HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-05-14, Page 28SE;i*5'TR,WEPNESD'AY, MAY 14, 1980 _7— MR. AND MRS. CHARLES EDWARD HAMM Live in Gua; Yellow mums, yellow and white daisies and baby's breath decorated the Goderich Free Methodist 'Church on April 19 at 2:30 p.m. for the wedding of Charles Edward Hamm Jr. of Big Spring, Texas and Janet May Rodges also of Big Spring and formerly of Goderich. The bride is the !daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Leonard Rodges of R.R. 2 Clinton and the groom is the son of Charles E. Hamm of Big Spring and Mrs.rLouise Moore. The Reverend Ronald Ashton of Goderich of- ficiated at the double ring ceremony. Pianist was Eric Campbell and soloist was Mrs. Ruth , Ashton. She sang Blest Be The Tie That Binds, Wedding Prayer and Walk Hand in I -land. The bride was given in marriage by her.parents. She wore a gown of white taffeta with a chiffon overlay, a mandarin 'collar, a bodice overlayed with lace and em- broidered with -.pearls and a chapel train. She also wore a floor length veil and carried a cascade bouquet of white orchids and coral roes. Maid of honor was Debbie Rodges of Goderich, sister of the bride. She wore a floor length coral dress and two daisies in her hair. She carried a basket of coral roses, white daisies and stephanotis. Bridesmaids were Karen Rodges of McPherson, Kansas and Colleen Rodges of R.R. 2 Clinton, both sisters of the bride. They wore floor length green dresses and daisies in their hair. They carried baskets of green carnations, white daisies and stephanotis. Flower girl was Kimberley Baa.n of R.R. 3 Walton, niece of the bride. She wore a floor length coral dress and carried a basket of coral roses, white daisies and stephanotis. She also wore daisies in her hair. The groom's father was the best man. Guests were ushered into the church by David Rodges of R.R. I Belgrave, SUPERIOR • MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED 4 OVER 50 YEARS Goderich Area Representative ROBERT MCCALLUM 11 Cambria Road Goderich 524-7345 Clinton-Seaforth Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street Clinton 482-9441 brother of the bride and Jim Campbell of R.R. 3 Blyth, brother-in-law of the bride. Ringbearer was Robbie Campbell of R.R. 3 Blyth, nephew of the bride. Following the wedding, a reception was held at the White Carnation in Holmesville. The bride's mother greeted guests' wearing a beige floor length dress and a cor- sage of coral roses. The groom's mother wore a green suit and a corsage of yellow roses. For a wedding trip to Maine in the U.S.A., the bride changed to a pink suit with a corsage of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Hamm' will reside in Guam where Mr, Hamm is stationed with the U.S. Navy for the next three years. Miracles are very possible from God RON ASHTON FREE METHODIST CHURCH Do you really believe that Jonah was swallowed by a whale? Do you seriously think that Christ actually fed 5,000 persons from five loaves of bread' and two fishes? This is the trend and tone of many modern questioners. There must be rational answers and explanations for these "miracles", so they think. The Bible must be a quaint way of con- veying a spiritual message but"is not to be taken literally. There is an underlying question at the root of all of these questions and doubts. The problem is not with a particular miracle but with miracles in general. The question really is, "Are miracles possible?" The one who doubts the possibility of miracles is one who has a weak view of God. What the person is really thinking or saying is, "I'm not sure I inister's study believe in God or that He can really do the things I read in the Bible". The problem then is with the whole concept of God. Does God exist? If He does, how powerful is He and does He interfere in the lives of people_by__ performing miracles. In surveys taken nationwide it is still shown that the great majority of people believe in the existence of God. Once you and I admit that God does exist then the question of miracles begins to work „itself out. If God does exist, then. we begin to see Him as some kind of an all-powerful, heavenly Creator off our world. To say that God exists is to really say that, I believe there is someone higher, more powerful, more intelligent, more supernatural than I am myself. Without belief in God, the concept of miracles is extremely difficult, if not im- possible, to entertain. What is a miracle? Some like the philosopher Hume have said it is a violation of a natural law. But God is above, beyond and outside what we have so crudely called natural law. He is not bound by it. Laws do not cause God to Student ministers come A group of student ministers from the Salvation Army College in Toronto will be con- ducting special services at the Salvation Army citadel at 18 Waterloo Street, South in Goderich this weekend. Besides these special services, they will also be con- ducting services at the Bluewater Centre and Maitland Manor. The students' weekend in Goderich is part of the practical training they receive through the Salvation Army College. They are under the direction of Captain M. Senescal, presently a member of the college staff. Residents of Goderich and area are invited to ' attend the special ser- vices at the Salvation Army this weekend. On Friday evening at 7 p.m. there will be a welcome mom -imp- fln Caturday evening at 7 p.m. there will be something for both young and old. And on Sunday, May 18 there will be regular services at 9:45 a.m., 11 a.m. and 6:;30 p.m. MONUMENTS MARKERS - CEMETERY LETTERING MONUMENT CLEANING 8 REPAIR DON DENOMME AREA REPRESENTATIVE FOR AN APPOINTMENT ANYTIME Phone 524-6621 T. PRYDE & SON LTD. BUSINESS EST. 1920 „ while stock Lasts