Exeter Times, 1913-7-17, Page 3• TWO WORKERS It was the nearest approach to a nickname that was even remotely suitable for the two old-world ladies who, years ago, had drifted to the factory to earn their living, In slaito of a total lack of "uppish- Bes.s" on the part, eitiaer of them, it was firmly believed that both had seen better days. And as neither of the old dears objected to their "clammes, the names on the pay - et, were in time forgotteP:. k`1, -Ys n Answers, strong friendship existed be- tween the two, The Y lodged in the s me street. Such mild amuse- ments as they indulged ix • were taken in common. And it was on a , pleasure jaunt to Richmond Park that Miss Dot caught her foot in rabbit. hole and fell heavily injur- ing the knee. For an hour she lay in agenj,,, ie Miss Dash returned to th o fetch a cab. Aledieal exa- ninatkm &hewed tIA4t MisS Dot would be- a +cripple for the rest of her life. She wenk1 have to resign r e1oyient, trangoly citoug,h Miss ,Das F•eeMed to feel the blon- more tha her friend. Every evening after working hours she weithl burry to the invalid's lodgings with the deut hie purpose of attempting to olicer p and discover at plimis she bad mai.1,0 fa' the future. Bat alim, Dot, was. extrernelY ret cents An4. the old-world dtf h each Preserved, even in their $ with one another, Pre- Daskfrom inquiring— ping When Atriable Se any longer, utly bow she Superstitions of the Orient ..11 1.1,111111 I 111 Among pastern nations the, uni- versal craving for the supernatural finds its expression in a holier which, if not of the loftiest kind, is not devoid of a certain picturesque- ness. in most of their religions we find the two principles of good and evil. Though we seldom hear of the good influence, uo donbt it has its share in the -workings of creation. The evil spirit faith is found in one form or another along the entire eoast of•Asia. To the mind of the Oriental the air is peopled with - beings more powerful than he is, and he seeks to guard himself against their at- tacks. The rule of reason gives way - to the phantasms of fear, and au- perstazon supplants religion. To aTY ehAing of a PurPle color lest these Orientals the evil spirits are their marriage be -soon dissolved, the personification of ill -luck. They PlarPle 'being a color most liable t -o aro forever roaming about seeking fade. If the clip of medicine is lAre- 0...,..closer intimacy with humanity* t, by accident during the illness of They people,. the air, they haunt the Person it is the sure Sign 5ef hi side and in the unguarded free- r"oVerY, This loom as if the Ja- of the domestic circle they be- Panese bad faith in our proverb, Qrne capable of infiuite harm. "'Throw- PhYsio to the 1:16gs The fresh air is not favorablc, There are some curious ideas in to their workings. In the impare regard to the finger nails, noy atmosphere ot a. room are they ,5't 00t be, et before 0tasrting en most. dangrous. Having effected a' 1,011131,e7, 'lest disgrace fags `anon . world, has wife and &Wren had the. grave, are ,conamen, to human - long einee Paeseel mad his ity. The ,p&s ssionwhich thrill the name was but a memory in. the terMOut of huraart souls are as household. What, seemed but a tense ‘rara•waY heathen Jenalfaa moment in reality was a hundred in those lands which beast higher years. Itis 'rather curious that the civilization, - Rp Van Winkle myth should -find Corea, -v., land of the chosen," its parallel in distant C,orea. . "the land of the morning ealm„" The household, superstitions Of as it is called, is full of strange Japan are very numerous. Every Superstitions which box° peopled section has them; they are many or the realm of faney, with numerous rare, according ,to -the degree of in- good and; evil spirits, such as spirits telligence possessed by the people, of the harvest, the spirit of the They are harmless, often exciting morning star, the k.,,elestials, cte. laughter, yet so entrenched are Of particular significance is the they in tbe household that' religion, worship of the tiger, long believed argument, even ridicule,, cannot to be a divine. beast, and often re - destroy them., Some of these su- presented on the national flag as perstitions have a moral or eduea- having wings