The Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-05-28, Page 1577 TOW GODERICH SIGNA,LrSTAR, WEDM SPAY, MAY 28, X980 -PAGE 15 Dungannon. area news 18. Services available 18. Services available MOVING - household and office. Complete ' Ontario service. To and from Goderich - Kincardine, Wingham - Lucknow and surrounding areas. Fully insured. Wm. E. Walden Transport, Wingham. Call collect anytime (519) 357- 2050 or 357-3410.-18tf PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & Appliances Services, phone 1-887-9062 or Granger's TV 524-8925.-1- 52x FURNITUREstripping and refinishing. Also caning wicker and reed work. Call 524-7490._78tf MAN WITH TRUCK to do clean-up jobs, trim bran- ches, take brush away, etc. Peter Prevett, 524- 8553.-12tfar 17. Auction sales AIR HAMMER, Backhoe. Cecil Cranston, 529-7691.-1- 52x MID -WESTERN PAVING - driveways, farm lanes, parking lots, repairs. Free estimates. Phone Clinton 482-3733.-13-22 RICK'S ROOFING - We do all roofs plus barnsteel. Free estimates. Call 395- 3488.-21tf DRESSMAKING and HEMMING. Reasonable rates. Call 524-6286.-22x JIM MOSS Whitt/Wattling and Disinfecting To Barns and Buildings Of All Types 529-7650 17. Auction sales eeltzdaae, c54�.1.zo0ez�es �. GODERICH PROPERTIES TO BE AUCTIONED We have been instructed. by the solicitor to offer for sale by Public Auction on June 5 at 6:30 p.m. the following two properties at their location. Selling subject to reasonable reserve. Terms: $500.00 down - balance in 30 days. PROPERTY NO. 1 (6:30) - Approximately six- year-old 2 storey 3 bedroom duplex, featuring privacy yards, full basements, kitchen, dinette and living areas. Now renting $300.00 - mortgage available at 111/2 percent. Lot 1154, Plan 10, Gibbons Street, Goderich. PROPERTY NO. 2 (7:00) - Lot 55, Plan 45, Suncoast Drive, Goderich. 3 bedroom ranch style brick home with large living room, dining room, country kitchen, 3 pc. bath, full basement, side drives,located in an exclusive subdivision. Mortgage available at 12 percent. For further information phone Rathwell and Associates at 527-1458. We have been requested by the proprietors of Suncoast Estates, on Suncoast Drive to offer at the same time an executive split level, • 3 bedroom brick house with large living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 pc. bath, family room, utility room. An excellent family home. We will be offering as well 5 building lots on Suncoast Drive consisting of lots numbers 1, 6, 7, 9, and -10. This is your opportunity to design and build a house on the lot of.your choice. Lot sizes are approximately 70 x 120 including 2 corner lots, all services included. Located on paved street and sidewalks. SUNCOAST PROPERTIES Terms: $200.00 deposit - Balance in 30 days Mortgage assistance available Properties selling subject to minimal reserve For further information or viewing phone Rath - well and Associates at 527-1458. ' e.f( <zde,eGG c.4.1oc AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO .NQ(( 1WO'- (519) 527-1458 77 MAIN ST. elathaeGG r°Y' c .1.1occa�B.1 GODERICH ESTATE AUCTION We have been instructed by the Executors of the Estate of Florence Lauder to sell by Public Auction'all furniture, antiques and, appliances to the highest bidder without reserve. Sale to be held at the Saltford Valley Hall June 11, at 6:00 p.m. Consisting of a fine selection of furniture and antiques including walnut furniture - 9 pc. dining room--suite--witty -spindle-legs -ami--setf-storirrg---- extension table; love seat; 3 pc. bedroom suite including 2 single beds and matching dresser; matching dresser and dressing vanity; oak hall tree; mahogany lady's desk with ball and claw feet; tea wagon; lady's bow back walnut chair; upholstered Jiving room love seat; drop leaf table; parlour tables; serving table; Duncan Phyfe coffee table; matching end tables; double bed with bookcase headboard; 2 pc. living room suite; 2 floral matching platform rockers (new); oak stacking bookcases; blanket box; Windsor chair; needlepoint foot 'stool; trunks; plank bottom chairs; wicker matching chair and rocker; 4 upholstered single chairs; Zenith 19" color TV;.smoke stand; paper racks and many Imore items of interest. APPLIANCES AND MISC. ITEMS: New har- vest gold double door freezer and fridge ;' Inglis 3 cycle automatic washer; McClary automatic dryer; humidifier; dehumidifier; G.E. 30" electric stove; small kitchen appliances; pic- tures and frames; oil and water paintings; - crocks and sealers; brass school bell; brass tea pot; cast iron pieces; Napolean mantel clock; bedding and linens; lawn table with umbrella; crib; violin and case; pots and pans. GLASS, CHINA AND SILVER: Quantity of Sterling silver servers, trays and flatware; ornaments; souvenirs; crystal; ironstone; Nippon; Noritake Canadian glass; colored depression; soup tureen; silver tea service; china pieces; cups and saucers; plus a host' of other items. TERMS: CASH LUNCH AVAILABLE e.