Exeter Times, 1913-7-17, Page 5THVBS,DAY... St•Tralt.
But Lydia E. Pinkhara's Veg.
etable Compound Restored
Mrs. Bradley's Health
Her Own Statement.
WinniPegz Cariada.---."Eleven, years
ego 1. went to the 'Victoria Hospital,
Montreal, sufferingwith a growth. The
taPetors said it was -a , Meter and could
;tot he removed as itwould cause instant
death. They found thatroy organs were
affected, and said I could not live more
than sixteenths in the condition I was in.
'Afton' came home I saw youradver-
tisement in the paper, and commenced
,t,alt.ing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
,Vompound. J took it constantiy for two
ars, and still take it at times, and
rcboth my husItand and rayse/f claim that
'It was the means of saving my life. I
"highly recommend it to suffering
Vhy will women take chances or drag
In three-fourths of the joy of living
.when, they can drld health in Lydia E.
tVirtithatn's Vegeta-
hie Compound?
For thirty years it
has been tim, owl=
ard remedy for fc-
pale i and bah re-
stored the health of
thousands of women
mato have been frog -
"Med Nvith SUch ail-
,txtents as displecemen
laPeration„ tumors, k
Ift you want $ neei._
write 'to Z,yena.E..14114kItani
Valle VQ* OfInti(1erttiat) Lynn!,
IttasS. Yottr iettnrort'M be opened*
%read and anSWered by a. woman)
ti held in Striet Confidence.
are the guest§ of Mos, II. Oes.treieli-
Mr, and Mrs.. Wiekler of Stratford
Paget spent Snday and Mon
thy in, Toronto and $t., Catharines.).
r.s. Paget Teturned home with hive
'elieee.ltoland Bilbee left for 171b3
Mich, after a weeks vacation vis-
iting relatives -
Mr, and M. Girvia ofsa,skatcOn
spect a t few 4.11,ya visiting the for
aistea 11. K. Miter
The ,Miesea Della and -,Mildred
Brown are visiting ,friends in Berlin
' 'Ittrtha Vann is spending t
few (lays .at Grand Bentla • .
Mrs, Tont. Lawson and 5Its,
peaver are -camping at Grand Bend;
Our' junior 'baseball tezun played a
game with the Shipka team at that
I -lace on Monday, and defeated them
by a score of 7 to 2.
Mr_ J. 11. Holtzman!). 1.13,..5 teen con-
fioed to the housa through illness!
Mra,11it-, Eater is Visititg, her
Li other in Lucknow,
Mr. Ferguson ,5nent Sitriday
Mt",s. llarrY HaeleY has /eft for
her home in Marietta Olde after nt-
tendirg the
f. n---',1 of her mother
the late Lewis.
Mr. ilatrison Reeker visiting"
Percy Danes is ,E,Ruelio.-.1
vaairtion vih !is faireotaa
-Mrs„ Kids° of Detroit ia vi$11;11.g
grs, I4eri Gaiser of Denver Col,
spending 4 few frauth4 with re-
' here.
Nliss igandy Viol4einer hag re-
trried Leine after spending a lea
' and Mrs, Gratto of Gran
13 spent $unalav in lowa.
. h ,
it ion
Ne W Livesteck Department
Everything in Agriculture
Exhibits by the Provincee
Exhibits by Foreign Countries
"oral; a Manufactures
aintings front Germany, Britain,
United Stares and Canada
'dueational Exhilaltek
adet Review
panese Fireworks
Vanada's Biggest Dog Show
iimerica's Greatest Cat Show
nt NERO Tug
01? ROM
Good Ilealt
Vim and Vitality
Are assured it you cleanse your
stomach of undigested food aad foul
gases; the exeeas from thei
ea and the waste na torfrom, the ic
teettnes and bowel'. Z,Y the use, of
Fig Pills
tbe great fruit... kid- y. lier atom-
aeb and bowel remedy.
At all dealers 25 and 0 vent boeee-
ez mailed by the Fig BM Co, St.
