The Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-05-28, Page 23I! 1 1 Lit, Baa BULLETIN BOARD & FARM -SECTION AD DEADLINE...S P.M. MONDAYAtoji BINGO every Tuesday evening at Vanastra Centre, RR 5, Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card, $1.00; 15 regular $15 ', games, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years and over,—ltfx CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday 8:00 p.m. first regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years or over. Fifteen regular games of $15.00, $5.00 least on split. Many' other specials. Jackpot $200.00 must go each w eek. l tfx AUCTION SALE - St. George's Church rectory on lawn, June 7 at 1 p.m. Inside if raining. Refreshment booth. -21- 23 AN IMPORTANT MEETING at MacKay Centre for Seniors at 7:30 p.m. May 28th. Members will vote on the proposed constitution. Program. Lunch. Free admission. For a ride call 524- 6553.-21-22 Hospital Auxiliary Penny Fair prizes now 'on display at Morris Draperies, 36 West St., until the draws at 10:00 a.m, June 4th. -21-22 MAMMOTH GARAGE SALE by Maple Leaf Chapter, LODE, 16 Wellington Street (corner. West Street) Saturday, May 31, 1980, 10 a.m. Baked goods, candy, plants; ; furniture, ap pliances, books, toys, bedding, , linens, ' knick- knacks. -21,22x GODERICH LITTLE THEATRE annual dinner will be held at the Maitland Country Club on Wednesday, June. 11th. Social hour 6:00 p.m.; dinner 7:00 p.m.; $8.00 per person. All mem- bership holders welcome. Please call 524-7226 or 524-9017 before June 4th if you plan to 'pt- ' tend.-21,22AR White Carnation Holmesville is open Monday through Saturday 12-2 p.m. ($3.75) and 5-7:30 p.m. ($5.95); Sundays 5-7:30 p.m. for home -cooked buffet. Reservations requested Saturday evening. Licensed under the L. L. B.O. Accept Chargex and Mastercharge. Catering to weddings, banquets and private parties. 482-9228.-16tfar BENEFIT DANCE . for Howard Poswalk, Bayfield Arena, , Satur- day, May 31 at 9 p.m. Music donated by Star Trex. Everyone welcome. Lunch. Co- sponsors: Bayfield Lions and Bayfield Firemen. -22 Girl Guide. Garage Sale, Saturday, May 31st. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., 139 Britannia Rd. West. Donations and con- signment items welcome. Phone 524-6612 or ' 524 8938. Proceeds toward trip to our Cabana in Mexico. -21-22 TURKEY, HAM AND SALAD SUPPER, Nile Church, Wednesday, June 4th, 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. By ticket only, adult $4.00, children•$2.00. For tickets phone 529-7543 or 529-7705.--22 MAPLE LEAF CHAP- TER IODE pot luck supper to be held Tuesday, June 3, at the home of Mrs.. R. Breckenridge, 6:30 p.m. Please bring own din- nerware and cutlery. 22 MONSTER SALE: Garage, auction and bake sale at Ashfield Township Shed. June 14th beginning 10 a.m.Shed ' open for donations May 31st 10 a.m. -6 p.m. -21-24 LAWN AND BAKE SALE will be held June 1st at 10 a.m.• in con- junction with the Flea Market at the Jail. Sponsored by the Huron, Trail Riders. -19-20-22 tarts WEDNESDAYI MAY 28 - MON., JUNE 2 FRI. & SAT. TWO SHOWINGS 7:00 & 9:30 P.M. SUN.-THURS. ONE SHOWING 8:00 P.M. NOTE SHOWTIMES ON WEEKEND NCIFie-5E1 COf. F'OLA • IIdFS F;VTS MARLON BRANDO ROBERT DUVALL MARTIN SHEEN ,, APOCALYPSE N •'FREDERIC'FORREST ALBERT HALL SAM BOTTOMS LARRY ASHBURNE xrl DENNIS HOPPE n,mrd a FRANCIS COPPO PR • a' AM SUCSJECT T. CHA GE WITH', UT NOTICE - e .> CARD PARTY at MacKay Centre on May 31st. Sponsored by IOOF Huron . Lodge No. 62. Celebrating 110th bir- thday. Musical program at 7:30• p.m. followed by cards at 8:00 p.m. »raw on hind quarter of beef. Admission $1.00. Everyone welcome. Lunch. -21-22 BLUEWATER CENTRE, antique show and sale, Friday, August 15, h p.m. - 9 p.m. and Saturday, August 16, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Bluewater Centre auditorium. Admission $1.00. Lunches, tea, coffee. 