Exeter Times, 1913-7-17, Page 7ICEx'WAS
She Doctored Fez 'Vitae Years But
Was PeirtaBy Barred By Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pails-
MRS. JOSlik'ai Saaaxfs, Box 25, Creel
'man, Sask., ,rites:—'.1 write you these
few lines hoping they will be a help to
someone suffering from, heart and nerve
*rouble, k doctored,, for three years but
continued to get worse, 1 tried three
different doctors, and got no ;relief, and
tried alt the drugs $ could rand but all
failed. I became very weak, and my
blood was turned to water. 1 tried,
%'III.EGiR;+:'s finART &,,D NF,ay'xi,
and after taking five boxes, I got great,
relief_ 1 was so thin, 1
only weighed
9fi lbs, but after takingfive
boxes 1
was completely eared, and, 1 am well and
strong to -day, and wtigh 159 lbs., and 1
eau now work alt dad-, and do not feel
tired or fagged out. If anyone secede
like to bear more of my case, S w!t?takd
be pleased to answer any questioaa,"
*price, 50 cents per box or boxes for
4.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on
receipt of prime by Tlae T. tubi,, a
I„itnited” Toronto, Oats
Saul a:er'V egetables.
butter and-- pne tablespoon pow-
d1ered sugar, salt to taste, and the
whites which should base been
whipped to a stiff froth,- Tara into! :
abuttered pudding dish and bake profile of princess
for half an hour covert -d; uncover Patricia, Daughter of the
and brown, Send to Marble at once
before the pudding falls. a "Use anal, ,r uchcs'• of
Green. Cern Onielet.—Bat four1 Connaught -Theis Is FIer
Most Recent Picture, an
Is Interesting Because of
JJer Probable Return
tQ Canadc With Her
,aa eats
4r r
eggs tight, stir into them three
tablespt ons milk and a teaspoon
melted butter and turn into an
. Gt•een ''ea Se—Cook a pint omelet pan. Have ready a coospfnl
of: shelied peas until tender or use of axa:A ul t; a froxn
c . r raa .ca.lee corn moat f a
ata equal ataioaant left• over rronx a the cob and kept very hot awl when
I FRsh ienatabe- fiIs)
Igen at roaelei rs tio rptt..e_:'
sgaQQtns melted butter and ad4 1O' it with Sa4 and pepper, add the
three eggs beaten light with a l ltd morn, fold thea- omelet. ,over it and
f f r*izl 'easoxx to taste with SaAt i $44ta casewhole on to aa, hot plate„
aild pepper and after beating hard.
tike in a wen greased pudding
keeping this covered for 'twee-llfsiaisrtaolsl Hints.
minutes, theu uncovering long If bread craannbs are sauted ie
stalk to brown well. Serve if butter until brown and crisp, they
-dish in which it was cooked an ata eYeellesit .garnish for
as as possible after taking atm is Qr vegetables.
fromthe. oven_
I Pi
4 a Pu4neatee. - ash a
1 gent of bcail&1 s1=eflesl: pear ,Anile
hot, with salt and pepper te. taa'te,
and a tablespoon of melted' butter.
,qttar' tax, , ` ire GOTE'11:1IK1,l ` ! Beet In ts tap of 1anllP , tWo beaten
eggs, and uvea tableSpoone of ,flour.
wkielt you laaTe snfte4tith a;tea,'
en oaf bating aa-tlot% whirs well
bake ke a at gtidolto as slyott wound
altos at euy" and. A seam storm
41a is rise boat always,
;t C"roque tes.-
nQrtglx salted
in throu
a War Correspondent 3latle
ll *Beacom."
A 1,
i' .Iamb; C,el
i rf'tt t
the gone,
the olftei;a:las,
AY t s Correa e
the i,�.ta 1l' falcon
Roes, was atucainalrliaalasjd.