Tboroas -Oot Sold at I/owey's Drug
A. ourntel of the relativ and
-iends of the late Mra, Wra, Gun
Wag visited her during her illness
Rev. Fair of Arkeita and If. Ashton
London called on friends while.
r;Irs,„ Brownlee of Louden;
nd Caleb 'Allison visited at Caleb.
.nalaa last 'Thursday.
M. Jra Andrews and family of
Swift Qurreria are yiaitim1.a
Geargo::" 'Sanira. and AireaFraak
nutting have %gen on the sick 114
during the nest week,
M. John IVItiteford has ,seld 145
Cann to Harvey Parkin' -en.
Win. rlireGee who is teach:ng Sehrol
'arth of Palmerston j bogie Ter
The clop prospects around be
'a vicinity are as geed "and he
rOttny other place- in Ontario
'beet. tiots Ott COW ttAti lo
umPer erop.
College at Home
Tbouaands et ambitiotle
AC are fast preparing In
own homes to OCettgy
Live positions ris stenograph-
bookkeepera telegraph -
civil eervantse In fact every
ere ot bwnue aotivities
may finish at Collego
U SO WW1 rositions guar/tn.
41. Enter college any day.
ividual Luatruction. „Ex,
t teechera. Thirty' -eara
experience. Largest trainers
Seen colle;es
Special courae for 'teachers.
Affiliated with Commercial Rd.
4. %national Aasociation of Canada
Summer School at Famous Spot
+ ton 11usiness Colleee London.
Clinton Dom ness College
Pcsidt nt P incipal
Dr. de Vati's Female Pills
A vet table Freneh regulator: toyer fails. These
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
gatierative portion of the female eastern. Refuse
cheap imitations. Dr. dolran..0 ere sold at
iltSa box,.er three for 310. Mailed to any address.
-1"'-i. 13cotell Drug Co., tilt. Catharines, Ont.
Every Woman
Is interestedandshouldlalow
about tbe wonderful
Marvel wmr'ing spray
dialkyour druggist for
It. If bo cannot stipply
the l!LkIIVEL, accept no
.zolibor. but send stamp for inns.
*Med book -sealed. It gives full
particulars and directions invaluable
General Arent:, for Canada.
For Hair Health
Rexall o93" Hair 'Tonic does
mot improve the health of your
scalp and hair, we will pay for.
what you use during the trial.
We could not so strongly endorse
Resell "93" Hair Tonic and continue
-to sell it to the same people if it did
not do all we claim. Should it not
prove entirely satisfactoryour cus-
tomers would lose faith in us, we
would lose their patronage, and our
business would suffer.
If your hair is falling out or you
suffer any scalp trouble, we believe
Resell "93" Hair Tonic will,do more
to eradicate the dandruff, give health
,to the Scalp, stimulate new hair
growth and prevent premature bald-
ness than any other human agerrcy.
We want you to make us prove
thia. We trek you to risk no money
-whatever; 13uy• a bottle of Rexall
"93" Hair Tonieorse it according to
directionsfor thirty days; the if
you are not:entirely satisfied, come
and tell us and we will promptly hand
back the nieney you paid us for it.
We won't ask you to aign any-
thinganor even to bring the bottle
back. We won't obligate . you in
any way. We will take Your mete
word. Could anything be rnore fair?
Could we do anything more to prove
Qui:belief in flexed " 93" Hair Tonic.,
, .
mad our honesty of purpose m recema
Mending it.to you? .
Beard! " 91" Hair Tonicis as pleas -
mat to uee, as spring water and has
but a faint pleasing odor. It cornea
in two sizes of bottles, 50c and $1.00.
You can buy itexall "93" Hair Tonle
in this community only at our tore
re er..
city in
itanearty every town
Statea.Conaaa and
'lliqeretitaadiexsa •
1 0 Habylen L
rk'. il14.I1ntet,A
arid were .driVet% thrOltigh tgAtie
teig to the main road. Tbev,t
tending while the driver
ate hat started on A .rtia
Amtit they had coy
half miles. The mo -
4 to "Pieces atiOAL When
tound they had ;loth
log but the tounn of the, machine
with them. tus hors, -;,s were ent in
elects -hot itot acriondy,
In the 2,23 racing race at" LiStowt,
Mr, Ilenry Mossenherry's Peach
at, or ZltriQII Wm) second money, in
erry lacking in the big swamp
n $0 lb sturgeon was caught by
thefillietnten here lest Friday.
Miss. $riewartzetrnber of 'Aerliit
teited relatives in th*,s, vicinity tho
Past week.
The hay crop in this section es he,
ing ,haevested nail the clop, is light:
'h otosioo
to.,Polo M000lt?$
Vireos and nippedrom
omen Chariot Races
Athletic Sports
rear Water Caroival
ore of other FamousBand
Twelve Band Concerts Daily
Vreck of the Airship
Withington's Zouavea
New it Alidway
Double OW of Fire%
Ada Xeohler ot Toronto is
spending her holidayth her per.
outs Mr. and Mrs. 1. Heohler
Miss \Torus, Gottschalk of Bad Arne
lXich visiting relatives and friends
for a few weeks.
Mrs 'Victor Appel ot the liaisons
lank Staff. Stettler Alta, who has
WPC; aWay from towu about four
years is holidaying with hie parents
iNir, and Mrs Ed,Appel.
jecob „Kiefer had the mistor
tune to break his arm while trying
to put on a 'belt while the, pulleys
were in /notion
eir. •fleorge, \Tolland of .Detroit is
i,isiting hits mother Sad triends in
'Airs. ;Theo aleAdatns and children
of 1,ondo11 are visiting her r.arents
Mt eand. Mrs.BasSow on the 13ztoison
Mr. J." greeter left on Saturday
for a months visit to Um west.
was accompanied by Messrs Sam and
iftazer Brown or Crediton.
Mx, 'F. W. Hess intends building
tew house.
Abs. Henry Xeohler one of Hay's
oideet residonts died at her home
on the illabyloa line on Moaday July
14th. :rile deceased was 80 years old
She leaves one .daughtet Mrs, Her-
man Bender ; six grandchildren ar.d
three great grand children. Her
husband died sonic years ago The,
funeral took place Tuesday morning
to the Goshen Line ceine'tery.
Tbe feigners retort that the frogt
last Thursday -morning, damaged con-
siderable corn and beans in the, low-
lanes. •
On Straday list -while going home
om church three youngsters of iihe
Wendel Snrith family on the Goshen
Line in .a new `t -op buggy were- met
by an auto The horse became fright
ened thr•eav the children out and
ctintinued to run until it had smash --
ed the buggy Lo !pieces. Fortunate-
'ly the children are not badly 'hurt.
On Saturday night after the fire
et Ilensall, an auto paety was re:
turning In Zurich when they saw a
buggy in front: of them. l'hey toot-
ed the horn whistled. and yelled but,
to no avail. The aig kent the mid-
dle of the react and thee auto could
net pass The auto. theta moved tap
cloee to the vehicle and the horse
became frightened capsizing the
buggy and th: owing the oceuea rite
into ate (lit .1.1 The au,o fiab-
ed out and straightem,c1 mat-
ters for tnem and coatourad them
ieurneY to Zurtah.
.Mrs. Ezra Tman anti aon Suaone.
arid 'Ira arc visiting, relatives in
AlisS Pearl ' „ of
is holidaying et t 'her ham,e.
lgiss. Ethel. ilcellerrease, of TOrosto
lioirie for tho summer holidays.
add 1)aehaVead.. •
()lie -of . oar aroMising 'Yoang
'Ineas men in the person of 1‘.1r,.1+7
.roan Kellerman ,.';aas •nrarriedina
till.'0Areariesday: July 9th Co Misa
Lavin.0'!"„Kel-racher,atigh.ter of Mr
llnbt EZTa
w --1ding 317a.5 "7g er,fii,titieel at' the par -
Edm 6 41 rrived,.
on1•5'fkefl4 also eOrtt alto!
Tho -VA CS, ,yter S
ve tt,ei.V AZ1444
30:IC 01
Aug. 23 1913 Sept.
any co
Stephen Council
The Nottenil of 'the Township 0
Stephen convened in 'We, Town, Willi
Cteditort, cos .Monalay the' -7th of
anis' 1913 at tele at AB meal/era
note 1:xesent l'he „htintates of the
STevious meeting Were read and Id-
o:, tett.
