HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-05-21, Page 26, ;EDNNSPA' '.. 4.'' 21 J: ar q^ , These-Rotsrians have travelled from the British Isles to visit District 633 from ,if May 2 to June 13. The men, all professionals in their respective fields, were in and Mike Domii;►,y, Following their visit here, they were headed to the Bruce Nuclear Development and Manitoulin Island among their stops. (Photo by Jason Ainslie) Goderich from May 10 to May 13. They are, from left to right, Geoffrey Cad- man, Kevin Lawler, Dennis Andrewartha, David Roger Perry, Roger Higgins Sig Rotarians visit BY JASON AINSLIE The Goderich Rotary Club recently hosted a team of six British Rotarians traveling throughout District 633 in a program called the Group Study Exchange. The basic plan of the exchange is to expose the visiting team members to as many people as possible and, in doing so, foil the host district to learn about the visiting team's ways of life as well. The tour began May 2 and will continue through to June 13. • In this time the group will travel to Flint, Lansing, Detroit and other points on the American side of the the District as well as Lon- don, Goderich and as far north - as Manitoulin Island on the Canadian • shoreline. Although District 633 has no federal of provincial capitals, it has the advantage of being a truly in- • ternational area, stret- ching . both the, United States and Canada. This lends the English visitors the opportunity to compare the educational systems, judicial systems, welfare agencies and -govern- ments of the two coun- tries with those of their • own. They will also have the opportunity to ob- serve Health programs, Social Services, -Agriculture, Commerce, Industry, Research and Development, Religion and Culture, Recreation, Sports and Amusements. As the group travels from place to place, they individually address each respective Rotary Club. Each man has his own field of interest and each is as varied as the man himself. Geoffrey Cadman is a 28 year old husband and father who lives in Alton, Hampshire. He had previously studied Mechanical Engineering but realized it was not his calling and switched to the Metropolitan Police Cadet Corps in London in 1969. In 1975, he tran- sferred to the Hampshire Constabulary, a rural community where he is the village bobby. Kevin Lawler is a 35 year old Electrical Engineer, , living' in Newport on the Isle of Wight. He is the leader of 1.2 men developing a radar device - used to measure rainfall and wind conditions. Dennis Andrew,axtha is a 33- year old husband and father of two. He lives in the Parish of Fawley Show wagon... from page 4A to appear in a parade in busy, throughout the their town, all they have winter. He says he is to do is call the Centre. always looking for - The Centre recently something different for purchased an old trailer them to do. Every day . from a local farmer. The they work at making residents, under the lawn furniture- and picnic supervision of Mr: Basler • tables, wooden toys and again, rejuvenated it with rocking horses, plant. 12 gallons of blue and. hangers andspoon racks- white paint. It also sports -to name just a few items. the Bluewater Centre Mr. Basler and his crest. It is designed with - assistant, Lyle Brown four staffs in' the front to teach, supervise and do transport the ponies. The the cutting but the back section will carry residents themselves do the show wagon and "about 80 per cent of the racks on the wallwill work." carry the tongue of the "This is just what the wagon and the harness. residents have learned since they came here," says; Mr. -Basler pointing to the various wood products. "It shows you what they can be taught with a little bit of patience." Mr. BasTer says the - woodworking shop is open weekdays from . 