The saaaafs tvraeo between the Enla-
tisja. lard 'Boer leaders took place in
a farmhouse At the base of Malabo
Rill. While it; was goring trtt
s�rnrasll an^saal,T 4.4 eszrrest)o ndArnta.and
'ata oaaratpi.4 Oiltside, arnaioudly
.Carr . the n+ows that the war
They wore lounging suet
tt ta(t than'grass; with their
died and bridled, read,
ate telegraph QO'aeo In
the 'They
Standard Foal,
ping of tb9
time beton
v of it�-
ipaigns of to
the author,
tells how the
Sliced cucun bees make e.. f_asein.
ting garnish :fur salad or other,
rhes. Cant the slimes bait an inch
r and theta Pate them,; round:
and as you woad an apple,
iens out spiral ;baps .
aaeutaber parboiled and tiresoug11 al sieve, added to may,
hives t e dressing a, tleli�
ai►eua amt essl math lash.
uayottrutnrcd* green with,.
laa colorih
cher ies
errs' Tinea
,laid dressings.
aegatr add .a
Retries Keel
end ol a mat
FROI11111E S
• fi Nta.S ANDBRAES,
Tie ji=grani Pipers' SOcre5y
t , a ai_ 9�e-,,
� . iA. '� c.. �"e t3
radar th s -ea '.
4k(Anx ,con of a sOOO $`v Abe $.,Re.i3.7 ur1
°G,1 Bt;sp z"a ..
e ratepai er 'Of: .440,oats
that they are not a
the, Irtnz',gla. in
Sr'h BQarfl
traacts ?atakn i tin
Think He
Ceuid Live,
irMts tro al;te as the a, dangerous 0f
:alt the o r i r camp kaitnts t:'eltitsx ea.,
lieu a tla at profusedbarium, the
to amt tR ' tarp irristated, ant the ebild.
is soon reduced ..'t� gat l al'g3.. o and
c'Wet.a Infatimm,, e Ax ire sp c :n3
ed by the use of Da. rOVii.;rs,'s
e..r_ca or 'iVJnn-r STRAW,nnaRY.
aratsr rt N S.,
end »a"`ota .£R';
1nfa4Z.ty.'11141e-tioY was
:. Idid mgnk be+da'td 1. as
.'v 1i, Er4f,-'{ Of M.T^/ mind; .�ho,r}}�}�,,�,]•�,�yppnp>>2;rtxkrt o
.Yr oaen "a'aftx',;� iilR la ,i'T.v'1ka aw `ARf
d tfte e beim' lam, mat tram
til Pomo. i rqg.ttniffic4 it to
Mord b e chi dr sa wee e ; arfd is
beaten ea_
ttte. Set maid
stiff and cold,
quettes. oll these in beaten
and fine crumbs, and let -them st€
iu mold glace or t~u the ice
al$ an hour before frying utero,
mato brown in deep fat. Dr
paper is a e;olonder
g to table.
of then dikes
la sae past their first youth a
rtnaaug a little him(' may
ail them until tender a
terra ni:iell.
Ii Catrr°otai
.. o q@(ler, atria
➢u' au
as d tulele Ltd
ough add a pro
k fon" parte ra1A
,Isco txai~stntes
make into
ashes served ira halo,
p make a delicious lto
pert. A little eandied
tai the peaches gives
tic suarel warn
,� "lataetivr����n aeeaul
anthropom€itlalnie e,ax
eta furnish rite Qaa1 ruga
r ira vrQxds atatelligihie
e fur ?Ifueh lQ ed dell
.QUS aatd.lratQrQ tirt ea
tib tarclaWi plc lou ia.r.
lam ��rarne tames t vola
rn errs bra
lagh you
•.have t
to make aas ntateb
ire, as you
1xae p cotta.
Mem until they arse belie
and when they tore out tun
alit, the peas,. the latt
anter, into a
inkle with pepper as
dish, in tate oven
an.inrtrtcs, nand send to table. lu
. wash y4?tn may rtrsnw an. littl+
bopped parsley' over thea,.