The following 'orders 'rvere passed
MaWhinney grading and selling;
road $2.001 HaYs Querin 1-2 O'Meara
drain S, 4, 13.75; Vert Penholet plank
for culvert 3.00; V. yreilmer grav-
el and 'work in Pit 40.00; Henry
Clark gravel and Commissioa 27.75;
.1, lieLellan 'gravel 6.00; J. G„ \Vela
and others clearing $.rd s.rd and con-
cession 25,00; William White gravel
cent. BM 1. S:31. 52,15: M., llitcleelt
Carrunia, 931k I S. B. 1,85; W. Whilb
Gravel can't 1st s.,Illa.$1,00; it, ,Davey
Cornmr 1.25; Bd. Disiartliate Gravel
s. Illd. 30,00; Wm. Stade gravel
contract, 3rd is. rd. 22.30; tWild
COMM'V ard V. rd. 2.50; 'Wm, JIM
Comm'r and work 11.00; ;W White
work on Toad and gravel pit.e11.50
W,.3 Anti‘...rson Gravel cen't S,
297.40; S, Andrews fence to Rollins
feueo Lo Pit 7.00; Bilber ,orterete
Vit 15.50; G.. B. Ilicks cedar posra for
tile BIla 9 S ili. 630; 11` ".Eilbor'oconr
°seta tile IS:13 4.20. Adolph Morena
Adair's award ditch 16.50; J. Kenny
aravel contract 65.00; 13aker and
Farrel Rep" road. 3.50; James Kenny
TCP bridges 3.75; John Turner gray -
'1 0.00; Emil •Goleen Filljna in lir;elge
3,00 Arthur /Baker gravel 2.50, W
Disiardine rep road 3.00; Johnson &
Dearing Lanterns on bridge 10.00; j.
fl Ilodgins Uornm'r road 3,00 AI, Me-
rnterc gravel contract- 77.25; .Terry
Bzophey Cornm'r 2.50; C. Regan
Comm'r Bike '3.75; Jos. Lawson pt
any on bridges 800.00; G, Prouty
GI tulip 25.00.
The council adjourned to meet
again at ,the eail of the Reeve. '
Rev, D. Myers of Toronto 'preach-
ed in Carmel Presbyterian church on
Sabbath evening last._
The 1Vlisse0 Reynolds are hernia
spending the vacation ‘vith their
naren ts.
Miss Yuill its hear from the, coast
visiting .her barer.ts li4r, and Mrs
Yuill after an nbsense of some eight
yea rs.
Mr. 'Arrnorirt Todd is receiving
eouraging :treatment from one of
the London doctors glad we trust
be .mucth benefit ted. '
a ,
,Ilev, llillyard of London and
formerly of 'Ives in the vil-
lage last week spending a .few dayes
with illsfriends who.Thivere tdelignt-
Cci. to krleet hina again.
.1\la Dan Marie ie lies been
for soine'y ears in the a -eat NV her::: he
tins arosi eracl. hy leans -and bounds
was in thcr.vidlago-last week tooe'tber
with his family and ,hat-.cisorne tour-
ing car ..Mr, a .e etizie:%ves a partite,
iilar friend, 01 Mr, Aturdock
and: , Alex , Mt/rdoek and
=Tent '.thern, tile first
of the 1,Veek. " . „.
., Mrs, .1rehns of Gaelph, ha'a be
'et:ending the, past weak with her
Mother' Cook:: •
, araiiiaow of _Mitchell is visit --
g beta,' aunt -11/s. J„ V. Mill -on of
tf6 ' --
The 'rnehilb'ers ''01.„1"th6 Rebecca Leda
ge of. Oddiellows Were Laleased to
have ISistrict. .Nforrison
of 'Woodstock ‘lN-.l.th them ' t'ca install
the', officers horas
Letter' he. /nay again be - resiceiatt of
,00dar-eports,' ba'a -being". , sece ed
i*.seeiegir.,,i;h93ita.1". •
, shoitte?';krtd,' children: of.
