The Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-05-28, Page 24STOCK UP! AGE` G!',. GODER C. $i NPit STA ., WEPNNSDAY, MAY 38,E 9,8:D COMMUNICATION think 0041 fi it, and BY JACK RIDDELL, MPP Questions were asked the Provincial Treasurer about the pension fund borrowing of the Ontario Government used to finance the government deficits over the past decade. The seriousness of the problem was brought to light by comparison when Eric Kierans quit the Quebec pension agency, The Caisse de Depot et Placement du Quebec, accusing Finance Minister Jacques Parizeau of siphoning off money from the fund to finance provincial deficits. Parizeau wanted to borrow $1.5 billion from "The Caisse" this year at below market rates. Ontario has been borrowing from the pension fund for years and, in fact, as of March 31, 1980 owes the following: Canada Pension Plan- - $8,757 billion; Teachers' Superannuation Fund, $3,523 billion; Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Fund - $1,293 billion; or a total of $13,573 billion, all of which has been used to finance provincial deficits. Studies show that had this money been invested in the marketplace, in - Jack Riddell productive capital rather than just to fuel' deficits, Ontario would have a far more healthy economy at the present time. There would have. been lower inflation, . higher real income, less unem- ployment and higher real growth. David Peterson, Liberal. Finance Critic, called for a complete review of our deficit spending and borrowing policies in order to create more real wealth in Ontario. "We cannot saddle future generations with a higher tax load to make up for deficient .pension funds. It will turn out, with hindsight, to be one of the most serious mistakes of the Ontario Government."lie said. PENSION MESS Following his pursuit of pension plans in Ontario, Mr. Peterson called on Frank Drea, minister of Consumer and Com- . mercial Relations, to bring an immediate disclosure legislation for private pension plans in the Province of Ontario as the first step in cleaning up the pension mess in Ontario. The Quebec model, enacted last year, would be a good one .to follow which requires that employees receive - in- formatQn about their pension plans including: 1. The amount of the employees' contribution and interest accrued. 2. The amount of the employers' contribution and interest accrued, ' 3. Percentage of members' contribution vested in case of ter- mination of employment. 4. Amount of money payable to the employee at normal retiremefi't age. 5. Overall funding rate' of the plan. 6. Death benefits payable. At present, many employees are very Turn to page 7A • MAY IS HEARING AWARENESS MONTH PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, MAY 31st, 1980 We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements! Super Loto, Provincial & Wintario tickets available at A&P Food Stores! Q1 SAVE 70/ Powdered TIDE DETERGENT 6 litre box E 4//nn iito All Purpose Coffee SAVE 1.20 = ;4111mumfu MAXWELL HOUSE Br SAVE 65r r�%If/,HnnTlii\i Marvel, Sliced WHITE BREAD 1 -Ib, bag 24 -oz loaf SAVE 51.00 (Our Regular Price 3.99) FABRIC SOFTENER BOUNCE Atielleneetelleillelaeftla ACTION PRICE! pkg of 20 sheets 1 •49 (Our Regular Price 4.19) "3 SPECIFIC" VARIETIES DARE BISCUITS 400 g TIN TIE BAG 1.29 COME VISIT 4401E FAIN"- emat A&IAZZIF FOR FRESHNESS AND SAVINGS! 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Beef or irish (Our Regular Price 55c each) ACHIEVE "NEW” PKG 'OF 2 — B -OZ TUBS SOFT MARGARINE 1.19 4111111f11111////�j� BURNS STEWS 24 -fl -oz tin AlielleMelleeMettelefeel SAVE '42¢ 11111\\\ "Embossed Printed Styles", Assorted Colours LADY SCOTT19 BA ISSUE"' Island Queen BON ITA TUNA Instant, Assorted Varieties ROYAL PUDDINGS pkg 6.5 -oz tin pkg of 4 rolls (Our Regular Price 1.61) Macaroni & Cheese 225 g pkg- 89KRAFT ,4 DINNER 2b069% Mini —• Assorted Varieties r 100 PUDDINGS Long Spaghetti or Ready Cut Macaroni CREAMETTE PASTAS 2 -Ib pkg 4 off4, 5 -oz tins 995e p De e IVORY ¢ LIQUID Bread 'N Butter or Kosher Baby Dills HEINZ PICKLES °111[1141/4�uutwillw,�, mss' SAVE 46fil /1111 15 -fl -t z jar 32 -fl -oz plastic btl 179 VALIANT 7- CRYSTALS • (Our Regular Price 1 49 — SAVE 20c 1 BODY ON TAP, ASSORTED TYPES (450 ml plus 100 ml'Free'1 Shampoo 550 ml plastic btl 2.69 SPLASH LOTION Brute 33 120mIbt12.69 A&P BRAND A.S.A. Tabletsbll of 2501 39 ° (9 VOLT, PKG OF 1 — 1 49) HEAVY DUTY, C&D SIZES PKG OF 2 Eveready Batteries 1.49 NYLON REINFORCED Garden Hose 50 -ft length 4,99 ( While Supplies Last) Cake Donuts 69¢ JANE PARKER FULL 8 -INCH, 22 -OZ PIE Apple Pie, Assorted Varieties Action Price! DEL MONTE FRUIT CUPS pkg of 4, 5 -oz tins 49 OPEN 'EVERY DAY 9 A.M. ,e 9.311 P.M. 1Ega,,, ///f/( limb Fancy LIBBY`S TOMATO JUICE 48 -fl -oz tin (Our Regular Price 1.05) 1 17 -oz container X09 (Our Regular Price 2.09 — SAVE 20c) Instant Coffee PURE "(ORN",am,189 TASTERS MAZOLA OIL °° • — CHOICE ASSORTED VARIETIES ACTION PRICE! 25.5-0Z TIN 8 -oz jar Action Price! 599 Pep Dog Food 2 for 89¢ POWDERED, TBlea h E5804 g boxTION PRI SPAGHETTI IN TOMATO SAUCE, ACTION PRICE! 1 {/wr�f� -ALPHA-GETTI, ZOODLES 8 -FL -OZ TIN NABISCO CEREAL ACTION PRICE! 500 g PKG Libby's Pastas 3f-1.00 Bran Crunches 99¢