The Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-05-28, Page 65• 4 atelase. • . • a 4' z 980 eee)J etAleAnn-hZen.J e wean, ewe. .." •va, 4s1,4"..es • . . 125 -V 1 YEAR Western Ontario's Largest Exhibit of Livestock at the Clinton Community Park JUNE 6, 7, 8, 1980 CLASS "B" FAIR OVER $22,000 IN PRIZES Dave Dalzell Faye Fear President Seeretary-Treasurer LADIES' DIVISION Mrs. Bill Flynn " President N1,rs. Rita Powell Secretary • ° , ,SZTugtatiaRLMMAIMONOMERID Corne one ;come all to the 125 +1 Clinton Spring Fair imardampithw.,•fris ?", ,ifIREWATAL '" lag MEM REArsiffilLIEW.V.,ZNAMONESTOONA*7aW; 9 rho id" ywen1 Sine !Mut.; drve Mery ',`8 ,ntn •bnClin'^o Ns•e.: