HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-7-10, Page 4NERVOUSiDEBILITY,i' ' fr OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will euro you and make a mau of you. UnderItainfiuence the brain becomesactive, the blood purified so that all pimplesoblotcheannd ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong as steel-, so that nervousness,bashfulness anddespondericy disappear; the eyes become bright, the face full and clear, energyreturns tothe bOdy, and the moral, physical and mental ' systems are invigorated; all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system. You feel yourself a man and. know rcuwriage cannot be a failure. Don't let quacks I and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. . \ Vir NO NAMES USED 'WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter E. Summers relates his experience: "I was troubled with Nervous Debility for many years. Ilay it to indiscretion and excesses in youth. I became very despondent and didn't care whether I worked or not. I imagined everybody who looked at me guessed my secret. Imaginative dreams at night weakened me -my back ached, had. pains in the back of my head, bands and feet were cold, tired in the morning, poor appetite, fingers -were shaky, -eyes blurred, haw loose, memory poor, etc. Numbness in the fingers set in:a.nd the doctor told rne he feared paralysis, I took all kinds a medicines and tried many first-class physicians, wore an electric belt for three months, but received little benefit. I I arrant •rataTmmer was induced to consult Drs. Kennedy AFTER TREATMENT 1* - Kennedy, though I had lost all faith in , „, doctors. Like a drowning man I commenc cl +1”, "a l'T 0- .,..- -,TIVir ....ETIIOD Mt ATMENT SIM 1G ' isaved my life. The improvement was like magic -1 could feel the vigor goin • h ' ' the nerves. I was cured mentally and physically. I have sent them many and continue to do so. , CURES GUARANTEED -OR NO PAY ,rlricuroIAaivs NERty?rrr ,psfgt i uaste°gTnAggIIsEAi,se2 1 vocutiarto Men. 1. I CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to ealrwrite for a Question Blank for H01110 Treatment. - ' , ' Rs KENNEDY&KENNEDy , AF1knliSto,';157'n'if- , . EXET.R TIME THuItSpAt JULY. 1�191 i {1r1r4Tr SIR EDINWND DC -L., President LP-XXWER LAIRD JOHN AIRD General itiariager Assistant General Istrtager, CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,500,000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS 'tlie curiciat rate is allowed on All deposits of $1 and Nipwards„ Careful attention, is griveri to every account - Accounts 'inv. welcomed, Accounts may be opened and operated by mall• Accounts may be opened, in the naMeS Of two Or more person, Withdrawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. I Exeter Braneh-G, L WUGII Alanaget :13Taxelor ALSO AT, CRL`DITON, 0444414.-144-444* ' Lanorporeted1s$51 gCOrd,o Progress fer Hve Yeara 1906 tor „4, ItS$SIffVF ICAPITAL . • • • - • , • • • • • • • , • -• UMW e 4.09,9069 $ 000 ctiO 4 ODD OW DXFOSIIS • •• • • zmyrow $0,toun. MANY NSIVES. Round the Clock With a Fostoffite Sorting Clerk and Teleg,raphist. The postoffice; being a Gevernment y Tto PRETTY BY HA.L.F., Real Life Tragediea Sbow Good Looks Are Dangeroiss. Ask a girl what, fairy's gift she would prefer-bealtla wealth, long Farm for Sale 100 acres. rot: oricegeion. Bid steleh the ProaertY Of Phe late, AVE. t. Rtstors Ariak Rouse frame barnsi DR, CS, ROULSKON ra S- rok• Farm for Sale Aeing Lot 2Z Cod, 1 Usboaae cone, tabling 109 acres of choice land, On the. VremieeS le a geod brick dwel- ling. hauee eontaining TOOMS, bard' proeoon.polep oelyng, 4egaend dl.ou „Locoaren ym et rheiinagi s c Aovmh ipeah. inlitne e geoaos cases 0-11-t ori abeh\untyd•reidn shneinwe iii cement flOOr in ,Stabie ?eh° windmill never ailing Well. Fir,St-claSS land and soft water. fEiarn. near Y 11U - unhesitatingly tition oarmat. Hence, in the adrain- plinup for beauty , in gQ°d- 'state of cultivation. 