�EilLiiieleG/ e., Jr ,JocG;q/e.3 AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1 WO � -y 1519) 527-1458 a 18. Services avlilabie ELECTROLUX CANADA LTD. Sales IL Service -Also- JOB OPENING • Contact AL RILEY 133 LIGHTHOUSE ST. 5244514 WINDOW CLEANING PHONE 524-9626 GODERICH. ANYTIME -FREE ESTIMATES - ENTERTAINING? I can help with: Food Preparation Serving Clean-up *Experienced* Call Anita Shrier at 524-9106 after 6 p.m. C & B BUILDERS "Builders for Today's Building Needs" Carpentry & Cement Work Call ALEX CHISHOLM 529-7714 DOUG BLACKER 524-8147 AFTER 6:00 P.M. 18. Services available 18. "Services available 21. Personal PIANOTUNING • Repairs • Rebuilding • Keys Recovered • Dampp-Chasers BRUCE PULSIFER 348-9223 Mitchell PAINTING MINOR HOME REPAIRS CALL: D. MacDONALD 524-8198 After 6 p.m. DISC JOCKEY STEVENS COUNTRY GOLD A ROCK'N ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, an- niversaries,parties, etc. Phone Brussels evenings 887-6159 DUI JD REK DISC JOCKEYS • Weddings , • Dances • Anniversaries • Parties Wide variety of music for all occasions Call PHIL ABBOTT S24-2894 JOHN WARREN 524-4180 Sid Bruinsra Excavating - - Backhoeing Top soil - Bulldozing - Open Ditches - Septic Tanks - Sewers - Estimatesat no obligations Call: 524-8668 ■ J.A.M. CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED 66 ST. PATRICK ST. GODERICH Custom Building & Renovations 17 - Specialists JIM MORRIS PHONE 524.2916 FREE ESTIMATES ROOFING • Accurate estimates • Guaranteed workmanship • All types of roofing • Removing old shingles and re -sheathing 524-2061 17. Auction sales 17. Auction sales EVENING ESTATE AUCTION SALE Antiques, furniture, appliances, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton for the Estate of Dorothy Mutch of Clinton WED. EVENING JUNE 4 at 6:30 P.M. Nine piece dining room suite; four piece walnut bedroom suite; Admiral 'dual temp square model fridge (like new); small cookstove; captain's chair; pressback rocker; two pressback chairs; two open washstands; hall tree; chesterfield and chair; coffee and end tables; piano stool; upholstered chairs; plant stand; two chicken coop chairs; bull's eye oil lamp; finger oil lamp; old couch; single bed and matching dresser; hump back trunk; double wooden bed; single steel bed; chest of drawers; wooden smoker's stand; half -round table; floor and table lamps; wooden lawn' chairs; Lewyt vacuum cleaner; wall mirrors; handmade quilts; feather pillows; electric sewing machine; chrome table with leaf; food blender; copper boiler; coal skuttle; antique child's sleigh; radio; five piece toilet set; matching pitcher and bowl; Community plate chest of silverware; bedding; linens and blankets; set of Willow pattern dishes; picture frames, corn flower crystal dishes and glassware; pots and pans; misc. items, etc. Plan to attend this good sale. TERMS: CASH Auctioneer: Richard Lobb CLINTON 482-7898 AUCTIONEER OR ESTATE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE ( CARPET .CARE Rugs & Upholstery Professionally Steam Cleaned. Free Estimates Steam Machine Rental '12,00 DAY 524-2440 PIANO TUNING AND PIANO LESSONS CALL DAVE McKEE 524-7774 INTERIOR DESIGNER Having problems choosing colours, paper, paints or flooring? Contact: CAROLYN 524-7004 after six ART'S Landscaping -Nursery and Garden Centre 116 Bennett, Goderich LAWN CARE ROLLING FERTILIZER SPRING BULBS Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR & OUTDOOR GARDENING 524-2645 Paper Hanging and Painting Reasonable Rates Neat, clean work CALL 524-7961 AFTER 5 P.M. Screened . Top -Soil For Lawns, Gardens, Flowor Beds .11.1111 Lyle Montgomery 482-7,644 Phone evenings - APPLIANCE R-EPAiR. Service To All Makes. Authorized Service for , Inglis, Enterprise, Magic Chef, Whirl- pool. CALL 524-7861 HOFFMEYER - APPLIANCE CENTRE Division of HOFFMEYER -PLUMBING-&- -- HEATING LTD. 55 Kingston St., Goderich 19. Notice to creditors All persons having claims against the Estate of CHARLES BEADLE, Retired, late of the Village of Auburn, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 3rd day of November, 1979, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 29th day of May, 1980, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed, DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 30th day of April, 1980. PREST and EGENER Barristers, etc. 33 Montreal Street Goderich, Ontario Solicitors Per the Estate -20-22ar 20. Public notices I WILL not be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife Lynn Karen Leibold as of May 21, 1980. -Kenneth Liebold.