like a dragon, tional purpose, ine`ulca,ting 'lessons The Karens Burma make 82,0, of benevolence, neatness, habits or rifices to the earth and build a. eleanline.ss, small house, two or three feet high. A, Morn is never swept iminesli- Some fowls are saorificed by eut- ately the departure of the in- ting off their beads and the feathers mate for fear of sweeping, out the are daubed on the posts of t luck. At a marriage ceremony nei- house to keep off the evil spirits. ther the bride nor the groom wears Arid not alone Japan, Mina, and Corea are to be found all sorts of MAperstitionS, but eaoh of the is- lands off their coast in the Pacific and even in the more enlightened ngUshsettlements of Australia and New South Wales, but in the latter countries the beliefs take Ore Pr a. human torn and many of the superstitions of European MAP - tries prevail, entranoe they proceed to attack the person at his destination. ZeL diriduaa, tuese evil vivits ther should they be,:elit at Tti „e 6.nonossto in gaining access to lest eat'S Claws shoitld grow out Childreu who throw the parings of hense the Coreans believe he vateits is Their 3terey. thiesonzaniels irnetoa, tha,elafire' a,re in danger -440, 5ngelli"s` 13'f'' :1141114 f6C.' 1'4: the tfi5r:e whde the are made If a. piece keep them oitt. son ffeeted, thouttir, them the verseu fe aqine Cerreana be- will die, g on the roofs a tho Trow. _ a Da. ung „ of figures, 'Odell to * 1 to dire Aram budder. 'Don't yot think, Dash, rie smugly, "that iu i1 .eetieos it WOUlti really b %sable if --Lf yeti—or perhaps to write to your nuelei" amintal" And the lok of that, aoeompanied the ma.'n kept Miss Dash from visits ter Tor nearly a week. to end of that time she again abeth," she said firoilY, sb tome and live 'with tao, e take a tiny flat in poo table neighborhood." Aftoe nrotbozr lock a futile, pro-. tests and ¥iss Dash seeded in acceptanec of her of - r a mouth or more Miss insisted upon paying her share mil- •expenses out of the tiny renmant of hcr savings. "Araminta,': she said one don "my money is nearly exhausted, BO I have been thinking that I might perhaps be able to make a little by means of fancy -work," "Of course, rny dear,"replied Mies Dash. The materials were purehased, and Miss Dot Set to work making edd little fancy mats that were in fashion forty years ago. The deal - did not actually tell her that she was wasting her time. But, 'without exception, they deelined to purehase. Miss 1/et took her failure, heav- ily, All her life she bad struggled to be independent. And the thought that she as a burden to her friend preyed upon her mind. Ib made her ilI, so that she was physically unable to carry out her resolve to go to the workhouse. "Elizabeth," said Miss Dash one day, "I have 'found a dealer -who would be likely to buy your work. But I think it would be advisable to interview him in person. Will yon give me some of the mats to take to him 7" couple a hours later Miss Dash returned. . "As I thought 1" she exclaimed, triumphantly, laying a few.,shillings before her friend.., Lite took on a new aspect for - Miss Dot. Every week "the deal- er" bought juSt enough to enable her to pay her share of their ex- pensea. She seemed to groW younger. She was positively happy. The mats aft,,, ."dolive„red.''. every Saturday, 4 ad every 'Saturday at certain time you will find Miss. Dash leaning over -the parapet at a secluded corner of the Embank- ment. When she quite sure that no one is looking, sho s hii.;s. drops a package into the, rushing wlaters ..11 NAVIAL4T1 OOP rotesque would be to 1 1. Percival Lowell eve an eggshelt she will go inad flrsb thing.n to oatch r Wm become dull yo stood a W iSt0114 it will break. front of slt set his hair op fire royaA building% would b w of bronze figures, sqnattiug WLUgo mad: Children are told ley tell a be an oni (imp) will file. "Your first 04114 t a pack of aisettiev- pull tt their tongue. no whole - V he stet of sliding downsorno terror of "the ont, standing procession is headed readY to run away with his tongue Dominion" N tes. dent a, E. Togo, Ontaro Provincial Polk", r s an amusing incident, of his ex- Perienees in passing Oanadian 11101ley in the Illinois metropolis, It was about the tinle when b was