1 1-4 45-x-80 rick stablirig underneath., tia lle istration of ihat large orgFilzation. Looks mean so mueh to a WOMan that la5' ni !Centralia. Pats tuttner' . 4 gnat"' nrrIng N701131°4 the' 'Fa OhO t nds much tisiat astonishes and to ,,aest pope it seems absurd to talk Par"eulazs aPDIY te Mx`. j'esse 134- Nbonti threg, 'aereS ,Lor ScoiJ, „nrchard perplexes the fardinarY business mindi of 'the ,eassihTt fh t a t be u, °°° or Messrs GladmaA k„StatiburY% Farm is Well feneed Illid`Weit un-del'r 1 i y c 01'6 oo a Vty3 an English Exnnan,,,,,.e. tifnj. ' Barristers. Exeter. drained and in, good, ntille Alif reenir Ovid a quarter ,cf, a million of POG- siiaret only the other clay, in a ease en --,,----• Being situated, on Tiondon Mond half „ these are known 'Its- the cordons and bran* trouble to 'AtS posseseor and 1.1.1yO erfur:ftalulrYisteehe:e.r Hilernsr, ta4ele!u4111nanrcstm ealpsEnlx:Yeiorni ple are employed. by the Postmaster- cOnrt, a well-known barrister men - General, and a very large eatiQn a tioned ,ari instancu in which heant,v into "S, 0, and T." daughter was ro exceeding17 loVelY 'tCariteet7,4°Itz:nrt Ilest'erp.:3;initli,P 3. ,ItPal'El' . " , cu4lbr°1'ts title of '''s:Orting lefk' 3nd to her neoole This Was that of a, telegraphist"-eammoriv abbreviated - ` 1" - '' 3, h a Lontion restaurant -eoper, w osa Thinking Caps Rev, -1lohart J, PatterSote PreebY- terian ifillister. organized ,the ;catch My f!al, „movement in Ireland, four Years egos and ik caught AZA -0-,949 ‘tals"? in !that country, pledged not to drink. wbC)hrii°,erhule llaveasst'ihnt;estuirli:(,nt gi)att. mafludettfogrosa. i,c1014'hitiserete4liy. •QrnliTSe“IttiCri°21eteliteed'htuGs/12eceasheoiri One of these people became a irkeigh„ ilia restaurant arld''deeply erunarras. sing both the girl and her father, The end of it was that the young lads* had to be packed off into the direbtor a the Pioneers a Roman. ea tiOltO aelhaerallee organization in country. About two years ago - firm of Iaceland Bays ;that !tile Organization dressmakers in the West Bad tried nowi bus aI 4proxinfate membership+ the experitnent a collecting a number or 200,000. Nearly a third ot tlie a pretty girls and puttingthem in younger 7prests in Ireland are ob, the new dresses in their Window. 111 staine* and ithe rre,portien j,5 ,eveu Plage Ot the lienni 'WAX models- In better. in,Maynooth, thesChief eeneine leee than an hour the street was ary for :training (Priests. tat tho blocked, the pplice had to iitterfens 610, at. „tiXe.sent, studying ,ther 400 are and the nrePrietors Were obliged to 0:,44I'srintle-'ntb,,,loimnoeosrt76ton:dw,te. 1realc,,a,„re The first weel, he came, or example be was observed to be a.ssiduouslY digging his garden all the morning -up till dinner time and everyone was asking whether ...N1r. X was out of 'Next week the tumor went round that Mr. X. had been seen conking home between Ara and sis * the morning, looking pate aria Vern. At once the emielusion 1was:4. efturfairV.41tear, that Mr, X., Wn5 "100$e /Ike Mei\ Fatb`e'r Cullen, saritual he + d t n„ another week he was scan their e a 1.6' dm 4" to emerge from, al- 7 ee-I'W""" PTooee4 PP:*.11Y. kowaf'4.3 "'W"'" There is At least one case on r000rd whertee he did pot, rehar4 !1.11140.4vg-O; of 'beauty being the Means opg f ILbade-'47e 1°1°10'4* '4111?"' 