daton.' and far
les ail: ttL UJloit isa' ; d
:14,111over nLtt;
400ti'd koow it at a a
Willie's Ruite import( nI
hat he is in loog 1,ant
J'O1 tnoziths be had been teiug to
appear in n gown mates style
But mother wanted him a. bo., ool
made him wait a.while;
Bat riow her baby disappeared, he's
taken an advance
ur,m's estate he's grown at last
yes.,, Willie's in long pants,
flow Wiltia holds his head up' as
travels down -the Street*
ttrooring ail elle (ogling of the olay
mates he may meet.
lle'e complimented b the girls his
uncles and his auntie
They eay that Willie's quite a latl
sitice be has long pants,
Ile struts about with hanky mein' as
lofty as you please;
lie dosen't sJetrt to zZaVe ti bit if we
stert ifl to teese
alut out the door be calmly roes, in
blissful ignorauce
OF who t the world may ,say or 00
since be his donned long 'panto.
Ilea let curie trouble. pestilence di-
sease or anything.
Our Willie boy won't -worry; he
as happy as la king
He's always sighed to be a man now
he has 'the elleince.
The Trail to Bovland's disaPpearance
since Willie"a '..,tranad long pants.
lost •Po'aular of all the '13t-Itieh
Bands that have visited Canada
Tbe bandof the Irish Guards, v" o
feature the musia at the Caoadlaa
Natiooal exhibition th:a Sear, need
ittrodttetion to 'caeadian Music
pavers. They weae brought over to
the Canadian National 14xl,tihitIon
190 and <Scl eethuseretically were
they received it wen decided to
tout them from the Atlantia to the
pacific, Tire tour was earreid out
and its sacceas marked.
Theta; were 14li.060 isamigranta en-
tering. "Canada in April and ,Maryaexi
orease er 1;i peaceat ever last yk.air.
There. were '56,9r0 Dritish 51.50-4
from. the United Statee end 5Z,P13
from other aortntrieS.
For manY Years the car-desa far-
mer has been a sore trial to his
careful neighbors and it aot-seldota
oaeara that one ill kePt, lava noes
Moro. damage' to a nelzhtorhcod than
tn., farm iraalf is 1-vorth, and Yet the
emoamoity 1r. ManY eaSes aaana
;ook ul-on the infliction as sememing
wnich rout he LOME', and too often,
ti;w Laws against eL,ds. are
$ttep4 teetillse1 hceinazuoiLy
too raoodanatatred to enforce them,
Bat 'retetiroca the onexpected vett
ilailnettni and it banned near, `,•Wrea
lead Alta„ not long age. In 1911 the
weed inepeetoe had netified aeer-
tojo farmer that` lie must deatrey,
ClittIng Pr fdoughteg, 4 field of
weeds which had heel) allowed le
arQW.z 011 his farm. But tuo fa
crier was either toa busy or too ,par
less to do es be Wa.S %ON% OSAI th
Wetl4IS Wer4 a1lowd to Seed Th
seed blew' colter On a eels/W:0)0e la
aud Were se bad that th,2, foiicieciu
ertir, of wheat was Ter/tiered value-
ice- and bed to he deettoyed. Aid
tbe 1.10ightOr Vr0100,1iY Iih care-
esa fa mer -for dantaws and Judzo
"gosh After petiently INenin:3 ,ta
evidence', decided (her the leen
would *tot eel. his weed, crop
his ateientor about $7409.
1040 nal. b4011 leteune cover
ges, hut it will srobeoly
t A future itt that section
will ha destroyed when the
; °Were it We do not se, .
tott it does aeon to ua
of careless farming
loittered to go too fem. ,
glitorhoed steauld oat he
0 O1)eci with weeds aiiuply neceuge
too lazy. to cut his,
Daddy's Bedtime
A Il.NoeY'veWr Forgoth...„
PI ra$111::clYsaid that as it was so near the Fourth of July be sicsou'hi WhteliPli)Jinacg4*
D D :
. ;%
and Evelyn a story about one of the boys of the Revolution.
