The Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-05-28, Page 1818R.-firUD�i�ICH SIGIOL4TAR, WE1 NESDAY, MAN 28, 100 '..:.. seminars l~ airily and Children's Services. of ITuren County will be sponsoring a series of seminars on child abuse and neglect in the board room June 2.=5, Sohn Penn of FCS said that Alex Zaphiris, one of the most reputable and knowledgeable Speakers on child abuse will conduct the seminar series. Zaphiris is from Houston, Texas and has worked extensively in Colorado. The seminars, open- to= the public, will deal with abuse and neglect, identification and treat- ment, sexual abuse and placement needs of children in foster care. Ultrasound The medical staff at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital is current ly-study-ingthe-feasi bi-lity-of ultrasound equipment locally. Dr. J.L.Hollingworth said ultrasound procedures are becoming more and more useful to the medical profession.t The procedure is in many ways like an xray, except that the patients are spared the exposure to radiation that is considered by some to be harmful. It is too early to say whether or not the equipment could be feasible in AM&G, but if it were, it could be housed in the present radiology department. Tourist seminars The Goderich Tourist Committee is sponsoring a series of seminars and workshops on the Let's All Treat Visitors Royally theme. There will be two evening and one afternoon session at the Bedford Hotel and the public is invited. The seminars are being held in con- junction with the Ministry of Industry and Tourism. Budget set The budget for the ambulance crew based at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital has been approved by the hospital board. Total budget the current year is $154,464 and is funded' entirely by. the provincial government. COMMUNITY NEWS Need a lot PUC manager Al Lawson told council in a letter that the utility is in favor of the purchase of a piece of land next to Graham Electric for the erection of a water tower. Lawson said that to be eligible for grants from the Ministry priorities - for expansion should be set so approval can be given by October 15. If the town is successful in Deceiving grants for expansion they would be allotted in the 1981-82 fiscal year. Weeds _and. pets Town council passed a bylaw to appoint property standards of- ficers for Goderich Monday. Council has had some requests for action under the property standars bylaw lately and they have been handled by building officials. Reeve Eileen Palmer said town employees are too expensive to be chasing dandelions and pets and said the bylaw enforcement officer was capable of examing front and back yardsand reporting to the, proper officials. Commissioner of Works, Ken Hunter, said the amount of work ,under property standards has been horrendous in the last month but said complaints could be looked after better by property standards officers. Resolution Goderich, council failed to en- dorse a resolution from the town of Exeter demanding that the ,Federal Government show courage and determination in expressing to the government of the USSR their disgust at the killing of 60 Afghanistan school children in Kabul on April 26. Goderich deputy -reeve Bob Allen said Canada plays a forceful -role in the United Nations and would certainly handle the problem. Intensive... is now considering the provision of a new ad- dition to house an intensive care area. He explained that when the emergency department was under construction, board member probably had no knowledge the board would shortly be considering a new psychiatric department; and when the psychiatric department decision was being reached, he wasn't considering the ramifications of a third construction project which may turn out to be an intensive care area. Dempsey said if the board members have any inkling of further capital expansion projects, that information should be available now to assist all board_members to establish: thoughtful priorities ' and to make careful decisions based on a•full understanding of both present and future hospital needs.