4 husband instead of -winning Me, len At gth the truth come out ----11r„ 5dteorvYrrt:IJ Ihit The rUantt ,Q°ey41-sefr3a.' Ss.L4144 X, wa$-xt, 001thlgtgiglei thaati' emisitelv lovely that 1.015.4s UQWeL „ , la too peSteme04 and „:,tntegtaPh .44 $ ur, he, Au ibqr ,streets. A wealthy in t. LOANS AND INVESTiVENTS - :„1.441.9061 $ISI TOTAL AdSETS-,•- -,••••-. AMASS 4$,231.2% SOntetinteS Aton ili the morning.'axle dAs. a pbotogr4pbc.x, named Tr s 44Wi 44PweVer en.UrA ITOTP. et ftn. ged 40 allowng tO tette her, pnoto, 1i0483Braorliec Con,a7), and Ageot;e -ndents in all e - • , Of VOTIlk aere ever varonE„... Some- t 01 4a r4140, voupg, ,p3444 ten .10 • ei„e er eet. s t times be bad tO "ltvo* all nigb ; 501lle* love with ber. and illey became ent 4, flaws he berm ants' in the afternoon; ga.ed, tirnaear11 1"3.' came to Miss de Frate, end beg4 the principal. Ohio In the World. A Qom! Banking Business Transacted Savings Bank Department At all Wenches. loterest Allow a at Rittbest Qurrent Ttates, leknomdtath dtors. fv.U. 114RDON Manager • Lots of Red Cedar Shingles in Stock • Fresh 131ne Lake Cement mmoi Gates 12et. Long at SIM rat, Long $1,2,7:0 Mt, Loup, a $1,..40 Red Cedar Fence Posts to Oft top end at 15e. 5 to %Et top end ttt, 29c, 5ift.and un top end 25c L rgs Anchor Posts on fiend J.Glatwortlill GRANTON. „ . • Have City OtiOVeilleiiCeS ; ' * 411t4e5" are z.. -.i. Ito Qffezed a considerable sum • S and a 0 o t•*. even more se. especially inlarge pro, v. • it he might he allowed to sell tier 1 i tore postcards, The lie„ seems t?16:4 likeness 011 p ereePt deltver and col/etters• WeratuallY I became quite friendly with Afr. X„ and learned from him A great dead, about his interesting and varied occupation. One day I went to the heed post ce omordert and there he WAS most everythilectng all the, 1405 Ca,. lady, caw -Isolated. and vhen her love In a ietient address the. CroWri Prince of Sweden, made Lite following strong statement, Tfie temPeraace MOVentent is one, of the greatest or otty titnea-a movement ley 3rhicti the, tOOPle Will gain aelf Telia nee ntld self eontrol. The fa i Dim is riotiv,„ ing chic lhan the M4-4...it ronitlete Sible liberatiOn of our Feopki from the' ructiVe effeCta or tho -445i) of alcohol, The nationwhiett! is the first to free itself from }thh iltilirihus effects Pt alcalml Will there by attain a matted advantage Oyer other riatioas in the amicable 'yet intensive ,stroggla for eristoore" when the Nor, 1 OD Dr every 1,000 horn died hefore they reached their first birthrlaY nun1V, trolly. Nov ainCe troey are a Maker teMe, the Tatlei. 15 $9 end 09 per 1,o0o, jp, Parade where the drink, evil still exists. or WRIT 10Ille ti IWO 40 net survive Year. OE the. 2$7,009 horn leSt year SADO were still 590fril r. lay years ago, trepans were a drinking neoP o 2 W ho had been away. on 130talei QU ness, returned, be mi4 the Pietnte.5 every Window. Ile 'Wee Do disgusted that he at once broke A tile enseage-. rent, She sued fer breach it -ere ra. ise, and lost her ease, offiawl load to 1-11/MANE WARFARE4 smartly dressed. actin; as Saving; . - Ranh elegir, Another, day he vos at, Nrtreme hauty 010 * Inventor Has Devieed Var. different -counter. trausactOng money- 45t Ijea°1315:T. 4nd joolorrlAT 1103 - DENT/ST r .. a a e oronto UnivAlsa 1 sitY Office over. Dickson & Carfq ling'S 1,3W Office, CfOsed. \Vedas -pea thxy aft-ernoons. Phone oftioa, ri,4 Residence 5 b. 1. P AA. ASA A A.+ .1 A I •• • A. AAA •Ao r ow A • ..Ar • • A, • A* A. A A A A A A A • A" AA, order and postal -order busidess. A unpleasant. of mon" estin Orttni idled wIthia spAp. cotie turd day he was to be seen sellitit' The trlled* et la"' //ellen. Tall" 15 Tim 'Rod LARbt 419IrCe' " 1 b d jilted girl or her sake, One allerneell a measenger deliv- ered a parcel at Mrs. Taylor'a hrnI5e, AS She opened ite there was a terrifie explosiou ard she fell dying, dread. fully inutilatel. The perpetrator of the crime, a harmless -looking draughtamart, line just confessed on ids deathbed to sending the bomb bee use „Iirs. Taylor rejected his ad. corataittee who have testa it to bo dashed to One Of the numeirons Wart- ay:20'1157 i5 not epaned to tho . 