"You know," daddy began, "the ilevolution was the War wider*
tbe American people once bad with the Engfislviten old Rill
leorge raised their taxes, more thon thy tblellOt be bad a right to cle. TheYi ,
mid they wOuldn't pay the taxes, and as it was on the Fourth of July thetA
paper which eaid so was signed,. That is the reason we eeiebrate the date 14. i
tild'eTPeulatdebnefl''doaking. George "would agree to let ihent alone a ion- and cruel
between England and Ameriea was fought. many 'Rave Americans en.
iisted under General George Washington, and when the war was ever the Eng,"
ilish. ',Among s
, were glad to go borne and let the Yankees do as they PleaSed. This was
oohed the war of the Poyolution.
the American onacetnone was braver than General Daniel Mor-,
I can, and no one was more feared by the Eralish -soldiers. General „forgam
was, a terrible fighter. Net oaty did he thmk that the English king bad no
right to tax Americans, but he had a Triadan or his own against the Ew-tish„ "
“A-44 this is bow the araudae he,aan. When Hoo•land was tut war with the
d InditMS Daniel 1.Yas a wagon boy in the AMY that maraled ow: „
' s from Virginia, be tight the Preneh at old Port Duquesne, Onq
aPpened which was blamed en Daniel. Tite boy WaS net
I .
stupid 4.1114 ui teometed odleer 14 eliarge of the wagoners,.
Bithisled bins so sharply that the boy was provoked to reply. Angry at being
ar=1wore:d In this way, the otheer ordered that Daniel should he vvbipped, and
he Set the Penishruent at WO lashes.
'The he7 toc)14 the thrashing QuietlY, but he faioto raJeo it w -
always claimed that the man who counted the strokes made a -g tit in.
wanting and *bat het had been given only 4439 instead Of fil)0 lashes, Oftea
Whell ho. told the story to tbe soldiers around 1-12Q CalnPare ie inter thlYs w
WO an oftleer in, the Revolutionary army be said, with a laugh-, that the
ash' "Still owed hint one blow.
mile never forgot the utthast whipping and Wt1,5 one of the first to answer
''e eall of the colony for soldiers when their war with England began, ad ,
then:ea, a treen Of riflemen from the 100tIntairiS Of Virginia arid Pennsylvania.
.?.0 booalmo famous for their courage and skill with the gen. They had
1unters7 and learned to abet:Pt in hunting the, deer and hear owl wildeat
dr own mouatoloa. They feared nothing, and never missed Oro 'when they,
their guns at anything-. Morgan feleght lalitil the eloge of the Itevolu-
then Went home to his farm near Winchester, Va,„ where he lived,
rho Boy Took His
ChIldren s fliar
Kees. it 'clean and free from' Disease
IC you -want your •children to grow
up with etrong sturdy and vigorous
hair, teach them to use PARISIAN
Sage; tint Wo-ld renowned Hair Tonle
PARISIAN Sage is guaranteed by
W. S. Cole Esetteeeto curt.- dandruff
and stop falling hair in two weeks
le grows new hair quickly in. tepee
where the hair is 'thinning out
It is positively and most delirrittful
invigorating hair idressing on the
marketle is .not:.sticicy or greasy
and will make the coarsest bait soft
lustrous and luxuriant. Get a 50-
cen1 bottle and watch bow rapid its
aetion. The 11, T. '43ooth C Led.
Canadian Makers Fort Eric Ont.
Only Line Reaching Ail
Summer Resorts In
Highlands of 'Ontario
;Muskoka •Lirkes i\Iignc tw 111 Riv-
ea: Lake tit: IlaSs..firetieh River Geer
Day Tiintigami, Algonquin Po rk
tra‘viirtlia. Lakes.
Full atizmaier service now im effect
to all above resorts. Write for ,full
aarticulars arid illustrated folders to
ally Greed 'Tiainlc Agent.
l' tIt amtit .October 2Stall
1V-1-NOOldalf.(::- AND- „ttiFirt]it,N-
failv„ ro I es to oi her ,points turn
Hod t ' 1,110 , ' P11111111lla
101,1e :T01'010.0 11.35
j)7,,,Ger, (vizi,;Ita...asiiiieunagnoinagnd.thsrte,
alt iyjtho t lia age. t,s.are. Iso
6. ,P. llom-ei,1' and
'at a
s 334:010e :bAby.:0:13,js‘h‘:eoliiitNaii:V'titiu,a14;:1);41);;;I
t'lietterin" shudders, dancirr
'eland ptc ot her glacca
Tiosid-like to catch 1.11Y 1.11000 anY
cabals days.
