HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-05-14, Page 29Robert Witmer, formerly of Goderich, will be ordained by the London Conference
of the United Church of Canada in London this week and he will preach his first
sermon as the Reverend Robert Witmer this Sunday at North Street United
Church. He is seen here with his wife, KeJko.
Former Goderich man
North Street speaker
Robert Witmer, son of
Mrs. Jean Witmer of
Britannia Road in
Goderich and the late
Neil Witmer, graduated
this past week from
Emmanuel College,
University of Toronto and
will be ordained by the
London Conference of the
United Church of Canada,
meeting in London this
week. •
Rob grew up in
Goderich,_ graduating
from G.D.C.I. in 1966 and
from Queen's University ministry with the United
in. 1969. Following Church of Christ in
graduation, he entered Japan.. Keiko, a kin -
into, a teaching program dergarten teacher will be
in Japan (Sapporo) under sharing in this ministry..
the auspices of the Board
of World Mission of the The congregation of
United Church of Canada. North Street United
Rob and his wife Keiko Church in Goderich looks
,were married here in forward to hearing Rob
Goderich in 1973 and have preach his first sermon
two children, Manna, as the Reverend Robert
aged 4, and Nathan, 1i/2. Witmer this Sunday, May
The Witmers 'will be, -,,18 and to extend, to his
returning to Nayoro, family fond farewells and
Japan, to work in a rural best wishes.
_ t
Prophecies can be 'ehallenged
rest day, Thus 1,000 year
rule of Christ begins in
1975. (God's Eternal
Purpose Now Trium-
phing ... 1974, p.51, 52).
The former legal
pear Editor,
I would like to further
state in addition to my
letter last week on false
prophesy and Jehovah's
Witnesses the following.
Below is a partial list of
Jehovah's Witness
prophecies for the end of
the world.
1. 1886 - the Battle of the
Great day of God
Almighty is in progress
(Watchtower Reprints
January 1886, p. 817).
2. ... battle of God will
end in 1914 with the
complete overthrow of
earth's present rulership,
the beginning of the end
was 1799) Time is at hand
p. 101 (1908) edition.
3. Our Lord is present
since 1874 ("The Battle of
Armaggedon p. 621) .
4. 1904 - The kreat time
of trouble will be on us
between 1910 and 1912.
("The New Creation p.
5. All church members
will be destroyed;by the
millions in 1918, in 1920
will be the day of anarchy
("The Finished Mystery
p. 485).
6. ... 1925 is more
distinctly indicated by
the Scriptures than 1914
(Watchtower Sept. 1,
1922, p. 262. Great jubilee
will begin in 1925
(millions now leaving will
never die p. 89.)
7. Abraham, Issac, and
Jacob will be resurrected
in 1925. ("Millions Now
Living Will Never Die, p.
97, 105, 1920 edition).
8. 1941 - Armaggedon is
'only months away
(Watchtower September
15, 1941, p. 288).
9. 1975 is the end of 6,000
years, and is also the end
of 6,000 years of God's
no way
Dear Editor,
Letter to Jehovah's
In your Bible at
Colossians 1:15 the Son
Jesus Christ is referred to
as the Firstborn of all
This in no way infers
that he was created, for if
Pant did mean that, then
he had a word to use for
such namely
"protoktistos" which in
Greek means first
created. This word fir-
stborn in Greek is
"prototokos" and means
first in rank of position as
We see in Psalm 89:27
God chooses to make
David his firstborn, the
most high of the kings of
the earth, yet David
literally -speaking was
already born was he not?
The word for firstborn
is the same here in Greek
as in Colossians 1:15.
In Genesis 41: v. 51; 52
we see Manasseh as the
physical firstborn son
and Ephraim second, yet
in Jeremiah 31:9
Ephraim is now the
firstborn, which ob-
viously cannot refer to
having been the first
created, . as the Wat-
chtower teaches:
Ronald Gardiner.
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counsellor for Jehovah's
Witnesses (Haydon,
Covington) under oath in
a court case in 1954 in
Scotland even admitted
that the Watchtower
Society of Jehovah's
Witnesses -._.promulgates
false prophesy. He later
stated in the same trial
that false prophesy
by all Jehovah's Wit-
nesses for they must have
I have the photocopies
of this trial in my library
and the microfilm copy of
this • complete trial is
available from the
Scottish Record office in
Since the Watchtower
Society claims to BE A
PROPHET (April 1,
Watchtower, 1972. P.
197.), we .must apply the I will let the readers of
RULE - • set at this newspaper judge as
Deuteronomy 18:2Q-22 to to whether this applies to
them: the Jehovah's Witnesses.
"When a - prophet Yours,
speaks in the Name of the Ronald Gardiner,
Lord, if the thing does not R.R. 2 Staffa.
come about or come true,
that is the Thing which
the Lord has not spoken.
The prophet has spoken it
presumptuously; you
shall not be afraid of
Letters to. the editor
should be kept brief
and to the point.
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