0 3 arum Tho Polnle,so bNwIng ot stamps, ancepYPaparcolo and m 'be - ,,Sh`a.v" levril„c'w Which make th 6)- E ho . t PAq re 'Afin _ ir IR. 0 note 'arms during war titne'i the boreene tween auswerang 4 thOlitaallii alail One +a4/3,4 4 a",r'• "47 6.14Ch. distrlictA XeSM3,51,14e for 410011.44 gome Ion hunting ex- Imotty conundrums MI tlia Insurance rumored to on entIngeo oe InnT, ,slyrte:utr:041:itilsoo.n: tiring the speckle prepared bullet in. Sortie time later 1 bad 'the privilege peditions and the simple operation of Act. tied to 4 ver wealt IT ma° 'IR a grenteat riehlsverlactit4 or the recent. to the bed ot a Mug burgbar. le let of gang througlt the Stift atnaa at At tith Internatioaal Association at him run a •few yards and then go off the local postofilce, aud, beheld. there 'Pollee Chiefs %aid recently in, Wash', bd. raced Olurober. lo What a 1\11$ Mr. X.„. clad in an old coat, stand- logton. it, 11,10, X, Sebastian chief of selenhst hopes for ft medically treated jug to the midst of a huge 1410 Police, of Los Artgeles. tlalifovnia. hidlett with whieh he is experilment. of. heavy and dusty Mail bags which DR, At It TONSMAN 11.0 POP% Ronor Graduate of Toronto 'Efiriva. ersity. • 1)ENTIS% Teeth extracted withont pain. fati any bad effects., Office OVet WA* 'man & Atanbery's ,LOffice *airs ist;„ Exeter.% - w,, iffloWNING Farm for Sale 4 4). Graduate Victoria theivasaa 1.99aere farm Lot 11 Con 1 Toevn. stip a Ray ool London itoad miles from Exeter and 2 mile& fronl Hensajl- Appy 4. ft; Ross Byron, Ont., mule a strong elefeo-e of woman sof- inn, Ids slender frame hauled. with diffi.' frage„. lie le reported by the "wear - The new compound. '" the narcotic+. , 01;14. on to a itittle, and emptied of ingten jaipere to have urged thia fel- bullet," is the tuvention of Alexander their contents. ' ICAV delegates to valeta WOMen in 17. ITtunplireys. It is considered by EI Vben be bad Snished„ this task, he v votive work alike humane in warfare and (haft ing tables, anb ti egan to sort lettere weaker sex, In the eommouplace hunttng, big name. ster a • In i ltdoi nee lhc w s worth cermet drama oi jealousy an the ei all tho advent.ages of on unerring make emnplaint alust, tile poetIC - surroundings rf a suburban chemist's it w I it provides the poor marksman Witli Nor was thie I hail occasion to eleo the P4,413.en police recently tin. olio, .... office respecting a &imaged parcel, In his slew? l'ilr°41°011)S Ultsmiee. After ralaelt correspondence. hEr• X. Pova`olut °iti:`,drualulacitaen. d IVIII&" b" llo rtvat a Eturaphrey 'uses a minute particle of appeared arid informed. ma that he morphia, The; drug fa carried, in tiny had been selected to !Idol -view roe and oxPtraemraltelythverattymnoirslt: %rade linv :snit:al:4 R eireillice th d m e t veils the steel jacket of the regns assess the amountof e demage. to begin avith, but as time won on lation army bullet. aumphrey claims This, rnay.say, he proceeded to do that it in no tvise interferes with tba in a very naive and charming man- .,011111101111111111111111111, Between stationery and sta- A difference of one letter. But if your stationerY he grew wore, Be couldnot hen that his wife should. speak to, or even look at another man, First be for. bade her to leave the hohse, and final- ly" lie resorted to strait waistcoats end. Chains in het a effectiveness of the missile, The Slight nor. indentation in the steel