Creamed. F;ta�rs ts.—lloil guar
until tender in salted u
or Xot
Then f
here, OW .cl;tta'
ready and soni
that hill`, but be maid
fellows don't, su
r as owl as General
begin to sign the ter
»ppux as conning. Mit 't
rr i
when you sets me rats
t is the signal fo
vamp, and send
"1'e t, 14x,11. ,
m,ltp5es t'ass;eePapin, t,1.
1a liitnaal oloo ups tiou
i(1i;tn The ,leeks
tnrsistc�d, in all probahi
cont acs'
he crispness
in white of anA few mint
lgo as
trnake art
lent anal relatit
Iftalf g:eopk
eir Jeltut; ala«
rt°rnptlxti' end
nrx irizarm lu
is were ea
e; surd ea
ern ts»t^tnast= ,,soma
:vanlley =abounded
ltaage. rains an
,itateal Iu salmid-�.
fatless _ lloees dud
1tat,1ae1+ e
1:1. palest
witlu I are
�sntz 'tat gallop in
the news orf."
Shortly afterward Cropper •can°
huts and (envies* whispered:to
root*, • It'+:
all rover, prior; they bavc
signed." 1 simply had to give the
pre.zti raanged signal to Caanterou,
and Ile was Off like a shat at a. fu l
gallop for the telegraphoffice.
ft must-lfa,ve been twenty min-
n-utcs of half an hour later that the
ood ccataditiaann longer if a rieee 'rt
sattiixrg paper is p1al trnntls r rite
cs, housewife colts, wax puz ted tta
w haw she could put, fruit irn
trigerator and not have it:
crnrIL the butter and milky' by the
are use
Old '.Ce
1n stain anti ('s»tin
s t pransperous t1ta tiros ntzta;st parr
Y tlairar embrace+ a a
a i.tty ,blouson
inra'tely the sic tai l
inch lengths, and pat them Vtie It caught- the Ki'm ssag,:!„") t,
white sauce which .VQ11 litiNV-t, In out the baskets into glass cans in 4 -
made bv eooking together' a table- and Indtiutt 4)11 The t.°1)•• Kings
aeb ut butter und fiouri In malting souffles or timbales of "Ii°r01.1" is used 101 de. lions,
NI itpen them and stirring then Press the meat thrOltew a TO th6 and subsequent lessons we Iv ites are not in
tisarura itt
ion of
rtrr mad
n tIUI 71.E t e
gta.d bar's 'a.€sA
�8�py�1Cyt- 14"�rMyry,y4�"•'SSB{
W'b A£�iddk�4 akMF'�+^JIM Y�k'
�1R'�r,ln.�t. taa„t1
„ wlt4eh sae tr
the ° 4 daaR;
attttlt .'�fretn� is =:
�er�tharr atleflstsi
te. a1 irn Snarls
gal iiacr 'patr�
aind bufldiing
to VaaW iteeit �
ial purpo
piety i. egi1
tans ean
te, and Jebusit, —Yr
vi ritoostim...
of ubieh
tu I bubble, pouring 0., 4110.A fish, it is wise to shred the fish and sigma" "the nwIllIta Qd." ("11Y firc r
shall ..iissume that 'Alount Sinai is ether lists.
coarse sieve . the dish .will be the
until smooth and thick, Leave the near the southern point 11. 'Who am I ?,- Omp MoseS h. 1
'11 e is econon 5 in busnig some of the Peninsula between the Gulf I been a prinre in Egypt. New Le t
' the household supplies in hulk_ of Akabab, and not far from the forte* Years lic had betsn a kMel
ant,In to taste and serve.