-21,22,23x wsznastrMak PREGNANT AND DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect) 432-7197 or 524-2913, 357-1769 or 392-6541.-1-52x WHEELCHAIRS WALKERS The Humanitarian Service Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524- 7217,-2eowx 22. Lost and found LOST - Lady's diamond ring, in Goderich, area of Square or Zehr's. REWARD. Finder please call 529-7548 or. 524-7533.-22 FOUND - Pet rabbit, in vicinity of Elizabeth Street. Owner can identify. Phone 524-9448.-22 24. Business opportunities EXPERIENCED , food person to take complete charge of kitchen and diningroom in established location, on profit-sharing basis. Small capital in- vestment required. Reply to Drawer 11, c -o Clinton News - Record, Box 39, Clinton, NOM 1L0,-22ar Frame Shop For Sale In Goderich Apply to Drawer No. 1, c/o Goderich Signal Star, P.O. Box 220, In- dustrial Park, Goderich. 25. To give away TO GIVE AWAY - One small black Lab Collie pup, two months old, mother good with children. Phone 524- 6318,-22 TO GIVE AWAY Four kittens, litter trained. Phone 524-6380.-22' FOUR part Burmese kittens, litter trained. Phone 524- 8963.-22,23nc 26. Births BLACKSTONE To Bill and Zosia, a daughter, Emma Elizabeth Mary, on April 19th, 1980, in Regina, Saskatchewan, 6 lbs. 14 ozs. A ,little sister for Sarah. Happy grandparents are Mr. and. Mrs. H. C. Blackstone of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs, W. Tomc- zyszyn of Montreal, Quebec. COURTNEY Mike and Joan, R.R.7 Lucknow, are happy to announce [Eeni th of their son, Gregory Thomas, 7 lbs. 2 oz., on Sunday, May 18, 1980, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Third grandchild for Jessie and Ken Chester, Lucknow and 13th for Marcella Courtney, Goderich. HAINS WORTH Jack and Barb (nee Hen- derson) of Kitchener wish to announce the birth of their daughter, Heather Mary, on May 18, 1980. A welcomed sister for Nancy and Cath -Y,"-=-22 ..... McDOUGALL Laura and Allan McDougall of Sudbury wish to announce the birth of their third child, a daughter, Marcie Leigh, born in Sudbury General Hospital on Friday, May 23, 1980. Marcie weighed in at 9 lbs. 6 oz. and is a welcome sister for Angie and Shane. ROURKE Jim and Leslie welcome with joy and love the birth of their first child, Patrick Michael Carl, at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, May 25, 1980, weighing 8 lbs. 131/2 oz. Proud grandparents are Mike and Lee Bertram, of Mississauga, Carl and Mildred Rourke of Park Head. Special thanks to Dr. Walker, also Doctors Thomson, Lambert, Hollingworth and Cauchi, also to the nurses on 2'nd East and O.R.,-22 28. Engagements A R B16tJ R`-`; M ITH Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith, Goderich, Ontario, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their elder daughter, Kimberley Elizabeth to Mr. Kim Arbour, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Arbour of Goderich. The wedding will take place in St. George's Anglican Church, Goderich, on Saturday, June 28th, 1980 at 4 p.m -22 28. Engagements McISAAC-RISING Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rising, R.R.6 Goderich, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Patricia Eleanor, to Mr.. Harold Douglas Mclsaac, son of Mr. and' Mas. Douglas Mclsaac, of Trail, British Columbia. The wedding will take place on Friday, June 13, 1980, at four o'clock, in Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, Ontario. -22x 30. In memoriam BOA In loving memory. of a dear husband, stepfather and grandfather, John J. Boa, who passed away two years ago, May 31st, 1978. One precious to our hearts has gone, The voice we loved is stilled, The place rhade vacant in our, lives, Can never more be filled. Always a thought and many a tear, For one we miss and loved so dear, The sudden way you had to die, We shall always remember and wonder why, No one can know the sorrow we share, When the family meets and you're not there, We hold our tears when we speak your name, But the ache in our heart remains the same. -Always remembered and sadly ' missed by . his wife Margaret, stepchildren Allan Sr. and Bev, daughter- in-law Audrey, grand- children Allan Jr. and Daniel. -22x CRAWFORD In loving memory of a dear husband, father, "grand- father and great grand- father, Stanley Crawford, who passed away 7 years ago, May 31, 1973. We sent a wire to Heaven, To see if Grandpa was there, They said, wait until we check, We have so many of them here. We said if we describe him, For sure