HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-05-21, Page 173• H PHONE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONED! BULLETIN BOARD & FARM SECTION AD DEADLINE...5 P.M. MONDAY BINGO _every Tuesday evening at Vanastra Centre, RR .5, Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card, $1.00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years and aver.—ltfx CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday 8:00 p.m. first regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years-. or over. Fifteen. regular games of $15.00, $5.00 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200.00 must go each week.ltfx AUCTION SALE - St. George's Church, rectory on lawn, June 7 at 1 p.m. Inside if raining. Refreshment booth. -21 Huron County's largest used book sale, proceeds to Blyth Centre for the Arts. Saturday, June 7, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Blyth Memorial Hall. Bake Sale, tours of the new theatre addition all day long. -21 & 23 GODERICH LITTLE THEATRE annual dinner will be held at the Maitland Country Club on Wednesday; June llth. Social hour 6:00 p.m.; dinner 7:00 p.m. $8.00 per person. All membership holders welcome. Please call 529-7226 or 524-9017 before June 4th if you plan to attend. -21 AN IMPORTANT MEETING at MacKay Centre for Seniors at 7:30 p.m. May 28th. Members will vote on the proposed constitution. Program. Lunch. Free admission. For a ride call 529- 6553.-21-22 Hospital Auxiliary Penny Fait prizes now on display. at Morris Draperies, 36 West St., until the draws at 10:00 a.m. June 4th. -21-22 GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May 24, 10 a.m. Corner .of Britannia Rd. E. and Gibbons Street,- Goderich beside °Victoria School. -21 MAMMOTH GARAGE SALE by Maple. Leaf Chapter, IODE, 16 Wellington Street (corner West Street) Saturday, May 31, 1980, 10 a,m. Baked goods, candy, plants, furniture, ap- pliances, books, toys, bedding, linens, knick- knacks. -21,22 Girl Guide Garage Sale, Saturday, May 31st. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., 139 Britannia Rd. West. Dkr... onations 'and con- signment items welcome. Phone 524-6612 or 524- 8938. Proceeds toward trip Fo ..-our Cabana ' to Mexico. -21-22 FESTIVAL SINGLES. DANCE, Friday, May 23rd at the Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing 9:00 to 1:00 a.m. Welcome all singles over 25." No blue jeans please. -21 White Car•n.atio.n Holmcsville is open Monday through Saturday 12-2p.m. ($3.75) and 5-7:30 p.m. ($5.951: Sundays 5-7:30 p.m. for home -cooked buffet. Reservations requested 'Saturday evening.. Licensed under the I, L.R.O. Accept Chargex and Mastercharge. Catering to weddings, banquets and private parties. ties. a 482 9228.—l6tfar Volunteer Association of Bluewater Centre Meeting: May 26, 1:00 p.m. sharp. Picnic and rides at campsite. -21x MONSTER SALE: Garage, auction and bake sale at Ashfield Township Shed. June 14th beginning 10 a.m. Shed open for donations May 31st 10 a.m. -6 p.m. -21-24 Boy Scouts Canada Third Goderich Venturers Car Wash, Saturday,' May 24, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., BP Station, F.ive Points Intersection. Proceeds to go to CJ'81.-21' YARD SALE - carpentry tools, ," kitchenware, clothing, furniture, numerous other items. Corner of Elgin, Montreal and Waterloo Streets. Saturday, May 24th, 10. a.m.