Carrots -with Butter. --Prepare ling, soap said starch, for io, northern end of the Red sea itself , t.hepherd of the wildernees.
the carrots as directed in the Pre a will all Iseep. Soap really It has been suggested bY some mod-, Thal- 1 ''-'llotild go linto Pharaoh
general came out on the verandne ceding recipe, but instead ot serv
• s seith age, ern scholars that the mountain, the The years o,f desert seclusion had
exact locxxtion or which has never !brought in Mos -es a radieal 'change
and calling the members of the ing them in white sauce, dress them r thickening purposes it is well
press round "Gentle- with butter, pepper, shown rather be of character; •Zind had brought, with
and salt and to remember that cornstarch thicle- been determined.
ens twice as Mile 1 aS 'e• ite flour,
to yon -that President Kruger and lev
the °therT delegates rePrescuting Creamca r°11ng Beet'''D° mt mueh as white flour. the Gulf of Akaball. The burden ness 41•11` •
men, I have pleasure in anuouncipg a tablespoon -of finely minced pars- Iti 1 '1 I • then tl sr i •it t • 1 Tt
h- soug art ter to t nort least in 1, ,• i) 1 11W la11111
and browned flour about half as the bill country of Seir, north of quite differeet from the impu/sive
1 ardor which he bad exhi-
- f or however lies -with those bited earlier yen,rs.
the Boor nation, and myself have eut off the bottom. root, and leave if you are getting a new ram- pro , ,
nett the terms of peace, but
warn. Soa that the 'wire to England the beet to prevent, bleeding. Coolt
on an inch or so of the stem above
is ehlsed tti ail e°Imininieation until until -tender -in belling salted water.
Rub the skins off, remove the tops
and tails of the beets, and slice
them thin. Have ready in a double
boiler a cup of cream or one of railk
to which you ipve added a table-
spoon of butter and put the beets in
despa.tch has gone."
I could not help siniling my-
self, for kneve well enough that
Cameron's news was already on the,
way to England.
who question the traditional site, 13. What is thy mime
,t do not throw away the old
Which still has the support of many 11;gYPtlans used the word “godn
of the best Old Testament schol-
2. A bueh—One of the shrubs on
the mountainside.
Burned with fire—Had the ap-
one, but rip it up, smelt the pieces
and fashion into a kitchen apron,
sleeve protectors, eases for sponges
Thin cotton blankets ' are most
practical for summer, bemuse they
eat be easiis. laundered„ /1 hone. pearance of being on fire, the di -
A eoldier out in India asked a this Rub together a tablespoon drioouibrolenionvger the line they will nee3 vine revelation taking
this consuming and purifying ele-
the form of
heaven, The nagyeerefilied'es'iNo,
native wouldn't he like to go to 'eaoih; of flour and batter, stir. iet ins A few natartinm stems min („eci went,
to t e cream, add PePPeu, salt, and and used as' a flavoring for a fish 4. Moses, Moses—The repetition
' 'sahib - sheavelf no good. Would- re- - of the call implies urt.ency. Thus
--iliFt'e- in India.' ' The soldier then a teaspoon sugar ; simmer until the or vegetable salad will be found
sance thickens and serve.
said that, heaven was better tha.e
India and. eho native again replied Sbing 13"ns GraTY--CuL the
, strings from. t e beans' carefully,
that if heaven was better than In-
Jehovah speaks to -Se boy Sam -
uet, calling him twice by name (1
using a sharp knife and paring off 5,, Draw not nigh hither—Moses
dia. England would take it.
De3pairati of Ever getting Weil.
Mac. Mpaz,v-N, LA.crav, Hunter's Moun-
tain N.S., -writes :—``I was troubled with
Indigestion for more than ten years.
I tried several, doctors' Medicine, claim-
ing the power to cure, but all without suc-
cess. Having heard of the many- cures
effected by Burd,ock Blood Bitters,
decideil to give it a trial. After -taking
two bottles, , I was completely cured.
,Mv appetite. which was very poor, is now
go-orl, and can eat most everything
Witboitt any disagreeable feelings.
can strongly reedratacud B,BB. to any-
,-, one suffering front Indigestion."
known ,reniedy for ell Stomach 'Troubles.