Still 1 think I see hes
Wben the work wes ereesiee
'assin ue the tont ow., piatitin 0* the,
‚I0 111
No gtve in nor slitirkin'
Without' ani.kaa' tranita'
E W00% see her like again.
many a morn,
, 'Mind the spring the measiss
Come and took the baby,
Ile hem a eight ol help ttt.
year or more,
Tear thops on her InSlteS,
stadia" through the bplach,es.„
Lonesome -like whilst to been ot
settin at thd stoett.
Still t can't but wonder
What it was that sot lier
Wiltin" like a moruitig-grory IN' en
tne atin is hot.
Was it too mush anmenee87
Too much, work or tamenese?
Things 1 thoughtleee said an', done
that I'd .hetter notS
Settan" by the firelight
Think -in' of Mirandy.
Thinkin' how 1 brought her here
snots a happy bride .
Four feet on the fender
Wish I'd Leen more tender.
Nothin' seems to be the eanie since
Mirandy died.
-ay Genevieve
Met oneSaturday the 5th of July
A con, of our Engineers ,reporto
Plans.. l'retile and' assessment which.
had been served on tlie head of t.he
Townshiop „was laid before council
The Clerk was instructedto notify
the owners of lands ateseseed for out-
let, liability that the re,gort will' het
considered the: :next meeting of coun-
ail on, _Saturday .the 2rir1 day' of Aug-
ust, at ten o'clock a,
'The Reeve and Treasurer were
authorized lo borrow a sum of
money for current .expenses 'to be
repaid from taxes.
F W. Earnconab was iastructed to
include "East Branch South Dramn'n
in his report of East Branch Nr11
The 'Clerk was instructed to are.
pare a, by law for the next ince log
of Council authorizing,: an additoonal
issue of Debentures on the security
of those telephone subseribers -who
have .corne in since the issue of the
first deben Lures.
Af er 'missing a aumber of accoun-
ts mostly for telephone work, th,e
councql cicilourned to meatagain
on Saturday i he 2nd clay of August
at 10 o'clock when all the rates in-
cluding school will be struck.
Subjects tan by m`ipert instructors
at the
Y M. C. A. BLDG..
ta eats ..assisted to positions. College
from Sept. 2nd, Catalogue
et ally tune.
Westervelt, Jr.
CdAccQuittaat '
1, dear; 1 wsit
• might not turn °tit satisfrottoree-
mien Opinion.,
Eunice whiled away the spring
Teaching me the gauze of Imes
Dolerui Is the m-enl 2aing-
Eunice proved a tickle thing
As the April skies above,
Dut ber former fame returned,
ELM in Ilse simmer thrse
Drew me till my .spirit burned
and my pulses beat ID rine/
Wen the malady sublime.
PrOM Its polo my trouraled ,hear
In the altruism Entzer coaeed.
Then upset lraa'a ;mato cart -
Parting was utr de.t z est art.
Ah, bat i was sadly hoaxed;
Betels, of the passing year.
Cool] nol hito the ethers. be.
Yes. I thought 11 Ilti not a' fear
Surely ::110 'oozes, lestorKe.
nut she /IOW l'AS liked me.
Do zol elible me if I sigh.
Far my lwatt bas sorely ble.d.
Who 1.„1 womao's wtles defy?
Titily 'OS a shame that I
Aso so easily miss -1(11,
-New York G obe.
Merest Trifle.