you'll know him then, For all the Grandpas in Heaven, There is no one quite like him. Do you have one special person, That makes your tasks seem lighter, And of all the smiles around you, Does his seem a little brighter, Are the hours gay and funny, Do the days seem free from care, If so I know the reason, You have our Grandpa there. -Remembered by wife Sadie, the family, grand- children and great grand- children. -22 HOY In loving memory of a dear husband, father and gran- dfather, Robert Hoy, who passed away May 31, 1977. We do not need a special day, To bring you to our minds, , The days we do not think of you, Are very hard to find. A cluster of wonderful memories, Sprayed with a million tears, Wishing that God could have spared you, Justa few more years. To...love--and-to-eheri-s ; and - never forget. -Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his wife Lizzie and family, Ruth; son- in-law George, Shirley, - Beverley, son-in-law Paul and grandchildren. -22x LAWRENCE In loving memory of Mat- thew William, a dear husband, father and gran- dfather, who passed away May 26, 1970. Ever remembered' and sadly missed by wife Pearl, Phyllis, Jack, Mary and Ron of Owen Sound. -22x 31. Card of thanks BURNS I wish to sincerely thank my family, relatives, friends, Legion Ladies Auxiliary to Branch 109 for all their kindness to me while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks to my dentist, dental surgeon and assistant, nurses and staff on Ward 3. --Elva Burns. -22 GWYN The family of the late Jessie Gwyn wish to thank friends, relatives and Ladies Auxiliary for cards and floral arrangements, during the loss of a dear mother and grandmother. Thanks to Maitland Manor, Rev. Wittick and Tasker Funeral Home. -22 31. Card of thanks SPROUL I wish to thank Doctor M. Cauchi, Doctor James Rourke, nurses and staff in intensive care and on second floor east for their care while in Alexandra Hospital. Thanks also to relatives and friends for visits and treats. -Howard Sprou l. -22x THOMPSON James and Brenda extehd their sincerest thanks to all those who helped in any way with their recent move. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Burkholder for babysitting so oft -en; -tire -girls had a great time, and also for the most delicious casserole. To Betty MacPhee for also keeping the girls, they really enjoyed themselves, mud pies and all. To Darlene Fielder for also keeping the girls, they enjoyed themselves with you also, broken eggs included (sorry Jim). To Joan and Vic Walden for the decorating ideas and the use of your truck - how many times has this been? To Stu and Pat Steenstra for the use of your barn, broken window and all, and baby Neil for staying with someone else while Jim - Bob and "auntie" Brenda painted and painted. To Jim Durst for all your help with the renovations. Hope your other jobs are ' more profitable. It was a lot of work and we couldn't have done it without all of you. God Bless you All. -22 THOMPSON I wish to thank my family, relatives, friends and neigh- bors for the kindness ex- tended to Cora and myself during my hospitalization and since returning home. Thanks also, to the doctors and nurses, the wonder of modern medicine and treatment. -Sincerely, Frank F. Thompson. -22 SOCIAL NEWS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbings. of Clinton on the birth of a 7 lb. 9 oz. daughter, born on Monday, , May 26. Another grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schultz. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Moran have purchased the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith. Marvin and Evelyn are leav- ing for their new home in Chatham at the end of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Moran are now living with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moran, until they can move into their home. Sympathy is extended to the relatives of the late Mrs. Viola (Young) Ryan, who passed away at Huronview on Wednesday, May 21st in her 86th year. She was the wife of the late Reg Ryan, and lived at Nile for many year's. Funeral service was held on Friday with inter- ment in Dungannon Cemet- ery. Sharon Corrigan, daught- er, Tara and'Brian Moffat of Ottawa visited with Mrs. Lil McDonald on the holiday weekend. Mrs. Corrigan is a niece of Mrs. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. John Harris spent the weekend at their summer home on Berry Street. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Rudow (Bertha Jones) of Elmira visited with Mel Jones on Saturday. Cindy, Brindley spent the weekend with her friend, Patti Park. The Park family were all together on Sunday. to help Brad celebrate his 6th birthday. Mr.. and Mrs. Del Cook and Joanne of Holmesville visited on Sunday with Mr. andMrs. Elmer and Cook. and Kevin. Mr. and Mrs. John Durnin Turn to page 16 . Kingsbridge news BY DELORES Van OSCH (Intended for last week] Two students have been hired for the summer at St. Joseph's School. Marianne Boyle is hired under the Ex- perience '80 Program spon- sored by the Ministry of Education. She, -is a project leader who will be surveying Ashfield Township looking at attitudes of the citizens to- wards education, and cultur- al and recreational facilities in the township. Marianne, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Boyle, West Wawanosh, has com- pleted her second year at the University of Guelph study- ing.. human ..biology. She started her new duties on Monday, May 12 and will be attending a leadership orien- tation workshop, May .20, 21 and 22, at Lake Couchiching. Three more students arc to be hired under this program. The second student hired is Joanne Agnew, who will be Playground Supervisor for the Summer Playground which will begin its second summer in July. Joanne, a Sheridan College student, is the daughter oLMr and Mrs., Joe Agnew, Lucknow. This is her second summer employ- ed in this position. At' least one more student will -he hired as her assistant. The entertainment com- mittee of the Kingsbridge Area Seniors' held a meeting . at the home of Mrs. Berna- dine Kinney on Friday, May 16, wth chairman, Don Frayne, presiding. Commit- tee members are Fran Rieg- ling, Pat Howard, and Lillian Simpson. They met to start planning their program. Clarence Doherty will be in charge of bingos to be held in the church hall, Kings- bridge, every second Tues- day evening. Congratulations to Mike and Joan Courtney on the arrival of.,their new son born Sunday, May 18. Gregory Thomas is a new brother for Edward. This Week First Holy Communion was held Sunday at St. .Joseph's Church. Those making their first Commun- ion were Jennifer Dalton (Clete); Rhonda Hogan (Tom); Sara Brophy (George); Brian Redmond (Ambrose); Brenda Van Osch (Joe); Sandra Van Osch (Antone); Jennifer Martin (Ted); Lisa Cote (Ned); and Stephen Tiffin (Bevin). This class was under the guidance of Mrs. Barb Eedy, religion teacher. Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Antone Van Osch and family were Mrs, Yvette Heffernan, Miss Blanche Bilodeau, Waterloo; Jerry Heffernan, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heffernan and Mark, Lucan; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heffernan, Doug, Wayne and Lisa, Es- sex; Mr. and Mrs. John Sheardown, Ricky and Kim- berly, St. Thomas. Several from the area at- tended the wedding recep- tion in Lucknow on Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Collinson, Kintail. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dren- nan attended the wedding in Strathroy on Saturday, May 17 when. Arlene Walters -was married. Arlene is the daughter of Gerald Walters and Mrs. Dorothy Walters of Strathroy. The Walters once lived on the ninth concession on the farm now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Steve Andrew. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin, Melis- sa and Jenny were Shirley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed McDonald, her aunt, Mrs. Gert Watson, her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Al Leckie, Tammy and Tina, all of Sarnia, and Ted's mother, Mrs. Marietta Martin, Kingsbridge. Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Van Osch and family were Thelma's • pare9ts, Mr. and Mrs. John Moyer and brother, Percy of Ayton, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Osch, Lucknow. A- community shower was held in the church hall on Tuesday evening for Chris Battye of Blyth, bride-to-be of Gary Courtney. Chris was assisted in opening her gifts by her sister. Frances and her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth . Battye and Gary's mother, Mrs. Joe Courtney. On Wed- nesday evening Mrs. Joe Courtney attended a com- munity shower in Blyth for Chi is. Floyd Courtney was to London on Wednesday- to the University Hospital where he had one of the casts removed from his leg. He expects to have the other cast remov- ed the beginning of June. Patrick Frayne returned home from St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London on Wednesday. where he had been a patient following an eye injury the previous week. He returns to London this week fot a check up before he is able to return to school. Dave Zyluck has been re- elected president of the Prin- cipal's Association for 1980- 81.