jacket, be Other duties of ray friend are, says, a -use oa splinterino, when it theeking account of small posted:does, comes in .contact with the Th bone, e unravellino stivin s baninfrands, net. order to keep wound of the narcotic 'bullet, accord- Rig 83 correspon ence elerk for the ;soner. that caused by the regulation bullets strunaentetc--to name but a few of a telegraph in. pr, tnanaged to get word to her sister. ing to bis theory. dots not differ from postmaster, working At last the unfortunate woman now used. in the approvea army carte them. , end the pollee broke in. They found ridges. No deleterious effects will Asked why specialization was not her in her bedroom thained with follow the unique admunstration of followed in the postetlice. Mr, X. strong steel awns to the wall, the drug. said that, to some extent, it was fol- Business ' firms have often ause to The soldier, receiving a slight flesh lowed in London. although not in the 'complain of the fair employea being Iteplatie that pea. wound from the new bullet, fights no provinees. In London there is no too pretty. It is not only that a prat- -Liked, draughty more that day; he ealroly stretches S.C. and T.; 1.e is represented by four Ly girl distracts the attention of men tiangeroas an& of- himself on the ground and goes to distinct classes -namely, sorters, tele- in the shop or the works. The -worst fersive out-of-doors sleep. The man receiving a serious' graphists, countermen, and clerks, trouble, so far as the firm is concern - Cost war- an ria- wound suffers no agony, as the nar. these having separate rates of pay ed, arises when one of these pretty cloox closet I'vl..lch, cal* from the bullet ia absorbed bY. and different degrees, of education. girls is injured i his system and he is insensible to in requires course of her work and elaims eompensation. They requires La sewer, La Plumbing* ar':d pain" before he reaches the hospital. Sufficient Unto Herself. deelare that 'beauty in distress causes It° lizlisLIttl The man virhose wound is mortal This is from a reader who knows juries to be far too eenerous. tionasy ? is well printed, up to date and businesslike, such. as we can supply you, your trade will not be stationary. Good Stationery,Letterlifeads, Billheads, Statements, Circu- lars, Etc., Keep Business ON THE MOVE. flog for Service Young Yorkshire Irog. One dollar vayable alPtione‘ ot :service, - %/AS, tativ eity Office and residence Dominiou Lahrsitory., Exeter, lAesooiate Coroner of Huron. est D 10X,SoN & OARRING Rarrieters, Solicitern Notaries C, CUP reYancers Vommissioners, -t Lor the Alolsona ptimk ete, "Sas Money to Lean at lowest rates 4 41 terear, OPFICttUN STREET', EXETEZe a 1. R, Carling R. A.' th Notice to Creditors m r:Mir T,OAX In the matter of gatate Pt liVal" ter }Richard glAt044, iata Or the viitage of "Exeter in the. (;OtAnklf a unroll, Oeutietten deceased Noticeis borebs given Plorsoold, statutes it) thabelittle creditora and ethers having claims t I na4in.,5t the estate or WalterTL tom or the Villegei or gxeter di.$41nni. or aboutitho Wit (14)' Pt 3'44 1013 'are wOnlitxrd 4414 ttir before the lOth ,3013:„ seta by post prepaid or deliver re iSlessra• oladmati etenbury, or the Village grcter, Solicitors /OP ACiattnialiox. Cox, or the said giccesoed their ourfott, einand surnentes.ndoresseo and ne" scrIptions. ttefulipartiontarsor Weir olaints, rho statement of their ae-- comets and the nature or the sccuri,,, ties, if way, held try them, And for - then take notice aro Atter final wit neutioneddate Mesta& c , ix will Proud. to diotrihate the anOcte of the deceased 110101Ig the parties titled thereto. bavirtg regard MO to tite Plaill40 Of Ivbier stto shall then have