• Board chairman Gordon. Crabb said some long-range planning was being undertaken by the management committee of the board, and that report should be available shortly. The building -committee l is to obtain more detailed plans for the intensive care area proposal presented by the medical staff, and • to prepare preliminary cost estimates for the' board's consideration. At the same time, the finance committee is to investigate possible funding opportunities. Dr. Michael Conlon said that while the "government is not a bottomless pit of funds", he felt that if the ministry recognized the, need for an improved intensive care area at Goderich, it should also be prepared to fund it. Adminstrator Elmer" Taylor said that while it might be possible that the ministry would agree to fund the project, the Goderich intensive care• _area could find itself at the bottom of a very long waiting list for ministry money. --Jo-Berry referred hospital fund drive in Southampton which netted sufficient money to build an emergency wing. She said a public subscription canvass for financing a new intensive care areal.among Goderich and area citizens might also be successful. Doors & Windows Sticking? Basement pipes dripping? 1.30 VIC If you have any of these problems at home chances are excess humidity is to blame. Take care of the problem BEFORE the problem takes care of your Ask about our ELECTRGHOME DEHUMIDIFIERS SERVICE DOMINION NAROWAIIF etio ORIA ST., NORTH GODERICH 524.8581 A Board unanimouslBoard ui)arih*usly turns ddivn transfer proposal BY W ILMA OKE The Huron: Zurich County Catholic School Board voted unanimously Monday to turn down a proposal to transfer the primary division at Ecole Ste. Marie, RR2 Zurich to St. Boniface in Zurich. A 12-inember delegation . from Ecole Ste. Marie applauded the decision. At a board meeting May 12 a recom- mendation was made to transfer 12 primary students in Kindergarten, Grades 1, 2 and 3 at Ste. Marie to St. Boniface, a distance of four miles. At that time it was stated that-th-e studenrts could accommodated -- accommodated within the existing classrooms at St. Boniface using existing staff. It was noted that buses are presently delivering the kindergarten children from Ste. Marie to St. Boniface. The proposal was for the school years 1980-81 and 1981-82. There are 52 students at Ste. Marie and 165 at St. Boniface at this time, but a decline in enrolment is projected at both schools next school term. However, when the transfer motion came up for a vote, trustee Ted Geoffrey of Zurich asked that the motion be voted on at the May 26 meeting.' This resulted in the ratepayers in the Ste. Marie area meeting on May 19. The 80 ratepayersattending voted unanimously to send a delegation to the May 26 board meeting to ask that the Grades 1, 2 and 3 be kept at Ste. Marie and that two new. bilingual .teachers be hired for the school. Phillip Durand was th spokesman for the 12 delegates and he stated, "The proposal has forced us to reassess our bilingual school, the past achievements and ' the benefits. We have come to unanimous conclusion that we cannot afford to dissolve our bilingual school; because of the long term benefit to our community, to our province and to Canada." Mr. Durand said, "We disagree with the board's point of view that placing Grades 1, 2 and 3 in St. Boniface School and returning them to Ste. Marie in two years would be in the best interest of the students. We do realize you have a huge responsibility as our representative and ' must be concerned with the economics -- the total cost of operation of ow school system., We believe that after you consider the implications of thisac- tion, you .will agree with us that it would be a most inappropriate time to dissolve our school. Many of our young people who gradated from Ste. Marie are teaching French, others,find it a real asset working in industry, dealing nationally and in- ternationally." •••••••••••••••••••••8••••88••••••8•••••••••• • • • • • • • b ' Lv 0 .1/1141******** *•••••••••••••••• cut from Canada grade A beef Ib., 49 blade • steaks • McCain fancy frozen • straight or crinkle cut supe. • 2 lb. ban • • • • • • • FoRK RIBLETS F• HALMTEAK $ 1 HAMSTEAKS . LB. • STORE PACKED Hospital to get new Resusci-Anne Board members at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital on Monday evening approved a list of items to be purchased for the hospital, representing a total expenditure of $14,000. That's only part of a much longer list of needs requested by the various departments at the local hospital. Among those items approved Monday evening' was a Resusci-Anne for $460. This is a training device for persons learning how to resuscitate5patients who are suffering severe cardiovascular and breathing difficulties. It was learned the ambulance crew based at AM&G is voluntarily training hospital staff for this necessary lifesaving function. While the ambulance staff does have 'a Resusci-Anne at -the hospital, it is felt the hospital staff could benefit 'from' owning one which could be available for practice at any time staff can spend a few minutes maintaining their skills. It was termed "money 'well spent" by hospital administrator Elmer Taylor. He explained