may be a "joint owner" of an
animal and -or the "joint breeder" of an animal. All the animals must be
from one farm or breeding unit.
121A WITHIN BREED BEST UDDER CLASS - An entry must have at least 2
records with an average B.C.A. of 140 for milk, or at least 3 records with an
average B.C.A. of 130 for.milk. Limited to one entry per exhibitor, Records
must be available at ringside.
Prize money to be paid on first and second placings ONLY.
BREEDERS HERD —Trophy donated by the Huron Central Agricultural Society.
GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE — Trophy donated by the President of the
Ontario Jersey Club, Mr. Jack Van Egmond, Clinton.
RESERVE CHAMPION FEMALE — Trophy donated by Verbeek Farm & Garden
Centre (Purina Dealer), Clinton.
JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE — Trophy donated by H. Lobb — Sons Ltd.,
RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION — Trophy donated by_ Mr. Jack Van
Egmond, Clinton.
United Breeders Inc., Guelph - $100.00
Western Ontario Cattle Breeders, Woodstock - $100.00
GENERAL CONDITIONS — Please Read Carefully
1 Only one entry per class is eligible from a breeding unit, except the fair has
authorized in up to two classes, a maximum of two entries in classes: 112A, 113A,
114A, 115A and a maximum of three entries in classes: 116A, 117A, I1BA and
119A. Maximum total eligible entries_from a breeding unit is 10 head.
2 entries in 2 junior classes plus 1 entry in other classes to a total of 10 head.
2 entries in 1 junior class, 3 entries in I mature class plus 1 entry in other classes
to a total of 10 head.
3 entries in 2 Matureclasses plus 1 entry in other classes to a total of 10 bead.
2 The exhibitor shall be the owner as officially recorded on the registration cer-
tificate immediately prior to the commencement of the fair'.
3 The registration certificate and the necessary Record of Performance cer
tificates must be available for checking before the commencement of judging.
4 Within the limit of the total number of entries, unlimited substitution of entries
owned by the same exhibitor will be permitted.
5 Each exhibitor must be a member of the Huron Central Agricultural Society.
Membership Fee is $2.00.
6 Cattle are allowed to arrive the night before.
7 15 percent entry fee will be charged.
8 A further 10 percent will be charged as the Ontario Jersey Club's donation to the
Society. -
HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: (Please Read Carefully)
All cattle must be free from Infectious or Contagious Disease such as Ringworm
or Pink -eye.
All cattle must be negative to a blood test for Brucellosis, within 60 days, except:
(a) Steers
(b) Spayed Heifers
(c) Brucellosis vaccinated animals under 18 mos. of age (vacc. certificate to
- ----accompany (d) Animals Animals from Brucellosis Free Listed Herds (owners to obtain form HA4
from their local Health of Animals Branch Office).
(e) Calves under 6 mos. of age (all 4-H calves to be blood tested).
Blood samples are to be taken by local practicing veterinarians or their approved
Organized under; the supervision of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food,
sponsored locally by the Huron Central Agricultural Society, Clinton, Ontario.
200 points for award one ewe plus lamb(s) or yearling ewe and 1 fleece of wool at
Achieve mentDay.
200 points for project reports.
200 -points for examination based on club project.
100 points for attendance at club meetings and interest.
100 points for care and feeding methods.
100 points for judging competition.
100 points for showmanship.
Prize money will be awarded at the annual Awards Night in November. It will be
donated by the following.
Production service of the Canada Department of Agriculture.
The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
The Huron Central Agricultural Society, Clinton.
10:30 A.M. —Arrive at grounds.
11:00 A.M.—Judging of entry and showmanship.
Ewe and lamb(s) or yearling ewe 150 points
Fleece of wool 50 points
TOTAL - 200 points
Class for Sheep: 1 - Long wool type; 2 -Medium wool type; 3 -Fine wool type; 4 -
Market Lamb type; 5 -Yearling ewe.
Cl Leicester
C2 Southdowns
C3 Suffolk
C4 Oxford
C5 Lincolns
C6 Any Other Breed
PRIZE MONEY (C1-05): $30.,$25.,$20.,$18.,$15.,$12.,$10.,$8.,$7.,$5.
PRIZE MONEY (6 ONLY):. $15.00,$12.50,$10.00,$9.00,$7.50,$6.00,
1 Judging will be held on Saturday, June 7, 1980. Starting at 11:00 A.M.
2 No Exhibit to leave grounds before 5.00 P.M., 4-H included.
3 An Entry Fee of 30 percent will be deducted from prize monies over $10.00.
Entry Fee in C6 will be 10 percent.
4 Each Breed must be shown separately and have at least three (3) exhibitors„in
each breed; otherwise, they will be shown in Section C6 - Any Other Breed.
5 All entries must be owned by and registered in the name of the exhibitor.
6 Entries must have completed their Record of Performance (R.O.P.) test.
7 In the breeding classes, only one entry per class is eligible from a farm or
v breeding unit, except an exhibitor may show two entries per class in a maximum
of two classes.
8 Rules and Regulations established by the Federal Department of Agriculture
will be strictly enforced.
9 All completed Sheep entries must be received by the Secretary, Faye Fear, Box,
1423, Clinton, Ont., NOM ILO, not later than May 25, 1980.
10 All exhibitors must be a member of the Huron Central Agricultural Society.
Membership Fee is $2.00.
11 A 1981 membership fee of $2.00 will be deducted from prize winnings.
124 EWE
— "Two tooth" (two central permanent incisors).
—Second pair of permanent incisors may be fully up.
—Other two pairs of temporary incisors ("milk teeth") must be firmly in
place. Born to the property of the exhibitor.
125 EWE
"Full mouth milk teeth"(All eight temporary incisors) Born the property of
126 RAM
- "Two Tooth" (Two central permanent incisors).
—Second pair of permanent incisors may be fully up,
—Other two pairs of, temporary incisors (".milk teeth") must be firmly in
Born the property of the exhibitor.
1.27 RAM
—"Full mouth milk teeth"(All eight temporary incisors). Born the property of
the exhibitor.
128 GET OF SIRE (Born the property of the exhibitor).
A group of three animals, full mouth milk teeth, by the same sire. Both sexes
maybe represented.
129 BREEDERS FLOCK (Bred and Owned by exhibitor)..
A group of 4 animals. Both sexes to be represented. Each animal in the group
must, lave been exhibited in one of the preceding classes. All animals in a group to
be of one breed.
130 Champion and Reserve Champion Ewe. (Ribbons Only).
131 Champion and Reserve Champion Ram. (Ribbons Only).
To be eligible, must be under the age of 21. Open to all rural and urban youths.
To be shown at 3:00 P.M.
CHAMPION FLOCK on the grounds. Bainton Limited, Blyth NWoollen Mill,
donates a Slieep Skin�Rug.- ___.__.________^_..__---.BEST PEN OF 3 YEARLINGS (1 Ram and 2 Ewes) —Allied Chemical Canada
Supplies and Applicators of Calcium Chloride for road dust control donates
THE OLD MILL SPECIAL — Directors Choice 1980 - To the exhibitor winning the
highest number of points in the SHEEP classes. Points based on one breed only.
exhibitor from Hullett with the most poirfts in the sheep section.