desnatehod to Vbicage to file the rodition papers in the ease of Beattie Nesbitt, Be sought to his hotel. bill with Oanad"Mn nk currency, but was informed a five per cent. discemat would charged On all bills, with, the ex. tion of the "Dominion oite and wo.dollar notes. Mr. Rogers had tendered the amouot of his account in Bank of Counneree bills. Some- what exaserated, he began to thumb over his "roll," The elork beneath. But , Dash is happy, too. They ,are little acts. like this which, make for happiness. Some people have . a way of say- ing thingi, to 'hurt -the ,feelingsaf other's just as if :they, w.ere getting pay for it, , "Well, -George and 'dladysare ,to . . be iriarried next week ,and we'll, have,' to' glop .thetti2,a esen.,,,,Wlig,t... will 1t..ho ' azi4.11I1hJL11 aperia V.' --.. , ,. sdeep as'you . iiistliings.`,..that, Ina. It inma1 thOA lookslika n. Toon has caused many a Japanese youth! key atid isUed aamokong, seated tont0,111- truth. on his with his aru oxaosts are very popular and are akimbo, as ere importirontl not limited to apparitions of human quizzing tho passersby from his safe beings. The she badger and the fox outage ground. Behind him it a low to return to their former tro• suggestive ol a pig, Rather ,haunts. Foxes play practical jokes oro stoi<i and indifferent than the of evely description. They fellow aid also, it possible, uglier. their victims, who are usually men; xi him another pig, and so while the badger follows girls in the y go .traVellitig Alp the ridge. guise of a handsomeyouth. Ghosts Between the virtsions and the re mise4 in various ways. The dons is a third elass of spirits that most Ponular is to Put in tho widen aro neutral, ney inhabit the the lantern burned at night in earth and are very inoffensive, every Japanese sleeping -room) 100 They frequent all sorts of places, rush lights* repeating an ineanta- but prefer the mountains. Tho tion of 100 lines, At the end of Coreans have a legend in which one milt lino.ono of the rush lights i of these spirits beguiles a limn to removed until only one remains. the summit of a mountain, whoro The ghost seortakes this one into a he finds four eid men engaged in dark rOonl and blows it out, when pitlyillg the game of gobang. They tile ghost should appear. The Ja," are seated in a circle, the gobang in pancso have a, horror of the dark. their midst, while around thorn on the grass lay flagons of sul. As the man approaches, the play- ers bow with civility, offering him eup of sul, width he drinks, Tarrying but a short tittle to look at the game, he starts to descend the mountain. Mindful of his wife and children, he hurries towards home, arriving in safety before sunset. On Entering Ms Own Abode be is surprised to find it occupied by people he had never seenbefore, who look uperChim as an intruder. Questioning the inmates of the house he learns that the present incumbent was his grandson.. The wanderer had ,returned to another A Sweet, Crisp, 'Delicious "Bite.To Eat" Post as -ties Dainty hits of pearly mikite corn, perfectly cooked and toasted to delicate "brown." Usually ea*en direct from package with cream nini su gar. - Or, sprinkle Toasties over a saucer of fresh berries—thou 01 the oreani antl sugar—a dish renieml)er, , OAS .4014 are sol where. nes,s; they always keep 4it light burning to ward of the ghosts. The junkmen believe in a ghost who comes to them and politely asks to borrow a, dipper. The an- swer detides the tate of the junk- men. If a dipper With a bottom is bestowed he uses it to bail water enough to SIVtlall3 the junk, but if the bottom can be knocked out and thrown at him he disappears. In this last ease the act must be ac- companied by an incantation or the ghost turns into a sea kappa—a many -clawed monster — who will drag the. junk to the bottom. The strange superstition exists, founded ti`lion the belief of the Ka,mi, visiting vengeainee upon those who destroy their trees or for whom they are desecrated, called the '‘Ushi toki • which means literally, "Go to the shrine at the hour .4:)f the ox." Thelapanese are a gentle, sensi- tive race, -very much under the in- fluence of their emotions. Love with them is a serious matter, Often One of Life or Death. Disappointment in love or