notice and thataaid Admirdstrat, rix stall. act bo liable for the glad sets,OE etty othernert thereof to any person, or persons of whom claims no. Coe shall aot have been reeelved by Ler ol the time ot such rilstritartion. GLAD:MAN et STAN:Mira Solicitors tor Adnioistretrir Dated at Xseter this Mt day, of AIM/ 10/0„ That's the kind we print. sleeps away -until his last hours, thus ••••••=••••••••••••••1 Have ctty convesiet.ces yoar outs; away os The little girl's mother was down- Pin Points of Life. installiog, field horror t frying donehnuts and the little the little girl. tl Sateg‘lard ranaliY lealtb by a - -th ra t of the bat e - "TWEED CLOSET The fleeing burglar is shot in theaged five, evls playing near. The In sour paste, vinegar, the melt of a Sanitary and Odorless arm, runs forward a short distance, girl,gradmother, who was upstairs, e/an eetlfisli or even in water in which de - "Tweed" closets can he installed, it ed down, .To _you need any help?" ceased vegetables " have been infused stretches himself on the pavement, the bathroom, cellar'. or anI other all the policeman s 0 e,33 The mother, busy with the fork in the microscope reveal:3 animalcules -,-- ' t and Timm a an ambulance 'and haul inm (little animals) so small that millions ceinvenieat place indoors merely re- S CI- hand over the sizzling, receptacle, lui.rit.ir to he comteeted by a. pipe „for aWaY„ The 'big game hunters, Rum' fearing the grandmother could not rextilation with a chirotey hale plirey says, -will feel. no fear cif a her her reply, said to the little girl "TweedMiquid Chemical," used in comaterstroae _ k from a wounded .a .• . "Go to the stairs and say, 'I'm suffi- caLsacction with Tweed Closets is bota lion, or grizzly bear. Although tne cient unto myselr." 3 deodoraLt and disinfectant. ballet may make but a slight wound, So the little girl ran to the stairs Illialy lundeeds of Tweed Closetsthe game is as good as bagged once have been sold in Carada. Send for it, is struck. illustea e pr ce , Weater Apr, '3 1912. Dear Sir; The Chem:eat Closet I bought from you on. San '6"th [912 is perfect., I did not etttpty it till t,larct, 29th There are three irthe faraily and car. leave the lid up ,aed no particle of odor car, be ifound / 'would not ask for areething better. Yours Truly E„ M Wea.seis Ag1 Tiolioi iliiil hillclile Co Li 'I - Agent;- W.J. ileaman The Industrious Mole, I naturalist once conceived the no- tion of ascertaining the amount of work a mole could accomplieh in a given time. Accordinglythe experi- ment turned a large specimen loose in the middle of a five -acre Five seconds it is averred, after this mole received its freedom, it had burrowed out of sight and the observer, with his assistants after driving a stake at the starting point, retired and left the little digaer lard at work. e 'clock in the morning, arid the direction taken was to the east. By six o'clock in the evening thismole is said to have dug some 23 feet in an irregular course, keeping,liowever, in the same general direction and riot attempting • any side galleries. TWenty-four hours after the start the tunnel had been driven 31 feet, faither, with a number of site galleries, and four feel, had edded t tho oriremity. making 1 68 feet oE the main line and 36 feet ' of branches, or a total of 104 feet of tunne.18 dug in 24 hours. ' The bottom of the tunnels ran very evenly, about four inches below the surface. At certain points the hole was ellipif.ioal in shape,measuring one i and one-half inches n width by two inches in height, and sometimes it ''';‘,as triangular. measuring two heclies each way- The surface of the g,reuncl was us -ha y era Ited and rais- ed a:bout an inch along the course of 4,,he The start was made at, 11 OMESEEKERY ICURSIONS To • ANITOBA; ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Eub, Tue'Stiny until October inclusive - Winnipeg and -Return - $35.00" , , 'Edmonton and Return - . Other relate in proportiorl- AatataI..iimit two months. 