-21 The annual meeting of the Huron -Bruce Federal Liberal Association, will be held in the Belmore Community Centre, Monday, May 26, 1980. Social hour 6 p.m., dinner 7:15 p.m. Dinner tickets are $7,.00 each and are availablefrom local Liberal Municipal Chairmen or from the Secretary. Guest speaker will 'be Hon. Martin O'Connell, M.P. for Lambton-Middlesex. At this meeting; delegates to the annual meeting of the Liberal Party of Canada to, be held July 4th, 5th and 6th in Winnipeg, will be elected. The Con- stitution provides that only paid-up meters of the Huron -Bruce Liberal Association shall be entitled to vote. Such memberships must be obtained not less than 72 hours prior to the Annual Meeting. Renewals of previous memberships, however, may be ob- tained up to the time of the opening , of the meeting. Memberships will cost $2.00 each and will be available from Liberal Municipal Chairmen or the Association Secretary. Jack Horan, Secretary, R.R.4, Walton, Ont. Tel.: 345-2829. —21 ar Do come to see the Goderich 'Art Club members' showing of their paintings in the Goderich Public Library during library hours until Saturday, May 31st. -21 RUMMAGE SALE at Knox Presbyterian -- Church, Friday, May 23, 6:30 p.m. under auspices Arthur Circle. -20-21 EUCHRE and BRIDGE G.] PARTY 0 Sponsored by Knights of Columbus, Goderich L 0 ST, PETER'S HALL, GODERICH vo a Friday, May 23 0 I� 0 8:30 p.m. 0 0 LUNCH PROVIDED d 0 '2.50 PER PERSON d 0 TICKETS: G. JACQUES PAT OSBORN ' 0 524-7104 524-7882 or 524-7184 609 9 CLARENCE DOHERTY 00 529.7598 IA ALL CLUBS ARE INVITED TO SUPPORT THIS EVENT 0 0,, ALL NET PROCEEDS TO MACKAY CENTRE FOR SENIORS 0 RI Smneann® .n5n®n®nnuEzzinanurl�mun®��'aVi Do you know? Some species of ear- thworms, found in South America and Australia, measure over seven feet in length. F The average person's heart will beat 103,689 times in a 24-hour period and their blood will travel 168 million miles. CARD PARTY at MacKay Centre on May 31st. Sponsored by IOOF Huron Lodge No. 62. Celebrating 110th bir- thday. Musical program at 7:30 p.m. followed by cards at 8:00 p.m. Draw on hind quarter of beef. Admission 11.00. Everyone welcome. Lunch. -21-22 Smile There's a new curu- put,er hat's almost human. When it makes a mistake, it blames it on another machine. Horse sense is just good stable thinking. Wedding Reception _for Mr. & Mrs. Ray Beach (nee Dianne Osborn) Sat. Moly 31 at Saltford Music by "Free Spirit" 9 • 1 a.m. Friends & Neighbours invited WNLE.'..1 DRIVE-IN THEATRE LTD BEECH ST. CLINTON BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 P.M. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY MAY 23-24-25 American Gigolo IRS. AParamount Picture ADMITTAN CE RESTRICTED 10 PERSONS 1I YEARS OP AGE 04 OVER PLUS 2ND FEATURE 044 � N STOP ? ADMITTANCE RESTRICTED 10 PERSONS le BEMs Of AGE OR OVER I-I"›ct 'u _- 41Qi' it'_'ti - 111 V r?'m'i.iy h4 '�'e:Y:" a3s.'1''',�r�• .^iau"'? 5a,1'ssc''. x Dine With Us Our Food's,' Delicious! Our meth' offers a aide variety of dishe.s...all excellently prepared! GODERICH RESTAURANTSTEAKHOUSE. & 92 WEST 5T. CASH .