8 a.m. to 4;30 p.m. and people can walk right in off the street, and buy things. Also, if people want the new show wagon WMS. M a • e e from page 9A recently at Ewart College with the theme, "Growth". There were 84 delegates from Quebec to British Columbia present and missionaries spoke to them. It was announced that • Miss Lynn Longmuire would be the new educational consultant due to the resignation of Mrs. Munshaw of Lucknow. Mrs. Gordon Kaitting expressed thanks to all who had taken part in the meeting. The offering was received by Mrs. Dorothy Reed and Mrs. Margaret McKenzie and dedicated with prayer by Miss Ida White. The Reverend G. L. Royal pronounced the benediction. Lunch was served by the members of the Arthur Circle. where he works as a Maintenance Engineer on the Fawley Power Station Steam Raising Plant. David Roger Perry is 33 with his Doctorate in Agricultural Biochemistry. Married and with one son, he is now the Biochemical Product Manager with a company marketing a range of biochemical products for analysis and research. 'While in Goderich, Roger spoke to the Rotary Club about new advancements ' in liquid crystal technology in the watchmaking in- dustry. Roger Higgins is married and with two daughters. He is the assistant Bank Manager in a town where the dominant industry is agriculture along with professional and retail trades. Mike Doming is the director of a family business of Heating Engineers in Salisbury and the governor of a girls school. He a 97 year old husband and father of two. After leaving Goderich, the group moved on to the Bruce Nuclear Plant and from there to Owen Sound and Manitoulin Island. "Before we used to looked• like the rag tag army," laughs Mr. Gregg: "We had to take all our equipment to parades piecemael." Not long ago, the people who used to own the platform with four wheels were shown the new show wagon. That's not our wagon," they shook their heads in . amazed disbelief. When the show wagon does make its debut in that first parade, the Centre is sure that it will be second to none. DAY NURSERY REGISTRATION 15 Caledonia Terrace Caledonia Terrace FRIDAY, MAY 30th 10:00 ohm. - 1:30 p.m. For further information: phone 524.7441 or 524:2804 DO NOT MISS THE SOUND OF GODERICH '80 FEATURING: CRAIGELLEN SINGERS TEEN TONES ' HARBOURAIRES LAKETOWN BAND G.D.C.I. AUDITORIUM T'UES., MAY 27, 8:15 P.M. ADMISSION -'2.00 TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR AND FROM MEMBERS OF PARTICIPATING GROUPS. HELP SUPPORT LOCAL TALENT WITH YOUR PRESENCE f e t grlo 10-64 lawn food For new and established lawns, for flowers,; shrubs trees and'' hedges. An all' purpose fertilizer a truly economical price! For Healthy, Weed -Free Lawns... 1.0-6-4. FEED 20 Kg. Bag Feeds your lawn and controls broadleaf weeds. such- as dandelions. 20 kg. bag covers up to 400 square metres. WHITE MARBLE. CHAPS. For,driveways, walks,•flower & shrub bor- ders; around trees, boots 'and patios. Create your own design indoors & out. 20 kg. bag, PINE BARK NUGGETS Pine bark nuggets create • a rich, warm un- dertone for shrubbery and flower beds. Helps to retain moisture. 85 litre bag. 10-6-4 LAWN FOOD Encourage:..the dsxelaptne.nt:.of thicker, 'greener lawns. 20 kg. bag covers up to 400 square metres. And look! It's 'less than,5 dollars! RED. CERAMIC CHIPS Vitri-Stone decorative chips add a dash of color; the perfect --accent for trees, shrubs, pools & patios! 20kg. bag. 102 TOPSOILMIX* Organic peat lawn spred mix: The fast easy way to patch bald spots or seed an entire yard. 20 kg. bag. _ 7' CIL Crab Grass Doctor 98-6.9 rtt' mw wok •sane.,-,,aroIga. • CIL. CRAB GRASS DOCTOR Prevents crab grass and other annual weed grasses. A safe, long lasting lawn' food. 20 kg. bag. C.I.L.1 GOLFGREEN Makes your, lawn a thick, velvety deep green. Con- - centrated for added economy. 20 kg. bag. SPREADERS & UPRIGHTS Container -grown -uprights-and SSpreade1s---- _ _. locally grown, ready to plant. Priced From ±1, STORE HOURS M to 6p nit P M EXETER. THEDFORD. GRAND BEND. WEST LORNE. SOUTHAMPTON AND RIDGETOWN OWEN SOUND. GODERICH. AMHERSTBURG. HARROW. AND KINGSVILLE MON.•FRI 6 A M 5 30 P M .SAT TILL 4 P M WINDSOR EAST MON -THURS 8'A WINDSOR WEST. 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BAG 150 lip BAG Z88 All Prices Shown Are Cash & Carry LOTS OF FREE PARKING 700 Tecumseh w MATTHEWS 700 Tecumseh kd W a1 Craotord.Phone 254-1143 Par, Mae �d fa. wry Road KITCHENER L 589 Fairway Rs d South near the Moll, Phone 893.7901 OWEN SOUND Spnngmounl Corner 1 t Grey Cdllnly Mali Parton / Hwy 21 No th ParkIn Nwy 91Ir KINCARDINE r• On Highway 21 at Sprmgmount Hwy 21 North opposite the Sutton Corner. Phpne 316-3181 Park Inn. Phone 396-3403 ilw`dO�t':'�inw.duan..z',�h""`s'.tt'^yr•aiY.�u""LLnw• I+dt..wG.�3,•;ba'-.' „rr+iy2''u°ura5:'ha5.i0. •