OLy REDW pl c Sr4 IN OD Plastic Decorati v -e Panels 24" x 72" Regular s8.9'7 - Now $449 o10/ OFF ON ALL CASH PURCHASES OF REMAINING STOCK ah�t��s marble tops r 0 Opp tis r PRr�E BAYFIELD LUMBER HIGHWAY 21 BAYFIELD 5294990 do anything, rather they are descriptions of what happens. So, God, as the all-powerful God, has set certain actions into motion such as gravity, air pressure, buoyancy, The, Rev. Ron Ashton etc. For him to brim about new laws is not unusual. What is a miracle? It is a happening which to our way of thinking defies rational or "natural" explanations. The resurrection of Lazarus by Jesus fits in this category. The healing of leprosy, deformities, congenital diseases, etc. fits into this category. So miracles are unusual events while laws are ordinary events: The question of whether miracles are possible is not scientific but philosophical. Science can only say that miracles do not occur in the ordinary course of nature. That is true, for miracles do not happen every day in our lives. If God exists, then miracles are possible. My own personal en- counter with people who have been miraculously healed has proved to me that God exists and is still very much at work!! Has God ever worked a miracle in your life? It may not have been a miracle of physical healing. But did you know there is a much greater miracle you can receive? Being "born-again" spiritually is, without doubt, the best of all miracles. God can miraculously change your life! He has done it for me. He can do it for you! Ad.)01-, lob 1....�- i'r►;L: NDTI�E! Due to the, Victoria Day Holiday Monday, May 19 Our CHURCH PAGE DEADLINE WILL BE TUESDAY, MAY 20 10 A.M. SHARP For Wedding Banquets Funeral Designs, Green Plants, Hanging Plants and Pots, plus full line of Fresh, Silk and Dried Flowers head for... SMITH'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE PHONE 524-13761 14'f1ONS FOR ALL EVENINGS 524-7243 r 82 South St. Goderich BEREA-BY-THE-WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH Gibbons St. at Suncoast Drive 9:15 Sunday School and Bible Classes 10 30 Worship, Marvin L. Barz, Pastor "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all" 524.2235 Acts 10:36 The Anglican Church of Canada ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH North and Nelson Streets, Goderich Rector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker Organist -Choirmaster: Joseph B. Herdman Sunday after the Ascension May 18th 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion 9:00 a.m. Men's Brotherhood invites the Ladies to Breakfast - Speaker: Mrs. John Wood of Victoria United Church 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Sermon: Psalm 47:5 "God is gone up with a merry noise" Ascension Day, Thursday, May 15th 7:00 p.m. Holy Communion (church) • You are always welcome at St. George's - THE SALVATION ARMY 18 WATERLOO ST S. 524-9341 SPECIAL SERVICES THIS WEEKEND 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP 6 30 p.m. Evening Service Student Ministers-Music.Messages - Friday, May 16 at 7:00 p.m. Welcome Meeting Saturday, May 17 at 7:00 p.m. Something for both Young and Old. Officers Lieutenant & Mrs. Neil Watt 1 All Are Cordially Invited to Join Our Fellowship Knox Presbyterian Church ! SUNDAY, MAY 18 10:00 a.m. Communicants' Class 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec Montreal. Street (near the Square) Edward J. Anderson, Pastbr Choir Director and Organist: Mrs. Leonard Warr 9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL • EVERYONE WELCOME ALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH SAYFIELD ROAD AT SLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC—FUNDAMENTAL REV. R. BRUBACHER Pastor 10:00 A.M - Family Bible School 11:00 A.M. MR. DAVID FROM Student - London Baptist Seminary 7:30 p.m. REV. KEN STEWARD (Missionary) Messages and slides 6 p.m. YP's WORD OF LIFE SERVICE JR. CHURCH DURING MORNING WORSHIP 'f Tues. 6:30 P.M. - Boys' and. Girls' Olympian Program Wed. 7:30 P.M. - Prayer and Bible Study WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY'CHURCH . BIBLE MISSIONARY CHURCH ' Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Classes for all ages Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.m Wednesday Night 7:45 p.m. Blessed'are the pure in heart for they shall see. God Huron Road & Walnut St. Phone 524'4345 G. Clair Sams, Pastor - Phone 524-2785 North Street United Church The Rev. Robert 0. Ball, B.A., B.D.: Minister Miss Clare Mc -Gowan, vsrfing Assistant ( Mr. Robert Blackwell, A. Mus., M. Mus. Director of Music ;THE REV G LOCKHART ROYAL, B A., M DIV,Minister THE REV RONALD C McCALLUM, Assistant LORNE H DOTTERER, Director of Praise Sermon: "PASSION FOR LIFE" (Nursery Facilities) 2 00 p.m. Young People's Society Enter to Worship Depart to serve ~— '?Q:11 ristintt I '[t1r111r1 1:11tirrli Services held each Sunday at Robertson Memorial School 10:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. % Listen to CKNX Radio Sunday at 10:30 a.m, for the "Bach to God Hour" SUNDAY: MAY 18, 1980 GUEST SPEAKER The Reverend Robert Witmer (ordained this week by London Conference United Church of Canada) 11 A.M. of the BETHEL PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY 321 BAYFIELD ROAD (HWY. 21 SOUTH) i i i7 1 iAffiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada iPastor C. Fred Day f i SUNDAY, MAY 18, 1980 Christian Education 10 a.m. `i Morning Worship 11 a.m. Evening Fellowship 7 p.m. gi Ephes. 3:21 "Unto Him be glory in the church both now t , I and evermore." j c Victoria Street United Church Minister' Rev. John D.M. Wood, B.A.B.D. iOrganist and Choir Director: Mrs. J. Snider I 122nd ANNIVERSARY SERVICE 11:00 a.m. REV. ARTHUR C. YOUNG Guest Minister No service at Benmilier