�_.....BINGO Tues., May 27th St. Joseph's Church Kingsbridge 7:45 p,m. Admission '1.00 ; No children under 16 1, SON D —ON— SOUND DJ ON WO* Norio MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS Audio, Lighting Phone 524-9012 ANYTIME NOW IN GODERICH GODERICH 60gM Restoup � and Tavern tit LICENSED UNDER L.C.B.O. U 'I ...FIELD RD., GODERICH 524-7711 WNAL-STAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY21, 198 A 4.40 Weekend Entertainment FRI. & SAT. MAY 23, 24 THE CA VA L1ERS Treat yourself and your friends....to our Hot Buffet Every Thurs. & Fri. 12 noon - 2 p.m. Come as you are HOURS: MON.-SAT. 11:30 a.m. - 1 a.m. SUN. 11:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. SALTFORD VALLEY i GA HALL FOR RENT ,_:529 42831 COME TO OUR SPAGHETTI FEAST HAPPY 45 th ANNIVERSARY MR, .& MRS. J.A. VELDHUIS (FRIDAY, MAY 23) From: Atze, Ge', Keimpe, Klaske, Douwe, Joanne and the Grandchildren Pc—x f u — - NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK BOX OIFFICE OPENS AT 7:45 SHOWING AT 8:45 • STARTS FRIDAY MAY 23 Don Adams is Maxwell Smart in his first Motion picture T e� A RAGS TO RICHES TO RAGS STORY. Warning: Some dialogue may be unsuitable for Children. Theatres Br. of Ont. IIWY 1 `GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD 4 • r- • PHONE 5249981 GOOERICH ° DRIVERIN THEATRE 5:30 to 7:30 EVERY THURSDAY Bottomless salad bowl, all you can eat of our freshly made Spaghetti & zesty meat sauce. Top it with cheese then sample some hot buttery garlic bread. It's good! And all for only... CHILDREN UNDER 12 ONLY '2.35 $3.99 CoTHE urt A FAMILY RESTAURANT 120 THE SQUARE GODERICH Ph 524.91 1 1 FU(LY LICENSED UNDER THE L L B 0 LAST NIGHT MAY 22 ADMITTANCE RESTRICTED 10 PERSONS II + MS, OI ACI 04 0Vn MAY 23-27 FRI. & SAT. TWO SHOWINGS 7:00 & 9:00 P.M. SUN.-THURS. ONE SHOWING 8:00 P.M. NEXT ATTRACTION PROGAM SUBJECT..T CHAN t E WITH UT NOTICE 0 GODERICH MAJORETTE Annuul5how ot THURSDAY., MAY 22 GDCI West Entrance -- 7:30 P.M. TICKETS AT DOOR: Adults -'1,00 Children- 504 a v FREE 0 SAILBOAT RIDES This Saturday from the new GODERICH SAILING CLUB PAVILION 10 a.m. - 4:00<p.m. Weather Permitting ' WELCOMFJS YOU! Join us far our SUNDAY BUFFET 12:30 TO 2:30 P.M. t'ume. minx with u, Sunday! We've prepared '-pedal Buffet just for you You ,will enjoy sue- Ment 1'riine Roast Beef. Soup, Salads. desserts 11111 Coffee. served i(' you wish in our beautiful L:nrdens All the food & tllnhiance you ran -take. HI. )11111 all for just one very low price! (;other up the whole• family and join us...Sunday! Nur Reservations please phony 524-2191 $1_050 ONLI" o RESERVATIONS REQUESTED Bennliller 11111 Nestled in lienmiller. Ont.. just 7 kilometres east of (i ,derieli nn ' l luron ('aunty Road 1. just off Ilighwac .I111111111L Colonel Sanders' • 1 I $2.15 PER PERSON It's "Do It Yourself" buffet month at Kentucky Fried Chicken. And there's just no better way to wind up sports and community group activities than with a party. Call your nearby Kentucky Fried Chicken Store manager 2 hours ahead. Then pick it up. It's a real feast, with 3 pieces of chicken and generous helpings of salads for everyone. Plus everything you need for serving up a great banquet for 15 people or more. rI. 1.enrhing parked in disposable alto Hunr n•A 6n. em TA,•ad • Ph' Pa,1, r "main 'pork .r•r.I.rrr Bread Iras' • .\ r I r.1,11 i f,d',er Ii. 10 calm keno k. F roll ( ho ken K4 "014 1 ream. Potato 111, '.IAA 'salad \tdrarnn, / 7 '\alad' Handsome %ening Paper '\pons Tablecloth ( ompartmcnt Plates ��f� J T?�•.w 94 ELGIN AVE. GODERICH