It has been on ,the market,. for thirty-
nine years, and is manufactured Only by
enoligh to make sure that there are
ne strings' left on then cut into IS reminded of the natural,. unfit-
ness ofAnan to abide an the imme-
inch, length.s and boil in salted Iva- thate presence of 1ehovah. This
' ter,until tenaer. Mix .a tablespoon- truth God patiently sought -to teach
' fnl. each of butter and browned his people by such commands as
i'llour together in a s,aucepan, cook- the one elven to Moses later in the
She Wants Vote, However, to Ile.
come Real "Parent."
The economic' position of the
Hungarian women is far in advance
of many of the, other -Europe,an
earned inceme is her own,- and not
her husband's. When a wife dies
intestate her property is' turned
over to the. children, if she has
any, : If she is childless, goes to
her relatives, and not tce her hus-
band. Divorce .1.a.,We apPly equally
inen send women. .
TWO tltings of which Ilungarian
women mostebitterly complain ate,
first; i:hat a woman ina.737 not sign
her name as a. Wittiess to any legal
ing, until they bubble, turn in a presence of the people near this
cup -of gravy or of well seasoned same meentain: "And' thou Shttlt
soup or stock, stir until emoOth;
set boends unto the people round
sason -with salt and, pepper and, a about, Take heed to yourselves,
few drops of anion juice ; drain the
bean and l'et theist lie in the
,ravy for five minutes before send -
mg to table.
Green Corn Paneakese-Beat to-
egether a cup of milk, an. egg, whiP-
ped light bef-ore it goes into the
milk, a tablespoon of melted but-
ter, .salt, to taste, flour enough. to
make a thin h -atter. -Stir into` it
two cupfuls of corn- ant from the
cob Mid after beating ha rd bake dOctun t ;. and, socondly,, that she
d griddle. as directed in recipe is not'. cuardian of her own
for g.sre-en. pea pancakes.
Cora Shave the peints her. There is tile sante corn -
corn ir01Y1. tile ttirs splitting the row
lce_t.taels ...lengthwise if the corn
is 01(1 and lia,i-d Yon. should have
eupittls of the kernels.
Beat inro thorn the whipped yolks
plaint there as in. England that
MD Coal' iS not 'a. parent," and the
of the r‘st ;things. that will • happen
generically, having a special name
for ett4 particular deity. such as
Ammon, Ra, Mentu, Osiris. With
this fwet Moses was certainly se-
cjuainted, ands he SCOMS to antici-
pate that, when he brings to the
Hebrews a, message from the God
of their fathers they may conclude
that lie, too, had a proper name,
and may wish to know that name.
14. I AM THAT Aft—Margin,
THAT WILT:13E." The idea ex-
pressed by all these renderings of
the Hebrew original ie that ,of per-
fect, unconditioned, independent
existence. '
The assigned lesson passage in -
chides, in addition to the verses
Printed and commented upon, the
remainder o.E the third and the
first twenty verses of the fourth
chapter, This longer section of the
narrative contains furth.er details
that Ye 2,.-e n°t nP int° the mou,Ot, concerning 'Air os con sciolisaie,ss
or touch. the .border of (Exo'd: of his own unfitness „0 undertake
19. 12). The un tutor ed , mind and the important task about, td be laid
heart easilY falls into an atti"e upon lthreand the promise,s and
Of irreverence. • signs by wilich. •sva.s filially per_
Thy shoes—Sandals. suaded to undertake the -mission.
The place' , . , i.s holy ground The entire passage shoulr.1 be read
in preparation for class discussion.