that in the past, the hospital has borrowed similar equipment from other area hospitals, but this has proved 'quite un- satisfactory. Dr. James Rourke commended the am- bulance crew and the hospital staff for their continued interest in this vital function. He said it is a "really worthwhile program" with staff becoming more and.more proficient all the time in dealing with some critically ill emergency patients. hotildThan age limit on board Hospital board member Bob Dempsey touched off an interesting.disctlssion'at Monday evening's regular May meetifg of the board at Alexandra Marine and General, Hospital by Asking why there is an age limitation on board members.. Dempsey said that since the board now is experiencing some difficulty in attracting new hoard members, he wondered if the age limit of 70 years was necessary. Long-time board members said the age limit was imposed a few years ago when it became evident that some board members had lost the capacity to think clearly. It was felt at that time it was a reasonable solution to a delicate problem. Dempsey said he could sympathize with the board's position, but felt that many excellent board members could be found among the age group of 70 and up. He suggested, that board members might have to "bite the bullet" in those rare cases when board members would remain past their most productive years. Dr. Michael Conlon called it "an in- fringement of human rights" to discriminate because of age. He pointed out that one doesn't have to be 65 or older to be found incompetent. Elmer Taylor, administrator of AM&G, warned that there may very soon be no choice in the matter.. He felt it will eventually be illegal to deny board membership to an adult person of any age. The constitution committee was charged with the responsibility of reviewing this bylaw, and bringing a recommendation to the board for discussion and decision. STORE PACKED RINDLESS BACON 994.. •••••••• -'�� • assorted jelly `po ers • • Jell -0 85 gram pkg. ■ 69. O WIENE` S SMOKED PICNIC STYLE 984 LB. * PORK SHOULDERS. 0• 9e. $1 79 :CROSS RIB ROASTS . LB. Maxwell House' • instant 10 oz. • coffee jar • • Kraft .miracle whi p • 1 litre jar • • • • • • • • WM Pk" OmUU cut from Canada grade A beef chuck short rib roast Ib. LAUNDRY DETERGENT 12 LITRE BOX 6.49 TIDE PREMIUM 500 GR. $ RINDLESS BACON• SUGAR PLUM'/, BONE IN .28 PKG. SMOKED HAM x.1.8 8 SMALL LINK STORE PACK • SAUSAGE 99c L8. • • • • • • • • 5 9 MAPLE LEAF CANNED HAM 1'/ LB. TIN 2 9 • Concord grape • Welchade drink • 48 fl oz tin ■ 9 assorted Kam lunch meat 12 oz. tin STORE SLICED COOKED HAM $ .1® 9 8 0.: 175 GRAM SWIFT'S =VEIN SAUSAGE $1 .188 • topping mix • Dream.-.t±8.gram• hip . pkg. .69 flaked white • Albacore • •• Cloverleaf tuna: 6.5 oz. tin LOU1 _Leaver sliced mushrooms 3 • • • • • • • • 10 III• oz tin ■99• • assorted Del Monte • fruit cups x5o'139 rill ; ■ Maple Leaf tenderflake lard 1 l Bick's pkg ■79 cubit relish • 12 oz• jar .59 APPLE lUICEFL.OZ.S9 '6656. FOOD 4FOR $1 . milk shakesjii1eCt 9 s • F •-E E 7 /4 OZ. PKG. SAVE 36` WITH RED 8 WHITE COUPON SUNSPUN MACARONI & CHEESE DINNER • :110N e FROZEN • DINNERS • 11',, OZ. • CHICKEN. TURKEY - BEEF .35 • PRIMO • SPAGHETTI SAUCE • 28 FL. OZ. 89' • BOX PLANTS • • 95(1 .49 oz tin redeemed on SUNSPUN MACARONI & CHEESE DINNER WITH A $10.00 GROCERY PURCHASE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES AND TOBACCO. PRODUCE OF ONTARIO FANCY GRADE c/a 3 LB. 1 4 9 MAC1 N?_OSH_APPLE.S---BAG• PRODUCE OF U.S.A. NO. 1 GRADE /� HEAD LETTUCE `F SNOW WHITE MUSHROOMS 1 .59.. PRODUCE OF U.S.A. NO. 1 GRADE CELERY STALKS 594 SUNKIST ORANGES $1 .3 9 DOZ. P PSI 2FOR COLA 85C PLUS DEPOSIT 750 ML. VACHON CHERRY PIE FILLER s $1.39 • 19 FL. OZ. • A BOX • •••• • • • I 4 S • • • •••••" 79 4 CHASE & SAN BORN COFFEE S299 • 1 LB. BAG LIMITED RED & WHITE FOODMASTER 91 VICTORIA ST. GODERICH All prices in effect from Monday, May 26 until closing time, 10 p.m. Saturday, May 31, 1980 or while quantities last. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. CLUBHOUSE • STUFFED MANZANILLA OLIVES $' 39 s • • 8 OZ. This week s prize - Philips 10 -Cup Automatic Filter Coffee Maker. Features Dial -A -Brew selector for strong. medium or light coffee to suit your taste K warm tray holds coffee at serving temperature (Approximate retail value - $49 95) Be sure you enter by 5 00 p m . Saturday May 31 NAME ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE TELEPHONE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .POSTAL CODE • • • • • • • • • TI1L1O ,M. OPEN SUNDAYS 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M.: © TILL 10 P.M. O 00••••••••0000000•00000•••••••••••••••••••• ',a