524-8553.-22-26-31 FOR SALE: Copies of a 1915 issue of . the Dungannon News are on sale for $1 per copy at Dawson's General Store in Dungannon. Proceeds for the Dungannon 125th birthday celebration. -22,23 WATCH for Benmiller Church Berryfest coming soon Nine HiC CAR LASH' AT NILE CHURCH Sat May 31 10a.m,-4p.m. 52.50 Per Car Wedding Reception for Mr. & Mrs. Ray Beach (ripe Dionne Osborn) Sat® May 31 of Saitford Musk by "Free Spirit" 9-1 a.m. Friends & Neighbours invited ANNUAL HIGHLAND DANCING CONCERT Friday, May 30th 7 p.m. North St. United Church ******************** * Exotic Dancers )4 - Come and Enjoy A Delicious Meg! AT THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE & TAVERN LTD FULLY LICENSED _GODERICI SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNASDAY, MAY 29,19.ier A E 5A 42 WEST ST. ELM ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Highway No. 8 West•Clinton; !I NOW APPEARING Tin Saturday, May 31 Peter Schuler" Folk guitarist and singer direct from the Montreal nightclub circuit. Std'rting at 9 p.m. 5 shows doily * * * * * * * *'* * * * * * * * * * * * NOON -DAY BUFFET MONDAY thru SATURDAY 12 NOON to 2 P.M. Come, relai and enjoy BenmWer today.,We:ve preparsed alopecia] Norm -nay Buffet just for you! You wffl+snjoy a choice of two main cour- ses, Soup. Salads. Dessert and- Coffee, served if you wish in our beautiful gardens. All the food & ambiance you can take in. and all for just one ONLS•'1 s very'low price' RESERVATIONS REQUEST?)) For Rose•rv;tUrats please• p4)ente 524-2191 Nestled in HennlilIer. (hi ,.just 7 kilometres east of Goderich on • Huron County Road I. just off Highway S 1.10ENCE:1) UNDER THE L.L.B.O. NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:45 SHOWING AT 9:00 P.M. A-erna -The Being MUM ER1( tncs^p19V Some dial sul Children. A RAGS TO RICHES TO RAGS STOR Y Warning: Some dialogue may be unsuitable for Children. Theatres Br. of Ont. STARTS FRIDAY AT A ZOO NEAR YOU! MAY 29 - JUNE 5 FRI.-THURS. n Sh°w fat eC'°b e was g°lg FIRST SHOWING IN AREA lI/ eiaStol tokeeP 1A11tckgorclstuu d1n�e� Cndenc�sho 0 PLUS NATI•*AL Z,�U�l••� ANI101AL u•Vs r The Most Popular Movie Comedy Of All Time CODERICH AT •' r CONCESSION ,RO. 4 • •'PHONE 5249991 BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE LTD : BEECH ST, `' CLINTON ; BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 P.M. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY MAY 30 - 31, JUNE 1 STEVE. MARTINI Thj0 A UNIVERSAL PICTURE ADULT c' ' ..y X 1.4yf` � �e +• ENTERTAINMENT WARNING: Dialogue not suitable for children PLUS 2ND FEATURE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY MAY 29 TO SATURDAY, MAY 31 AT THE COURT LOUNGE PLUM LOCO AT THE DUKE LOUNGE MONDAY, MAY 26 TO:SATURDAY, MAY 31 WITH SATURDAY MATINEE DOUG BEWS EL court W RINERS etiforbf otrl 92 Shoppers Square Goderich 524-7337 SALTF HALO FOR RENT CALL 529-7283 sK WE WILL BE OPEN THIS SAT. MORNING, MAY 31 FOR FROM 7:30 A.M. Come join us for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner or Friday or Sat. Evening Entertainment. HOURS - MON.-FRI 11:3)) • I A M.: SAT. 7:30 • 1 A.M. SUN. -11:30-1111 M. THE CANDLELIGHT RESTAURANT & TAVERN HAYFIELD RI). 524-7711. JY� KINCARDINE RDINE' NO.1 NIGHTSPOT Cover Charge THURS. FRI. 8 SAT. NEXT WEEK: SON. JUNE 2 - FRI. Don't miss the fabulous ONE DAY ONLY ALL DAY TUESDAY An Absolute Entertainment Must! Cover Charge TUES. thru FRI. evenings Age of Majority Card only acceptable proof of Age SAT. EVENINGS for your dining & listening pleasure enjoy the sounds from 6 p.m, - 12 midnight Cal Sanders' Racipa Kentucky tiiedChickenOMPANv .r , ,i�vN rti Cv rys eat 00.; ^NMN• 'I li,r„., I''' ,Y.rI •