—Sacred—hallowed by the manife.st
similar command given tO Joshua: Love will often modify the misery
"Put off thy shoe from off thy foot l ocea,sioned by her piano playing.
for the place wher•leon thou stand- The only way to shine even in this -
est is holy'' (Josh. 5..15)- false worlcl, .wrote Bryant, is to be
6': Father—Aneester• -modest and unassuming:
The God o lbi aha3 I. . . • -What I want, ' said -the 'Young
'Isaac, an ti . • • Jacob --- Who man, “is to get •married and have a
had r cv e a 1 ed himself especially L0 peaceful, quiet home.' ' '`Well,'''
these- cl,osen runn ,-fetts, in an said the uncle, "sometimes it works
ar g u III e o t IVIIII. the Pharisees cOn" ODA./ t.hat way and som otim es i Ls i
61101 ope
titteraig's St atm
has been leaugurat
s have been passed ckber-
Council for TWA did-,
) the Training
Council I
eke channel
all be widen -
greed that tht
erete and the bed to be pitched
• a distance of 1,2 yards.
eernmg r LalAY, quotes this trio 'r.43 j•Oini a tan.' so-
lie Your Friendships.
IOW your old frieudsbips
apse many of us do oot
cherish our friendships while w
have, them_ We subieet them to
straine. We undervalue them as
we do all things that we feel we
own. We accept them in a spirit
of lethargy or worse, and when. the
friend is finally driven frenn us. too
often we put up a bitter plaint
about ingratitude. There are a
great many things that a decent,
self-respeeting friendship will not
stand. II we allow ourselves, feel-
ing sure of the devoted elnun, to
assume the unpleasant fault-finding
manner, why should we ,expect any -
One to wish to sit opposite us at
dinner and listen to our grumb-
friends that apparently eared for
is because NS'a have become
unbearable, although this may be'
furthest from our perceptions. They
pany, and it is right they should do I
have sought more cheerful corn -
World 's ul lest Spot.
English lustormn has finally
decided on the- loneliest spot on
the earib. Tristan. a Acuma, it is
caned, and it is an island hundreds
and hundreds of m Res away f
its nearest, neighbOt'S. A tin V oasis
in a boundless ocean, no matter
which way ycni go. It is rocky, with
a solitary mountain 1,000 „feet higli„
.A..shepherd community lives there,
farmers cattle raisers ete. In the
:valley of the island ar:o fertile fields
where potatoes are grown, and the
food' of the people consists of beef;
.Eowls and fish. Rho. tofnterly
produced many fruits and vegeta-
bles, but -they -can no longer e
gro wn. for the island is overrun by
rats which eser,ped• from a shin, and
the people have, nover been, able to
rid themselves, whellv ,,of them.
a total not
the world's output. This
' stated. is owing to the
-ed prosperity of the eetre
*n ession good m
r not
The kicker gell'ts more ex.?reise
and Fancy.
than satisfaction.
Ice keeps longest stood on end.
When money telks nobody looks
boFrtexdrs", like hair, should be brush-
ed now and then with a brueh and
eonib through the summer.
A WOIMMIS IS her fortune;
mat's theek is his.
Call Again, Please.
Bix.—Jones says be gives employ-
ment to a large nember of men.
Dix—So he does—ether
bill eoliectors.
Soon Falows if The Liver
Is Not Active.
Constipation is one of the most fre-
quent, and at the same time, one of the
most serious of the minor ailments to
which mankind is subject, and should
never be allowed to continue.
A free motion of the bowels daily
should be the rule of every One who
aspires to perfect health,
Keep the bowels properly regulated
by the use of JAILLITIRN S LAXA-LIVIta.
PILLS, and. you will enjoy the very hest
of health.
j writes:---" I have been, troubled Wi tit
ConSIipa tittIn or the lagt couple of ,years
until jnst lately. I. tried a great many
iemedies '(Yitkiout .any, Success, blit
really believe 1 am cured, and can
25 cents per vial, o vials ror dotlar,
I at all dealers, or maile:d cureet en receipt
bill -11 Co., Lituit'e.d, TorQ,at6, out,