deser- tion frequently ends in suicide. Sometimes' the girl becoines, an avenger and implores the gods to curse or visit with death the de, stroyer of her peace. She Makes a straw image to representher re- creant lover, and at the Ushi toki (hour- ,of the ox -2 o'clock in the morniig) s a goes to the, ;Jaime of her family- deity. Clad in white, 1105 lisir dishev-, eled, her eyes flas-hing n. ass ion, in her right hand the Straw image, in her left a hammer, het- girdle stuck with nails, slac roaches the €3aerCd tree which is encircled by a garland' of rice straw, To its trunk- sho fas- tens- the straw imago. On her knees" she prays the. yds savo their trees to iniputo,the "guilt of its de 14,0.1'ittion to her:be traye-r and to 1 with LI- V1F1,, 111n 3res VOA- - gcanee. „this visit as repe,ated nightly until her victim' dies. inspe,etor Rogers. watehed him meanwhile., "Wo will take those -without dis- count," heobserved, pointing to a five -dollar Dominion Bank bill. Mr. Rogers smiled, paid his ac- count in Dominion Bank bills, se- cured his receipt, and then had his revenge by pointing out the'ridieu- lous ignorance of the wise aeeoun- tent of the metaropolitan hostelry. SUMMER HEAT HARD ON BABY No season of the year is so dan- rrerous to the alf.e. ot little. ones as . . is the summer. Tho exces.slve heat throws the little' stomach ,out of order so quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand the baby may be beyond all human help before the mother realizes he` is ill. Suranior is the season -when diarrhoea, chol- era infaattum, dysentery and colic are anost prevalent. Any one of these troublec may prove deadly if not promptly treated. During the summer the mother's best friend is Ba -by' S Own Tablets. They regu- late the bowels, sweeten the stom- ach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets are sold by Medicine deal- ers or at 25 cents a, box from The Dr. Williams' Medic:um. Co., Brock- ville, Ont. lIely Lake Is Refilling. A quaint legend attaches to the tract of land about 15 acres in ex- tent which has subsided in West- phalia, GorMany, .,Aecording to the old tale a 'convent stood on this wooded heabh some centuries ,a,v, and one night this building was suddenly swa owe( up an a subsidonee, which was followed by the formatiOn of a lake, to which was given the name of the Holy Lake, draduall) the waters dried up and fin ably disapp ear ed, but even when,. the lake no longer ex- isted uhe ground &till bore the name These trees, stitd...ted Nt.-101-1 nsbils, of the. Holy 1..4-ake. Nrow..•tile lake „ • the Only imperihlia.ble .part of 1.4115 h" r.cappoared act of ve.ii,goati.ce--are to be, found ab I over tile -meirtor.ittls , • • "Wh ; a vour 5A49::!14.0, rota._ term4x:_ s ,anci n",pei',Atanee . a fly,. he , • . brI-' Wife ar, ftrigel Coward, -- a earth thinto wear" ' inat sterper. PIMPLES :SPREAD' FROM ARMS TO WHOLE BODY Also on Face. Began to Ooze Water— like Matter, Torture of Itchiness* Pimples Festered and Enlarged, Cured In Two WeeksvTbanks to Cuticura Soap and Ointment, Mt. Elgin, Ind, Institute, 'Afuneey. On- trio.—"I suffered from skin, trouble for tWO months before taVing Cuticura 'Remedies, The trouble started front Itchiness on the back of the hands. When Irritated, this itchiness turned to pimples. These pimples soon began to spread up the arms, from the arms to my wholebody. They also came up on the face- Haying spread over my body they bemme irri- tated by my clothing. They be.,,mn to 047.41 water -like matter. Then began an almost WI ling torture of t„chniess, Wb en I scratched Seemed to sealP the /pimples and Imam there extrerooly sore, 'They festered ma maw -sods thea they openat and left sore spots. Tbeso spots became scabbed arid awl) beyond expression, sent for a sample of Cutlet= Soap and Ointment 2zcb1 received quicker thaa I expected, I was much relieved at the larsP a0/21reation- 1Continued applying to Cutieura Jteinedies or two straight weeks, wa0. coggpletaly gland. tlanka to Ontioura Soap and Ointment," (Signed) John ,Tainteten, Mar. 0, 1012, Cut Initra Soap and 0 aticura Ointment are oak' throughout the world. f3end to rinser 13, 44 C. Corp, Dept. MD. Ceston, for free earalde or ceoh with 82 -page book. WREN LID DOG BITBS