HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-05-28, Page 69BEEF CATTLE Sund4y, June 8,1080--1:00 P.M. Directors in Charge: Ron McKay, Bruce Rathwell, Dick Lobb, George Colclough Entries must be in by May, 25, 1980. PRIZE MONEY: $45.,$35.,$25.,$23.,$20.,$15.,$13.,$10.,$8.,$6. • _ A1,Sh timr.n- A2 -Hereford. A3 -Aberdeen Angus 99 Bull, May 1,1979 - Dec. 31,.1979 100 Bull, Jan. 1, 1979 - April 30, 1979 101 Bull, 1978 GRAND CHAMPION BULL (Ribbon Only) 102 Female, Jan. 1, 1979 -April 30, 1979 103 Female, May 1, 1979 -Dec. 31, 1979 104 Female, 1978 (with calf or showing evidence of being in calf) Calf not to be considered in the placing of the class. 105 Female, 1977 or ,artier, with her 1980 calf at foot (calf born on or after Jan. 1, 1980). The calf may be either sex. The cow and her calf to be judged as a unit in this class or if shown in the "group" they cannot be shown individually. GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE (Ribbon Only) - 1-06-Breeders-Her-d-(-Bred-and-Ow-neo-by-Exhibitor)-.-A-group-o�4..animals_._.both_ sexes to be represented. Each animal in the group must have been exhibited in one of the above classes. The Registration certificate for each animal must show the exhibitor as breeder or joint breeder. RULES AND REGULATIONS— PLEASE `READ CAREFULLY All entries must be owned by and registered in the name of the exhibitor. .1. Breeding Classes — Limited to one per exhibitor per class, except that the fair has authorized two entries per class to a maximum of two classes. In order for our Society to be eligible for thg 50 percent Federal Prize Money Grant each breed must be shown separately and there MUST be three exhibitors in each breed. If there are not three exhibitors we will revert to our previous prize money of 1st - $10., 2nd - $8., 3rd - $7„ 9th - $6., 5th - $5., 6th - $4. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTRIES IN CLASSES FOR BREEDING ANIMALS All breeding class entries must be weighed at the show prior to showing with the birth date, show weight, and weight per day of age for animals up to 18 months of age (545 days old), being posted in the stall. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: (Please Read Carefully) All cattle must be free from Infectious or Contagious Diseases such as Ringworm and Pink -eye. All cattle must be negative to a blood test for Brucellosis, within 60 days, except: (a) Steers (b) Spayed Heifers (c) Bru-cellosis vaccinated animals under 18 mos. of age (vacc. certificate to • accompany animals). (d'), -Animals from Brucellosis Free Listed Herds (owners to obtain form HA4 from their local Health of Animals Branch office). (e) Calves under 6 mos. of age (all 4-H calves to be blood tested). Blood samples are to be taken by local. practicing veterinarians or their approved technicians. --Cattle w71 not be allowed "to'titirO i-'untit'ptZtt f tot the above is supplied by the "owner"STRICTLYENFORCED. a �. _.._...p.._. __. SPECIALS GRAND CHAMPION BEEF HERD -,.consisting of Bull, Three Females any age. Prizes: 1st— Trophy donated by Clinton Community Credit Union Ltd. 2nd—$5.00 donated by Falcon Spring Farms, Clinton ROYAL BANK OF CANADA SPECIAL — To the exhibitor winning the highest number of points in the Beef Cattle classes. Points based on one breed only. . SHORTHORNS— Shorthorn Club will present an award to the Supreme Shorthorn Animal. . SPECIAL Hullett Township Federation of Agriculture will present $10.00 to the exhibitor from Hullett with the most points in the Beef Section, PUBLIC SCHOOL ATTRACTION Open to all pre-school and public school children not in 4-H Club work. No I - Beef Calf, any breed, under, one year. No. 2 - Dairy Calf, any breed, under one year. PRIZES: $5.00, $4.00, $3.00, $2.00 each additional SPECIAL $5.00 will be given to the YOUNGEST EXHIBITOR OF LIVESTOCK. Tobe eligible you,must be registereddwith the secretary and show in at least one other class. The age of the child must appear on the entry form. COMMERCIAL RABBITS Exhibitors to supply appropriate cages; platforms supplied. D1 --Commercial White D2 — Commercial Coloured. Prize Money: 1st - $2.00; 2nd - $1.00; 3rd - $.50 132 Senior Buck 133 Senior Doe 134 Junior Buck 1.35 Junior Doe 136 Doe with Litter 137 Trio of Fryers 13.8 Champion (Ribbon Only) PIVZ'E i,IST- CLINTON SPRING FAIR—PAGE 5 Saturday, Juno 7. 