'tiO*SESSIIRS' TRAIN' leaves Toronto' ettchatsday, l'«Isty to august; re Bestitoshinittike.'es Winnipeg is moiled earlMoiniaLenahlina Detainers to Eatikt e bianatiline corine6t1oda • Tugh trains Tronto to ' West Aare'. train Ik;ittadlatiliattfie Agents or __AiLfG.'"ItURPHY, ifirf.440FAI.Ye1Totonte and called up, "Gran'ina, mother says she's fishin' 'erre out herself l'i single ounce of such matter there are, . „.., P more living creatures than -there are Time To Be 'Careful. human beings on the face of the. ' Genial Sglobe 1quire-Many; happy re- of them -would not equal a common grain of wheat in bulk. And yet na- ture with singular prodigality has supplied many of these minute crea- tures with organs as complete and perfect as those of a whale. In a turns, William. I was just going to call On you with a little present of tobacco. William (aged eighty) -Thank ye kindly, sir, but 1 he done wi' smokin'. Genial Squire -Why, how's that? William -Well. I've 'eard that be- tween eighty tan' ninety's a ticklish part o' a man's life, so I be taltin' no chances. -London Punch - Brazil Nut Seeds. All the seeds -varying from -fifteen to twenty-four - of the Brazil nut e,errninate at one time. The most eigorous one • gets „first through a small hole at the top to the open air 'and then .feeds upon the rest. The Modern Way. "I 'wish to marry your daughter, said the young _teen. 'I'h.e old man was a sensible old man. , ''"Can I suppoit you in the; style to which yen lieVe been accuatemed?" he asked. , Apu 13 a. Thedepartment f)f Apulia, border - ng on the Adriatic, is an ancient divi-' spiroisriesofehseoily), trlioevtii ns teeersn. t of j%I.ye„ce!,tForgogmia and: Bari* and has a' population of yaearly' ' i-eMnr! Trees. ,, iDiSlikes Mourning. A -ceatain fashinnable dressmaker, according to Good Housekeeping, re- fuses to make black dresses because of their depressing effect on her ern - P• loyes She would. not even make a customers whose little girl had died, arguing that a black costume in itself saddens not only those who make it, but the wearer and all her associates. Sparring For an Opening. Guest (after struggling unavailing- ly for some time with fowl) -Waiter, what kind of a bird is this? "Canvasback duck, sir.", "No wonder I couldn't do anything with it. Run and get me the scis- sors. Deacon.HBy, the . way, that man Brown you married „more thana year ago. has lie.paid your fee yet? - • Cler"''Yman-=NOs The last time 1 ,,,, reminded him Of .it,he said I'd be for - tun ertife,hesdidn!,t . eue itie , for dam- - ' : '1' :", • ';',':":", ' -I infiell i ne id.' agea4;:tiiiti'X'',4".''''':11ti:il';'/Al'I'":I-i'',", , .. ,..,',.. , , ' 01.1-,,,Doe'fbr-What are these white' chi& _81-.;1::spe, in . the diStariceemY dear? M] gy 'TheStlare :signs ,iiclver,g414., ing ; efeAsiOn'a, sir ' Old Dee " , ., . * Thh lenuon tree oodsgi,;p9P is verY fertile,,, g.'