IO Ifere Are a Few SIiupl Bules On liThot to Do. If you sbould be bitten by a dog of ra,bies, don't get but act promptly. , " icy apply a tourniquet weund. No tourniquet 4 Pve being a rid, use a handkerchief or neektie, twisting it tightly with The poison should -then ho sacked out and the wound cauterized as soon as possiblo. If it is believed thoodog was mad the Pasteur treat- ment should be resorted -to. Only two-tenths of one per cent, of those who take this treatment develop hydrophobia. Although .tho germ Of rabies has noh beext demonstrated, it is gen erialy conceded the disease has a speeifie germ, R.abies never occurs in tho human spontaneously, but always by inoeulation. It is also moderately well demonstrated that, dogs and other animals Bkcsvise contraet the disease through inecu- tion. Many more male than fe- male dogs go mad. The reason given for This is that male dogs fight among themselves, but 4 male seldom bites a female, The pro- portion is seven mad males to one mad female, Contrary to popular belief, rabies is more common in a temperate zone than in the troples or the Arctic regions, and in spring and fall than in summer and winter. The ordy sure preventive thus far fonntl for rabies is througla muz- zling, which is another proof that the disease has its originin inocu- lation. There is a disease called lysso- phobia, which elosely resembles hydrophobia, and is brought an by nervous dread. It has been. con- tended by s-onie that there is really no differenee between these dis- eases, and that hydrophobia is imaginary. This claim is refuted by the fact that aninial,s and very young children, knowing neither imagination, dread nor fear, do succumb to a disease exhibiting the unmistakable symptoms of hydro- phobia. • These symptoms are, first, a fear of water, from which the disease derives its mune; then the muscles' stiffen ancloan attempt -to drink wa- ter brings on oonvulsions; next the mere sight of water is suffieient to bring on a recurrence of the COD- vu1ei•ou5 fever sets in and death en- Stlea in about a week, generally from exhaustion. There is no known remedy for rabies, though opiates are freely used to alleviate the pain. Minard's Linintent Cures °argot' In cows. Man 1Vaitteil.. "Father," said little Ruth, ap- pealingly, ''why don't you stay at home to work as other little girls' f at hers do 7' Fatltel", Who, as the blisi,less man- ager of a great corpolation, has to travel extensively, slniled tat his little daughter, "I'd love to, he answered, "but you f,ce I have to earn a lot of money to take care of my little girl and her motile r,, ,and getenough work to (to liero at home.''(0 father," cried Ruth, reprov- ingty, believe ou'ye ever tried hard enough Why, I have lots 'tta:1:11i.$s11`g)Nt,11‘ r,r IhN one over in front of our grocery - t ' ' The ancients believe4 that e '"`crlclli—but JAI 3 10 'ag4;;kliexe;d1331-0 r TALE OF DUAI,1 PERSONA...14n Mau Who Lost Ifituself and Wa Found Three Thnes. A remarkable story of a.duel per sonality is told by t.lio famous brain specialist, Sir George Savage, the Practitioner. A man who had passed a brilliant school and university career enter- ed the government service. Ile 'started for the East in good health, Ibut on the voyage he was lost at Port Said, and as nothing was heard of him for months he was supposed to have been. After many months his friends beard that he was in a state of des- titution far from where hehad landed, Ho oould give no account of his conduct or his experiences, Re returned to England, and after eareful nursing and rest he was ready and willing to work. He had lest his government appointment, but family interest, got bira a pri- vate secretaryship in the colonies, where he rapidly showed his abil- ity, and WAS valued highly, Suddenly he was lost again, an was absent for many months before he was disoovered in poverty an distress in another quarter of the world. A second period of rest re stored him, and once more he start- ed to make his way. This time ise started a ranoh, and with a bailiff, mado'it a great suceess; till once more he was lost, and turned up 1LAN BE A BARBER. I TEAM ak'and ill in another part of the Q11 StIltrAlY cheApiY, snerenztly *nut world, row% toot4 no) g.IfY0 7cou setusi, Oben exaerisniee, writo, tor treo '`It was then," Sir George Sav- loans, skoer ocuoge, 214 Queen St. Et. age says, "that 1 waS 001:1Su1ted, Tc4r°11`."' and 1 was to see him on his return to England. 