Berlin's Dtiel Cl
feature, o2 t1,e Berlin Feucln
duel Q3a$ 4
visitor "It seems that noin
,1 has bean overloolted in the effart to
1 realm the members of this c]ass pe
cily familiar with every form and
aloes,' pertaining to the dael. La-
etion goes beyond the use of the
ler, and the possible actor In
part on the Odd of honor re-
direellons also as to how to kilt
witir a pistol. The target Is not a lay,
l'agure' but the party or tbe second put
st•ho is protected by a mask and by;
pads against the brittle asphalt bullet:
'1 One may see in this class every phase
' of tho duel except tbe Insult and Mei
raoviuo picture men for whose beriefit
tautly duels are now arranged."
'The Words 'Tool" and unwell."
"Tool" and "totteh" are the word4
ir James 'Murray is at present purritsti:
ng for his great dietionary. "Man is re:
!toolmaking, animal" is a sayiag attribi
I uted to Benjamin Franklin, but Sig
lames wants positive evidence. Frank:
lin is believed to have had his brothe
11..therican mau itt ids mind's eye wheri
'IS*o said that. "In touch with" seem0
itielt an old and familiar phrase that
surprising to learn that no exalni
iilea 02 Its lase earlier than 1384 can be
l'diffe0Vered. In that year there p•as
fli upon the phrase, and Sir Jame
info:rises that it -was then "used by
iiniebody of note and had caught on../
1,4h1cago News.
Under Water isa-as ta-rara.
That men can stay under water in a
submarine boat tor nine hours and still
survive was proeed recently. A sub--,
marine of the Russian navy sank at
3 o'clock in the afternoon. It was mid-
night before the salvage ship succeed-
ed in raising it Three of the crew
were Still conscious and got out when
the hatchway was opened. The other,
seventeen were unconscious, but soonl
recovered. They had known that the
rescuers were at work, for the boat
was equipped with a telephone con -
"01, how do 3 ou do, dear? I haven't nected with a floating buoy. Perhap0
seen -on for some time. What's new?" ,
they might not have held out so well
-Nothing speeial, only my husband." " tney had not been aware of what
-Fliegende Blatterwas going on above them. -Youth'4
The Mouths of Babes.
Jove cats, don't you:' asked the
little girl with the pretty braid down
tier back.
"1 do note' answered the acid drop
old maid. "If there's anything I hate
it's cats."
"But why do you?"
"Because cats scratch you, that's
"I know, but that's because you
stroke 'em the wrong way. You gotta
treat cats diffrunt from the way you
treat folks." -Cleveland Plain Dealer.
A Catch in It.
Anxious Inquirer tin insurance or.
floe) --1 understand that for $5 I can
111 '-tire my house for $1,000?
rnadani. If your house
burns down we pay yon 31,000.
Inquirer -And do you make any hi
quiries as to the origin of the fire?
Clerk - We make the riot careful in-
quii-ies, madam.
Inquirer -Ali! I thought there was a
catch 111 it soinewhere.-Ohicago Rec-
ord -Herald.
Might Have Been,
Little Yisitor (poiuting at a large ta I
portralt)-Whose picture -is that, .
La,Isttglere..a7tIoasutelksts-..Srbneev'Weernh' e,Int7Zi nritlaps,.t14
,abLeintttlebeIr,i.s,bitiolt..ff.gwnest:ISyshe was a'
-tittler Hostess - See ho
Steal Furmture.
Sheet steel is the latest material
trtiliyed in, the making of furniture. It
is used for sideboards wardrobe's, chift,
folders, writing desks and is finished
in such perfect imitation of the varii,
oars woods that the difference cannot
be detected. The wood finish is applied
under a very high temperature, become
Ing an.integral part of the metal and
never cracking. This 'unique furniturei
has the recommendation of being fire-
proof, and a lighted match left on I
pressed steel sideboard would have nr5,
effect whatever on its surface.-LendoA
Pearls Frorn Earle Ear.
Paris fashions have long been synons
sanous with elegance, but the latest
"mode" hardly comes within that cat! -
gory. This consists in wearing string
of pearls "after the manner of al
guardsman's chin strap," the gem4
passing under the wearer's chun. fro
ear to ear. Another new fashion, that
of porcelain heels for49„yenin, gsjAp,e.P
rtainly daintier, a1t;1101fgh/Yterettk
are to be anticipated -London Chrott
prs Defects.
ers of a Paris m