1980 Market Cattle and 4-H Reef and Beet Public School will show Saturday at 1:00 P.M. MARKET CATTLE 107 Steer, any weight 108 Grade Heifer Class 109 -Feeder -Heifer Calf Class -for Feeder Club Members 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 4.00 ea. add. SPECIAL Best Showman Feeder Calf. Exhibitor must be 14 years and under. Prize: $5.00 donated by Wm. Flynn, Clinton, Ont. SPECIAL Best Showman Feeder Calf. Exhibitor must be over 19 years of age. Prize: $5.00 donated by Elgin Thompson, Kippen, Ont. SPECIAL 4-H CLUB CLASSES Prizes: $8.00,'$7.00, $8.00.$5.00 each additional BEEF—Senior Heifer Calf -Open to 1980 Huron County 4-H Beef Calf Club Mem- bers. BEEF --Junior Helfer Calf -Open to 1980 Huron County 4-H members. STEER CALF—Open to 1980 Huron County 4-H members. DAIRY—Senior Heifer Calf -Open to 1980 Huron County 4-H members. DAIRY—Junior Heifer Calf -Open to 1980 Huron County 9-H members. 4,-,1H SHOWMANSHIP - For Huron County 4-H Members with`1980 calf. DAIRY SECTION, Trophy donated by Jack Van Egmond. 1st- $8.00, 2nd - $7.00, 3rd - $6.00, 4th - $5.00, $3.00 each additional BEEF SECTION Sheaffer Pen Set (Value at $25.00) donated by Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 1st - $8.00, 2nd - $7.00, 3rd - $6.00, 9th - $5.00, $3.00 each addirtional. SPECIAL Hullett Township Federation of Agriculture will present $10.00 to the exhibitor from Hullett with the most points in the Dairy Section. 441 Dairy calves to be judged on Friday. 4-H Beef calve§ to be judged on Sunday. Sunday June 8, 1980 SWINE Director in Charge: Larry Lovett All advanced entries RULES AND REGULATIONS 1 Entries to include the date of birth, Registration -Number and Tattoo Number. 2 Definition of Entry — All Swine, whether owned by one person or more than one person (individually or jointly) which are maintained on one farm or • "7"--bi-eeding'uiitt;"gFe considered":t"o bethe"-production- of--one-fa-rm--er--breeding-- unit. Therefore only one entry per class is eligible from such farm or breeding unit, unless otherwise authorized by the Fair in accordance with No. 3 of Rules- and q esand Regulations below. 3 In Breeding Classes:. Only one entry per class is eligible from such farm or breeding unit, except an exhibitor may show two entries per class in a maximum of two classes. 4 To be eligible for our Society to receive the 50 percent Federal Grant there must beat least 3 exhibitors in each breed; otherwise the prize money will. -be. 1st -$10.; 2nd -$8.; 3rd -$7.; 4th -$6.; 5th -$5.; 6th -$4. 5 Rules and Regulations established by the Federal Department of Agriculture will be strictly enforced. 6 No exhibit to leave the grounds before 5:00 P.M. 7 A 15 percent entry fee will be charged from winnings over $10.00. 8 All completed entries to be received the Secretary, Faye Fear, Box 1423, Clihton, Ont., NOM ILO, no later than ay 25, 1980. PRIZE MONEY: $30., $25., $20., $18., $15., $12., $10., $8., $7., $5. Section: El —Yorkshire E2—Landrace E3 —Duroc 139 BOARS — Sept. 8, 1979 - Nov. 7, 1979 140 BOARS —Nov. 8, 1979 - Jan. 8, 1979 CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION BOAR (Ribbons Only) 141 GILT — June 8, 1979 - Aug. 7, 1979 (Evidence of being in pigs 142 GILT — Aug. 8, 1979 - Oct. 7, 1979 143 GILT— Oct. 8, 1979: Dec. 7, 1979 CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION GILT (Ribbons Only) 144 BREEDERS HERD — A group of animals. Both sexes to be represented. Each animal in the group must have been exhibited in one of the above classes. SPECIAL MOLSON`S BRREWER-Y-- $40:00 -to the exhibitor =winning -the -highest number of points in the Swine Classes. Based on one Breed only. R.O.P. REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTRIES IN CLASSES FOR BREEDING ANIMALS. All entries must have completed their Record of Performance test and have achieved the performance standards as proven by a certificate of performance issued by the Livestock Division, Agriculture Canada. Only•the original copy will be accepted.