1 next heard -that he had been plaeed in an asylum. The doctor who eonsulted roe died, and 1 -never heard the sequel." The ef3ey vrey, ming- dish ready to .se,-ve. Delidoesly cooked sad ecouotnicel. —lusist FOR sit.e. DAWSON. riMotY Colborno 5 (Trento.. T.,11 ann. Panne Fome snaps - an A aol wl nrspn Anil tr44 Toronto, 71 ,or tevrot.. Toronto. DAWiP1144 COlh aiAl•••4 P EN WANTED Very Quarrelsome e Ithor Nal:Atli of Um parilee aro -both were unhapPY till 1 remedied by Petnant'a Cora Any corn gees oat or baelnese if "Toinonf'o" is apPlicd-try all denlere. IRI Toes EN WANTED CoMPa PT. r 1.1.113S. d Needless Expense. "rather," asked the girl who og to marry a poor mai you think 1 ought to tako 10 %toehold oconomies Tbey ler a lovely one at college for t hundred dollars." 1eOeiV4 0 c Ilia /a •Ztt d time °air. (70 Prat-a:due, 14 0 A 'T,1110 and; eater n1110 7 Ocr uorue before too late., Pr, .Tie late Itti, cal is-siestsrsspss:sss,. arya 414010 after (JC4th' fskiti/ALL 11.1./w,405Buci .1•0•11•1.••••...•=1•11.1/1•0111• ",No," replied pater grimly, BLUE FLAME" "You will get one for nothing after you aro married." Digby, N.B. llimard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentleaneno-Latt .kuguat my horike lyre badly (Mt In 'eleven. pineef, by a barbed wire fonee. Three of the euta vomall ones). healed soon, bin the others became foul and rotten, and though tried many kinds of medicine they had no beneficial result. At last n doctor advised me to use NI:NARDI; LININENT and in tour week& time every sere was healed and tho hair was grown over imeh one in sine condition. ',rho Liniment is certainly wonderful in its worIcing. .7011.N R. BOLDEN% Witness, Perry Baker. Some Reasons For Boasting. "What's he bragging about now?" "Something somebody else has just done that be could have done so unich better." Try Murirte Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart --Soothes Eye Pairt. Druggists Sell Murlue Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25e, 50o. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25e, 50c. Eye Books Freo by Mail. Pari Eye Toole Coed for All Eyes that tfeecl Care Marino Zye Remedy Co,. ChlOago IT tiwelen me Cal ler. "Opportunity really knocks at many a door." "Then why don't more of Us suc- ceed better?" "The trouble is that opportunity wants us to go to work." Minard's Liniment Cures Olphtherla. Sir Walter Seott's Faith, In Sir Walter Scott's diary for 1827 there is this passage. Amid his terrible reisfortune, whorl he ac-, tually c•onteniplated taking refuge in the Isle of Man or in the sanc- tuary of Efol-yrood escape relent- leSS Creditors, he wrote :—"But I will not. let this unman me. Our hope, heavenly , and earthly, is poorly anchored if the r_wtbleparts upon the stream. I believe in God, who can chane evil into gond, 'a.1.1C1 SPECIAL To lower nr tock by July ur etteekt4cin fer these exoalient Plugs at $2 Per Set of Four "BLUE 'FLAMES" give perfect igni- tion and will give a hotter spark than any plug at this prise. RUSSELL MOTOR CAR CO., Accessories Dept., WEST TOI‘IONTO INF tU-8(01.,q raficiAtioi4-CO. NIAGARA To THE '8A . . Your Vacation Trip . 'MIME 110 GO Niagara Falls, Toronto, Thou- sand Islands, St. Lawrence • Rapids, Montreal, Ottebec au -Z the Saguenay Itiver—one of nature's most impressive scerile wonders. Low rates Yot tickets including meals and berths. For Infor- mation apply to local tieket agents 00 Hugh D, Paterson, Gen. Agt, Toron- to, Ont., or H. Poster Chaffee, Mout. tral. 'Que. e ' .„ I am emtiAdeut that w -hat befalls us- A 'DistantProSpeet. is always ue ltimat, ly the The touristiv trrenl',,-, 1. .1TA -tile' ern par t af 'Ireland was trying- to ave. some fun at. tile expense of a•' alive of, the country, 'You have a very fine ..here my friend,' ,said ' e ' ' replied tho gi can some t tes s a, long i suppose yon can "1(.3.:8, When iVs clear'?" - "Farther than ,that,", rcplied guide, --without a smile,. afen 1vilt ust while, yosiU toe iho noon'' troin tourist, de 'we vay,,5 e Amer- sk,. Of people Se i31