*SicilY • riPerlin4 "Stone* Mau lemon a Tortoise Shell: Tortoise shell ni the better quality defies itnitati , and as a result it commands a high price. esperiolly as the supply is falline off as the de- mand increases. The shell consists of thirteen overlapping platee, thin- ning tiff at the edge, and with a thickness rarely greater than one- eighth of an inch. It can be softened by heat and will retain -any shape in- to which it is then -formed. Cl'iinese Cooking. Chinese cooking is either stewing or boiline. and a kettle answers all possible rposes. In the Chinese houses a very thin cast iron kettle is 'place I ever the fire, and every- thing winc•li the family eats is cooked therein. . A Pretty Gir/. "Pretivt Well, I should say she was spretty!" they "-icluhave no family tree." "Do you thin k of the tree when you eec at peach?" , are Wouldn't Respono. Yellen steepen miller's play, "The Danites," \vas produced -for the first time the play caught the crowd's fancy, and at the end of the second net there were great calls from the audience for "Author, author!" The manager looked around for mil- ler, but could not find him. He sent several of his assistants all over the theater to hunt Miller up and bring him before the footlights to address the clamorous audience: - - After some time spent in searching Miller wasespled sitting among the crowd way UP ID the galierY; where the4esills of "Author!" were most nil- 'Mpr9y9. -1.1pon being asked to go down an:a:address the audiense, edzi.t0 eying that „ ina'down thers„.• Electric Restorer for Men resterca ovary nerve In the hsda' PitOSPh01101 '100.Ann yreniature decay and all sexual to ita proper tension ; restore, wraaergo/ :avtorir mat tralia°41.Tr°IvIalvioliri Aft, /failed to any address, "XleotioolooleDriss Coolilt,Corleirrians., Onto 0f0 f0/144 fir :IOW fetal end Yilt% lege vitoRtAiie4 At tri*ve.at ,lrate, of 44 te:44:4VP lorgo anIcin.rit erG,r-ttis4t),17.Ao. SNol4tertifIVatti:4 Naet‘rA • Pf • , "4, AffSa ff. BISION11 A Mao 1.; 17 lionOV adnAte, e t -Tan Lend= Roos servatory of Made, Teaching., ).rhott Joge of the Wentern thtivoraft Tauber Pterto,TlicOrs ,11orrooz,7» materttalut and Iliosin4 ilia,torzt Vreporet ,ror xixturOat eraviS liturttima.•A t GEtiTHA itine7a.0 trTfiftliTOSID. Mlarreeeeer • Canaclas )3est Busi- ness College•. • ,We have' thorough ; courses to students and graduates than do • • 4DoltitrhilileOcrt°0:rfil.,eotok:V:c.t4aAeoxtmPefrec4oenfeeneitit tn%1::: • have aeelleations offering frOrn ; • S6000, to $1200, per annum 6c • • trained help. 113usinese men t • know where thev get the ibest :4; • help, We have three eepare.4• urnAerivtris COalnIdMERTCX8I.0*ESAlIeonityT: • • • Get our free catalogue. 44 D. A. IdeLACprILArincNip.al • • • • t • • ***;••••••••••••••••••••••ter II§ Ciffiqe„ Farquhar, owl., „a rxtoldont J., 14 1W.SSI4ht Y,103e-Rxe/. Ito= Q4RDIII4131,4 BiltEOTOBS ROST 4,1011111.9 SVlL Taos. BrAt\l` Dahlia .1111OCK 0 1 Witiobelseri WA'. 110X faornhau, AGENTEI EssEur Exeter. °trent trot borne and iliddaiOn. OtilVER BARRIS Munro agent f9.1 ilibbert Fullerton and Logan. . W. A TUItNIIIISII SOCY.YroSsisli reitihan^ GLALMAN & STAOnt -or Solicitors, Exeter. Incl OS Vali XPERIENCEi ATP; T.' RADE MARK DESIGNS $ DOW/NIGHTS dte Anyone sending a sketch and dencrintlenmar ctattly ascertain onr opinion tree whet:Per ka invention is nrubrtbly pntont.nbla. 1.10111fIttiCUIZOTIndC1109.1. HilliD13.001( enriltentg., gent I'mre. (Meat agency foraecnringlantont& raLente taken tarougb Aluntl,4 0ft. =caws. rteetelLionce, without charge, utt.ne Scientific Jimerican b.„..60„ko, tunstra,..trweeldr. bagott :Won or any edentlIne jonmal. Terms IJE $3.75a year. ?atop prepaid. Sold Tar • all am -Wester'. MUNN & Co 36115r01dw1y.New YO Branca tame. 425 F 81.. Wasbingtee.D.O.• Cor. Alichigau-Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit Mich. 1110TICE All letters from Canada must be addressed vatoeonutti riCawneinddiosnorOnt If .4yeonueedPeseirPeartto,- , see us,IiersanallY"call at our medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat - no patients iu our Windsor , offices which are for Cdriespendence, en LaberaterY. for ,Canatliall,'besiness.onlY. Address all letters as f049WS: AK. wmthor, ()At. e 16r our • 4sq L'AAIL.AmiVe *474,1•C •